Wyoming's Eleventh Grade Standards

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  • WY.1. Content Standard: Citizenship/Government/Democracy

    Students demonstrate how structures of power, authority, and governance have developed historically and continue to evolve.

    • 1.1. Benchmark:

      Students describe unique freedoms, rights, and responsibilities of living in a democratic society and explain their interrelationships.

    • 1.2. Benchmark:

      Students explain and/or demonstrate how to participate in the political processes and express personal beliefs and convictions.

    • 1.3. Benchmark:

      Students explain the historical development of the U.S. Constitution and how it has shaped the U.S. and Wyoming governmental systems.

    • 1.4. Benchmark:

      Students demonstrate an understanding of the major distinguishing characteristics of the United States and Wyoming Constitutions.

    • 1.5. Benchmark:

      Students demonstrate an understanding of the U.S. civil and criminal legal systems and distinguish differences between those systems.

  • WY.2. Content Standard: Culture/Cultural Diversity

    Students demonstrate an understanding of different cultures and how these cultures have contributed and continue to contribute to the world in which they live.

    • 2.1. Benchmark:

      Students explain how various cultural influences impact society.

    • 2.2. Benchmark:

      Students communicate how shared cultural experiences influence peoples' perceptions of prominent historical figures, groups, institutions, and world events.

  • WY.3. Content Standard: Production, Distribution, and Consumption

    Students demonstrate an understanding of economic principles and concepts and describe the influence of economic factors on individuals and societies.

    • 3.1. Benchmark:

      Students explain how different economic systems are organized for production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

    • 3.2. Benchmark:

      Students formulate solutions to economic problems.

    • 3.3. Benchmark:

      Students describe the impacts of global economic interdependence.

    • 3.4. Benchmark:

      Students demonstrate an understanding of economic principles that influence individual financial planning.

  • WY.4. Content Standard: Time, Continuity and Change

    Students demonstrate an understanding of the people, events, problems, ideas, and cultures that were significant in the history of our community, state, nation and world.

    • 4.1. Benchmark:

      Students analyze the interactions among individuals and groups and their impact on significant historical events.

    • 4.2. Benchmark:

      Students analyze current events to better understand the world in which they live.

    • 4.3. Benchmark:

      Students evaluate the impact of technology and how it has shaped history and influenced the modern world.

    • 4.4. Benchmark:

      Students explain how past events impact the present and the future.

  • WY.5. Content Standard: People, Places, and Environments

    Students demonstrate an understanding of interrelationships among people, places, and environments.

    • 5.1. Benchmark:

      Students interpret charts, maps, and graphs to answer questions dealing with people, places, events, or environments.

    • 5.2. Benchmark:

      Students analyze how physical characteristics of the earth and human interactions with the environment have affected the development of societies, cultures, and individuals.

    • 5.3. Benchmark:

      Students demonstrate an ability to organize and process information about people, places, and environments.

Wisconsin's Eleventh Grade Standards

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  • WI.A. Content Standard: Geography

    People, Places and Environments: Students in Wisconsin will learn about geography through the study of the relationships among people, places, and environments.

    • A.12.1. Performance Standard:

      Use various types of atlases and appropriate vocabulary to describe the physical attributes of a place or region, employing such concepts as climate, plate tectonics, volcanism, and landforms, and to describe the human attributes, employing such concepts as demographics, birth and death rates, doubling time, emigration, and immigration.

    • A.12.2. Performance Standard:

      Analyze information generated from a computer about a place, including statistical sources, aerial and satellite images, and three-dimensional models.

    • A.12.3. Performance Standard:

      Construct mental maps of the world and the world's regions and draw maps from memory showing major physical and human features.

    • A.12.4. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the short-term and long-term effects that major changes in population in various parts of the world have had or might have on the environment.

    • A.12.5. Performance Standard:

      Use a variety of geographic information and resources to analyze and illustrate the ways in which the unequal global distribution of natural resources influences trade and shapes economic patterns.

    • A.12.6. Performance Standard:

      Collect and analyze geographic information to examine the effects that a geographic or environmental change in one part of the world, such as volcanic activity, river diversion, ozone depletion, air pollution, deforestation, or desertification, may have on other parts of the world.

    • A.12.7. Performance Standard:

      Collect relevant data to analyze the distribution of products among global markets and the movement of people among regions of the world.

    • A.12.8. Performance Standard:

      Identify the world's major ecosystems and analyze how different economic, social, political, religious, and cultural systems have adapted to them.

    • A.12.9. Performance Standard:

      Identify and analyze cultural factors, such as human needs, values, ideals, and public policies, that influence the design of places, such as an urban center, an industrial park, a public project, or a planned neighborhood.

    • A.12.10. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the effect of cultural ethics and values in various parts of the world on scientific and technological development.

    • A.12.11. Performance Standard:

      Describe scientific and technological development in various regions of the world and analyze the ways in which development affects environment and culture.

    • A.12.12. Performance Standard:

      Assess the advantages and disadvantages of selected land use policies in the local community, Wisconsin, the United States, and the world.

    • A.12.13. Performance Standard:

      Give examples and analyze conflict and cooperation in the establishment of cultural regions and political boundaries.

  • WI.B. Content Standard: History

    Time, Continuity, and Change: Students in Wisconsin will learn about the history of Wisconsin, the United States, and the world, examining change and continuity over time in order to develop historical perspective, explain historical relationships, and analyze issues that affect the present and the future.

    • B.12.1. Performance Standard:

      Explain different points of view on the same historical event, using data gathered from various sources, such as letters, journals, diaries, newspapers, government documents, and speeches.

    • B.12.2. Performance Standard:

      Analyze primary and secondary sources related to a historical question to evaluate their relevance, make comparisons, integrate new information with prior knowledge, and come to a reasoned conclusion.

    • B.12.3. Performance Standard:

      Recall, select, and analyze significant historical periods and the relationships among them.

    • B.12.4. Performance Standard:

      Assess the validity of different interpretations of significant historical events.

    • B.12.5. Performance Standard:

      Gather various types of historical evidence, including visual and quantitative data, to analyze issues of freedom and equality, liberty and order, region and nation, individual and community, law and conscience, diversity and civic duty; form a reasoned conclusion in the light of other possible conclusions; and develop a coherent argument in the light of other possible arguments.

    • B.12.6. Performance Standard:

      Select and analyze various documents that have influenced the legal, political, and constitutional heritage of the United States.

    • B.12.7. Performance Standard:

      Identify major works of art and literature produced in the United States and elsewhere in the world and explain how they reflect the era in which they were created.

    • B.12.8. Performance Standard:

      Recall, select, and explain the significance of important people, their work, and their ideas in the areas of political and intellectual leadership, inventions, discoveries, and the arts, within each major era of Wisconsin, United States, and world history.

    • B.12.9. Performance Standard:

      Select significant changes caused by technology, industrialization, urbanization, and population growth, and analyze the effects of these changes in the United States and the world.

    • B.12.10. Performance Standard:

      Select instances of scientific, intellectual, and religious change in various regions of the world at different times in history and discuss the impact those changes had on beliefs and values.

    • B.12.11. Performance Standard:

      Compare examples and analyze why governments of various countries have sometimes sought peaceful resolution to conflicts and sometimes gone to war.

    • B.12.12. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the history, culture, tribal sovereignty, and current status of the American Indian tribes and bands in Wisconsin.

    • B.12.13. Performance Standard:

      Analyze examples of ongoing change within and across cultures, such as the development of ancient civilizations; the rise of nation-states; and social, economic, and political revolutions.

    • B.12.14. Performance Standard:

      Explain the origins, central ideas, and global influence of religions, such as Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity.

    • B.12.15. Performance Standard:

      Identify a historical or contemporary event in which a person was forced to take an ethical position, such as a decision to go to war, the impeachment of a president, or a presidential pardon, and explain the issues involved.

    • B.12.16. Performance Standard:

      Describe the purpose and effects of treaties, alliances, and international organizations that characterize today's interconnected world.

    • B.12.17. Performance Standard:

      Identify historical and current instances when national interests and global interests have seemed to be opposed and analyze the issues involved.

    • B.12.18. Performance Standard:

      Explain the history of slavery, racial and ethnic discrimination, and efforts to eliminate discrimination in the United States and elsewhere in the world.

  • WI.C. Content Standard: Political Science and Citizenship

    Power, Authority, Governance, and Responsibility: Students in Wisconsin will learn about political science and acquire the knowledge of political systems necessary for developing individual civic responsibility by studying the history and contemporary uses of power, authority, and governance.

    • C.12.1. Performance Standard:

      Identify the sources, evaluate the justification, and analyze the implications of certain rights and responsibilities of citizens.

    • C.12.2. Performance Standard:

      Describe how different political systems define and protect individual human rights.

    • C.12.3. Performance Standard:

      Trace how legal interpretations of liberty, equality, justice, and power, as identified in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and other Constitutional Amendments, have changed and evolved over time.

    • C.12.4. Performance Standard:

      Explain the multiple purposes of democratic government, analyze historical and contemporary examples of the tensions between those purposes, and illustrate how governmental powers can be acquired, used, abused, or legitimized.

    • C.12.5. Performance Standard:

      Analyze different theories of how governmental powers might be used to help promote or hinder liberty, equality, and justice, and develop a reasoned conclusion.

    • C.12.6. Performance Standard:

      Identify and analyze significant political benefits, problems, and solutions to problems related to federalism and the separation of powers.

    • C.12.7. Performance Standard:

      Describe how past and present American political parties and interest groups have gained or lost influence on political decision-making and voting behavior.

    • C.12.8. Performance Standard:

      Locate, organize, analyze, and use information from various sources to understand an issue of public concern, take a position, and communicate the position.

    • C.12.9. Performance Standard:

      Identify and evaluate the means through which advocates influence public policy, and identify ways people may participate effectively in community affairs and the political process.

    • C.12.10. Performance Standard:

      Evaluate the ways in which public opinion can be used to influence and shape public policy.

    • C.12.11. Performance Standard:

      Explain the United States' relationship to other nations and its role in international organizations, such as the United Nations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and North American Free Trade Agreement.

    • C.12.12. Performance Standard:

      Describe and evaluate ideas of how society should be organized and political power should be exercised, including the ideas of monarchism, anarchism, socialism, fascism, and communism; compare these ideas to those of representative democracy; and assess how such ideas have worked in practice.

    • C.12.13. Performance Standard:

      Explain and analyze how different political and social movements have sought to mobilize public opinion and obtain governmental support in order to achieve their goals.

    • C.12.14. Performance Standard:

      Describe and analyze the origins and consequences of slavery, genocide, and other forms of persecution, including the Holocaust.

    • C.12.15. Performance Standard:

      Describe the evolution of movements to assert rights by people with disabilities, ethnic and racial groups, minorities, and women.

  • WI.D. Content Standard: Economics

    Production, Distribution, Exchange, Consumption: Students in Wisconsin will learn about production, distribution, exchange, and consumption so that they can make informed economic decisions.

    • D.12.1. Performance Standard:

      Explain how decisions about spending and production made by households, businesses, and governments determine the nation's levels of income, employment, and prices.

    • D.12.2. Performance Standard:

      Use basic economic concepts (such as supply and demand; production, distribution, and consumption; labor, wages, and capital; inflation and deflation; market economy and command economy) to compare and contrast local, regional, and national economies across time and at the present time.

    • D.12.3. Performance Standard:

      Analyze and evaluate the role of Wisconsin and the United States in the world economy.

    • D.12.4. Performance Standard:

      Explain and evaluate the effects of new technology, global economic interdependence, and competition on the development of national policies and on the lives of individuals and families in the United States and the world.

    • D.12.5. Performance Standard:

      Explain how federal budgetary policy and the Federal Reserve System's monetary policies influence overall levels of employment, interest rates, production, and prices.

    • D.12.6. Performance Standard:

      Use economic concepts to analyze historical and contemporary questions about economic development in the United States and the world.

    • D.12.7. Performance Standard:

      Compare, contrast, and evaluate different types of economies (traditional, command, market, and mixed) and analyze how they have been affected in the past by specific social and political systems and important historical events.

    • D.12.8. Performance Standard:

      Explain the basic characteristics of international trade, including absolute and comparative advantage, barriers to trade, exchange rates, and balance of trade.

    • D.12.9. Performance Standard:

      Explain the operations of common financial instruments (such as stocks and bonds) and financial institutions (such as credit companies, banks, and insurance companies).

    • D.12.10. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the ways in which supply and demand, competition, prices, incentives, and profits influence what is produced and distributed in a competitive market system.

    • D.12.11. Performance Standard:

      Explain how interest rates are determined by market forces that influence the amount of borrowing and saving done by investors, consumers, and government officials.

    • D.12.12. Performance Standard:

      Compare and contrast how values and beliefs, such as economic freedom, economic efficiency, equity, full employment, price stability, security, and growth, influence decisions in different economic systems.

    • D.12.13. Performance Standard:

      Describe and explain global economic interdependence and competition, using examples to illustrate their influence on national and international policies.

    • D.12.14. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the economic roles of institutions, such as corporations and businesses, banks, labor unions, and the Federal Reserve System.

  • WI.E. Content Standard: The Behavioral Sciences

    Individuals, Institutions, and Society: Students in Wisconsin will learn about the behavioral sciences by exploring concepts from the discipline of sociology, the study of the interactions among individuals, groups, and institutions; the discipline of psychology, the study of factors that influence individual identity and learning; and the discipline of anthropology, the study of cultures in various times and settings.

    • E.12.1. Performance Standard:

      Summarize research that helps explain how the brain's structure and function influence learning and behavior.

    • E.12.2. Performance Standard:

      Explain how such factors as physical endowment and capabilities, family, gender, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, attitudes, beliefs, work, and motivation contribute to individual identity and development.

    • E.12.3. Performance Standard:

      Compare and describe similarities and differences in the ways various cultures define individual rights and responsibilities, including the use of rules, folkways, mores, and taboos.

    • E.12.4. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the role of economic, political, educational, familial, and religious institutions as agents of both continuity and change, citing current and past examples.

    • E.12.5. Performance Standard:

      Describe the ways cultural and social groups are defined and how they have changed over time.

    • E.12.6. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the means by which and extent to which groups and institutions can influence people, events, and cultures in both historical and contemporary settings.

    • E.12.7. Performance Standard:

      Use scientific methods to assess the influence of media on people's behavior and decisions.

    • E.12.8. Performance Standard:

      Analyze issues of cultural assimilation and cultural preservation among ethnic and racial groups in Wisconsin, the United States, and the world.

    • E.12.9. Performance Standard:

      Defend a point of view related to an ethical issue such as genetic engineering, declaring conscientious objector status, or restricting immigration.

    • E.12.10. Performance Standard:

      Describe a particular culture as an integrated whole and use that understanding to explain its language, literature, arts, traditions, beliefs, values, and behaviors.

    • E.12.11. Performance Standard:

      Illustrate and evaluate ways in which cultures resolve conflicting beliefs and practices.

    • E.12.12. Performance Standard:

      Explain current and past efforts of groups and institutions to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against racial, ethnic, religious, and social groups such as women, children, the elderly, and individuals who are disabled.

    • E.12.13. Performance Standard:

      Compare the ways in which a universal theme is expressed artistically in three different world cultures.

    • E.12.14. Performance Standard:

      Use the research procedures and skills of the behavioral sciences (such as gathering, organizing, and interpreting data from several sources) to develop an informed position on an issue.

    • E.12.15. Performance Standard:

      Identify the skills needed to work effectively alone, in groups, and in institutions.

    • E.12.16. Performance Standard:

      Identify and analyze factors that influence a person's mental health.

    • E.12.17. Performance Standard:

      Examine and describe various belief systems that exist in the world, such as democracy, socialism, and capitalism.

Washington's Eleventh Grade Standards

Article Body
  • WA.1. Ealr / Domain: CIVICS

    The student understands and applies knowledge of government, law, politics, and the nation's fundamental documents to make decisions about local, national, and international issues and to demonstrate thoughtful, participatory citizenship.

    • 1.1. Component / Goal:

      Understands key ideals and principles of the United States, including those in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and other fundamental documents.

      • 1.1.1. Benchmark / Gle: IDEALS & PRINCIPLES

        Analyzes and evaluates the ways in which the U.S. Constitution and other fundamental documents promote key ideals and principles.

      • 1.1.2. Benchmark / Gle: APPLICATION OF IDEALS & PRINCIPLES

        Evaluates how well court decisions and government policies have upheld key ideals and principles in the United States.

    • 1.2. Component / Goal:

      Understands the purposes, organization, and function of governments, laws, and political systems.

      • 1.2.2. Benchmark / Gle: FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT

        Evaluates the effectiveness of the system of checks and balances during a particular administration, court, Congress, or legislature.

    • 1.3. Component / Goal:

      Understands the purposes and organization of international relationships and United States foreign policy.

      • 1.3.1. Benchmark / Gle: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS

        Analyzes and evaluates the causes and effects of U.S. foreign policy on people in the United States and the world in the past or present.

    • 1.4. Component / Goal:

      Understands civic involvement.

      • 1.4.1. Benchmark / Gle: CIVIC INVOLVEMENT

        Analyzes and evaluates ways of influencing local, state, and national governments to preserve individual rights and promote the common good.

  • WA.2. Ealr / Domain: ECONOMICS

    The student applies understanding of economic concepts and systems to analyze decision-making and the interactions between individuals, households, businesses, governments, and societies.

    • 2.1. Component / Goal:

      Understands that people have to make choices between wants and needs and evaluate the outcomes of those choices.

      • 2.1.1. Benchmark / Gle: ECONOMIC CHOICES

        Analyzes the incentives for people's economic choices in the United States in the past or present.

    • 2.2. Component / Goal:

      Understands how economic systems function.

      • 2.2.1. Benchmark / Gle: ECONOMIC SYSTEMS

        Understands that nations have competing philosophies about how best to produce, distribute, and consume goods, services, and resources.

      • 2.2.2. Benchmark / Gle: TRADE

        Analyzes how comparative advantage has affected United States imports and exports in the past or present.

    • 2.3. Component / Goal:

      Understands the government's role in the economy.

      • 2.3.1. Benchmark / Gle: GOVERNMENT AND THE ECONOMY

        Evaluates the role of the U.S. government in regulating a market economy in the past or present.

    • 2.4. Component / Goal:

      Understands the economic issues and problems that all societies face.

      • 2.4.1. Benchmark / Gle: ECONOMIC ISSUES

        Analyzes and evaluates how people in the United States have addressed issues involved with the distribution of resources and sustainability in the past or present.

  • WA.3. Ealr / Domain: GEOGRAPHY

    The student uses a spatial perspective to make reasoned decisions by applying the concepts of location, region, and movement and demonstrating knowledge of how geographic features and human cultures impact environments.

    • 3.1. Component / Goal:

      Understands the physical characteristics, cultural characteristics, and location of places, regions, and spatial patterns on the Earth's surface.

      • 3.1.1. Benchmark / Gle: MAPS AND GEOGRAPHIC TOOLS

        Analyzes information from geographic tools, including computer-based mapping systems, to draw conclusions on an issue or event.


        Analyzes how differences in regions and spatial patterns have emerged in the United States from natural processes and human activities.

    • 3.2. Component / Goal:

      Understands human interaction with the environment.

      • 3.2.1. Benchmark / Gle: HUMAN-ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTION

        Analyzes and evaluates human interaction with the environment in the United States in the past or present.

      • 3.2.2. Benchmark / Gle: CULTURE

        Analyzes cultural interactions.

      • 3.2.3. Benchmark / Gle: HUMAN MIGRATION

        Analyzes the causes and effects of voluntary and involuntary migration in the United States in the past or present.

    • 3.3. Component / Goal:

      Understands the geographic context of global issues and events.

      • 3.3.1. Benchmark / Gle: GEOGRAPHIC CONTEXT OF GLOBAL ISSUES

        Analyzes and evaluates elements of geography to trace the emergence of the United States as a global economic and political force in the past or present.

  • WA.4. Ealr / Domain: HISTORY

    The student understands and applies knowledge of historical thinking, chronology, eras, turning points, major ideas, individuals, and themes in local, Washington State, tribal, United States, and world history in order to evaluate how history shapes the present and future.

