North Carolina's Eleventh Grade Standards

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  • NC.1. Course / Competency Goal: United States History

    The New Nation (1789-1820) - The learner will identify, investigate, and assess the effectiveness of the institutions of the emerging republic.

    • 1.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Identify the major domestic issues and conflicts experienced by the nation during the Federalist Period.

    • 1.02. Competency Goal / Objective: Analyze the political freedoms available to the following groups prior to 1820

      women, wage earners, landless farmers, American Indians, African Americans, and other ethnic groups.

    • 1.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Assess commercial and diplomatic relationships with Britain, France, and other nations.

  • NC.2. Course / Competency Goal: United States History

    Expansion and Reform (1801-1850) - The learner will assess the competing forces of expansionism, nationalism, and sectionalism.

    • 2.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Analyze the effects of territorial expansion and the admission of new states to the Union.

    • 2.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Describe how the growth of nationalism and sectionalism were reflected in art, literature, and language.

    • 2.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Distinguish between the economic and social issues that led to sectionalism and nationalism.

    • 2.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Assess political events, issues, and personalities that contributed to sectionalism and nationalism.

    • 2.05. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Identify the major reform movements and evaluate their effectiveness.

    • 2.06. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Evaluate the role of religion in the debate over slavery and other social movements and issues.

  • NC.3. Course / Competency Goal: United States History

    Crisis, Civil War, and Reconstruction (1848-1877) - The learner will analyze the issues that led to the Civil War, the effects of the war, and the impact of Reconstruction on the nation.

    • 3.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Trace the economic, social, and political events from the Mexican War to the outbreak of the Civil War.

    • 3.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Analyze and assess the causes of the Civil War.

    • 3.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Identify political and military turning points of the Civil War and assess their significance to the outcome of the conflict.

    • 3.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Analyze the political, economic, and social impact of Reconstruction on the nation and identify the reasons why Reconstruction came to an end.

    • 3.05. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Evaluate the degree to which the Civil War and Reconstruction proved to be a test of the supremacy of the national government.

  • NC.4. Course / Competency Goal: United States History

    The Great West and the Rise of the Debtor (1860s-1896) - The learner will evaluate the great westward movement and assess the impact of the agricultural revolution on the nation.

    • 4.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Compare and contrast the different groups of people who migrated to the West and describe the problems they experienced.

    • 4.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Evaluate the impact that settlement in the West had upon different groups of people and the environment.

    • 4.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Describe the causes and effects of the financial difficulties that plagued the American farmer and trace the rise and decline of Populism.

    • 4.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Describe innovations in agricultural technology and business practices and assess their impact on the West.

  • NC.5. Course / Competency Goal: United States History

    Becoming an Industrial Society (1877-1900) - The learner will describe innovations in technology and business practices and assess their impact on economic, political, and social life in America.

    • 5.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Evaluate the influence of immigration and rapid industrialization on urban life.

    • 5.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Explain how business and industrial leaders accumulated wealth and wielded political and economic power.

    • 5.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Assess the impact of labor unions on industry and the lives of workers.

    • 5.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Describe the changing role of government in economic and political affairs.

  • NC.6. Course / Competency Goal: United States History

    The Emergence of the United States in World Affairs (1890-1914) - The learner will analyze causes and effects of the United States emergence as a world power.

    • 6.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Examine the factors that led to the United States taking an increasingly active role in world affairs.

    • 6.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Identify the areas of United States military, economic, and political involvement and influence.

    • 6.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Describe how the policies and actions of the United States government impacted the affairs of other countries.

  • NC.7. Course / Competency Goal: United States History

    The Progressive Movement in the United States (1890-1914) - The learner will analyze the economic, political, and social reforms of the Progressive Period.

    • 7.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Explain the conditions that led to the rise of Progressivism.

    • 7.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Analyze how different groups of Americans made economic and political gains in the Progressive Period.

    • 7.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Evaluate the effects of racial segregation on different regions and segments of the United States' society.

    • 7.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Examine the impact of technological changes on economic, social, and cultural life in the United States.

  • NC.8. Course / Competency Goal: United States History

    The Great War and Its Aftermath (1914-1930) - The learner will analyze United States involvement in World War I and the war's influence on international affairs during the 1920's.

    • 8.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Examine the reasons why the United States remained neutral at the beginning of World War I but later became involved.

    • 8.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Identify political and military turning points of the war and determine their significance to the outcome of the conflict.

    • 8.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Assess the political, economic, social, and cultural effects of the war on the United States and other nations.

  • NC.9. Course / Competency Goal: United States History

    Prosperity and Depression (1919-1939) - The learner will appraise the economic, social, and political changes of the decades of 'The Twenties' and 'The Thirties.'

    • 9.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Elaborate on the cycle of economic boom and bust in the 1920's and 1930's.

    • 9.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Analyze the extent of prosperity for different segments of society during this period.

    • 9.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Analyze the significance of social, intellectual, and technological changes of lifestyles in the United States.

    • 9.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Describe challenges to traditional practices in religion, race, and gender.

    • 9.05. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Assess the impact of New Deal reforms in enlarging the role of the federal government in American life.

  • NC.10. Course / Competency Goal: United States History

    World War II and the Beginning of the Cold War (1930s-1963) - The learner will analyze United States involvement in World War II and the war's influence on international affairs in following decades.

    • 10.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Elaborate on the causes of World War II and reasons for United States entry into the war.

    • 10.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Identify military, political, and diplomatic turning points of the war and determine their significance to the outcome and aftermath of the conflict.

    • 10.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Describe and analyze the effects of the war on American economic, social, political, and cultural life.

    • 10.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Elaborate on changes in the direction of foreign policy related to the beginnings of the Cold War.

    • 10.05. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Assess the role of organizations established to maintain peace and examine their continuing effectiveness.

  • NC.11. Course / Competency Goal: United States History

    Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) - The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.

    • 11.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Describe the effects of the Cold War on economic, political, and social life in America.

    • 11.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Trace major events of the Civil Rights Movement and evaluate its impact.

    • 11.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Identify major social movements including, but not limited to, those involving women, young people, and the environment, and evaluate the impact of these movements on the United States' society.

    • 11.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Identify the causes of United States' involvement in Vietnam and examine how this involvement affected society.

    • 11.05. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Examine the impact of technological innovations that have impacted American life.

    • 11.06. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Identify political events and the actions and reactions of the government officials and citizens, and assess the social and political consequences.

  • NC.12. Course / Competency Goal: United States History

    The United States since the Vietnam War (1973-present) - The learner will identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the United States during this time period.

    • 12.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Summarize significant events in foreign policy since the Vietnam War.

    • 12.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Evaluate the impact of recent constitutional amendments, court rulings, and federal legislation on United States' citizens.

    • 12.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Identify and assess the impact of economic, technological, and environmental changes in the United States.

    • 12.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Identify and assess the impact of social, political, and cultural changes in the United States.

    • 12.05. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Assess the impact of growing racial and ethnic diversity in American society.

    • 12.06. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Assess the impact of twenty-first century terrorist activity on American society.

  • NC.1. Course / Competency Goal: Core Skill

    The learner will acquire strategies for reading social studies materials and for increasing social studies vocabulary.

    • 1.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Read for literal meaning.

    • 1.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Summarize to select main ideas.

    • 1.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Draw inferences.

    • 1.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Detect cause and effect.

    • 1.05. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Recognize bias and propaganda.

    • 1.06. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Recognize and use social studies terms in written and oral reports.

    • 1.07. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Distinguish fact and fiction.

    • 1.08. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Use context clues and appropriate sources such as glossaries, texts, and dictionaries to gain meaning.

  • NC.2. Course / Competency Goal: Core Skill

    The learner will acquire strategies to access a variety of sources, and use appropriate research skills to gather, synthesize, and report information using diverse modalities to demonstrate the knowledge acquired.

    • 2.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Use appropriate sources of information.

    • 2.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Explore print and non-print materials.

    • 2.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Utilize different types of technology.

    • 2.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Utilize community-related resources such as field trips, guest speakers, and interviews.

    • 2.05. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Transfer information from one medium to another such as written to visual and statistical to written.

    • 2.06. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Create written, oral, musical, visual, and theatrical presentations of social studies information.

  • NC.3. Course / Competency Goal: Core Skill

    The learner will acquire strategies to analyze, interpret, create, and use resources and materials.

    • 3.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Use map and globe reading skills.

    • 3.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Interpret graphs and charts.

    • 3.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Detect bias.

    • 3.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Interpret social and political messages of cartoons.

    • 3.05. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Interpret history through artifacts, arts, and media.

  • NC.4. Course / Competency Goal: Core Skill

    The learner will acquire strategies needed for applying decision-making and problem-solving techniques both orally and in writing to historic, contemporary, and controversial world issues.

    • 4.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Use hypothetical reasoning processes.

    • 4.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Examine, understand, and evaluate conflicting viewpoints.

    • 4.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Recognize and analyze values upon which judgments are made.

    • 4.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Apply conflict resolutions.

    • 4.05. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Predict possible outcomes.

    • 4.06. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Draw conclusions.

    • 4.07. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Offer solutions.

    • 4.08. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Develop hypotheses.

  • NC.5. Course / Competency Goal: Core Skill

    The learner will acquire strategies needed for effective incorporation of computer technology in the learning process.

    • 5.01. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Use word processing to create, format, and produce classroom assignments/projects.

    • 5.02. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Create and modify a database for class assignments.

    • 5.03. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Create, modify, and use spreadsheets to examine real-world problems.

    • 5.04. Competency Goal / Objective:

      Create nonlinear projects related to the social studies content area via multimedia presentations.

New York's Eleventh Grade Standards

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  • NY.1. Strand / Standard: History of the United States and New York

    Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York.

    • 1.1. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      The study of New York State and United States history requires an analysis of the development of American culture, its diversity and multicultural context, and the ways people are unified by many values, practices, and traditions.

      • 1.1.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze the development of American culture, explaining how ideas, values, beliefs, and traditions have changed over time and how they unite all Americans.

      • 1.1.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students describe the evolution of American democratic values and beliefs as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the New York State Constitution, the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and other important historical documents.

    • 1.2. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      Important ideas, social and cultural values, beliefs, and traditions from New York State and United States history illustrate the connections and interactions of people and events across time and from a variety of perspectives.

      • 1.2.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students discuss several schemes for periodizing the history of New York State and the United States

      • 1.2.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students develop and test hypotheses about important events, eras, or issues in New York State and United States history, setting clear and valid criteria for judging the importance and significance of these events, eras, or issues.

      • 1.2.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students compare and contrast the experiences of different groups in the United States.

      • 1.2.4. Performance Indicator:

        Students examine how the Constitution, United States law, and the rights of citizenship provide a major unifying factor in bringing together Americans from diverse roots and traditions.

      • 1.2.5. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze the United States involvement in foreign affairs and a willingness to engage in international politics, examining the ideas and traditions leading to these foreign policies.

      • 1.2.6. Performance Indicator:

        Students compare and contrast the values exhibited and foreign policies implemented by the United States and other nations over time with those expressed in the United Nations Charter and international law.

    • 1.3. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      Study about the major social, political, economic, cultural, and religious developments in New York State and United States history involves learning about the important roles and contributions of individuals and groups.

      • 1.3.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students compare and contrast the experiences of different ethnic, national, and religious groups, including Native American Indians, in the United States, explaining their contributions to American society and culture.

      • 1.3.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students research and analyze the major themes and developments in New York State and United States history (e.g., colonization and settlement; Revolution and New National Period; immigration; expansion and reform era; Civil War and Reconstruction; The American labor movement; Great Depression; World Wars; contemporary United States).

      • 1.3.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students prepare essays and oral reports about the important social, political, economic, scientific, technological, and cultural developments, issues, and events from New York State and United States history.

      • 1.3.4. Performance Indicator:

        Students understand the interrelationships between world events and developments in New York State and the United States (e.g., causes for immigration, economic opportunities, human rights abuses, and tyranny versus freedom).

    • 1.4. Strand / Performance Indicator: The skills of historical analysis include the ability to

      explain the significance of historical evidence; weigh the importance, reliability, and validity of evidence; understand the concept of multiple causation; understand the importance of changing and competing interpretations of different historical developments.

      • 1.4.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze historical narratives about key events in New York State and United States history to identify the facts and evaluate the authors' perspectives.

      • 1.4.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students consider different historians' analyses of the same event or development in United States history to understand how different viewpoints and/or frames of reference influence historical interpretations.

      • 1.4.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students evaluate the validity and credibility of historical interpretations of important events or issues in New York State or United States history, revising these interpretations as new information is learned and other interpretations are developed. (Adapted from National Standards for United States History).

  • NY.2. Strand / Standard: World History

    Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.

    • 2.1. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      The study of world history requires an understanding of world cultures and civilizations, including an analysis of important ideas, social and cultural values, beliefs, and traditions. This study also examines the human condition and the connections and interactions of people across time and space, and the ways different people view the same event or issue from a variety of perspectives.

      • 2.1.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students define culture and civilization, explaining how they developed and changed over time. Investigate the various components of cultures and civilizations including social customs, norms, values, and traditions; political systems; economic systems; religions and spiritual beliefs; and socialization or educational practices.

      • 2.1.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students understand the development and connectedness of Western civilization and other civilizations and cultures in many areas of the world and over time.

      • 2.1.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze historic events from around the world by examining accounts written from different perspectives.

      • 2.1.4. Performance Indicator:

        Students understand the broad patterns, relationships, and interactions of cultures and civilizations during particular eras and across eras.

      • 2.1.5. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze changing and competing interpretations of issues, events, and developments throughout world history.

    • 2.2. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      Establishing timeframes, exploring different periodizations, examining themes across time and within cultures, and focusing on important turning points in world history help organize the study of world cultures and civilizations.

      • 2.2.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students distinguish between the past, present, and future by creating multiple-tier timelines that display important events and developments from world history across time and place.

      • 2.2.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students evaluate the effectiveness of different models for the periodization of important historic events, identifying the reasons why a particular sequence for these events was chosen.

      • 2.2.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze evidence critically and demonstrate an understanding of how circumstances of time and place influence perspective.

      • 2.2.4. Performance Indicator:

        Students explain the importance of analyzing narratives drawn from different times and places to understand historical events.

      • 2.2.5. Performance Indicator:

        Students investigate key events and developments and major turning points in world history to identify the factors that brought about change and the long-term effects of these changes.

    • 2.3. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      Study of the major social, political, cultural, and religious developments in world history involves learning about the important roles and contributions of individuals and groups.

      • 2.3.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze the roles and contributions of individuals and groups to social, political, economic, cultural, and religious practices and activities.

      • 2.3.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students explain the dynamics of cultural change and how interactions between and among cultures has affected various cultural groups throughout the world.

      • 2.3.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students examine the social/cultural, political, economic, and religious norms and values of Western and other world cultures.

    • 2.4. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      The skills of historical analysis include the ability to investigate differing and competing interpretations of the theories of history, hypothesize about why interpretations change over time, explain the importance of historical evidence, and understand the concepts of change and continuity over time.

      • 2.4.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students identify historical problems, pose analytical questions or hypotheses, research analytical questions or test hypotheses, formulate conclusions or generalizations, raise new questions or issues for further investigation.

      • 2.4.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students interpret and analyze documents and artifacts related to significant developments and events in world history.

      • 2.4.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students plan and organize historical research projects related to regional or global interdependence.

      • 2.4.4. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze different interpretations of important events, issues, or developments in world history by studying the social, political, and economic context in which they were developed; by testing the data source for reliability and validity, credibility, authority, authenticity, and completeness; and by detecting bias, distortion of the facts, and propaganda by omission, suppression, or invention of facts. (Taken from National Standards for World History).

  • NY.3. Strand / Standard: Geography

    Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live - local, national, and global - including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth's surface.

    • 3.2. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      Geography requires the development and application of the skills of asking and answering geographic questions; analyzing theories of geography; and acquiring, organizing, and analyzing geographic information. (Adapted from The National Geography Standards, 1994 Geography for Life).

      • 3.2.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students locate and gather geographic information from a variety of primary and secondary sources (Taken from National Geography Standards, 1994).

      • 3.2.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students plan, organize, and present geographic research projects.

      • 3.2.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students select and design maps, graphs, tables, charts, diagrams, and other graphic representations to present geographic information.

      • 3.2.4. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze geographic information by developing and testing inferences and hypotheses, and formulating conclusions from maps, photographs, computer models, and other geographic representations (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994).

      • 3.2.5. Performance Indicator:

        Students develop and test generalizations and conclusions and pose analytical questions based on the results of geographic inquiry.

    • 3.1. Strand / Performance Indicator: Geography can be divided into six essential elements which can be used to analyze important historic, geographic, economic, and environmental questions and issues. These six elements include

      the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical settings (including natural resources), human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography. (Adapted from The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life).

      • 3.1.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students understand how to develop and use maps and other graphic representations to display geographic issues, problems, and questions.

      • 3.1.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students describe the physical characteristics of the Earth's surface and investigate the continual reshaping of the surface by physical processes and human activities.

      • 3.1.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students investigate the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations on the Earth's surface (Taken from National Geography Standards, 1994).

      • 3.1.4. Performance Indicator:

        Students understand the development and interactions of social/cultural, political, economic, and religious systems in different regions of the world.

      • 3.1.5. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze how the forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of the Earth's surface (Taken from National Geography Standards, 1994).

      • 3.1.6. Performance Indicator:

        Students explain how technological change affects people, places, and regions.

  • NY.4. Strand / Standard: Economics

    Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of how the United States and other societies develop economic systems and associated institutions to allocate scarce resources, how major decision-making units function in the United States and other national economies, and how an economy solves the scarcity problem through market and nonmarket mechanisms.

    • 4.1. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      The study of economics requires an understanding of major economic concepts and systems, the principles of economic decision making, and the interdependence of economies and economic systems throughout the world.

      • 4.1.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze the effectiveness of varying ways societies, nations, and regions of the world attempt to satisfy their basic needs and wants by utilizing scarce resources.

      • 4.1.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students define and apply basic economic concepts such as scarcity, supply/demand, opportunity costs, production, resources, money and banking, economic growth, markets, costs, competition, and world economic systems.

      • 4.1.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students understand the nature of scarcity and how nations of the world make choices which involve economic and social costs and benefits.

      • 4.1.4. Performance Indicator:

        Students describe the ideals, principles, structure, practices, accomplishments, and problems related to the United States economic system.

      • 4.1.5. Performance Indicator:

        Students compare and contrast the United States economic system with other national economic systems, focusing on the three fundamental economic questions.

      • 4.1.6. Performance Indicator:

        Students explain how economic decision making has become global as a result of an interdependent world economy.

      • 4.1.7. Performance Indicator:

        Students understand the roles in the economic system of consumers, producers, workers, investors, and voters.

    • 4.2. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      Economics requires the development and application of the skills needed to make informed and well-reasoned economic decisions in daily and national life.

      • 4.2.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students identify, locate, and evaluate economic information from standard reference works, newspapers, periodicals, computer databases, monographs, textbooks, government publications, and other primary and secondary sources.

      • 4.2.2. Performance Indicator: Students use economic information by identifying similarities and differences in trends; inferring relationships between various elements of an economy

        organizing and arranging information in charts, tables, and graphs; extrapolating and making conclusions about economic questions, issues, and problems.

      • 4.2.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students apply a problem-solving model to identify economic problems or issues, generate hypotheses, test hypotheses, investigate and analyze selected data, consider alternative solutions or positions, and make decisions about the best solution or position.

      • 4.2.4. Performance Indicator:

        Students present economic information and conclusions in different formats, including graphic representations, computer models, research reports, and oral presentations.

  • NY.5. Strand / Standard: Civics, Citizenship, and Government

    Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States and other nations; the United States Constitution; the basic civic values of American constitutional democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.

    • 5.1. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      The study of civics, citizenship, and government involves learning about political systems; the purposes of government and civic life; and the differing assumptions held by people across time and place regarding power, authority, governance, and law. (Adapted from The National Standards for Civics and Government, 1994).

      • 5.1.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze how the values of a nation and international organizations affect the guarantee of human rights and make provisions for human needs.

      • 5.1.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students consider the nature and evolution of constitutional democracies throughout the world.

      • 5.1.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students compare various political systems with that of the United States in terms of ideology, structure, function, institutions, decision-making processes, citizenship roles, and political culture.

      • 5.1.4. Performance Indicator:

        Students identify and analyze advantages and disadvantages of various governmental systems.

    • 5.2. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      The state and federal governments established by the Constitutions of the United States and the State of New York embody basic civic values (such as justice, honesty, self-discipline, due process, equality, majority rule with respect for minority rights, and respect for self, others, and property), principles, and practices and establish a system of shared and limited government. (Adapted from The National Standards for Civics and Government, 1994).

      • 5.2.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students trace the evolution of American values, beliefs, and institutions.

      • 5.2.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze the disparities between civic values expressed in the United States Constitution and the United Nation Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the realities as evidenced in the political, social, and economic life in the United States and throughout the world.

      • 5.2.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students identify, respect, and model those core civic values inherent in our founding documents that have been forces for unity in American society.

      • 5.2.4. Performance Indicator:

        Students compare and contrast the Constitutions of the United States and New York State.

      • 5.2.5. Performance Indicator:

        Students understand the dynamic relationship between federalism and state's rights.

    • 5.3. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      Central to civics and citizenship is an understanding of the roles of the citizen within American constitutional democracy and the scope of a citizen's rights and responsibilities.

      • 5.3.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students understand how citizenship includes the exercise of certain personal responsibilities, including voting, considering the rights and interests of others, behaving in a civil manner, and accepting responsibility for the consequences of one's actions (Adapted from The National Standards for Civics and Government, 1994).

      • 5.3.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students analyze issues at the local, state, and national levels and prescribe responses that promote the public interest or general welfare, such as planning and carrying out a voter registration campaign.

      • 5.3.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students describe how citizenship is defined by the Constitution and important laws.

      • 5.3.4. Performance Indicator:

        Students explore how citizens influence public policy in a representative democracy.

    • 5.4. Strand / Performance Indicator:

      The study of civics and citizenship requires the ability to probe ideas and assumptions, ask and answer analytical questions, take a skeptical attitude toward questionable arguments, evaluate evidence, formulate rational conclusions, and develop and refine participatory skills.

      • 5.4.1. Performance Indicator:

        Students participate as informed citizens in the political justice system and processes of the United States, including voting.

      • 5.4.2. Performance Indicator:

        Students evaluate, take, and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of American political life are and their importance to the maintenance of constitutional democracy (Adapted from The National Standards for Civics and Government, 1994).

      • 5.4.3. Performance Indicator:

        Students take, defend, and evaluate positions about attitudes that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in public affairs.

      • 5.4.4. Performance Indicator:

        Students consider the need to respect the rights of others, to respect others' points of view (Adapted from The National Standards for Civics and Government, 1996).

      • 5.4.5. Performance Indicator:

        Students participate in school/classroom/community activities that focus on an issue or problem.

      • 5.4.6. Performance Indicator:

        Students prepare a plan of action that defines an issue or problem, suggests alternative solutions or courses of action, evaluates the consequences for each alternative solution or course of action, prioritizes the solutions based on established criteria, and proposes an action plan to address the issue or to resolve the problem.

      • 5.4.7. Performance Indicator:

        Students explain how democratic principles have been used in resolving an issue or problem.

New Hampshire's Eleventh Grade Standards

Article Body
  • NH.3. Strand / Standard: Civics and Governments

    The goal of Civics is to educate students to understand the purpose, structure, and functions of government; the political process; the rule of law; and world affairs. Civics builds on a foundation of history, geography, and economics to teach students to become responsible, knowledgeable citizens, committed to participation in public affairs.

    • 3.1. Standard / Gle: The Nature and Purpose of Government

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of governments, and the fundamental ideals of government of the United States.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify the structures and functions of government at various levels, e.g., county - role of the sheriff's office, or nation - role of providing the defense of the country.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Examine how institutions and individuals make, apply, and enforce rules and laws, e.g., the Federal Communications Commission regulations on television broadcast standards or local public hearings on zoning regulations.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate how the purposes of government have been interpreted, e.g., promoting the general welfare or protection of private property.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain how in the United States legitimate authority derives from custom, law and consent of the governed, e.g., the Mayflower Compact or local curfews.

    • 3.2. Standard / Gle: Structure and Function of United States and New Hampshire Government

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of major provisions of the United States and New Hampshire Constitutions, and the organization and operation of government at all levels including the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe how the fundamental ideals and principles of American government are incorporated in the United States Constitution and the New Hampshire Constitution, e.g., the rule of law or individual rights and responsibilities.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the evolution of the United States Constitution as a living document, e.g., the Bill of Rights or Plessy v. Ferguson.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe the roles and responsibilities of the United States and New Hampshire judicial systems, e.g., resolution of conflict between states or New Hampshire Legislature's use of advisory opinions from the New Hampshire Supreme Court.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate how individual rights have been extended in the United States, e.g., Truman's integration of the Armed Services or the Miranda decision.

    • 3.3. Standard / Gle: The World and the United States' Place In It

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship of the United States to other countries, and the role of the United States in world affairs.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Discuss the impact on world affairs and the United States' response to environmental, economic, and technological issues, e.g., intellectual property rights or global warming.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Discuss the relationship between domestic and foreign policy, e.g., farm subsidies or the impact of the 2003 Iraq war on the United Kingdom, the United States, and Spain.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Discuss the impact of United States' contributions to the ideals of democracy and representative government on world affairs, e.g., the United States Constitution or free elections.

    • 3.4. Standard / Gle: Rights and Responsibilities

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, and the ability to apply their knowledge of local, state, and national government through the political process and citizen involvement.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Demonstrate responsible practices within the political process, e.g., registering to vote or taking civic action.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Investigate how knowledgeable and engaged citizens have acted to preserve and extend their liberties, e.g., writing letters to the editor or participating in town meetings.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain why the preservation of liberty requires the participation of knowledgeable and engaged citizens, e.g., writing letters to the editor or participating in town meetings.

  • NH.4. Strand / Standard: Economics

    Economics is the study of the allocation and utilization of limited resources to meet society's unlimited needs and wants, including how goods and services are produced and distributed. Through economics, students examine the relationship between costs and benefits. They develop an understanding of basic economic concepts; economics in history; how economics affects and is affected by the individual; cycles in the economy; financial institutions and government; and international economics and trade. The goal of economic education is to prepare students to make effective decisions as consumers, producers, savers, investors, and as citizens.

    • 4.1. Standard / Gle: Economics and the Individual

      Students will learn about their role in a free market, how decisions that they make affect the economy, and how changes in the economy can affect them.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Examine the roles of workers and consumers in factor and product markets, e.g., how labor or private property can be used as a productive resource.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Conceptualize how events in the business cycle impact individual lives, e.g., career or consumer choices.

    • 4.2. Standard / Gle: Basic Economic Concepts

      Students will learn about the pillars of a free market economy and the market mechanism.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain how the allocation of resources impact productivity and ultimately economic growth, e.g., worker migrations.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Use a circular flow model to explain the interdependence of business, government and households in the factor and product markets.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Interpret demand and supply schedules/graphs including the influences on price elasticity, e.g., the impact of downloading music from the internet.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe the similarities and differences among monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic and pure competition, e.g., ease of entry and degree of price control.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the similarities and differences among sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations, e.g., number of owners and financing options.

    • 4.3. Standard / Gle: Cycles in the Economy

      Students will be able to explain the business cycle and trends in economic activity over time.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Recognize the economic indicators that create or reflect changes in the business cycle, e.g., new home construction or number of unemployment claims.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the different types of inflation, e.g., cost-push or structural.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Apply the consumer price index to demonstrate comparative values over time, e.g., the purchasing power of the dollar.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the different types of unemployment, e.g., frictional or cyclical.

    • 4.4. Standard / Gle: Financial Institutions and the Government

      Students will understand how financial institutions and the government work together to stabilize our economy, and how changes in them affect the individual.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the effect of government actions on financial institutions, e.g., securities and exchange regulations or the New Hampshire Banking Commission

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the components of the money supply, e.g., currency or money market accounts.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Distinguish between monetary policy and fiscal policy and how they influence the economy, e.g., the reserve ratio or taxation.

    • 4.5. Standard / Gle: International Economics and Trade

      Students will recognize the importance of international trade and how economies are affected by it.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain how comparative advantage affects trade decisions, e.g., importing steel or exporting capital equipment.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the reasons for changes in international currency values, e.g., interest rates or the balance of trade.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Examine how various national economic policies have led to changes in the international economy, e.g., mercantilism or privatization.

    • 4.6. Standard / Gle: Personal Finance

      Students will be able to explain the importance of money management, spending credit, saving, and investing in a free market economy.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Compare the risk, rate of return, and liquidity of investment.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify and analyze sources of consumer credit.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain factors that affect creditworthiness and identify ways to avoid and correct credit problems.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe how insurance and other risk management strategies protect against financial loss.

  • NH.5. Strand / Standard: Geography

    The real crux of geography is understanding our physical Earth and human-environment interaction: knowing why people settle in an area, how they make their living and the resources they use, why they dress or speak the way they do, and what they do for entertainment. A geographically informed person can draw connections between locations of the Earth, recognize complex regional patterns, and appreciate the influence of place on human development.

    • 5.1. Standard / Gle: The World in Spatial Terms

      Students will demonstrate the ability to use maps, mental maps, globes, and other graphic tools and technologies to acquire, process, report, and analyze geographic information.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Use graphic tools to depict geographic issues, e.g., ice production in the Philippines or voting patterns in the United States.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Demonstrate how mental maps reflect the human perception of places, e.g., people's decisions to migrate or attitudes towards other cultures.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze spatial interactions and models of spatial organization, e.g., trade flows between countries or location of industry in areas of low production costs.

    • 5.2. Standard / Gle: Places and Regions

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of the physical and human geographic features that define places and regions as well as how culture and experience influence people's perceptions of places and regions.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Discuss the changing meaning and significance of place, e.g., London as a Roman outpost in Britain or as the center of a global empire in the 1800s.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Investigate how relationships between humans and the physical environment lead to the formation of 'place,' e.g., terracing of hillsides or oasis agriculture.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe the structure of regional systems, e.g., how small cities are linked to larger cities.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Utilize regions to analyze geographic issues, e.g., the cotton South v. the industrial North prior to the Civil War or tensions within the European Union.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Recognize that places and regions serve as symbols for individuals and societies, e.g., Mecca or Salt Lake City.

    • 5.3. Standard / Gle: Physical Systems

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of the physical processes that shape the patterns of Earth's surface and the characteristics and spatial distribution of ecosystems.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the interaction of Earth's physical systems, e.g., tectonic forces that shape continents and ocean basins.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Demonstrate the spatial variation in physical processes across Earth's surface, e.g., monsoon patterns or desertification.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Illustrate the characteristics of different ecosystems, e.g., the location of temperate rain forests or the factors and processes involved in the formation of soils.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Compare the carrying capacity of different ecosystems in relation to land use, e.g., steppe or savanna.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Recognize the importance of ecosystems in people's understanding of environmental issues, e.g., the long-term effects of acid rain on water bodies or forest fires and management.

    • 5.4. Standard / Gle: Human Systems

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of human migration; the complexity of cultural mosaics; economic interdependence; human settlement patterns; and the forces of cooperation and conflict among peoples.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify world population trends in both numbers and patterns, e.g., urban development or the availability of water.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Distinguish how culture traits shape the character of a region, e.g., Buddhism in Southeast Asia or the French language in Quebec.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Recognize the increasing economic interdependence of the world's countries, e.g., the geographic consequences of an international debt crisis or the location of oil reserves.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Classify the functions, sizes, and spatial arrangements of urban areas, e.g., how cities differ from towns and villages.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Demonstrate how cooperation and conflict are involved in shaping the distribution of social, political, and economic spaces on Earth at different scales, e.g., the reunification of Germany or the Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify economic activities in more developed or less developed countries and their evolution, e.g., primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary economic activities.

    • 5.5. Standard / Gle: Environment and Society

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of the connections and consequences of the interactions between Earth's physical and human systems.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Appraise the significance of the global impact of human modification of the physical environment, e.g., the dispersal of animal and plant species worldwide or soil degradation.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain how changes in the physical environment can diminish its capacity to support human activity, e.g., the rainforests in central Africa or the Great Plains Dust Bowl.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Consider how humans perceive and react to natural hazards, e.g., flood plains in New Hampshire or earthquake zones.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Examine how the spatial distribution of resources affects patterns of human settlement, e.g., the creation of ghost towns in mining areas of Colorado or the growth of Johannesburg, South Africa.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explore how the use and development of natural resources use change over time, e.g., energy sources in Siberia or the changes in the use of petroleum.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate the management and use of renewable, non-renewable, flow and potential resources, e.g., overfishing or recycling.

  • NH.6. Strand / Standard: New Hampshire and United States History

    The study of New Hampshire and United States History is important in helping citizens understand and appreciate the legacy of our republic, and to develop the empathy and analytical skills needed to participate intelligently and responsibly in our ongoing democratic experiment. Historical study exposes students to the enduring themes and issues of our past and emboldens them to courageously and compassionately meet the contemporary challenges they will face as individuals in a state, a country and an interdependent world. Ultimately, the study of history will help students plan and implement responsible actions that support and enhance our collective values.

    • 6.1. Standard / Gle: Political Foundations and Development

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of the major ideas, issues and events pertaining to the history of governance in our state and nation.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Account for the rise and fall of political parties and movements and their impact, e.g., the Whig Party or the Progressive Movement.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze how religion has influenced the political life of the nation, e.g., the separation of church and state in early New Hampshire or the rise of the Moral Majority.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the roots and application of the federal system of government by examining key documents and events, e.g., the Articles of Confederation or the New Deal.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Examine the impact of sectionalism on national crises and United States government policies, e.g., Hartford Convention or Brown v. Board of Education.

    • 6.2. Standard / Gle: Contacts, Exchanges & International Relations

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of the events, actions and policies of our nation in relation to other peoples and governments over time.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Examine the role of New Hampshire in international diplomacy, e.g., the Webster-Ashburton Treaty or the Bretton Woods Economic Conference.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze how United States foreign policy has varied from periods of international involvement, to isolationism, to exerting power and dominance at different time periods, e.g., the Era of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars or the two World Wars.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Decide to what extent democratic ideals, economic motives and empire building have influenced U.S. foreign policy in events and policies, e.g., Jefferson's Embargo Act or the Spanish American War.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Determine the extent to which Manifest Destiny has been a driving force behind American ideology, e.g., Roger Williams and the founding of Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations or the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Investigate United States involvement in and/or conflict with regional and international organizations, e.g., the League of Nations or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

    • 6.3. Standard / Gle: World Views and Value systems and their Intellectual and Artistic Expressions

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of conceptions of reality, ideals, guidelines of behavior and forms of expression.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate how individuals have developed ideas that have profoundly affected American life, e.g., transcendentalism or relativism.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze how the arts and science often reflect and/or influence major ideas, values and conflicts of particular time periods, e.g., the impact of the Enlightenment on the founding of our nation or the Harlem Renaissance.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Critique how the art, music and literature of our nation have been influenced by groups, e.g., the Spanish colonists in the Southwest or the 60s counter culture movement.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the spread of American ideas and culture around the world using examples, e.g., the Bill of Rights or popular music.

    • 6.4. Standard / Gle: Economic Systems & Technology

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of the changing forms of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services over time.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze how westward movement led to increased personal opportunities and a more diverse economy as seen in events, e.g., the Northwest Ordinance or Alaskan statehood.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate the impact of major developments and changes in American economic productivity, e.g., the factory system or the emergence of a service-based economy.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain how the development of technology has both simplified and complicated work, e.g., the development of interchangeable parts or the 'paperless' office.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Examine how economic interactions have occurred on an increasingly global scale, e.g., mercantilism or North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain how the economy over time has shaped the distribution of wealth, e.g., the development of the middle class or the recent outsourcing of United States' jobs.

    • 6.5. Standard / Gle: Social/Cultural

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of the interaction of various social groups, including their values, beliefs and practices, over time.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explore the tensions between the values of unity and pluralism in defining our national identity, e.g., the Puritans v Anne Hutchinson or the counter-culture vs. the silent majority.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate the changing roles of gender in society, e.g., the ideal of 'Republican Motherhood' or Title IX.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Explore attitudes toward diversity held by and groups and individuals, e.g., antebellum Southerners or Eleanor Roosevelt.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Examine the impact of social class on life in the United States, e.g., democracy in the Age of Jackson or public education.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze how religious ideas of morality have impacted social change, e.g., the Abolitionist Movement or the debate over legalized abortion.

  • NH.7. Strand / Standard: World History and Contemporary Issues

    The study of World History and Contemporary Issues is important in helping citizens understand and appreciate the contemporary challenges they will face as individuals in an interdependent, increasingly connected world. Knowledge of past achievements and failures of different peoples and nations provides citizens of the 21st century with a broader context within which to address the many issues facing our nation and the world. World History fosters an appreciation of the roots of our nation's values and the values and perspectives of other peoples. It illustrates how humans have expressed themselves in different surroundings and at different times, revealing the many commonalties and differences shared by the world's peoples past and present.

    • 7.1. Standard / Gle: Political Foundations and Developments

      Students will demonstrate an understanding of major events, ideas and issues pertaining to the history of governance.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe the development of different political systems, e.g., the city-state, nation-state or the European Union.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of international and regional political organizations, e.g., the Delian League, the United Nations or the Warsaw Pact.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the impact of modern weapons of mass destruction on world relations during eras, e.g., the World Wars, the Cold War or contemporary times.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the impact on political institutions of mass movements, e.g., the French Revolution, Taiping Rebellion, or anti-apartheid protest in South Africa

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate the influence of religion on political systems, e.g., priestesses in Sumeria, Hinduism in Southeast Asia, or Islam in Africa.

    • 7.2. Standard / Gle: Contacts, Exchanges & International Relations

      Students will demonstrate their understanding of the interactions of peoples and governments over time.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe how traders and merchants have been instrumental in spreading ideas and beliefs to new areas, e.g., Arab traders in Africa, Europeans to Australia and Micronesia, or Western business representatives in East Asia.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate how military encounters have often led to cultural exchanges, e.g., T'ang expansion, Mongol conquests, or World War II.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Assess the impact of migrations of peoples on the receiving societies, e.g., Chinese to Southeast Asia, Europeans to Latin America, or formerly colonized peoples to Europe.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate the effectiveness of attempts to regulate warfare and sustain peaceful contacts, e.g., arranged marriages between ruling families, the League of Nations, or nuclear non-proliferation treaties.

    • 7.3. Standard / Gle: World Views and Value systems and their Intellectual and Artistic Expressions

      Students will demonstrate their understanding of conceptions of reality, ideals, guidelines of behavior and their forms of expression.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe how people's differences in religion have often led to conflict in regions of the world, e.g., the Roman Empire, the Holy Land, or the Indian subcontinent.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze how philosophic systems and social theories are powerful forces throughout history, e.g., Stoicism, neo-Confucianism, or liberation theology.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Examine how gender and ethnicity have been conceptualized in the arts, e.g., epic literature, African wood carvings, or film.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Consider how art, music, and literature often reflect or influence major ideas, values and conflicts of particular time periods, e.g., pre-Columbian America, the Renaissance, or eras of intense nationalism.

    • 7.4. Standard / Gle: Economic Systems & Technology

      Students will demonstrate their understanding of the changing forms of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services over time.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze various systems of distributing wealth, e.g., feudalism, free market economies, or the welfare state.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the impact of the Industrial Revolution around the world, e.g., the emergence of the factory system or the search for markets in Asia and Africa.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the development and impact of various labor systems, e.g., slavery, the medieval guilds, or wage labor.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Examine the development and impact of medical innovations, e.g., Buddhist hospitals, the discovery of germs, or stem cell research.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Consider the relationship between weapons development and political or economic power, e.g., the horse-drawn chariot, gunpowder, or nuclear weapons.

