Trenton Battle Monument [NJ]


The Trenton battle monument commemorates the American victory at the first Battle of Trenton, NJ, which occurred on December 26, 1776. It is located in an area of the city known as "Five Points." It was here, at the intersection of North Broad Street, Warren Street and Brunswick, Pennington and Princeton Avenue, that the American artillery was placed. From this vantage point, the artillery dominated the streets of Trenton, preventing the Hessian troops from organizing an effective counter attack.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.

Lovejoy Memorial


The Lovejoy State Memorial commemorates abolitionist newspaper editor Elijah P. Lovejoy, who was killed by a mob while defending his printing press at Alton on November 7, 1837. Lovejoy's grave is located nearby.

Website contains no specific information about interpretative services offered at this site.

Lincoln Trail Memorial


The Lincoln Trail State Memorial marks the location where, according to tradition, Abraham Lincoln entered Illinois with his family in early March, 1830.

Website contains no information about specific interpretative services offered at the site.

Harrison Tomb [OH]


Harrison's tomb and monument contains the remains of William Henry Harrison, ninth president of the United States. An obelisk of Bedford limestone, with marble entranceway, rises 60 feet above the tomb. Harrison, who was born in Virginia in 1773, spent most of his adult life in Ohio and Indiana. He served as secretary to the territorial governor, senator, representative, and president, but he is most famous as a military hero. Harrison commanded the western army during the War of 1812.

The tomb is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.

McCook Monument [OH]


This roadside monument marks the area where Major Daniel McCook died during the battle of Buffington Island. Daniel McCook, an attorney, came to Ohio from Pennsylvania in 1826, eventually settling in Carrollton. During the Civil War, Daniel, his eight sons, and his brother, John, and his five sons were known as the "Fighting McCooks. " Three of Daniel's sons were killed in the other Civil War battles.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.

Big Bottom [OH]


Named for the broad Muskingum floodplain, the three-acre Big Bottom park is the site of a skirmish between Ohio Company settlers and some Delaware and Wyandot Indians on 2 January 1791. The Big Bottom massacre marked the start of four years of frontier warfare in Ohio, which only stopped when General Anthony Wayne and the Indian tribes signed the Treaty of Greene Ville.

Website does not specify any interpretive services beyond signage.

Logan Elm Memorial [OH]


Logan Elm State Memorial is said to be the site where, in 1774, Chief Logan of the Mingo tribe delivered his eloquent speech on Indian-white relations. The speech was supposedly delivered under a large elm tree. Considered to be one of the largest elms in the U. S., the tree stood 65 feet tall, with a trunk circumference of 24 feet and foliage spread of 180 feet. It died in 1964 from damage by blight and storms. The tree's former location is marked by a plaque. Other plaques and monuments in the park honor Native Americans and early Ohio settlers.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services beyond signage available at the site.