    • 4.1. Component / Goal:

      Understands historical chronology.

      • 4.1.2. Benchmark / Gle: CHRONOLOGICAL ERAS

        Understands how the following themes and developments help to define eras in U.S. history:

        • 4.1.2.a. Grade Level Expectation:

          Our foundations (1776 - 1791).

        • 4.1.2.b. Grade Level Expectation:

          Industrialization and the emergence of the United States as a world power (1890 - 1918).

        • 4.1.2.c. Grade Level Expectation:

          Reform, prosperity, and the Great Depression (1918 - 1939).

        • 4.1.2.d. Grade Level Expectation:

          World War II, the Cold War, and international relations (1939 - 1991).

        • 4.1.2.e. Grade Level Expectation:

          Movements and domestic Issues (1945 - 1991).

        • 4.1.2.f. Grade Level Expectation:

          Entering a new era (1991 - present).

    • 4.2. Component / Goal:

      Understands and analyzes causal factors that have shaped major events in history.

      • 4.2.1. Benchmark / Gle: INDIVIDUALS AND MOVEMENTS

        Evaluates how individuals and movements have shaped the United States (1890 - present).

      • 4.2.2. Benchmark / Gle: CULTURES AND CULTURAL GROUPS

        Analyzes how cultures and cultural groups have shaped the United States (1890 - present).

      • 4.2.3. Benchmark / Gle: IDEAS AND TECHNOLOGY

        Analyzes and evaluates how technology and ideas have shaped U.S. history (1890 - present).

    • 4.3. Component / Goal:

      Understands that there are multiple perspectives and interpretations of historical events.

      • 4.3.1. Benchmark / Gle: HISTORICAL INTERPRETATION

        Analyzes differing interpretations of events in U.S. history (1890 - present).

      • 4.3.2. Benchmark / Gle: MULTIPLE CAUSATION

        Analyzes multiple causes of events in U.S. history, distinguishing between proximate and long-term causal factors (1890 - present).

    • 4.4. Component / Goal:

      Uses history to understand the present and plan for the future.

      • 4.4.1. Benchmark / Gle: HISTORICAL ANTECENDENTS

        Analyzes how an understanding of United States history can help us prevent problems today.

  • WA.5. Ealr / Domain: SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS

    The student understands and applies reasoning skills to conduct research, deliberate, form, and evaluate positions through the processes of reading, writing, and communicating.

    • 5.1. Component / Goal:

      Uses critical reasoning skills to analyze and evaluate positions.

      • 5.1.1. Benchmark / Gle: UNDERSTANDS REASONING

        Analyzes the underlying assumptions of positions on an issue or event.

      • 5.1.2. Benchmark / Gle: EVALUATES REASONING

        Evaluates the depth of a position on an issue or event.

    • 5.2. Component / Goal:

      Uses inquiry-based research.

      • 5.2.1. Benchmark / Gle: FORMS QUESTIONS

        Evaluates and revises research questions to refine inquiry on an issue or event.

      • 5.2.2. Benchmark / Gle: ANALYZES SOURCES

        Evaluates the validity, reliability, and credibility of sources when researching an issue or event.

    • 5.3. Component / Goal:

      Deliberates public issues.

      • 5.3.1. Benchmark / Gle: DELIBERATION

        Creates and articulates possible alternative resolutions to public issues and evaluates these resolutions using criteria that have been identified in the context of a discussion.

    • 5.4. Component / Goal:

      Creates a product that uses social studies content to support a thesis and presents the product in an appropriate manner to a meaningful audience.

      • 5.4.1. Benchmark / Gle: CREATES POSITION AND PRODUCT

        Evaluates and interprets other points of view on an issue within a paper or presentation.

Virginia's Eleventh Grade Standards

Article Body
  • Strand / Topic: Virginia and United States History

    • Standard / Strand:


      • VUS.1 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate skills for historical and geographical analysis, including the ability to

        • VUS.1a) Indicator:

          Identify, analyze, and interpret primary and secondary source documents, records, and data, including artifacts, diaries, letters, photographs, journals, newspapers, historical accounts, and art to increase understanding of events and life in the United S

        • VUS.1b) Indicator:

          Evaluate the authenticity, authority, and credibility of sources;

        • VUS.1c) Indicator:

          Formulate historical questions and defend findings based on inquiry and interpretation;

        • VUS.1d) Indicator:

          Develop perspectives of time and place, including the construction of maps and various time lines of events, periods, and personalities in American history;

        • VUS.1e) Indicator:

          Communicate findings orally and in analytical essays and/or comprehensive papers;

        • VUS.1f) Indicator:

          Develop skills in discussion, debate, and persuasive writing with respect to enduring issues and determine how divergent viewpoints have been addressed and reconciled;

        • VUS.1g) Indicator:

          Apply geographic skills and reference sources to understand how relationships between humans and their environment have changed over time;

        • VUS.1h) Indicator:

          Interpret the significance of excerpts from famous speeches and other documents.

      • VUS.2 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will describe how early European exploration and colonization resulted in cultural interactions among Europeans, Africans, and American Indians (First Americans).

      • VUS.3 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will describe how the values and institutions of European economic life took root in the colonies and how slavery reshaped European and African life in the Americas.

      • VUS.4 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of events and issues of the Revolutionary Period by

        • VUS.4a) Indicator:

          Analyzing how the political ideas of John Locke and those expressed in Common Sense helped shape the Declaration of Independence;

        • VUS.4b) Indicator:

          Describing the political differences among the colonists concerning separation from Britain;

        • VUS.4c) Indicator:

          Analyzing reasons for colonial victory in the Revolutionary War.

      • VUS.5 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the issues involved in the creation and ratification of the Constitution of the United States and how the principles of limited government, consent of the governed, and the social co

        • VUS.5a) Indicator:

          Explaining the origins of the Constitution, including the Articles of Confederation;

        • VUS.5b) Indicator:

          Identifying the major compromises necessary to produce the Constitution, and the roles of James Madison and George Washington;

        • VUS.5c) Indicator:

          Describing the conflict over ratification, including the Bill of Rights and the arguments of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists.

        • VUS.5d) Indicator:

          Examining the significance of the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom in the framing of the Bill of Rights;

      • VUS.6 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the major events during the first half of the nineteenth century by

        • VUS.6a) Indicator:

          Identifying the economic, political, and geographic factors that led to territorial expansion and its impact on the American Indians (First Americans);

        • VUS.6b) Indicator:

          Describing the key features of the Jacksonian Era, with emphasis on federal banking policies;

        • VUS.6c) Indicator:

          Describing the cultural, economic, and political issues that divided the nation, including slavery, the abolitionist and women's suffrage movements, and the role of the states in the Union.

      • VUS.7 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the Civil War and Reconstruction Era and its importance as a major turning point in American history by

        • VUS.7a) Indicator:

          Identifying the major events and the roles of key leaders of the Civil War Era, with emphasis on Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, and Frederick Douglass;

        • VUS.7b) Indicator:

          Analyzing the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation and the principles outlined in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address;

        • VUS.7c) Indicator:

          Examining the political, economic, and social impact of the war and Reconstruction, including the adoption of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

      • VUS.8 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of how the nation grew and changed from the end of Reconstruction through the early twentieth century by

        • VUS.8a) Indicator:

          Explaining the relationship among territorial expansion, westward movement of the population, new immigration, growth of cities, and the admission of new states to the Union;

        • VUS.8b) Indicator:

          Describing the transformation of the American economy from a primarily agrarian to a modern industrial economy and identifying major inventions that improved life in the United States;

        • VUS.8c) Indicator:

          Analyzing prejudice and discrimination during this time period, with emphasis on ''Jim Crow'' and the responses of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois;

        • VUS.8d) Indicator:

          Identifying the impact of the Progressive Movement, including child labor and antitrust laws, the rise of labor unions, and the success of the women's suffrage movement.

      • VUS.9 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the emerging role of the United States in world affairs and key domestic events after 1890 by

        • VUS.9a) Indicator:

          Explaining the changing policies of the United States toward Latin America and Asia and the growing influence of the United States in foreign markets;

        • VUS.9b) Indicator:

          Evaluating United States involvement in World War I, including Wilson's Fourteen Points, the Treaty of Versailles, and the national debate over treaty ratification and the League of Nations;

        • VUS.9c) Indicator:

          Explaining the causes of the Great Depression, its impact on the American people, and the ways the New Deal addressed it.

      • VUS.10 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of World War II by

        • VUS.10a) Indicator:

          Identifying the causes and events that led to American involvement in the war, including military assistance to Britain and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor;

        • VUS.10b) Indicator:

          Describing the major battles and turning points of the war in North Africa, Europe, and the Pacific, including Midway, Stalingrad, the Normandy landing (D-Day), and Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb to force the surrender of Japan;

        • VUS.10c) Indicator:

          Describing the role of all-minority military units, including the Tuskegee Airmen and Nisei regiments;

        • VUS.10d) Indicator:

          Describing the Geneva Convention and the treatment of prisoners of war during World War II;

        • VUS.10e) Indicator:

          Analyzing the Holocaust (Hitler's ''final solution''), its impact on Jews and other groups, and postwar trials of war criminals.

      • VUS.11 Indicator / Standard: 1939 to 1945

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the effects of World War II on the home front by

        • VUS.11a) Indicator:

          Explaining how the United States mobilized its economic, human, and military resources;

        • VUS.11b) Indicator:

          Describing the contributions of women and minorities to the war effort;

        • VUS.11c) Indicator:

          Explaining the internment of Japanese Americans during the war;

        • VUS.11d) Indicator:

          Describing the role of media and communications in the war effort.

      • VUS.12 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of United States foreign policy since World War II by

        • VUS.12a) Indicator:

          Describing outcomes of World War II, including political boundary changes, the formation of the United Nations, and the Marshall Plan;

        • VUS.12b) Indicator:

          Explaining the origins of the Cold War, and describing the Truman Doctrine and the policy of containment of communism, the American role in wars in Korea and Vietnam, and the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Europe;

        • VUS.12c) Indicator:

          Explaining the role of America's military and veterans in defending freedom during the Cold War;

        • VUS.12d) Indicator:

          Explaining the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War, including the role of Ronald Reagan.

      • VUS.13 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s by

        • VUS.13a) Indicator:

          Identifying the importance of the Brown v. Board of Education decision, the roles of Thurgood Marshall and Oliver Hill, and how Virginia responded;

        • VUS.13b) Indicator:

          Describing the importance of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the 1963 March on Washington, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

      • VUS.14 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of economic, social, cultural, and political developments in the contemporary United States by

        • VUS.14a) Indicator:

          Analyzing the effects of increased participation of women in the labor force;

        • VUS.14b) Indicator:

          Analyzing how changing patterns of immigration affect the diversity of the United States population, the reasons new immigrants choose to come to this country, and their contributions to contemporary America;

        • VUS.14c) Indicator:

          Explaining the media influence on contemporary American culture and how scientific and technological advances affect the workplace, health care, and education.

Tennessee's Eleventh Grade Standards

Article Body
  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society: Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the relationship between physical environments and culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how language, art, music, belief systems, traditions, science, technology, values and behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role that diverse cultures and historical experiences had on the development of the world.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society: Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand economic connections, conflicts, and interdependence.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changes that occur in the nature, use, distribution, and importance of resources.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the importance of technologies on economic development.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society: Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of physical geographic features on world historic events.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand human geographic interactions and their impact on world historic events.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society: Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explain the development of a people's need to belong and organize into a system of governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control resources, rights, and privileges.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society: History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the processes that gave rise to the earliest human civilizations.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the chronological flow of historical eras and events in Ancient History.

    • 5.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how historical information is collected, recorded, interpreted, transmitted, and disseminated across various historical eras.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society: Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the extent to which individuals, groups and institutions interact to produce continuity and change throughout world history.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (4000-1000 BCE): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the relationship between physical environments and culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how language, art, music, belief systems, traditions, science, technology, values and behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role that diverse cultures and historical experiences had on the development of the world.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (4000-1000 BCE): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand economic connections, conflicts, and interdependence.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changes that occur in the nature, use, distribution, and importance of resources.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the importance of technologies on economic development.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (4000-1000 BCE): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of physical geographic features on world historic events.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand human geographic interactions and their impact on world historic events.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (4000-1000 BCE): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explain the development of a people's need to belong and organize into a system of governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control resources, rights, and privileges.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (4000-1000 BCE): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the chronological flow of historical eras and events in Ancient History.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how historical information is collected, recorded, interpreted, transmitted, and disseminated across various historical eras.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (4000-1000 BCE): 6.0 Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the extent to which individuals, groups and institutions interact to produce continuity and change throughout world history.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 AD): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the relationship between physical environments and culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize how cultural and individual's perceptions affect places and regions.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how language, art, music, belief systems, traditions, science, technology, values and behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

    • 1.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role that diverse cultures and historical experiences had on the development of the world.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 AD): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand economic connections, conflicts, and interdependence.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changes that occur in the nature, use, distribution, and importance of resources.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the importance of technologies on economic development.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 AD): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of physical geographic features on world historic events.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand human geographic interactions and their impact on world historic events.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 AD): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explain the development of a people's need to belong and organize into a system of governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control resources, rights, and privileges.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 AD): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the chronological flow of historical eras and events in Ancient History.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how historical information is collected, recorded, interpreted, transmitted, and disseminated across various historical eras.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 AD): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the extent to which individuals, groups and institutions interact to produce continuity and change throughout world history.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize how cultural and individual's perceptions affect places and regions.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how language, art, music, belief systems, traditions, science, technology, values and behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role that diverse cultures and historical experiences had on the development of the world.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changes that occur in the nature, use, distribution, and importance of resources.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the importance of technologies on economic development.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of physical geographic features on world historic events.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand human geographic interactions and their impact on world historic events.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explain the development of a people's need to belong and organize into a system of governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control resources, rights, and privileges.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the chronological flow of historical eras and events in Ancient History.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how historical information is collected, recorded, interpreted, transmitted, and disseminated across various historical eras.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the extent to which individuals, groups and institutions interact to produce continuity and change throughout world history.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Contemporary Issues

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand patterns of discrimination.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify trends and controversies regarding modern medicine and human genetics.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand ethical debates on internet usage.

    • 1.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand various issues concerning modern print and visual media.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Contemporary Issues

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes, and international competition compel students to understand, both personally, and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy making versus decision making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of the stock and the ethics of corporate handling of public investments.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify popular perception of government revenues and expenditures.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize popular attitudes and governmental regulations concerning gambling and lotteries.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Contemporary Issues

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the current debates on environmental usage and protection issues.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify changing global and universal frontiers.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Contemporary Issues

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify types of legal statutes and penal code, and issues relative to their enforcement.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the elasticity and restrictions of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and the potential for civil disobedience and protest in society.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Contemporary Issues

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decision in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the impact of traumatic effects of destructive events on human society.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify controversies created by differing interpretations of the Second Amendment.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Contemporary Issues

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify various contemporary religious perspectives on social issues.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of abortion and its controversies on modern society.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize current epidemic diseases and trends or approaches in dealing with terminal illness.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 8 -World Depression and World War II (1920-1945): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify instances in which language, art, music, belief systems, and other cultural elements facilitate understanding or create misunderstanding.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify examples of how language, literature, the arts, architecture, traditions, beliefs, values or behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 8 -World Depression and World War II (1920-1945): Economics: Globalization of the economy, technological changes, the explosion of population growth, technological changes, and international competition compel students to understand both personally and globally production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand and identify economic connections, conflicts, and interdependence during the Great Depression.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the rapid change of the global economy during World War II.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 8 -World Depression and World War II (1920-1945): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how physical and human processes shape the characteristics of a place.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the various theaters of war during World War II.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 8 -World Depression and World War II (1920-1945): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of major systems of world governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individuals and communities are affected differently by varied forms of governance.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of nation-state governments and world governmental organizations.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 8 -World Depression and World War II (1920-1945): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the causes, effects, and attempts to deal with worldwide depression after World War I.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the world events leading to World War II.

    • 5.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how to use historic information acquired from a variety of sources.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 8 -World Depression and World War II (1920-1945): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of individual and government decisions on citizens and communities.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individual leaders can dominate groups and influence the circumstances of history.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 9 -Post World War II Era (1945 -1989): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify instances in which language, art, music, belief systems, and other cultural elements facilitate understanding or create misunderstanding.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify examples of how language, literature, the arts, architecture, traditions, beliefs, values

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 9 -Post World War II Era (1945 -1989): Economics: Globalization of the economy, technological changes, the explosion of population growth, technological changes, and international competition compel students to understand both personally and globally production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand and identify economic connections, conflicts, and interdependence.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the rapid change of the global economy.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 9 -Post World War II Era (1945 -1989): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how physical and human processes shape the characteristics of a place.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of population growth and distribution for the world's development in the 20th Century.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 9 -Post World War II Era (1945 -1989): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of major systems of world governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individuals and communities are affected differently by varied forms of governance.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of nation-state governments and world governmental organizations.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 9 -Post World War II Era (1945 -1989): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the nature and major events of the Cold War.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa in world events.

    • 5.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how to use historic information acquired from a variety of sources.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 9 -Post World War II Era (1945 -1989): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of individual and group decisions on citizens and communities.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 10 -The Contemporary World (1989 to the present): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify instances in which language, art, music, belief systems, and other cultural elements facilitate understanding or create misunderstanding.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify examples of how language, literature, the arts, architecture, traditions, beliefs, values or behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 10 -The Contemporary World (1989 to the present): Economics: Globalization of the economy, technological changes, the explosion of population growth, technological changes, and international competition compel students to understand both personally and globally production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand and identify economic connections, conflicts, and interdependence.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the rapid change of the global economy.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 10 -The Contemporary World (1989 to the present): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how physical and human processes shape the characteristics of a place.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of population growth and distribution on world historic events.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 10 -The Contemporary World (1989 to the present): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individuals and communities are affected differently by varied forms of governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the growing importance of the United Nations for the endorsement of world political and military action.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of terrorist actions on increased government control of its civilian populations, especially in the wake of the events of September 11, 2001.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 10 -The Contemporary World (1989 to the present): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the nature of major world events since 1989.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how to use historic information acquired from a variety of sources.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 10 -The Contemporary World (1989 to the present): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of individual and group decisions on citizens and communities.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how groups can effect change

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 6: Industrial Development of the United States (1870-1900): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how industrial development affected the United States culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how the influx of immigrants after 1880 affected United States' culture.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 6: Industrial Development of the United States (1870-1900): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate how the modernization of agriculture and capitalist industrial development affected the economy of the United States.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the economic disparity between farmers and wage earners as compared to industrial capitalists.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 6: Industrial Development of the United States (1870-1900): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the geographic areas in which industrialism occurred.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the areas affected by westward expansion of the United States.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 6: Industrial Development of the United States (1870-1900): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction on the United States politics.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the political issues and problems that affected the United States during the last half of the nineteenth century.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 6: Industrial Development of the United States (1870-1900): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the dynamics of the post-Reconstruction era and the people and events that influenced the country.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the events and impact of the westward movement and the Indian Wars.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 6: Industrial Development of the United States (1870-1900): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals, and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will appreciate the diversity of various cultures and their influences on the United States.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the effect of big business upon the lives of farmers and wage earners.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand social tensions and their consequences after the turn of the century.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the cultural changes in the early 20th century.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize how industrialization of World War I changed the United States economy.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the economy of the United States in the 1920s.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships among people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the countries involved in World War I.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the geographic scope of American imperialism.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the reforms and changes in American politics and government as a result of the Progressive Movement.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the governmental policies that affected America and the world during the 1890s-1930s.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of the United States in world affairs.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the causes for WWI and the reasons for America's entry into the war.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the effect of World War I on the American people.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the moral, social, and cultural changes that occurred in the 1920s.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the effect of the Great Depression upon American society.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the effects of World War II upon American society.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the economic climate in the United States during the Depression Era.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how World War II affected the American economy.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the countries affected by the totalitarian states and their acts of aggression and expansion considering geographic location;

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the various theaters of war during World War II.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the effects of the Great Depression on the United States political and judicial system.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the effects of political policies on civil liberties during World War II.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decision in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the causes, effects and attempts to deal with the Great Depression.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the causes and significance of World War II.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changes in American life as a result of the Great Depression.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changing dynamics of American life during World War II.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the impact of the G.I. Bill of Rights on American society.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the effects of desegregation, the Civil Rights Movement, and the turbulent 1960s upon American society.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how demobilization and conversion to a peacetime economy affected the United States.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how sustained growth led to an affluent society.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify countries dominated and threatened by communism after World War II.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the major areas of the world in which the United States was involved after 1945.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the causes, course, and impact of the Civil Rights Movement.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate Supreme Court decisions that affected the United States from 1945 to the early 1970s.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the causes, course, and effects of the Cold War.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate and understand the active theaters of conflict during the Cold War.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors such as culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how the 'baby boom,' suburbanization, desegregation, and other social movements affected American society.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how Cold War conformity conflicted with individual rights and self-expression.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate how technological change transformed American society and created popular culture.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 10: The Contemporary United States 1968-present: Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize how the scientific and technological advances of the computer age influenced American culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the transition of minorities, women, and culture groups through history.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 10: The Contemporary United States 1968-present: Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate trends in the overall economic cycle since the 1970s.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 10: The Contemporary United States 1968-present: Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the ongoing population shifts from urban to suburban and the migration from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify areas of the world in which commercial and security interests involved the United States from 1968 to the present.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 10: The Contemporary United States 1968-present: Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the impact of political turmoil on American attitudes toward governance since 1968.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the impact of constitutional change, various civil rights movements, feminism, and the Reagan Revolution.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 10: The Contemporary United States 1968-present: History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the causes, the course, and the effects of the Vietnam War at home and abroad.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate domestic and foreign policy trends since 1968.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Era 10

    The Contemporary United States 1968-present: Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the dynamics of the modern American family.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the implications of the changing American society.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: World History

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the multi-cultural components to world culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development and migration of art, architecture, language, religion, music and theater.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the ways in which individuals and groups contributed to changes in social conditions.