    • 7.5. Standard / Gle: Social/Cultural

      Students will demonstrate their understanding of the diversity of values, beliefs, and practices of individuals and groups over time.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Assess the impact of urbanization on the world environment, e.g., Rome or Sao Paulo.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Examine the role and impact of religious ideas on daily life and social norms, e.g., rites of passage, personal morality, or dietary practices.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze struggles for cultural continuity by Diaspora communities, e.g., ethnic Chinese, Jews, or Roma (gypsies).

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Examine gender roles in societies, e.g., ancient Athens, the Mali Empire, or contemporary Latin America.

      • Grade Level Expectation:

        Determine the basis for ranking social groups within a given culture, e.g., religious knowledge, wealth, or military power.

Nevada's Eleventh Grade Standards

Article Body
  • NV.1.0. Content Standard: Economics

    The Economic Way of Thinking: Students will use fundamental economic concepts, including scarcity, choice, cost, incentives, and costs versus benefits to describe and analyze problems and opportunities, both individual and social.

    • 1.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Scarcity, Choice, and Cost

      Explain why choices and their costs may differ across individuals and societies.

    • 1.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Incentives and Preferences

      Recognize that people act out of self-interest and predict how a change in the economic environment will affect the choices made by consumers, producers, and savers.

    • 1.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Cost versus Benefits

      Examine decisions made by individuals, businesses, and government by comparing the marginal benefits and marginal costs.

    • 1.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Give examples of and evaluate the effectiveness of incentive systems used by parents, teachers, and employers. (E10.12.4)

  • NV.2.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Measuring U.S. Economic Performance: Students will demonstrate a knowledge of past and present U.S. economic performance, identify the economic indicators used to measure that performance, and use this knowledge to make individual decisions and discuss social issues.

    • 2.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Measuring Economic Growth

      Explain the difference between nominal GDP and real GDP.

    • 2.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Measuring Economic Growth

      Using real GDP per capita as a measure of the standard of living, describe how living standards have changed over time. (H 1.12.2; H 2.12.3)

    • 2.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Measuring Economic Growth

      Using the change in real GDP, examine the U.S. economy over time, identifying recessions and high and low rates of growth. (H 1.12.2; H 2.12.3; H 8.8.6; H 8.12.6)

    • 2.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Measuring Inflation

      Using a price index to measure inflation, identify when the U.S. economy has experienced high and low rates of inflation and discuss their effects. (H 1.12.2; H 2.12.3)

    • 2.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Measuring Inflation

      Use various price indexes to determine how the prices of different types of goods and services have changed.

    • 2.12.6 Strand / Indicator: Measuring Unemployment

      Explain and give examples of the costs of unemployment to the economy as a whole (such as lost income, lost tax revenue, and additional welfare burdens). (H 8.12.6)

    • 2.12.7 Strand / Indicator: Measuring Unemployment

      Compare the unemployment rates for groups of people who differ by age, gender, ethnic origin, occupation, and educational attainment.

    • 2.12.8 Strand / Indicator: Measuring Interest

      Explain why a real interest rate accurately measures the benefit of saving or the cost of borrowing.

    • 2.12.9 Strand / Indicator: Measuring Interest

      Demonstrate knowledge of when interest rate levels have experienced relative highs and relative lows throughout U.S. history and discuss their effects. (H 1.12.2; H 8.12.6)

    • 2.12.10 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Characterize different career paths according to the rates of job growth and employment opportunities.

    • 2.12.11 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Explain ways a high interest rate could be detrimental or beneficial.

    • 2.12.12 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Evaluate saving and borrowing options in terms of interest and compare long- and short-term costs and benefits.

  • NV.3.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Functioning of Markets: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how markets work, including an understanding of why markets form, how supply and demand interact to determine market prices and interest rates, and how changes in prices act as signals to coordinate trade.

    • 3.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Trade Is Beneficial

      Demonstrate an understanding that all voluntary trade, by definition, benefits both parties.

    • 3.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Markets Determine Prices

      Use the concepts of supply and demand to analyze and predict the price changes occurring in markets for goods and services. (H 2.12.3)

    • 3.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Prices as Signals

      Use the concept of price elasticity to analyze how buyers and sellers might adjust their purchase and sales decisions in response to price changes.

    • 3.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Prices as Signals

      Discuss the effects of price controls (price ceilings and price floors) (such as minimum wage, rent control). (E 10.12.4)

    • 3.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Determining Interest Rates

      Use supply and demand to explain how interest rates are determined.

    • 3.12.6 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Analyze and predict instances in which people pay high and low interest rates (such as car loans and credit cards).

    • 3.12.7 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Analyze family spending decisions, drawing conclusions about the desirability of making substitutions, given the relative prices of various substitutes.

  • NV.4.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Private U.S. Economic Institutions: Students will describe the roles played by U.S. economic institutions including financial institutions, labor unions, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations.

    • 4.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Financial Institutions

      Analyze the roles of financial institutions in creating credit.

    • 4.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Labor Unions

      Discuss how labor unions affect employees and employers. (C 5.12.6; E 10.12.4)

    • 4.12.3 Strand / Indicator: For-profit Business Organizations

      Identify current or historical mergers, buyouts, and acquisitions. (H 7.12.8)

    • 4.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Not-for-profit Organizations

      Explain how the services of not-for-profit organizations impact other economic institutions.

    • 4.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Compare and contrast the services offered by financial institutions, evaluating their usefulness to borrowers and lenders.

    • 4.12.6 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Compare and contrast careers associated with financial institutions, labor unions, for-profit business organizations, and not-for-profit organizations.

  • NV.5.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Money: Students demonstrate an understanding of forms of money, how money makes it easier to trade, borrow, save, invest, and compare the value of goods and services; and how the Federal Reserve System and its policies affect the U.S. money supply.

    • 5.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Functions of Money

      Explain the three functions of money: medium of exchange, store of value, unit of account.

    • 5.12.2 Strand / Indicator: The Federal Reserve and the Banking System

      Explain why the money supply increases when banks make loans.

    • 5.12.3 Strand / Indicator: The Federal Reserve and the Banking System

      Explain how the Federal Reserve influences bank loan activity using the reserve requirement, discount rate, and open market operations.

    • 5.12.4 Strand / Indicator: History of Money

      Describe the nation's current money supply measures, including M1 and M2.

    • 5.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Explain what a credit rating is and how it affects access to money.

  • NV.6.0. Content Standard: Economics

    The U.S. Economy as a Whole: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the U.S. economic system as a whole in terms of how it allocates resources; determines the nation's production, income, unemployment, and price levels; and leads to variations in individual income levels.

    • 6.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Resource Allocation

      Compare the benefits and costs of allocating resources through markets or government. (C 7.12.2; H 6.8.12; H 6.12.12)

    • 6.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Resource Allocation

      Discuss how an economy determines what goods and services will be produced, how they will be produced, and who will receive them. (H 6.12.12)

    • 6.12.3 Strand / Indicator: The Nation's Production Level

      Analyze the potential production of goods and services for a nation as determined by its resources and technology. (H 6.12.1; H 7.12.7; H 9.12.5)

    • 6.12.4 Strand / Indicator: The Nation's Income Level

      Explain how the multiplier can affect the nation's income.

    • 6.12.5 Strand / Indicator: The Nation's Unemployment Rate

      Make connections between the nation's unemployment rate and changes in seasons, changes in an industry, and changes in demographics. (E 11.12.2)

    • 6.12.6 Strand / Indicator: Differences in Individual Incomes

      Explain how and why changes in product demand can affect the price of the product, which, in turn, can affect the wages paid to a worker.

    • 6.12.7 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Assess the attractiveness of career paths of interest and how they might be affected by changes in the national economy.

  • NV.7.0. Content Standard: Economics

    An Evolving Economy: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how investment, entrepreneurship, competition, and specialization lead to changes in an economy's structure and performance.

    • 7.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Investment

      Describe the past, present, and future role of investment in enhancing economic growth and raising living standards. (H 7.12.7)

    • 7.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Investment

      Identify the benefits and the costs of investing in new physical capital and new human capital.

    • 7.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Investment

      Examine government's impact on investment through taxes, fees, government regulation, enterprise zones, and subsidies. (C 3.8.1)

    • 7.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Entrepreneurship

      Discuss how entrepreneurs affect the economy by solving problems, taking risks, and taking advantage of opportunities to earn profits.

    • 7.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Competition

      Explain how individual self-interest, channeled through the marketplace, can increase the overall standard of living. (H 6.12.12)

    • 7.12.6 Strand / Indicator: Specialization

      Discuss the pros and cons of specialization and interdependence. (E 10.12.14)

    • 7.12.7 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Explain why top performers in any field are specialists.

  • NV.8.0. Content Standard: Economics

    The Role of Government in a Market Economy: Students will explain the role of government in a market economy.

    • 8.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Public Goods

      Explain why government provides public goods rather than allowing the market to provide them.

    • 8.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Externalities

      Explain why government intervenes in markets in response to externalities.

    • 8.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Redistributing Income

      Discuss whether redistributing income is an appropriate role of government. (C 2.12.3; E 10.12.1; E 10.12.4; H 8.12.6)

    • 8.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Property Rights

      Demonstrate an under-standing that government must define, establish, and enforce property rights in order for markets to function. (C 1.12.1)

    • 8.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Political Decisions

      Explain why it is possible that a government decision may impose costs on many, but only benefit a few. (C 4.12.2; C 4.12.3)

    • 8.12.6 Strand / Indicator: Fiscal Policy

      Explain how fiscal policy affects production, employment, and price levels. (C 4.12.6; H 8.12.6; H 8.12.9)

    • 8.12.7 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Give examples of mandates that increase prices of goods and services in Nevada.

  • NV.9.0. Content Standard: Economics

    The International Economy: Students explore the characteristics of non-U.S. economic systems in order to demonstrate an understanding of how they are connected, through trade, to peoples and cultures throughout the world.

    • 9.12.1 Strand / Indicator: International Trade

      Analyze the pros and cons of foreign trade, comparing free trade with restricted trade. (E10.12.4; G 4.12.6; H 10.12.2)

    • 9.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Interdependence

      Describe how foreign economic events can impact the U.S. economy. (C 8.12.2; G 4.12.7; H 7.12.17; H 10.12.3)

    • 9.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Characteristics of Non-U.S. Economic Systems

      Describe some characteristics of non-U.S. economies that affect international trade. (C 7.12.2; G 4.12.7; G 6.12.1)

    • 9.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Exchange Rates

      Determine how a change in exchange rates affects the ability of residents of one country to consume products from other countries.

    • 9.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Draw conclusions about how the prices of goods you purchase would change if imports were restricted.

    • 9.12.6 Strand / Indicator: Personal Economics

      Discuss how potential career paths could be affected by changes in foreign demand for U.S. products.

  • NV.1.0. Content Standard: Geography

    The World in Spatial Terms: Students use maps, globes, and other geographic tools and technologies to locate and derive information about people, places, and environments.

    • 1.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Map Use

      Use a variety of complex maps to acquire geographic information such as topographic, demographic, and land use. (H 2.12.3)

    • 1.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Map Section

      Select appropriate maps, map projections, and other representations to analyze and interpret geographic information. (H 2.12.3)

    • 1.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Geographic Tools and Technologies

      Use appropriate geo- graphic tools and technologies to analyze and interpret Earth's physical and human features. (H 2.12.3)

    • 1.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Map Construction

      Construct complex, accurate maps and models from memory to answer questions about the location of human and physical features. (H 2.12.3)

    • 1.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Map Applications

      Analyze maps for similarities and differences in purpose, accuracy, content, and design. (H 2.12.5)

    • 1.12.6 Strand / Indicator: Map Analysis

      Apply concepts and models of spatial organization to make decisions about geographic information.

  • NV.2.0. Content Standard: Geography

    Places and Regions-Students understand the physical and human features and cultural characteristics of places and use this information to define and study regions and their patterns of changes.

    • 2.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Characteristics of Places and Regions

      Determine how relationships between humans and the physical environment lead to the development of and connections among places and regions. (H 3.12.3; H 4.12.1; H 4.12.2; H 4.12.5)

    • 2.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Cultural Identity

      Explain why places and regions are important to cultural identity and can serve as forces for both unification and fragmentation. (E 3.12.1;E 3.12.2; E 3.12.3; H 4.12.2)

    • 2.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Cultural Perspectives

      Compare and contrast the characteristics of places and regions from different points of view. (E 3.12.1; E 3.12.2; E 3.12.3)

    • 2.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Impact of Technology

      Determine how technology affects the way cultural groups perceive and use places and regions. (H 3.12.3; H 3.12.4)

    • 2.12.5 Strand / Indicator: History and Region

      Analyze selected historical issues and questions using the geographic concept of regions. (H 3.12.3;H 3.12.4; H 4.12.1; H 4.12.2; H 6.12.17)

    • 2.12.6 Strand / Indicator: Patterns of Change

      Analyze why places and regions once characterized by one set of criteria may be defined by a different set of criteria today, and evaluate these changes. (H 3.12.3;H 3.12.4; H 4.12.1)

    • 2.12.7 Strand / Indicator: Applying Concepts of Regions

      Apply the concept of region to organize and study a geographic issue.

  • NV.3.0. Content Standard: Geography

    Physical Systems-Students understand how physical processes shape Earth's surface patterns and ecosystems.

    • 3.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Physical Systems

      Describe and analyze how interactions of the four basic physical systems affect different regions of the United States and the world.

    • 3.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Natural Hazards

      Describe the causes and consequences of natural hazards that shape features and patterns on the Earth.

    • 3.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Characteristics of Ecosystems

      Analyze the effects of physical and human forces on interdependence within different ecosystems.

    • 3.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Distribution of Ecosystems

      Analyze the biodiversity, distribution, and productivity of ecosystems across Earth's surface.

    • 3.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Analysis of Ecosystems

      Propose solutions to environmental problems using the concept of ecosystems.

  • NV.4.0. Content Standard: Geography

    Human Systems - Students understand how economic, political, and cultural processes interact to shape patterns of human migration and settlement, influence and interdependence, and conflict and cooperation.

    • 4.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Demographic Concepts

      Analyze demographic trends in world population.

    • 4.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Migration and Settlement

      Evaluate the impact of migration and settlement on physical and human systems. (H 3.12.3)

    • 4.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Historical Movement of People, Goods, and Ideas

      Analyze how history has been affected by the movement of people, goods, and ideas.

    • 4.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Patterns of Human Settlement

      Compare the characteristics and patterns of migration and settlement in developing and developed countries.

    • 4.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Economic Systems and Interdependence

      Analyze how location and distance connect and influence economic systems at local, national, and international levels. (C 8.12.2; H 3.12.3; H 4.12.5)

    • 4.12.6 Strand / Indicator: Analysis of Economic Issues

      Analyze and evaluate international economic issues from a spatial perspective. (E 5.12.6; Ec 9.12.1; H 4.12.5)

    • 4.12.7 Strand / Indicator: Patterns of Human Development

      Predict the impact of changes in the level of economic development on the quality of life in developing and developed countries. (Ec 2.12.2; M 5.12.1)

    • 4.12.8 Strand / Indicator: Human Organizations

      Evaluate the changes that occur in the size and structure of cultural, political, and economic organizations. (C 4.12.2)

    • 4.12.9 Strand / Indicator: Cooperation and Conflict

      Analyze how different cultures, points of view, and self-interests influence cooperation and conflict over territory and resources. (C 5.12.6; C 4.12.3)

    • 4.12.10 Strand / Indicator: International Alliances and Organizations

      Describe the forces of cooperation and conflict as they affect the way the world is divided among countries.

  • NV.5.0. Content Standard: Geography

    Environment and Society-Students understand the effects of interactions between human and physical systems and the changes in use, distribution, and importance of resources.

    • 5.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Changes in the Physical Environment

      Compare and contrast how changes in the physical environment can increase or diminish its capacity to support human activity. (H 3.12.2; H 4.12.2)

    • 5.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Constraints of the Physical Environment

      Evaluate strategies to respond to constraints placed on human systems by the physical environment.

    • 5.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Technology and the Physical Environment

      Describe the ways in which technology has affected the human capacity to modify the physical environment and evaluate the possible regional or global impact. (C 4.12.6; C 5.12.6)

    • 5.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Human Modification

      Develop possible responses to changes caused by human modification of the physical environment. (C 4.12.6; C 5.12.6)

    • 5.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Effects of Natural Hazards on Human Systems

      Analyze human perception of and response to natural hazards.

    • 5.12.6 Strand / Indicator: Earth's Resources

      Analyze the patterns of use, the changing distribution, and the relative importance of Earth's resources. (C 5.12.6; H 3.12.3; H 4.12.2; H 4.12.5)

    • 5.12.7 Strand / Indicator: Management of Earth's Resources

      Develop policies for the use and management of Earth's resources that consider the various interests involved. (C 4.12.6; C 5.12.6; E 9.12.3)

  • NV.6.0. Content Standard: Geography

    Geographic Applications-Students apply geographic knowledge of people, places, and environments to interpret the past, understand the present, and plan for the future.

    • 6.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Applying Geography in History

      Analyze the ways in which physical features and human characteristics of places and regions have influenced the evolution of significant historical events. (C 5.12.6; H 3.12.3; H 4.12.1; H 4.12.2; H 4.12.5)

    • 6.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Applying Geography in Current Events

      Relate current events to the physical features and human characteristics of places and regions. (C 5.12.6)

    • 6.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Applying Geography to Contemporary Issues

      Analyze a contemporary issue using geographic knowledge, skills, and perspectives. (C 5.12.6; E 4.12.4)

    • 6.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Applying Geography to the Future

      Predict possible outcomes and develop future policies for local or regional issues that have spatial dimensions. (C 5.12.6)

  • NV.7.0. Content Standard: Geography

    Geographic Skills: Students ask and answer geographic questions by acquiring, organizing, and analyzing geographic information.

    • 7.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Ask Geographic Questions

      Plan and organize a geographic research project by asking appropriate geographic questions.

    • 7.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Acquire Geographic Information

      Locate and acquire a variety of primary and secondary information sources and assess the value of each. (E 11.12.2)

    • 7.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Organize Geographic Information

      Use a variety of tools and technologies to select and design appropriate forms of maps, graphs, diagrams, tables, or charts to organize geographic information. (E 11.12.2)

    • 7.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Analyze Geographic Information

      Use quantitative methods of analysis to make inferences and draw conclusions from maps and other geographic representations.

    • 7.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Present Geographic Information

      Complete a geographic inquiry by applying geographic models, generalizations, and theories to the analysis, interpretation, and presentation of information. (E 10.12.2; H 1.12.2)

  • NV.1.0. Content Standard: Civics

    Rules and Law: Students know why society needs rules, laws, and governments.

    • 1.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Rules and Law

      Explain the concept of the rule of law in the establishment of the U.S. Constitution.

    • 1.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Documents

      Explain the influence of social contract theory, natural rights philosophy and republicanism in the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution. (H 6.12.4; H 6.12.8; H 6.12.3; H 6.12.7)

    • 1.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Documents

      Describe the historic influences on early U.S. documents, such as: Greek law, Magna Carta, Iroquois League. (H 6.12.4; H 6.12.7)

    • 1.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Democratic Participation

      Analyze the role of citizen participation in U.S. civic life.

    • 1.12.5 Strand / Indicator: The U.S. Constitution and Amendments

      Identify and explain changes in the interpretation and application of the U.S. Constitution.

  • NV.2.0. Content Standard: Civics

    The U.S. Government: Students know the United States Constitution and the government it creates.

    • 2.12.1 Strand / Indicator: The U.S. Constitution

      Examine the organization of the U.S. Constitution and describe the structure it creates, including the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. (H 6.12.4; H 6.12.7)

    • 2.12.2 Strand / Indicator: The Legislative Structure and Process

      Describe the creation of laws through the legislative process.

    • 2.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Legislative Powers

      Analyze and give examples of the expansion of the national government through the application of the enumerated and implied powers. (Ec 8.12.3; H 6.12.7)

    • 2.12.4 Strand / Indicator: The Executive Branch

      Describe the duties of the executive branch, including: Cabinet/departments; regulatory commissions; White House staff

    • 2.12.5 Strand / Indicator: The Judicial Branch

      Describe the structure and jurisdiction of the federal court system and analyze the power of judicial review. (H 6.12.13)

    • 2.12.6 Strand / Indicator: The Jury System

      Explain the importance of the jury process in a democratic society. (H 6.8.8)

    • 2.12.7 Strand / Indicator: Checks and Balances

      Analyze the effectiveness of checks and balances in maintaining the equal division of power. (H 6.12.7)

  • NV.3.0. Content Standard: Civics

    National and State Government: Students can explain the relationship between the states and national government.

    • 3.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Division of Powers

      Explain the U.S. Constitutional provisions for division of powers between the state and national governments (delegated, reserved, concurrent powers). (H 6.12.7; H 6.12.8)

    • 3.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Federalism

      Provide contemporary examples of federalism. (H 6.12.7)

    • 3.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Constitutional Supremacy

      Use examples to illustrate the supremacy clause in defining the relationship between state and national governments. (H 6.12.7)

  • NV.4.0. Content Standard: Civics

    The Political Process: Students describe the roles of political parties, interest groups, and public opinion in the democratic process.

    • 4.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Leaders and Elections

      Assess the processes by which leaders are selected in the U.S. political system and analyze the role of the electoral college system in the election of the President.

    • 4.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Political Parties

      Analyze the roles and function of factions within political parties and the role of parties in public policy and politics. (E 8.12.5; H 6.12.3)

    • 4.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Interest Groups

      Evaluate the significance of interest groups in the political process of a democratic society. (Ec 8.12.5; G 4.12.2)

    • 4.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Formation of Public Opinion

      Analyze the role that television and other media play in the process of political persuasion. (E 4.12.1; E 4.12.2; E 11.12.2; H 10.12.5)

    • 4.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Propaganda

      Evaluate propaganda in both historic and current political communication (E 4.12.4; E 4.12.5; H 9.12.9)

    • 4.12.6 Strand / Indicator: Public Policy

      Describe the process by which public policy is formed and carried out. (Ec 8.12.6; E 4.12.1; E 4.12.2; G 5.12.7)

  • NV.5.0. Content Standard: Civics

    Citizenship: Students know the roles, rights, and responsibilities of United States citizens and the symbols of our country.

    • 5.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Citizenship

      Examine the rights of citizens and how these rights may be restricted. (H 6.12.13; H 7.12.2; H 7.12.3; H 7.12.13; H 8.12.9; H 9.12. 8)

    • 5.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Citizenship

      Examine the responsibilities of U.S. citizens.

    • 5.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Symbols

      Explain symbols and documents of a nation and how they represent its identity.

    • 5.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Individual Rights

      Describe the development of the Bill of Rights and provide a contemporary application. (H 6.12.8)

    • 5.12.5 Strand / Indicator: Individual Rights

      Analyze the United States Constitution and its amendments in protecting individual rights, including the Fourteenth Amendment's provisions for due process and equal protection. (H 7.8.1)

    • 5.12.6 Strand / Indicator: Conflict and Resolution

      Identify major conflicts in social, political, and economic life and analyze the role of compromise in the resolution of these issues. (G 4.12.9; G 6.12.2; H 8.12.7; H 9.12.1; H 9.12.8)

    • 5.12.7 Strand / Indicator: The Supreme Court and Individual Rights Cases

      Describe the role of the United States Supreme Court as guardian of individual rights through the examination of landmark cases, including: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; Gideon v. Wainwright; Miranda v. Arizona; Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (H 9.12.8)

  • NV.6.0. Content Standard: Civics

    State and Local Government: Students know the structure and functions of state and local governments.

    • 6.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Structure of State, Local, and Tribal Government

      Explain the structure and function of state and local governments.

    • 6.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Structure of State, Local, and Tribal Government

      Describe the unique role of tribal governments within the United States. (H 7.12.3)

    • 6.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Structure of State, Local, and Tribal Government

      Compare and contrast the structure of the Nevada and United States Constitutions.

    • 6.12.4 Strand / Indicator: Court Systems

      Describe the differences between the local, state, and federal court systems.

  • NV.7.0. Content Standard: Civics

    Political and Economic Systems: Students explain the different political and economic systems in the world.

    • 7.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Comparative Political Systems

      Summarize and evaluate the significant characteristics of the world's major political systems, including: monarchy; totalitarian dictatorship; presidential system; parliamentary system ; communism (H 5.12.2; H 7.12.17; H 7.12.18; H 8.8.1)

    • 7.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Comparative Economic Systems

      Define and analyze the major economic systems of the world, including: capitalism; mixed economy; socialism; command economy (Ec 9.12.3; H 6.12.12)

  • NV.8.0. Content Standard: Civics

    International Relations: Students know the political and economic relationship of the United States and its citizens to other nations.

    • 8.12.1 Strand / Indicator: From Individual to the World

      Analyze the conflict between U.S. policies of isolationism versus intervention in world affairs. (H 7.12.14; H 8.12.7; H 9.12.1)

    • 8.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Foreign Policy

      Identify and analyze the effectiveness of U.S. foreign policy in dealing with international problems and concerns including: diplomacy; economic policy; humanitarian aid; military intervention

    • 8.12.3 Strand / Indicator: International Organizations

      Critique the role of international organizations, such as the United Nations and non-governmental organizations, in world affairs. (H 8.12.7)

  • NV.1.0. Content Standard: History

    Chronology: Students use chronology to organize and understand the sequence and relationship of events.

    • 1.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Current Events

      Analyze and develop a position on a current event. (E 10.12.4)

    • 1.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Chronology

      Explain the sequence and relationship of events on a tiered time line. (G 7.12.5)

  • NV.2.0. Content Standard: History

    History Skills: Students will use social studies vocabulary and concepts to engage in inquiry, in research, in analysis, and in decision making.

    • 2.12.1 Strand / Indicator: Inquiry

      Frame and evaluate historical questions from multiple viewpoints. (E 4.12.3; E 11.12.1)

    • 2.12.2 Strand / Indicator: Research and Analysis

      Integrate, analyze, and organize historical information from a variety of sources. (E 4.12.3; E 4.12.5; E 11.12.2; E 11.12.5)

    • 2.12.3 Strand / Indicator: Informational Tools

      Analyze and interpret historical content from informational tools, including: charts; diagrams; graphs; maps; political cartoons; photographs; tables. (G 1.12.1; G 1.12.2; G 1.12.3; G 1.12.4 )

  • NV.3.0. Content Standard: History

    Prehistory to 400 CE: Students understand the development of human societies, civilizations, and empires through 400 CE.

    • 3.12.1 Strand / Indicator: World, United States, and Nevada

      Identify and describe the characteristics of pre-agricultural societies.

    • 3.12.2 Strand / Indicator: World

      Describe technological innovations of early agricultural societies, including: development of agriculture; domestication of animals; development of permanent communities.

    • 3.12.3 Strand / Indicator: World

      Explain and demonstrate how geography influenced the political, social, and economic growth of ancient classical civilizations, including: Africa; China; Greece; India; Mesopotamia; Rome. (G 2.12.1; G 2.12.5; G 2.12.6; G 4.12.3; G 5.12.1; G 6.12.1)

    • 3.12.4 Strand / Indicator: World

      Describe the unique political, economic, religious, social, technological, and cultural contributions of ancient and classical civilizations, including: Africa; the Americas; China; Greece; Hebrew kingdoms; India; Mesopotamia; Phoenicia; Rome. (C 1.12.3; G 2.12.4; G 2.12.5)

  • NV.4.0. Content Standard: History

    1 CE to 1400: Students understand the characteristics, ideas, and significance of civilizations and religions from 1 CE to 1400.

    • 4.12.1 Strand / Indicator: World

      Locate and describe civilizations in terms of geography, social structure, religion, political systems, and contributions, including: African; Byzantine; Chinese; Indian; Japanese; Scandinavian. (G 2.12.1; G 2.12.5; G 6.12.1)

    • 4.12.2 Strand / Indicator: World

      Describe the characteristics of the Mayan, Aztec, and Incan civilizations, including: contributions; geography; political systems; religion; social structure. (G 2.12.1; G 2.12.2; G 2.12.5; G 5.12.1; G 5.12.6; G 6.12.1)

    • 4.12.3 Strand / Indicator: World

      Describe the origin, traditions, customs, and spread of western and eastern world religions, including: Buddhism; Christianity; Hinduism; Islam; Judaism.

    • 4.12.4 Strand / Indicator: World

      Describe the characteristics of European feudalism.

    • 4.12.5 Strand / Indicator: World

      Describe the rise of commercial trading centers and their effects on social, political, and economic institutions. (G 2.12.1; G 4.12.3; G 6.12.1)

  • NV.5.0. Content Standard: History

    1200 to 1750: Students understand the impact of the interaction of peoples, cultures, and ideas from 1200 to 1750.

    • 5.12.1 Strand / Indicator: World

      Examine the impact of technological, mathematical, cultural, and artistic developments of the Renaissance.

    • 5.12.2 Strand / Indicator: World

      Explain the development of European hereditary monarchies and their effects on: centralized government; commerce and trade; religion. (C 7.12.1)

    • 5.12.3 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Explain the causes of the Reformation and its effects in Europe and the Americas.

    • 5.12.4 Strand / Indicator: World

      Identify the influence of the Enlightenment on the Western World, including: fine arts; government; literature; philosophy; science. (G 2.5.3; G 2.5.6; G 4.5.8)

    • 5.12.6 Strand / Indicator: United States and Nevada

      Compare common elements of Native North American societies, including: Communication; economic systems; housing; political systems; social systems; traditions.

    • 5.12.7 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Examine the roles of nationalism, economics, and religious rivalries in the Age of Exploration.

    • 5.12.8 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Analyze interactions among Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans.

    • 5.12.9 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Analyze how the interactions among Native Americans, Africans, Europeans, and their descendants resulted in unique American economic, social, and political institutions.

    • 5.12.10 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Describe the similarities and differences of European colonial communities in North America in terms of politics, religion, language, economics, and social customs.

    • 5.12.11 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Compare and contrast life in the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies.

    • 5.12.12 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Explain the impact of world commerce, including the African slave trade on Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

    • 5.12.13 Strand / Indicator: World

      Describe the contributions and social, political, and economic characteristics of African, Chinese, Indian, and Japanese civilizations.

    • 5.12.14 Strand / Indicator: World

      Describe how Islamic empires were a link between Africa, Europe, and Asia.

  • NV.6.0. Content Standard: History

    1700 to 1865: Students understand the people, events, ideas, and conflicts that led to the creation of new nations and distinctive cultures.

    • 6.12.1 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Explain the causes and results of the Industrial Revolution. (Ec 6.12.3; Ec 6.12.5; Ec 7.12.1; Ec 7.12.2; Ec 7.12.4; Ec 7.12.5)

    • 6.12.2 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Describe the causes and effects of wars with Europeans, including the French and Indian War.

    • 6.12.3 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Explain the political and economic causes and effects of the American Revolution. (C 1.12.2)

    • 6.12.4 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the ideas of John Locke, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson and their influences on the American Revolution and the formation of the United States.

    • 6.12.5 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the events, course, and results of the American Revolutionary War, including the contributions of African Americans and Native Americans.

    • 6.12.6 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Explain the issues of the Confederation period, including: war debts and finance; western land; trade; taxation. (Ec 6.12.1)

    • 6.12.7 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the Constitution's underlying principles, including: checks and balances; federalism; limited government; popular sovereignty; separation of powers. (C 1.12.1; C 1.12.2; C 1.12.3; C 2.12.1; C 2.12.3; C 3.12.1; C 3.12.2; C 3.12 3)

    • 6.12.8 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the issues involved in the ratification of the Constitution, including: main ideas of The Federalist Papers; main ideas of the Anti-Federalists; the Bill of Rights. (C 1.12.2; C 3.12.1; C 5.12.4)

    • 6.12.9 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Describe the influence of the American Revolution on Europe and the Americas.

    • 6.12.10 Strand / Indicator: World

      Discuss the political events, people, and ideas that influenced European politics, including: Napoleon; Metternich; Marx; Congress of Vienna. (Ec 8.12.3)

    • 6.12.11 Strand / Indicator: World

      Describe achievements in European fine arts and literature. (E 3.12.1; E 3.12.2; E 3.12.3)

    • 6.12.12 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Describe the rise of national economies, the emergence of capitalism, and the free market economy. (C 7.12.2; Ec 6.12.1; Ec 6.12.2 Ec 7.12.3; Ec 9.12.1;Ec 9.12.3)

    • 6.12.13 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Explain issues, events, and the roles of key people related to the development of United States political institutions, including: Washington's administration: The Marshall Court; judicial review; extension of suffrage; political parties. (C 2.12.5; C 4.12.2; C 5.12.1)

    • 6.12.14 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Explain issues, events, and the roles of key individuals associated with the development of a national economic identity and foreign policy, including: development of the factory system and impacts of significant inventions such as the cotton gin and interchangeable parts; territorial, trade, & shipping issues with Great Britain; War of 1812; the creation of a national transportation system; Monroe Doctrine; growth and impact of immigration. (Ec 6.12.3; Ec 9.12.1; Ec 9.12.2; Ec 9.12.3)

    • 6.12.15 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the social reform and religious movements of antebellum United States which attempted to enhance life, including: education reform; prison and mental health reform; religious revival; Utopian movement; women's rights.

    • 6.12.16 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the contributions in language, literature, art, and music that led to the development of an emerging culture in the United States, including: Stephen Foster; Nathaniel Hawthorne; Hudson River School of Art; Henry David Thoreau.

    • 6.12.17 Strand / Indicator: United States and Nevada

      Explain the issue of Manifest Destiny and the events related to the expansion of the United States, including: Louisiana Purchase; removal of the Eastern tribes; Oregon and California Trails; Mexican War and Mexican War acquisitions; California Gold Rush; Homestead Act. (G 2.12.5; G 4.12.3)

    • 6.12.20 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Explain abolitionism and describe the importance of abolitionists and slave revolts, including: John Brown; Frederick Douglass; William Lloyd Garrison; Harriet Beecher Stowe; Nat Turner.

    • 6.12.21 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the causes, key people, events, and outcome of the Civil War, including: states' rights and slavery; election of 1860; Frederick Douglass/ African American troops; President Lincoln; Emancipation Proclamation; Antietam, Vicksburg and Gettysburg; Gettysburg Address; Generals Grant and Lee.

  • NV.7.0. Content Standard: History

    1860 to 1920: Students understand the importance and impact of political, economic, and social ideas.

    • 7.12.1 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Summarize the successes and failures of the Reconstruction period.

    • 7.12.2 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the key people and significant issues concerning African American rights, including: Booker T. Washington & the Tuskegee Institute; Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws; Plessy v. Ferguson; W.E.B. DuBois and the NAACP; Ida B. Wells and the NACW. (C 5.12.1)

    • 7.12.3 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe federal policy toward Native Americans including: Dawes Act/Indian Reorganization Act of 1934; Indian Boarding Schools; Indian Citizenship Act of 1924; Plains Wars; reservation system. (C 5.12.1; C 6.12.2)

    • 7.12.5 Strand / Indicator: United States and Nevada

      Describe the role of farming, railroads, mining in the settlement of the West. (Ec 6.12.3)

    • 7.12.6 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the causes, issues, and effects of the Populist Movement.

    • 7.12.7 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the effect of industrial technology innovations and urbanization on United States social and economic development. (Ec 6.12.3; Ec 6.12.6; Ec 7.12.1)

    • 7.12.8 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the development of corporate capitalism, including: J.P. Morgan; mass production; vertical and horizontal integration/consolidation. (Ec 1.12.2; Ec 4.12.2; Ec 4.12.3; Ec 6.12.2; Ec 7.12.2)

    • 7.12.9 Strand / Indicator: Nevada and United States

      Examine the motivations for groups coming to the United States and describe their contributions to United States society.

    • 7.12.10 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe nativism and explain the response to immigration into the United States. (C 5.12.6)

    • 7.12.11 Strand / Indicator: United States and Nevada

      Explain the origins and issues involved in the labor movement. (Ec 1.12.4; Ec 4.12.2; Ec 6.12.5)

    • 7.12.12 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the development and impact of the Progressive Movement, including: government reform; Prohibition; 'trust busting'.

    • 7.12.13 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the development of the women's suffrage movement and the passage of the 19th Amendment. (C 5.12.1)

    • 7.12.14 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Discuss the causes, characteristics, and consequences of United States expansion and diplomacy, including: Alaska; Hawaii; Open Door Policy; Spanish-American War; Panama Canal; T. Roosevelt's foreign policy; Dollar Diplomacy.

    • 7.12.15 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Explain the causes and effects of the Mexican Revolution of 1911.

    • 7.12.16 Strand / Indicator: World

      Discuss the causes, characteristics, and consequences of European and Japanese expansion.

    • 7.12.17 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Describe the causes, course, character, and effects of World War I, including: imperialism; arms race and alliances; nationalism; weapons/tactics; Fourteen Points; Treaty of Versailles.

    • 7.12.18 Strand / Indicator: World

      Describe the causes and effects of the Russian Revolution: Romanovs; Lenin; Bolsheviks; Russian Civil War. (C 7.12.1)

    • 7.12.20 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Explain how fine arts, literature, and leisure activities were a reflection of the time. (E3.12.1; E 3.12.2; E 3.12.3)

  • NV.8.0. Content Standard: History

    The Twentieth Century, a Changing World: 1920 to 1945: Students understand the importance and effect of political, economic, technological, and social changes in the world from 1920 to 1945.

    • 8.12.1 Strand / Indicator: World

      Describe the rise of totalitarian societies in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. (C 7.12.1)

    • 8.12.2 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Discuss the effects on society of new technologies of this era, including: communication; transportation; manufacturing. (Ec 6.12.3)

    • 8.12.3 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Examine social tensions in the postwar era, including: radical politics; immigration restrictions; religious fundamentalism; racism.

    • 8.12.4 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe how cultural developments in the arts, education, media, and leisure activities reflected and changed United States society. (E 3.12.1; E 3.12.2; E 3.12.3)

    • 8.12.5 Strand / Indicator: United States and Nevada

      Describe the causes of the Great Depression and the policies and programs of the New Deal and their effects on social, political, economic, and diplomatic institutions.

    • 8.12.6 Strand / Indicator: World, United States, and Nevada

      Describe the causes, course, character, and effects of World War II, including: legacy of WWI; campaigns and strategies; atomic bomb; significant military, political, and scientific leaders; the Big Four; United Nations; U.S. changing world status; war crimes trials. (Ec 2.12.3; Ec 2.12.6; Ec 2.12.7; Ec 6.12.5; Ec 7.12.1; Ec 7.12.3; Ec 8.12.1; Ec 8.12.3; Ec 8.12.6)

    • 8.12.7 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Describe the causes, course, and effects of the Holocaust, including: 'Aryan supremacy', Nuremburg Laws; Kristallnacht; 'Final Solution'; concentration and death camps; creation of Israel. (C 8.12.1; C 8.12.3)

    • 8.12.8 Strand / Indicator: United States and Nevada

      Analyze the effects of WWII on the homefront in the United States, including: internment camps; technologies; economic developments; propaganda; women/minority contributions; GI Bill. (C 5.12; C 5.12.1; Ec 6.12.5; Ec 8.12.6; Ec 6.12.5; Ec 8.12.6)

  • NV.9.0. Content Standard: History

    The Twentieth Century, a Changing World: 1945 to 1990: Students understand the shift of international relationships and power as well as the significant developments in American culture.

    • 9.12.1 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Describe the causes and effects of the Cold War, including: Europe: Marshall Plan, Berlin, NATO; Middle East: Egypt, Israel, Afghanistan; Asia: Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam; Americas: Cuba, United States. (C 8.12.1)

    • 9.12.2 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the effects of the Cold War on the United States, including: arms race and nuclear testing; McCarthyism; space race; Cuban Missile Crisis. (C 8.12.1)

    • 9.12.3 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Describe the cause, course, and character of the Korean War, including: United Nations Security Council; Pusan Perimeter; General MacArthur; Inchon; Yalu River; 38th Parallel.

