This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the events that occurred when British troops learned that American colonists had been storing weapons in the countryside and British soldiers were sent to retrieve them. The Minutemen met the British in the town of Lexington and the battle that ensued is generally considered the beginning of the American Revolution.
Peter Maslowski of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln traces the creation of the U.S.'s military forces, identifying this creation as a "prolonged, complicated process that unfolded in three distinct periods, beginning with the Revolution but continuing through the Confederation and early Constitutional eras."
During this one-week workshop, workshop fellows will walk the streets and alleys that Benjamin Franklin walked, step through the doorways that he knew, sit in the churches where he worshiped, and stroll around the houses and public buildings where he helped to found the United States. Fellows will also explore the many rooms of Benjamin Franklin's mind: writer, printer, civic leader, politician, diplomat, scientist, revolutionary, founder. They will read Franklin's words—published and personal—and those of other men and women who lived in the era. They will examine the key aspects of gender, of race, of social class, and diverse other topics.
Two types of credit will be available to each educator participating: Institute staff will assist educators in receiving continuing education credit (similar to Pennsylvania's Act-48 requirements). In addition, participants may register for graduate-level credit through the Pennsylvania State University, which will require both participation in all programs of the week-long workshop and additional readings and assignments.
During this one-week workshop, workshop fellows will walk the streets and alleys that Benjamin Franklin walked, step through the doorways that he knew, sit in the churches where he worshiped, and stroll around the houses and public buildings where he helped to found the United States. Fellows will also explore the many rooms of Benjamin Franklin's mind: writer, printer, civic leader, politician, diplomat, scientist, revolutionary, founder. They will read Franklin's words—published and personal—and those of other men and women who lived in the era. They will examine the key aspects of gender, of race, of social class, and diverse other topics.
Two types of credit will be available to each educator participating: Institute staff will assist educators in receiving continuing education credit (similar to Pennsylvania's Act-48 requirements). In addition, participants may register for graduate-level credit through the Pennsylvania State University, which will require both participation in all programs of the week-long workshop and additional readings and assignments.
Participants in this workshop will learn about the role of chocolate in colonial America. Topics include cacao and rainforest ecology, world trade, the role of chocolate in the colonial diet, and military uses of chocolate. The day includes a presentation of the new exhibition "Stimulating Beverages: Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate Wares at Historic Deerfield," an open-hearth cooking demonstration, and a tasting of American Heritage Chocolate® Finely Grated Chocolate Drink, which captures the form and flavor of historic chocolate.
This workshop explores the questions "In 1690, to what extent were the arts and material culture of the British Atlantic colonies 'American?,' "To what extent were they 'American' by 1789?," "What major factors defined the evolution in American arts and material culture in this period?," and "To what extent did this evolution reflect the changing self-image of Americans?"
This workshop explores the questions "By 1690, what factors and issues dominated European-Native American relationships throughout North America?," "How had these relationships changed by the end of the British imperial wars in 1763?, "How did these changes influence British America on the eve of the Revolution?," and "How did these changes influence Native American culture and politics?"
The Center's online resource workshops give high school teachers of U.S. history and American literature a deeper understanding of their subject matter. They introduce teachers to fresh texts and critical perspectives and help teachers integrate them into their lessons. Led by distinguished scholars and running 60 to 90 minutes, they are conducted through lecture and discussion using conferencing software. A resource workshop identifies central themes within a topic and explores ways to teach them through the close analysis of primary texts, including works of art, and the use of discussion questions. Texts are drawn from anthologies in the Center's Toolbox Library. To participate, all that is needed is a computer with an internet connection, a speaker, and a microphone.
This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces King James II's actions to gain more control over America by combining the northeast colonies into the Dominion of New England and imposing the Anglican Church on the Americans. The king appointed Edmund Andros as governor, which stirred the contempt of the colonists.
Designed for middle/high school social studies teachers who teach United States history and government, this intensive week-long workshop will immerse participants in early American history "on location" in Williamsburg, the restored capital city of 18th-century Virginia, and nearby Jamestown and Yorktown. 25 teachers and a returning mentor teacher will be selected for each session. Participants will be involved in an interdisciplinary approach to teaching social studies with colonial American history as the focus. Teachers will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with noted historians, meet character interpreters, and take part in reenactments of 18th-century events. They will review various interactive teaching techniques with a mentor teacher and with each other. Instructional materials in a variety of media will be provided to participants to use in their classrooms. Together with Colonial Williamsburg staff, teachers will prepare new instructional materials for use in their own classrooms.