    • 1.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will examine how various individuals and groups use methods to diminish cultural elements and eradicate entire groups.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: World History

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the major economic systems that developed globally.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the importance of technologies for economic development.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the global economy.

    • 2.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the rapid change of the global economy after the Industrial Revolution in the 20th century.

    • 2.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the contribution of individuals to the economy systems of the world.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: World History

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of physical geographic features on world historic events.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand human geographic interactions and their impact on world historic events.

    • 3.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of population growth and distribution on world historic events.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: World History

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of major systems of world governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individuals are affected differently by varied forms of governance.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of nation-state governments.

    • 4.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the emergence of world governmental organizations.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: World History

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the chronological flow of historical eras and events in World History.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the processes that gave rise to the earliest human civilizations.

    • 5.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the maturation of Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, the Middle East, Oceanic, and the Americas and their continuing impact on the modern world.

    • 5.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the history and impact of world religions.

    • 5.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the evolution of modern and western civilizations from 1000 CE to the present.

    • 5.6. Learning Expectation:

      understand the importance of the various economic systems in place during the 19th and 20th century.

    • 5.7. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of various global conflicts throughout history.

    • 5.8. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the continuing impact of historical events on the modern world.

    • 5.9. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of developing technology on the world.

    • 5.10. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how historical information is collected, recorded, interpreted, transmitted, and disseminated across various historical eras.

    • 5.11. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of major trends and movements in world history.

    • 5.12. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the origin, evolution, decline, and impact of empire building and imperialism.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: World History

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of one's culture on identity, lifestyle, and socioeconomic status.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the role of individuals in various cultures such as Western, Asian, African, Middle Eastern, and indigenous cultures.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the extent to which individuals, groups and institutions interact to produce continuity and change throughout world history.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: World Geography

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the complex nature of culture and how cultures influence the characteristics of places and regions.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the relationship between physical environments and culture.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how cultural perspective impacts perceptions of places and

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: World Geography

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand fundamental economic concepts and their application to a variety of economic systems, regionally and globally.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the patterns and networks of economic interdependence on Earth's surface.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changes that occur in the nature, use, distribution, and importance of resources.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: World Geography

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the characteristics and uses of maps, globes, and other geographic tools and technologies.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will know the location of places, geographic features, and patterns of the environment, both physical and human, locally, regionally, and globally.

    • 3.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the characteristics and uses of spatial organization of Earth's surface.

    • 3.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the physical and human characteristics of place.

    • 3.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand that common physical, biological, and cultural characteristics create regions.

    • 3.6. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how physical processes shape Earth's natural landscapes and affect environments.

    • 3.7. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how physical systems and environments affect human systems.

    • 3.8. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how human systems modify the physical environment.

    • 3.9. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the nature, distribution and migration of human populations on Earth's surface.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: World Geography

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the nature, complexity, and influence of systems of governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the forces of cooperation and conflict that shape the divisions of Earth's surface.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand global development and environmental issues.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: World Geography

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the patterns of human settlement.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize that places change over time.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: World Geography

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals, and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of individual and group decisions on citizens and communities.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how groups can effect change at local, regional, and global levels.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how a geographic view is a significant tool in interpreting the present and planning for the future.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how values and beliefs influence economic decisions in different societies.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will describe how the world economies are connected.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand contemporary and historical data relevant to the field of economics.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the concepts and impact of the American financial structure, including banking and monetary policy.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the different major economic systems.

    • 2.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand key economic concepts and economists.

    • 2.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand that scarcity of productive resources requires choices that generate opportunity costs.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of natural resources in modern economic decision-making.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of world demographics on economic systems.

    • 3.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the alternative policies and processes used in making decisions about the use of land and other physical resources in communities, regions, nations and the world.

    • 3.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the search for a balance between effective usage of land and other natural resources and environment concerns.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the economic roles and responsibilities of citizens living in a democratic society.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how governmental policies have economic consequences at the national, state, and local levels.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Economics

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how historical events have influenced the economic development of the United States. Identify major historical events that affected the economic development of the United States.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals, and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the elements of personal and fiscal responsibility

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how socioeconomic status contributes to the development of sense of self. Identify values and standards associated economically on his/her lifestyle.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to function effectively in a technologically expanding global economy.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States Government

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the influence of natural rights on American culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of the political system on American culture.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: United States Government

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand economic systems and political structures.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the rise of capitalism in the United States.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how all nations use 'tools of foreign policy' such as alliances, economic aid, economic sanctions, trade agreements, propaganda, military aid, treaties, troop movements, and wars to promote national interests.

    • 2.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the connection among resources and institutions that govern the management and distributions of those resources.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: United States Government

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand and analyze how the forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of the earth's surface

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand and analyze the impact of physical and human geography on given political systems.

    • 3.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the use of geography in determining policies such as zoning, redistricting, and the census.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: United States Government

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of politics and government in society.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of constitutions in preventing abuses of government power.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the basic features of major forms of governments in the world.

    • 4.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of the United States legal system.

    • 4.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the concept of federalism.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: United States Government

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decision in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand historical and modern examples of the concepts of limited and unlimited governance.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand specific historical documents and institutions which shaped the principles of the United States Constitution.

    • 5.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of the rule of laws and the sources, purposes, and function of law.

    • 5.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the United States Constitution as a 'living document' in both principle and practice.

    • 5.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how the United States foreign policy is determined by the concept of national interest in both historical and modern settings.

    • 5.6. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the balance between the protection of individual rights and the general welfare of all citizens.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: United States Government

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of individual and group decisions on citizens and communities.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how groups can effect change at the local, state national and world levels.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the evolution of political parties and their role as a mechanism for creating and sustaining political participation.

    • 6.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how the philosophies of liberalism and conservatism correlate to the two major American political parties.

    • 6.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact and influence of participatory citizenship on government at all levels.

    • 6.6. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of individual leaders who have affected policies, case laws, and legislation.

    • 6.7. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of political action committees, non-profit organizations, and other groups that influenced policy and institutions.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Psychology

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of diversity on the individual.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand cultural biases in the field of psychology.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Psychology

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how different socioeconomic stratifications influence personality development.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individual values and beliefs influence economic decisions.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Psychology

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the environmental influences on human behavior.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand that human needs are met by the places they create.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Psychology

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand conditions, actions, and motivations that contribute to conflict or to cooperation.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand political current events that are relevant to the field of psychology.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand conflicts, cooperation, and interdependence among individuals, groups, and institutions.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Psychology

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decision in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand psychology as an empirical science.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand contemporary and historical data as it relates to psychology.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Psychology

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand personality approaches and theories.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand Psychological concepts, methods and theories in analyzing how humans think learn, feel and behave.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the major sub-fields and career opportunities that accompany the field of psychology.

    • 6.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand ethical issues in the use of psychological theories and tool.

    • 6.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the influences of heredity and environment on humans in terms of learned and inherited traits, personality and intelligence and other individual differences.

    • 6.6. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how heredity interacts with environment to influence behavior.

    • 6.7. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the relationship between brain, sensory perceptions and behavior.

    • 6.8. Learning Expectation:

      The student will demonstrate knowledge regarding mental disorders, theories of causality and methods of treatment.

    • 6.9. Learning Expectation:

      The student will analyze the role of perceptions, attitudes, values and beliefs in the psychological growth and development of humans.

    • 6.10. Learning Expectation:

      The student will apply the use of technology to explore (web-quest) the different areas of the lifespan and other topics in psychology.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Sociology

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of culture on group behavior.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of culture.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Sociology

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will analyze how socioeconomic factors influence group behavior.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individual values and beliefs influence economic decisions.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will analyze how the difficulty of moving from one social class to another varies greatly with time, place and economic circumstances.

    • 2.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will analyze how the characteristics of the American economy such as freedom of choice, competition, private property, profit and freedom of enterprise affect personality development.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Sociology

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand that people adapt to their physical environment.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand that human needs are met by the places they create.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Sociology

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the political institution and how power and authority relate to group behavior.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand conditions, actions, and motivations that contribute to conflict or cooperation.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Sociology

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the foundational history of sociology.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Sociology

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will examine personality development.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explore the various ways people interact.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will analyze norms and values in various societies.

    • 6.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will examine adolescent development.

    • 6.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explore the aging process in society.

    • 6.6. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand deviance.

    • 6.7. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explore the idea of social mobility.

    • 6.8. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand gender and its part in shaping human behavior.

    • 6.9. Learning Expectation:

      The student will analyze the various agents of socialization.

    • 6.10. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of media and social trends in determining the development of society.

South Dakota's Eleventh Grade Standards

Article Body
  • SD.9-12.US Goal / Strand: Core High School U.S. History

    Students will understand the emergence and development of civilizations and cultures within the United States over time and place.

    • 9-12.US.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze U.S. historical eras to determine connections and cause/effect relationships in reference to chronology.

      • 9-12.US.1. Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to explain the cause-effect relationships and legacy that distinguish significant historical periods from Reconstruction to the present.

      • 9-12.US.1. Standard: (Application) Students are able to relate previously learned information of these time periods to the context of succeeding time periods (Examples

        American Revolution, Westward Movement, Civil War/Reconstruction).

    • 9-12.US.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Evaluate the influence/impact of various cultures, values, philosophies, and religions on the development of the U.S.

      • 9-12.US.2. Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to describe the causes and effects of interactions between the U.S. government and Native American cultures.

      • 9-12.US.2. Standard:

        (Application) Students are able to describe the causes and effects of cultural, economic, religious, political, and social reform movements on the development of the U.S.

      • 9-12.US.2. Standard:

        (Knowledge) Students are able to identify the influences of local groups on settlement patterns of South Dakota and the Great Plains Region.

  • SD.9-12.W. Goal / Strand: Core High School World History

    Students will understand the emergence and development of world civilizations and cultures over time and place.

    • 9-12.W.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze historical eras of world history to determine connections and cause/effect relationships in reference to chronology.

      • 9-12.W.1.1 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to explain the cause-effect relationships and legacy that distinguish significant historical periods from the Renaissance to the present.

    • 9-12.W.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Evaluate the interaction of world cultures and civilizations, philosophies, and religions.

      • 9-12.W.2.1 Standard:

        (Comprehension) Students are able to define the key distinguishing features of significant cultural, economic, and political philosophies in relation to the other.

  • SD.9-12.G. Goal / Strand: Core High School Geography

    Students will understand the interrelationships of people, places, and the environment.

    • 9-12.G.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze information from geographic representation, tools, and technology to define location, place, and region.

      • 9-12.G.1.1 Standard:

        (Application) Students are able to use resources, data services, and geographic tools that generate and interpret information.

      • 9-12.G.1.2 Standard:

        (Application) Students are able to interpret geographic representations when given information about places and events.

    • 9-12.G.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze the relationships among the natural environment, the movement of peoples, and the development of societies.

      • 9-12.G.2.1 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to identify and explain the impact of the natural environment on human settlement patterns.

      • 9-12.G.2.2 Standard:

        (Comprehension) Students are able to explain how humans interact with their environment.

      • 9-12.G.2.3 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to explain how human migration impacts local and global politics, environment, economies, societies, and regions.

      • 9-12.G.2.4 Standard: (Knowledge) Students are able to identify the main characteristics of cultural geography (Examples

        spatial distribution, cultural diffusion, acculturation, institutions, language, religions).

  • SD.9-12.C. Goal / Strand: Core High School Civics (Government)

    Students will understand the historical development and contemporary role of governmental power and authority.

    • 9-12.C.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze forms and purposes of government in relationship to the needs of citizens and societies including the impact of historical events, ideals, and documents.

      • 9-12.C.1.1 Standard: (Analysis) Students are able to explain the characteristics of various forms of government (Example

        Democracies (direct and indirect); Totalitarian/Authoritarian (dictatorships, absolute monarchy).

      • 9-12.C.1.2 Standard: (Evaluation) Students are able to determine the influence of major historical documents and ideals on the formation of the United States government (Examples

        documents - Magna Carta, Petition of Rights, English Bill of Rights, Mayflower Compact, British Colonial legislation, Articles of Confederation, Colonial/early state constitutions, Declaration of Independence; ideals - Greek and Roman governments, League of Iroquois Confederation, Social Contract; philosophers - Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Machiavelli).

      • 9-12.C.1.3 Standard:

        (Knowledge) Students are able to identify the principles of the American Constitution.

      • 9-12.C.1.4 Standard:

        (Comprehension) Students are able to explain the principles of American democracy.

      • 9-12.C.1.5 Standard:

        (Comprehension) Students are able to describe the state, local, and tribal governments with emphasis on their structures, functions, and powers.

      • 9-12.C.1.6 Standard: (Application) Students are able to describe the elements of how U.S. foreign policy is created (Examples

        Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary, Iran-Contra).

    • 9-12.C.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze the constitutional rights and responsibilities of United States citizens.

      • 9-12.C.2.1 Standard:

        (Application) Students are able to describe the means of influencing and/or participating in a republic.

      • 9-12.C.2.2 Standard:

        (Comprehension) Students are able to interpret the meaning of basic constitutional rights guaranteed to citizens.

      • 9-12.C.2.3 Standard:

        (Comprehension) Students are able to describe the process of naturalization.

  • SD.9-12.E. Goal / Strand: Core High School Economics

    Students will understand the impact of economics on the development of societies and on current and emerging national and international situations.

    • 9-12.E.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze the role and relationships of economic systems on the development, utilization, and availability of resources in societies.

      • 9-12.E.1.1 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to compare the characteristics of the world's traditional, command, market, and mixed economies. [U.S. History, World History, Geography, Civics (Government)]

      • 9-12.E.1.2 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to explain how scarcity and surplus affect the basic questions of what, how, how much, and for whom to produce. [Geography, Civics (Government)]

      • 9-12.E.1.3 Standard:

        (Application) Students are able to explain the role of money and the structure of the banking system of the U.S. [U.S. History, Civics (Government)]

      • 9-12.E.1.4 Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to explain the impact of labor and governmental policies on the economy of the United States. [U.S. History, Civics (Government)]

      • 9-12.E.1.5 Standard:

        (Application) Students are able to use graphs to illustrate changes in economic trends. [U.S. History, Civics (Government)]

      • 9-12.E.1.6 Standard:

        (Synthesis) Students are able to explain basic elements of trade and its impact on the U.S. economy. [Civics (Government)]

  • SD.9-12.US Goal / Strand: Advanced High School U.S. History

    Students will understand the emergence and development of civilizations and cultures within the United States over time and place.

    • 9-12.US.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze U.S. historical eras to determine connections and cause/effect relationships in reference to chronology.

      • 9-12.US.1. Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to relate the causes and consequences of historical events to subsequent events and their legacy in current conditions.

    • 9-12.US.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Evaluate the influence/impact of various cultures, values, philosophies, and religions on the development of the U.S.

      • 9-12.US.2. Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to evaluate the significance of interactions between the U.S. government and diverse cultures in relation to cultural preservation versus cultural assimilation.

  • SD.9-12.W. Goal / Strand: Advanced High School World History

    Students will understand the emergence and development of world civilizations and cultures over time and place.

    • 9-12.W.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze historical eras of world history to determine connections and cause/effect relationships in reference to chronology.

      • 9-12.W.1.1 Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to relate the causes and consequences of historical events to subsequent events and their legacy in current conditions.

    • 9-12.W.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Evaluate the interaction of world cultures and civilizations, philosophies, and religions.

      • 9-12.W.2.1 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to describe the emergence, rise, impact, and role of significant cultural, economic, and political events and philosophies.

  • SD.9-12.G. Goal / Strand: Advanced High School Geography

    Students will understand the interrelationships of people, places, and the environment.

    • 9-12.G.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze information from geographic representation, tools, and technology to define location, place, and region.

      • 9-12.G.1.1 Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to evaluate and select resources, data services, and geographic tools that generate and interpret information.

      • 9-12.G.1.2 Standard: (Synthesis) Students are able to construct geographic representations when given information about places and events (Example

        bar graph, circle graph, line graph, pictographs, map projections).

    • 9-12.G.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze the relationships among the natural environment, the movement of peoples, and the development of societies.

      • 9-12.G.2.1 Standard: (Analysis) Students are able to analyze and articulate the fundamental role that place characteristics and environments have played in history (Example

        Russian winter played an important part in the defeat of Napoleon's and Hitler's armies).

      • 9-12.G.2.2 Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to evaluate how humans interact with their environment.

      • 9-12.G.2.3 Standard:

        (Synthesis) Students are able to investigate how past and present trends of human migration impact both local and global politics, environments, economies, and societies.

      • 9-12.G.2.4 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to compare and contrast the differing characteristics in developing and developed countries.

  • SD.9-12.C. Goal / Strand: Advanced High School Civics (Government)

    Students will understand the historical development and contemporary role of governmental power and authority.

    • 9-12.C.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze forms and purposes of government in relationship to the needs of citizens and societies including the impact of historical events, ideals, and documents.

      • 9-12.C.1.1 Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to compare the United States' political systems with those of major democratic and authoritarian nations in terms of the structures and powers of political institutions.

    • 9-12.C.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze the constitutional rights and responsibilities of United States citizens.

      • 9-12.C.2.1 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to enumerate the basic constitutional rights guaranteed to citizens and their related impacts on society.

      • 9-12.C.2.2 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to analyze and explain the purpose of politics/political activity and the related implications for United States citizens.

      • 9-12.C.2.3 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to identify various issues involving individual rights and responsibilities in relation to the general welfare.

      • 9-12.C.2.4 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to analyze campaigns for national, state, and local elective office, including the nominating process, campaign funding and spending, and the influence of media coverage, including campaign advertising and public opinion polls.

  • SD.9-12.E. Goal / Strand: Economics

    Students will understand the impact of economics on the development of societies and on current and emerging national and international situations.

    • 9-12.E.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze the role and relationships of economic systems on the development, utilization, and availability of resources in societies.

      • 9-12.E.1.1 Standard: (Synthesis) Students are able to differentiate the patterns and networks of global economic interdependence in relation to local, regional, and world economies (Examples

        transportation routes, movement patterns, market areas; how and why levels of economic development vary among places).

      • 9-12.E.1.2 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to analyze graphs to determine changes in supply and demand and their effects on price and quality.

