Curator of Historic Interiors
Emily Roberts, assistant curator of historic interiors at Colonial Williamsburg, talks about the research involved in furnishing and re-outfitting rooms according to colonial practices.
Emily Roberts, assistant curator of historic interiors at Colonial Williamsburg, talks about the research involved in furnishing and re-outfitting rooms according to colonial practices.
Buck Woodard of Colonial Williamsburg talks about instances of first contact between explorers and colonists and Native Americans, focusing on the diversity of Native American languages and problems of understanding and translation that arose at these meetings.
Al Saguto, a shoemaker at Colonial Williamsburg, talks about making shoes according to colonial-era practices.
Frank Clark, supervisor of Historic Foodways and brewmaster, talks about preparing food according to colonial-era practices.
Harvey Bakari, manager of African American history interpretation at Colonial Williamsburg, discusses the history of the African American interpretation program there, and the roles of African Americans in the Revolutionary War.
Rex Ellis, vice president of Colonial Williamsburg's Historic Area, traces the history and evolution of the interpretation of African American history in Colonial Williamsburg.
Jay Gaynor, who runs the historic trades apprentice program at Colonial Williamsburg, discusses the practice and learning of colonial-era trades, both in the past and in Colonial Williamsburg today.
Emily James, a Jamaican interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg, talks about the roles she has played over the years, discussing the slave trade and the movement of slaves between the British West Indies and the North American colonies.
Kristen Spivey, a program manager in public history development at Colonial Williamsburg, talks about the roles and rights of women in the colonies, looking at legal rights, fashion and dress, and participation in the trades.
Ron Carnegie, an interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg, looks at the life of the historical figure he portrays: George Whitefield, an evangelical preacher who helped instigate the Great Awakening and found the Methodist faith.