Portraying Thomas Jefferson
Bill Barker, an interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg, discusses the work of interpreting Thomas Jefferson, and looks at some of the questions Jefferson would have been posed even in his own lifetime.
Bill Barker, an interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg, discusses the work of interpreting Thomas Jefferson, and looks at some of the questions Jefferson would have been posed even in his own lifetime.
Richard Schumann, who interprets Patrick Henry at Colonial Williamsburg, discusses Henry's role in and leading up to the American Revolution.
Carolyn Wilson, who interprets the historical figure Betty Randolph at Colonial Williamsburg, talks about the Randolph family, one of the first families of Virginia, focusing particularly on John and Peyton Randolph and the American Revolution.
Harvey Bakari, manager of African American history interpretation at Colonial Williamsburg, talks about the participation of African Americans in the American Revolution and their fates following the war.
Bill Barker, an interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg, talks about Thomas Jefferson, the historical figure he portrays. Barker focuses on Jefferson's beliefs and ideals as reflected in the Declaration of Independence.
Lance Pedigo, the drum major of Colonial Williamsburg's Fifes and Drums, talks about the place of the fife and drum in colonial- and Revolutionary-era militia and armies and the training needed to play for the Fifes and Drums today.
The manager of African American history interpretation at Colonial Williamsburg, Harvey Bakari, talks about how interpretation of African American history has changed at Colonial Williamsburg over the past three decades.
Ken Schwarz, a blacksmith at Colonial Williamsburg, talks about smithing according to colonial-era practices.
Richard Schumann, an interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg, talks about the historical figure he portrays, Patrick Henry, and about the work involved in interpreting Henry.
Harvey Bakari of Colonial Williamsburg talks about the role of African Americans in the American Revolution, including Lord Dunmore's Raw Ethiopian Regiment and the Rhode Island Regiment.