      • 9-12.E.1.3 Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to compare and contrast the economic systems of foreign countries with the market system of the United States.

      • 9-12.E.1.4 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to describe methods used to measure domestic output, national income, and price level.

      • 9-12.E.1.5 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to describe the effect of fluctuation in national output and its relationship to unemployment and inflation.

Rhode Island's Eleventh Grade Standards

Article Body
  • RI.1. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: History

    Chronological Thinking.

    • 1.a. Assessment Target:

      The student distinguishes between past, present, and future time.

    • 1.b. Assessment Target:

      The student identifies in historical narratives the temporal structure of a historical narrative or story.

    • 1.c. Assessment Target:

      The student establishes temporal order in constructing historical narratives of their own.

    • 1.d. Assessment Target:

      The student measures and calculates calendar time.

    • 1.e. Assessment Target:

      The student interprets data presented in time lines.

    • 1.f. Assessment Target:

      The student reconstructs patterns of historical succession and duration.

    • 1.g. Assessment Target:

      The student compares alternative models for periodization.

  • RI.2. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: History

    Historical Comprehension.

    • 2.a. Assessment Target:

      The student reconstructs the literal meaning of a historical passage.

    • 2.b. Assessment Target:

      The student identifies the central question(s) the historical narrative addresses.

    • 2.c. Assessment Target:

      The student reads historical narratives imaginatively.

    • 2.d. Assessment Target:

      The student evidences historical perspectives.

    • 2.e. Assessment Target:

      The student draws upon data in historical maps.

    • 2.f. Assessment Target:

      The student utilizes visual and mathematical data presented in charts, tables, pie and bar graphs, flow charts, Venn diagrams, and other graphic organizers.

    • 2.g. Assessment Target:

      The student draws upon visual, literary, and musical sources.

  • RI.3. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: History

    Historical Analysis and Interpretation.

    • 3.a. Assessment Target:

      The student identifies the author or source of the historical document or narrative.

    • 3.b. Assessment Target:

      The student compares and contrasts differing sets of ideas, values, personalities, behaviors, and institutions.

    • 3.c. Assessment Target:

      The student differentiates between historical facts and historical interpretations.

    • 3.d. Assessment Target:

      The student considers multiple perspectives.

    • 3.e. Assessment Target:

      The student analyzes cause-and-effect relationships and multiple causation, including the importance of the individual, the influence of ideas, and the role of chance.

    • 3.f. Assessment Target:

      The student challenges arguments of historical inevitability.

    • 3.g. Assessment Target:

      The student compares competing historical narratives.

    • 3.h. Assessment Target:

      The student holds interpretations of history as tentative.

    • 3.i. Assessment Target:

      The student evaluates major debates among historians.

    • 3.j. Assessment Target:

      The student hypothesizes the influence of the past.

  • RI.4. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: History

    Historical Research Capabilities.

    • 4.a. Assessment Target:

      The student formulates historical questions.

    • 4.b. Assessment Target:

      The student obtains historical data.

    • 4.c. Assessment Target:

      The student interrogates historical data.

    • 4.d. Assessment Target:

      The student identifies the gaps in the available records, marshal contextual knowledge and perspectives of the time and place, and construct a sound historical interpretation.

  • RI.5. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: History

    Historical Issues: Analysis and Decision Making.

    • 5.a. Assessment Target:

      The student identifies the issues and problems in the past.

    • 5.b. Assessment Target:

      The student marshals evidence of antecedent circumstances and contemporary factors contributing to problems and alternative courses of action.

    • 5.c. Assessment Target:

      The student identifies relevant historical antecedents.

    • 5.d. Assessment Target:

      The student evaluates alternative courses of action.

    • 5.e. Assessment Target:

      The student formulates a position or course of action on an issue.

    • 5.f. Assessment Target:

      The student evaluates the implementation of a decision.

  • RI.1. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: United States History

    Era 1: Three Worlds Meet (Beginning 1620).

    • 1.a. Assessment Target:

      The student compares characteristics of societies in the Americas, Western Europe, and Western Africa that increasingly interacted after 1450.

    • 1.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how early European exploration and colonization resulted in cultural and ecological interactions among previously unconnected peoples.

  • RI.2. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: United States History

    Era 2: Colonization and Settlement (1585-1763).

    • 2.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands why the Americas attracted Europeans, why they brought enslaved Africans to their colonies, and how Europeans struggled for control on North America and the Caribbean.

    • 2.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how political, religious, and social institutions emerged in the English colonies.

    • 2.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how the values and institutions of European economic life took root in the colonies, and how slavery reshaped European and African life in the Americas.

  • RI.3. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: United States History

    Era 3: Revolution and the New Nation (1754-1820s).

    • 3.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the causes of the American Revolution, the ideas and interests involved in forging the revolutionary movement, and the reasons for the American victory.

    • 3.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the impact of the American Revolution on politics, economy and society.

    • 3.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the institutions and practices of government created during the Revolution and how they were revised between 1787 and 1815 to create the foundation of the American political system based on the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  • RI.4. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: United States History

    Era 4: Expansion and Reform (1801-1861).

    • 4.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the territorial expansion of the United States between 1801 and 1861, and how it affected relations with external powers and Native Americans.

    • 4.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how the industrial revolution, increasing immigration, the rapid expansion of slavery, and the westward movement changed the lives of Americans and led toward regional tensions.

    • 4.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the extension, restriction, and reorganization of political democracy after 1800.

    • 4.d. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the sources and character of cultural, religious, and social reform movements in the antebellum period.

  • RI.5. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: United States History

    Era 5: Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877).

    • 5.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the causes of the Civil War.

    • 5.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the course and character of the Civil War and its effects on the American people.

    • 5.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how various reconstruction plans succeeded or failed.

  • RI.6. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: United States History

    Era 6: The Development of the Industrial United States (1870-1900).

    • 6.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how the rise of corporations, heavy industry, and mechanized farming transformed the American people.

    • 6.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the massive immigration after 1870 and how new social patterns, conflicts and ideas of national unity developed amid growing cultural diversity.

    • 6.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the rise of the American labor movement and how political issues reflected social and economic changes.

    • 6.d. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands Federal Indian policy and the United States foreign policy after the Civil War.

  • RI.7. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: United States History

    Era 7: The Emergency of Modern America (1890-1930).

    • 7.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how Progressives and others addressed problems of industrial capitalism, urbanization, and political corruption.

    • 7.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the changing role of the United States in world affairs through World War I.

    • 7.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how the United States changed from the end of World War I to the eve of the Great Depression.

  • RI.8. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: United States History

    Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945).

    • 8.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the causes of the Great Depression and how it affected American Society.

    • 8.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how the New Deal addressed the Great Depression, transformed American federalism, and initiated the welfare state.

    • 8.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the causes and course of World War II, the character of the war at home and abroad, and its reshaping of the U.S. role in world affairs.

  • RI.9. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: United States History

    Era 9: Postwar United States (1945 to early 1970s).

    • 9.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the economic boom and social transformation of postwar United States.

    • 9.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how the Cold War and conflicts in Korea and Vietnam influenced domestic and international politics.

    • 9.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands domestic policies after World War II.

    • 9.d. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the struggle for racial and gender equality and the extension of civil Liberties.

  • RI.10. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: United States History

    Era 10: Contemporary United States (1968 to the Present).

    • 10.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands recent developments in foreign and domestic polities.

    • 10.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands economic, social, and cultural developments in contemporary United States.

  • RI.1. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: World History

    Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society.

    • 1.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the biological and cultural processes that gave rise to the earliest human communities.

    • 1.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the process that led to the emergency of agricultural societies around the world.

  • RI.2. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: World History

    Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples, 4000-1000 BCE.

    • 2.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the biological and cultural processes that gave rise to the earliest human communities.

    • 2.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the processes that led to the emergency of agricultural societies around the world.

    • 2.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the major characteristics of civilization and how civilizations emerged in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley.

    • 2.d. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how agrarian societies spread and new states emerged in the third and second millennia BCE.

  • RI.3. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: World History

    Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires, 1000 BCE-300 CE.

    • 3.a. Assessment Target: The student knows and understands the innovation and change from 1000-600 BCE

      horses, ships, iron, and monotheistic faith.

    • 3.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the emergency of Aegean civilization and how interrelations developed among peoples of the eastern Mediterranean and Southwest Asia, 600-200 BCE.

    • 3.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how major religions and large-scale empires arose in the Mediterranean basin, China, and India, 500 BCE-300 CE.

    • 3.d. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the development of early agrarian civilizations in Mesoamerica.

    • 3.e. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands major global trends from 1000 BCE-300 CE.

  • RI.4. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: World History

    Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter, 300-1000 CE.

    • 4.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the Imperial crises and their aftermath, 300-700 CE.

    • 4.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the causes and consequences of the rise of Islamic civilization in the 7th-10th centuries.

    • 4.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands major developments in East Asia and Southeast Asia in the era of the Tang dynasty, 600-900 CE.

    • 4.d. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the search for political, social, and cultural redefinition in Europe, 500-1000 CE.

    • 4.e. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the development of agricultural societies and new states in tropical Africa and Oceania.

    • 4.f. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the rise of centers of civilization in Mesoamerica and Andean South America in the first millennium CE.

    • 4.g. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the major global trends from 3000-1000 CE.

  • RI.5. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: World History

    Era 5: Intensified Hemispheric Interactions, 1000-1500 CE.

    • 5.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the maturing of an interregional system of communication, trade, and cultural exchange in an era of Chinese economic power and Islamic expansion.

    • 5.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the redefining of European society and culture, 1000-1300 CE.

    • 5.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the rise of the Mongol empire and its consequences for Eurasian peoples, 1200-1300.

    • 5.d. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the growth of states, towns, and trade in Sub-Saharan Africa between the 11th and 15th centuries.

    • 5.e. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the patterns of crisis and recovery in Afro-Eurasia, 1300-1450.

    • 5.f. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the expansion of states and civilizations in the Americas, 1000-1500.

    • 5.g. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the major global trends from 1000-1500 CE.

  • RI.6. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: World History

    Era 6: The Emergency of the First Global Age, 1450-1770.

    • 6.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how the transoceanic inter-linking of all major regions of the world from 1450-1600 led to global transformations.

    • 6.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how European society experienced political, economic, and cultural transformations in an age of global intercommunication, 1450-1750.

    • 6.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how large territorial empires dominated much of Eurasia between the 16th and 18th centuries.

    • 6.d. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands economic, political, and cultural interrelations among peoples of Africa, Europe and the Americas, 1500-1750.

    • 6.e. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands transformations in Asian societies in the era of European expansion.

    • 6.f. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the major global trends from 1450-1770.

  • RI.7. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: World History

    Era 7: An Age of Revolutions 1750-1914.

    • 7.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the causes and consequences of political revolutions in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

    • 7.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the causes and consequences of the agricultural and industrial revolutions 1700-1850.

    • 7.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the transformation of Eurasian societies in an era of global trade and rising European power, 1750-1870.

    • 7.d. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands patterns of nationalism, state building, and social reform in Europe and the Americas, 1830-1914.

    • 7.e. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands patterns of global change in the era of Western military and economic domination, 1800-1914.

    • 7.f. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the major global trends from 1750-1914.

  • RI.8. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: World History

    Era 8: A Half-Century of Crisis and Achievement, 1900-1945.

    • 8.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the reform, revolution, and social change in the world economy of the early century.

    • 8.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the causes and global consequences of World War I.

    • 8.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the search for peace and stability in the 1920s and 1930s.

    • 8.d. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the causes and global consequences of World War II.

    • 8.e. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the major global trends from 1900 to the end of World War II.

  • RI.9. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: World History

    Era 9: The 20th Century Since 1945: Promises and Paradoxes.

    • 9.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands how post-World War II reconstruction occurred, new international power relations took shape, and colonial empires broke up.

    • 9.b. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the search for community, stability, and peace in an interdependent world.

    • 9.c. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the major global trends since World War II.

  • RI.10. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: World History

    World History Across the Eras.

    • 10.a. Assessment Target:

      The student knows and understands the long-term changes and recurring patterns in world history.

  • RI.1. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Civics and Government

    Civic Life, Politics, and Government.

    • 1.a. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain the meaning of the terms civic life, politics, and government.

    • 1.b. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain the major arguments advanced for the necessity of politics and government.

    • 1.c. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain the essential characteristics of limited and unlimited government.

    • 1.d. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on the importance of the rule of law and on the sources, purposes, and functions of law.

    • 1.e. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain and evaluate the argument that civil society is a prerequisite of limited government.

    • 1.f. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain and evaluate competing ideas regarding the relationship between political and economic freedoms.

    • 1.g. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain different uses of the term constitution and to distinguish between governments with a constitution and a constitutional government.

    • 1.h. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain the various purposes served by constitutions.

    • 1.i. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on what conditions contribute to the establishment and maintenance of constitutional government.

    • 1.j. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to describe the major characteristics of systems of shared powers and of parliamentary systems.

    • 1.k. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of confederal, federal, and unitary systems of government.

    • 1.l. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on how well alternative forms of representation serve the purposes of constitutional government.

  • RI.2. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Civics and Government

    Foundations of the American Political System.

    • 2.a. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain the central ideas of American constitutional government and their history.

    • 2.b. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain the extent to which Americans have internalized the values and principles of the Constitution and attempted to make its ideals realities.

    • 2.c. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain how the following characteristics tend to distinguish American society from most other societies.

    • 2.d. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on the importance of voluntarism in American society.

    • 2.e. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on the contemporary role of organized groups in American social and political life.

    • 2.f. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues regarding diversity in American life.

    • 2.g. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain the importance of shared political and civic beliefs and values to the maintenance of constitutional democracy in an increasingly diverse American society.

    • 2.h. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to describe the character of American political conflict and explain factors that usually prevent it or lower its intensity.

    • 2.i. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain the meaning of the terms liberal and democracy in the phrase liberal democracy.

    • 2.j. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain how and why ideas of classical republicanism are reflected in the values and principles of American constitutional democracy.

    • 2.k. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of American political life are and their importance to the maintenance of constitutional democracy.

    • 2.l. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues in which fundamental values and principles may be in conflict.

    • 2.m. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions about issues concerning the disparities between American ideals and realities.

  • RI.3. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Civics and Government

    Purposes, Values, and Principles of American Democracy.

    • 3.a. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain how the United States Constitution grants and distributes power to national and state government and how it seeks to prevent the abuse of power.

    • 3.b. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues regarding the distribution of powers and responsibilities within the federal system.

    • 3.c. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues regarding the purposes, organization, and functions of the institutions of the national government.

    • 3.d. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues regarding the major responsibilities of the national government for domestic and foreign policy.

    • 3.e. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues regarding how government should raise money to pay for its operations and services.

    • 3.f. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues regarding the proper relationship between the national government and the state and local governments.

    • 3.g. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues regarding the relationships between state and local governments and citizen access to those governments.

    • 3.h. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to identify the major responsibilities of their state and local governments and evaluate how well they are being fulfilled.

    • 3.i. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on the role and importance of law in the American political system.

    • 3.j. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on current issues regarding judicial protection of individual rights.

    • 3.k. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions about how the public agenda is set.

    • 3.l. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions about the role of public opinion in American politics.

    • 3.m. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on the influence of the media on American political life.

    • 3.n. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions about the roles of political parties, campaigns, and elections in American politics.

    • 3.o. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions about the contemporary roles of associations and groups in American politics.

    • 3.p. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions about the formation and implementation of public policy.

  • RI.4. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Civics and Government

    World Affairs.

    • 4.a. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain how the world is organized politically.

    • 4.b. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain how nation-states interact with each other.

    • 4.c. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on the purposes and functions of international organizations in the world today.

    • 4.d. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain the principal foreign policy positions of the United States and evaluate their consequences.

    • 4.e. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions about how United States foreign policy is made and the means by which it is carried out.

    • 4.f. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on foreign policy issues in light of American national interests, values, and principles.

    • 4.g. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions about the impact of American political ideas on the world.

    • 4.h. Assessment Target:

      Student should be evaluate, take, and defend positions about the effects of significant international political developments on the United States and other nations.

    • 4.i. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions about the effects of significant economic, technological, and cultural developments in the United States and other nations.

    • 4.j. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions about what the response of American government at all levels should be to world demographic and environmental developments.

    • 4.k. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions about what the relationship of the United States should be to international organizations.

  • RI.5. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Civics and Government

    Roles of the Citizen in American Democracy.

    • 5.a. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain the meaning of Citizenship in the United States.

    • 5.b. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues regarding the criteria used for naturalization.

    • 5.c. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issue involving personal rights.

    • 5.d. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues regarding political rights.

    • 5.e. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues involving economic rights.

    • 5.f. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on the relationship among personal, political, and economic rights.

    • 5.g. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues regarding the proper scope and limits of rights.

    • 5.h. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues regarding the personal responsibilities of citizens in American constitutional democracy.

    • 5.i. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues regarding civic responsibilities of citizens in American constitutional democracy.

    • 5.j. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on the importance to American constitutional democracy of dispositions that lead individuals to become independent members of society.

    • 5.k. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on the importance to American constitutional democracy of dispositions that foster respect for individual worth and human dignity.

    • 5.l. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on the importance to American constitutional democracy of dispositions that incline citizens to public affairs.

    • 5.m. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on the importance to American constitutional democracy of dispositions that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in public affairs.

    • 5.n. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions on the relationship between politics and the attainment of individual and public goals.

    • 5.o. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain the difference between political and social participation.

    • 5.p. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions about the means that citizens should use to monitor and influence the formation and implementation of public policy.

    • 5.q. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to evaluate, take, and defend positions about the functions of leadership in an American constitutional democracy.

    • 5.r. Assessment Target:

      Student should be able to explain the importance of knowledge to competent and responsible participation in American democracy.

  • RI.1. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Economics.

    • 1.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that productive resources are limited.

    • 1.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that effective decision making requires comparing the additional costs of alternatives with the additional benefits.

    • 1.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that different methods can be used to allocate goods and services.

    • 1.d. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that people respond predictably to positive and negative incentives.

    • 1.e. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that voluntary exchange occurs only when all participating parties expect to gain.

    • 1.f. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that when individuals, regions, and nations specialize in what they can produce at the lowest cost and then trade with others, both production and consumption increase.

    • 1.g. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that markets exist when buyers and sellers interact.

    • 1.h. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that prices send signals and provide incentives to buyers and sellers.

    • 1.i. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that competition among sellers lowers costs and prices, and encourages producers to produce more of what consumers are willing and able to buy.

    • 1.j. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that institutions evolve in market economies to help individuals and groups accomplish their goals.

    • 1.k. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that money makes it easier to trade, borrow, save, invest, and compare the value of goods and services.

    • 1.l. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that interest rates, adjusted for inflation, rise and fall to balance the amount saved with the amount borrowed, which affects the allocation of scarce resources between present and future uses.

    • 1.m. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that income for most people is determined by the market value of the productive resources they sell.

    • 1.n. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that entrepreneurs are people who take the risks of organizing productive resources to make goods and services.

    • 1.o. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that investment in factories, machinery, new technology, and in the health, education, and training of people can raise future standards of living.

    • 1.p. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that there is an economic role for government in a market economy whenever the benefits of a government policy outweigh its costs.

    • 1.q. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that costs of government policies sometimes exceed benefits.

    • 1.r. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that a nation's overall levels of income, employment, and prices are determined by the interaction of spending and production decisions made by all households, firms, government agencies, and others in the economy.

    • 1.s. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that unemployment imposes costs on individuals and nations.

    • 1.t. Assessment Target:

      Student understands that federal government budgetary policy and the Federal Reserve System's monetary policy influence the overall levels of employment, output, and prices.

  • RI.1. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Geography

    The World in Spatial Terms.

    • 1.a. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how to use maps and other graphic representations to depict geographic problems.

    • 1.b. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how to use technologies to represent and interpret Earth's physical and human systems.

    • 1.c. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how to use geographic representations and tools to analyze, explain, and solve geographic problems.