    • 9.12.4 Strand / Indicator: World

      Explain how and why African and Asian peoples achieved independence from colonial rule.

    • 9.12.5 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Analyze how postwar science and technology augmented United States economic strength, transformed daily life, and influenced the world economy and politics. (Ec 6.12.3; Ec 7.12.2; Ec 7.12.5)

    • 9.12.6 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the causes and effects of changing demographics and developing suburbanization in the United States. (Ec 6.12.5)

    • 9.12.8 Strand / Indicator: World, United States, and Nevada

      Describe the major issues, events, and key people of the Civil Rights and minority rights movements, including: Black Power Movement; United Farm Workers; American Indian Movement; Viva La Raza; Women's Rights Movement; Americans with Disabilities Act; Civil Rights Act of 1964. (C 5.12.1; C 5.12.6; C 5.12.7)

    • 9.12.9 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Describe the causes, course, character, and effects of the Vietnam war, including: Ho Chi Minh; Dien Bien Phu; Ngo Dinh Diem; Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; draft and lottery; Tet Offensive; anti-war movement; Paris Peace Accord; POWs and MIAs; Imperialism. (C 4.12.5)

    • 9.12.10 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the changes in United States political culture, including: the role of the media; the role of women and minorities; Watergate; Iranian hostage crisis; Iran-contra affair; Grenada and Panama.

    • 9.12.11 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Describe how international policies contributed to the end of the Cold War, including: recognition of China; detente; disarmament treaties; 'Star Wars' (SDI); solidarity. (C 5.12.6)

    • 9.12.12 Strand / Indicator: United States and World

      Describe the geopolitical changes in the world due to the disintegration of the USSR.

    • 9.12.14 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Summarize the influence of art, music, literature, and the media on United States society. (E 3.12.1; E 3.12.2; E 3.12.3)

  • NV.10.0. Content Standard: History

    New Challenges, 1990 to the Present: Students understand the political, economic, social, and technological issues challenging the world as it approaches and enters the new millennium.

    • 10.12.1 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Identify and explain the implications of scientific and technological achievements, including: personal computers; Internet; Satellites; Biotechnology.

    • 10.12.2 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Describe the regional and global effects of political and economic alliances. (Ec 9.12.1; Ec 9.12.2)

    • 10.12.3 Strand / Indicator: World, United States, and Nevada

      Describe how global issues affect nations differently, including: human rights; the environment; world and U.S. regional conflicts; medical concerns.

    • 10.12.4 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Explain the causes and effects of the Persian Gulf War, including: Kuwait invasion; world oil supply; changing alliances.

    • 10.12.5 Strand / Indicator: United States

      Describe the changing political climate in the United States, including: the role of the media; the Clinton impeachment.

    • 10.12.6 Strand / Indicator: World and United States

      Explain how literature, music, and the visual arts are reflections of the time. (E 3.12.1; E 3.12.2; E 3.12.3)

Nebraska's Eleventh Grade Standards

Article Body
  • NE.12.1. Content Standard: United States History

    • 12.1.1. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze and explain the causes and effects of the Age of Discovery, contacts between Native Americans and European settlers, and the creation of the American colonies.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the economic and cultural characteristics of the groups.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the motives and strategies of the explorers and settlers.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the impact of European settlement on the Native Americans.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate the legacies of contact, cooperation, and conflict from that period.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the motivation of ethnic and religious groups, and how immigrants influenced the settlement of colonies.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the economic activity.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the political developments.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare the social customs, the arts, and religious beliefs.

    • 12.1.2. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze and explain the events and ideas of the Early National Period.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate changes in British policies that provoked the American colonists.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the debate within America concerning separation from Britain.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare the Declaration of Independence and 'Common Sense.'

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the roles played by the individual leaders.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize key battles, military turning points, and key strategic decisions.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare The Articles of Confederation and the Declaration of Independence.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the issues and policies affecting relations among existing and future states, e.g., the Northwest Ordinance.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the Constitutional Convention, e.g., the leadership of James Madison and George Washington.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare and contrast the struggle for ratification of the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and Anti-Federalists arguments.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the addition of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate the organization of the national government under the new Constitution.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the major domestic and foreign affairs issues facing the first presidents and Congress.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the development of political parties.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain how the impact of Supreme Court cases, e.g., Marbury v. Madison and McCulloch v. Maryland, affected the interpretation of the Constitution.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain foreign relations and conflicts, e.g., the War of 1812 and the Monroe Doctrine.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the Louisiana Purchase and the acquisition of Florida.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the economic development, trade, tariffs, taxation, and trends in the national debt.

    • 12.1.3. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the causes and effects of major events of the Civil War and Reconstruction.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the causes and effects of slavery.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the States' Rights Doctrine.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss tariffs and trade.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the settlement of the Western United States.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain Secession.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare and contrast the military advantages of the Union and the Confederacy.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the threat of foreign intervention.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the economic and political impact of the war.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the roles played by the individual leaders.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate the impact of Reconstruction policies on the South.

    • 12.1.4. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the impact of immigration on American life, identifying factors.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Contributions of Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, African Americans, European Americans, Asian Americans, and immigrant groups and individuals.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Ethnic conflict and discrimination.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        The United States domestic policies.

    • 12.1.5. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will summarize causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe new inventions and industrial production methods.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize new technologies in transportation and communication.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain incentives for capitalism and free enterprise.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the impact of immigration on labor supply and the movement to organize workers.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe improvements in standards of living, life expectancy, and living conditions.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain child labor, working conditions, and the rise of organized labor.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize government policies affecting trade, monopolies, taxation, and money supply.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize muckraking literature and the rise of the Progressive Movement.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe women's suffrage and temperance movements, describing their impact on society.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize political changes at the local, state, and national levels.

    • 12.1.6. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the origins and effects of World War I.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the end of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of new states in the Middle East.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate the declining role of Great Britain and the expanding role of the United States in world affairs.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the political, social, and economic change in Europe and the United States.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the causes of World War I.

    • 12.1.7. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze and explain the Great Depression.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the causes and effects of changes in business cycles.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the weaknesses in key sectors of the economy in the late 1920's.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize United States government's economic policies in the late 1920's.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the causes and effects of the Stock Market Crash.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the impact of the Depression on the American people.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the impact of New Deal economic policies.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the impact of the expanded role of government in the economy since the 1930's.

    • 12.1.8. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will recognize and explain the origins and effects of World War II.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the rise of and aggression of totalitarian regimes in Germany, Italy, and Japan.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the rise of Fascism, Nazism, and Communism in the 1930's and 1940's and the response of Europe and the United States.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the role of the Soviet Union.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain appeasement, isolationism, and the war debates in Europe and the United States prior to the outbreak of war.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate the impact of mobilization for war, at home and abroad.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the major battles, military turning points, and key strategic decisions.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the Holocaust and its impact.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the reshaping of the United States' role in world affairs after the war.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the major changes in Eastern Europe, China, Southeast Asia, and Africa following the war.

    • 12.1.9. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze and explain United States foreign policy since World War II.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the origins of the Cold War and the foreign and domestic consequences.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe Communist containment policies in Europe, Latin America, and Asia.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe McCarthyism and the fear of communist influence within the United States.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain Strategic and economic factors in Middle East policy.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the relations with South Africa and other African nations.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the new challenges to America's leadership role in the world.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Analyze the confrontations with the Soviet Union in Berlin and Cuba.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain NATO and other alliances and the United States role in the United Nations.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe nuclear weapons and the arms race.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the military conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East.

    • 12.1.10. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will evaluate developments in federal civil rights and voting rights since the 1950's.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        The Brown v. Board of Education decision and its impact on education.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Civil rights demonstrations and related activity leading to desegregation of public accommodations, transportation, housing, and employment.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        The impact of reapportionment cases and voting rights legislation on political participation and representation.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Affirmative action.

    • 12.1.11. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will demonstrate an understanding of domestic policy issues in contemporary American society.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare conservative and liberal economic strategies.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare the positions of political parties and interest groups on major issues.

    • 12.1.12. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will explain and demonstrate relationships between the geographical and the historical development of the United States by using maps, pictures, and computer databases.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Locate and explain the location and expansion of the original colonies.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Trace the territorial expansion of the United States, explaining how the physical environment influenced it.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Locate new states as they were added to the Union.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Demonstrate an understanding of the settlement patterns, migration routes, and cultural influence of various racial, ethnic, and religious groups.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare patterns of agricultural and industrial development in different regions as they relate to natural resources, markets, and trade.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Analyze the political, social, and economic implications of demographic changes in the nation over time.

    • 12.1.13. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will develop skills for historical analysis.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Analyze documents, records, and data, e.g., artifacts, diaries, letters, photographs, journals, newspapers, and historical accounts.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Evaluate the authenticity, authority, and credibility of sources.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Formulate historical questions and defend findings based on inquiry and interpretation.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Develop perspectives of time and place, such as the construction of various time lines of events, periods, and personalities in American history.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Communicate findings orally, in brief analytical essays, and in a comprehensive paper.

    • 12.1.14. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will demonstrate verbal and written skills that focus on enduring issues, divergent viewpoints, and excerpts from famous speeches and documents in United States history.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss civil disobedience v. the rule of law.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Analyze the role of government to the individual in economic planning and social programs.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Debate freedom of the press v. the right to a fair trial.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Analyze the tension between majority rule and minority rights.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Debate problems of intolerance toward racial, ethnic, and religious groups in American society.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the evolution of rights, freedoms, and protections through political and social movements.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Interpret aspects of 'United States Constitution', 'Bill of Rights', 'Letter from Birmingham', 'Speak softly and carry a big stick?,' 'Gettysburg Address', etc.

  • NE.12.2. Content Standard: World History

    • 12.2.1. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will demonstrate an understanding of the state of the world about 1000 C.E.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the institution of feudalism in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the growth of trade between civilizations, e.g., silk trade, gold and salt trade.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the location and leadership of major kingdoms in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the location and culture of the Byzantine and Muslim empires.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the role of religion in a civilization, e.g., the Roman Catholic Church, Buddhism, Islam, and animism.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the conflict between religions, e.g., Crusades and the Great Schism.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the technological advances in Asia and Latin America, e.g., calendars and metallurgy.

    • 12.2.2. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the patterns of social, economic, political change, and cultural achievement in the late Medieval period.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the emergence and distinctive political developments of nation-states, e.g., Spain, France, England, and Russia.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the conflicts among Eurasian powers, e.g., the Crusades, the Mongol conquests, and the expansion of the Ottoman Turks.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the patterns of crisis and recovery, e.g., the Black Death.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the preservation of Greek and Roman philosophy, medicine, and science.

    • 12.2.3. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the historical developments of the Renaissance.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the economic foundations of the Renaissance, such as European interaction with Muslims, increased trade, role of the Medici's, and new economic practices.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the rise of Italian city-states.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare the artistic, literary, and intellectual creativity, e.g., Leonardo DaVinci, Michelangelo, and Shakespeare, as contrasted with the Medieval period.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the Machiavell's theory of government as described in The Prince.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the differences between the Italian and the Northern Renaissance.

    • 12.2.4. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the historical developments of the Reformation.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the influence of religious conflicts on government actions, such as the Edict of Nantes in France.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the evolution of laws that reflect religious beliefs, cultural values, traditions, and philosophies, e.g., the beginnings of religious toleration and the growth of democracy.

    • 12.2.5. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the impact of European expansion into the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the roles and motivations of explorers/conquistadors.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the migration, settlement patterns, and cultural diffusion.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the exchange of technology, ideas, and agricultural practices.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the trade in slaves, tobacco, rum, furs, and gold.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate the introduction of new diseases.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the influence of Christianity.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the economic and cultural transformations created by the emergence of plant-like tobacco and corn in new places and the arrival of the horse in the Americas.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the competition for resources and the rise of the Commercial Revolution and mercantilism.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the cultural changes in indigenous societies.

    • 12.2.6. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will compare and contrast Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare and contrast major leaders and events.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare and contrast sacred writings.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare and contrast traditions, customs, and beliefs.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain monotheistic versus polytheistic views.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss geographic distribution at different times.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare and contrast political, social, and economic influences of each.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the long-standing religious conflicts and recent manifestations in places, e.g., Ireland, Middle East, and Bosnia.

    • 12.2.7. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the scientific, political, and economic changes of the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the impact of scientific ideas on political institutions, social movements, and religion.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the establishment of absolute monarchies by individuals, e.g., Louis XIV, Frederick the Great, and Peter the Great.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare and contrast the Glorious Revolution in England and the French Revolution.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the ideas of significant people, such as Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Jefferson.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the new scientific theories, e.g., those of Newton, Kepler, Copernicus, Galileo, Harvey, and Franklin.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss how technological changes brought about social, political, and cultural changes in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain how the arts, philosophy, and literature were influenced by people, such as Voltaire, Diderot, Delacroix, Bach, and Mozart.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the influence of religious beliefs on art, politics, science, and commerce.

    • 12.2.8. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will describe 19th century political developments in Europe, and their impact on the world.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the Congress of Vienna and its influence on the political geography of Europe.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the attempts at expansion of democracy in Europe, e.g., Chartist Movement, British Reform Laws, and liberal revolutions.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate the growth of nationalism, e.g., unification of Germany and Italy.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the scramble for empire in Europe, Africa, and Asia Latin America.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Address the feminist issues, e.g., divorce, property, and suffrage.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Outline the abolition of slavery and slave trade.

    • 12.2.9. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze and explain the effects of the Industrial Revolution.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the rise of industrial economics and their link to imperialism and colonialism.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain how scientific and technological changes, e.g., the inventions of Watt, Bessemer, and Whitney, brought about massive social and cultural change.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Outline the responses to capitalism, e.g., utopianism, socialism, and communism.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate how the status of women and children reflected societal changes.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the evolution of work and labor, e.g., the slave trade, mining and manufacturing, and the union movement.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain how Asia and Africa were transformed by European commercial power.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the dominance of global economic systems by European powers.

    • 12.2.10. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze major 20th century historical events.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate ethnic conflicts, e.g., Bosnia, Arab-Israeli conflict, Biafra and Rwanda, Northern Ireland and Kashmir, and Zapatistas and Mexico.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare trends in global populations, growth and distribution over time.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Differentiate the development of collective security organizations, e.g., League of Nations, the United Nations, NATO, and Warsaw Pact.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Differentiate the development of world economic associations, e.g., E.C., NAFTA, WTO, World Bank, IMF.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the extension of human rights, e.g., women and all nationalities.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare the causes and effects of World War I and World War II.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the Russian Revolution.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate the rise, aggression, and human costs of totalitarian regimes in the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, and Japan.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the political, social, and economic impact of the 1930's worldwide depression.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the Nazi Holocaust and other examples of genocide.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain how new technologies, e.g., atomic power, influenced patterns of conflict.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the economic and military power shifts since 1945, e.g., the rise of Germany and Japan as economic powers.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate the revolutionary movements in Asia and its leaders, e.g., Mao Tse-tung and Ho Chi Minh.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain how African and Asian countries achieved independence from European colonial rule, e.g., India under Gandhi and Kenya under Kenyatta, and how they have fared under self-rule.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe regional and political conflicts, e.g., Korea and Vietnam.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Summarize the end of the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    • 12.2.11. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will demonstrate historical research and geographical skills.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify, analyze, and interpret primary and secondary sources and artifacts.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Validate sources as to their authenticity, authority, credibility, and possible bias.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Construct various time lines of key events, periods, and personalities since the 11th century.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify and analyze major shifts in national political boundaries in Europe since 1815.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify the distribution of major religious cultures in the contemporary world.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Apply geography to interpret the past by using maps of time, place events to put together the shifts in boundaries and culture/religious groups through time.

  • NE.12.3. Content Standard: The Governments and Economies of the United States and Nebraska

    • 12.3.1. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will compare historical forms of democratic governments that influenced the United States Constitution of 1789.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe forms of democracy that existed in ancient Greece and Rome.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the constitutional monarchy in Great Britain.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe governments in early American colonies.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe governments in early United States in the 18th century.

    • 12.3.2. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will identify examples of fundamental United States political principles contained in the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Federalist Papers, Common Sense, and the United States Constitution.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Examine Locke, Hobbes, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Blackstone, Jefferson, Paine, and Machiavelli's theory of government as described in The Prince.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe constitutionalism, limited government, rule of law, republicanism, and democracy.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify how the political ideas of the Enlightenment and the ideas of religion affected the founders of the United States.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Define sovereignty and consent of the governed.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe separation of powers, federalism, and checks and balance.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare the Declaration of Independence and 'Common Sense.'

    • 12.3.3. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the significance of amendments to the United States Constitution.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify factors, e.g., the conflicts they addressed and the reasons for their adoption.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Analyze fundamental liberties, rights, and values outlined by the United States Constitution.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify various factors addressed by the constitution, e.g., religion, speech, press, assembly and petition, due process, equality under the law, individual worth and dignity, and majority rule and minority rights.

    • 12.3.4. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will evaluate and summarize landmark Supreme Court interpretations of the United States Constitution and its amendments.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe how Marbury v. Madison and McCulloch v. Maryland affected the Constitution.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Examine federal civil and voting rights since 1950's, e.g., Brown v. Board of Education, demonstrations leading to desegregation, reapportionment, and voting rights legislation.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain current patterns and evaluate the impact of Supreme Court decisions on domestic policy issues.

    • 12.3.5. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the fundamental concepts and challenges to democracy by using writing, discussion, and debate skills.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain equality of all citizens under the law.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Examine worth and dignity of the individual.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Debate majority rule and minority rights.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify individual freedoms.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the necessity of compromise.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Analyze individual rights v. public interests.

    • 12.3.6. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the structure, and function of the United States national governments and its relationship to state governments.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the organization, and authority of each branch.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Examine the principles of federalism, e.g., concurrent, delegated, and reserved powers.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Examine separation of powers, and checks and balances.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain procedures for constitutional amendment, e.g., Article IV.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify specific policies related to foreign affairs, civil rights, and economics and the budget.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify how political parties, interest groups, the media, individuals, and government institutions influence public policy.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe levels of taxation and the expectation of public services.

    • 12.3.7. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze structure and function of Nebraska state and local governments.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the organization and authority of each branch.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain procedures for state constitutional and local charter amendments.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain how Nebraska's legislative, executive, and judicial institutions make public policy, e.g., legislation, regulations, executive orders, and judicial review.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare Nebraska's unicameral with a bicameral form of government.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify and distinguish units of local governments in Nebraska, e.g., counties, cities, towns, and regional authorities by analyzing a local public issue.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify fundamental American political principles in Nebraska constitution, fundamental liberties, rights, and values, e.g., sovereignty, consent of the governed, separation of powers, federalism, and checks and balance.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify how political parties, interest groups, the media, individuals, and government institutions influence public policy.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe levels of taxation and the expectation of public services.

    • 12.3.8. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will describe and explain the election process in the national, state, and local governments.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the organization of political parties and role in the nominating process.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain campaign funding and spending.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify the influence of media coverage, campaign advertising, public opinion polls, and the use of propaganda techniques.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain demographic causes and political effects of reapportionment and redistricting, e.g., gerrymandering.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe voter turnout and constituencies of the major political parties

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the development of political parties and Electoral College.

    • 12.3.9. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will explain the rights, freedoms, responsibilities, and benefits of citizenship in the United States.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Participate in debates, discussions, and readings by analyzing public issues, communicating with candidates, and evaluating performance of public officials and candidates.

    • 12.3.10. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will compare the United States political and economic systems with those of major democratic and authoritarian nations.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare the structures, functions, and powers of political and economic systems.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the rights, responsibilities, and powers of the governed, e.g., grass roots citizens' movements.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare the relationship between economic and political freedom.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the allocation of resources and its impact on productivity.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the development and implementation of personal economic decision-making skills in a democratic society.

    • 12.3.11. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze characteristics of the United States free market economy.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Define labor, capital resources, and natural resources.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the role of private ownership, private enterprise, profits, and entrepreneurship.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare the relationship between households, firms, and government.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the labor and management relationships.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss opportunity costs, scarcity, and balancing unlimited wants versus limited resources.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain supply and demand, and the formation of basic economic questions, including what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce.

    • 12.3.12. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the role of the national, state, and local government in the United States economy.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare interstate commerce and trade policies.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss promoting economic growth by providing favorable conditions for markets.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Compare providing public goods, services, and protection of the environment.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the interrelationship of producers, consumers, and government in the United States economic system.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss the impact of fiscal and monetary policy.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify the basic economic goals in a free market system, including growth, stability, full employment, and efficiency versus equity and justice.

    • 12.3.13. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will examine the basic economic indicators and fundamentals of international trade.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Define Gross Domestic Product

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Define Consumer Price Index, employment statistics, and other measure of economic conditions.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain comparative and absolute advantage.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Discuss exchange rates.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain international trade policies, and the United States relationship to the global economy.

  • NE.12.4. Content Standard: World Geography

    • 12.4.1. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will demonstrate geographical skills.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Recognize the different map projections and explain the effects of distortion.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Show how maps reflect particular historical and political perspectives.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Apply the concepts of scale, orientation, and latitude and longitude.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Create and compare political, physical, and thematic maps of countries and regions.

    • 12.4.2. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze how selected physical and ecological processes impact the earth's surface.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify natural hazards describe the characteristics, explain their impact on physical and human systems, and assess efforts to manage their consequences in developed and less developed regions.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Identify regional climatic patterns and weather phenomena, relating them to events in the contemporary world.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain how humans influence and are influenced by the environment.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate how people's ideas and relationship to the environment change over time, particularly in response to new technologies.

    • 12.4.3. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will compare and contrast the distribution, growth rates, and characteristics of human population, e.g., settlement patterns and the location of natural and human resources.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Analyze past and present migration trends.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Analyze the social, economic, political, and environmental factors that influence cultural interaction.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Analyze past and present trends in human migration and cultural interaction as they are influenced by social, economic, political, and environmental factors.

    • 12.4.4. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the patterns of urban development, such as site and situation; the function of towns and cities; and problems related to human mobility, social structure, and the environment.

    • 12.4.5. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the regional development of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean, such as physical, economic, and cultural characteristics and historical evolution from 1000 A.D. to the present.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Analyze the patterns and networks of economic interdependence, e.g., formation of multinational economic unions; international trade; the theory of competitive advantage; job specialization; competition for resources; and access to labor, technology, transportation, and communications.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Locate and identify by name the major countries in each region, the world's major rivers, mountain ranges, and surrounding bodies of water.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Classify and describe the spatial distribution of major economic systems and evaluate their relative merits in terms of productivity and the social and economic well being of workers.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain how geographic regions change over time.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain how characteristics of regions have led to regional labels.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain how regional landscapes reflect the cultural characteristics of their inhabitants as well as historical events.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain how technological advances have led to increasing interaction among regions.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Distinguish between developed and developing countries, identifying and relating the level of economic development to the quality of life.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Analyze how certain cultural characteristics can link or divide regions, e.g., language, ethnic heritage, religion, political philosophy, shared history, and social and economic systems.

    • 12.4.6. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will analyze the forces of conflict and cooperation.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the way in which the world is divided among independent and dependent countries.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe disputes over borders, resources, and settlement areas.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Describe the historic and future ability of nations to survive and prosper.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the role of multinational organizations.

    • 12.4.7. Indicator / Skill:

      By the end of twelfth grade, students will apply geography to interpret the past, understand the present, and plan the future.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Explain the historical migration of people, expansion and disintegration of empires, and the growth of economic systems by using a variety of maps, charts, and documents.

      • Gle / Indicator:

        Relate current events to the physical and human characteristics of places and regions.

Montana's Eleventh Grade Standards

Article Body
  • MT.1. Content Standard: Students access, synthesize, and evaluate information to communicate and apply social studies knowledge to real world situations.

    • 1.1. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze and adapt an inquiry process (i.e., identify question or problem, locate and evaluate potential resources, gather and synthesize information, create a new product, and evaluate product and process).

    • 1.2. Benchmark:

      Students will apply criteria to evaluate information (e.g., origin, authority, accuracy, bias, and distortion of information and ideas).

    • 1.3. Benchmark:

      Students will synthesize and apply information to formulate and support reasoned personal convictions within groups and participate in negotiations to arrive at solutions to differences (e.g., elections, judicial proceedings, economic choices, community service projects).

  • MT.2. Content Standard: Students analyze how people create and change structures of power, authority, and governance to understand the operation of government and to demonstrate civic responsibility.

    • 2.1. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze the historical and contemporary purpose of government and how the powers of government are acquired, modified, justified and used (e.g., checks and balances, Bill of Rights, court decisions).

    • 2.2. Benchmark:

      Students will compare and contrast various world political systems (e.g., ideologies, structure, institutions) with that of the United States.

    • 2.3. Benchmark:

      Students will identify representative political leaders and philosophies from selected historical and contemporary settings.

    • 2.4. Benchmark:

      Students will relate the concept of tribal sovereignty to the unique powers of tribal governments as they interact with local, state and federal governments.

    • 2.5a. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze the effectiveness of various systems of government to protect the rights and needs of citizens and balance competing conceptions of a just society.

    • 2.5b. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze the impact of the Constitution, laws and court decisions on the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

    • 2.6. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze and evaluate conditions, actions and motivations that contribute to conflict and cooperation within and among groups and nations (e.g., current events from newspapers, magazines, television).

    • 2.7. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze laws and policies governing technology and evaluate the ethical issues and the impacts of technology on society.

  • MT.3. Content Standard: Students apply geographic knowledge and skills (e.g., location, place, human/environment interactions, movement, and regions).

    • 3.1. Benchmark:

      Students will interpret, use, and synthesize information from various representations of the Earth (e.g., maps, globes, satellite images, geographic information systems, three-dimensional models).

    • 3.2. Benchmark:

      Students will differentiate and analyze the relationships among various regional and global patterns of geographic phenomena, (e.g., land forms, soils, climate, vegetation, natural resources, population).

    • 3.3. Benchmark:

      Students will assess the major impacts of human modifications on the environment (e.g., global warming, deforestation, erosion, pollution).

    • 3.4. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze how human settlement patterns create cooperation and conflict which influence the division and control of the Earth (e.g., treaties, economics, exploration, borders, religion, exploitation, water rights).

    • 3.5. Benchmark:

      Students will select and apply appropriate geographic resources to analyze the interaction of physical and human systems (e.g., cultural patterns, demographics, unequal global distribution of resources) and their impact on environmental and societal changes.

    • 3.6. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze the short-term and long-term effects that major physical changes in various parts of the world have had or might have on the environments (e.g., land use, population, resources).

    • 3.7. Benchmark:

      Students will describe and compare how people create places that reflect culture, human needs, government policy, and current values and ideas as they design and build (e.g., buildings, neighborhoods, parks, industrial and agricultural centers, farms/ranches).

  • MT.4. Content Standard: Students demonstrate an understanding of the effects of time, continuity, and change on historical and future perspectives and relationships.

    • 4.1. Benchmark:

      Students will select and analyze various documents and primary and secondary sources that have influenced the legal, political, and constitutional heritage of Montana and the United States.

    • 4.2. Benchmark:

      Students will interpret how selected cultures, historical events, periods, and patterns of change influence each other.

    • 4.3. Benchmark:

      Students will apply ideas, theories, and methods of inquiry to analyze historical and contemporary developments, and to formulate and defend reasoned decisions on public policy issues.

    • 4.4a. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze the significance of important people, events, and ideas (e.g., political and intellectual leadership, inventions, discoveries, the arts) in the major eras/civilizations in the history of Montana, American Indian tribes, the United States, and the world.

    • 4.4b. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze issues (e.g., freedom and equality, liberty and order, region and nation, diversity and civic duty) using historical evidence to form and support a reasoned position.

    • 4.5. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze both the historical impact of technology (e.g., industrialization, communication, medicine) on human values and behaviors and how technology shapes problem solving now and in the future.

    • 4.6. Benchmark:

      Students will investigate, interpret, and analyze the impact of multiple historical and contemporary viewpoints concerning events within and across cultures, major world religions, and political systems (e.g., assimilation, values, beliefs, conflicts).

    • 4.7. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze and illustrate the major issues concerning history, culture, tribal sovereignty, and current status of the American Indian tribes and bands in Montana and the United States (e.g., gambling, artifacts, repatriation, natural resources, language, jurisdiction).

  • MT.5. Content Standard: Students make informed decisions based on an understanding of the economic principles of production, distribution, exchange, and consumption.

    • 5.1. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze the impact that supply and demand, scarcity, prices, incentives, competition, and profits influence what is produced and distributed in various economic systems.

    • 5.2. Benchmark:

      Students will use basic economic concepts (e.g., production, distribution, consumption, market economy and command economy) to compare and contrast local, regional, national, and global economies across time and at the present time.

    • 5.3. Benchmark:

      Students will assess the costs and benefits to society of allocating goods and services through private and public sectors.

    • 5.4. Benchmark:

      Students will compare and contrast how values and beliefs influence economic decisions in different economic systems.

    • 5.5. Benchmark:

      Students will explain the operations, rules, and procedures of common financial instruments (e.g., stocks and bonds, retirement funds, IRAs) and financial institutions( credit companies, banks, insurance companies).

    • 5.6. Benchmark:

      Students will explain and evaluate the effects of new technology, global economic interdependence, and competition on the development of national policies (e.g., social security system, Medicare, other entitlement programs) and on the lives of the individuals and families in Montana, the United States and the world (e.g., international trade, space exploration, national defense).

  • MT.6. Content Standard: Students demonstrate an understanding of the impact of human interaction and cultural diversity on societies.

    • 6.1. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze and evaluate the ways various groups (e.g., social, political, cultural) meet human needs and concerns (e.g., individual needs, common good) and contribute to personal identity.

    • 6.2. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze human experience and cultural expression (e.g., language, literature, arts, traditions, beliefs, spirituality, values, behavior) and create a product which illustrates an integrated view of a specific culture.

    • 6.3. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze the impact of ethnic, national and global influences on specific situations or events.

    • 6.4. Benchmark:

      Students will evaluate how the unique characteristics of American Indian tribes and other cultural groups have contributed to Montana's history and contemporary life (e.g., legal and political relationships between and among tribal, state, and federal governments).

    • 6.5. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze the conflicts resulting from cultural assimilation and cultural preservation among various ethnic and racial groups in Montana, the United States and the world.

    • 6.6. Benchmark:

      Students will analyze the interactions of individuals, groups and institutions in society (e.g., social mobility, class conflict, globalization).

Missouri's Eleventh Grade Standards

Article Body
  • MO.TS.7. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Tools of Social Science Inquiry

    Knowledge of the use of tools of social science inquiry (such as surveys, statistics, maps and documents)

    • TS.7.G. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Supporting a point of view

  • MO.USH.PC. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: U.S. History

    Principles of Constitutional Democracy: Knowledge of the principles expressed in documents shaping constitutional democracy in the United States

    • PC.1.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Principles of constitutional democracy in the United States

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the changing roles of government in the context of the historical period being studied

        philosophy (DOK 3; SS1 1.6, 3.5)

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the changing roles of government in the context of the historical period being studied

        limits (DOK 3; SS1 1.6, 3.5)

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the changing roles of government in the context of the historical period being studied

        duties (DOK 3; SS1 1.6, 3.5)

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the changing roles of government in the context of the historical period being studied

        checks and balances (DOK 3; SS1 1.6, 3.5)

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the changing roles of government in the context of the historical period being studied

        separation of powers (DOK 3; SS1 1.6, 3.5)

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the changing roles of government in the context of the historical period being studied

        federalism (DOK 3; SS1 1.6, 3.5)

      • PC.1.A(2). Gle / Proficiency: Assess the changing roles of the following

        checks and balances (DOK 2; SS1 1.6)

      • PC.1.A(2). Gle / Proficiency: Assess the changing roles of the following

        separation of powers (DOK 2; SS1 1.6)

      • PC.1.A(2). Gle / Proficiency: Assess the changing roles of the following

        federalism (DOK 2; SS1 1.6)

      • PC.1.A(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Define and explain judicial review (DOK 2; SS1 1.1)

  • MO.USH.GS. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: U.S. History

    Principles and Process of Governance Systems: Knowledge of principles and processes of governance systems

    • GS.2.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Principles and purposes of government

      • GS.2.A.a. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government within the context of US History from Reconstruction to the present

        majority rule and minority rights (DOK 2; SS2 1.6, 1.9)

      • GS.2.A.b. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government within the context of US History from Reconstruction to the present

        constitution and civil rights (DOK 2; SS2 1.6, 1.9)

      • GS.2.A.c. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government within the context of US History from Reconstruction to the present

        checks and balances (DOK 2; SS2 1.6, 1.9)

    • GS.2.B. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Similarities and differences of governmental systems

      • GS.2.B.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze the roles and influence of political parties and interest groups from Reconstruction to the present. (DOK 3; SS2 1.6, 3.6)

  • MO.USH.MH. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: U.S. History

    Missouri, United States and World History: Knowledge of continuity and change in the history of Missouri and the United States

    • MH.3a.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understand the migrations of people from many regions to North America

      • MH.3a.A.a. Gle / Proficiency: Describe the migrations of people from many regions of the world and the interactions of cultures and religious traditions that have contributed to America's history from Reconstruction to the present

        motivations for immigration (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3a.A.b. Gle / Proficiency: Describe the migrations of people from many regions of the world and the interactions of cultures and religious traditions that have contributed to America's history from Reconstruction to the present

        challenges to immigrants (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

    • MH.3a.I. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Political development in the United States

      • MH.3a.I.a. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the evolution of American democracy, its ideas, institutions and political processes from Reconstruction to the present, including

        Reconstruction (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3a.I.b. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the evolution of American democracy, its ideas, institutions and political processes from Reconstruction to the present, including

        struggle for civil rights (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3a.I.c. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the evolution of American democracy, its ideas, institutions and political processes from Reconstruction to the present, including

        expanding role of government (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3a.I.d. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the evolution of American democracy, its ideas, institutions and political processes from Reconstruction to the present, including

        expanding participation in political processes (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

    • MH.3a.J. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding economic concepts

      • MH.3a.J.a. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        natural resources, labor, and capital resources (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.b. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        supply and demand (shortages and surpluses) (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.c. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        business cycle (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.d. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        government regulation and deregulation (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.e. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        unemployment and full employment (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.f. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        inflation and deflation (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.g. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        saving and investment (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.h. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        profit (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.K. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Principles and purposes of government

      • MH.3a.K.a. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government since Reconstruction

        majority rule and minority rights (DOK 2; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.K.b. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government since Reconstruction

        constitution and civil rights (DOK 2; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.K.c. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government since Reconstruction

        checks and balances (DOK 2; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.L. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Principles of constitutional democracy in the United States

      • MH.3a.L.a. Gle / Proficiency: Assess the changing roles of the following

        checks and balances (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.L.b. Gle / Proficiency: Assess the changing roles of the following

        separation of powers (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.L.c. Gle / Proficiency: Assess the changing roles of the following

        federalism (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.L.d. Gle / Proficiency: Assess the changing roles of the following

        define and explain judicial review (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.M. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Processes of governmental systems

      • MH.3a.M.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze the roles and influence of political parties and interest groups since Reconstruction to the present (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.N. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Economic development in the United States

      • MH.3a.N.a. Gle / Proficiency: Describe the historical development of the American economy, including

        impact of geographic factors (DOK 2; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3a.N.b. Gle / Proficiency: Describe the historical development of the American economy, including

        role of the frontier and agriculture (DOK 2; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3a.N.c. Gle / Proficiency: Describe the historical development of the American economy, including

        impact of technological change and urbanization on land, resources, society, politics and culture (DOK 2; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3a.N.d. Gle / Proficiency: Describe the historical development of the American economy, including

        changing relationships between government and the economy (DOK 2; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3a.O.b. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze the roles people, business, labor unions, and government play in the United States economy how boycotts, strikes, and embargoes affect trade and people's options (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.O.c. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze the roles people, business, labor unions, and government play in the United States economy monetary policy (why the Federal Reserve System influences interest rates and money supply) (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.O.d. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze the roles people, business, labor unions, and government play in the United States economy fiscal policy (government taxation and spending) (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.O. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the roles of people, business, and government in the economic system of the United States

      • MH.3a.O.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze the roles people, business, labor unions, and government play in the United States economy how monopolies affect people's lives and how they are regulated (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.P. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding functions and effects of economic institutions

      • MH.3a.P.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Survey the functions and effects of major economic institutions of the United States economy, such as corporations, labor unions, and financial institutions (DOK 2; SS3 1.6)

    • MH.3a.Q. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge of economic institutions

      • MH.3a.Q.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain the United States role in the global economy and of the roles of trade, treaties, international organizations and comparative advantage in the global economy (DOK 2; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.R. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the roles of the government in the US economy

      • MH.3a.R.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Identify the roles on government in the US economy (defining and protecting property right, maintaining competition, promoting goals such as full employment, stable prices, growth and justice) (DOK 2; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.S. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the concept of location

      • MH.3a.S.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Locate the major cities of Missouri, the United States, and world; states of the United States and many of the world's nations; the world's continents and oceans; and major topographic features of the United States and the world (DOK 1; SS3 1.5)

    • MH.3a.T. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the concept of Place

      • MH.3a.T.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the physical characteristics and human characteristics that make places unique. Explain how and why places change. Explain how and why different people may perceive the same place in varied ways throughout the United States since Reconstruction (DOK 2; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.T.b. Gle / Proficiency: US History

        Explain how and why places change (DOK 2; SS3 1.10)

      • MH.3a.T.c. Gle / Proficiency: US History

        Explain how and why different people may perceive the same place in varied ways throughout the United States since Reconstruction (DOK 2; SS3 1.10)

    • MH.3a.U. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding relationships within places

      • MH.3a.U.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Distinguish major patterns and issues with regard to population distribution, demographics, settlements, migrations, and cultures in the US (DOK 2; SS3 1.6)

    • MH.3a.V. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding relationships between and among regions

      • MH.3a.V.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        List and explain criteria that give regions their identities in different periods of United States history. Explain how and why regions change (DOK 2; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.W. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Foreign and domestic policy developments

      • MH.3a.W.a. Gle / Proficiency: Describe and evaluate the evolution of United States domestic and foreign policies from Reconstruction to the present, including

        isolationism (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9, 3.5, 3.6)

      • MH.3a.W.b. Gle / Proficiency: Describe and evaluate the evolution of United States domestic and foreign policies from Reconstruction to the present, including

        immigration policy (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9, 3.5, 3.6)

      • MH.3a.W.c. Gle / Proficiency: Describe and evaluate the evolution of United States domestic and foreign policies from Reconstruction to the present, including

        Manifest Destiny (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9, 3.5, 3.6)

      • MH.3a.W.d. Gle / Proficiency: Describe and evaluate the evolution of United States domestic and foreign policies from Reconstruction to the present, including

        Imperialism (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9, 3.5, 3.6)

      • MH.3a.W.e. Gle / Proficiency: Describe and evaluate the evolution of United States domestic and foreign policies from Reconstruction to the present, including

        New Deal (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9, 3.5, 3.6)

      • MH.3a.W.f. Gle / Proficiency: Describe and evaluate the evolution of United States domestic and foreign policies from Reconstruction to the present, including

        two world wars (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9, 3.5, 3.6)

      • MH.3a.W.g. Gle / Proficiency: Describe and evaluate the evolution of United States domestic and foreign policies from Reconstruction to the present, including

        Cold War (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9, 3.5, 3.6)

      • MH.3a.W.h. Gle / Proficiency: Describe and evaluate the evolution of United States domestic and foreign policies from Reconstruction to the present, including

        Global interdependence (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9, 3.5, 3.6)

    • MH.3a.X. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes, comparisons, and results of major twentieth-century wars

