Hoodoo Tradition in Annapolis: Living Quarters


Historian Mark P. Leone looks at the slave quarters of the Annapolis home of Charles Carroll, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and to the coming-together of the lives of the Founding Fathers and their African and African American slaves that the house represents. Leone focuses on the hoodoo artifacts uncovered in the slave quarters.

To view this video, select "Scholars," followed by "Mark P. Leone." Choose one of the two Windows Media options.

Pleasant Home Foundation


The Pleasant Home, also known as the John Farson House, was designed in 1897 by noted Prairie Style architect George W. Maher for investment banker and philanthropist John W. Farson. This makes the house one of the earliest and most distinguished examples of the Prairie School of architecture and earned it National Historic Landmark status.

The home offers tours.

Northern Neck Cultural Landscape Symposium


This annual residential seminar takes on a different theme each year. The chosen theme will complement the basic concept of the symposium, which is to learn about the cultural landscapes of the Northern Neck. The symposium will feature lectures, site visits, and tours.

Contact name
McFarland, Ken
Sponsoring Organization
Stratford Hall
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Three days
End Date