    • 1.d. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how to use mental maps of physical and human features of the world to answer complex geographic questions.

    • 1.e. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how mental maps reflect the human perception of places.

    • 1.f. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how mental maps influence spatial and environmental decision-making.

    • 1.g. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the generalizations that describe and explain spatial interaction.

    • 1.h. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the models that describe patterns of spatial organization.

    • 1.i. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the spatial behavior of people.

    • 1.j. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how to apply concepts and models of spatial organization to make decisions.

  • RI.2. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Geography

    Places and Regions.

    • 2.a. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the meaning and significance of places.

    • 2.b. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the changing physical and human characteristics of places.

    • 2.c. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how relationships between humans and the physical environment lead to the formation of places and to a sense of personal and community identity.

    • 2.d. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how multiple criteria can be used to define a region.

    • 2.e. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the structure of regional systems.

    • 2.f. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the ways in which physical and human regional systems are interconnected.

    • 2.g. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how to use regions to analyze geographic issues.

    • 2.h. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands why places and regions serve as symbols for individuals and society.

    • 2.i. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands why different groups of people within a society view places and regions differently.

    • 2.j. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how changing perceptions of places and regions reflect cultural change.

  • RI.3. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Geography

    Physical Systems.

    • 3.a. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the dynamics of the four basic components of Earth's physical systems; the atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere.

    • 3.b. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the interaction of Earth's physical systems.

    • 3.c. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the spatial variation in the consequences of physical processes across Earth's surface.

    • 3.d. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the distribution and characteristics of ecosystems.

    • 3.e. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the biodiversity and productivity of ecosystems.

    • 3.f. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the importance of ecosystems in peoples understanding of environmental issues.

  • RI.4. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Geography

    Human Systems.

    • 4.a. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands trends in world population numbers and patterns.

    • 4.b. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the impact of human migration on physical human systems.

    • 4.c. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the impact of culture on ways of life in different regions.

    • 4.d. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how cultures shape the character of a region.

    • 4.e. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the spatial characteristics of the processes of cultural convergence and divergence.

    • 4.f. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the classification, characteristics, and spatial distribution of economic systems.

    • 4.g. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how places of various size function as centers of economic activity.

    • 4.h. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the increasing economic interdependence of the world's countries.

    • 4.i. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the functions, sizes, and spatial arrangements of urban area.

    • 4.j. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the differing characteristics of settlement in developing and developed countries.

    • 4.k. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the processes that change the internal structure of urban areas.

    • 4.l. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the evolving forms of present-day urban area.

    • 4.m. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands why and how cooperation and conflict are involved in shaping the distribution of social, political, and economic spaces on Earth at different scale .

    • 4.n. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the impact of multiple spatial divisions on people's daily lives.

    • 4.o. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how differing points of view and self-interests play a role in conflict over territory and resources.

  • RI.5. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Geography

    Environment and Society.

    • 5.a. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the role of technology in the capacity of the physical environment to accommodate human modification.

    • 5.b. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the significance of the global impacts of human modification of the physical environment.

    • 5.c. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how to apply appropriate models and information to understand environmental problems.

    • 5.d. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how changes in the physical environment can diminish its capacity to support human activity.

    • 5.e. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands strategies to respond to constraints placed on human systems by the physical environment.

    • 5.f. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how humans perceive and react to natural hazards.

    • 5.g. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how the spatial distribution of resources affects patterns of human settlement.

    • 5.h. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how resource development and use change over time.

    • 5.i. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the geographic results of policies and programs for resource use and management.

  • RI.6. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Geography

    Uses of Geography.

    • 6.a. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how processes of spatial change affect events and conditions.

    • 6.b. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how changing perceptions of places and environments affect the spatial behavior of people.

    • 6.c. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands the fundamental role that geographical context has played in affecting events in history.

    • 6.d. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how different points of view influence the development of policies designed to use and manage Earth's resources.

    • 6.e. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands contemporary issues in the context of spatial and environmental perspectives.

    • 6.f. Assessment Target:

      Student knows and understands how to use geographic knowledge, skills, and perspectives to analyze problems and make decisions.

  • RI.1. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology

    Introduction and Research Methods.

    • 1.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands contemporary perspectives used by psychologists to understand behavior and mental processes in context.

    • 1.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands major subfields and career opportunities that comprise psychology.

    • 1.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands research strategies used by psychologists to explore behavior and mental processes.

    • 1.d. Assessment Target:

      Student understands purpose and basic concepts of statistics.

    • 1.e. Assessment Target:

      Student understands ethical issues in research with human and other animals that are important to psychologists.

    • 1.f. Assessment Target:

      Student understands development of psychology as an empirical science.

  • RI.2. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology

    Biological Bases of Behavior.

    • 2.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands structure and function of the neuron.

    • 2.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands organization of the nervous system.

    • 2.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands hierarchical organization of the structure and function of the brain.

    • 2.d. Assessment Target:

      Student understands technologies and clinical methods for studying the brain.

    • 2.e. Assessment Target:

      Student understands specialized functions of the brain's hemispheres.

    • 2.f. Assessment Target:

      Student understands structure and function of the endocrine system.

    • 2.g. Assessment Target:

      Student understands how heredity interacts with environment to influence behavior.

    • 2.h. Assessment Target:

      Student understands how psychological mechanisms are influenced by evolution.

  • RI.3. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology

    Sensation and Perception.

    • 3.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands basic concepts explaining the capabilities and limitations of sensory processes.

    • 3.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands interaction of the person and the environment in determining perception.

    • 3.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands nature of attention.

  • RI.4. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology

    Motivation and Emotion.

    • 4.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands motivational concepts.

    • 4.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands biological and environmental cues instigating basic drives or motives.

    • 4.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands major theories of motivation.

    • 4.d. Assessment Target:

      Student understands interaction of biological and cultural factors in the development of motives.

    • 4.e. Assessment Target:

      Student understands role of values and expectancies in determining choice and strength of motivation.

    • 4.f. Assessment Target:

      Student understands physiological, affective, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of emotions and the interactions among these aspects.

    • 4.g. Assessment Target:

      Student understands effects of motivation and emotion on perception, cognition, and behavior.

  • RI.5. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology

    Stress, Coping, and Health.

    • 5.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands sources of stress.

    • 5.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands physiological reactions to stress.

    • 5.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands psychological reactions to stress.

    • 5.d. Assessment Target:

      Student understands cognitive and behavioral strategies for dealing with stress and promoting health.

  • RI.6. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology

    Lifespan development.

    • 6.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands development as a lifelong process.

    • 6.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands research techniques used to gather data on the developmental process.

    • 6.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands stage theories of development.

    • 6.d. Assessment Target:

      Student understands issues surrounding the developmental process (nature/nurture, continuity/discontinuity, stability/instability, critical periods).

    • 6.e. Assessment Target:

      Student understands impact of technology on aspects of the lifespan.

  • RI.7. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology


    • 7.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands characteristics of learning.

    • 7.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands principles of classical conditioning.

    • 7.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands principles of operant conditioning.

    • 7.d. Assessment Target:

      Student understands components of cognitive learning.

    • 7.e. Assessment Target:

      Student understands roles of biology and culture in determining learning.

  • RI.8. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology


    • 8.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands encoding, or getting information into memory.

    • 8.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands short-term and long-term memory systems.

    • 8.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands retrieval, or getting information out of memory.

    • 8.d. Assessment Target:

      Student understands biological bases of memory.

    • 8.e. Assessment Target:

      Student understands methods for improving memory.

  • RI.9. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology

    Thinking and Language.

    • 9.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands basic elements comprising thought.

    • 9.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands strategies and obstacles involved in problem solving and decision making.

    • 9.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands structural features of language.

    • 9.d. Assessment Target:

      Student understands theories and developmental stages of language acquisition.

    • 9.e. Assessment Target:

      Student understands links between thinking and language.

  • RI.10. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology

    States of Consciousness.

    • 10.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands characteristics of sleep and theories that explain why we sleep.

    • 10.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands theories used to explain and interpret dreams.

    • 10.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands basic phenomena and uses of hypnosis.

    • 10.d. Assessment Target:

      Student understands categories of psychoactive drugs and their effects.

  • RI.11. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology

    Individual Differences.

    • 11.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands concepts related to measurement of individual differences.

    • 11.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands influence and interaction of heredity and environment on individual differences.

    • 11.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands nature of intelligence.

    • 11.d. Assessment Target:

      Student understands nature of intelligence testing.

  • RI.12. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology

    Personality and Assessment.

    • 12.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands what is meant by personality and personality constructs.

    • 12.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands personality approaches and theories.

    • 12.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands assessment tools used in personality.

  • RI.13. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology

    Psychological Disorders.

    • 13.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands characteristics and origins of abnormal behavior.

    • 13.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands methods used in exploring abnormal behavior.

    • 13.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands major categories of abnormal behavior.

    • 13.d. Assessment Target:

      Student understands impact of mental disorders.

  • RI.14. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology

    Treatment of Psychological Disorders.

    • 14.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands prominent methods used to treat people with disorders.

    • 14.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands types of practitioners who implement treatment.

    • 14.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands legal and ethical challenges involved in delivery of treatment.

  • RI.15. Domain / Statement Of Enduring Knowledge: Psychology

    Social and Cultural Dimensions of Behavior.

    • 15.a. Assessment Target:

      Student understands social judgment and attitudes.

    • 15.b. Assessment Target:

      Student understands social and cultural categories.

    • 15.c. Assessment Target:

      Student understands group processes.

    • 15.d. Assessment Target:

      Student understands social influence.

Pennsylvania's Eleventh Grade Standards

Article Body
  • PA.5.1.12. Academic Standard: Civics and Government

    Principles and Documents of Government: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • 5.1.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the major arguments advanced for the necessity of government.

    • 5.1.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the sources, purposes and functions of law.

    • 5.1.12.C. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the importance of the principles and ideals of civic life.

    • 5.1.12.D. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the principles and ideals that shape the government of Pennsylvania and apply them to the government. (The Charter of 1681, Charter of Privileges, PA Constitution, its revisions and Amendments)

    • 5.1.12.E. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the principles and ideals that shape the United States and compare them to documents of government.

    • 5.1.12.F. Standard Statement:

      Analyze and assess the rights of the people as listed in the Pennsylvania Constitution and the Constitution of the United States.

    • 5.1.12.G. Standard Statement:

      Analyze and interpret the role of the United States Flag in civil disobedience and in patriotic activities.

    • 5.1.12.H. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the competing positions held by the framers of the basic documents of government of Pennsylvania and United States.

    • 5.1.12.I. Standard Statement:

      Analyze historical examples of the importance of the rule of law explaining the sources, purposes and functions of law.

    • 5.1.12.J. Standard Statement:

      Analyze how the law promotes the common good and protects individual rights.

    • 5.1.12.K. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the roles of symbols and holidays in society.

    • 5.1.12.L. Standard Statement:

      Analyze Pennsylvania and United States court decisions that have affected principles and ideals of government in civic life. (Civil rights, Commerce, Judicial review, Federal supremacy)

    • 5.1.12.M. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate and analyze the importance of significant political speeches and writings in civic life (e.g., Diary of Anne Frank, Silent Spring).

  • PA.5.2.12. Academic Standard: Civics and Government

    Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • 5.2.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate an individual's civic rights, responsibilities and duties in various governments.

    • 5.2.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate citizens' participation in government and civic life.

    • 5.2.12.C. Standard Statement:

      Interpret the causes of conflict in society and analyze techniques to resolve those conflicts.

    • 5.2.12.D. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate political leadership and public service in a republican form of government.

    • 5.2.12.E. Standard Statement:

      Analyze how participation in civic and political life leads to the attainment of individual and public goals.

    • 5.2.12.F. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate how individual rights may conflict with or support the common good.

    • 5.2.12.G. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate what makes a competent and responsible citizen.

  • PA.5.3.12. Academic Standard: Civics and Government

    How Government Works: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • 5.3.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Analyze and evaluate the structure, organization and operation of the local, state, and national governments including domestic and national policy-making.

    • 5.3.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the responsibilities and powers of the national government.

    • 5.3.12.C. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the process of how a bill becomes the law on federal, state, and local levels.

    • 5.3.12.D. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate how independent government agencies create, amend and enforce regulations.

    • 5.3.12.E. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the roles of political parties in election campaigns.

    • 5.3.12.F. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the elements of the election process.

    • 5.3.12.G. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate how the government protects or curtails individual rights and analyze the impact of supporting or opposing those rights.

    • 5.3.12.H. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the impact of interest groups on the political process.

    • 5.3.12.I. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate how and why government raises money to pay for its operations and services.

    • 5.3.12.J. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the role of media in political life in the United States and explain the role of the media in setting the public agenda.

    • 5.3.12.K. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of various systems of government. (Autocracy, Democracy, Oligarchy, Republic)

  • PA.5.4.12. Academic Standard: Civics and Government

    How International Relationships Function: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • 5.4.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the impact of international economic, technological and cultural developments on the government of the United States.

    • 5.4.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the United States' interaction with other nations and governmental groups in world events.

    • 5.4.12.C. Standard Statement:

      Compare how past and present United States' policy interests have changed over time and analyze the impact on future international relationships.

    • 5.4.12.D. Standard Statement:

      Explain how foreign policy is developed and implemented.

    • 5.4.12.E. Standard Statement:

      Compare the purposes and functions of international organizations. (Governmental (e.g., NATO, World Court, OAS); Non-governmental (e.g., International Red Cross, Amnesty International, World Council of Churches))

  • PA.6.1.12. Academic Standard: Economics

    Economic Systems: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • 6.1.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of traditional, command and market economies.

    • 6.1.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the impact of traditional, command and market economies on the United States economy.

    • 6.1.12.C. Standard Statement:

      Assess the strength of the regional, national and/or international economy and compare it to another time period based upon economic indicators.

    • 6.1.12.D. Standard Statement:

      Describe historical examples of expansion, recession, and depression internationally.

  • PA.6.2.12. Academic Standard: Economics

    Markets and the Functions of Governments: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • 6.2.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the flow of products, resources and money in a mixed economy.

    • 6.2.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the operation of noncompetitive markets.

    • 6.2.12.C. Standard Statement:

      Analyze policies designed to raise or lower interest rates and how the Federal Reserve Board influences interest rates.

    • 6.2.12.D. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate changes in economic institutions over time (e.g., stock markets, non-government organizations).

    • 6.2.12.E. Standard Statement:

      Predict how changes in supply and demand affect equilibrium price and quantity sold.

    • 6.2.12.F. Standard Statement:

      Identify and analyze forces that can change price. (Government actions, Weather conditions, International events)

    • 6.2.12.G. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate types of tax systems. (Progressive, Proportional, Regressive)

    • 6.2.12.H. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the economic roles of governments. (Macroeconomics (e.g., tariffs and quotas, exchange rates, trade balance); Microeconomics (e.g., price controls, monopolies, cartels))

    • 6.2.12.I. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate government decisions to provide public goods.

    • 6.2.12.J. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the social, political and economic changes in tax policy using cost/benefit analysis.

    • 6.2.12.K. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the impact of media on decision-making of consumers, producers and policymakers.

    • 6.2.12.L. Standard Statement:

      Analyze how policies and international events may change exchange rates.

  • PA.6.3.12. Academic Standard: Economics

    Scarcity and Choice: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • 6.3.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Analyze actions taken as a result of scarcity issues in the regional, national and international economies.

    • 6.3.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the economic reasoning behind a choice.

    • 6.3.12.C. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the allocation of resources used to produce goods and services.

    • 6.3.12.D. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate regional, national or international economic decisions using marginal analysis.

    • 6.3.12.E. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the opportunity cost of decisions by individuals, businesses, communities and nations.

    • 6.3.12.F. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate in terms of marginal analysis how incentives influence decisions of consumers, producers and policy makers.

  • PA.6.4.12. Academic Standard: Economics

    Economic Interdependence: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • 6.4.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Analyze how specialization may increase the standard of living.

    • 6.4.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the relationships between trade, competition and productivity.

    • 6.4.12.C. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate how a nation might benefit by lowering or removing trade barriers.

    • 6.4.12.D. Standard Statement:

      Explain how the location of resources, transportation and communication networks and technology have affected international economic patterns.

    • 6.4.12.E. Standard Statement:

      Analyze how United States consumers and producers participate in the global production and consumption of goods or services.

    • 6.4.12.F. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate how trade is influenced by comparative advantage and opportunity costs.

    • 6.4.12.G. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate characteristics and distribution of international economic activities. (Primary - extractive industries (i.e., farming, fishing, forestry, mining); Secondary - materials processing industries (i.e., manufacturing); Tertiary - service industries (e.g., retailing, wholesaling, finance, real estate, travel and tourism, transportation))

  • PA.6.5.12. Academic Standard: Economics

    Work and Earnings: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • 6.5.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the factors influencing wages. (Demand for goods and services produced, Labor unions, Productivity, Education/skills)

    • 6.5.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate how changes in education, incentives, technology and capital investment alter productivity.

    • 6.5.12.C. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the costs and benefits of organizing a business as a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation.

    • 6.5.12.D. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the role of profits and losses in the allocation of resources in a market economy.

    • 6.5.12.E. Standard Statement:

      Compare distribution of wealth across nations.

    • 6.5.12.F. Standard Statement:

      Assess the impact of entrepreneurs on the economy.

    • 6.5.12.G. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the risks and returns of various investments. (Stocks, Bonds, Mutual funds, Savings bonds, Retirement savings (e.g., Individual Retirement Account (IRA), Keogh, 401K), Savings accounts (e.g., passbook, certificate of deposit))

    • 6.5.12.H. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate benefits and costs of changes in interest rates for individuals and society.

  • PA.7.1.12. Academic Standard: Geography

    Basic Geographic Literacy: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • 7.1.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Analyze data and issues from a spatial perspective using the appropriate geographic tools.

      • 7.1.12.A.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Spatial patterns of human features that change over time (e.g., intervening opportunity, distance decay, central place theory, locational preference).

      • 7.1.12.A.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Physical patterns of physical features that change over time (e.g., climate change, erosion, ecological invasion and succession).

      • 7.1.12.A.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Human and physical features of the world through mental maps

    • 7.1.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the location of places and regions.

      • 7.1.12.B.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Changing regional characteristics (e.g., short- and long-term climate shifts; population growth or decline; political instability).

      • 7.1.12.B.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Criteria to define a region (e.g., the reshaping of south Florida resulting from changing migration patterns; the US-Mexico border changes as a function of NAFTA; metropolitan growth in the Philadelphia region).

      • 7.1.12.B.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Cultural change (e.g., influence on people's perceptions of places and regions)

  • PA.7.2.12. Academic Standard: Geography

    The Physical Characteristics of Places and Regions: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • 7.2.12.A. Standard Statement: Analyze the physical characteristics of places and regions including the interrelationships among the components of Earth's physical systems

      Biomes and ecosystem regions; Watersheds and river basins; World patterns of biodiversity.

    • 7.2.12.B. Standard Statement: Analyze the significance of physical processes in shaping the character of places and regions

      Circulation of the oceans; Ecosystem processes; Atmospheric systems; Extreme natural events.

  • PA.7.3.12. Academic Standard: Geography

    The Human Characteristics of Places and Regions: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • 7.3.12.A. Standard Statement: Analyze the significance of human activity in shaping places and regions by their population characteristics

      • 7.3.12.A.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Spatial distribution, size, density and demographic characteristics of population at the international level.

      • 7.3.12.A.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Demographic trends and their impacts on patterns of population distribution (e.g., carrying capacity, changes in fertility, changes in immigration policy, the mobility transition model).

      • 7.3.12.A.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Impact of movement on human systems (e.g., refugees, guest workers, illegal aliens).

    • 7.3.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the significance of human activity in shaping places and regions by their cultural characteristics.

      • 7.3.12.B.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Cultural conflicts (e.g., over language (Canada), over political power (Spain), over economic opportunities (Mexico)).

      • 7.3.12.B.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Forces for cultural convergence (e.g., the diffusion of foods, fashions, religions, language).