      • MH.3a.X(1) Gle / Proficiency: Examine the wars of the twentieth-century pertinent to US history including

        causes, comparisons, consequences and peace efforts (DOK 2; SS3 1.6, 1.10)

    • MH.3a.Y. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding cultural changes

      • MH.3a.Y(1) Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the changing character of American society and culture (i.e., arts and literature, education and philosophy, religion and values, and science and technology) (DOK 2; SS3 1.9, 1.10)

    • MH.3a.Z. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Missouri history as it relates to major developments of United States History

      • MH.3a.Z.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze Missouri History as it relates to major developments of US History including Exploration and settlement (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.10)

      • MH.3a.Z.b. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze Missouri History as it relates to major developments of US History including Mid 1800s (conflict and war) (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.10)

      • MH.3a.Z.c. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze Missouri History as it relates to major developments of US History including Urbanization, industrialization, post-industrial societies (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.10)

  • MO.USH.MH. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: U.S. History

    Missouri, United States and World History: Knowledge of continuity and change in the history the world

    • MH.3b.M. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes, comparisons and results of major twentieth-century wars

      • MH.3b.M.a. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the wars of the twentieth century pertinent to US History, including

        causes, comparisons, consequences and peace efforts (DOK 1.6; SS3 3g)

  • MO.USH.EC. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: U.S. History

    Economic Concepts and Principles: Knowledge of economic concepts (including productivity and the market system) and principles (including the laws of supply and demand)

    • EC.4.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge of basic economic concepts, being able to explain and use them to interpret historical and current events

      • EC.4.A.a. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of US History from Reconstruction to the present

        labor, natural resources, and capital resources (DOK 4; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.b. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of US History from Reconstruction to the present

        supply and demand (shortages and surpluses) (DOK 4; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.c. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of US History from Reconstruction to the present

        savings and investment (DOK 4; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.d. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of US History from Reconstruction to the present

        business cycle (DOK 4; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.e. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of US History from Reconstruction to the present

        profit (DOK 4; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.f. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of US History from Reconstruction to the present

        government regulation and deregulation (DOK 4; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.g. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of US History from Reconstruction to the present

        unemployment and full employment (DOK 4; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.h. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of US History from Reconstruction to the present

        inflation and deflation (DOK 4; SS4 1.1)

    • EC.4.H. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the roles of people, business, and government in economic systems of the United States

      • EC.4.H.a. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the roles people, business, labor unions and government have played in the US economy, such as

        monetary policy (why the Federal Reserve System influences interest rates and money supply) (DOK 3; SS4 1.9, 3.6)

      • EC.4.H.b. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the roles people, business, labor unions and government have played in the US economy, such as

        fiscal policy (government taxation and spending) (DOK 3; SS4 1.9, 3.6)

      • EC.4.H.c. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the roles people, business, labor unions and government have played in the US economy, such as

        how monopolies affect people's lives and how they are regulated (DOK 3; SS4 1.9, 3.6)

      • EC.4.H.d. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the roles people, business, labor unions and government have played in the US economy, such as

        how boycotts, strikes, and embargoes affect trade and people's options (DOK 3; SS4 1.9, 3.6)

    • EC.4.I. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the functions and effects of economic institutions

      • EC.4.I.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain the functions and effects of major economic institutions of the United States economy, such as corporations, labor unions and financial institutions (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

    • EC.4.J. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge of economic institutions

      • EC.4.J.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain the United States role in the global economy and of the roles of trade, treaties, international organizations and comparative advantage in the global economy (DOK 2; SS4 1.6, 1.10)

    • EC.4.K. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the roles of government in a market economy

      • EC.4.K.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Identify the roles of the government in the US economy (defining and protecting property rights, maintaining competition, promoting goals such as full employment, stable prices, growth and justice) (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

  • MO.USH.EG. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: U.S. History

    Elements of Geographical Study and Analysis: Knowledge of major elements of geographical study and analysis (such as location, place, movement and regions) and their relationship to changes in society and the environment

    • EG.5.B. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the concept of location to make predictions and solve problems

      • EG.5.B.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Locate major cities of Missouri, the United States and world; states of the United States and many of the world's nations; the world's continents and oceans; and major topographic features of the United States and world (DOK 1; SS5 1.4, 1.5)

    • EG.5.C. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the concept of place

      • EG.5.C(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe physical characteristics and human characteristics that make specific places unique (DOK 2; SS5 1.1)

      • EG.5.C(2). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how and why places change (DOK 2; N/A 1.6)

      • EG.5.C(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how and why different people may perceive the same place in varied ways (DOK 4; SS5 1.6)

    • EG.5.D. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Relationships within places (Human- Environment Interactions) (Movement)

      • EG.5.F(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        List and explain criteria that give regions their identities in different periods of United States history (DOK 2; SS5 1.6)

      • EG.5.F(2). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how and why regions change (DOK 2; SS5 1.6)

  • MO.USH.RI. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: U.S. History

    Relationships of Individual and Groups to Institutions and Traditions: Knowledge of relationships of the individual and groups to institutions and cultural traditions

    • RI.6.K. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Ideas and beliefs of different cultures

      • RI.6.K(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        Compare and contrast the major ideas and beliefs of different cultures (DOK 2; SS6 1.9)

    • RI.6.L. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Changing of roles of various groups

      • RI.6.L.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze how the roles of class, ethnic, racial, gender and age groups have changed in society, including causes and effects (DOK 3; SS6 1.6)

    • RI.6.M. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Major social institutions

      • RI.6.M.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the major social institutions (family, education, religion, economy and government) and how they fulfill human needs (DOK 2; SS6 1.9, 1.10)

    • RI.6.N. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Consequences of individual or institutional failure

      • RI.6.N.a. Gle / Proficiency: Predict the consequences that can occur when

        institutions fail to meet the needs of individuals and groups (DOK 4; SS6 3.1)

      • RI.6.N.b. Gle / Proficiency: Predict the consequences that can occur when

        individuals fail to carry out their personal responsibilities (DOK 4; SS6 3.1)

    • RI.6.O. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes, effects and resolutions of cultural conflict

      • RI.6.O.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Determine the causes, consequences and possible resolutions of cultural conflicts (DOK 3; SS6 3.6)

  • MO.USH.TS. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: U.S. History

    Tools of Social Science Inquiry: Knowledge of the use of tools of social science inquiry (such as surveys, statistics, maps and documents)

    • TS.7.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Identify, select, use, analyze and create appropriate resources for social science inquiry

      • TS.7.A.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Distinguish between and analyze primary sources and secondary sources (DOK 2; SS7 1.7, 1.5)

    • TS.7.B. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge to create various social studies maps and graphics

      • TS.7.B.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Create maps, charts, diagrams, graphs, timelines and political cartoons to assist in analyzing and visualizing concepts in social studies (DOK 3; SS7 1.8, 2.1)

    • TS.7.C. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding fact, opinion, bias and points of view in sources

      • TS.7.C.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Distinguish between fact and opinion and analyze sources to recognize bias and points of view (DOK 3; SS7 1.7, 3.5, 3.6)

    • TS.7.E. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Developing a research plan and identifying resources

      • TS.7.E.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Develop a research plan and identify appropriate resources for investigating social studies topics (DOK 3; SS7 1.1, 1.4)

    • TS.7.F. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Interpreting various social studies resources

      • TS.7.F.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Interpret maps, statistics, charts, diagrams, graphs, timelines, pictures, political cartoons, audiovisual materials, continua, written resources, art and artifacts (DOK 3; SS7 1.5)

  • MO.GOV.PC. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Government (EOC)

    Principles of Constitutional Democracy: Knowledge of the principles expressed in documents shaping constitutional democracy in the United States

    • PC.1.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Principles of constitutional democracy in the United States

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following principles of constitutional democracy to historical and contemporary issues

        checks and balances (DOK 3; SS1 3.5, 1.10)

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following principles of constitutional democracy to historical and contemporary issues

        separation of powers (DOK 3; SS1 3.5, 1.10)

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following principles of constitutional democracy to historical and contemporary issues

        federalism (DOK 3; SS1 3.5, 1.10)

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following principles of constitutional democracy to historical and contemporary issues

        representation (DOK 3; SS1 3.5, 1.10)

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following principles of constitutional democracy to historical and contemporary issues

        popular sovereignty (DOK 3; SS1 3.5, 1.10)

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following principles of constitutional democracy to historical and contemporary issues

        due process of law (DOK 3; SS1 3.5, 1.10)

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following principles of constitutional democracy to historical and contemporary issues

        judicial review (DOK 3; SS1 3.5, 1.10)

      • PC.1.A(2). Gle / Proficiency:

        Determine the civic responsibilities of individual citizens (DOK 2; SS1 4.2)

      • PC.1.A(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Assess the changing roles of government philosophy (DOK 2; SS1 1.6)

      • PC.1.A(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Assess the changing roles of government limits (DOK 2; SS1 1.6)

      • PC.1.A(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Assess the changing roles of government duties (DOK 2; SS1 1.6)

      • PC.1.A(4). Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the historical foundations of the United States governmental system as reflected in the following documents Magna Carta (DOK 3; SS1 1.10, 1.5, 1.6)

      • PC.1.A(4). Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the historical foundations of the United States governmental system as reflected in the following documents b. Enlightenment writings of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and the Social Contract Theory (DOK 3; SS1 1.10, 1.5, 1.6)

      • PC.1.A(4). Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the historical foundations of the United States governmental system as reflected in the following documents Mayflower Compact (DOK 3; SS1 1.10, 1.5, 1.6)

      • PC.1.A(4). Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the historical foundations of the United States governmental system as reflected in the following documents Declaration of Independence (DOK 3; SS1 1.10, 1.5, 1.6)

      • PC.1.A(4). Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the historical foundations of the United States governmental system as reflected in the following documents Articles of Confederation (DOK 3; SS1 1.10, 1.5, 1.6)

    • PC.1.B. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Role of citizens and governments in carrying out constitutional principles

      • PC.1.B.a. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the relevance and connection of constitutional principles in the following documents

        US Constitution (DOK 3; SS1 1.5, 1.6, 1.10, 3.5)

      • PC.1.B.b. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the relevance and connection of constitutional principles in the following documents

        Federalist Papers (DOK 3; SS1 1.5, 1.6, 1.10, 3.5)

      • PC.1.B.c. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the relevance and connection of constitutional principles in the following documents

        Amendments to Constitution, emphasizing Bill of Rights (DOK 3; SS1 1.5, 1.6, 1.10, 3.5)

      • PC.1.B.d. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the relevance and connection of constitutional principles in the following documents

        Key Supreme Court decisions Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, Miranda v. Arizona, Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Topeka Board of Education (DOK 3; SS1 1.5, 1.6, 1.10, 3.5)

  • MO.GOV.GS. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Government (EOC)

    Principles and Process of Governance Systems: Knowledge of principles and processes of governance systems

    • GS.2.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Principles and purposes of government.

      • GS.2.A(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the structure of government and the purposes of laws (with emphasis on the federal and state governments) in general (DOK 1; SS2 1.6, 1.9)

      • GS.2.A(2). Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government

        limited government (DOK 2; SS2 1.1)

      • GS.2.A(2). Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government

        majority rule and minority rights (DOK 2; SS2 1.1)

      • GS.2.A(2). Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government

        constitution and civil rights (DOK 2; SS2 1.1)

      • GS.2.A(2). Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government

        checks and balances (DOK 2; SS2 1.1)

      • GS.2.A(2). Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government

        merits of the above principles (DOK 2; SS2 1.1)

    • GS.2.B. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Similarities and differences of governmental systems

      • GS.2.B(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        Compare and contrast governmental systems, current and historical, including those that are democratic, totalitarian, monarchic, oligarchic and theocratic, and describe their impact (DOK 2; SS2 1.9)

    • GS.2.C. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Processes of governmental systems

      • GS.2.C(1). Gle / Proficiency: Explain the processes pertaining to

        selection of political leaders (with an emphasis on presidential and parliamentary systems) (DOK 2; SS2 1.1)

      • GS.2.C(1). Gle / Proficiency: Explain the processes pertaining to

        functions and styles of leadership (including authoritarian, democratic and laissez faire) (DOK 2; SS2 1.1)

      • GS.2.C(1). Gle / Proficiency: Explain the processes pertaining to

        governmental systems (DOK 2; SS2 1.1)

      • GS.2.C(1). Gle / Proficiency: Explain the processes pertaining to

        how laws and rules are made, enforced, changed and interpreted (DOK 2; SS2 1.1)

      • GS.2.C(2). Gle / Proficiency:

        Evaluate the roles and influence of political parties and interest groups (DOK 3; SS2 1.6, 3.6)

  • MO.GOV.MH. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Government (EOC)

    Missouri, United States and World History: Knowledge of continuity and change in the history of Missouri and the United States

    • MH.3a.I. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Political development in the United States

      • MH.3a.I.a. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the evolution of American democracy, its ideas, institutions and political processes, including

        Constitution and amendments (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3a.I.b. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the evolution of American democracy, its ideas, institutions and political processes, including

        struggle for civil rights (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3a.I.c. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the evolution of American democracy, its ideas, institutions and political processes, including

        expanding role of government (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

    • MH.3a.K. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Principles and purposes of government

      • MH.3a.K.a. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government since Reconstruction

        majority rule and minority rights (DOK 2; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.K.b. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government since Reconstruction

        constitution and civil rights (DOK 2; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.K.c. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the importance of the following principles of government since Reconstruction

        checks and balances (DOK 2; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.L. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Principles of constitutional democracy in the United States

      • MH.3a.L.a. Gle / Proficiency: Assess the changing roles of the following

        checks and balances (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.L.b. Gle / Proficiency: Assess the changing roles of the following

        separation of powers (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.L.c. Gle / Proficiency: Assess the changing roles of the following

        federalism (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.L.d. Gle / Proficiency: Assess the changing roles of the following

        define and explain judicial review (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.M. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Processes of governmental systems

      • MH.3a.M.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Evaluate the roles and influence of political parties and interest groups (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3b.K. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Effect of the Enlightenment on major revolutions

      • MH.3b.K.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Evaluate the Enlightenment, including its principle ideas, its antecedents, its challenge to absolutist monarchies and others and its effects on world history (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

  • MO.GOV.EC. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Government

    Economic Concepts and Principles: Knowledge of economic concepts (including productivity and the market system) and principles (including the laws of supply and demand)

    • EC.4.H. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the roles of people, business, and government in economic systems of the United States

      • EC.4.H.a. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the roles that people, businesses and government play in economic systems, such as

        monetary policy (why the Federal Reserve System influences interest rates and money supply) (DOK 3; SS4 1.6, 3.6)

      • EC.4.H.b. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the roles that people, businesses and government play in economic systems, such as

        fiscal policy (government taxation and spending) (DOK 3; SS4 1.6, 3.6)

    • EC.4.K. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the roles of government in a market economy

      • EC.4.K.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Identify the roles of government in a market economy (defining and protecting property rights, maintaining competition, promoting goals such as full employment, stable prices, growth and justice) (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

  • MO.GOV.RI. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Government

    Relationships of Individual and Groups to Institutions and Traditions: Knowledge of relationships of the individual and groups to institutions and cultural traditions

    • RI.6.K. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Ideas and beliefs of different cultures

      • RI.6.K.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Compare and contrast the major ideas and beliefs of different cultures (DOK 2; SS6 1.9)

    • RI.6.L. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Changing of roles of various groups

      • RI.6.L.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze how the roles of class, ethnic, racial, gender and age groups have changed in society, including causes and effects (DOK 3; SS6 1.6)

    • RI.6.M. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Major social institutions

      • RI.6.M.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the major social institutions (family, education, religion, economy and government) and how they fulfill human needs (DOK 2; SS6 1.9, 1.10)

    • RI.6.N. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Consequences of individual or institutional failure

      • RI.6.N.a. Gle / Proficiency: Predict the consequences that can occur when

        institutions fail to meet the needs of individuals and groups (DOK 4; SS6 3.1)

      • RI.6.N.b. Gle / Proficiency: Predict the consequences that can occur when

        individuals fail to carry out their personal responsibilities (DOK 4; SS6 3.1)

    • RI.6.O. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes, effects and resolutions of cultural conflict

      • RI.6.O.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Determine the causes, consequences and possible resolutions of cultural conflicts (DOK 3; SS6 3.6)

  • MO.GOV.TS. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Government

    Tools of Social Science Inquiry: Knowledge of the use of tools of social science inquiry (such as surveys, statistics, maps and documents)

    • TS.7.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Identify, select, use, analyze and create appropriate resources for social science inquiry

      • TS.7.A.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Distinguish between and analyze primary sources and secondary sources (DOK 2; SS7 1.7, 1.5)

    • TS.7.B. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge to create various social studies maps and graphics

      • TS.7.B.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Create maps, charts, diagrams, graphs, timelines and political cartoons to assist in analyzing and visualizing concepts in social studies (DOK 3; SS7 1.8, 2.1)

    • TS.7.C. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding fact, opinion, bias and points of view in sources

      • TS.7.C.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Distinguish between fact and opinion and analyze sources to recognize bias and points of view (DOK 3; SS7 1.7, 3.5, 3.6)

    • TS.7.E. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Developing a research plan and identifying resources

      • TS.7.E.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Develop a research plan and identify appropriate resources for investigating social studies topics (DOK 3; SS7 1.1, 1.4)

    • TS.7.F. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Interpreting various social studies resources

      • TS.7.F.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Interpret maps, statistics, charts, diagrams, graphs, timelines, pictures, political cartoons, audiovisual materials, continua, written resources, art and artifacts (DOK 3; SS7 1.5)

  • MO.GEO.MH. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Geography

    Missouri, United States and World History: Knowledge of continuity and change in the history of Missouri and the United States

    • MH.3a.S. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the concept of location

      • MH.3a.S.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Locate the major cities of Missouri, the United States, and world; states of the United States and many of the world's nations; the world's continents and oceans; and major topographic features of the United States and the world (DOK 1; SS3 1.5)

    • MH.3a.T. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the concept of Place

      • MH.3a.T.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the physical characteristics and human characteristics that make places unique. Explain how and why places change. Explain how and why different people may perceive the same place in varied ways throughout the United States since Reconstruction (DOK 2; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.U. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding relationships within places

      • MH.3a.U.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Distinguish major patterns and issues with regard to population distribution, demographics, settlements, migrations, and cultures in the US (DOK 2; SS3 1.6)

    • MH.3a.V. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding relationships between and among regions

      • MH.3a.V.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        List and explain criteria that give regions their identities in different periods of United States history. Explain how and why regions change (DOK 2; SS3 1.1)

  • MO.GEO.EC. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Geography Economic Concepts and Principles

    Knowledge of economic concepts (including productivity and the market system) and principles (including the laws of supply and demand)

    • EC.4.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge of basic economic concepts, being able to explain and use them to interpret historical and current events

      • EC.4.A.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Define and give examples of production (human resources, natural resources, capital resources) (DOK 2; SS4 1.6, 1.10)

  • MO.GEO.EG. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Geography Elements of Geographical Study and Analysis

    Knowledge of major elements of geographical study and analysis (such as location, place, movement and regions) and their relationship to changes in society and the environment

    • EG.5.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Reading and constructing maps

      • EG.5.A.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Locate major cities of Missouri, the United States and world; states of the United States and many of the world's nations; the world's continents and oceans; and major topographic features of the United States and world (DOK 1; SS5 1.4, 1.5)

    • EG.5.B. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the concept of location to make predictions and solve problems

      • EG.5.B.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Communicate locations of places by creating maps and by describing their absolute locations and relative locations (DOK 2; SS5 1.8, 1.10, 2.1)

    • EG.5.C. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the concept of place

      • EG.5.C(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe physical characteristics and human characteristics that make specific places unique (DOK 2; SS5 1.1)

      • EG.5.C(2). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how and why places change (DOK 2; N/A 1.6)

      • EG.5.C(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how and why different people may perceive the same place in varied ways (DOK 4; SS5 1.6)

    • EG.5.D. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Relationships within places (Human-Environment Interactions) (Movement)

      • EG.5.D(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how physical processes shape the earth's surface (DOK 2; SS5 1.1)

      • EG.5.D(2). Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the distribution and characteristics of ecosystems, the forces that have led to their formation, and how they vary in biodiversity and productivity (DOK 2; SS5 1.6, 1.10)

      • EG.5.D(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze major patterns and issues with regard to population distribution, demographics, settlements, migrations, cultures and economic systems in the United States and world (DOK 3; SS5 1.6, 3.5)

      • EG.5.D(4). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how technology has expanded people's capacity to modify the physical environment (DOK 2; SS5 1.1)

      • EG.5.D(5). Gle / Proficiency:

        Identify how changes in the physical environment may reduce the capacity of the environment to support human activity (DOK 2; SS5 1.1)

    • EG.5.E. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding relationships between and among places

      • EG.5.E(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain the factors that account for patterns in trade and human migration (DOK 2; SS5 1.1)

      • EG.5.E(2). Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe major effects of changes in patterns of the movement of people, products and ideas (DOK 2; SS5 1.6)

      • EG.5.E(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Identify issues pertaining to the movement of people, products and ideas, and evaluate ways to address those issues (DOK 3; SS5 3.7, 3.5)

    • EG.5.F. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding relationships between and among regions

      • EG.5.F(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        List and explain criteria that give regions their identities in different periods of United States and world history (DOK 2; SS5 1.6)

      • EG.5.F(2). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how parts of a region relate to each other and to the region as a whole (e.g., states to nation) (DOK 2; SS5 1.6)

      • EG.5.F(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how regions relate to one another (e.g., river-drainage regions) (DOK 2; SS5 1.6)

      • EG.5.F(4). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how and why regions change (DOK 2; SS5 1.6)

    • EG.5.G. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Using geography to interpret, explain and predict

      • EG.5.G.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Use geography to interpret the past, explain the present and plan for the future (DOK 3; SS5 1.6, 3.2)

    • EG.5.I. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Using geography to interpret, explain and plan for the future

      • EG.5.I(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        Use and evaluate geographic research sources (e.g., maps, satellite images, globes, charts, graphs and atlases) to interpret Earth's physical and human systems (DOK 2; SS5 1.4, 1.7)

      • EG.5.I(2). Gle / Proficiency:

        Identify and solve geographic problems (DOK 2; SS5 3.1, 3.2)

      • EG.5.I(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Construct maps (DOK 2; SS5 1.8)

  • MO.GEO.RI. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Geography Relationships of Individual and Groups to Institutions and Traditions

    Knowledge of relationships of the individual and groups to institutions and cultural traditions

    • RI.6.K. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Ideas and beliefs of different cultures

      • RI.6.K.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Compare and contrast the major ideas and beliefs of different cultures (DOK 2; SS6 1.9)

    • RI.6.L. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Changing of roles of various groups

      • RI.6.L.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze how the roles of class, ethnic, racial, gender and age groups have changed in society, including causes and effects (DOK 3; SS6 1.6)

    • RI.6.M. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Major social institutions

      • RI.6.M.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the major social institutions (family, education, religion, economy and government) and how they fulfill human needs (DOK 2; SS6 1.9, 1.10)

    • RI.6.N. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Consequences of individual or institutional failure

      • RI.6.N.a. Gle / Proficiency: Predict the consequences that can occur when

        institutions fail to meet the needs of individuals and groups (DOK 4; SS6 3.1)

      • RI.6.N.b. Gle / Proficiency: Predict the consequences that can occur when

        individuals fail to carry out their personal responsibilities (DOK 4; SS6 3.1)

    • RI.6.O. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes, effects and resolutions of cultural conflict

      • RI.6.O.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Determine the causes, consequences and possible resolutions of cultural conflicts (DOK 3; SS6 3.6)

  • MO.GEO.TS. Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Geography Tools of Social Science Inquiry

    Knowledge of the use of tools of social science inquiry (such as surveys, statistics, maps and documents)

    • TS.7.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Identify, select, use, analyze and create appropriate resources for social science inquiry

      • TS.7.A.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Distinguish between and analyze primary sources and secondary sources (DOK 2; SS7 1.7, 1.5)

    • TS.7.B. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge to create various social studies maps and graphics

      • TS.7.B.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Create maps, charts, diagrams, graphs, timelines and political cartoons to assist in analyzing and visualizing concepts in social studies (DOK 3; SS7 1.8, 2.1)

    • TS.7.C. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding fact, opinion, bias and points of view in sources

      • TS.7.C.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Distinguish between fact and opinion and analyze sources to recognize bias and points of view (DOK 3; SS7 1.7, 3.5, 3.6)

    • TS.7.E. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Developing a research plan and identifying resources

      • TS.7.E.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Develop a research plan and identify appropriate resources for investigating social studies topics (DOK 3; SS7 1.1, 1.4)

    • TS.7.F. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Interpreting various social studies resources

      • TS.7.F.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Interpret maps, statistics, charts, diagrams, graphs, timelines, pictures, political cartoons, audiovisual materials, continua, written resources, art and artifacts (DOK 3; SS7 1.5)

  • MO.WH.PC.1 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: World History

    Principles of Constitutional Democracy: Knowledge of the principles expressed in documents shaping constitutional democracy in the United States

    • PC.1.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Principles of constitutional democracy in the United States

      • PC.1.A(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze changes in democracy and republics over time (DOK 2; SS1 1.9)

      • PC.1.A(2). Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following in the context of the historical period being studied

        democracy (DOK 3; SS1 3.5, 1.10)

      • PC.1.A(2). Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following in the context of the historical period being studied

        republic (DOK 3; SS1 3.5, 1.10)

      • PC.1.A(2). Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following in the context of the historical period being studied

        changing role of government (DOK 3; SS1 3.5, 1.10)

      • PC.1.A(2). Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following in the context of the historical period being studied

        representation (DOK 3; SS1 3.5, 1.10)

    • PC.1.B. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Role of citizens and governments in carrying out constitutional principles

      • PC.1.B.a. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the relevance and the connection of constitutional principles in the following documents

        Magna Carta (DOK 3; SS1 1.5, 1.6, 1.10, 3.5)

      • PC.1.B.b. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the relevance and the connection of constitutional principles in the following documents

        Enlightenment writings of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu and the Social Contract Theory (DOK 3; SS1 1.5, 1.6, 1.10, 3.5)

  • MO.WH.GS.2 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: World History

    Principles and Process of Governance Systems: Knowledge of principles and processes of governance systems

    • GS.2.B. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Similarities and differences of governmental systems

      • GS.2.B.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Compare and contrast governmental systems, current and historical, including those that are democratic, totalitarian, monarchic, oligarchic and theocratic, and describe their impact (DOK 2; SS2 1.9)

    • GS.2.C. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Processes of governmental systems

      • GS.2.C.a. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the processes pertaining to

        selection of political leaders (DOK 2; SS2 1.6, 1.9)

      • GS.2.C.b. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the processes pertaining to

        functions and styles of leadership (including authoritarian, democratic and laissez faire) (DOK 2; SS2 1.6, 1.9)

      • GS.2.C.c. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the processes pertaining to

        governmental systems (DOK 2; SS2 1.6, 1.9)

      • GS.2.C.d. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the processes pertaining to

        how laws and rules are made, enforced, changed and interpreted (DOK 2; SS2 1.6, 1.9)

  • MO.WH.MH.3 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: World History

    Missouri, United States and World History: Knowledge of continuity and change in the history of Missouri and the United States

    • MH.3a.X. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes, comparisons, and results of major twentieth-century wars

      • MH.3a.X.b. Gle / Proficiency: Examine the wars of the twentieth-century pertinent to US history including

        causes, comparisons, consequences and peace efforts (DOK 2; SS3 1.6, 1.10)

  • MO.WH.MH.3 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: World History

    Missouri, United States and World History: Knowledge of continuity and change in the history the world

    • MH.3b.G. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge of contributions and interactions of major world civilizations

      • MH.3b.G.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the dominant characteristics, contributions of, and interactions among major civilizations of Asia, Europe, Africa, the Americas and the Middle East in ancient and medieval times (DOK 4; SS3 1.9)

    • MH.3b.H. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Influence of the Renaissance and Reformation

      • MH.3b.H.a. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze the following developments related to the Renaissance and Reformation including

        new ways of thinking, humanism, new developments in arts and their impact on later developments (DOK 4; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

    • MH.3b.I. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes and effects of European overseas expansion

      • MH.3b.I.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Assess the impact of the First Global Age, including the Columbian Exchange; the origins and consequences of European overseas expansion; the effect of European arms and economic power on other parts of the world; resulting transformations in the Americas, Africa, Asia and Europe and conflicts among European maritime and land powers (DOK 4; SS3 1.9, 1.6)

    • MH.3b.J. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Impact of Scientific Revolution

      • MH.3b.J.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze the Scientific Revolution in the context of what it was, its antecedents and its impact on Europe and the world (DOK 4; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

    • MH.3b.K. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Effect of the Enlightenment on major revolutions

      • MH.3b.K(1) Gle / Proficiency:

        Evaluate the Enlightenment, including its principle ideas, its antecedents, its challenge to absolutist monarchies and others and its effects on world history (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3b.K(2) Gle / Proficiency: Identify and explain the major revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries, including

        political revolutions (American and French) and the Industrial Revolution (causes, development, reactions and other consequences, such as social, political and economic globalization) (DOK 3; SS3 1.10, 1.6)

    • MH.3b.L. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes and consequences of economic theories and practices

      • MH.3b.L.a. Gle / Proficiency: Describe the evolution of diverse economic theories and practices, including

        manorialism, mercantilism, laissez-faire capitalism and socialism. Describe the social and political effects these have had on various societies (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

    • MH.3b.M. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes, comparisons and results of major twentieth-century wars

      • MH.3b.M.a. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze all significant wars of the twentieth century, including

        causes, comparisons, consequences and peace efforts (DOK 4; SS3 1.6)

    • MH.3b.N. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes, reactions and consequences of European and Japanese imperialism

      • MH.3b.N.a. Gle / Proficiency: Evaluate European and Japanese imperialism of the late 19th and 20th century and the independence movements in Africa and Asia

        causes, reactions, short- and long-term consequences (DOK 4; SS3 1.9, 1.6, 3.8)

    • MH.3b.O. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes and consequences of major demographic changes

      • MH.3b.O.a. Gle / Proficiency: Outline major demographic changes and migrations from prehistoric times to the present, including

        their causes and consequences (e.g. rural to urban, less developed to more developed) (DOK 2; SS3 1.8, 1.6)

  • MO.WH.EC.4 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: World History

    Economic Concepts and Principles: Knowledge of economic concepts (including productivity and the market system) and principles (including the laws of supply and demand)

    • EC.4.J. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge of economic institutions

      • EC.4.J.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain the roles of trade, treaties, international organizations and comparative advantage in the global economy (DOK 2; SS4 1.6, 1.10)

  • MO.WH.EG.5 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: World History

    Elements of Geographical Study and Analysis: Knowledge of major elements of geographical study and analysis (such as location, place, movement and regions) and their relationship to changes in society and the environment

    • EG.5.C. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the concept of place

      • EG.5.C(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe physical characteristics and human characteristics that make specific places unique (DOK 2; SS5 1.1)

      • EG.5.C(2). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how and why places change (DOK 2; N/A 1.6)

      • EG.5.C(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how and why different people may perceive the same place in varied ways (DOK 4; SS5 1.6)

  • MO.WH.RI.6 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: World History

    Relationships of Individual and Groups to Institutions and Traditions: Knowledge of relationships of the individual and groups to institutions and cultural traditions

    • RI.6.K. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Ideas and beliefs of different cultures

      • RI.6.K.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Compare and contrast the major ideas and beliefs of different cultures (DOK 2; SS6 1.9)

    • RI.6.L. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Changing of roles of various groups

      • RI.6.L.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze how the roles of class, ethnic, racial, gender and age groups have changed in society, including causes and effects (DOK 3; SS6 1.6)

    • RI.6.M. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Major social institutions

      • RI.6.M.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the major social institutions (family, education, religion, economy and government) and how they fulfill human needs (DOK 2; SS6 1.9, 1.10)

    • RI.6.N. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Consequences of individual or institutional failure

      • RI.6.N.a. Gle / Proficiency: Predict the consequences that can occur when

        institutions fail to meet the needs of individuals and groups (DOK 4; SS6 3.1)

      • RI.6.N.b. Gle / Proficiency: Predict the consequences that can occur when

        individuals fail to carry out their personal responsibilities (DOK 4; SS6 3.1)

    • RI.6.O. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes, effects and resolutions of cultural conflict

      • RI.6.O.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Determine the causes, consequences and possible resolutions of cultural conflicts (DOK 3; SS6 3.6)

  • MO.WH.TS.7 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: World History

    Tools of Social Science Inquiry: Knowledge of the use of tools of social science inquiry (such as surveys, statistics, maps and documents)

    • TS.7.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Identify, select, use, analyze and create appropriate resources for social science inquiry

      • TS.7.A.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Distinguish between and analyze primary sources and secondary sources (DOK 2; SS7 1.7, 1.5)

    • TS.7.B. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge to create various social studies maps and graphics

      • TS.7.B.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Create maps, charts, diagrams, graphs, timelines and political cartoons to assist in analyzing and visualizing concepts in social studies (DOK 3; SS7 1.8, 2.1)

    • TS.7.C. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding fact, opinion, bias and points of view in sources

      • TS.7.C.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Distinguish between fact and opinion and analyze sources to recognize bias and points of view (DOK 3; SS7 1.7, 3.5, 3.6)

    • TS.7.E. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Developing a research plan and identifying resources

      • TS.7.E.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Develop a research plan and identify appropriate resources for investigating social studies topics (DOK 3; SS7 1.1, 1.4)

    • TS.7.F. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Interpreting various social studies resources

      • TS.7.F.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Interpret maps, statistics, charts, diagrams, graphs, timelines, pictures, political cartoons, audiovisual materials, continua, written resources, art and artifacts (DOK 3; SS7 1.5)

  • MO.EC.MH.3 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Economics

    Missouri, United States and World History: Knowledge of continuity and change in the history of Missouri and the United States

    • MH.3a.J. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding economic concepts

      • MH.3a.J.a. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        natural resources, labor, and capital resources (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.b. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        supply and demand (shortages and surpluses) (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.c. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        business cycle (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.d. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        government regulation and deregulation (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.e. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        unemployment and full employment (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.f. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        inflation and deflation (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.g. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        saving and investment (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.J.h. Gle / Proficiency: Apply the following major economic concepts in the context of the historical period studied

        profit (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.N. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Economic development in the United States

      • MH.3a.N.a. Gle / Proficiency: Describe the historical development of the American economy, including

        impact of geographic factors (DOK 2; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3a.N.b. Gle / Proficiency: Describe the historical development of the American economy, including

        role of the frontier and agriculture (DOK 2; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3a.N.c. Gle / Proficiency: Describe the historical development of the American economy, including

        impact of technological change and urbanization on land, resources, society, politics and culture (DOK 2; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

      • MH.3a.N.d. Gle / Proficiency: Describe the historical development of the American economy, including

        changing relationships between government and the economy (DOK 2; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

    • MH.3a.O. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the roles of people, business, and government in the economic system of the United States

      • MH.3a.O.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze the roles people, business, labor unions, and government play in the United States economy how monopolies affect people's lives and how they are regulated (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.O.b. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze the roles people, business, labor unions, and government play in the United States economy how boycotts, strikes, and embargoes affect trade and people's options (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.O.c. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze the roles people, business, labor unions, and government play in the United States economy monetary policy (why the Federal Reserve System influences interest rates and money supply) (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

      • MH.3a.O.d. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze the roles people, business, labor unions, and government play in the United States economy fiscal policy (government taxation and spending) (DOK 3; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.P. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding functions and effects of economic institutions

      • MH.3a.P.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Survey the functions and effects of major economic institutions of the United States economy, such as corporations, labor unions, and financial institutions (DOK 2; SS3 1.6)

    • MH.3a.Q. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge of economic institutions

      • MH.3a.Q(1) Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain the United States role in the global economy and of the roles of trade, treaties, international organizations and comparative advantage in the global economy (DOK 2; SS3 1.1)

    • MH.3a.W. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Foreign and domestic policy developments

      • MH.3a.W.a. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze and evaluate the evolution of United States domestic and foreign policies including

        New Deal (DOK 3; SS3 3.6, 1.6)

      • MH.3a.W.b. Gle / Proficiency: Analyze and evaluate the evolution of United States domestic and foreign policies including

        global interdependence (DOK 3; SS3 3.6, 1.6)

  • MO.EC.MH.3 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Economics

    Missouri, United States and World History: Knowledge of continuity and change in the history the world

    • MH.3b.L. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes and consequences of economic theories and practices

      • MH.3b.L.a. Gle / Proficiency: Describe the evolution of diverse economic theories and practices, including

        manorialism, mercantilism, laissez-faire capitalism and socialism. Describe the social and political effects these have had on various societies (DOK 3; SS3 1.6, 1.9)

  • MO.EC.EC.4 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Economics

    Economic Concepts and Principles: Knowledge of economic concepts (including productivity and the market system) and principles (including the laws of supply and demand)

    • EC.4.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge of basic economic concepts, being able to explain and use them to interpret historical and current events

      • EC.4.A.a. Gle / Proficiency: Apply major economic concepts, such as

        scarcity (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.b. Gle / Proficiency: Apply major economic concepts, such as

        opportunity cost (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.c. Gle / Proficiency: Apply major economic concepts, such as

        factors of production (human resources, natural resources, and capital resources) (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.d. Gle / Proficiency: Apply major economic concepts, such as

        supply and demand (shortages and surpluses) (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.e. Gle / Proficiency: Apply major economic concepts, such as

        gross domestic product (GDP) (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.f. Gle / Proficiency: Apply major economic concepts, such as

        savings and investments (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.g. Gle / Proficiency: Apply major economic concepts, such as

        business cycle (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.h. Gle / Proficiency: Apply major economic concepts, such as

        profit (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.i. Gle / Proficiency: Apply major economic concepts, such as

        government regulation and deregulation (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.j. Gle / Proficiency: Apply major economic concepts, such as

        budgeting (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.k. Gle / Proficiency: Apply major economic concepts, such as

        income (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.l. Gle / Proficiency: Apply major economic concepts, such as

        unemployment and full employment (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

      • EC.4.A.m. Gle / Proficiency: Apply major economic concepts, such as

        inflation and deflation (DOK 2; SS4 1.1)

    • EC.4.B. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the consequences of personal and public economic decisions

      • EC.4.B.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Evaluate the economic consequences of personal and public decisions (e.g. use of credit; deficit spending) (DOK 2; SS4 3.8)

    • EC.4.G. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Compare and contrast economic systems

      • EC.4.G.a. Gle / Proficiency: Compare and contrast economic systems

        traditional, market, command and mixed (DOK 1.9; SS4 2)

    • EC.4.H. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the roles of people, business, and government in economic systems of the United States

      • EC.4.H.a. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the roles people, business, and government play in economic systems, such as

        monetary policy (why and how the Federal Reserve System influences interest rates and money supply) (DOK 3; SS4 1.6, 4.1)

      • EC.4.H.b. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the roles people, business, and government play in economic systems, such as

        fiscal policy (government taxation and spending) (DOK 3; SS4 1.6, 4.1)

      • EC.4.H.c. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the roles people, business, and government play in economic systems, such as

        how monopolies affect people's lives and how they are regulated (DOK 3; SS4 1.6, 4.1)

      • EC.4.H.d. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the roles people, business, and government play in economic systems, such as

        how boycotts, strikes and embargoes affect trade and people's options (DOK 3; SS4 1.6, 4.1)

      • EC.4.H.e. Gle / Proficiency: Explain the roles people, business, and government play in economic systems, such as

        why businesses may choose to build in or move to other regions or countries (DOK 3; SS4 1.6, 4.1)

    • EC.4.I. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the functions and effects of economic institutions

      • EC.4.I.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze the functions and effects of major economic institutions on the United States economy, such as corporations, labor unions and financial institutions (DOK 2; SS4 1.6, 1.10)

    • EC.4.J. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge of economic institutions

      • EC.4.J.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain the roles of trade, treaties, international organizations and comparative advantage in the global economy (DOK 2; SS4 1.6, 1.10)

    • EC.4.K. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding the roles of government in a market economy

      • EC.4.K.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze the roles of government in a market economy (defining and protecting property rights, maintaining competition, promoting goals such as full employment, stable prices, growth and justice) (DOK 2; SS4 1.6, 1.10)

  • MO.EC.EG.5 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Economics

    Elements of Geographical Study and Analysis: Knowledge of major elements of geographical study and analysis (such as location, place, movement and regions) and their relationship to changes in society and the environment

    • EG.5.D. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Relationships within places (Human- Environment Interactions) (Movement)

      • EG.5.D(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how technology has expanded people's capacity to modify the physical environment (DOK 2; SS5 1.1)

      • EG.5.D(2). Gle / Proficiency:

        Identify how changes in the physical environment may reduce the capacity of the environment to support human activity (DOK 2; SS5 1.6)

      • EG.5.D(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Identify and evaluate policies and programs related to the use of resources (DOK 3; SS5 1.10, 3.7)

    • EG.5.E. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding relationships between and among places

      • EG.5.E(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain the factors that account for patterns in trade and human migration (DOK 2; SS5 1.1)

      • EG.5.E(2). Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe major effects of changes in patterns of the movement of people, products and ideas (DOK 2; SS5 1.6)

      • EG.5.E(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Identify issues pertaining to the movement of people, products and ideas, and propose, and evaluate ways to address these issues (DOK 4; SS5 3.7, 3.1)

    • EG.5.F. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding relationships between and among regions

      • EG.5.F(1). Gle / Proficiency:

        List and explain criteria that give regions their identities in different periods of world history (DOK 2; SS5 1.6)

      • EG.5.F(2). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how parts of a region relate to each other and to the region as a whole (e.g., states to nation) (DOK 2; SS5 1.6)

      • EG.5.F(3). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how regions relate to one another (e.g., river-drainage regions) (DOK 2; SS5 1.6)

      • EG.5.F(4). Gle / Proficiency:

        Explain how and why regions change (DOK 2; SS5 1.6)

  • MO.EC.RI.6 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Economics

    Relationships of Individual and Groups to Institutions and Traditions: Knowledge of relationships of the individual and groups to institutions and cultural traditions

    • RI.6.K. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Ideas and beliefs of different cultures

      • RI.6.K.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Compare and contrast the major ideas and beliefs of different cultures (DOK 2; SS6 1.9)

    • RI.6.L. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Changing of roles of various groups

      • RI.6.L.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Analyze how the roles of class, ethnic, racial, gender and age groups have changed in society, including causes and effects (DOK 3; SS6 1.6)

    • RI.6.M. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Major social institutions

      • RI.6.M.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Describe the major social institutions (family, education, religion, economy and government) and how they fulfill human needs (DOK 2; SS6 1.9, 1.10)

    • RI.6.N. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Consequences of individual or institutional failure

      • RI.6.N.a. Gle / Proficiency: Predict the consequences that can occur when

        institutions fail to meet the needs of individuals and groups (DOK 4; SS6 3.1)

      • RI.6.N.b. Gle / Proficiency: Predict the consequences that can occur when

        individuals fail to carry out their personal responsibilities (DOK 4; SS6 3.1)

    • RI.6.O. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Causes, effects and resolutions of cultural conflict

      • RI.6.O.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Determine the causes, consequences and possible resolutions of cultural conflicts (DOK 3; SS6 3.6)

  • MO.EC.TS.7 Strand: Big Idea / Standard: Economics

    Tools of Social Science Inquiry: Knowledge of the use of tools of social science inquiry (such as surveys, statistics, maps and documents)

    • TS.7.A. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Identify, select, use, analyze and create appropriate resources for social science inquiry

      • TS.7.A.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Distinguish between and analyze primary sources and secondary sources (DOK 2; SS7 1.7, 1.5)

    • TS.7.B. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Knowledge to create various social studies maps and graphics

      • TS.7.B.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Create maps, charts, diagrams, graphs, timelines and political cartoons to assist in analyzing and visualizing concepts in social studies (DOK 3; SS7 1.8, 2.1)

    • TS.7.C. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Understanding fact, opinion, bias and points of view in sources

      • TS.7.C.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Distinguish between fact and opinion and analyze sources to recognize bias and points of view (DOK 3; SS7 1.7, 3.5, 3.6)

    • TS.7.E. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Developing a research plan and identifying resources

      • TS.7.E.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Develop a research plan and identify appropriate resources for investigating social studies topics (DOK 3; SS7 1.1, 1.4)

    • TS.7.F. Concept: Gle / Benchmark:

      Interpreting various social studies resources

      • TS.7.F.a. Gle / Proficiency:

        Interpret maps, statistics, charts, diagrams, graphs, timelines, pictures, political cartoons, audiovisual materials, continua, written resources, art and artifacts (DOK 3; SS7 1.5)

Michigan: 11th-Grade Standards

Article Body
  • MI.F. Strand / Standard Category: World History and Geography - Foundations WHG 1-3

    Beginning the High School World History and Geography Course/Credit

    • F1. Standard: World Historical and Geographical ''Habits of Mind'' and Central Concepts

      Explain and use key conceptual devices world historians/geographers use to organize the past including periodization schemes (e.g., major turning points, different cultural and religious calendars), and different spatial frames (e.g., global, interregional, and regional).

