The Constitution: A Graphic Adaptation


The National Constitution Center presents veteran film and television writer Jonathan Hennessey discussing his graphic novel The United States Constitution: A Graphic Adaptation, in which Hennessey uses the popular medium of graphic art to illustrate and breathe new life into the U.S. Constitution, the ideas it expresses, and its history.

To listen to this interview, scroll to the December 15, 2008 program.

The Doctrine of Discovery, Native America, and the U.S. Constitution, Part Two


How can U.S. citizens today view Native American history through a Constitutional lens? In answering that question, Bob Miller, Lewis & Clark Law School professor and Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, uncovers the history of Federal Indian Law. Professor Miller describes the Doctrine of Discovery's long reach, from the founding of the colonies through the writing of the Constitution all the way to Russia planting its flag on the Arctic seafloor in 2007.

Liberty, Checks and Balances, and the Constitution, Part Two


Idaho State University Political Science Professor David Gray Adler examines what he describes as the great constitutional crisis of the day: the usurpation and abdication of constitutional roles by President and Congress. Building his argument on the concerns of the Framers, Dr. Adler points to the endangerment to liberty posed by the erosion of checks and balances.

Audio and video options are available.

The Philadelphia Convention


Jack Rakove of Stanford University examines the proceedings of the Philadelphia Convention, focusing specifically on the compromises struck and the reasons for the formation of the Electoral College.

To listen to this lecture, select "The Philadelphia Convention" under "Listen to Dr. Rakove's lectures."