Muckraking Journalism
This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces "muckrakers," the investigative journalists of the early 20th century so-called because they unearthed corruption in corporate America.
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This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces "muckrakers," the investigative journalists of the early 20th century so-called because they unearthed corruption in corporate America.
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This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the expansion of communist ideology after World War II, and western governments' fears of a domino effect as countries succumbed to communism. The Truman Doctrine called for action to contain the communist threat, by economic or military action, if necessary.
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This iCue Mini-Documentary describes how, at the turn of the 20th century, progressive reformers turned their attention to the nearly two million children working, often in unhealthy or dangerous work environments.
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This iCue Mini-Documentary describes Abraham Lincoln's tough reelection, three years into the Civil War. General Sherman's victory in Atlanta helped turn public opinion.
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Josh Brown of the American Social History Project explains a cartoon about the fight between pro-slavery Democrats and Free Soilers in the 1850s.
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This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the original division of public opinion over the Mexican-American War. Many accused President Polk of provoking a war.
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This 1833 caricature of Andrew Jackson lampoons the seventh president as a despotic monarch. Professor Matthew Warshauer explains some of the details.
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This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the brief period following the 1816 election of James Monroe in which only one political party dominated American politics. But growing partisanship and financial panic soon brought the Era of Good Feelings to an end.
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An intricate political cartoon about the depressed state of the American economy during the financial panic of 1837 is illuminated by Professor Matthew Warshauer.
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This course will examine military aspects of the war, as well as political developments during it, including the political history of the Emancipation Proclamation, the Gettysburg Address and the Second Inaugural. The course also examines the post-war Amendments and the Reconstruction era.