    • 7.3.12.C. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the significance of human activity in shaping places and regions by their settlement characteristics.

      • 7.3.12.C.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Description of current and past settlement patterns at the international scale (e.g., global cities).

      • 7.3.12.C.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Use of models of the internal structure of cities (e.g., concentric zone, sector, multiple nuclei).

      • 7.3.12.C.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Forces that have reshaped settlement patterns (e.g., commuter railroads, urban freeways, the development of megalopolis and edge cities).

    • 7.3.12.D. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the significance of human activity in shaping places and regions by their economic characteristics.

      • 7.3.12.D.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Changes in spatial distribution of economic activities at the global scale (e.g., patterns of agriculture, forestry, mining, retailing, manufacturing, services).

      • 7.3.12.D.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Forces that are reshaping business (e.g., the information economy, business globalization, the development of off-shore activities).

      • 7.3.12.D.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Effects of changes and movements in factors of production (e.g., resources, labor, capital).

    • 7.3.12.E. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the significance of human activity in shaping places and regions by their political characteristics.

      • 7.3.12.E.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Spatial pattern of political units in the global system.

      • 7.3.12.E.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Role of new political alliances on the international level (e.g., multinational organizations, worker's unions, United Nations' organizations).

      • 7.3.12.E.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Impact of political conflicts (e.g., secession, fragmentation, insurgencies, invasions).

  • PA.7.4.12. Academic Standard: Geography

    The Interactions Between People and Places: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to:

    • 7.4.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the impacts of physical systems on people.

      • 7.4.12.A.1 Standard Descriptor:

        How people depend on, adjust to and modify physical systems on international scales (e.g., resource development of oil, coal, timber).

      • 7.4.12.A.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Ways in which people modify ways of life to accommodate different environmental contexts (e.g., building in permafrost areas; the role of air-conditioning in the United States South and Southwest; the development of enclosed spaces for movement in cold climates).

    • 7.4.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Analyze the impacts of people on physical systems.

      • 7.4.12.B.1 Standard Descriptor:

        How people develop international agreements to manage environmental issues (e.g., Rio de Janeiro Agreement, the Law of the Sea, the Antarctica Treaty).

      • 7.4.12.B.2 Standard Descriptor:

        How local and regional processes can have global effects (e.g., wind and hydroelectric power transmitted across regions, water use and irrigation for crop production).

      • 7.4.12.B.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Sustainability of resources (e.g., reforestation, conservation).

      • 7.4.12.B.4 Standard Descriptor:

        World patterns of resource distribution and utilization (e.g., oil trade, regional electrical grids).

  • PA.8.1.12. Academic Standard: History

    Historical Analysis and Skills Development: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to analyze cultural, economic, geographic, political and social relations to:

    • 8.1.12.A. Standard Statement: Evaluate chronological thinking

      Sequential order of historical narrative; Continuity and change; Context for events.

    • 8.1.12.B. Standard Statement: Synthesize and evaluate historical sources

      Literal meaning of historical passages; Data in historical and contemporary maps, graphs and tables; Different historical perspectives; Data presented in maps, graphs and tables; Visual data presented in historical evidence.

    • 8.1.12.C. Standard Statement: Evaluate historical interpretation of events

      Impact of opinions on the perception of facts; Issues and problems in the past; Multiple points of view; Illustrations in historical stories and sources; Connections between causes and results; Author or source of historical narratives' points of view; Central issue.

    • 8.1.12.D. Standard Statement: Synthesize historical research

      Historical event (time and place); Facts, folklore and fiction; Historical questions; Primary sources; Secondary sources; Conclusions (e.g., Senior Projects, research papers, debates); Credibility of evidence.

  • PA.8.2.12. Academic Standard: History

    Pennsylvania History: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to analyze cultural, economic, geographic, political and social relations to:

    • 8.2.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the political and cultural contributions of individuals and groups to Pennsylvania history from 1890 to Present.

      • 8.2.12.A.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Political Leaders (e.g., Gifford Pinchot, Genevieve Blatt, K. Leroy Irvis).

      • 8.2.12.A.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Military Leaders (e.g., Tasker H. Bliss, Henry 'Hap' Arnold, George C. Marshall).

      • 8.2.12.A.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Cultural and Commercial Leaders (e.g., Milton Hershey, Marian Anderson, Fred Rogers).

      • 8.2.12.A.4 Standard Descriptor:

        Innovators and Reformers (e.g., Frank Conrad, Rachel Carson, Joseph Rothrock).

    • 8.2.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Identify and evaluate primary documents, material artifacts and historic sites important in Pennsylvania history from 1890 to Present.

      • 8.2.12.B.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Documents, Writings and Oral Traditions (e.g., Constitution of 1968, Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, Pennsylvania historical markers).

      • 8.2.12.B.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Artifacts, Architecture and Historic Places (e.g., 28th Division Shrine, Fallingwater, Levittown, Allegheny Ridge heritage corridor).

    • 8.2.12.C. Standard Statement:

      Identify and evaluate how continuity and change have influenced Pennsylvania history from the 1890s to Present.

      • 8.2.12.C.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Belief Systems and Religions (e.g., Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism).

      • 8.2.12.C.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Commerce and Industry (e.g., work of defense industries, rise and decline of the steel industry, increase of service industries).

      • 8.2.12.C.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Innovations (e.g., polio vaccine, air pollution examined, nuclear power plants).

      • 8.2.12.C.4 Standard Descriptor:

        Politics (e.g., Great Depression special legislative session, creation of the state income tax).

      • 8.2.12.C.5 Standard Descriptor:

        Settlement Patterns (e.g., growth and decline of cities, coal towns, Pittsburgh Renaissance).

      • 8.2.12.C.6 Standard Descriptor:

        Social Organization (e.g., creation of the State Soil Conservation Commission, First Amendment challenges to education, social services).

      • 8.2.12.C.7 Standard Descriptor:

        Transportation (e.g., Pennsylvania Turnpike, Interstate highways, international airports).

      • 8.2.12.C.8 Standard Descriptor:

        Women's Movement (e.g., League of Women Voters, Commission on Women).

    • 8.2.12.D. Standard Statement:

      Identify and evaluate conflict and cooperation among social groups and organizations in Pennsylvania history from 1890 to Present.

      • 8.2.12.D.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Domestic Instability (e.g., The Great Depression, Three-Mile Island nuclear accident, floods of 1936, 1972 and 1977).

      • 8.2.12.D.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Ethnic and Racial Relations (e.g., segregation, desegregation, racial profiling).

      • 8.2.12.D.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Labor Relations (e.g., strikes, work stoppages, collective bargaining).

      • 8.2.12.D.4 Standard Descriptor:

        Immigration (e.g., increased immigration from Europe, migration of African-Americans from the South, influx of Hispanic and Asian peoples).

      • 8.2.12.D.5 Standard Descriptor:

        Military Conflicts (e.g., World War I, World War II, Persian Gulf War).

  • PA.8.3.12. Academic Standard: History

    United States History: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to analyze cultural, economic, geographic, political and social relations to:

    • 8.3.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Identify and evaluate the political and cultural contributions of individuals and groups to United States history from 1890 to Present.

      • 8.3.12.A.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Political Leaders (e.g., Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt).

      • 8.3.12.A.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Military Leaders (e.g., John Pershing, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower).

      • 8.3.12.A.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Cultural and Commercial Leaders (e.g., Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, Langston Hughes, Alan Greenspan).

      • 8.3.12.A.4 Standard Descriptor:

        Innovators and Reformers (e.g., Wilbur and Orville Wright, John L. Lewis, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King).

    • 8.3.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Identify and evaluate primary documents, material artifacts and historic sites important in United States history from 1890 to Present.

      • 8.3.12.B.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Documents (e.g., Treaty of Versailles, North Atlantic Treaty, Neutrality Acts).

      • 8.3.12.B.2 Standard Descriptor:

        20th Century Writings and Communication (e.g., Coolidge's 'The Business of America is Business,' King's 'I Have A Dream,' Armstrong's 'One Small Step for Man').

      • 8.3.12.B.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Historic Places (e.g., Ellis Island, Pearl Harbor, Los Alamos).

    • 8.3.12.C. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate how continuity and change has influenced United States history from 1890 to Present.

      • 8.3.12.C.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Belief Systems and Religions (e.g., 20th century movements, religions of recent immigrants).

      • 8.3.12.C.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Commerce and Industry (e.g., corporations, conglomerates, multinational corporations).

      • 8.3.12.C.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Innovations (e.g., the Tin Lizzie, radio, World Wide Web).

      • 8.3.12.C.4 Standard Descriptor:

        Politics (e.g., New Deal legislation, Brown v. Topeka, isolationist/non-isolationist debate).

      • 8.3.12.C.5 Standard Descriptor:

        Settlement Patterns (e.g., suburbs, large urban centers, decline of city population).

      • 8.3.12.C.6 Standard Descriptor:

        Social Organization (e.g., compulsory school laws, court decisions expanding individual rights, technological impact).

      • 8.3.12.C.7 Standard Descriptor:

        Transportation and Trade (e.g., expansion and decline of railroads, increased mobility, Internet).

      • 8.3.12.C.8 Standard Descriptor:

        Women's Movement (e.g., right to vote, women in the war effort, Women's Peace Party).

    • 8.3.12.D. Standard Statement:

      Identify and evaluate conflict and cooperation among social groups and organizations in United States history from 1890 to the Present.

      • 8.3.12.D.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Domestic Instability (e.g., Great Depression, assassination of political and social leaders, terrorist threats).

      • 8.3.12.D.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Ethnic and Racial Relations (e.g., internment camps for Japanese Americans, Montgomery Alabama Bus Boycott, land tensions with Native Americans).

      • 8.3.12.D.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Labor Relations (e.g., rise and decline of industrial unions, free trade agreements, imports impact on domestic employment).

      • 8.3.12.D.4 Standard Descriptor:

        Immigration and Migration (e.g., anti-immigrant attitudes, quota laws, westward and southward migration).

      • 8.3.12.D.5 Standard Descriptor:

        Military Conflicts (e.g., World War I, World War II, War on Terrorism).

  • PA.8.4.12. Academic Standard: History

    World History: Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to analyze cultural, economic, geographic, political and social relations to:

    • 8.4.12.A. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate the significance of individuals and groups who made major political and cultural contributions to world history since 1450.

      • 8.4.12.A.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Political and Military Leaders (e.g., Askia Daud, Simon Bolivar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mao Zedong).

      • 8.4.12.A.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Cultural and Commercial Leaders (e.g., Chinua Achebe, Gabriel Garcia Marquiez, Akira Kurosa, Christopher Columbus).

      • 8.4.12.A.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Innovators and Reformers (e.g., Nelson Mandela, Louis-Joseph Papineau, Mohandas Gandhi, Alexander Fleming).

    • 8.4.12.B. Standard Statement:

      Evaluate historical documents, material artifacts and historic sites important to world history since 1450.

      • 8.4.12.B.1 Standard Descriptor:

        Documents, Writings and Oral Traditions (e.g., Declaration of the International Conference on Sanctions Against South Africa; Monroe Doctrine, Communist Manifesto, Luther's Ninety-five Theses).

      • 8.4.12.B.2 Standard Descriptor:

        Artifacts, Architecture and Historic Places (e.g., Robben Island, New York World Trade Center, Hiroshima Ground Zero Memorial, Nazi concentration camps).

      • 8.4.12.B.3 Standard Descriptor:

        Historic districts (e.g., Timbuktu, Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco, Taj Mahal and Gardens, Kremlin and Red Square).

    • 8.4.12.C. Standard Statement: Evaluate how continuity and change throughout history has impacted belief systems and religions, commerce and industry, innovations, settlement patterns, social organization, transportation and roles of women since 1450

      Africa; Americas; Asia; Europe.

    • 8.4.12.D. Standard Statement: Evaluate how conflict and cooperation among social groups and organizations impacted world history from 1450 to Present in Africa, Americas, Asia and Europe

      Domestic Instability; Ethnic and Racial Relations; Labor Relations; Immigration and Migration; Military Conflicts.

Oklahoma's Eleventh Grade Standards

Article Body
  • OK.1. Content Standard / Course: Economics

    The student will evaluate how societies answer the three basic economic questions: what goods and services to produce, how to produce them and for whom are they produced?

    • 1.1. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the different economic systems used to allocate resource, goods and services and wealth in other countries around the world.

    • 1.2. Strand / Standard:

      Compare the relative size and responsibilities of governments in different countries.

  • OK.2. Content Standard / Course: Economics

    The student will explain how prices are set in a market economy by using supply and demand graphs, and determine how prices provide incentives to buyers and sellers.

    • 2.1. Strand / Standard:

      Determine how price and non-price factors affect the demand and supply of goods and services available in the marketplace.

    • 2.2. Strand / Standard:

      Explain what causes shortages and surpluses, including government imposed price floors and price ceilings; and determine the impact they have on prices and people's decisions to buy or sell.

  • OK.3. Content Standard / Course: Economics

    The student will evaluate how changes in the level of competition in different markets affect prices.

    • 3.1. Strand / Standard:

      Explain how competition among sellers lowers costs and prices while encouraging producers to produce more, and competition among buyers increases prices and allocates goods and services to those persons willing and able to pay higher prices.

    • 3.2. Strand / Standard:

      Explain how people's own self-interest helps markets make decisions.

  • OK.4. Content Standard / Course: Economics

    The student will describe the role of economic institutions (e.g., banks, labor unions, corporations, legal systems, and not-for-profits) in a market economy.

    • 4.1. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the impact of different institutions in a market economy (e.g., the legal system ensuring private property rights, banks matching savers with borrowers, and corporations allowing people to pool their incomes and provide future income through investing in stocks).

    • 4.2. Strand / Standard:

      Describe how some institutions (e.g., labor unions, religious organizations, and not for-profits) work to promote the goals of certain interest groups.

  • OK.5. Content Standard / Course: Economics

    The student will analyze how money makes it easier to trade, borrow, save, invest, and compare the value of goods and services.

    • 5.1. Strand / Standard:

      Explain how individuals, businesses and the overall economy benefit from using money.

    • 5.2. Strand / Standard:

      Determine the components of the money supply in the United States (e.g., currency, coins, and checking account deposits).

    • 5.3. Strand / Standard:

      Identify the different functions of money and give examples of each.

    • 5.4. Strand / Standard:

      Explain how the value of money is determined by the goods and services it can buy.

  • OK.6. Content Standard / Course: Economics

    The student will evaluate the role of interest rates in a market economy.

    • 6.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify current interest rates on different kinds of savings instruments and loans, and compare those rates with current interest rates on credit cards.

    • 6.2. Strand / Standard:

      Discuss the relationship between interest rates and inflation rates, and determine how changes in real interest rates impact people's decisions to borrow money and purchase goods.

    • 6.3. Strand / Standard:

      Determine the factors affecting the differences in interest rates (e.g., new versus used car loans, home mortgages, and good versus bad credit ratings).

  • OK.7. Content Standard / Course: Economics

    The student will explain the role of entrepreneurs, risks, and profits in a market economy.

    • 7.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify an entrepreneur and describe how his/her decisions affect job opportunities for others.

    • 7.2. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the potential risks and potential gains of entrepreneurs opening new businesses or inventing a new product, and determine the non-financial incentives that motivate them, and the risks or disincentives they face.

  • OK.8. Content Standard / Course: Economics

    The student will evaluate the economic role of government in a market economy.

    • 8.1. Strand / Standard:

      Explain the role that government has in dealing with issues, such as poverty, pollution, and medical research.

    • 8.2. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the costs and benefits of government assistance programs, education and other government-funded projects.

    • 8.3. Strand / Standard:

      Identify projects or programs where the cost of government policies may have exceeded the economic benefits received, and explain why government would continue supporting such projects.

  • OK.9. Content Standard / Course: Economics

    The student will determine current economic conditions in the United States, and explain how these conditions have an impact on consumers, producers, and government policymakers.

    • 9.1. Strand / Standard:

      Explain what gross domestic product (GDP) is and how it can be used to describe economic output over time.

    • 9.2. Strand / Standard:

      Compare the GDP per capita in the United States with the same data for other countries.

    • 9.3. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the impact on the economy when GDP is growing or declining.

  • OK.10. Content Standard / Course: Economics

    The student will explain the role of inflation and unemployment in an economic system.

    • 10.1. Strand / Standard:

      Define inflation and unemployment, and explain the impact they have on an economy.

    • 10.2. Strand / Standard:

      Determine when the United States historically has faced high unemployment, high inflation, low unemployment, and low inflation; and identify the economic conditions that existed during those times.

    • 10.3. Strand / Standard:

      Give examples of the types of unemployment and analyze the differences among them.

    • 10.4. Strand / Standard:

      Determine how inflation is measured and the impact it has on different sectors of the economy.

  • OK.11. Content Standard / Course: Economics

    The student will identify the potential economic impact of policy changes by the Federal Reserve and the federal government.

    • 11.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify historical examples of fiscal policies, and explain why they were adopted.

    • 11.2. Strand / Standard:

      Determine the differences between federal deficits and surpluses, and their impact on the economy.

    • 11.3. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the tools of monetary policy and its impact on the economy.

    • 11.4. Strand / Standard:

      Determine when the federal government and the Federal Reserve should use expansionary or contractionary policies.

  • OK.1. Content Standard / Course: Oklahoma History

    The student will demonstrate process skills in social studies.

    • 1.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify, analyze, and interpret primary and secondary sources (e.g., artifacts, diaries, letters, art, music, literature, photographs, documents, newspapers, and contemporary media).

    • 1.2. Strand / Standard:

      Identify, evaluate, and explain the relationships between the geography of Oklahoma and its historical development by using different kinds of maps, graphs, charts, diagrams, and other representations such as photographs, satellite-produced images, and computer-based technologies.

    • 1.3. Strand / Standard:

      Interpret information from a broad selection of research materials (e.g., encyclopedias, almanacs, dictionaries, atlases, and cartoons).

    • 1.4. Strand / Standard:

      Construct and examine timelines of Oklahoma history (e.g., removal and relocation of Native American groups, economic cycles, immigration patterns, and the results of redistricting and statewide elections).

  • OK.2. Content Standard / Course: Oklahoma History

    The student will describe both European and American exploration and claims to the territory that would become Oklahoma.

    • 2.1. Strand / Standard:

      Explain the significance of early Spanish and French expeditions (e.g., Coronado, Onate, and LaHarpe).

    • 2.2. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the lasting impact of American exploration, including the Pike, Wilkinson, and Long expeditions.

    • 2.3. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the impact of territorial claims on the development of the state of Oklahoma, including the Louisiana Purchase and Adams-Onis Treaty.

  • OK.3. Content Standard / Course: Oklahoma History

    The student will evaluate the social, economic, and political development and contributions of Native Americans from prehistoric settlement through modern times.

    • 3.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify and describe significant phases of prehistoric cultures, including the Paleo Indians (Clovis points), Archaic Indians (Folsom points), the Mound Builders, and the Plains Tribes.

    • 3.2. Strand / Standard:

      Trace the movement of other North American peoples into present-day Oklahoma, including the Five Tribes, Plains Tribes, and Eastern Tribes.

    • 3.3. Strand / Standard:

      Compare and contrast cultural perspectives (e.g., land ownership and use, agricultural methods, production and distribution of commodities, and trading practices) of Native Americans and European Americans.

    • 3.4. Strand / Standard:

      Identify significant historical and contemporary Native Americans (e.g., John Ross, Sequoyah, Quanah Parker, Jim Thorpe, Will Rogers, the Five Indian Ballerinas, the Kiowa Five, and Wilma Mankiller).

  • OK.4. Content Standard / Course: Oklahoma History

    The student will evaluate the major political and economic events prior to statehood.

    • 4.1. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze tribal alliances, river transportation, and the fur trade, and their relationship to early mercantile settlements (e.g., Fort Towson, Fort Gibson, Fort Coffee, Fort Washita, and Chouteau's Trading Post).

    • 4.2. Strand / Standard:

      Explain the significance of the Civil War in Indian Territory and the prominent figures and groups that fought in its battles (e.g., Stand Watie, General James Blunt, General Douglas Cooper, and the 1st Kansas Colored Regiment).

