The Rise of the Nation State to the Present: Students study the rise of the nation state in Europe, the French Revolution, and the economic and political roots of the modern world. They study the origins and consequences of the Industrial Revolution, 19th century political reform in Western Europe, and imperialism in Africa, Asia, and South America.
3.1. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Describe the growing consolidation of political power in Europe from 1500 to 1800 as manifested in the rise of nation states ruled by monarchs (the rise of the French monarchy, including the policies and influence of Louis XIV). (H, C, E)
3.2. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Describe the growing consolidation of political power in Europe from 1500 to 1800 as manifested in the rise of nation states ruled by monarchs (the Thirty Years War and the Peace of Westphalia). (H, C, E)
3.3. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Describe the growing consolidation of political power in Europe from 1500 to 1800 as manifested in the rise of nation states ruled by monarchs (the growing power of Russian tsars, including the attempts at Westernization by Peter the Great, the growth of serfdom, and Russia's rise as an important force in Eastern Europe and Asia). (H, C, E)
3.4. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Describe the growing consolidation of political power in Europe from 1500 to 1800 as manifested in the rise of nation states ruled by monarchs (the rise of Prussia). (H, C, E)
3.5. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Describe the growing consolidation of political power in Europe from 1500 to 1800 as manifested in the rise of nation states ruled by monarchs (Poland and Sweden). (H, C, E)
3.6. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Explain why England was the main exception to the growth of absolutism in royal power in Europe (the causes and essential events of the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution of 1688). (H, C)
3.7. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Explain why England was the main exception to the growth of absolutism in royal power in Europe (the effect of the Glorious Revolution on the development of constitutional government and liberty in England, including the importance of the English Bill of Rights and how it limited the power of the monarch to act without the consent of Parliament). (H, C)
3.8. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Summarize the important causes and events of the French Revolution (Causes: the effect of Enlightenment political thought; the influence of the American Revolution; economic troubles and the rising influence of the middle class; government corruption and incompetence); (Events: the role of the Estates General and the National Assembly; the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789; the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen; the execution of Louis XVI in 1793; the Terror; the rise and fall of Napoleon; the Congress of Vienna). (H, C, E)
3.9. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Summarize the major effects of the French Revolution (its contribution to modern nationalism and its relationship to totalitarianism). (H)
3.10. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Summarize the major effects of the French Revolution (the abolition of theocratic absolutism in France). (H)
3.11. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Summarize the major effects of the French Revolution (the abolition of remaining feudal restrictions and obligations). (H)
3.12. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Summarize the major effects of the French Revolution (its support for the ideas of popular sovereignty, religious tolerance, and legal equality). (H)
3.13. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Identify the causes of the Industrial Revolution (the rise in agricultural productivity). (H, E)
3.14. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Identify the causes of the Industrial Revolution (transportation improvements such as canals and railroads). (H, E)
3.15. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Identify the causes of the Industrial Revolution (the influence of the ideas of Adam Smith). (H, E)
3.16. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Identify the causes of the Industrial Revolution (new sources of energy such as coal and technological innovations such as the steam engine). (H, E)
3.17. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Summarize the social and economic impact of the Industrial Revolution (the vast increases in productivity and wealth). (H, E)
3.18. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Summarize the social and economic impact of the Industrial Revolution (population and urban growth). (H, E)
3.19. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Summarize the social and economic impact of the Industrial Revolution (the growth of a middle class). (H, E)
3.20. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Summarize the social and economic impact of the Industrial Revolution (problems caused by urbanization and harsh working conditions). (H, E)
3.21. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Describe the rise of unions and socialism, including the ideas and influence of Robert Owen and Karl Marx. (H, E)
3.22. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Describe the rise and significance of antislavery sentiment in Britain, including the abolition of the slave trade by the British Parliament in 1807, the abolition of slavery within the British Empire in 1833, and the role of various antislavery societies. (H)
3.23. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Explain the impact of various social and political reforms and reform movements in Europe (liberalism). (H, C, E)
3.24. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Explain the impact of various social and political reforms and reform movements in Europe (child labor laws, and social legislation such as old age pensions and health and unemployment insurance). (H, C, E)
3.25. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Explain the impact of various social and political reforms and reform movements in Europe (the expansion of voting rights). (H, C, E)
3.26. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Summarize the causes, course, and consequences of the unification of Italy and Germany (Germany's replacement of France as the dominant power in continental Europe). (H)
3.27. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Summarize the causes, course, and consequences of the unification of Italy and Germany (the role of Cavour and Bismarck in the unification of Italy and Germany). (H)
3.28. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Describe the causes of 19th century European imperialism (the desire for economic gain and resources). (H, E)