    • F2. Standard: Systems of Human Organizations

      Use the examples listed below to explain the basic features and differences between hunter-gatherer societies, pastoral nomads, civilizations, and empires, focusing upon the differences in their political, economic and social systems, and their changing interactions with the environment.

      • F2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Changes brought on by the Agricultural Revolution, including the environmental impact of settlements

      • F2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        TWO ancient river civilizations, such as those that formed around the Nile, Indus, Tigris-Euphrates, or Yangtze

      • F2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Classical China or India (Han China or Gupta empires)

      • F2.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Classical Mediterranean (Greece and Rome)

    • F3. Standard: Growth and Development of World Religions

      Explain the way that the world religions or belief systems of Hinduism, Judaism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam grew, including:

      • F3.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Spatial representations of that growth

      • F3.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Interactions with culturally diverse peoples

      • F3.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Responses to the challenges offered by contact with different faiths

      • F3.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Ways they influenced people's perceptions of the world.

    • F4. Standard: Regional Interactions

      Identify the location and causes of frontier interactions and conflicts, and internal disputes between cultural, social and/or religious groups in classical China, the Mediterranean world, and south Asia (India) prior to 300 C.E.

  • MI.4. Strand / Standard Category: World History and Geography - World History and Geography (WHG) Era 4

    Expanding and Intensified Hemispheric Interactions, 300 to 1500 C.E./A.D.

    • 4.1. Standard: Cross-temporal or Global Expectations

      Analyze important hemispheric interactions and temporal developments during an era of increasing regional power, religious expansion, and the collapse of some empires.

      • 4.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Crisis in the Classical World - Explain the responses to common forces of change that led to the ultimate collapse of classical empires and discuss the consequences of their collapse.

      • 4.1.2. Grade Level Expectation: World Religions - Using historical and modern maps and other documents, analyze the continuing spread of major world religions during this era and describe encounters between religious groups including
        • 4.1.2a. Expectation:

          Islam and Christianity (Roman Catholic and Orthodox) - increased trade and the Crusades

        • 4.1.2b. Expectation:

          Islam and Hinduism in South Asia

        • 4.1.2c. Expectation:

          Continuing tensions between Catholic and Orthodox Christianity

      • 4.1.3. Grade Level Expectation: Trade Networks and Contacts - Analyze the development, interdependence, specialization, and importance of interregional trading systems both within and between societies including
        • 4.1.3a. Expectation:

          Land-based routes across the Sahara, Eurasia and Europe

        • 4.1.3b. Expectation:

          Water-based routes across Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, South China Sea, Red and Mediterranean Seas

    • 4.2. Standard: Interregional or Comparative Expectations

      Analyze and compare important hemispheric interactions and cross-regional developments, including the growth and consequences of an interregional system of communication, trade, and culture exchange during an era of increasing regional power and religious expansion.

      • 4.2.1. Grade Level Expectation: Growth of Islam and Dar al-Islam [A country, territory, land, or abode where Muslim sovereignty prevails] - Identify and explain the origins and expansion of Islam and the creation of the Islamic Empire including
        • 4.2.1a. Expectation:

          The founding geographic extent of Muslim empires and the artistic, scientific, technological, and economic features of Muslim society

        • 4.2.1b. Expectation:

          Diverse religious traditions of Islam -- Sunni, Shi'a/Shi'ite, Sufi

        • 4.2.1c. Expectation:

          Role of Dar al-Islam as a cultural, political, and economic force in Afro-Eurasia

        • 4.2.1d. Expectation:

          The caliphate as both a religious and political institution, and the persistance of other traditions in the Arab World including Christianity

      • 4.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Unification of Eurasia under the Mongols - Using historical and modern maps, locate and describe the geographic patterns of Mongol conquest and expansion and describe the characteristics of the Pax Mongolica (particularly revival of long-distance trading networks between China and the Mediterranean world).

      • 4.2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        The Plague - Using historical and modern maps and other evidence, explain the causes and spread of the Plague and analyze the demographic, economic, social, and political consequences of this pandemic.

    • 4.3. Standard: Regional Expectations

      Analyze important regional developments and cultural changes, including the growth of states, towns, and trade in Africa south of the Sahara, Europe, the Americas, and China.

      • 4.3.1. Grade Level Expectation: Africa to 1500 - Describe the diverse characteristics of early African societies and the significant changes in African society by
        • 4.3.1a. Expectation:

          Comparing and contrasting at least two of the major states/civilizations of East, South, and West Africa (Aksum, Swahili Coast, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Mali, Songhai) in terms of environmental, economic, religious, political, and social structures.

        • 4.3.1b. Expectation:

          Using historical and modern maps to identify the Bantu migration patterns and describe their contributions to agriculture, technology and language.

        • 4.3.1c. Expectation:

          Analyzing the African trading networks by examining trans-Saharan trade in gold and salt and connect these to interregional patterns of trade.

        • 4.3.1d. Expectation:

          Analyzing the development of an organized slave trade within and beyond Africa.

        • 4.3.1e. Expectation:

          Analyzing the influence of Islam and Christianity on African culture and the blending of traditional African beliefs with new ideas from Islam and Christianity.

      • 4.3.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        The Americas to 1500 - Describe the diverse characteristics of early American civilizations and societies in North, Central, and South America by comparing and contrasting the major aspects (government, religion, interactions with the environment, economy, and social life) of American Indian civilizations and societies such as the Maya, Aztec, Inca, Pueblo, and/or Eastern Woodland peoples.

      • 4.3.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        China to 1500 - Explain how Chinese dynasties responded to the internal and external challenges caused by ethnic diversity, physical geography, population growth and Mongol invasion to achieve relative political stability, economic prosperity, and technological innovation.

      • 4.3.4. Grade Level Expectation: The Eastern European System and the Byzantine Empire to 1500 - Analyze restructuring of the Eastern European system including
        • 4.3.4a. Expectation:

          The rise and decline of the Byzantine Empire

        • 4.3.4b. Expectation:

          The region's unique spatial location

        • 4.3.4c. Expectation:

          The region's political, economic, and religious transformations

        • 4.3.4d. Expectation:

          Emerging tensions between East and West

      • 4.3.5. Grade Level Expectation: Western Europe to 1500 - Explain the workings of feudalism, manoralism, and the growth of centralized monarchies and city-states in Europe including
        • 4.3.5a. Expectation:

          The role and political impact of the Roman Catholic Church in European medieval society

        • 4.3.5b. Expectation:

          How agricultural innovation and increasing trade led to the growth of towns and cities

        • 4.3.5c. Expectation:

          The role of the Crusades, 100 Years War, and the Bubonic Plague in the early development of centralized nation-states

        • 4.3.5d. Expectation:

          The cultural and social impact of the Renaissance on Western and Northern Europe

  • MI.5. Strand / Standard Category: World History and Geography - World History and Geography (WHG) Era 5

    The Emergence of the First Global Age, 15th to 18th Centuries

    • 5.1. Standard: Cross-temporal or Global Expectations

      Analyze the global impact and significant developments caused by transoceanic travel and the linking of all the major areas of the world by the 18th century.

      • 5.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Emerging Global System - Analyze the impact of increased oceanic travel including changes in the global system of trade, migration, and political power as compared to the previous era.

      • 5.1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        World Religions - Use historical and modern maps to analyze major territorial transformations and movements of world religions including the expulsion of Muslims and Jews from Spain, Christianity to the Americas, and Islam to Southeast Asia, and evaluate the impact of these transformations/movements on the respective human systems.

    • 5.2. Standard: Interregional or Comparative Expectations

      Analyze the impact of oceanic travel on interregional interactions.

      • 5.2.1. Grade Level Expectation: European Exploration/Conquest and Columbian Exchange - Analyze the demographic, environmental, and political consequences of European oceanic travel and conquest and of the Columbian Exchange in the late 15th and 16th centuries by
        • 5.2.1a. Expectation:

          Describing the geographic routes used in the exchange of plants, animals, and pathogens among the continents in the late 15th and the 16th centuries.

        • 5.2.1b. Expectation:

          Explaining how forced and free migrations of peoples (push/pull factors) and the exchange of plants, animals, and pathogens impacted the natural environments, political institutions, societies, and commerce of European, Asian, African, and the American societies.

      • 5.2.2. Grade Level Expectation: Trans-African and Trans-Atlantic Slave Systems - Analyze the emerging trans-Atlantic slave system and compare it to other systems of labor existing during this era by
        • 5.2.2a. Expectation:

          Using historical and modern maps and other data to analyze the causes and development of the Atlantic trade system, including economic exchanges, the diffusion of Africans in the Americas (including the Caribbean and South America), and the Middle Passage.

        • 5.2.2b. Expectation:

          Comparing and contrasting the trans-Atlantic slave system with the African slave system and another system of labor existing during this era (e.g., serfdom, indentured servitude, corvee labor, wage labor).

    • 5.3. Standard: Regional Content Expectations

      Analyze the important regional developments and cultural changes in Asia, Russia, Europe and the Americas.

      • 5.3.1. Grade Level Expectation: Ottoman Empire through the 18th Century - Analyze the major political, religious, economic, and cultural transformations in the Ottoman Empire by
        • 5.3.1a. Expectation:

          Using historical and modern maps to describe the empire's origins (Turkic migrations), geographic expansion, and contraction.

        • 5.3.1b. Expectation:

          Analyzing the impact of the Ottoman rule.

      • 5.3.2. Grade Level Expectation: East Asia through the 18th Century - Analyze the major political, religious, economic, and cultural transformations in East Asia by
        • 5.3.2a. Expectation:

          Analyzing the major reasons for the continuity of Chinese society under the Ming and Qing dynasties, including the role of Confucianism, the civil service, and Chinese oceanic exploration.

        • 5.3.2b. Expectation: Analyzing the changes in Japanese society by describing

          the role of geography in the development of Japan, the policies of the Tokugawa Shogunate, and the influence of China on Japanese society.

      • 5.3.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        South Asia/India through the 18th Century - Analyze the global economic significance of India and the role of foreign influence in the political, religious, cultural, and economic transformations in India and South Asia including the Mughal Empire and the beginnings of European contact.

      • 5.3.4. Grade Level Expectation: Russia through the 18th Century - Analyze the major political, religious, economic, and cultural transformations in Russia including
        • 5.3.4a. Expectation:

          Russian imperial expansion and top-down westernization/modernization.

        • 5.3.4b. Expectation:

          The impact of its unique location relative to Europe and Asia.

        • 5.3.4c. Expectation:

          The political and cultural influence (e.g., written language) of Byzantine Empire, Mongol Empire, and Orthodox Christianity.

      • 5.3.5. Grade Level Expectation: Europe through the 18th Century - Analyze the major political, religious, cultural and economic transformations in Europe by
        • 5.3.5a. Expectation:

          Explaining the origins, growth, and consequences of European overseas expansion, including the development and impact of maritime power in Asia and land control in the Americas.

        • 5.3.5b. Expectation:

          Analyzing transformations in Europe's state structure, including the rising military, bureaucratic, and nationalist power of European states including absolutism

        • 5.3.5c. Expectation:

          Analyzing how the Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment contributed to transformations in European society

        • 5.3.5d. Expectation:

          Analyzing the transformation of the European economies including mercantilism, capitalism, and wage labor.

      • 5.3.6. Grade Level Expectation: Latin America through the 18th Century - Analyze colonial transformations in Latin America, including
        • 5.3.6a. Expectation:

          The near-elimination of American Indian civilizations and peoples

        • 5.3.6b. Expectation:

          Social stratifications of the population (e.g., peninsulares, creoles, mestizos)

        • 5.3.6c. Expectation:

          The regional and global role of silver and sugar

        • 5.3.6d. Expectation:

          Resource extraction and the emerging system of labor (e.g., mita, slavery)

  • MI.6. Strand / Standard Category: World History and Geography - World History and Geography (WHG) Era 6

    An Age of Global Revolutions, 18th Century - 1914

    • 6.1. Standard: Global or Cross-temporal Expectations

      Evaluate the causes, characteristics, and consequences of revolutions of the intellectual, political and economic structures in an era of increasing global trade and consolidations of power.

      • 6.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Global Revolutions - Analyze the causes and global consequences of major political and industrial revolutions focusing on changes in relative political and military power, economic production, and commerce.

      • 6.1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        World-wide Migrations and Population Changes - Analyze the causes and consequences of shifts in world population and major patterns of long-distance migrations of Europeans, Africans, and Asians during this era, including the impact of industrialism, imperialism, changing diets, and scientific advances on worldwide demographic trends.

      • 6.1.3. Grade Level Expectation: Increasing Global Interconnections - Describe increasing global interconnections between societies, through the emergence and spread of ideas, innovations, and commodities including
        • 6.1.3a. Expectation:

          Constitutionalism, communism and socialism, republicanism, nationalism, capitalism, human rights, and secularization.

        • 6.1.3b. Expectation:

          The global spread of major innovations, technologies, and commodities via new global networks.

      • 6.1.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Changes in Economic and Political Systems - Compare the emerging economic and political systems (industrialism and democracy) with the economic and political systems of the previous era (agriculture and absolutism).

      • 6.1.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Interpreting Europe's Increasing Global Power - Describe Europe's increasing global power between 1500 and 1900, and evaluate the merits of the argument that this rise was caused by factors internal to Europe (e.g., Renaissance, Reformation, demographic, economic, and social changes) or factors external to Europe (e.g., decline of Mughal and Ottoman empires and the decreasing engagement of China and Japan in global interactions).

    • 6.2. Standard: Interregional or Comparative Expectations

      Analyze and compare the interregional patterns of nationalism, state-building, and social reform and imperialism.

      • 6.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Political Revolutions - Analyze the Age of Revolutions by comparing and contrasting the political, economic, and social causes and consequences of at least three political and/or nationalistic revolutions (American, French, Haitian, Mexican or other Latin American, or Chinese Revolutions).

      • 6.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Growth of Nationalism and Nation-states - Compare and contrast the rise of the nation-states in a western context (e.g., Germany, Italy) and non-western context (e.g., Meiji Japan).

      • 6.2.3. Grade Level Expectation: Industrialization - Analyze the origins, characteristics and consequences of industrialization across the world by
        • 6.2.3a. Expectation: Comparing and contrasting the process and impact of industrialization in Russia, Japan, and one of the following

          Britain, Germany, United States, or France.

        • 6.2.3b. Expectation:

          Describing the social and economic impacts of industrialization, particularly its effect on women and children, and the rise of organized labor movements.

        • 6.2.3c. Expectation:

          Describing the environmental impacts of industrialization and urbanization.

      • 6.2.4. Grade Level Expectation: Imperialism - Analyze the political, economic, and social causes and consequences of imperialism by
        • 6.2.4a. Expectation:

          Using historical and modern maps and other evidence to analyze and explain the causes and global consequences of nineteenth-century imperialism, including encounters between imperial powers (Europe, Japan) and local peoples in India, Africa, Central Asia, and East Asia.

        • 6.2.4b. Expectation:

          Describing the connection between imperialism and racism, including the social construction of race.

        • 6.2.4c. Expectation:

          Comparing British policies in South Africa and India, French polices in Indochina, and Japanese policies in Asia.

        • 6.2.4d. Expectation:

          Analyze the responses to imperialism by African and Asian peoples.

    • 6.3. Standard: Regional Content Expectations

      Analyze the important regional developments and political, economic, and social transformations in Europe, Japan, China, and Africa.

      • 6.3.1. Grade Level Expectation: Europe - Analyze the economic, political, and social transformations in Europe by
        • 6.3.1a. Expectation:

          Analyzing and explaining the impact of economic development on European society.

        • 6.3.1b. Expectation:

          Explaining how democratic ideas and revolutionary conflicts influenced European society, noting particularly their influence on religious institutions, education, family life, and the legal and political position of women

        • 6.3.1c. Expectation:

          Using historical and modern maps to describe how the wars of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic periods and growing nationalism changed the political geography of Europe and other regions (e.g., Louisiana Purchase).

      • 6.3.2. Grade Level Expectation: East Asia - Analyze the political, economic, and social transformations in East Asia by
        • 6.3.2a. Expectation:

          Explaining key events in the modernization of Japan (Meiji Restoration) and the impact of the Russo-Japanese War.

        • 6.3.2b. Expectation:

          Describing key events in the decline of Qing China, including the Opium Wars and the Taiping and Boxer Rebellions

        • 6.3.3. Expectation:

          Africa - Evaluate the different experiences of African societies north and south of the Sahara with imperialism (e.g., Egypt, Ethiopia and the Congo).

  • MI.7. Strand / Standard Category: World History and Geography - World History and Geography (WHG) Era 7

    Global Crisis and Achievement, 1900-1945

    • 7.1. Standard: Global or Cross-temporal Expectations

      Analyze changes in global balances of military, political, economic, and technological power and influence in the first half of the 20th century.

      • 7.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Increasing Government and Political Power - Explain the expanding role of state power in managing economies, transportation systems, and technologies, and other social environments, including its impact of the daily lives of their citizens.

      • 7.1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Comparative Global Power - Use historical and modern maps and other sources to analyze and explain the changes in the global balance of military, political, and economic power between 1900 and 1945 (including the changing role of the United States and those resisting foreign domination).

      • 7.1.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Twentieth Century Genocide - Use various sources including works of journalists, journals, oral histories, films, interviews, and writings of participants to analyze the causes and consequences of the genocides of Armenians, Romas (Gypsies), and Jews, and the mass exterminations of Ukrainians and Chinese.

      • 7.1.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Global Technology - Describe significant technological innovations and scientific breakthroughs in transportation, communication, medicine, and warfare and analyze how they both benefited and imperiled humanity.

      • 7.1.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Total War - Compare and contrast modern warfare and its resolution with warfare in the previous eras; include analysis of the role of technology and civilians.

    • 7.2. Standard: Interregional or Comparative Expectations

      Assess the interregional causes and consequences of the global wars and revolutionary movements during this era.

      • 7.2.1. Grade Level Expectation: World War I - Analyze the causes, characteristics, and long-term consequences of World War I by
        • 7.2.1a. Expectation:

          Analyzing the causes of the war including nationalism, industrialization, disputes over territory, systems of alliances, imperialism, and militarism

        • 7.2.1b. Expectation:

          Analyzing the distinctive characteristics and impacts of the war on the soldiers and people at home

        • 7.2.1c. Expectation:

          Explaining the major decisions made in the Versailles Treaty and analyzing its spatial and political consequences, including the mandate system, reparations, and national self-determination around the globe

      • 7.2.2. Grade Level Expectation: Inter-war Period - Analyze the transformations that shaped world societies between World War I and World War II by
        • 7.2.2a. Expectation:

          Examining the causes and consequences of the economic depression on different regions, nations, and the globe

        • 7.2.2b. Expectation:

          Describing and explaining the rise of fascism and the spread of communism in Europe and Asia

        • 7.2.2c. Expectation:

          Comparing and contrasting the rise of nationalism in China, Turkey, and India

      • 7.2.3. Grade Level Expectation: World War II - Analyze the causes, course, characteristics, and immediate consequences of World War II by
        • 7.2.3a. Expectation:

          Explaining the causes of World War II, including aggression and conflict appeasement that led to war in Europe and Asia (e.g., Versailles Treaty provisions, Italian invasion of Ethiopia, Spanish Civil War, rape of Nanjing, annexation of Austria & Sudetenland)

        • 7.2.3b. Expectation:

          Explaining the Nazi ideology, policies, and consequences of the Holocaust (or Shoah)

        • 7.2.3c. Expectation:

          Analyzing the major turning points and unique characteristics of the war

        • 7.2.3d. Expectation:

          Explaining the spatial and political impact of the Allied negotiations on the nations of Eastern Europe and the world

        • 7.2.3e. Expectation:

          Analyzing the immediate consequences of the war's end including the devastation, effects on population, dawn of the atomic age, the occupation of Germany and Japan

        • 7.2.3f. Expectation:

          Describing the emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as global superpowers

      • 7.2.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Revolutionary and/or Independence Movements - Compare two revolutionary and/or Independence movements of this era (Latin America, India, China, the Arab World, and Africa) with at least one from the previous era.

    • 7.3. Standard: Regional Content Expectations

      Explain regional continuity and change in Russia, Asia, the Americas, the Middle East, and Africa.

      • 7.3.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Russian Revolution - Determine the causes and results of the Russian Revolution from the rise of Bolsheviks through the conclusion of World War II, including the five-year plans, collectivization of agriculture, and military purges.

      • 7.3.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Europe and Rise of Fascism and Totalitarian States - Compare the ideologies, policies, and governing methods of at least two 20th-century dictatorial regimes (Germany, Italy, Spain, and the Soviet Union) with those absolutist states in earlier eras.

      • 7.3.3. Grade Level Expectation: Asia - Analyze the political, economic, and social transformations that occurred in this era, including
        • 7.3.3a. Expectation:

          Japanese imperialism

        • 7.3.3b. Expectation:

          Chinese nationalism, the emergence of communism, and civil war

        • 7.3.3c. Expectation:

          Indian independence struggle

      • 7.3.4. Grade Level Expectation: The Americas - Analyze the political, economic and social transformations that occurred in this era, including
        • 7.3.4a. Expectation:

          Economic imperialism (e.g., dollar diplomacy)

        • 7.3.4b. Expectation:

          Foreign military intervention and political revolutions in Central and South America

        • 7.3.4c. Expectation:

          Nationalization of foreign investments

      • 7.3.5. Grade Level Expectation: Middle East - Analyze the political, economic, and social transformations that occurred in this era, including
        • 7.3.5a. Expectation:

          The decline of the Ottoman Empire

        • 7.3.5b. Expectation:

          Changes in the Arab world including the growth of Arab nationalism, rise of Arab nation-states, and the increasing complexity (e.g., political, geographic, economic, and religious) of Arab peoples

        • 7.3.5c. Expectation:

          The role of the Mandate system

        • 7.3.5d. Expectation:

          The discovery of petroleum resources

  • MI.8. Strand / Standard Category: World History and Geography - World History and Geography (WHG) Era 8

    The Cold War and Its Aftermath: The 20th Century Since 1945

    • 8.1. Standard: Global and Cross-temporal Expectations

      Analyze the global reconfigurations and restructuring of political and economic relationships in the Post-World War II era.

      • 8.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Origins of the Cold War - Describe the factors that contributed to the Cold War including the differences in ideologies and policies of the Soviet bloc and the West; political, economic, and military struggles in the 1940s and 1950s; and development of Communism in China.

      • 8.1.2. Grade Level Expectation: Cold War Conflicts - Describe the major arenas of conflict, including
        • 8.1.2a. Expectation:

          The ways the Soviet Union and the United States attempted to expand power and influence in Korea and Vietnam

        • 8.1.2b. Expectation: Ideological and military competition in THREE of the following areas

          Congo, Cuba, Mozambique, Angola, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Bolivia, Chile, Indonesia, and Berlin

        • 8.1.2c. Expectation:

          The arms and space race

      • 8.1.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        End of the Cold War - Develop an argument to explain the end of the Cold War and its significance as a 20th-century event, and the subsequent transitions from bi-polar to multi-polar center(s) of power.

      • 8.1.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Mapping the 20th Century - Using post-WWI, post-WWII, height of Cold War, and current world political maps, explain the changing configuration of political boundaries in the world caused by the World Wars, the Cold War, and the growth of nationalist sovereign states (including Israel, Jordan, Palestine).

    • 8.2. Standard: Interregional or Comparative Expectations

      Assess and compare the regional struggles for and against independence, decolonization, and democracy across the world.

      • 8.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        The Legacy of Imperialism - Analyze the complex and changing legacy of imperialism in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America during and after the Cold War such as apartheid, civil war in Nigeria, Vietnam, Cuba, Guatemala, and the changing nature of exploitation of resources (human and natural).

      • 8.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Independence, Decolonization, and Democratization Movements - Compare the independence movements and formation of new nations in the Indian Subcontinent, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia during and after the Cold War.

      • 8.2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Middle East - Analyze the interregional causes and consequences of conflicts in the Middle East, including the development of the state of Israel, Arab-Israeli disputes, Palestine, the Suez crisis, and the nature of the continuing conflict.

  • MI.C. Strand / Standard Category: World History and Geography - Contemporary Global Issues

    Evaluate the events, trends and forces that are increasing global interdependence and expanding global networks and evaluate the events, trends and forces that are attempting to maintain or expand autonomy of regional or local networks.

    • CG1. Standard: Population

      Explain the causes and consequences of population changes over the past 50 years by analyzing: the:

      • CG1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Population change (including birth rate, death rate, life expectancy, growth rate, doubling time, aging population, changes in science and technology)

      • CG1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Distributions of population (including relative changes in urban-rural population, gender, age, patterns of migrations, and population density)

      • CG1.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Relationship of the population changes to global interactions, and their impact on three regions of the world

    • CG2. Standard: Resources

      Explain the changes over the past 50 years in the use, distribution, and importance of natural resources (including land, water, energy, food, renewable, non-renewable, and flow resources) on human life, settlement, and interactions by describing: and evaluating:

      • CG2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Change in spatial distribution and use of natural resources

      • CG2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        The differences in ways societies have been using and distributing natural resources

      • CG2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Social, political, economic, and environmental consequences of the development, distribution, and use of natural resources

      • CG2.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Major changes in networks for the production, distribution, and consumption of natural resources including growth of multinational corporations, and governmental and non-governmental organizations (e.g., OPEC, NAFTA, EU, NATO, World Trade Organization, Red Cross, Red Crescent)

      • CG2.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        The impact of humans on the global environment

    • CG3. Standard: Patterns of Global Interactions

      Define the process of globalization and evaluate the merit of this concept to describe the contemporary world by analyzing:

      • CG3.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Economic interdependence of the world's countries and world trade patterns

      • CG3.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        The exchanges of scientific, technological, and medical innovations

      • CG3.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Cultural diffusion and the different ways cultures/societies respond to ''new'' cultural ideas and patterns

      • CG3.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Comparative economic advantages and disadvantages of regions, regarding cost of labor, natural resources, location, and tradition

      • CG3.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Distribution of wealth and resources and efforts to narrow the inequitable distribution of resources

    • CG4. Standard: Conflict, Cooperation, and Security

      Analyze the causes and challenges of continuing and new conflicts by describing:

      • CG4.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Tensions resulting from ethnic, territorial, religious, and/or nationalist differences (e.g., Israel/Palestine, Kashmir, Ukraine, Northern Ireland, al Qaeda, Shining Path)

      • CG4.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Causes of and responses to ethnic cleansing/genocide/mass extermination (e.g., Darfur, Rwanda, Cambodia, Bosnia)

      • CG4.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Local and global attempts at peacekeeping, security, democratization, and administering international justice and human rights

      • CG4.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        The type of warfare used in these conflicts, including terrorism, private militias, and new technologies

  • MI.F. Strand / Standard Category: U.S. History and Geography - Foundations in U.S. History and Geography

    Eras 1-5

    • F1. Standard:

      Political and Intellectual Transformations of America to 1877

      • F1.1. Grade Level Expectation: Identify the core ideals of American society as reflected in the documents below and analyze the ways that American society moved toward and/or away from its core ideals
        • F1.1a. Expectation:

          Declaration of Independence

        • F1.1b. Expectation:

          The U.S. Constitution (including the Preamble)

        • F1.1c. Expectation:

          Bill of Rights

        • F1.1d. Expectation:

          The Gettysburg Address

        • F1.1e. Expectation:

          13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

      • F1.2. Grade Level Expectation: Using the American Revolution, the creation and adoption of the Constitution, and the Civil War as touchstones, develop an argument/narrative about the changing character of American political society and the roles of key individuals across cultures in prompting/supporting the change by discussing
        • F1.2a. Expectation:

          The birth of republican government, including the rule of law, inalienable rights, equality, and limited government

        • F1.2b. Expectation:

          The development of governmental roles in American life

        • F1.2c. Expectation:

          And competing views of the responsibilities of governments (federal, state, and local)

        • F1.2d. Expectation:

          Changes in suffrage qualifications

        • F1.2e. Expectation:

          The development of political parties

        • F1.2f. Expectation:

          America's political and economic role in the world

    • F2. Standard:

      Geographic, Economic, Social, and Demographic Trends in America to 1877

      • F2.1. Grade Level Expectation: Describe the major trends and transformations in American life prior to 1877 including
        • F2.1a. Expectation:

          Changing political boundaries of the United States

        • F2.1b. Expectation:

          Regional economic differences and similarities, including goods produced and the nature of the labor force

        • F2.1c. Expectation:

          Changes in the size, location, and composition of the population

        • F2.1d. Expectation:

          Patterns of immigration and migration

        • F2.1e. Expectation:

          Development of cities

        • F2.1f. Expectation:

          Changes in commerce, transportation, and communication

        • F2.1g. Expectation:

          Major changes in Foreign Affairs marked by such events as the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, and foreign relations during the Civil War

  • MI.6. Strand / Standard Category: U.S. History and Geography - U.S. History and Geography (USHG) Era 6

    The Development of an Industrial, Urban, and Global United States (1870-1930)

    • 6.1. Standard: Growth of an Industrial and Urban America

      Explain the causes and consequences - both positive and negative - of the Industrial Revolution and America's growth from a predominantly agricultural, commercial, and rural nation to a more industrial and urban nation between 1870 and 1930.

      • 6.1.1. Grade Level Expectation: Factors in the American Industrial Revolution - Analyze the factors that enabled the United States to become a major industrial power, including
        • 6.1.1a. Expectation:

          Gains from trade

        • 6.1.1b. Expectation:

          Organizational ''revolution'' (e.g., development of corporations and labor organizations)

        • 6.1.1c. Expectation:

          Advantages of physical geography

        • 6.1.1d. Expectation:

          Increase in labor through immigration and migration

        • 6.1.1e. Expectation:

          Economic polices of government and industrial leaders (including Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller)

        • 6.1.1f. Expectation:

          Technological advances

      • 6.1.2. Grade Level Expectation: Labor's Response to Industrial Growth - Evaluate the different responses of labor to industrial change including
        • 6.1.2a. Expectation:

          Development of organized labor, including the Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor, and the United Mine Workers

        • 6.1.2b. Expectation:

          Southern and western farmers' reactions, including the growth of populism and the populist movement (e.g., Farmers Alliance, Grange, Platform of the Populist Party, Bryan's ''Cross of Gold'' speech)

      • 6.1.3. Grade Level Expectation: Urbanization - Analyze the changing urban and rural landscape by examining
        • 6.1.3a. Expectation:

          The location and expansion of major urban centers

        • 6.1.3b. Expectation:

          The growth of cities linked by industry and trade

        • 6.1.3c. Expectation:

          The development of cities divided by race, ethnicity, and class

        • 6.1.3d. Expectation:

          Resulting tensions among and within groups

        • 6.1.3e. Expectation:

          Different perspectives about immigrant experiences in the urban setting

      • 6.1.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Population Changes - Use census data from 1790-1940 to describe changes in the composition, distribution, and density of the American population and analyze their causes, including immigration, the Great Migration, and urbanization.

      • 6.1.5. Grade Level Expectation: A Case Study of American Industrialism - Using the automobile industry as a case study, analyze the causes and consequences of this major industrial transformation by explaining
        • 6.1.5a. Expectation:

          The impact of resource availability

        • 6.1.5b. Expectation:

          Entrepreneurial decision making by Henry Ford and others

        • 6.1.5c. Expectation:

          Domestic and international migrations

        • 6.1.5d. Expectation:

          The development of an industrial work force

        • 6.1.5e. Expectation:

          The impact on Michigan

        • 6.1.5f. Expectation:

          The impact on American society

    • 6.2. Standard: Becoming a World Power

      Describe and analyze the major changes - both positive and negative - in the role the United States played in world affairs after the Civil War, and explain the causes and consequences of this changing role.

      • 6.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Growth of U.S. Global Power - Locate on a map the territories (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Hawaii, Panama Canal Zone) acquired by the United States during its emergence as an imperial power between 1890 and 1914, and analyze the role the Spanish American War, the Philippine Revolution, the Panama Canal, the Open Door Policy, and the Roosevelt Corollary played in expanding America's global influence and redefining its foreign policy.

      • 6.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        WWI - Explain the causes of World War I, the reasons for American neutrality and eventual entry into the war, and America's role in shaping the course of the war.

      • 6.2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Domestic Impact of WWI - Analyze the domestic impact of WWI on the growth of the government (e.g., War Industries Board), the expansion of the economy, the restrictions on civil liberties (e.g., Sedition Act, Red Scare, Palmer Raids), and the expansion of women's suffrage.

      • 6.2.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Wilson and His Opponents - Explain how Wilson's ''Fourteen Points'' differed from proposals by others, including French and British leaders and domestic opponents, in the debate over the Versailles Treaty, United States participation in the League of Nations, the redrawing of European political boundaries, and the resulting geopolitical tensions that continued to affect Europe.

    • 6.3. Standard: Progressivism and Reform

      Select and evaluate major public and social issues emerging from the changes in industrial, urban, and global America during this period; analyze the solutions or resolutions developed by Americans, and their consequences (positive/negative - anticipated/unanticipated) including, but not limited to, the following:

      • 6.3.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Social Issues - Describe at least three significant problems or issues created by America's industrial and urban transformation between 1895 and 1930 (e.g., urban and rural poverty and blight, child labor, immigration, political corruption, public health, poor working conditions, and monopolies).

      • 6.3.2. Grade Level Expectation: Causes and Consequences of Progressive Reform - Analyze the causes, consequences, and limitations of Progressive reform in the following areas
        • 6.3.2a. Expectation:

          Major changes in the Constitution, including 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th Amendments

        • 6.3.2b. Expectation:

          New regulatory legislation (e.g., Pure Food and Drug Act, Sherman and Clayton Anti-Trust Acts)

        • 6.3.2c. Expectation:

          The Supreme Court's role in supporting or slowing reform

        • 6.3.2d. Expectation:

          Role of reform organizations, movements and individuals in promoting change (e.g., Women's Christian Temperance Union, settlement house movement, conservation movement, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Jane Addams, Carrie Chapman Catt, Eugene Debs, W.E.B. DuBois, Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell)

        • 6.3.2e. Expectation:

          Efforts to expand and restrict the practices of democracy as reflected in post-Civil War struggles of African Americans and immigrants

      • 6.3.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Women's Suffrage - Analyze the successes and failures of efforts to expand women's rights, including the work of important leaders (e.g., Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton) and the eventual ratification of the 19th Amendment.

  • MI.7. Strand / Standard Category: U.S. History and Geography - U.S. History and Geography (USHG) Era 7

    The Great Depression and World War II (1920-1945)

    • 7.1. Standard: Growing Crisis of Industrial Capitalism and Responses

      Evaluate the key events and decisions surrounding the causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s and World War II.