    • 4.3. Strand / Standard:

      Assess the impact of the cattle industry (e.g., cattle trails, railheads and cow towns in Kansas, and the location of railroad lines).

    • 4.4. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the impact and importance of the various means of distributing land in Oklahoma (e.g., allotments, land runs, lottery, and Supreme Court settlement).

  • OK.5. Content Standard / Course: Oklahoma History

    The student will describe the development of constitutional government in Oklahoma.

    • 5.1. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the work of the Dawes Commission and the distribution of lands to non Native American settlers.

    • 5.2. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the development of governments among the Native American tribes; the movement towards the all-Indian state of Sequoyah; the movement for single statehood; and the impact and influence of the Enabling Act and the Constitutional Convention.

  • OK.6. Content Standard / Course: Oklahoma History

    The student will investigate the geography and economic assets of Oklahoma and trace their effects on the history of the state.

    • 6.1. Strand / Standard:

      Locate the significant physical and human features of the state on a map (e.g., major waterways, cities, natural resources, military installations, major highways, and major landform regions).

    • 6.2. Strand / Standard:

      Examine how economic cycles (e.g., the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, and oil boom and bust) have affected and continue to affect major sectors of state employment (e.g., fossil fuels, timber, mining, tourism, the military, and agriculture).

  • OK.7. Content Standard / Course: Oklahoma History

    The student will examine major cultural and ethnic groups represented in Oklahoma.

    • 7.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify cultural and ethnic groups in Oklahoma (e.g., African Americans, Eastern Europeans, Italians, Germans, and Vietnamese) and explore the causes and effects of their immigration and settlement patterns.

    • 7.2. Strand / Standard:

      Trace the cultural, political, and economic contributions of these groups.

  • OK.8. Content Standard / Course: Oklahoma History

    The student will examine factors that contributed to the political, economic, and social history of Oklahoma during the twentieth century.

    • 8.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify significant individuals and their contributions (e.g., Jerome Tiger, Frank Phillips, Kate Barnard, Angie Debo, Ada Lois Sipuel, Clara Luper, George Lynn Cross, Ralph Ellison, Robert S. Kerr, Henry Bellmon, and Reba McEntire).

    • 8.2. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the impact of the Populist Movement, the Temperance Movement, the Dust Bowl, and political corruption (e.g., Ku Klux Klan activities; the prosecutions and convictions of Governor David Hall and the county commissioners) on Oklahoma history.

    • 8.3. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the historical evolution of race relations in Oklahoma (e.g., the significance of Jim Crow laws, the Tulsa Race Riot, and the contributions of Governor Raymond Gary to the peaceful integration of public facilities).

  • OK.1. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will demonstrate process skills in social studies.

    • 1.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify, analyze, and interpret primary and secondary sources, such as artifacts, letters, photographs, art, documents, newspapers, and contemporary media (e.g., television, motion pictures, and computer-based technologies) that reflect events in United States government and politics.

    • 1.2. Strand / Standard:

      Interpret economic and political issues as expressed in maps, tables, diagrams, charts, political cartoons, and economic graphs.

    • 1.3. Strand / Standard:

      Make distinctions among propaganda, fact and opinion; evaluate cause and effect relationships; and draw conclusions in examining documentary sources.

    • 1.4. Strand / Standard:

      Develop discussion, debate, and persuasive writing and speaking skills, focusing on enduring issues (e.g., individual rights vs. the common good, and problems of intolerance toward cultural, ethnic, and religious groups).

  • OK.2. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will define government as the formal institution with the authority to make and implement binding decisions about such matters as distribution of resources, allocation of benefits and burdens, and management of conflicts.

  • OK.3. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will analyze the philosophical and historical development of government as an institution.

    • 3.1. Strand / Standard:

      Discuss the development of democracy in ancient Greece and Rome, the United Kingdom, and the American colonies.

    • 3.2. Strand / Standard:

      Examine and interpret the contributions of Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Blackstone to contemporary political theory and governmental structure.

  • OK.4. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will describe the purpose of government and analyze how its powers are acquired, used, and justified.

    • 4.1. Strand / Standard:

      Distinguish between civic life (i.e., the public life of the citizen concerned with community and national affairs) and private life (i.e., the personal life of the individual devoted to the pursuit of private interests).

    • 4.2. Strand / Standard:

      Examine political authority, its sources and functions, and the difference between authority and power without authority.

    • 4.3. Strand / Standard:

      Distinguish between and explain the essential characteristics of limited and unlimited governments, and identify historical and contemporary examples of each.

    • 4.4. Strand / Standard:

      Research examples of formal institutions with the authority to control and direct the behavior of those in a society (e.g., tribal councils, courts, monarchies, and democratic legislatures).

  • OK.5. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will compare and contrast how governments are organized in terms of the number of people who have access to power (i.e., despotism, oligarchy, republic, and democracy), where power is located (i.e., unitary, federal, and confederal), and the relationship between the legislative and executive branches (i.e., presidential and parliamentary).

  • OK.6. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will analyze and describe examples of fundamental United States constitutional principles contained in the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution, Federalist Papers, and the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments.

  • OK.7. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will identify and explain the fundamental concepts of the system of government of the United States.

    • 7.1. Strand / Standard:

      This includes the equality of all citizens under the law; majority rule and minority rights; the fundamental worth and dignity of the individual; the necessity of compromise; individual freedom; the rule of law; constitutionalism and limited government; democracy and republicanism; consent of the governed; and liberties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities.

  • OK.8. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will analyze the United States Constitution.

    • 8.1. Strand / Standard:

      This includes purposes expressed in the Preamble; branches of government; powers and limitations; and the amendment process.

  • OK.9. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will compare and contrast the roles of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government at the national, state, and local levels.

    • 9.1. Strand / Standard:

      This includes structures, functions, and authority; federalism; separation of powers; checks and balances; the extent to which power is shared rather than divided or separated (i.e., concurrent powers); and procedures for constitutional and charter amendment.

  • OK.10. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will analyze how the Constitution has evolved since 1789.

    • 10.1. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the constitutional amendments, the conflicts or issues they addressed, and the reasons for their adoption.

    • 10.2. Strand / Standard:

      Identify and explain the basic rulings in landmark Supreme Court cases, including Marbury v. Madison (1803), McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954), Mapp v. Ohio (1961), Miranda v. Arizona (1966), Furman v. Georgia (1972), United States v. Nixon (1974), and Gregg v. Georgia (1976).

  • OK.11. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will explain and give contemporary examples of how political parties, interest groups, the media, and individuals influence the policy agenda and decision-making of government institutions.

  • OK.12. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will describe the components of campaigns for national, state and local elective office, including the nominative process; campaign funding and spending, the influence of the media, advertising, and polling; reapportionment and redistricting; the role of the electoral college; and the term-limitation movement.

  • OK.13. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will explain the rights, responsibilities, and benefits of citizenship in the United States, such as voting, jury duty, obedience to lawful authority, and private ownership of property.

  • OK.14. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will compare and contrast the political and economic systems of the United States with those of major democratic and authoritarian nations.

  • OK.15. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will identify and distinguish among the units of local government in Oklahoma (i.e., counties, cities, towns, and regional authorities) by analyzing local public issues.

  • OK.16. Content Standard / Course: United States Government

    The student will develop and practice the skills needed for informed participation in public affairs, including analyzing public issues, examining candidates for public office, evaluating the performance of public officials, and communicating with public officials.

  • OK.1. Content Standard / Course: United States History (1850 to the Present)

    The student will demonstrate process skills in social studies.

    • 1.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify, analyze, and interpret primary and secondary sources (e.g., artifacts, diaries, letters, photographs, documents, newspapers, media, and computer-based technologies).

    • 1.2. Strand / Standard:

      Recognize and explain how different points of view have been influenced by nationalism, racism, religion, culture and ethnicity.

    • 1.3. Strand / Standard:

      Distinguish between fact and opinion in examining documentary sources.

    • 1.4. Strand / Standard:

      Construct timelines of United States history (e.g., landmark dates of economic changes, social movements, military conflicts, constitutional amendments, and presidential elections).

    • 1.5. Strand / Standard:

      Explain the relationships between geography and the historical development of the United States by using maps, graphs, charts, visual images, and computer-based technologies.

    • 1.6. Strand / Standard:

      Develop discussion, debate, and persuasive writing and speaking skills, focusing on enduring issues (e.g., individual rights vs. the common good, and problems of intolerance toward cultural, ethnic, and religious groups), and demonstrating how divergent viewpoints have been and continue to be addressed and reconciled.

  • OK.2. Content Standard / Course: United States History (1850 to the Present)

    The student will analyze causes, key events, and effects of the Civil War era.

    • 2.1. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the economic and philosophical differences between the North and South, as exemplified by such persons as Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun.

    • 2.2. Strand / Standard:

      Trace the events leading to secession and war (e.g., the Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the Dred Scott case).

    • 2.3. Strand / Standard:

      Identify leaders on both sides of the war (e.g., Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Frederick Douglass, and William Lloyd Garrison).

    • 2.4. Strand / Standard:

      Interpret the importance of critical developments in the war, such as major battles (e.g., Fort Sumter, Gettysburg, and Vicksburg), the Emancipation Proclamation, and Lee's surrender at Appomattox.

    • 2.5. Strand / Standard:

      Relate the basic provisions and postwar impact of the 13th , 14th , and 15th Amendments to the Constitution.

    • 2.6. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the continuing impact of Reconstruction policies on the South, including southern reaction (e.g., sharecropping, Black Codes, Ku Klux Klan, Plessy v. Ferguson, and Jim Crow laws).

  • OK.3. Content Standard / Course: United States History (1850 to the Present)

    The student will analyze the impact of immigration and the Westward Movement on American society.

    • 3.1. Strand / Standard:

      Detail the contributions of various immigrant, cultural, and ethnic groups (e.g. Irish, Chinese, Italians, and Germans).

    • 3.2. Strand / Standard:

      Examine ethnic conflict and discrimination.

    • 3.3. Strand / Standard:

      Investigate changes in the domestic policies of the United States relating to immigration.

    • 3.4. Strand / Standard:

      Compare and contrast the attitudes toward Native American groups as exhibited by federal Indian policy (e.g., establishment of reservations, assimilation, and the Dawes Act) and actions of the United States Army, missionaries, and settlers.

  • OK.4. Content Standard / Course: United States History (1850 to the Present)

    The student will examine the effects of the Industrial Revolution on the economy of the United States.

    • 4.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify the impact of new inventions and industrial production methods, including new technologies in transportation and communication.

    • 4.2. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the significance of immigration on the labor supply and the movement to organize workers.

    • 4.3. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the effects of the muckrakers and reform movements (e.g., women's suffrage and temperance) that resulted in government policies affecting child labor, wages, working conditions, trade, monopolies, taxation and the money supply.

    • 4.4. Strand / Standard:

      Assess the impact of industrialization, the expansion of international markets, urbanization, and immigration on the economy.

    • 4.5. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the rise of the Progressive Movement in relation to political changes at the national and state levels (e.g., workers' compensation, the direct primary, initiative petition, referendum, and recall).

    • 4.6. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the causes of the money panics of 1873, 1893, and 1907, explaining how the establishment of the Federal Reserve System addressed the problems

  • OK.5. Content Standard / Course: United States History (1850 to the Present)

    The student will analyze the changing role of the United States in world affairs at the turn of the twentieth century.

    • 5.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify the goals of imperialism, explaining its impact on developed and developing nations.

    • 5.2. Strand / Standard:

      Identify the role of the Spanish-American War in the development of the United States as a world power.

    • 5.3. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the role of United States foreign policy and presidential leadership in the construction of a canal in Panama.

    • 5.4. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the strengths and weaknesses of Theodore Roosevelt's 'Big Stick Diplomacy.'

    • 5.5. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the causes and effects of United States involvement in World War I.

    • 5.6. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the rationale for the failure of the United States to join the League of Nations and the nation's return to isolationism.

  • OK.6. Content Standard / Course: United States History (1850 to the Present)

    The student will describe the social, cultural, economic, and technological ideas and events in the United States in the era between the World Wars.

    • 6.1. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate literature, music, dance, and forms of entertainment, including the Harlem Renaissance, the Jazz Age, and talkies.

    • 6.2. Strand / Standard:

      Investigate the longterm effects of reform movements, such as women's suffrage and prohibition (e.g., the 18th , 19th , and 21st Amendments to the Constitution).

    • 6.3. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the impact of the automobile, and urban and rural electrification on society.

    • 6.4. Strand / Standard:

      Describe rising racial tensions and labor unrest common in the era (e.g., the Tulsa Race Riots and the sit-down strikes).

    • 6.5. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the growing disparity between the wealth of corporate leaders and the incomes of small business owners, industrial workers, and farmers.

    • 6.6. Strand / Standard:

      Identify causes contributing to an unstable economy, (e.g., the increased reliance on installment buying, a greater willingness to speculate and buy on margin in the stock market, and government reluctance to interfere in the economy).

  • OK.7. Content Standard / Course: United States History (1850 to the Present)

    The student will investigate and analyze the causes and legacy of the Great Depression.

    • 7.1. Strand / Standard:

      Examine changes in business cycles, weaknesses in key sectors of the economy, and government economic policies in the late 1920s.

    • 7.2. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the effects of the Stock Market Crash.

    • 7.3. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the impact of the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and the New Deal economic policies on business and agriculture, and on the American people, their culture and political behavior.

    • 7.4. Strand / Standard:

      Identify the contributions of key individuals of the period (e.g., Will Rogers, Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt, Charles Lindbergh, and Woody Guthrie).

    • 7.5. Strand / Standard:

      Assess the impact of the expanded role of government in the economy since the 1930s.

  • OK.8. Content Standard / Course: United States History (1850 to the Present)

    The student will analyze the major causes, events, and effects of United States involvement in World War II.

    • 8.1. Strand / Standard:

      Relate the rise of totalitarian regimes in the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, and Japan to the rise of communism, Nazism, and fascism in the 1930s and 1940s, and the response of the United States.

    • 8.2. Strand / Standard:

      Investigate appeasement, isolationism, and the war debates in the United States prior to the outbreak of war.

    • 8.3. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the impact of preparation and mobilization for war, including the internment policies and their effects (e.g., Korematsu v. United States).

    • 8.4. Strand / Standard:

      Detail major battles, military turning points, and key strategic decisions in both European and Pacific theaters.

    • 8.5. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze public and political reactions in the United States to the events of the Holocaust.

  • OK.9. Content Standard / Course: United States History (1850 to the Present)

    The student will assess the successes and shortcomings of United States foreign policy since World War II.

    • 9.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify the origins of the Cold War, and its foreign and domestic consequences, including confrontations with the Soviet Union in Berlin and Cuba.

    • 9.2. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the proliferation of nuclear weapons and the arms race.

    • 9.3. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the role of the United States in the formation of the United Nations, NATO, and other alliances.

    • 9.4. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the role of the United States in attempts at the containment of communism in Europe, Asia, and Latin America, including the Truman Doctrine and the involvement of the United Nations in Korea.

    • 9.5. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the fear of communist influence within the United States, including the McCarthy hearings.

    • 9.6. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the causes and longterm foreign and domestic consequences of United States military commitments in southeast Asia, especially Vietnam.

    • 9.7. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the strategic and economic factors in the development of Middle East policy, and relations with African nations, such as South Africa.

    • 9.8. Strand / Standard:

      Assess the reasons for the collapse of communism in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, and relate the end of the Cold War to new challenges to the United States leadership role in the world.

  • OK.10. Content Standard / Course: United States History (1850 to the Present)

    The student will analyze the economic, social, and political transformation of the United States since World War II.

    • 10.1. Strand / Standard:

      Describe de jure and de facto segregation policies, attempts at desegregation and integration, and the impact of the Civil Rights Movement on society (e.g., Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas).

    • 10.2. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the success of the women's liberation movement and the changing roles of women in society.

    • 10.3. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the technology revolution and its impact on communication, transportation, and industry.

    • 10.4. Strand / Standard:

      Assess the impact of violent crime, and illegal drug use and trafficking.

    • 10.5. Strand / Standard:

      Explain the effects of increased immigration, the influx of political refugees, and the increasing number of undocumented aliens on society and the economy.

    • 10.6. Strand / Standard:

      Identify the contributions of political leaders, political activists, and civil rights leaders, and the major issues and trends in national elections (e.g., differences between the two major political parties, and the rise of third party candidates).

    • 10.7. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the post-war rise in the standard of living, the oil embargo and the inflation of the 1970s, and the federal budget deficit problems of the 1980s and early 1990s.

    • 10.8. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the impact of political scandals (e.g., Watergate, Iran-Contra, and the Clinton impeachment) on federal law, national policies, and political behavior.

    • 10.9. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze how the principles and structures of the United States Constitution have changed through amendment and judicial interpretation (e.g., the 22nd and 25th Amendments, and Gideon v. Wainwright and Miranda v. Arizona).

    • 10.10. Strand / Standard:

      Compare and contrast conservative and liberal economic strategies, including the positions of political parties and interest groups on major issues in the post-World War II era.

  • OK.1. Content Standard / Course: World Geography

    The student will use maps and other geographic representations, tools and technologies to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective.

    • 1.1. Strand / Standard:

      Apply geographic representations and technologies to depict, analyze, explain and solve geographic problems.

    • 1.2. Strand / Standard:

      Demonstrate the use of mental maps to organize information about people, places, and environments in a spatial context.

    • 1.3. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the spatial organization of people, places, and environments on earth's surface.

    • 1.4. Strand / Standard: Design appropriate forms of maps incorporating elements of geographic information such as

      relative/absolute location, direction, size, shape, elevation, and scale.

    • 1.5. Strand / Standard:

      Recognize the different map projections and explain the concept of distortion.

  • OK.2. Content Standard / Course: World Geography

    The student will use the concepts of places and regions as the basic units of geographic inquiry.

    • 2.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify the human and physical characteristics of particular places and regions.

    • 2.2. Strand / Standard:

      Conduct regional analysis of geographic issues and questions.

    • 2.3. Strand / Standard:

      Explain how culture and experience influence people's perceptions of places and regions and how these perceptions change over time.

  • OK.3. Content Standard / Course: World Geography

    The student will examine earth's physical processes (e.g., climate and landforms) and organize them into ecosystems.

    • 3.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify and describe the components of the earth's physical system (e.g., atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere).

    • 3.2. Strand / Standard:

      Explain how earth's physical systems and processes shape the patterns found on earth's surface.

    • 3.3. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the characteristics and spatial distribution of ecosystems on earth's surface.

    • 3.4. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze patterns of natural phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, and hurricanes.

  • OK.4. Content Standard / Course: World Geography

    The student will examine human cultures, populations and activities such as settlement, migration, commerce, conflict, and cooperation.

    • 4.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations on earth's surface.

    • 4.2. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the characteristic, distribution, and migration of human populations on earth's cultures.

    • 4.3. Strand / Standard:

      Interpret the patterns and networks of economic interdependence on earth's surface.

    • 4.4. Strand / Standard:

      Explain how the processes, patterns, and functions of human settlement have changed over time.

    • 4.5. Strand / Standard:

      Explain how the forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of earth's surface.

  • OK.5. Content Standard / Course: World Geography

    The student will evaluate the interactions between humans and their environment.

    • 5.1. Strand / Standard:

      Explain how human actions modify the physical environment.

    • 5.2. Strand / Standard:

      Describe how physical systems affect human systems such as the impact of major natural hazards/disasters on humans.

    • 5.3. Strand / Standard:

      Explain the changes that occur in the meaning, use, distribution, and importance of resources.

    • 5.4. Strand / Standard:

      Observe and predict the possible economic effects and environmental changes resulting from natural phenomena (e.g., tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, insect infestations, earthquakes, El Nino, and volcanoes).

  • OK.6. Content Standard / Course: World Geography

    The student will analyze problems and issues from a geographic perspective using the tools and skills of geography.

    • 6.1. Strand / Standard:

      Explain the fundamental role that geographical context has played in affecting events in history.

    • 6.2. Strand / Standard:

      Apply geography to examine contemporary issues in the context of spatial and environmental perspectives.