3.29. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Describe the causes of 19th century European imperialism (the missionary impulse and the search for strategic advantage and national pride). (H, E)
3.30. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Indian history in the 19th and early 20th century (the economic and political relationship between India and Britain). (H, E)
3.31. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Indian history in the 19th and early 20th century (the building of roads, canals, railroads, and universities). (H, E)
3.32. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Indian history in the 19th and early 20th century (the rise of Indian nationalism and the influence and ideas of Gandhi). (H, E)
3.33. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (China's explosive population growth between 1750 and 1850). (H, E)
3.34. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (decline of the Manchu dynasty beginning in the late 18th century). (H, E)
3.35. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (growing Western influence). (H, E)
3.36. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (The Opium War). (H, E)
3.37. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (The Taiping rebellion from 1850 to 1864). (H, E)
3.38. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (The Boxer Rebellion). (H, E)
3.39. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (Sun Yat-Sen and the 1911 nationalist revolution). (H, E)
3.40. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Japanese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (the Meiji Restoration). (H, E)
3.41. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Japanese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (the abolition of feudalism). (H, E)
3.42. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Japanese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (the borrowing and adaptation of western technology and industrial growth). (H, E)
3.43. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Japanese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (Japan's growing role in international affairs). (H, E)
3.44. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments of African history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (Africa's interaction with imperialism). (H, E)
3.45. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments of African history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (agricultural changes and new patterns of employment). (H, E)
3.46. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments of African history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (the origins of African nationalism). (H, E)
3.47. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify the major developments of Latin American history to the early 20th century (the wars for independence, including the influence and ideas of Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, and the American and French Revolutions). (H, E)
3.48. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify the major developments of Latin American history to the early 20th century (economic and social stratification). (H, E)
3.49. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify the major developments of Latin American history to the early 20th century (the role of the church). (H, E)
3.50. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify the major developments of Latin American history to the early 20th century (the importance of trade). (H, E)
3.51. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify the major developments of Latin American history to the early 20th century (the growing influence of the United States as demonstrated by the Spanish American War and the building of the Panama Canal). (H, E)
3.52. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify the major developments of Latin American history to the early 20th century (the Mexican Revolution). (H, E)
3.53. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the relative importance of economic and imperial competition, Balkan nationalism, German militarism and aggression, and the power vacuum in Europe due to the declining power of the Russian, Austrian, and Ottoman Empires in causing World War I. (H, E)
3.54. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the major events and consequences of World War I (physical and economic destruction). (H, E)
3.55. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the major events and consequences of World War I (the League of Nations and attempts at disarmament). (H, E)
3.56. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the major events and consequences of World War I (the collapse of the Romanov dynasty and the subsequent Bolshevik Revolution and Civil War in Russia). (H, E)
3.57. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the major events and consequences of World War I (post-war economic and political instability in Germany). (H, E)
3.58. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the major events and consequences of World War I (the Armenian genocide in Turkey). (H, E)
3.59. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the major events and consequences of World War I (the unprecedented loss of life from prolonged trench warfare). (H, E)
3.60. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the major developments in the Middle East before World War II (the end of the Ottoman Empire). (H, E)
3.61. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the major developments in the Middle East before World War II (the Balfour Declaration of 1917). (H, E)
3.62. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the major developments in the Middle East before World War II (the expulsion of the Greeks from Asia Minor). (H, E)
3.63. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the major developments in the Middle East before World War II (the establishment of a secular Turkish state under Mustafa Kemal Ataturk). (H, E)
3.64. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the major developments in the Middle East before World War II (the establishment of the Kingdom of Transjordan in the eastern part of the Palestine Mandate by the British). (H, E)
3.65. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the major developments in the Middle East before World War II (the growing importance of Middle Eastern oil fields to world politics and the world economy). (H, E)
3.66. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the various causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how governments responded to the Great Depression (restrictive monetary policies). (H, E)
3.67. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the various causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how governments responded to the Great Depression (unemployment and inflation). (H, E)