      • 7.1.1. Grade Level Expectation: The Twenties - Identify and explain the significance of the cultural changes and tensions in the ''Roaring Twenties'' including
        • 7.1.1a. Expectation:

          Cultural movements, such as the Harlem Renaissance and the ''lost generation''

        • 7.1.1b. Expectation:

          The struggle between ''traditional'' and ''modern'' America (e.g., Scopes Trial, immigration restrictions, Prohibition, role of women, mass consumption)

      • 7.1.2. Grade Level Expectation: Causes and Consequences of the Great Depression - Explain and evaluate the multiple causes and consequences of the Great Depression by analyzing
        • 7.1.2a. Expectation:

          The political, economic, environmental, and social causes of the Great Depression including fiscal policy, overproduction, under consumption, and speculation, the 1929 crash, and the Dust Bowl

        • 7.1.2b. Expectation:

          The economic and social toll of the Great Depression, including unemployment and environmental conditions that affected farmers, industrial workers and families

        • 7.1.2c. Expectation:

          Hoover's policies and their impact (e.g., Reconstruction Finance Corporation)

      • 7.1.3. Grade Level Expectation: The New Deal - Explain and evaluate Roosevelt's New Deal Policies including
        • 7.1.3a. Expectation:

          Expanding federal government's responsibilities to protect the environment (e.g., Dust Bowl and the Tennessee Valley), meet challenges of unemployment, address the needs of workers, farmers, poor, and elderly

        • 7.1.3b. Expectation:

          Opposition to the New Deal and the impact of the Supreme Court in striking down and then accepting New Deal laws

        • 7.1.3c. Expectation:

          Consequences of New Deal policies (e.g., promoting workers' rights, development of Social Security program, and banking and financial regulation conservation practices, crop subsidies)

    • 7.2. Standard: World War II

      Examine the causes and course of World War II, and the effects of the war on United States society and culture, including the consequences for United States involvement in world affairs.

      • 7.2.1. Grade Level Expectation: Causes of WWII - Analyze the factors contributing to World War II in Europe and in the Pacific region, and America's entry into war including
        • 7.2.1a. Expectation:

          The political and economic disputes over territory (e.g., failure of Versailles Treaty, League of Nations, Munich Agreement)

        • 7.2.1b. Expectation:

          The differences in the civic and political values of the United States and those of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan

        • 7.2.1c. Expectation:

          United States neutrality

        • 7.2.1d. Expectation:

          The bombing of Pearl Harbor

      • 7.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        U.S. and the Course of WWII - Evaluate the role of the U.S. in fighting the war militarily, diplomatically and technologically across the world (e.g., Germany First strategy, Big Three Alliance and the development of atomic weapons).

      • 7.2.3. Grade Level Expectation: Impact of WWII on American Life - Analyze the changes in American life brought about by U.S. participation in World War II including
        • 7.2.3a. Expectation:

          Mobilization of economic, military, and social resources

        • 7.2.3b. Expectation:

          Role of women and minorities in the war effort

        • 7.2.3c. Expectation:

          Role of the home front in supporting the war effort (e.g., rationing, work hours, taxes)

        • 7.2.3d. Expectation:

          Internment of Japanese-Americans

      • 7.2.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Responses to Genocide - Investigate development and enactment of Hitler's ''final solution'' policy, and the responses to genocide by the Allies, the U.S. government, international organizations, and individuals (e.g., liberation of concentration camps, Nuremberg war crimes tribunals, establishment of state of Israel).

  • MI.8. Strand / Standard Category: U.S. History and Geography - U.S. History and Geography (USHG) Era 8

    Post-World War II United States (1945-1989)

    • 8.1. Standard: Cold War and the United States

      Identify, analyze, and explain the causes, conditions, and impact of the Cold War Era on the United States.

      • 8.1.1. Grade Level Expectation: Origins and Beginnings of Cold War - Analyze the factors that contributed to the Cold War including
        • 8.1.1a. Expectation:

          Differences in the civic, ideological and political values, and the economic and governmental institutions of the U.S. and U.S.S.R.

        • 8.1.1b. Expectation:

          Diplomatic decisions made at the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences (1945)

        • 8.1.1c. Expectation:

          Actions by both countries in the last years of and years following World War II (e.g., the use of the atomic bomb, the Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, North American Treaty Alliance (NATO), and Warsaw Pact)

      • 8.1.2. Grade Level Expectation: Foreign Policy during the Cold War - Evaluate the origins, setbacks, and successes of the American policy of ''containing'' the Soviet Union, including
        • 8.1.2a. Expectation:

          The development of a U.S. national security establishment, composed of the Department of Defense, the Department of State, and the intelligence community

        • 8.1.2b. Expectation:

          The armed struggle with Communism, including the Korean conflict

        • 8.1.2c. Expectation:

          Direct conflicts within specific world regions including Germany and Cuba

        • 8.1.2d. Expectation:

          U.S. involvement in Vietnam, and the foreign and domestic consequences of the war (e.g., relationship/conflicts with U.S.S.R. and China, U.S. military policy and practices, responses of citizens and mass media)

        • 8.1.2e. Expectation:

          Indirect (or proxy) confrontations within specific world regions (e.g., Chile, Angola, Iran, Guatemala)

        • 8.1.2f. Expectation:

          The arms race

      • 8.1.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        End of the Cold War - Evaluate the factors that led to the end of the cold war including detente, policies of the U.S. and U.S.S.R. and their leaders (President Reagan and Premier Gorbachev), the political breakup of the Soviet Union, and the Warsaw Pact.

    • 8.2. Standard: Domestic Policies

      Examine, analyze, and explain demographic changes, domestic policies, conflicts, and tensions in Post- WWII America.

      • 8.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Demographic Changes - Use population data to produce and analyze maps that show the major changes in population distribution, spatial patterns and density, including the Baby Boom, new immigration, suburbanization, reverse migration of African Americans to the South, and the flow of population to the ''Sunbelt.''

      • 8.2.2. Grade Level Expectation: Policy Concerning Domestic Issues - Analyze major domestic issues in the Post-World War II era and the policies designed to meet the challenges by
        • 8.2.2a. Expectation:

          Describing issues challenging Americans such as domestic anticommunism (McCarthyism), labor, poverty, health care, infrastructure, immigration, and the environment

        • 8.2.2b. Expectation:

          Evaluating policy decisions and legislative actions to meet these challenges (e.g., G.I. Bill of Rights (1944), Taft-Hartley Act (1947), Twenty-Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1951), Federal Highways Act (1956), National Defense Act (1957), E.P.A. (1970)

      • 8.2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Comparing Domestic Policies - Focusing on causes, programs, and impacts, compare and contrast Roosevelt's New Deal initiatives, Johnson's Great Society programs, and Reagan's market-based domestic policies.

      • 8.2.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Domestic Conflicts and Tensions - Using core democratic values, analyze and evaluate the competing perspectives and controversies among Americans generated by U.S. Supreme Court decisions (e.g., Roe v Wade, Gideon, Miranda, Tinker, Hazelwood), the Vietnam War (anti-war and counter-cultural movements), environmental movement, women's rights movement, and the constitutional crisis generated by the Watergate scandal.

    • 8.3. Standard: Civil Rights in the Post-WWII Era

      Examine and analyze the Civil Rights Movement using key events, people, and organizations.

      • 8.3.1. Grade Level Expectation: Civil Rights Movement - Analyze the key events, ideals, documents, and organizations in the struggle for civil rights by African Americans including
        • 8.3.1a. Expectation:

          The impact of WWII and the Cold War (e.g., racial and gender integration of the military)

        • 8.3.1b. Expectation:

          Supreme Court decisions and governmental actions (e.g., Brown v. Board (1954), Civil Rights Act (1957), Little Rock schools desegregation, Civil Rights Act (1964), Voting Rights Act (1965))

        • 8.3.1c. Expectation:

          Protest movements, organizations, and civil actions (e.g., integration of baseball, Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-1956), March on Washington (1963), freedom rides, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Nation of Islam, Black Panthers)

        • 8.3.1d. Expectation:

          Resistance to Civil Rights

      • 8.3.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Ideals of the Civil Rights Movement - Compare and contrast the ideas in Martin Luther King's March on Washington speech to the ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the Seneca Falls Resolution, and the Gettysburg Address.

      • 8.3.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Women's Rights - Analyze the causes and course of the women's rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s (including role of population shifts, birth control, increasing number of women in the work force, National Organization for Women (NOW), and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)).

      • 8.3.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Civil Rights Expanded - Evaluate the major accomplishments and setbacks in civil rights and liberties for American minorities over the 20th century including American Indians, Latinos/as, new immigrants, people with disabilities, and gays and lesbians.

      • 8.3.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Tensions and Reactions to Poverty and Civil Rights - Analyze the causes and consequences of the civil unrest that occurred in American cities by comparing the civil unrest in Detroit with at least one other American city (e.g., Los Angeles, Cleveland, Chicago, Atlanta, Newark).

  • MI.9. Strand / Standard Category: U.S. History and Geography - U.S. History and Geography (USHG) Era 9

    America in a New Global Age

    • 9.1. Standard: The Impact of Globalization on the United States

      Explain the impact of globalization on the United States' economy, politics, society and role in the world.

      • 9.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Economic Changes - Using the changing nature of the American automobile industry as a case study, evaluate the changes in the American economy created by new markets, natural resources, technologies, corporate structures, international competition, new sources and methods of production, energy issues, and mass communication.

      • 9.1.2. Grade Level Expectation: Transformation of American Politics - Analyze the transformation of American politics in the late 20th and early 21st centuries including
        • 9.1.2a. Expectation:

          Growth of the conservative movement in national politics, including the role of Ronald Reagan

        • 9.1.2b. Expectation:

          Role of evangelical religion in national politics

        • 9.1.2c. Expectation:

          Intensification of partisanship

        • 9.1.2d. Expectation:

          Partisan conflict over the role of government in American life

        • 9.1.2e. Expectation:

          Role of regional differences in national politics

    • 9.2. Standard: Changes in America's Role in the World

      Examine the shifting role of United States on the world stage during the period from 1980 to the present.

      • 9.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        U.S. in the Post-Cold War World - Explain the role of the United States as a super-power in the post-Cold War world, including advantages, disadvantages, and new challenges (e.g., military missions in Lebanon, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, and the Gulf War).

      • 9.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        9/11 and Responses to Terrorism - Analyze how the attacks on 9/11 and the response to terrorism have altered American domestic and international policies (including e.g., the Office of Homeland Security, Patriot Act, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, role of the United States in the United Nations, NATO).

    • 9.3. Standard:

      Policy Debates

      • 9.3.1. Grade Level Expectation: Compose a persuasive essay on a public policy issue, and justify the position with a reasoned argument based upon historical antecedents and precedents, and core democratic values or constitutional principles
        • 9.3.1a. Expectation:

          Role of the United States in the world

        • 9.3.1b. Expectation:

          National economic policy

        • 9.3.1c. Expectation:

          Welfare policy

        • 9.3.1d. Expectation:

          Energy policy

        • 9.3.1e. Expectation:

          Health care

        • 9.3.1f. Expectation:


        • 9.3.1g. Expectation:

          Civil rights

  • MI.C1. Strand / Standard Category: Civics - Conceptual Foundations of Civic and Political Life

    • 1.1. Standard: Nature of Civic Life, Politics, and Government

      Explain the meaning of civic life, politics, and government through the investigation of such questions as: What is civic life? What are politics? What is government? What are the purposes of politics and government?

      • 1.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify roles citizens play in civic and private life, with emphasis on leadership.

      • 1.1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain and provide examples of the concepts ''power,'' ''legitimacy,'' ''authority,'' and ''sovereignty.''

      • 1.1.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify and explain competing arguments about the necessity and purposes of government (such as to protect inalienable rights, promote the general welfare, resolve conflicts, promote equality, and establish justice for all).

      • 1.1.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the purposes of politics, why people engage in the political process, and what the political process can achieve (e.g., promote the greater good, promote self-interest, advance solutions to public issues and problems, achieve a just society).

    • 1.2. Standard: Alternative Forms of Government

      Describe constitutional government and contrast it with other forms of government through the investigation of such questions as: What are essential characteristics of limited and unlimited government? What is constitutional government? What forms can a constitutional government take?

      • 1.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify, distinguish among, and provide examples of different forms of governmental structures including anarchy, monarchy, military junta, aristocracy, democracy, authoritarian, constitutional republic, fascist, communist, socialist, and theocratic states.

      • 1.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the purposes and uses of constitutions in defining and limiting government, distinguishing between historical and contemporary examples of constitutional governments that failed to limit power (e.g., Nazi Germany and Stalinist Soviet Union) and successful constitutional governments (e.g., contemporary Germany and United Kingdom).

      • 1.2.3. Grade Level Expectation: Compare and contrast parliamentary, federal, confederal, and unitary systems of government by analyzing

        similarities and differences in sovereignty, diffusion of power, and institutional structure.

      • 1.2.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Compare and contrast direct and representative democracy.

  • MI.C2. Strand / Standard Category: Civics - Origins and Foundations of Government of the United States of America

    • 2.1. Standard: Origins of American Constitutional Government

      Explain the fundamental ideas and principles of American constitutional government and their philosophical and historical origins through investigation of such questions as: What are the philosophical and historical roots of the foundational values of American constitutional government? What are the fundamental principles of American constitutional government?

      • 2.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the historical and philosophical origins of American constitutional government and evaluate the influence of ideas found in the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Mayflower Compact, Iroquois Confederation, Northwest Ordinance, Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and selected Federalist Papers (such as the 10th, 14th, 51st), John Locke's Second Treatise, Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws, Paine's Common Sense.

      • 2.1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the significance of the major debates and compromises underlying the formation and ratification of American constitutional government including the Virginia and New Jersey plans, the Great Compromise, debates between Federalists and Anti-Federalists, debates over slavery, and the promise for a bill of rights after ratification.

      • 2.1.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain how the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights reflected political principles of popular sovereignty, rule of law, checks and balances, separation of powers, social compact, natural rights, individual rights, separation of church and state, republicanism and federalism.

      • 2.1.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain challenges and modifications to American constitutional government as a result of significant historical events such as the American Revolution, the Civil War, expansion of suffrage, the Great Depression, and the civil rights movement.

    • 2.2. Standard: Foundational Values and Constitutional Principles of American Government

      Explain how the American idea of constitutional government has shaped a distinctive American society through the investigation of such questions as: How have the fundamental values and principles of American constitutional government shaped American society?

      • 2.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify and explain the fundamental values of America's constitutional republic (e.g., life, liberty, property, the pursuit of happiness, the common good, justice, equality, diversity, authority, participation, and patriotism) and their reflection in the principles of the United States Constitution (e.g., popular sovereignty, republicanism, rule of law, checks and balances, separation of powers, and federalism).

      • 2.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain and evaluate how Americans, either through individual or collective actions, use constitutional principles and fundamental values to narrow gaps between American ideals and reality with respect to minorities, women, and the disadvantaged.

      • 2.2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Use past and present policies to analyze conflicts that arise in society due to competing constitutional principles or fundamental values (e.g., liberty and authority, justice and equality, individual rights, and the common good).

      • 2.2.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze and explain ideas about fundamental values like liberty, justice, and equality found in a range of documents (e.g., Martin Luther King's ''I Have a Dream'' speech and ''Letter from Birmingham City Jail,'' the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration of Sentiments, the Equal Rights Amendment, and the Patriot Act).

      • 2.2.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Use examples to investigate why people may agree on constitutional principles and fundamental values in the abstract, yet disagree over their meaning when they are applied to specific situations.

  • MI.C3. Strand / Standard Category: Civics - Structure and Functions of Government in the United States of America

    • 3.1. Standard: Structure, Functions, and Enumerated Powers of National Government

      Describe how the national government is organized and what it does through the investigation of such questions as: What is the structure of the national government? What are the functions of the national government? What are its enumerated powers?

      • 3.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the purposes, organization, functions, and processes of the legislative branch as enumerated in Article I of the Constitution.

      • 3.1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the purposes, organization, functions, and processes of the executive branch as enumerated in Article II of the Constitution.

      • 3.1.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the purposes, organization, functions, and processes of the judicial branch as enumerated in Article III of the Constitution.

      • 3.1.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify the role of independent regulatory agencies in the federal bureaucracy (e.g., Federal Reserve Board, Food and Drug Administration, Federal Communications Commission).

      • 3.1.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Use case studies or examples to examine tensions between the three branches of government (e.g., powers of the purse and impeachment, advise and consent, veto power, and judicial review).

      • 3.1.6. Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate major sources of revenue for the national government, including the constitutional provisions for taxing its citizens.

      • 3.1.7. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain why the federal government is one of enumerated powers while state governments are those of reserved powers.

    • 3.2. Standard: Powers and Limits on Powers

      Identify how power and responsibility are distributed, shared, and limited in American constitutional government through the investigation of such questions as: How are power and responsibility distributed, shared, and limited in the government established by the United States Constitution?

      • 3.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain how the principles of enumerated powers, federalism, separation of powers, bicameralism, checks and balances, republicanism, rule of law, individual rights, inalienable rights, separation of church and state, and popular sovereignty serve to limit the power of government.

      • 3.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Use court cases to explain how the Constitution is maintained as the supreme law of the land (e.g., Marbury v. Madison, Gibbons v. Ogden, McCulloch v. Maryland).

      • 3.2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify specific provisions in the Constitution that limit the power of the federal government.

      • 3.2.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the role of the Bill of Rights and each of its amendments in restraining the power of government over individuals.

      • 3.2.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the role of subsequent amendments to the Constitution in extending or limiting the power of government, including the Civil War/Reconstruction Amendments and those expanding suffrage.

    • 3.3. Standard: Structure and Functions of State and Local Governments

      Describe how state and local governments are organized and what they do through the investigation of such questions as: What are the structures and functions of state and local government?

      • 3.3.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe limits the U.S. Constitution places on powers of the states (e.g., prohibitions against coining money, impairing interstate commerce, making treaties with foreign governments) and on the federal government's power over the states (e.g., federal government cannot abolish a state, Tenth Amendment reserves powers to the states).

      • 3.3.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify and define states' reserved and concurrent powers.

      • 3.3.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the tension among federal, state, and local governmental power using the necessary and proper clause, the commerce clause, and the Tenth Amendment.

      • 3.3.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe how state and local governments are organized, their major responsibilities, and how they affect the lives of citizens.

      • 3.3.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe the mechanisms by which citizens monitor and influence state and local governments (e.g., referendum, initiative, recall).

      • 3.3.6. Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate the major sources of revenue for state and local governments.

      • 3.3.7. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the role of state constitutions in state governments.

    • 3.4. Standard: System of Law and Laws

      Explain why the rule of law has a central place in American society through the investigation of such questions as: What is the role of law in the American political system? What is the importance of law in the American political system?

      • 3.4.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain why the rule of law has a central place in American society (e.g., Supreme Court cases like Marbury v. Madison and U.S. v. Nixon; practices such as submitting bills to legal counsel to ensure congressional compliance with the law).

      • 3.4.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe what can happen in the absence or breakdown of the rule of law (e.g., Ku Klux Klan attacks, police corruption, organized crime, interfering with the right to vote, and perjury).

      • 3.4.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the meaning and importance of equal protection of the law (e.g., the 14th Amendment, Americans with Disabilities Act, equal opportunity legislation).

      • 3.4.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe considerations and criteria that have been used to deny, limit, or extend protection of individual rights (e.g., clear and present danger, time, place and manner restrictions on speech, compelling government interest, security, libel or slander, public safety, and equal opportunity).

      • 3.4.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the various levels and responsibilities of courts in the federal and state judicial system and explain the relationships among them.

    • 3.5. Standard: Other Actors in the Policy Process

      Describe the roles of political parties, interest groups, the media, and individuals in determining and shaping public policy through the investigation of such questions as: What roles do political parties, interest groups, the media, and individuals play in the development of public policy?

      • 3.5.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain how political parties, interest groups, the media, and individuals can influence and determine the public agenda.

      • 3.5.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe the origin and the evolution of political parties and their influence.

      • 3.5.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify and explain the roles of various associations and groups in American politics (e.g., political organizations, political action committees, interest groups, voluntary and civic associations, professional organizations, unions, and religious groups).

      • 3.5.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the concept of public opinion, factors that shape it, and contrasting views on the role it should play in public policy.

      • 3.5.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate the actual influence of public opinion on public policy.

      • 3.5.6. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the significance of campaigns and elections in American politics, current criticisms of campaigns, and proposals for their reform.

      • 3.5.7. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the role of television, radio, the press, and the internet in political communication.

      • 3.5.8. Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate, take, and defend positions about the formation and implementation of a current public policy issue, and examine ways to participate in the decision making process about the issue.

      • 3.5.9. Grade Level Expectation:

        In making a decision on a public issue, analyze various forms of political communication (e.g., political cartoons, campaign advertisements, political speeches, and blogs) using criteria like logical validity, factual accuracy and/or omission, emotional appeal, distorted evidence, and appeals to bias or prejudice.

  • MI.C4. Strand / Standard Category: Civics - The United States of America and World Affairs

    • 4.1. Standard: Formation and Implementation of U.S. Foreign Policy

      Describe the formation and implementation of U.S. foreign policy through such questions as: How is foreign policy formed and implemented in American constitutional government?

      • 4.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify and evaluate major foreign policy positions that have characterized the United States' relations with the world (e.g., isolated nation, imperial power, world leader) in light of foundational values and principles, provide examples of how they were implemented and their consequences (e.g., Spanish- American War, Cold War containment).

      • 4.1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe the process by which United States foreign policy is made, including the powers the Constitution gives to the president; Congress and the judiciary; and the roles federal agencies, domestic interest groups, the public, and the media play in foreign policy.

      • 4.1.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate the means used to implement U.S. foreign policy with respect to current or past international issues (e.g., diplomacy, economic, military and humanitarian aid, treaties, sanctions, military intervention, and covert action).

      • 4.1.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Using at least two historical examples, explain reasons for, and consequences of, conflicts that arise when international disputes cannot be resolved peacefully.

    • 4.2. Standard: U.S. Role in International Institutions and Affairs

      Identify the roles of the United States of America in international institutions and affairs through the investigation of such questions as: What is the role of the United States in international institutions and affairs?

      • 4.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe how different political systems interact in world affairs with respect to international issues.

      • 4.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the impact of American political, economic, technological, and cultural developments on other parts of the world (e.g., immigration policies, economic, military and humanitarian aid, computer technology research, popular fashion, and film).

      • 4.2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze the impact of political, economic, technological, and cultural developments around the world on the United States (e.g., terrorism, emergence of regional organizations like the European Union, multinational corporations, and interdependent world economy).

      • 4.2.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify the purposes and functions of governmental and non-governmental international organizations, and the role of the United States in each (e.g., the United Nations, NATO, World Court, Organization of American States, International Red Cross, Amnesty International).

      • 4.2.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate the role of the United States in important bilateral and multilateral agreements (e.g., NAFTA, Helsinki Accords, Antarctic Treaty, Most Favored Nation Agreements, and the Kyoto Protocol).

      • 4.2.6. Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate the impact of American political ideas and values on other parts of the world (e.g., American Revolution, fundamental values and principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution).

  • MI.C5. Strand / Standard Category: Civics - Citizenship in the United States of America

    • 5.1. Standard: The Meaning of Citizenship in the United States of America

      Describe the meaning of citizenship in the United States through the investigation of such questions as: What is the meaning of citizenship in the United States? What are the rights, responsibilities, and characteristics of citizenship in the United States?

      • 5.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Using examples, explain the idea and meaning of citizenship in the United States of America, and the rights and responsibilities of American citizens (e.g., people participate in public life, know about the laws that govern society, respect and obey those laws, participate in political life, stay informed and attentive about public issues, and voting).

      • 5.1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Compare the rights of citizenship Americans have as a member of a state and the nation.

    • 5.2. Standard: Becoming a Citizen

      Describe how one becomes a citizen in the United States through birth or naturalization by investigating the question: How does one become a citizen in the United States?

      • 5.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain the distinction between citizens by birth, naturalized citizens, and non-citizens.

      • 5.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe the distinction between legal and illegal immigration and the process by which legal immigrants can become citizens.

      • 5.2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate the criteria used for admission to citizenship in the United States and how Americans expanded citizenship over the centuries (e.g., removing limitations of suffrage).

    • 5.3. Standard: Rights of Citizenship

      Identify the rights of citizenship by investigating the question: What are the personal, political, and economic rights of citizens in the United States?

      • 5.3.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify and explain personal rights (e.g., freedom of thought, conscience, expression, association, movement and residence, the right to privacy, personal autonomy, due process of law, free exercise of religion, and equal protection of the law).

      • 5.3.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify and explain political rights (e.g., freedom of speech, press, assembly, and petition; and the right to vote and run for public office).

      • 5.3.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify and explain economic rights (e.g., the right to acquire, use, transfer, and dispose of property, choose one's work and change employment, join labor unions and professional associations, establish and operate a business, copyright protection, enter into lawful contracts, and just compensation for the taking of private property for public use).

      • 5.3.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe the relationship between personal, political, and economic rights and how they can sometimes conflict.

      • 5.3.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain considerations and criteria commonly used in determining what limits should be placed on specific rights.

      • 5.3.6. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe the rights protected by the First Amendment, and using case studies and examples, explore the limit and scope of First Amendment rights.

      • 5.3.7. Grade Level Expectation:

        Using the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Amendments, describe the rights of the accused; and using case studies and examples, explore the limit and scope of these rights.

      • 5.3.8. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain and give examples of the role of the Fourteenth Amendment in extending the protection of individual rights against state action.

      • 5.3.9. Grade Level Expectation:

        Use examples to explain why rights are not unlimited and absolute.

    • 5.4. Standard: Responsibilities of Citizenship

      Identify the responsibilities associated with citizenship in the United States and the importance of those responsibilities in a democratic society through the investigation of questions such as: What are the responsibilities associated with citizenship in the United States? Why are those experiences considered important to the preservation of American constitutional government?

      • 5.4.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Distinguish between personal and civic responsibilities and describe how they can sometimes conflict with each other.

      • 5.4.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe the importance of citizens' civic responsibilities including obeying the law, being informed and attentive to public issues, monitoring political leaders and governmental agencies, assuming leadership when appropriate, paying taxes, registering to vote and voting knowledgeably on candidates and issues, serving as a juror, serving in the armed forces, performing public service.

      • 5.4.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain why meeting personal and civic responsibilities is important to the preservation and improvement of American constitutional democracy.

    • 5.5. Standard: Dispositions of Citizenship

      Explain why particular dispositions in citizens are considered important to the preservation of American constitutional government by investigating the question: What dispositions or character traits are considered important to the preservation of American constitutional government?

      • 5.5.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe dispositions people think lead citizens to become independent members of society (e.g., self-discipline, self-governance, and a sense of individual responsibility) and thought to foster respect for individual worth and human dignity (e.g., respect for individual rights and choice, and concern for the well-being of others).

      • 5.5.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe the dispositions thought to encourage citizen involvement in public affairs (e.g., ''civic virtue'' or attentiveness to and concern for public affairs; patriotism or loyalty to values and principles underlying American constitutional democracy) and to facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in public affairs (e.g., civility, respect for the rights of other individuals, respect for law, honesty, open-mindedness, negotiation and compromise; persistence, civic mindedness, compassion, patriotism, courage, and tolerance for ambiguity).

      • 5.5.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Explain why the development of citizens as independent members of society who are respectful of individual worth and human dignity, inclined to participate in public affairs, and are thoughtful and effective in their participation, is important to the preservation and improvement of American constitutional democracy.

  • MI.C6. Strand / Standard Category: Civics - Citizenship in Action

    • 6.1. Standard: Civic Inquiry and Public Discourse

      Use forms of inquiry and construct reasoned arguments to engage in public discourse around policy and public issues by investigating the question: How can citizens acquire information, solve problems, make decisions, and defend positions about public policy issues?

      • 6.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify and research various viewpoints on significant public policy issues.

      • 6.1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Locate, analyze, and use various forms of evidence, information, and sources about a significant public policy issue, including primary and secondary sources, legal documents (e.g., Constitutions, court decisions, state law), non-text based information (e.g., maps, charts, tables, graphs, and cartoons), and other forms of political communication (e.g., oral political cartoons, campaign advertisements, political speeches, and blogs).

      • 6.1.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Develop and use criteria (e.g., logical validity, factual accuracy and/or omission, emotional appeal, credibility, unstated assumptions, logical fallacies, inconsistencies, distortions, and appeals to bias or prejudice, overall strength of argument) in analyzing evidence and position statements.

      • 6.1.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Address a public issue by suggesting alternative solutions or courses of action, evaluating the consequences of each, and proposing an action to address the issue or resolve the problem.

      • 6.1.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Make a persuasive, reasoned argument on a public issue and support using evidence (e.g., historical and contemporary examples), constitutional principles, and fundamental values of American constitutional democracy; explain the stance or position.

    • 6.2. Standard: Participating in Civic Life

      Describe multiple opportunities for citizens to participate in civic life by investigating the question: How can citizens participate in civic life?

      • 6.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe the relationship between politics and the attainment of individual and public goals (e.g., how individual interests are fulfilled by working to achieve collective goals).

      • 6.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Distinguish between and evaluate the importance of political participation and social participation.

      • 6.2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe how, when, and where individuals can participate in the political process at the local, state, and national levels (including, but not limited to voting, attending political and governmental meetings, contacting public officials, working in campaigns, community organizing, demonstrating or picketing, boycotting, joining interest groups or political action committees); evaluate the effectiveness of these methods of participants.

      • 6.2.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Participate in a real or simulated election, and evaluate the results, including the impact of voter turnout and demographics.

      • 6.2.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe how citizen movements seek to realize fundamental values and principles of American constitutional democracy.

      • 6.2.6. Grade Level Expectation:

        Analyze different ways people have used civil disobedience, the different forms civil disobedience might take (e.g., violent and non-violent) and their impact.

      • 6.2.7. Grade Level Expectation:

        Participate in a service-learning project, reflect upon experiences, and evaluate the value of the experience to the American ideal of participation.

      • 6.2.8. Grade Level Expectation:

        Describe various forms and functions of political leadership and evaluate the characteristics of an effective leader.

      • 6.2.9. Grade Level Expectation:

        Evaluate the claim that constitutional democracy requires the participation of an attentive, knowledgeable, and competent citizenry.

      • 6.2.10. Grade Level Expectation:

        Participate in a real or simulated public hearing or debate and evaluate the role of deliberative public discussions in civic life.

      • 6.2.11. Grade Level Expectation:

        Identify typical issues, needs, or concerns of citizens (e.g., seeking variance, zoning changes, information about property taxes), and actively demonstrate ways citizens might use local governments to resolve issues or concerns.

  • MI.E1. Strand / Standard Category: Economics - The Market Economy

    • 1.1. Standard: Individual, Business, and Government Choices

      Explain and demonstrate how economic organizations confront scarcity and market forces when organizing, producing, using, and allocating resources to supply the marketplace.

      • 1.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Scarcity, Choice, Opportunity Costs, and Comparative Advantage - Using examples, explain how scarcity, choice, opportunity costs affect decisions that households, businesses, and governments make in the market place and explain how comparative advantage creates gains from trade.

      • 1.1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Entrepreneurship - Identify the risks, returns and other characteristics of entrepreneurship that bear on its attractiveness as a career.

    • 1.2. Standard: Competitive Markets

      Analyze how the functions and constraints of business structures, the role of price in the market, and relationships of investment to productivity and growth, impact competitive markets.

      • 1.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Business Structures - Compare and contrast the functions and constraints facing economic institutions including small and large businesses, labor unions, banks, and households.

      • 1.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Price in the Market - Analyze how prices send signals and provide incentives to buyers and sellers in a competitive market.

      • 1.2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Investment, Productivity and Growth - Analyze the role investments in physical (e.g., technology) and human capital (e.g., education) play in increasing productivity and how these influence the market.

    • 1.3. Standard: Prices, Supply, and Demand

      Compare how supply, demand, price, equilibrium, elasticity, and incentives affect the workings of a market.

      • 1.3.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Law of Supply - Explain the law of supply and analyze the likely change in supply when there are changes in prices of the productive resources (e.g., labor, land, capital including technology), or the profit opportunities available to producers by selling other goods or services, or the number of sellers in a market.

      • 1.3.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Law of Demand - Explain the law of demand and analyze the likely change in demand when there are changes in prices of the goods or services, availability of alternative (substitute or complementary) goods or services, or changes in the number of buyers in a market created by such things as change in income or availability of credit.

      • 1.3.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Price, Equilibrium, Elasticity, and Incentives - Analyze how prices change through the interaction of buyers and sellers in a market including the role of supply, demand, equilibrium, elasticity, and explain how incentives (monetary and non-monetary) affect choices of households and economic organizations.

    • 1.4. Standard: Role of Government in the Market

      Describe the varied ways government can impact the market through policy decisions, protection of consumers, and as a producer and consumer of goods and services, and explain how economic incentives affect government decisions.

      • 1.4.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Public Policy and the Market - Analyze the impact of a change in public policy (such as an increase in the minimum wage, a new tax policy, or a change in interest rates) on consumers, producers, workers, savers, and investors.

      • 1.4.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Government and Consumers - Analyze the role of government in protecting consumers and enforcing contracts, (including property rights), and explain how this role influences the incentives (or disincentives) for people to produce and exchange goods and services.

      • 1.4.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Government Revenue and Services - Analyze the ways in which local and state governments generate revenue (e.g., income, sales, and property taxes) and use that revenue for public services (e.g., parks and highways).

      • 1.4.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Functions of Government - Explain the various functions of government in a market economy including the provision of public goods and services, the creation of currency, the establishment of property rights, the enforcement of contracts, correcting for externalities and market failures, the redistribution of income and wealth, regulation of labor (e.g., minimum wage, child labor, working conditions), and the promotion of economic growth and security.

      • 1.4.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Economic Incentives and Government - Identify and explain how monetary and non-monetary incentives affect government officials and voters and explain how government policies affect the behavior of various people including consumers, savers, investors, workers, and producers.

  • MI.E2. Strand / Standard Category: Economics - The National Economy of the United States of America

    • 2.1. Standard: Understanding National Markets

      Describe inflation, unemployment, output, and growth, and the factors that cause changes in those conditions, and describe the role of money and interest rates in national markets.

      • 2.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Income - Describe how individuals and businesses earn income by selling productive resources.

      • 2.1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Circular Flow and the National Economy - Using the concept of circular flow, analyze the roles of and the relationships between households, business firms, financial institutions, and government and non-government agencies in the economy of the United States.

      • 2.1.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Financial Institutions and Money Supply - Analyze how decisions by the Federal Reserve and actions by financial institutions (e.g., commercial banks, credit unions) regarding deposits and loans, impact the expansion and contraction of the money supply.

      • 2.1.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Money Supply, Inflation, and Recession - Explain the relationships between money supply, inflation, and recessions.

      • 2.1.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Economic Growth - Use GDP data to measure the rate of economic growth in the United States and identify factors that have contributed to this economic growth

      • 2.1.6. Grade Level Expectation:

        Unemployment - Analyze the character of different types of unemployment including frictional, structural, and cyclical.

      • 2.1.7. Grade Level Expectation:

        Economic Indicators - Using a number of indicators, such as GDP, per capita GDP, unemployment rates, and Consumer Price Index, analyze the characteristics of business cycles, including the characteristics of peaks, recessions, and expansions.

      • 2.1.8. Grade Level Expectation:

        Relationship Between Expenditures and Revenue (Circular Flow) - Using the circular flow model, explain how spending on consumption, investment, government and net exports determines national income; explain how a decrease in total expenditures affects the value of a nation's output of final goods and services.

      • 2.1.9. Grade Level Expectation:

        American Economy in the World - Analyze the changing relationship between the American economy and the global economy including, but not limited to, the increasing complexity of American economic activity (e.g., outsourcing, off-shoring, and supply-chaining) generated by the expansion of the global economy.

    • 2.2. Standard: Role of Government in the American Economy

      Analyze the role of government in the American economy by identifying macroeconomic goals; comparing perspectives on government roles; analyzing fiscal and monetary policy; and describing the role of government as a producer and consumer of public goods and services. Analyze how governmental decisions on taxation, spending, protections, and regulation impact macroeconomic goals.

      • 2.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Federal Government and Macroeconomic Goals - Identify the three macroeconomic goals of an economic system (stable prices, low unemployment, and economic growth).

      • 2.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Macroeconomic Policy Alternatives - Compare and contrast differing policy recommendations for the role of the Federal government in achieving the macroeconomic goals of stable prices, low unemployment, and economic growth.

      • 2.2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Fiscal Policy and its Consequences - Analyze the consequences - intended and unintended - of using various tax and spending policies to achieve macroeconomic goals of stable prices, low unemployment, and economic growth.

      • 2.2.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy - Explain the roles and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System and compare and contrast the consequences - intended and unintended - of different monetary policy actions of the Federal Reserve Board as a means to achieve macroeconomic goals of stable prices, low unemployment, and economic growth.

      • 2.2.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Government Revenue and Services - Analyze the ways in which governments generate revenue on consumption, income and wealth and use that revenue for public services (e.g., parks and highways) and social welfare (e.g., social security, Medicaid, Medicare).

  • MI.E3. Strand / Standard Category: Economics - The International Economy

    • 3.1. Standard: Economic Systems

      Explain how different economic systems, including free market, command, and mixed systems, coordinate and facilitate the exchange, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

      • 3.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Major Economic Systems - Give examples of and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of major economic systems (command, market and mixed), including their philosophical and historical foundations (e.g., Marx and the Communist Manifesto, Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations).

      • 3.1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Developing Nations - Assess how factors such as availability of natural resources, investments in human and physical capital, technical assistance, public attitudes and beliefs, property rights and free trade can affect economic growth in developing nations.

      • 3.1.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        International Organizations and the World Economy - Evaluate the diverse impact of trade policies of the World Trade Organization, World Bank, or International Monetary Fund on developing economies of Africa, Central America, or Asia, and the developed economies of the United States and Western Europe.

      • 3.1.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        GDP and Standard of Living - Using current and historical data on real per capita GDP for the United States, and at least three other countries (e.g., Japan, Somalia, and South Korea) construct a relationship between real GDP and standard of living.

      • 3.1.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Comparing Economic Systems - Using the three basic economic questions (e.g., what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce), compare and contrast a socialist (command) economy (such as North Korea or Cuba) with the Capitalist as a mixed, free market system of the United States.

      • 3.1.6. Grade Level Expectation:

        Impact of Transitional Economies - Analyze the impact of transitional economies, such as in China and India, on the global economy in general and the American economy in particular.

    • 3.2. Standard: Economic Interdependence - Trade

      Describe how trade generates economic development and interdependence and analyze the resulting challenges and benefits for individuals, producers, and government.

      • 3.2.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Absolute and Comparative Advantage - Use the concepts of absolute and comparative advantage to explain why goods and services are produced in one nation or locale versus another.

      • 3.2.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Domestic Activity and World Trade - Assess the impact of trade policies (i.e. tariffs, quotas, export subsidies, product standards and other barriers), monetary policy, exchange rates, and interest rates on domestic activity and world trade.

      • 3.2.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Exchange Rates and the World Trade - Describe how interest rates in the United States impact the value of the dollar against other currencies (such as the Euro), and explain how exchange rates affect the value of goods and services of the United States in other markets.

      • 3.2.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Monetary Policy and International Trade - Analyze how the decisions made by a country's central bank (or the Federal Reserve) impact a nation's international trade.

      • 3.2.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        The Global Economy and the Marketplace - Analyze and describe how the global economy has changed the interaction of buyers and sellers, such as in the automobile industry.

  • MI.E4. Strand / Standard Category: Economics - Personal Finance

    • 4.1. Standard: Decision Making

      Describe and demonstrate how the economic forces of scarcity and opportunity costs impact individual and household choices.