    • 6.3. Strand / Standard:

      Use geographic knowledge, skills, and perspectives to analyze problems and make decisions.

  • OK.1. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will demonstrate social studies research skills.

    • 1.1. Strand / Standard:

      Identify, analyze, and interpret primary and secondary sources and artifacts.

    • 1.2. Strand / Standard:

      Validate sources as to their authenticity, authority, credibility, and possible bias.

    • 1.3. Strand / Standard:

      Construct timelines of key events, periods, and historically significant individuals.

    • 1.4. Strand / Standard:

      Identify and analyze the reasons for major shifts in national political boundaries.

  • OK.2. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will describe early physical and cultural development of humankind from the Paleolithic Era to the emergence of agriculture.

    • 2.1. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the characteristics of hunter-gatherer societies, their use of fire and tools, and the impact of geography on these societies.

    • 2.2. Strand / Standard:

      Identify the technological and social advancements that gave rise to stable communities.

  • OK.3. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will compare selected ancient river civilizations (e.g., Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and Shang China), and other ancient civilizations (e.g., the Hebrew and Phoenician kingdoms, and the Persian Empire).

    • 3.1. Strand / Standard:

      Describe their location in time and place.

    • 3.2. Strand / Standard:

      Trace their development of cultural, political, and economic patterns.

  • OK.4. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will describe and analyze ancient Greece (circa 2000 to 300 B.C.E.) and its impact on contemporary and future civilizations.

    • 4.1. Strand / Standard:

      Explain the influence of geography on Greek culture including the contributions of Greek playwrights, poets, historians, sculptors, architects, scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers, (e.g., Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Herodotus, and Archimedes).

    • 4.2. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the impact of Greek commerce and colonies on the Mediterranean region.

    • 4.3. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the social structure, significance of citizenship, and development of democracy in the city-state of Athens.

    • 4.4. Strand / Standard:

      Describe life in Athens during the Golden Age of Pericles.

    • 4.5. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the conquest of Greece by Macedonia, and the spread of Hellenistic culture by Alexander the Great.

  • OK.5. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will describe and analyze ancient Rome (700 B.C.E. to 500 C.E.) and its impact on contemporary and future civilizations.

    • 5.1. Strand / Standard:

      Explain the influence of geography on Roman economic, social, and political development.

    • 5.2. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the social structure, the significance of citizenship, and the development of democratic features in the government of the Roman Republic.

    • 5.3. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the Roman military domination of the Mediterranean basin and western Europe, and the spread of Roman culture in these areas.

    • 5.4. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the collapse of the Republic and the rise of imperial monarchs.

    • 5.5. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the economic, social, and political impact of the Pax Romana.

    • 5.6. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the origin, traditions, customs, beliefs, and spread of Judaism and Christianity.

    • 5.7. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the contributions in art, architecture, technology, science, literature, history, language, religion, and law.

    • 5.8. Strand / Standard:

      Explain the reasons for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, (e.g., the invasions of the Visigoths and Vandals).

  • OK.6. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will analyze the interactions and relationships between the Muslim world and Christendom from the seventh to the eleventh century C.E.

    • 6.1. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the origin, theological foundations, traditions, customs, beliefs, and spread of Islam.

    • 6.2. Strand / Standard:

      Identify religious, political, and economic influences in the Mediterranean region.

  • OK.7. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will describe, compare and contrast selected civilizations in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

    • 7.1. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze India's caste system, the traditions, customs, beliefs, and significance of Hinduism, and the conquest by Muslim Turks and Mongols.

    • 7.2. Strand / Standard:

      Describe China under the Qin, Han, T'ang, and Sung dynasties; the traditions, customs, beliefs, and significance of Buddhism; the impact of Confucianism and Taoism; and the construction of the Great Wall.

    • 7.3. Strand / Standard:

      Describe Japan's development, and the significance of Shintoism and Buddhism, and the influence of Chinese culture.

    • 7.4. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the kingdoms of Kush in eastern Africa and Ghana in western Africa.

    • 7.5. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the Olmec, Mayan, Aztec, and Inca civilizations.

  • OK.8. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will describe and analyze the Byzantine Empire and Russia (circa 300 to 1400 C.E.) and their impact on contemporary and later civilizations.

    • 8.1. Strand / Standard:

      Explain the expansion of the Byzantine Empire and economy with the establishment of Constantinople.

    • 8.2. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the conflicts that led to the split between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.

    • 8.3. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate Byzantine influence on Kievan Russia and Eastern Europe.

  • OK.9. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will describe and analyze the patterns of social, economic, and political change, and cultural achievement during the Middle Ages , circa 500 to 1500 C.E.

    • 9.1. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the structure of feudal society and its social, economic, and political effects.

    • 9.2. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the Age of Charlemagne and the revival of the idea of the Roman Empire.

    • 9.3. Strand / Standard:

      Trace the invasions and settlements of the Magyars in Eastern Europe, and the Vikings, Angles, and Saxons in Great Britain.

    • 9.4. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the spread and influence of Christianity throughout Europe, and the secular roles of the Roman Catholic Church.

    • 9.5. Strand / Standard:

      Describe conflicts among Eurasian powers, such as the Crusades, the Mongol conquests, and the expansion of the Ottoman Turks.

    • 9.6. Strand / Standard:

      Compare and contrast the federal system in Asia (e.g., the society in Japan) with European federalism.

  • OK.10. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will analyze the historical sources and developments of the Renaissance.

    • 10.1. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the economic foundations of the Renaissance, increased trade, role of the Medicis, and new economic practices, including the rise of Italian city-states.

    • 10.2. Strand / Standard:

      Describe artistic, literary, scientific, political, and intellectual creativity, (e.g., as reflected in the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Cervantes, and Shakespeare) as contrasted with the Middle Ages.

  • OK.11. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will analyze the historical sources and developments of the Reformation.

    • 11.1. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the effects of the theological, political, and economic differences that emerged during the Reformation (e.g., the views and actions of Martin Luther, John Calvin, the Council of Trent and Henry VIII).

    • 11.2. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the influence of religious conflicts on government actions, (e.g., the Edict of Nantes in France, and the reign of Elizabeth I in England).

  • OK.12. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will analyze the impact of European expansion into the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

    • 12.1. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the roles of explorers and conquistadors (e.g., Prince Henry the Navigator, Columbus, Magellan, and Cortes).

    • 12.2. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze migration, settlement patterns, and cultural diffusion, including the exchange of technology, ideas, and agricultural practices, the introduction of new diseases, and trade in slaves, gold, furs, and tobacco.

    • 12.3. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the economic and cultural transformations created by the emergence of plants (e.g., tobacco and corn) in new places and the arrival of the horse in the Americas.

    • 12.4. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the competition for resources and the rise of mercantilism, including the commercial and maritime growth of European nations, and the emergence of money and banking, global economics, and market systems.

  • OK.13. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will analyze the scientific, political, and economic changes in Europe and North America in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries.

    • 13.1. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the establishment and authority of absolute monarchies (e.g., Louis XIV, Frederick the Great, and Peter the Great).

    • 13.2. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the Glorious Revolution in England and the French Revolution, including the ideas of significant individuals, (e.g., Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Adam Smith, and Jefferson).

    • 13.3. Strand / Standard:

      Explain how the political and religious ideas of the Enlightenment affected the founders of the United States.

    • 13.4. Strand / Standard:

      Explain how new scientific theories (e.g., those of Newton, Kepler, Copernicus, Galileo, Harvey, and Franklin) and technological changes brought about social, political, and cultural changes.

    • 13.5. Strand / Standard:

      Describe how the arts, philosophy, and literature were influenced by significant individuals (e.g., Voltaire, Diderot, Rembrandt, Gainsborough, Bach, and Mozart).

  • OK.14. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will describe nineteenth century political developments.

    • 14.1. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the impact of the Congress of Vienna.

    • 14.2. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the expansion of democracy in Europe, the effects of urbanization, the revolutions of 1848, and British reform laws.

    • 14.3. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the unification of Germany and of Italy.

    • 14.4. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the impact of the Meiji Restoration in Japan.

  • OK.15. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will analyze and explain the effects of the Industrial Revolution.

    • 15.1. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the rise and impact of industrial economies.

    • 15.2. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the scientific and technological changes (e.g., the inventions of Watt, Bessemer, and Whitney) which brought about massive social and cultural change.

    • 15.3. Strand / Standard:

      Analyze the emergence of capitalism and free enterprise as a dominant economic pattern.

    • 15.4. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the responses to capitalism (e.g., utopianism, socialism, and communism), including the trade union movement.

    • 15.5. Strand / Standard:

      Explain how Asia, Africa, and South America were transformed by European commercial power.

  • OK.16. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will analyze major twentieth century historical events through World War II.

    • 16.1. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the causes and effects of World War I (e.g., assassination of Archduke Ferdinand; Woodrow Wilson and the Fourteen Points; and the League of Nations).

    • 16.2. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and the creation of the Soviet Union.

    • 16.3. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the rise, aggression, and human costs of totalitarian regimes in the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, and Japan.

    • 16.4. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the rise of nationalism, and the causes and effects of World War II (e.g., the Holocaust, economic and military power shifts since 1945, the founding of the United Nations, and the political partitioning of Europe, Africa, and Asia).

    • 16.5. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the revolutionary movements in Asia and their leaders (e.g., Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh).

    • 16.6. Strand / Standard:

      Examine African and Asian countries which achieved independence from European colonial rule (e.g., India under Mohandas Gandhi and Ghana under Kwame Nkrumah).

  • OK.17. Content Standard / Course: World History

    The student will evaluate post-World War II global and contemporary events.

    • 17.1. Strand / Standard:

      Describe regional military and political conflicts, such as Korea and Vietnam.

    • 17.2. Strand / Standard:

      Evaluate the creation of the modern state of Israel, and the recurring conflicts between and among Israel and the Arab neighbors.

    • 17.3. Strand / Standard:

      Examine the beginning and end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    • 17.4. Strand / Standard:

      Describe the Chinese Cultural Revolution and the pro-democracy student demonstrations at Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

North Dakota's Eleventh Grade Standards

Article Body
  • ND.1. Content Standard: Skills and Resources

    Students apply Social Studies skills and resources.

    • 9-12.1.1. Benchmark: Visual Representations

      Interpret and evaluate a variety of visual representations (e.g. charts, graphs, time lines, graphic organizers, maps, flow charts) of data

    • 9-12.1.2. Benchmark: Resources

      Interpret and evaluate documents (e.g., primary and secondary sources, fact, fiction, or opinion) to enhance the understanding of social studies content.

    • 9-12.1.3. Benchmark: Research Processes

      Draw conclusions based on the research processes (e.g., collect, organize, evaluate, and synthesize information)

    • 9-12.1.4. Benchmark: Research Processes

      Use media (e.g., oral, written, websites, computer simulations, multimedia resources) to access, record, analyze, and communicate information relating to social studies

    • 9-12.1.5. Benchmark: Research Processes

      Apply social studies skills (e.g., recognize cause and effect, trends, multiple perspectives, change) in real-life contexts (e.g., backtracking current global issues, Model U.N., mock trials, simulated congressional hearings, parliamen

    • 9-12.1.6. Benchmark: Bias and Prejudice

      Analyze the impact of bias and prejudice in historical and contemporary media

  • ND.2. Content Standard: Important Historical Events

    Students understand important historical events.

    • 9-12.2.1. Benchmark: Tribal Governance

      Analyze Federal policy and action regarding American Indians (e.g. Dawes Act, changes in federal and state Indian policies, civil rights movement; current issues surrounding gaming, housing, distribution of wealth, and healthcare, India

    • 9-12.2.2 Benchmark: U.S. Periods, Events, Figures, Movements to include but not limited to Industrialization to Present

      Evaluate the impact of various factors that led to the transformation of the nation (e.g., imperialism, industrialization, immigration, political/social r

    • 9-12.2.3. Benchmark: U.S. Periods, Events, Figures, Movements to include but not limited to Industrialization to Present

      Trace the causes, course, and legacy of the United States' involvement in World War I at home and abroad (e.g., neutrality, military technologies, isolati

    • 9-12.2.4. Benchmark: U.S. Periods, Events, Figures, Movements to include but not limited to Industrialization to Present

      Analyze the major political, economic, and social developments that occurred between World War I and World War II (e.g. Red Scare, Roaring 20's, Great Dep

    • 9-12.2.5. Benchmark: U.S. Periods, Events, Figures, Movements to include but not limited to Industrialization to Present

      Trace the causes, course, and legacy of World War II (e.g., totalitarian regimes; Pacific theater, European theater, home front)

    • 9-12.2.6. Benchmark: U.S. Periods, Events, Figures, Movements to include but not limited to Industrialization to Present

      Analyze the economic boom and social transformation of post WWII America (e.g., popular culture, changing women's roles, technological developments)

    • 9-12.2.7. Benchmark: U.S. Periods, Events, Figures, Movements to include but not limited to Industrialization to Present

      Analyze the origins, foreign policy, events, and domestic consequences of the Cold War (e.g., containment policy, arms race, fear of communism)

    • 9-12.2.8. Benchmark: U.S. Periods, Events, Figures, Movements to include but not limited to Industrialization to Present

      Analyze the struggle for equal opportunity (e.g., Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, civil rights legislation and court cases, civ

    • 9-12.2.9. Benchmark: U.S. Periods, Events, Figures, Movements to include but not limited to Industrialization to Present

      Analyze the key events and political/social effects of the Vietnam conflict (e.g., Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the Tet Offensive; protests and oppositio

    • 9-12.2.10. Benchmark: U.S. Periods, Events, Figures, Movements to include but not limited to Industrialization to Present

      Analyze the key events, and foreign and domestic policies of contemporary presidential administrations (e.g., Great Society, Watergate, relations with the

    • 9-12.2.11. Benchmark: U.S. Periods, Events, Figures, Movements to include but not limited to Industrialization to Present

      Analyze the major social issues and popular culture of contemporary US (e.g. ,immigration, environment, poverty, terrorism, and discrimination)

    • 9-12.2.12. Benchmark: Global Periods, Events, Figures, and Movements including but not limited to Renaissance to Present

      Analyze the ideas, events and global impacts of the Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment

    • 9-12.2.13. Benchmark: Global Periods, Events, Figures, and Movements including but not limited to Renaissance to Present

      Explain the growth and expansion of global economies and their impact on world regions (e.g., mercantilism, slavery, colonialism, Silk Road, salt trade)

    • 9-12.2.14. Benchmark: Global Periods, Events, Figures, and Movements including but not limited to Renaissance to Present

      Compare the political, social, and industrial revolutions from the late 18th to the early 20th century (e.g., revolutions in the Americas and France; signi

    • 9-12.2.15 Benchmark: Global Periods, Events, Figures, and Movements including but not limited to Renaissance to Present

      Analyze the global causes, course, and consequences of World War I (e.g. imperialism, militarism, nationalism, alliance system; ethnic conflicts and assass

    • 9-12.2.16. Benchmark: Global Periods, Events, Figures, and Movements including but not limited to Renaissance to Present

      Analyze the global causes, course, and consequences of World War II and the post-war events (e.g., worldwide depression, totalitarian and militaristic regi

    • 9-12.2.17. Benchmark: Global Periods, Events, Figures, and Movements including but not limited to Renaissance to Present

      Explain nationalist and revolutionary movements and attempts by colonial countries to achieve independence after World War II (e.g., revolutionary movement

    • 9-12.2.18. Benchmark: Global Periods, Events, Figures, and Movements including but not limited to Renaissance to Present

      Explain events in the development of the Cold War (e.g., Berlin Blockade; nuclear arms and space race; Cuban Missile Crisis; political and economic transfo

    • 9-12.2.19. Benchmark: Global Periods, Events, Figures, and Movements including but not limited to Renaissance to Present

      Analyze political and social change in the Middle East and Asia from 1948 - present (e.g., Camp David Accords, Tiananmen Square, conflicts in Middle East,

    • 9-12.2.20. Benchmark: Global Periods, Events, Figures, and Movements including but not limited to Renaissance to Present

      Explain contemporary issues and events in an interdependent world (e.g., trends in science, technology, and communication; religious conflicts; environment

  • ND.3. Content Standard: Economic Concepts

    Students understand economic concepts and the characteristics of various economic systems.

    • 9-12.3.1. Benchmark: Concepts

      Analyze basic micro and macro economic concepts (e.g., scarcity, opportunity cost, trade offs, markets, business organizations, factors of production, supply and demand, and personal finance)

    • 9-12.3.2. Benchmark: Structure and Function

      Explain the role of money and the role of financial institutions in a market economy (e.g., basic functions of money, composition of money supply, role of banks and other financial institutions, federal reserve, credit savings)

    • 9-12.3.3. Benchmark: Structure and Function

      Describe the difference between the structure and operation of market economies and centrally planned or command economies (e.g., security, freedom, equity, efficiency, stability, growth)

    • 9-12.3.4. Benchmark: Structure and Function

      Analyze the role government plays in an economy (e.g., provision of public goods and services, taxes, protection of property rights, resolution of market failures)

    • 9-12.3.5. Benchmark: Impact

      Interpret the concepts of exchange and trade and the impacts and implications of a global economy for individuals and nations

  • ND.4. Content Standard: Government and Citizenship

    Students understand the development, functions, and forms of various political systems and the role of the citizen in government and society.

    • 9-12.4.1. Benchmark: Tribal Sovereignty

      Explain how political and economic forces have affected the sovereignty of tribal nations (e.g., constitutional provisions; Supreme Court cases; laws used in forming the basis of the federal-tribal relationship; political and economic

    • 9-12.4.2. Benchmark: Historical and Philosophical Foundations

      Compare the nature and source of various types of political entities past and present throughout the world (e.g., ancient Greek and Roman political thought; classical republicans; philosophy of natural rights; lim

    • 9-12.4.3. Benchmark: Historical and Philosophical Foundations

      Analyze the content and context of documents, events, and organizations that influenced and established the United States (e.g., Magna Carta; English common law; Petition of Right; English Bill of Rights; 1st and

    • 9-12.4.4. Benchmark: Historical and Contemporary Political Processes

      Evaluate the effectiveness of structures, operations, and influences of political systems and constitutional governments (e.g., federalism; separation of powers; checks and balances; media and special inter

    • 9-12.4.5. Benchmark: Historical and Contemporary Political Processes

      Analyze historical and contemporary examples of civil liberties and civil rights in the U.S. (e.g., incorporation of the Bill of Rights, amendments, key legislation, and landmark Supreme Court cases)

    • 9-12.4.6. Benchmark: Right and Responsibilities of Citizens

      Evaluate the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and civic participation (e.g., election system and process; naturalization; political activism)

  • ND.5. Content Standard: Concepts of Geography

    Students understand and apply concepts of geography.

    • 9-12.5.1. Benchmark: Human Geography

      Analyze the Earth's human systems (e.g., population, culture, settlement, economic interdependence)

    • 9-12.5.2. Benchmark: Human Geography

      Interpret the relationships between physical environments and society (e.g., humans modify environment, environment modifies society, and use, distribution, and importance of resources)

  • ND.6. Content Standard: Human Development and Behavior

    Students understand the importance of culture, individual identity, and group identity.

    • 9-12.6.1. Benchmark: Group Interaction

      Explain how group and cultural influences contribute to human development, identity, and behavior (e.g., religion, education, media, government, and economy)

    • 9-12.6.2. Benchmark: Group Interaction

      Explain the various purposes of social groups, general implications of group membership, and different ways that groups function (e.g., minority groups, cliques, counterculture, family relations and political groups)

    • 9-12.6.3. Benchmark: Group Interaction

      Relate elements of socio-cultural development with other factors (e.g., individual differences, personality and assessment, psychological disorders and treatments)

    • 9-12.6.4. Benchmark: Group Interaction

      Analyze conflict, cooperation, and interdependence among individuals, groups, and institutions (e.g., gender roles, social stratification, racial/ethnic bias)

    • 9-12.6.5. Benchmark: Individual Development and Behavior

      Describe how genetic, cognitive and physical development affect human behavior (e.g., inherited traits, development of self, deviant behavior and personality disorders)