3.68. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the various causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how governments responded to the Great Depression (political instability). (H, E)
3.69. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the various causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how governments responded to the Great Depression (the influence of the ideas of John Maynard Keynes, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich von Hayek, and Milton Friedman). (H, E)
3.70. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the rise and goals of totalitarianism in Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union, and analyze the policies and main ideas of Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin, and Stalin. (H)
3.71. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the consequences of Soviet communism to 1945 (the establishment of a one-party dictatorship under Lenin). (H, E)
3.72. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the consequences of Soviet communism to 1945 (the suffering in the Soviet Union caused by Stalin's policies of collectivization of agriculture and breakneck industrialization). (H, E)
3.73. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the consequences of Soviet communism to 1945 (the destruction of individual rights and the use of mass terror against the population). (H, E)
3.74. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the consequences of Soviet communism to 1945 (the Soviet Union's emergence as an industrial power). (H, E)
3.75. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire in the 1930s (Italy's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935). (H)
3.76. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire in the 1930s (the Japanese invasion of China and the Rape of Nanking). (H)
3.77. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire in the 1930s (Germany's militarization of the Rhineland, annexation of Austria, and aggression against Czechoslovakia, the Stalin-Hitler Pact of 1939, and the German attack on Poland). (H)
3.78. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the key battles and events of World War II (The German conquest of continental Europe; The Battle of Britain; Pearl Harbor; The Bataan Death March; El Alamein; Midway ; Stalingrad; D-Day; Battle of the Bulge; Iwo Jima; Okinawa). (H)
3.79. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the goals, leadership, and post-war plans of the allied leaders (Winston Churchill; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Joseph Stalin). (H)
3.80. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the background, course, and consequences of the Holocaust, including its roots in the long tradition of Christian anti-Semitism, 19th century ideas about race and nation, and Nazi dehumanization of the Jews. (H)
3.81. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Explain the reasons for the dropping of atom bombs on Japan and its short and long-term effects. (H)
3.82. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Explain the consequences of World War II (physical and economic destruction). (H, E)
3.83. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Explain the consequences of World War II (the enormous loss of life, including millions of civilians through the bombing of population centers and the slaughter of political opponents and ethnic minorities). (H, E)
3.84. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Explain the consequences of World War II (support in Europe for political reform and decolonization). (H, E)
3.85. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Explain the consequences of World War II (the emergence of the U.S. and the Soviet Union as the world's two superpowers). (H, E)
3.86. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe reasons for the establishment of the United Nations in 1945 and summarize the main ideas of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (H)
3.87. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Summarize the factors that contributed to the Cold War, including Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe and the differences between democracy and communism. (H, C)
3.88. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the policy of containment, including the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO, as America's response to Soviet expansionist policies. (H)
3.89. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (the Korean War). (H)
3.90. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (the emergence of the People's Republic of China as a major power). (H)
3.91. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (the 1956 uprising in Hungary). (H)
3.92. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (Soviet-U.S. competition in the Middle East). (H)
3.93. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (conflicts involving Cuba and Berlin). (H)
3.94. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (the Vietnam War). (H)
3.95. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (the 'Prague Spring'). (H)
3.96. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (arms control agreements (including the ABM and SALT treaties) and detente under Nixon). (H)
3.97. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (the Soviet war in Afghanistan). (H)
3.98. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the Chinese Civil War, the rise of Mao Tse-tung, and the triumph of the Communist Revolution in China in 1949. (H)
3.99. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Identify the political and economic upheavals in China after the Chinese Revolution (Communist Party attempts to eliminate internal opposition). (H, E)
3.100. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Identify the political and economic upheavals in China after the Chinese Revolution (the Great Leap Forward and its consequences (famine)). (H, E)
3.101. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Identify the political and economic upheavals in China after the Chinese Revolution (the Cultural Revolution and its consequences (the terror of the Red Guards and the expansion of labor camps)). (H, E)
3.102. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Identify the political and economic upheavals in China after the Chinese Revolution (the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstration). (H, E)
3.103. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Identify the political and economic upheavals in China after the Chinese Revolution (China's economic modernization and its growing involvement in world trade). (H, E)
3.104. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the global surge in economic productivity during the Cold War and describe its consequences (the rise in living standards; the economic recovery and development of Germany and Japan). (H, E)