      • 4.1.1. Grade Level Expectation:

        Scarcity and Opportunity Costs - Apply concepts of scarcity and opportunity costs to personal financial decision making.

      • 4.1.2. Grade Level Expectation:

        Marginal Benefit and Cost - Use examples and case studies to explain and evaluate the impact of marginal benefit and marginal cost of an activity on choices and decisions.

      • 4.1.3. Grade Level Expectation:

        Personal Finance Strategy - Develop a personal finance strategy for earning, spending, saving and investing resources.

      • 4.1.4. Grade Level Expectation:

        Key Components of Personal Finance - Evaluate key components of personal finance including, money management, saving and investment, spending and credit, income, mortgages, retirement, investing (e.g., 401K, IRAs), and insurance.

      • 4.1.5. Grade Level Expectation:

        Personal Decisions - Use a decision-making model (e.g., stating a problem, listing alternatives, establishing criteria, weighing options, making the decision, and evaluating the result) to evaluate the different aspects of personal finance including careers, savings and investing tools, and different forms of income generation.

      • 4.1.6. Grade Level Expectation:

        Risk Management Plan - Develop a risk management plan that uses a combination of avoidance, reduction, retention, and transfer (insurance).

Massachusetts: 11th-Grade Standards

Article Body
  • MA.1. Domain / General Standard: Concepts and Skills

    The concepts and skills for grades 8 through 12 are defined below. The concepts and skills may be taught at the grade level that each district deems appropriate.

    • 1.1. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      History and Geography: Apply the skills of prekindergarten through grade seven.

    • 1.2. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      History and Geography: Identify multiple ways to express time relationships and dates (for example, 1066 AD is the same as 1066 CE, and both refer to a date in the eleventh or 11th century, which is the same as the 1000s). Identify countries that use a different calendar from the one used in the U.S. and explain the basis for the difference. (H)

    • 1.3. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      History and Geography: Interpret and construct timelines that show how events and eras in various parts of the world are related to one another. (H)

    • 1.4. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      History and Geography: Interpret and construct charts and graphs that show quantitative information. (H, C, G, E)

    • 1.5. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      History and Geography: Explain how a cause and effect relationship is different from a sequence or correlation of events. (H, C, E)

    • 1.6. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      History and Geography: Distinguish between long-term and short-term cause and effect relationships. (H, G, C, E)

    • 1.7. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      History and Geography: Show connections, causal and otherwise, between particular historical events and ideas and larger social, economic, and political trends and developments. (H, G, C, E)

    • 1.8. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      History and Geography: Interpret the past within its own historical context rather than in terms of present-day norms and values. (H, E, C)

    • 1.9. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      History and Geography: Distinguish intended from unintended consequences. (H, E, C)

    • 1.10. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      History and Geography: Distinguish historical fact from opinion. (H, E, C)

    • 1.11. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      History and Geography: Using historical maps, locate the boundaries of the major empires of world history at the height of their powers. (H, G)

    • 1.12. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      Civics and Government: Define and use correctly the following words and terms: Magna Carta, parliament, habeas corpus, monarchy, and absolutism. (C)

    • 1.13. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      General Economics Skills: Define and use correctly mercantilism, feudalism, economic growth, and entrepreneur. (E)

    • 1.14. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      General Economics Skills: Explain how people or communities examine and weigh the benefits of each alternative when making a choice and that opportunity costs are those benefits that are given up once one alternative is chosen. (E)

    • 1.15. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      General Economics Skills: Explain how financial markets, such as the stock market, channel funds from savers to investors. (E)

    • 1.16. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      General Economics Skills: Define and use correctly gross domestic product, economic growth, recession, depression, unemployment, inflation, and deflation. (E)

    • 1.17. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      General Economics Skills: Explain how opportunity costs and tradeoffs can be evaluated through an analysis of marginal costs and benefits. (E)

    • 1.18. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      General Economics Skills: Explain how competition among sellers lowers costs and prices, and encourages producers to produce more. (E)

    • 1.19. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      General Economics Skills: Describe the role of buyers and sellers in determining the equilibrium price, and use supply and demand to explain and predict changes in quantity and price. (E)

    • 1.20. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      General Economics Skills: Describe how the earnings of workers are affected by the market value of the product produced and worker skills. (E)

    • 1.21. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      General Economics Skills: Identify the causes of inflation and explain who benefits from inflation and who suffers from inflation. (E)

    • 1.22. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      General Economics Skills: Define and distinguish between absolute and comparative advantage, and explain how most trade occurs because of comparative advantage in the production of a particular good or service. (E)

    • 1.23. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      General Economics Skills: Explain how changes in exchange rates affect balance of trade and the purchasing power of people in the United States and other countries. (E)

    • 1.24. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      General Economics Skills: Differentiate between fiscal and monetary policy. (E)

    • 1.25. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      U.S. Economics Skills: Explain the basic economic functions of the government in the economy of the United States. (E)

    • 1.26. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      U.S. Economics Skills: Examine the development of the banking system in the United States, and describe the organization and functions of the Federal Reserve System. (E)

    • 1.27. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      U.S. Economics Skills: Identify and describe laws and regulations adopted in the United States to promote economic competition. (E, H)

    • 1.28. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills

      U.S. Economics Skills: Analyze how federal tax and spending policies affect the national budget and the national debt. (E)

  • MA.2. Domain / General Standard: World History I

    The World from the Fall of Rome through the Enlightenment: Students study the development of world civilizations after the fall of the Roman Empire. Students study the history of the major empires and political entities of this period: the Ottoman Empire, the Moghul Empire, the Chinese dynasties, the Byzantine Empire, and the major pre-Columbian civilizations that existed in Central and South America.

    • 2.1. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: On a map of the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Asia, identify where Islam began and trace the course of its expansion to 1500 AD. (H)

    • 2.2. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Describe significant aspects of Islamic belief (the life and teachings of Muhammad). (H)

    • 2.3. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Describe significant aspects of Islamic belief (the significance of the Qur'an as the primary source of Islamic belief). (H)

    • 2.4. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Describe significant aspects of Islamic belief (Islam's historical relationship to Judaism and Christianity). (H)

    • 2.5. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Describe significant aspects of Islamic belief (the relationship between government and religion in Muslim societies). (H)

    • 2.6. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Analyze the causes, course, and effects of Islamic expansion through North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, and Central Asia (the strength of the Islamic world's economy and culture). (H, G)

    • 2.7. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Analyze the causes, course, and effects of Islamic expansion through North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, and Central Asia (the training of Muslim soldiers and the use of advanced military techniques). (H, G)

    • 2.8. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Analyze the causes, course, and effects of Islamic expansion through North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, and Central Asia (the disorganization and internal divisions of Islam's enemies). (H, G)

    • 2.9. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Analyze the causes, course, and effects of Islamic expansion through North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, and Central Asia (the resistance and/or assimilation of Christianized peoples in the Mediterranean). (H, G)

    • 2.10. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Describe the central political, economic, and religious developments in major periods of Islamic history (the sources of disagreement between Sunnis and Shi'ites). (H, E)

    • 2.11. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Describe the central political, economic, and religious developments in major periods of Islamic history (the importance of the trade routes connecting the Far East and Europe and the role of the Mongols in increasing trade along these routes, including the silk routes to China). (H, E)

    • 2.12. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Describe the central political, economic, and religious developments in major periods of Islamic history (the relationship of trade to the growth of Central Asian and Middle Eastern cities). (H, E)

    • 2.13. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Describe the central political, economic, and religious developments in major periods of Islamic history (the sources and uses of slaves in Islamic societies as well as the extent of the Islamic slave trade across Africa from 700 AD on). (H, E)

    • 2.14. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Analyze the influence and achievements of Islamic civilization during its 'Golden Age.' (the preservation and expansion of Greek thought). (H)

    • 2.15. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Analyze the influence and achievements of Islamic civilization during its 'Golden Age.' (Islamic science, philosophy, and mathematics). (H)

    • 2.16. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Emergence and Expansion of Islam to 1500: Analyze the influence and achievements of Islamic civilization during its 'Golden Age.' (Islamic architecture). (H)

    • 2.17. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Medieval Period in Europe to 1500: Describe the rise and achievements of the Byzantine Empire (the influence of Constantine, including the establishment of Christianity as an officially sanctioned religion). (H)

    • 2.18. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Medieval Period in Europe to 1500: Describe the rise and achievements of the Byzantine Empire (the importance of Justinian and the Code of Justinian). (H)

    • 2.19. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Medieval Period in Europe to 1500: Describe the rise and achievements of the Byzantine Empire (the preservation of Greek and Roman traditions). (H)

    • 2.20. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Medieval Period in Europe to 1500: Describe the rise and achievements of the Byzantine Empire (the construction of the Church of the Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia)). (H)

    • 2.21. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Medieval Period in Europe to 1500: Describe the major economic, social, and political developments that took place in medieval Europe (the growing influence of Christianity and the Catholic Church). (H, E)

    • 2.22. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Medieval Period in Europe to 1500: Describe the major economic, social, and political developments that took place in medieval Europe (the differing orders of medieval society, the development of feudalism, and the development of private property as a distinguishing feature of western civilization). (H, E)

    • 2.23. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Medieval Period in Europe to 1500: Describe the major economic, social, and political developments that took place in medieval Europe (the initial emergence of a modern economy, including the growth of banking, technological and agricultural improvements, commerce, towns, and a merchant class). (H, E)

    • 2.24. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Medieval Period in Europe to 1500: Describe the major economic, social, and political developments that took place in medieval Europe (the economic and social effects of the spread of the Black Death or Bubonic Plague). (H, E)

    • 2.25. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Medieval Period in Europe to 1500: Describe the major economic, social, and political developments that took place in medieval Europe (the growth and development of the English and French nations). (H, E)

    • 2.26. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Medieval Period in Europe to 1500: Describe developments in medieval English legal and constitutional history and their importance in the rise of modern democratic institutions and procedures, including the Magna Carta, parliament, and habeas corpus. (H, C)

    • 2.27. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Encounters Between Christianity and Islam to 1500: Describe the religious and political origins of conflicts between Islam and Christianity, including the causes, course, and consequences of the European Crusades against Islam in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries. (H)

    • 2.28. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Encounters Between Christianity and Islam to 1500: Describe the rise of the Ottoman Empire in the 14th and 15th centuries, including the capture of Constantinople in 1453. (H)

    • 2.29. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Encounters Between Christianity and Islam to 1500: Describe the decline of Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula and the subsequent rise of Spanish and Portuguese kingdoms after the Reconquest in 1492. (H)

    • 2.30. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Origins of European Western Expansion and the Civilizations of Central and South America: Explain why European nations sent explorers westward and how overseas expansion led to the growth of commerce and the development of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. (H, E)

    • 2.31. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Origins of European Western Expansion and the Civilizations of Central and South America: Identify the three major pre-Columbian civilizations that existed in Central and South America (Maya, Aztec, and Inca) and their locations. Describe their political structures, religious practices, economies, art and architecture, and use of slaves. (H, G, E)

    • 2.32. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Origins of European Western Expansion and the Civilizations of Central and South America: Identify the major economic, political, and social effects of the European colonial period in South America. (H, E)

    • 2.33. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      African History to 1800: Describe the indigenous religious practices observed by early Africans before contact with Islam and Christianity. (H)

    • 2.34. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      African History to 1800: Explain how extended family/kinship and tribal relationships have shaped indigenous African cultures, and their effects on the political and economic development of African countries. (H, E)

    • 2.35. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      African History to 1800: Describe the different ways in which Islam and Christianity influenced indigenous African cultures. (H)

    • 2.36. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      African History to 1800: Identify the locations and time periods of the empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay. (H, G)

    • 2.37. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      African History to 1800: Describe important political and economic aspects of the African empires (the economies of these empires (gold, salt, and slaves as commodities for trade by African kings)). (H, E)

    • 2.38. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      African History to 1800: Describe important political and economic aspects of the African empires (leaders such as Sundiata and Mansa Musa). (H, E)

    • 2.40. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      African History to 1800: Describe important political and economic aspects of the African empires (Timbuktu as a center of trade and learning). (H, E)

    • 2.41. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      African History to 1800: Describe the development and effects of the trans-African slave trade to the Middle East from the 8th century on, and the trans-Atlantic slave trade to the Western Hemisphere from the 16th century on. (H, E, G)

    • 2.42. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Indian History to 1800: Describe important economic, political, and religious developments in Indian history to 1800 (the origins of Indian civilization in the Indus Valley). (H)

    • 2.43. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Indian History to 1800: Describe important economic, political, and religious developments in Indian history to 1800 (the evolution and central principles of Hinduism). (H)

    • 2.44. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Indian History to 1800: Describe important economic, political, and religious developments in Indian history to 1800 ( the development of the caste system). (H)

    • 2.45. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Indian History to 1800: Describe important economic, political, and religious developments in Indian history to 1800 (the influence of Islam and the rise and fall of the Moghul empire). (H)

    • 2.46. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Indian History to 1800: Describe important economic, political, and religious developments in Indian history to 1800 (artistic and intellectual achievements, including the development of a decimal system). (H)

    • 2.47. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Indian History to 1800: Describe the growth of British influence in India and the emergence of the British Raj. (H)

    • 2.48. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      History of China, Japan, and Korea to 1800: Summarize the major reasons for the continuity of Chinese civilization through the 19th century (the role of kinship and Confucianism in maintaining order and hierarchy). (H)

    • 2.49. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      History of China, Japan, and Korea to 1800: Summarize the major reasons for the continuity of Chinese civilization through the 19th century (the political order established by the various dynasties that ruled China). (H)

    • 2.50. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      History of China, Japan, and Korea to 1800: Summarize the major reasons for the continuity of Chinese civilization through the 19th century (the role of civil servants/scholars in maintaining a stable political and economic order). (H)

    • 2.51. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      History of China, Japan, and Korea to 1800: Describe the growth of commerce and towns in China and the importance of agriculture to the development of the Chinese economy to 1800, including the limited role of slavery. (H)

    • 2.52. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      History of China, Japan, and Korea to 1800: Summarize the major economic, political, and religious developments in Japanese history to 1800 (the evolution of Shinto and Japanese Buddhism). (H)

    • 2.53. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      History of China, Japan, and Korea to 1800: Summarize the major economic, political, and religious developments in Japanese history to 1800 (the development of feudalism). (H)

    • 2.54. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      History of China, Japan, and Korea to 1800: Summarize the major economic, political, and religious developments in Japanese history to 1800 (the rise of the Shoguns and the role of the samurai). (H)

    • 2.55. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      History of China, Japan, and Korea to 1800: Describe Japan's cultural and economic relationship to China and Korea. (H, G)

    • 2.56. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      History of China, Japan, and Korea to 1800: Describe the influence and consequences of Japanese isolationism to 1800. (H, G)

    • 2.57. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      History of China, Japan, and Korea to 1800: Explain how Korea has been both a battleground and a cultural bridge between China and Japan. (H, G)

    • 2.58. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Renaissance and the Reformation in Europe: Describe the origins and development of the Renaissance, including the influence and accomplishments of Machiavelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Shakespeare, and Johannes Gutenberg. (H)

    • 2.59. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Renaissance and the Reformation in Europe: Describe origins and effects of the Protestant Reformation (the reasons for the growing discontent with the Catholic Church, including the main ideas of Martin Luther and John Calvin). (H)

    • 2.60. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Renaissance and the Reformation in Europe: Describe origins and effects of the Protestant Reformation (the spread of Protestantism across Europe, including the reasons and consequences of England's break with the Catholic Church). (H)

    • 2.61. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Renaissance and the Reformation in Europe: Describe origins and effects of the Protestant Reformation (the weakening of a uniform Christian faith). (H)

    • 2.62. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Renaissance and the Reformation in Europe: Describe origins and effects of the Protestant Reformation (the consolidation of royal power). (H)

    • 2.63. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Renaissance and the Reformation in Europe: Explain the purposes and policies of the Catholic Counter-Reformation, including the influence and ideas of Ignatius Loyola. (H)

    • 2.64. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Renaissance and the Reformation in Europe: Explain the role of religion in the wars among European nations in the 15th and 16th centuries. (H)

    • 2.65. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment in Europe: Summarize how the Scientific Revolution and the scientific method led to new theories of the universe and describe the accomplishments of leading figures of the Scientific Revolution, including Bacon, Copernicus, Descartes, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton. (H)

    • 2.66. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment in Europe: Describe the concept of Enlightenment in European history and describe the accomplishments of major Enlightenment thinkers, including Diderot, Kant, Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Voltaire. (H)

    • 2.67. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment in Europe: Explain how the Enlightenment contributed to the growth of democratic principles of government, a stress on reason and progress, and the replacement of a theocentric interpretation of the universe with a secular interpretation. (H)

    • 2.68. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Growth and Decline of Islamic Empires: Describe the expansion of the Ottoman Empire in the 15th and 16th centuries into North Africa, Eastern Europe, and throughout the Middle East. (H, E)

    • 2.69. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Growth and Decline of Islamic Empires: Describe the expansion of Islam into India from the 13th through the 17th century, the role of the Mongols, the rise and fall of the Moghul Empire, and the relationship between Muslims and Hindus. (H, E)

    • 2.70. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History I Learning Standards

      The Growth and Decline of Islamic Empires: Account for the declining strength of the Ottoman Empire beginning in the 17th century, including the failed siege of Vienna in 1683 and the rapid pace of modernization in European economic, political, religious, scientific, and intellectual life resulting from the ideas embedded in the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution. (H, E)

  • MA.3. Domain / General Standard: World History II

    The Rise of the Nation State to the Present: Students study the rise of the nation state in Europe, the French Revolution, and the economic and political roots of the modern world. They study the origins and consequences of the Industrial Revolution, 19th century political reform in Western Europe, and imperialism in Africa, Asia, and South America.

    • 3.1. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Describe the growing consolidation of political power in Europe from 1500 to 1800 as manifested in the rise of nation states ruled by monarchs (the rise of the French monarchy, including the policies and influence of Louis XIV). (H, C, E)

    • 3.2. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Describe the growing consolidation of political power in Europe from 1500 to 1800 as manifested in the rise of nation states ruled by monarchs (the Thirty Years War and the Peace of Westphalia). (H, C, E)

    • 3.3. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Describe the growing consolidation of political power in Europe from 1500 to 1800 as manifested in the rise of nation states ruled by monarchs (the growing power of Russian tsars, including the attempts at Westernization by Peter the Great, the growth of serfdom, and Russia's rise as an important force in Eastern Europe and Asia). (H, C, E)

    • 3.4. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Describe the growing consolidation of political power in Europe from 1500 to 1800 as manifested in the rise of nation states ruled by monarchs (the rise of Prussia). (H, C, E)

    • 3.5. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Describe the growing consolidation of political power in Europe from 1500 to 1800 as manifested in the rise of nation states ruled by monarchs (Poland and Sweden). (H, C, E)

    • 3.6. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Explain why England was the main exception to the growth of absolutism in royal power in Europe (the causes and essential events of the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution of 1688). (H, C)

    • 3.7. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Explain why England was the main exception to the growth of absolutism in royal power in Europe (the effect of the Glorious Revolution on the development of constitutional government and liberty in England, including the importance of the English Bill of Rights and how it limited the power of the monarch to act without the consent of Parliament). (H, C)

    • 3.8. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Summarize the important causes and events of the French Revolution (Causes: the effect of Enlightenment political thought; the influence of the American Revolution; economic troubles and the rising influence of the middle class; government corruption and incompetence); (Events: the role of the Estates General and the National Assembly; the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789; the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen; the execution of Louis XVI in 1793; the Terror; the rise and fall of Napoleon; the Congress of Vienna). (H, C, E)

    • 3.9. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Summarize the major effects of the French Revolution (its contribution to modern nationalism and its relationship to totalitarianism). (H)

    • 3.10. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Summarize the major effects of the French Revolution (the abolition of theocratic absolutism in France). (H)

    • 3.11. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Summarize the major effects of the French Revolution (the abolition of remaining feudal restrictions and obligations). (H)

    • 3.12. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Growth of the Nation State in Europe: Summarize the major effects of the French Revolution (its support for the ideas of popular sovereignty, religious tolerance, and legal equality). (H)

    • 3.13. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Identify the causes of the Industrial Revolution (the rise in agricultural productivity). (H, E)

    • 3.14. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Identify the causes of the Industrial Revolution (transportation improvements such as canals and railroads). (H, E)

    • 3.15. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Identify the causes of the Industrial Revolution (the influence of the ideas of Adam Smith). (H, E)

    • 3.16. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Identify the causes of the Industrial Revolution (new sources of energy such as coal and technological innovations such as the steam engine). (H, E)

    • 3.17. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Summarize the social and economic impact of the Industrial Revolution (the vast increases in productivity and wealth). (H, E)

    • 3.18. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Summarize the social and economic impact of the Industrial Revolution (population and urban growth). (H, E)

    • 3.19. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Summarize the social and economic impact of the Industrial Revolution (the growth of a middle class). (H, E)

    • 3.20. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Summarize the social and economic impact of the Industrial Revolution (problems caused by urbanization and harsh working conditions). (H, E)

    • 3.21. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Describe the rise of unions and socialism, including the ideas and influence of Robert Owen and Karl Marx. (H, E)

    • 3.22. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Describe the rise and significance of antislavery sentiment in Britain, including the abolition of the slave trade by the British Parliament in 1807, the abolition of slavery within the British Empire in 1833, and the role of various antislavery societies. (H)

    • 3.23. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Explain the impact of various social and political reforms and reform movements in Europe (liberalism). (H, C, E)

    • 3.24. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Explain the impact of various social and political reforms and reform movements in Europe (child labor laws, and social legislation such as old age pensions and health and unemployment insurance). (H, C, E)

    • 3.25. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Explain the impact of various social and political reforms and reform movements in Europe (the expansion of voting rights). (H, C, E)

    • 3.26. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Summarize the causes, course, and consequences of the unification of Italy and Germany (Germany's replacement of France as the dominant power in continental Europe). (H)

    • 3.27. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Summarize the causes, course, and consequences of the unification of Italy and Germany (the role of Cavour and Bismarck in the unification of Italy and Germany). (H)

    • 3.28. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Describe the causes of 19th century European imperialism (the desire for economic gain and resources). (H, E)

    • 3.29. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914: Describe the causes of 19th century European imperialism (the missionary impulse and the search for strategic advantage and national pride). (H, E)

    • 3.30. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Indian history in the 19th and early 20th century (the economic and political relationship between India and Britain). (H, E)

    • 3.31. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Indian history in the 19th and early 20th century (the building of roads, canals, railroads, and universities). (H, E)

    • 3.32. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Indian history in the 19th and early 20th century (the rise of Indian nationalism and the influence and ideas of Gandhi). (H, E)

    • 3.33. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (China's explosive population growth between 1750 and 1850). (H, E)

    • 3.34. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (decline of the Manchu dynasty beginning in the late 18th century). (H, E)

    • 3.35. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (growing Western influence). (H, E)

    • 3.36. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (The Opium War). (H, E)

    • 3.37. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (The Taiping rebellion from 1850 to 1864). (H, E)

    • 3.38. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (The Boxer Rebellion). (H, E)

    • 3.39. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Chinese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (Sun Yat-Sen and the 1911 nationalist revolution). (H, E)

    • 3.40. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Japanese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (the Meiji Restoration). (H, E)

    • 3.41. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Japanese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (the abolition of feudalism). (H, E)

    • 3.42. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Japanese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (the borrowing and adaptation of western technology and industrial growth). (H, E)

    • 3.43. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments in Japanese history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (Japan's growing role in international affairs). (H, E)

    • 3.44. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments of African history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (Africa's interaction with imperialism). (H, E)

    • 3.45. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments of African history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (agricultural changes and new patterns of employment). (H, E)

    • 3.46. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify major developments of African history in the 19th and early 20th centuries (the origins of African nationalism). (H, E)

    • 3.47. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify the major developments of Latin American history to the early 20th century (the wars for independence, including the influence and ideas of Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, and the American and French Revolutions). (H, E)

    • 3.48. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify the major developments of Latin American history to the early 20th century (economic and social stratification). (H, E)

    • 3.49. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify the major developments of Latin American history to the early 20th century (the role of the church). (H, E)

    • 3.50. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify the major developments of Latin American history to the early 20th century (the importance of trade). (H, E)

    • 3.51. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify the major developments of Latin American history to the early 20th century (the growing influence of the United States as demonstrated by the Spanish American War and the building of the Panama Canal). (H, E)

    • 3.52. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Asian, African, and Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Identify the major developments of Latin American history to the early 20th century (the Mexican Revolution). (H, E)

    • 3.53. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the relative importance of economic and imperial competition, Balkan nationalism, German militarism and aggression, and the power vacuum in Europe due to the declining power of the Russian, Austrian, and Ottoman Empires in causing World War I. (H, E)

    • 3.54. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the major events and consequences of World War I (physical and economic destruction). (H, E)

    • 3.55. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the major events and consequences of World War I (the League of Nations and attempts at disarmament). (H, E)

    • 3.56. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the major events and consequences of World War I (the collapse of the Romanov dynasty and the subsequent Bolshevik Revolution and Civil War in Russia). (H, E)

    • 3.57. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the major events and consequences of World War I (post-war economic and political instability in Germany). (H, E)

    • 3.58. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the major events and consequences of World War I (the Armenian genocide in Turkey). (H, E)

    • 3.59. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the major events and consequences of World War I (the unprecedented loss of life from prolonged trench warfare). (H, E)

    • 3.60. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the major developments in the Middle East before World War II (the end of the Ottoman Empire). (H, E)

    • 3.61. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the major developments in the Middle East before World War II (the Balfour Declaration of 1917). (H, E)

    • 3.62. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the major developments in the Middle East before World War II (the expulsion of the Greeks from Asia Minor). (H, E)

    • 3.63. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the major developments in the Middle East before World War II (the establishment of a secular Turkish state under Mustafa Kemal Ataturk). (H, E)

    • 3.64. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the major developments in the Middle East before World War II (the establishment of the Kingdom of Transjordan in the eastern part of the Palestine Mandate by the British). (H, E)

    • 3.65. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the major developments in the Middle East before World War II (the growing importance of Middle Eastern oil fields to world politics and the world economy). (H, E)

    • 3.66. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the various causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how governments responded to the Great Depression (restrictive monetary policies). (H, E)

    • 3.67. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the various causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how governments responded to the Great Depression (unemployment and inflation). (H, E)

    • 3.68. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the various causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how governments responded to the Great Depression (political instability). (H, E)

    • 3.69. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the various causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how governments responded to the Great Depression (the influence of the ideas of John Maynard Keynes, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich von Hayek, and Milton Friedman). (H, E)

    • 3.70. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the rise and goals of totalitarianism in Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union, and analyze the policies and main ideas of Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin, and Stalin. (H)

    • 3.71. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the consequences of Soviet communism to 1945 (the establishment of a one-party dictatorship under Lenin). (H, E)

    • 3.72. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the consequences of Soviet communism to 1945 (the suffering in the Soviet Union caused by Stalin's policies of collectivization of agriculture and breakneck industrialization). (H, E)

    • 3.73. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the consequences of Soviet communism to 1945 (the destruction of individual rights and the use of mass terror against the population). (H, E)

    • 3.74. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the consequences of Soviet communism to 1945 (the Soviet Union's emergence as an industrial power). (H, E)

    • 3.75. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire in the 1930s (Italy's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935). (H)

    • 3.76. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire in the 1930s (the Japanese invasion of China and the Rape of Nanking). (H)

    • 3.77. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire in the 1930s (Germany's militarization of the Rhineland, annexation of Austria, and aggression against Czechoslovakia, the Stalin-Hitler Pact of 1939, and the German attack on Poland). (H)

    • 3.78. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Summarize the key battles and events of World War II (The German conquest of continental Europe; The Battle of Britain; Pearl Harbor; The Bataan Death March; El Alamein; Midway ; Stalingrad; D-Day; Battle of the Bulge; Iwo Jima; Okinawa). (H)

    • 3.79. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Identify the goals, leadership, and post-war plans of the allied leaders (Winston Churchill; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Joseph Stalin). (H)

    • 3.80. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe the background, course, and consequences of the Holocaust, including its roots in the long tradition of Christian anti-Semitism, 19th century ideas about race and nation, and Nazi dehumanization of the Jews. (H)

    • 3.81. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Explain the reasons for the dropping of atom bombs on Japan and its short and long-term effects. (H)

    • 3.82. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Explain the consequences of World War II (physical and economic destruction). (H, E)

    • 3.83. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Explain the consequences of World War II (the enormous loss of life, including millions of civilians through the bombing of population centers and the slaughter of political opponents and ethnic minorities). (H, E)

    • 3.84. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Explain the consequences of World War II (support in Europe for political reform and decolonization). (H, E)

    • 3.85. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Explain the consequences of World War II (the emergence of the U.S. and the Soviet Union as the world's two superpowers). (H, E)

    • 3.86. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Great Wars, 1914-1945: Describe reasons for the establishment of the United Nations in 1945 and summarize the main ideas of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (H)

    • 3.87. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Summarize the factors that contributed to the Cold War, including Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe and the differences between democracy and communism. (H, C)

    • 3.88. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the policy of containment, including the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO, as America's response to Soviet expansionist policies. (H)

    • 3.89. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (the Korean War). (H)

    • 3.90. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (the emergence of the People's Republic of China as a major power). (H)

    • 3.91. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (the 1956 uprising in Hungary). (H)

    • 3.92. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (Soviet-U.S. competition in the Middle East). (H)

    • 3.93. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (conflicts involving Cuba and Berlin). (H)

    • 3.94. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (the Vietnam War). (H)

    • 3.95. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (the 'Prague Spring'). (H)

    • 3.96. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (arms control agreements (including the ABM and SALT treaties) and detente under Nixon). (H)

    • 3.97. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era (the Soviet war in Afghanistan). (H)

    • 3.98. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the Chinese Civil War, the rise of Mao Tse-tung, and the triumph of the Communist Revolution in China in 1949. (H)

    • 3.99. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Identify the political and economic upheavals in China after the Chinese Revolution (Communist Party attempts to eliminate internal opposition). (H, E)

    • 3.100. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Identify the political and economic upheavals in China after the Chinese Revolution (the Great Leap Forward and its consequences (famine)). (H, E)

    • 3.101. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Identify the political and economic upheavals in China after the Chinese Revolution (the Cultural Revolution and its consequences (the terror of the Red Guards and the expansion of labor camps)). (H, E)

    • 3.102. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Identify the political and economic upheavals in China after the Chinese Revolution (the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstration). (H, E)

    • 3.103. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Identify the political and economic upheavals in China after the Chinese Revolution (China's economic modernization and its growing involvement in world trade). (H, E)

    • 3.104. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the global surge in economic productivity during the Cold War and describe its consequences (the rise in living standards; the economic recovery and development of Germany and Japan). (H, E)

    • 3.105. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the various factors that contributed to post-World War II economic and population growth (the long post-war peace between democratic nations). (H, E)

    • 3.106. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the various factors that contributed to post-World War II economic and population growth (the policies of international economic organizations). (H, E)

    • 3.107. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the various factors that contributed to post-World War II economic and population growth (scientific, technological, and medical advances). (H, E)

    • 3.108. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe how the work of scientists in the 20th century influenced historical events, changed the lives of the general populace, and led to further scientific research (Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity). (H)

    • 3.109. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe how the work of scientists in the 20th century influenced historical events, changed the lives of the general populace, and led to further scientific research (Enrico Fermi, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Edward Teller, and nuclear energy). (H)

    • 3.110. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe how the work of scientists in the 20th century influenced historical events, changed the lives of the general populace, and led to further scientific research (Wernher von Braun and space exploration). (H)

    • 3.111. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe how the work of scientists in the 20th century influenced historical events, changed the lives of the general populace, and led to further scientific research (Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine). (H)

    • 3.112. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe how the work of scientists in the 20th century influenced historical events, changed the lives of the general populace, and led to further scientific research (James Watson, Francis Crick, the discovery of DNA, and the Human Genome Project). (H)

    • 3.113. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Describe the development and goals of nationalist movements in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, including the ideas and importance of nationalist leaders (Fidel Castro (Cuba); Patrice Lumumba (Congo); Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam); Gamal Abdel Nasser (Egypt); Jawaharlal Nehru (India); Juan Peron (Argentina)). (H)

    • 3.114. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab world (the growth of Zionism, and 19th and early 20th century immigration by Eastern European Jews to Palestine). (H)

    • 3.115. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab world (anti-Semitism and the Holocaust). (H)

    • 3.116. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab world (the UN vote in 1947 to partition the western part of the Palestine Mandate into two independent countries). (H)

    • 3.117. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab world (the rejection of surrounding Arab countries of the UN decision and the invasion of Israel by Arab countries). (H)

    • 3.118. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab world (the 1967 and 1973 wars between Israel and neighboring Arab states). (H)

    • 3.119. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      Cold War Era, 1945-1989: Explain the background for the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent military and political conflicts between Israel and the Arab world (the attempts to secure peace between Palestinians and Israelis). (H)

    • 3.120. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Identify the causes for the decline and collapse of the Soviet Union and the communist regimes of Eastern Europe (the weaknesses of the Soviet command economy). (H, E)

    • 3.121. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Identify the causes for the decline and collapse of the Soviet Union and the communist regimes of Eastern Europe (the burdens of Soviet military commitments). (H, E)

    • 3.122. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Identify the causes for the decline and collapse of the Soviet Union and the communist regimes of Eastern Europe (the anticommunist policies of President Reagan). (H, E)

    • 3.123. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Identify the causes for the decline and collapse of the Soviet Union and the communist regimes of Eastern Europe (the resistance to communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe). (H, E)

    • 3.124. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the role of various leaders in transforming the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (Mikhail Gorbachev; Vaclav Havel; Andrei Sakharov; Aleksander Solzhenitsyn; Lech Walesa). (H, C)

    • 3.125. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Analyze the consequences of the Soviet Union's breakup (the development of market economies). (H, E)

    • 3.126. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Analyze the consequences of the Soviet Union's breakup (political and social instability). (H, E)

    • 3.127. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Analyze the consequences of the Soviet Union's breakup ( the danger of the spread of nuclear technology and other technologies of mass destruction to rogue states and terrorist organizations). (H, E)

    • 3.128. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Identify the sources of ethnic and religious conflicts in the following nations and regions (Northern Ireland; the Balkans; Sudan and Rwanda; Sri Lanka; Kashmir). (H)

    • 3.129. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the reasons for the fall of apartheid in South Africa, including the influence and ideas of Nelson Mandela. (H)

    • 3.130. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the social and economic effects of the spread of AIDS in Asian and African countries. (H)

    • 3.131. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain how the computer revolution contributed to economic growth and advances in science, medicine, and communication. (H)

    • 3.132. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades (the weakness and fragility of the oil-rich Persian Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and others). (H, E)

    • 3.133. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades (the Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979). (H, E)

    • 3.134. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades (defeat of the Soviet Union by the Mujahideen in Afghanistan). (H, E)

    • 3.135. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades (the origins of the Persian Gulf War and the post-war actions of Saddam Hussein). (H, E)

    • 3.136. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades (the financial support of radical and terrorist organizations by the Saudis). (H, E)

    • 3.137. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades (the increase in terrorist attacks against Israel and the United States). (H, E)

    • 3.138. Learning Standard / Outcome: World History II Learning Standards

      The Contemporary World, 1989-2001: Describe America's response to and the wider consequences of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. (H)

  • MA.4. Domain / General Standard: U.S. History I

    The Revolution through Reconstruction, 1763-1877: Students examine the historical and intellectual origins of the United States during the Revolutionary and Constitutional eras. They learn about the important political and economic factors that contributed to the outbreak of the Revolution as well as the consequences of the Revolution, including the writing and key ideas of the U.S. Constitution.