3.105. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the various factors that contributed to post-World War II economic and population growth (the long post-war peace between democratic nations). (H, E)
3.106. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the various factors that contributed to post-World War II economic and population growth (the policies of international economic organizations). (H, E)
3.107. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the various factors that contributed to post-World War II economic and population growth (scientific, technological, and medical advances). (H, E)
3.108. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe how the work of scientists in the 20th century influenced historical events, changed the lives of the general populace, and led to further scientific research (Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity). (H)
3.109. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe how the work of scientists in the 20th century influenced historical events, changed the lives of the general populace, and led to further scientific research (Enrico Fermi, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Edward Teller, and nuclear energy). (H)
3.110. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe how the work of scientists in the 20th century influenced historical events, changed the lives of the general populace, and led to further scientific research (Wernher von Braun and space exploration). (H)
3.111. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe how the work of scientists in the 20th century influenced historical events, changed the lives of the general populace, and led to further scientific research (Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine). (H)
3.112. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe how the work of scientists in the 20th century influenced historical events, changed the lives of the general populace, and led to further scientific research (James Watson, Francis Crick, the discovery of DNA, and the Human Genome Project). (H)
3.113. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development and goals of nationalist movements in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, including the ideas and importance of nationalist leaders (Fidel Castro (Cuba); Patrice Lumumba (Congo); Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam); Gamal Abdel Nasser (Egypt); Jawaharlal Nehru (India); Juan Peron (Argentina)). (H)
3.114. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab world (the growth of Zionism, and 19th and early 20th century immigration by Eastern European Jews to Palestine). (H)
3.115. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab world (anti-Semitism and the Holocaust). (H)
3.116. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab world (the UN vote in 1947 to partition the western part of the Palestine Mandate into two independent countries). (H)
3.117. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab world (the rejection of surrounding Arab countries of the UN decision and the invasion of Israel by Arab countries). (H)
3.118. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab world (the 1967 and 1973 wars between Israel and neighboring Arab states). (H)
3.119. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab world (the attempts to secure peace between Palestinians and Israelis). (H)
3.120. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Identify the causes for the decline and collapse of the Soviet Union and the communist regimes of Eastern Europe (the weaknesses of the Soviet command economy). (H, E)
3.121. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Identify the causes for the decline and collapse of the Soviet Union and the communist regimes of Eastern Europe (the burdens of Soviet military commitments). (H, E)
3.122. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Identify the causes for the decline and collapse of the Soviet Union and the communist regimes of Eastern Europe (the anticommunist policies of President Reagan). (H, E)
3.123. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Identify the causes for the decline and collapse of the Soviet Union and the communist regimes of Eastern Europe (the resistance to communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe). (H, E)
3.124. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the role of various leaders in transforming the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (Mikhail Gorbachev; Vaclav Havel; Andrei Sakharov; Aleksander Solzhenitsyn; Lech Walesa). (H, C)
3.125. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Analyze the consequences of the Soviet Union's breakup (the development of market economies). (H, E)
3.126. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Analyze the consequences of the Soviet Union's breakup (political and social instability). (H, E)
3.127. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Analyze the consequences of the Soviet Union's breakup ( the danger of the spread of nuclear technology and other technologies of mass destruction to rogue states and terrorist organizations). (H, E)
3.128. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Identify the sources of ethnic and religious conflicts in the following nations and regions (Northern Ireland; the Balkans; Sudan and Rwanda; Sri Lanka; Kashmir). (H)
3.129. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the reasons for the fall of apartheid in South Africa, including the influence and ideas of Nelson Mandela. (H)
3.130. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the social and economic effects of the spread of AIDS in Asian and African countries. (H)
3.131. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain how the computer revolution contributed to economic growth and advances in science, medicine, and communication. (H)
3.132. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades (the weakness and fragility of the oil-rich Persian Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and others). (H, E)
3.133. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades (the Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979). (H, E)
3.134. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades (defeat of the Soviet Union by the Mujahideen in Afghanistan). (H, E)
3.135. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades (the origins of the Persian Gulf War and the post-war actions of Saddam Hussein). (H, E)
3.136. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades (the financial support of radical and terrorist organizations by the Saudis). (H, E)
3.137. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades (the increase in terrorist attacks against Israel and the United States). (H, E)
3.138. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards
The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Describe America's response to and the wider consequences of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. (H)