    • 4.1. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Political and Intellectual Origins of the American Nation: the Revolution and the Constitution, 1763-1789: Explain the political and economic factors that contributed to the American Revolution (the impact on the colonies of the French and Indian War, including how the war led to an overhaul of British imperial policy from 1763 to 1775). (H, C)

    • 4.2. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Political and Intellectual Origins of the American Nation: the Revolution and the Constitution, 1763-1789: Explain the political and economic factors that contributed to the American Revolution (how freedom from European feudalism and aristocracy and the widespread ownership of property fostered individualism and contributed to the Revolution). (H, C)

    • 4.3. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Political and Intellectual Origins of the American Nation: the Revolution and the Constitution, 1763-1789: Explain the historical and intellectual influences on the American Revolution and the formation and framework of the American government (the legacy of ancient Greece and Rome). (H, C)

    • 4.4. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Political and Intellectual Origins of the American Nation: the Revolution and the Constitution, 1763-1789: Explain the historical and intellectual influences on the American Revolution and the formation and framework of the American government (the political theories of such European philosophers as Locke and Montesquieu). (H, C)

    • 4.5. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Political and Intellectual Origins of the American Nation: the Revolution and the Constitution, 1763-1789: Explain the influence and ideas of the Declaration of Independence and the political philosophy of Thomas Jefferson. (H, C)

    • 4.6. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Political and Intellectual Origins of the American Nation: the Revolution and the Constitution, 1763-1789: Analyze how Americans resisted British policies before 1775 and analyze the reasons for the American victory and the British defeat during the Revolutionary war. (H)

    • 4.7. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Political and Intellectual Origins of the American Nation: the Revolution and the Constitution, 1763-1789: Explain the role of Massachusetts in the revolution, including important events that took place in Massachusetts and important leaders from Massachusetts (the Boston Massacre; the Boston Tea Party; the Battles of Lexington and Concord and Bunker Hill; Sam Adams, John Adams, and John Hancock). (H)

    • 4.8. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Political and Intellectual Origins of the American Nation: the Revolution and the Constitution, 1763-1789: Explain the reasons for the adoption of the Articles of Confederation in 1781, including why its drafters created a weak central government; analyze the shortcomings of the national government under the Articles; and describe the crucial events (e.g., Shays's rebellion) leading to the Constitutional Convention. (H, C)

    • 4.9. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Political and Intellectual Origins of the American Nation: the Revolution and the Constitution, 1763-1789: Explain the roles of various founders at the Constitutional Convention. Describe the major debates that occurred at the Convention and the 'Great Compromise' that was reached (Major Debates: the distribution of political power; the rights of individuals; the rights of states; slavery); (Founders: Benjamin Franklin; Alexander Hamilton; James Madison; George Washington). (H, C)

    • 4.10. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Political and Intellectual Origins of the American Nation: the Revolution and the Constitution, 1763-1789: Describe the debate over the ratification of the Constitution between Federalists and Anti-Federalists and explain the key ideas contained in the Federalist Papers on federalism, factions, checks and balances, and the importance of an independent judiciary. (H, C)

    • 4.11. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Political and Intellectual Origins of the American Nation: the Revolution and the Constitution, 1763-1789: Explain the reasons for the passage of the Bill of Rights (the influence of the British concept of limited government). (H, C)

    • 4.12. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Political and Intellectual Origins of the American Nation: the Revolution and the Constitution, 1763-1789: Explain the reasons for the passage of the Bill of Rights (the particular ways in which the Bill of Rights protects basic freedoms, restricts government power, and ensures rights to persons accused of crimes). (H, C)

    • 4.13. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Political and Intellectual Origins of the American Nation: the Revolution and the Constitution, 1763-1789: On a map of North America, identify the first 13 states to ratify the Constitution. (H, G)

    • 4.14. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Formation and Framework of American Democracy: Describe the purpose and functions of government. (H, C)

    • 4.15. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Formation and Framework of American Democracy: Explain and provide examples of different forms of government, including democracy, monarchy, oligarchy, theocracy, and autocracy. (H, C)

    • 4.16. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Formation and Framework of American Democracy: Explain why the United States government is classified as a democratic government. (H, C)

    • 4.17. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Formation and Framework of American Democracy: Explain the characteristics of American democracy, including the concepts of popular sovereignty and constitutional government, which includes representative institutions, federalism, separation of powers, shared powers, checks and balances, and individual rights. (H, C)

    • 4.18. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Formation and Framework of American Democracy: Explain the varying roles and responsibilities of federal, state, and local governments in the United States. (H, C)

    • 4.19. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Formation and Framework of American Democracy: Describe the evolution of the role of the federal government, including public services, taxation, economic policy, foreign policy, and common defense. (H, C)

    • 4.20. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Formation and Framework of American Democracy: Explain the major components of Massachusetts' state government, including the roles and functions of the governor, state legislature, and other constitutional officers. (H, C)

    • 4.21. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Formation and Framework of American Democracy: Explain the major components of local government in Massachusetts, including the roles and functions of school committees, town meetings, boards of selectmen, mayors, and city councils. (H, C)

    • 4.22. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Formation and Framework of American Democracy: Explain the rights and the responsibilities of citizenship and describe how a democracy provides opportunities for citizens to participate in the political process through elections, political parties, and interest groups. (H, C)

    • 4.23. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Formation and Framework of American Democracy: Explain the evolution and function of political parties, including their role in federal, state, and local elections. (H, C)

    • 4.24. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Formation and Framework of American Democracy: Describe how decisions are made in a democracy, including the role of legislatures, courts, executives, and the public. (H, C)

    • 4.25. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Summarize the major policies and political developments that took place during the presidencies of George Washington (1789-1797), John Adams (1797-1801), and Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) (the origins of the Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties in the 1790s). (H, C)

    • 4.26. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Summarize the major policies and political developments that took place during the presidencies of George Washington (1789-1797), John Adams (1797-1801), and Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) (the conflicting ideas of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton). (H, C)

    • 4.27. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Summarize the major policies and political developments that took place during the presidencies of George Washington (1789-1797), John Adams (1797-1801), and Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) (the Alien and Sedition Acts). (H, C)

    • 4.28. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Summarize the major policies and political developments that took place during the presidencies of George Washington (1789-1797), John Adams (1797-1801), and Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) (the Louisiana Purchase). (H, C)

    • 4.29. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Analyze the rising levels of political participation and the expansion of suffrage in antebellum America. (C, H)

    • 4.30. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Describe the election of 1828, the importance of Jacksonian democracy, and Jackson's actions as President (the spoils system; Jackson's veto of the National Bank; Jackson's policy of Indian Removal). (H)

    • 4.31. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Trace the influence and ideas of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall and the importance of the doctrine of judicial review as manifested in Marbury v. Madison (1803). (H, C)

    • 4.32. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Describe the causes, course, and consequences of America's westward expansion and its growing diplomatic assertiveness. Use a map of North America to trace America's expansion to the Civil War, including the location of the Santa Fe and Oregon trails (the War of 1812). (H, E, G)

    • 4.33. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Describe the causes, course, and consequences of America's westward expansion and its growing diplomatic assertiveness. Use a map of North America to trace America's expansion to the Civil War, including the location of the Santa Fe and Oregon trails (the purchase of Florida in 1819). (H, E, G)

    • 4.34. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Describe the causes, course, and consequences of America's westward expansion and its growing diplomatic assertiveness. Use a map of North America to trace America's expansion to the Civil War, including the location of the Santa Fe and Oregon trails (the 1823 Monroe Doctrine). (H, E, G)

    • 4.35. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Describe the causes, course, and consequences of America's westward expansion and its growing diplomatic assertiveness. Use a map of North America to trace America's expansion to the Civil War, including the location of the Santa Fe and Oregon trails (the Cherokees' Trail of Tears). (H, E, G)

    • 4.36. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Describe the causes, course, and consequences of America's westward expansion and its growing diplomatic assertiveness. Use a map of North America to trace America's expansion to the Civil War, including the location of the Santa Fe and Oregon trails (the annexation of Texas in 1845). (H, E, G)

    • 4.37. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Describe the causes, course, and consequences of America's westward expansion and its growing diplomatic assertiveness. Use a map of North America to trace America's expansion to the Civil War, including the location of the Santa Fe and Oregon trails (the concept of Manifest Destiny and its relationship to westward expansion). (H, E, G)

    • 4.38. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Describe the causes, course, and consequences of America's westward expansion and its growing diplomatic assertiveness. Use a map of North America to trace America's expansion to the Civil War, including the location of the Santa Fe and Oregon trails (the acquisition of the Oregon Territory in 1846). (H, E, G)

    • 4.39. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Describe the causes, course, and consequences of America's westward expansion and its growing diplomatic assertiveness. Use a map of North America to trace America's expansion to the Civil War, including the location of the Santa Fe and Oregon trails (the territorial acquisitions resulting from the Mexican War). (H, E, G)

    • 4.40. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Describe the causes, course, and consequences of America's westward expansion and its growing diplomatic assertiveness. Use a map of North America to trace America's expansion to the Civil War, including the location of the Santa Fe and Oregon trails (the search for gold in California). (H, E, G)

    • 4.41. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Political Democratization, Westward Expansion, and Diplomatic Developments, 1790-1860: Describe the causes, course, and consequences of America's westward expansion and its growing diplomatic assertiveness. Use a map of North America to trace America's expansion to the Civil War, including the location of the Santa Fe and Oregon trails (the Gadsden Purchase of 1854). (H, E, G)

    • 4.42. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Economic Growth in the North and South, 1800-1860: Explain the importance of the Transportation Revolution of the 19th century (the building of canals, roads, bridges, turnpikes, steamboats, and railroads), including the stimulus it provided to the growth of a market economy. (H, E)

    • 4.43. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Economic Growth in the North and South, 1800-1860: Explain the emergence and impact of the textile industry in New England and industrial growth generally throughout antebellum America (the technological improvements and inventions that contributed to industrial growth). (H, E)

    • 4.44. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Economic Growth in the North and South, 1800-1860: Explain the emergence and impact of the textile industry in New England and industrial growth generally throughout antebellum America (the causes and impact of the wave of immigration from Northern Europe to America in the 1840s and 1850s). (H, E)

    • 4.45. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Economic Growth in the North and South, 1800-1860: Explain the emergence and impact of the textile industry in New England and industrial growth generally throughout antebellum America (the rise of a business class of merchants and manufacturers). (H, E)

    • 4.46. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Economic Growth in the North and South, 1800-1860: Explain the emergence and impact of the textile industry in New England and industrial growth generally throughout antebellum America (the roles of women in New England textile factories). (H, E)

    • 4.47. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Economic Growth in the North and South, 1800-1860: Describe the rapid growth of slavery in the South after 1800 and analyze slave life and resistance on plantations and farms across the South, as well as the impact of the cotton gin on the economics of slavery and Southern agriculture. (H)

    • 4.48. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Social, Political, and Religious Change, 1800-1860: Summarize the growth of the American education system and Horace Mann's campaign for free compulsory public education. (H)

    • 4.49. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Social, Political, and Religious Change, 1800-1860: Describe the formation of the abolitionist movement, the roles of various abolitionists, and the response of southerners and northerners to abolitionism (Frederick Douglass; William Lloyd Garrison; Sojourner Truth; Harriet Tubman; Theodore Weld). (H)

    • 4.50. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Social, Political, and Religious Change, 1800-1860: Describe important religious trends that shaped antebellum America (the increase in the number of Protestant denominations). (H)

    • 4.51. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Social, Political, and Religious Change, 1800-1860: Describe important religious trends that shaped antebellum America (the Second Great Awakening). (H)

    • 4.52. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Social, Political, and Religious Change, 1800-1860: Describe important religious trends that shaped antebellum America (the influence of these trends on the reaction of Protestants to the growth of Catholic immigration). (H)

    • 4.53. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Social, Political, and Religious Change, 1800-1860: Analyze the goals and effect of the antebellum women's suffrage movement (the 1848 Seneca Falls convention; Susan B. Anthony; Margaret Fuller; Lucretia Mott; Elizabeth Cady Stanton). (H)

    • 4.54. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      Social, Political, and Religious Change, 1800-1860: Analyze the emergence of the Transcendentalist movement through the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. (H)

    • 4.55. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Describe how the different economies and cultures of the North and South contributed to the growing importance of sectional politics in the early 19th century. (H)

    • 4.56. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Summarize the critical developments leading to the Civil War (the Missouri Compromise (1820)). (H)

    • 4.57. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Summarize the critical developments leading to the Civil War (the South Carolina Nullification Crisis (1832-1833)). (H)

    • 4.58. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Summarize the critical developments leading to the Civil War (the Wilmot Proviso (1846)). (H)

    • 4.59. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Summarize the critical developments leading to the Civil War (the Compromise of 1850). (H)

    • 4.60. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Summarize the critical developments leading to the Civil War (the publication of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (1851-1852)). (H)

    • 4.61. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Summarize the critical developments leading to the Civil War (the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)). (H)

    • 4.62. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Summarize the critical developments leading to the Civil War (the Dred Scott Supreme Court case (1857)). (H)

    • 4.63. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Summarize the critical developments leading to the Civil War (the Lincoln-Douglas debates (1858)). (H)

    • 4.64. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Summarize the critical developments leading to the Civil War (John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry (1859)). (H)

    • 4.65. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Summarize the critical developments leading to the Civil War (the election of Abraham Lincoln (1860)). (H)

    • 4.66. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: On a map of North America, identify Union and Confederate States at the outbreak of the war. (H, G)

    • 4.67. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Analyze Abraham Lincoln's presidency, the Emancipation Proclamation (1863), his views on slavery, and the political obstacles he encountered. (H, C)

    • 4.68. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Analyze the roles and policies of various Civil War leaders and describe the important Civil War battles and events (Leaders: Jefferson Davis; Ulysses S. Grant; Robert E. Lee); (Battles: the Massachusetts 54th Regiment and the Battle at Fort Wagner; Antietam; Vicksburg; Gettysburg). (H)

    • 4.69. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Provide examples of the various effects of the Civil War (physical and economic destruction). (H, E)

    • 4.70. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Provide examples of the various effects of the Civil War (the increased role of the federal government). (H, E)

    • 4.71. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Provide examples of the various effects of the Civil War (the greatest loss of life on a per capita basis of any U.S. war before or since). (H, E)

    • 4.72. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Explain the policies and consequences of Reconstruction (Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction). (H, C)

    • 4.73. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Explain the policies and consequences of Reconstruction (the impeachment of President Johnson). (H, C)

    • 4.74. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Explain the policies and consequences of Reconstruction (the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments). (H, C)

    • 4.75. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Explain the policies and consequences of Reconstruction (the opposition of Southern whites to Reconstruction). (H, C)

    • 4.76. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Explain the policies and consequences of Reconstruction (the accomplishments and failures of Radical Reconstruction). (H, C)

    • 4.77. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Explain the policies and consequences of Reconstruction (the presidential election of 1876 and the end of Reconstruction). (H, C)

    • 4.78. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Explain the policies and consequences of Reconstruction (the rise of Jim Crow laws). (H, C)

    • 4.79. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. History I Learning Standards

      The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877: Explain the policies and consequences of Reconstruction (the Supreme Court case, Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)). (H, C)

  • MA.5. Domain / General Standard: U.S. History II

    Reconstruction to the Present, 1877-2001: Students will analyze the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution and America's growing role in diplomatic relations. Students will study the goals and accomplishments of the Progressive movement and the New Deal. Students will also learn about the various factors that led to America's entry into World War II as well as the consequences of World War II on American life.

    • 5.1. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Explain the various causes of the Industrial Revolution (the economic impetus provided by the Civil War). (H, E)

    • 5.2. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Explain the various causes of the Industrial Revolution (important technological and scientific advances). (H, E)

    • 5.3. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Explain the various causes of the Industrial Revolution (the role of business leaders, entrepreneurs, and inventors such as Alexander Graham Bell, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Cornelius Vanderbilt). (H, E)

    • 5.4. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Explain the important consequences of the Industrial Revolution (the growth of big business; environmental impact; the expansion of cities). (H, E)

    • 5.5. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Describe the causes of the immigration of Southern and Eastern Europeans, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese to America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and describe the major roles of these immigrants in the industrialization of America. (H)

    • 5.6. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Analyze the causes of the continuing westward expansion of the American people after the Civil War and the impact of this migration on the Indians. (H)

    • 5.7. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Explain the formation and goals of unions as well as the rise of radical political parties during the Industrial era (the Knights of Labor). (H, E)

    • 5.8. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Explain the formation and goals of unions as well as the rise of radical political parties during the Industrial era (the American Federation of Labor headed by Samuel Gompers). (H, E)

    • 5.9. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Explain the formation and goals of unions as well as the rise of radical political parties during the Industrial era (the Populist Party). (H, E)

    • 5.10. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Explain the formation and goals of unions as well as the rise of radical political parties during the Industrial era (the Socialist Party headed by Eugene Debs). (H, E)

    • 5.11. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Analyze the causes and course of America's growing role in world affairs from the Civil War to World War I (the influence of the ideas associated with Social Darwinism). (H, E)

    • 5.12. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Analyze the causes and course of America's growing role in world affairs from the Civil War to World War I (the purchase of Alaska from Russia). (H, E)

    • 5.13. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Analyze the causes and course of America's growing role in world affairs from the Civil War to World War I (America's growing influence in Hawaii leading to annexation). (H, E)

    • 5.14. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Analyze the causes and course of America's growing role in world affairs from the Civil War to World War I (the Spanish-American War). (H, E)

    • 5.15. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Analyze the causes and course of America's growing role in world affairs from the Civil War to World War I (U.S. expansion into Asia under the Open Door policy). (H, E)

    • 5.16. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Analyze the causes and course of America's growing role in world affairs from the Civil War to World War I (President Roosevelt's Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine). (H, E)

    • 5.17. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Analyze the causes and course of America's growing role in world affairs from the Civil War to World War I (America's role in the building of the Panama Canal). (H, E)

    • 5.18. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Analyze the causes and course of America's growing role in world affairs from the Civil War to World War I (President Taft's Dollar Diplomacy). (H, E)

    • 5.19. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Analyze the causes and course of America's growing role in world affairs from the Civil War to World War I (President Wilson's intervention in Mexico). (H, E)

    • 5.20. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Analyze the causes and course of America's growing role in world affairs from the Civil War to World War I (American entry into World War I). (H, E)

    • 5.21. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Industrial America and Its Emerging Role in International Affairs, 1870-1920: Explain the course and significance of President Wilson's wartime diplomacy, including his Fourteen Points, the League of Nations, and the failure of the Versailles treaty. (H)

    • 5.22. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Analyze the origins of Progressivism and important Progressive leaders, and summarize the major accomplishments of Progressivism (People: Jane Addams; William Jennings Bryan; John Dewey; Robert La Follette; President Theodore Roosevelt; Upton Sinclair; President William H. Taft; Ida Tarbell; President Woodrow Wilson); (Policies: bans against child labor; the initiative referendum and its recall; the Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890); the Pure Food and Drug Act (1906); the Meat Packing Act (1906); the Federal Reserve Act (1913); the Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914); the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920). (H, E)

    • 5.23. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Analyze the post-Civil War struggles of African Americans and women to gain basic civil rights (Carrie Chapman Catt; W.E.B. Du Bois; Marcus Garvey; the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Alice Paul; Booker T. Washington). (H)

    • 5.24. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Describe how the battle between traditionalism and modernity manifested itself in the major historical trends and events after World War I and throughout the 1920s (the Boston police strike in 1919). (H)

    • 5.25. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Describe how the battle between traditionalism and modernity manifested itself in the major historical trends and events after World War I and throughout the 1920s (the Red Scare and Sacco and Vanzetti). (H)

    • 5.26. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Describe how the battle between traditionalism and modernity manifested itself in the major historical trends and events after World War I and throughout the 1920s (racial and ethnic tensions). (H)

    • 5.27. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Describe how the battle between traditionalism and modernity manifested itself in the major historical trends and events after World War I and throughout the 1920s (the Scopes Trial and the debate over Darwin's On the Origins of Species). (H)

    • 5.28. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Describe how the battle between traditionalism and modernity manifested itself in the major historical trends and events after World War I and throughout the 1920s (Prohibition). (H)

    • 5.29. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Describe the various causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how Americans responded to the Great Depression (restrictive monetary policies). (H, E)

    • 5.30. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Describe the various causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how Americans responded to the Great Depression (unemployment). (H, E)

    • 5.31. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Describe the various causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how Americans responded to the Great Depression (support for political and economic reform). (H, E)

    • 5.32. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Describe the various causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how Americans responded to the Great Depression (the influence of the ideas of John Maynard Keynes, and the critique of centralized economic planning and management by Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich von Hayek, and Milton Friedman). (H, E)

    • 5.33. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Analyze the important policies, institutions, and personalities of the New Deal era (People: President Herbert Hoover; President Franklin D. Roosevelt; Eleanor Roosevelt; Huey Long; Charles Coughlin); (Policies: the establishment of: the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; the Securities and Exchange Commission; the Tennessee Valley Authority; the Social Security Act, the National Labor Relations Act; the Works Progress Administration; the Fair Labor Standards Act); (Institutions: the American Federation of Labor; the Congress of Industrial Organizations; the American Communist Party). (H)

    • 5.34. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Explain how the Great Depression and the New Deal affected American society (the increased importance of the federal government in establishing economic and social policies). (H)

    • 5.35. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Age of Reform: Progressivism and the New Deal, 1900-1940: Explain how the Great Depression and the New Deal affected American society (the emergence of a 'New Deal coalition' consisting of African Americans, blue-collar workers, poor farmers, Jews, and Catholics). (H)

    • 5.36. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      World War II, 1939-1945: Explain the strength of American isolationism after World War I and analyze its impact on U.S. foreign policy. (H)

    • 5.37. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      World War II, 1939-1945: Analyze how German aggression in Europe and Japanese aggression in Asia contributed to the start of World War II and summarize the major battles and events of the war. On a map of the world, locate the Allied powers (Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States) and Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) (Fascism in Germany and Italy). (H)

    • 5.38. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      World War II, 1939-1945: Analyze how German aggression in Europe and Japanese aggression in Asia contributed to the start of World War II and summarize the major battles and events of the war. On a map of the world, locate the Allied powers (Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States) and Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) (German rearmament and militarization of the Rhineland). (H)

    • 5.39. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      World War II, 1939-1945: Analyze how German aggression in Europe and Japanese aggression in Asia contributed to the start of World War II and summarize the major battles and events of the war. On a map of the world, locate the Allied powers (Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States) and Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) (Germany's seizure of Austria and Czechoslovakia and Germany's invasion of Poland). (H)

    • 5.40. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      World War II, 1939-1945: Analyze how German aggression in Europe and Japanese aggression in Asia contributed to the start of World War II and summarize the major battles and events of the war. On a map of the world, locate the Allied powers (Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States) and Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) (Japan's invasion of China and the Rape of Nanking). (H)

    • 5.41. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      World War II, 1939-1945: Analyze how German aggression in Europe and Japanese aggression in Asia contributed to the start of World War II and summarize the major battles and events of the war. On a map of the world, locate the Allied powers (Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States) and Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) (Pearl Harbor, Midway, D-Day, Okinawa, the Battle of the Bulge, Iwo Jima, and the Yalta and Potsdam conferences). (H)

    • 5.42. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      World War II, 1939-1945: Explain the reasons for the dropping of atom bombs on Japan and their short and long-term effects. (H)

    • 5.43. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      World War II, 1939-1945: Explain important domestic events that took place during the war (how war-inspired economic growth ended the Great Depression). (H, E)

    • 5.44. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      World War II, 1939-1945: Explain important domestic events that took place during the war (A. Philip Randolph and the efforts to eliminate employment discrimination). (H, E)

    • 5.45. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      World War II, 1939-1945: Explain important domestic events that took place during the war (the entry of large numbers of women into the workforce). (H, E)

    • 5.46. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      World War II, 1939-1945: Explain important domestic events that took place during the war (the internment of West Coast Japanese-Americans in the U.S. and Canada). (H, E)

    • 5.47. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Cold War Abroad, 1945-1989: Analyze the factors that contributed to the Cold War and describe the policy of containment as America's response to Soviet expansionist policies (the differences between the Soviet and American political and economic systems). (H)

    • 5.48. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Cold War Abroad, 1945-1989: Analyze the factors that contributed to the Cold War and describe the policy of containment as America's response to Soviet expansionist policies (Soviet aggression in Eastern Europe). (H)

    • 5.49. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Cold War Abroad, 1945-1989: Analyze the factors that contributed to the Cold War and describe the policy of containment as America's response to Soviet expansionist policies (the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO). (H)

    • 5.50. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Cold War Abroad, 1945-1989: Analyze the sources and, with a map of the world, locate the areas of Cold War conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union (the Korean War; Germany; China; the Middle East; the arms race; Latin America; Africa; the Vietnam War). (H, G)

    • 5.51. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Cold War Abroad, 1945-1989: Explain the causes, course, and consequences of the Vietnam War and summarize the diplomatic and military policies of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon. (H)

    • 5.52. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      The Cold War Abroad, 1945-1989: Analyze how the failure of communist economic policies as well as U.S.-sponsored resistance to Soviet military and diplomatic initiatives contributed to ending the Cold War. (H, E)

    • 5.53. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the causes and consequences of important domestic Cold War trends (economic growth and declining poverty). (H, E)

    • 5.54. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the causes and consequences of important domestic Cold War trends (the baby boom). (H, E)

    • 5.55. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the causes and consequences of important domestic Cold War trends (the growth of suburbs and home-ownership). (H, E)

    • 5.56. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the causes and consequences of important domestic Cold War trends (the increase in education levels). (H, E)

    • 5.57. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the causes and consequences of important domestic Cold War trends (the development of mass media and consumerism). (H, E)

    • 5.58. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the following domestic policies of Presidents Truman and Eisenhower (Truman's Fair Deal; the Taft-Hartley Act (1947); Eisenhower's response to the Soviet's launching of Sputnik; Eisenhower's civil rights record). (H)

    • 5.59. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the roots of domestic anticommunism as well as the origins and consequences of McCarthyism (People: Whittaker Chambers; Alger Hiss; Edgar Hoover; Senator Joseph McCarthy; Julius and Ethel Rosenberg); (Institutions: the American Communist Party (including its close relationship to the Soviet Union); the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)). (H)

    • 5.60. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the origins, goals, and key events of the Civil Rights movement (People: Robert Kennedy; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Thurgood Marshall; Rosa Parks; Malcolm X); (Institution: the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)); (Events: Brown v. Board of Education (1954); the 1955-1956 Montgomery Bus Boycott; the 1957-1958 Little Rock School Crisis; the sit-ins and freedom rides of the early 1960s; the 1963 civil rights protest in Birmingham; the 1963 March on Washington; the 1965 civil rights protest in Selma; the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.). (H)

    • 5.61. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Describe the accomplishments of the civil rights movement (the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act). (H, E)

    • 5.62. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Describe the accomplishments of the civil rights movement (the growth of the African American middle class, increased political power, and declining rates of African American poverty). (H, E)

    • 5.63. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the causes and course of the women's rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s (Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem). (H)

    • 5.64. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the causes and course of the women's rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s (the birth control pill). (H)

    • 5.65. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the causes and course of the women's rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s (the increasing number of working women). (H)

    • 5.66. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the causes and course of the women's rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s (the formation of the National Organization of Women in 1967). (H)

    • 5.67. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the causes and course of the women's rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s (the debate over the Equal Rights Amendment). (H)

    • 5.68. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the causes and course of the women's rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s (the 1973 Supreme Court case, Roe v. Wade). (H)

    • 5.69. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the important domestic policies and events that took place during the presidencies of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon (the space exploration program). (H)

    • 5.70. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the important domestic policies and events that took place during the presidencies of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon (the assassination of President Kennedy). (H)

    • 5.71. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the important domestic policies and events that took place during the presidencies of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon (Johnson's Great Society programs). (H)

    • 5.72. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the important domestic policies and events that took place during the presidencies of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon (Nixon's appeal to 'the silent majority'). (H)

    • 5.73. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the important domestic policies and events that took place during the presidencies of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon (the anti-war and counter-cultural movements). (H)

    • 5.74. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the important domestic policies and events that took place during the presidencies of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon (the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970). (H)

    • 5.75. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Cold War America at Home: Economic Growth and Optimism, Anticommunism, and Reform, 1945-1980: Analyze the important domestic policies and events that took place during the presidencies of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon (the Watergate scandal (including the Supreme Court case, U.S. v. Nixon)). (H)

    • 5.76. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the presidency of Ronald Reagan (tax rate cuts). (H, E)

    • 5.77. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the presidency of Ronald Reagan (anticommunist foreign and defense policies). (H, E)

    • 5.78. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the presidency of Ronald Reagan (Supreme Court appointments). (H, E)

    • 5.79. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the presidency of Ronald Reagan (the revitalization of the conservative movement during Reagan's tenure as President). (H, E)

    • 5.80. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the presidency of Ronald Reagan (the replacement of striking air traffic controllers with non-union personnel). (H, E)

    • 5.81. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Describe some of the major economic and social trends of the late 20th century (the computer and technological revolution of the 1980s and 1990s). (H, E)

    • 5.82. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Describe some of the major economic and social trends of the late 20th century (scientific and medical discoveries). (H, E)

    • 5.83. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Describe some of the major economic and social trends of the late 20th century (major immigration and demographic changes such as the rise in Asian and Hispanic immigration (both legal and illegal)). (H, E)

    • 5.84. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Describe some of the major economic and social trends of the late 20th century (the weakening of the nuclear family and the rise in divorce rates). (H, E)

    • 5.85. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the important domestic policies and events of the Clinton presidency (the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993). (H, E)

    • 5.86. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the important domestic policies and events of the Clinton presidency (President Clinton's welfare reform legislation and expansion of the earned income tax credit). (H, E)

    • 5.87. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the important domestic policies and events of the Clinton presidency (the first balanced budget in more than 25 years). (H, E)

    • 5.88. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the important domestic policies and events of the Clinton presidency (the election in 1994 of the first Republican majority in both the House and Senate in 40 years). (H, E)

    • 5.89. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the important domestic policies and events of the Clinton presidency (tax credits for higher education). (H, E)

    • 5.90. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the important domestic policies and events of the Clinton presidency (the causes and consequences of the impeachment of President Clinton in 1998). (H, E)

    • 5.91. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Explain the importance of the 2000 presidential election (the Supreme Court case, Bush v. Gore; the growing influence of the Republican Party in the South and the consolidation of the Democratic Party's hold on the coasts). (H, C)

    • 5.92. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the course and consequences of America's recent diplomatic initiatives (the invasion of Panama and the Persian Gulf War). (H, C)

    • 5.93. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the course and consequences of America's recent diplomatic initiatives (American intervention in Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Kosovo). (H, C)

    • 5.94. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the course and consequences of America's recent diplomatic initiatives (the attempts to negotiate a settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict). (H, C)

    • 5.95. Learning Standard / Outcome: U.S. II Learning Standards

      Contemporary America, 1980-2001: Analyze the course and consequences of America's recent diplomatic initiatives (America's response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City and on the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.). (H, C)

Maryland: 11th-Grade Standards

Article Body
  • MD.1. Strand / Topic / Standard: Government (Core) Political Systems

    The student will demonstrate an understanding of the historical development and current status of principles, institutions, and processes of political systems.

    • 1.1. Topic / Indicator:

      The student will demonstrate understanding of the structure and functions of government and politics in the United States.

      • 1.1.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze historic documents to determine the basic principles of United States government and apply them to real-world situations.

      • 1.1.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate how the principles of government assist or impede the functioning of government.

      • 1.1.3. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate roles and policies the government has assumed regarding public issues.

      • 1.1.4. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will explain roles and analyze strategies individuals or groups may use to initiate change in governmental policy and institutions.

    • 1.2. Topic / Indicator:

      The student will evaluate how the United States government has maintained a balance between protecting rights and maintaining order.

      • 1.2.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze the impact of landmark Supreme Court decisions on governmental powers, rights, and responsibilities of citizens in our changing society.

      • 1.2.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze legislation designed to protect the rights of individuals and groups and to promote equity in American society.

      • 1.2.3. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate the impact of governmental decisions and actions that have affected the rights of individuals and groups in American society and/or have affected maintaining order and/or safety.

      • 1.2.4. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate the principle of due process.

      • 1.2.5. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze elements, proceedings, and decisions related to criminal and civil law.

  • MD.2. Strand / Topic / Standard: Government (Core) Peoples of the Nation and World

    The student will demonstrate an understanding of the history, diversity, and commonality of the peoples of the nation and world, the reality of human interdependence, and the need for global cooperation, through a perspective that is both historical and multicultural.

    • 2.1. Topic / Indicator:

      The student will evaluate the interdependent relationship of United States politics and government to world affairs.

      • 2.1.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze economic, political, social issues and their affect on foreign policies of the United States.

      • 2.1.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate the effectiveness of international alliances and organizations from the perspective of the United States.

    • 2.2. Topic / Indicator:

      The student will compare and evaluate the effectiveness of the United States system of government and various other political systems.

      • 2.2.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze advantages and disadvantages of various types of governments throughout the world.

  • MD.3. Strand / Topic / Standard: Government (Core) Geography

    The student will demonstrate an understanding of geographic concepts and processes to examine the role of culture, technology, and the environment in the location and distribution of human activities throughout history.

    • 3.1. Topic / Indicator:

      The student will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship of cultural and physical geographic factors in the development of government policy.

      • 3.1.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate demographic factors related to political participation, public policy and government policies.

      • 3.1.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate the role of government in addressing land use and other environmental issues.

      • 3.1.3. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze the roles and relationships of regions on the formation and implementation of government policy.

  • MD.4. Strand / Topic / Standard: Government (Core) Economics

    The student will demonstrate an understanding of the historical development and current status of economic principles, institutions, and processes needed to be effective citizens, consumers, and workers.

    • 4.1. Topic / Indicator:

      The student will demonstrate an understanding of economic principles, institutions, and processes required to formulate government policy.

      • 4.1.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate how governments affect the answers to the basic economic questions of what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce.

      • 4.1.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will utilize the principles of economic costs and benefits and opportunity cost to analyze the effectiveness of government policy in achieving socio-economic goals.

      • 4.1.3. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will examine regulatory agencies and their social, economic, and political impact on the country, a region, or on/within a state.

      • 4.1.4. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate the effectiveness of current monetary and fiscal policy on promoting full employment, price stability, and economic performance.

  • MD.1.0. Strand / Topic / Standard: American Government (VSC) Political Science

    Students will understand the historical development and current status of the fundamental concepts and processes of authority, power, and influence, with particular emphasis on the democratic skills and attitudes necessary to become responsible citizens.

    • 1.A. Topic / Indicator:

      The Foundations and Function of Government

      • 1.A.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate how the principles of government assist or impede the functioning of government (1.1.2).

        • 1.A.1.a. Objective:

          Evaluate the principles of federalism, representative democracy, popular sovereignty, consent of the governed, separation of powers, checks and balances, rule of law, limited government, majority rule and how they protect individual rights and impact the functioning of government

        • 1.A.1.b. Objective:

          Explain how the powers of government are divided and shared on the federal and state levels including delegated, reserved and concurrent powers

        • 1.A.1.c. Objective:

          Analyze the principle of equal protection and how it has affected individual rights

        • 1.A.1.d. Objective:

          Examine the purpose of eminent domain and how it affects citizens rights

        • 1.A.1.e. Objective:

          Describe the formal process for amending the Constitution and why this process is necessary

        • 1.A.1.f. Objective:

          Describe how the Constitution provides for checks and balances, such as Legislative overrides of vetoes, the limitations on the powers of the President and the appointment process (Unit 2)

        • 1.A.1.g. Objective: Explain the powers denied to the national and state governments including

          bills of attainder, ex post facto laws and the suspension of habeas corpus in the Constitution

        • 1.A.1.h. Objective:

          Identify and explain the implied powers of Congress including the Elastic Clause (necessary and proper) and its effects on the functioning of government

        • 1.A.1.i. Objective:

          Describe the bicameral structure, powers and organization of the United States Congress and the Maryland General Assembly

        • 1.A.1.j. Objective:

          Describe legislative tools that can be used during the law making process, such as filibuster, conference committees, and over-riding a veto

        • 1.A.1.k. Objective:

          Examine the powers and functions of local legislative bodies in Maryland, such as county councils, county commissioners, and city councils (Unit 3)

        • 1.A.1.l. Objective:

          Describe the structure, powers and authority of the executive branch on the federal, state, and local levels

        • 1.A.1.m. Objective:

          Analyze the degree to which the powers of the executive branch have changed over time, such as the War Powers Act (1973)

        • 1.A.1.n. Objective:

          Describe the selection process for the president of the United States including the Electoral College (Unit 4)

        • 1.A.1.o. Objective:

          Describe the powers, structure and organization of the Federal and Maryland court systems

        • 1.A.1.p. Objective:

          Explain the difference between original jurisdiction and appellate jurisdiction

        • 1.A.1.q. Objective:

          Explain how judicial review affects the functioning of government

        • 1.A.1.r. Objective:

          Analyze why the United States Supreme Court justices' interpretations of the Constitution change over time

        • 1.A.1.s. Objective:

          Explain the methods of selecting federal justices/judges and Maryland judges (Unit 5)

        • 1.A.1.t. Objective:

          Describe an individual's legal obligations to obey the law, pay taxes, serve on a jury and serve as a witness

        • 1.A.1.u. Objective:

          Describe the election process in the United States including the nominating process, primary and general elections (Unit 7)

      • 1.A.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze historic documents to determine the basic principles of United States government and apply them to real-world situations (1.1.1).

        • 1.A.2.a. Objective:

          Describe the purposes of government, such as protecting individual rights, promoting the common good and providing economic security

        • 1.A.2.b. Objective:

          Evaluate why governments are formed (Unit 1)

        • 1.A.2.c. Objective:

          Examine the fundamental principles of government and law developed by leading philosophers, such as Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu and Rousseau

        • 1.A.2.d. Objective:

          Explain how common law and historic documents, such as Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights and the Mayflower Compact influenced the framers of the Constitution and its development

        • 1.A.2.e. Objective:

          Analyze how the Constitution eliminated the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

        • 1.A.2.f. Objective:

          Examine the ratification process of the Constitution and the arguments that occurred including the view points of the Federalists and the Anti- Federalists

        • 1.A.2.g. Objective:

          Explain the fundamental principles of American government contained in the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, United States Constitution and the Maryland Constitution

        • 1.A.2.h. Objective:

          Analyze the Preamble as the mission statement of the Constitution of the United States

        • 1.A.2.i. Objective:

          Identify the rights in the Bill of Rights and how they protect individuals and limit the power of government

        • 1.A.2.j. Objective:

          Apply the principles of federalism, checks and balances, rule of law, judicial review, separation of powers, consent of the governed and majority rule to real world situations

        • 1.A.2.k. Objective:

          Explain how amendments to the Constitution expand or limit individual civil liberties, such as the 14th Amendment, 18th Amendment & proposed flag burning amendment (Unit 2)

      • 1.A.3. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate roles and policies the government has assumed regarding public issues (1.1.3).

        • 1.A.3.a. Objective:

          Describe how executive departments and agencies enforce governmental policies that address public issues, such as the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) (Unit 4)

        • 1.A.3.b. Objective:

          Analyze significant issues in domestic policy and how they reflect the national interest, values and principles, such as healthcare, high level of security awareness, environmental concerns

        • 1.A.3.c. Objective:

          Analyze the decisions made by the government on domestic issues and their effect on society, such as entitlements, socioeconomic status, individuals with disabilities, welfare reform

        • 1.A.3.d. Objective:

          Evaluate the effects of crime and crime prevention as a public policy issue on government spending, quality of life and campaign issues

        • 1.A.3.e. Objective:

          Evaluate the effect that international, national, and regional interests have on shaping environmental policy, such as logging forested areas, oil drilling, pollution, nuclear power, or alternative energy sources

        • 1.A.3.f. Objective:

          Define public health and health care issues and evaluate existing government policy, such as smoking in public places, Medicare and Medicaid

        • 1.A.3.g. Objective:

          Evaluate censorship of the media and technology as a public policy issue, such as obscene material and mass media, right to privacy, internet filters, hate speech, intellectual property, or invasive technology

        • 1.A.3.h. Objective:

          Describe public policies that promote equity, such as affirmative action, and Higher Education Act Title IX (1972)

        • 1.A.3.i. Objective:

          Describe how the United States provides national and international service programs to meet the critical needs of society, such as AmeriCorps, Peace Corps (Unit 6)

    • 1.B. Topic / Indicator:

      Individual and Group Participation in the Political System

      • 1.B.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will explain roles and analyze strategies individuals or groups may use to initiate change in governmental policy and institutions (1.1.4).

        • 1.B.1.a. Objective:

          Explain how initiative, referendum, and recall are opportunities for individuals and groups to initiate change in state and local government policy

        • 1.B.1.b. Objective:

          Analyze the external factors that influence the law-making process including the roles of the media, lobbyists, Political Action Committees (PACs), special-interest groups, citizens and public opinion (Unit 3)

        • 1.B.1.c. Objective:

          Analyze the role of the media, special-interest groups, and public opinion in influencing the policy and decisions of the executive branch (Unit 4)

        • 1.B.1.d. Objective:

          Evaluate how the media, political parties, special-interest groups, lobbyists, Political Action Committees (PACs) influence public opinion and government policies

        • 1.B.1.e. Objective:

          Evaluate the reliability and influence of the media on elections, elected officials and public opinion

        • 1.B.1.f. Objective:

          Describe the roles of political parties in the United States and how they influence elections, elected officials and public opinion

        • 1.B.1.g. Objective:

          Describe how citizens, candidates, campaigns and campaign financing influence the political process in the United States

        • 1.B.1.h. Objective:

          Analyze the roles of participants in the election process including voting, contributing, and electioneering

        • 1.B.1.i. Objective:

          Analyze how citizens make informed decisions regarding candidates, issues, and policies

        • 1.B.1.j. Objective:

          Describe the importance of being informed on civic issues, volunteering and public service

        • 1.B.1.k. Objective:

          Analyze various methods that individuals or groups may use to influence laws and governmental policies including petitioning, letter writing and acts of civil disobedience (Unit 7)

    • 1.C. Topic / Indicator:

      Protecting Rights and Maintaining Order

      • 1.C.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze the impact of landmark Supreme Court decisions on governmental powers, rights, and responsibilities of citizens in our changing society (1.2.1).

        • 1.C.1.a. Objective:

          Analyze the United States Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison (1803) and the establishment of judicial review

        • 1.C.1.b. Objective:

          Analyze the historical expansion of the powers of the federal government by examining the United States Supreme Court case McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

        • 1.C.1.c. Objective:

          Analyze how the Supreme Court decisions in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) and Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) impacted the rights of individuals

        • 1.C.1.d. Objective:

          Examine the significance of the United States Supreme Court's decisions on the rights of those accused of crimes in the cases Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) and Miranda v. Arizona (1966)

        • 1.C.1.e. Objective:

          Examine the expansion or restriction of student rights in the cases Tinker v. Des Moines School District (1969) and New Jersey v. T.L.O (1985)

        • 1.C.1.f. Objective:

          Examine the impact of United States Supreme Court decisions on minority and civil rights issues, such as Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978)

        • 1.C.1.g. Objective:

          Evaluate the decisions of the United States Supreme Court that have limited or expanded the liberties of citizens, such as Schenck v. U.S.(1919), Gitlow v. New York (1925), Engel v. Vitale (1962), Katz v. U.S. (1967), Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier (1988), Texas v. Johnson (1989) (Unit 5)

      • 1.C.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze legislation designed to protect the rights of individuals and groups and to promote equity in American society (1.2.2).

        • 1.C.2.a. Objective:

          Evaluate the effectiveness of legislation in promoting equity and civil rights, such as the Civil Rights Act (1964), Voting Rights Act (1965), Higher Education Act Title IX (1972), Indian Education Act (1972), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA 1990) and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 1997)

        • 1.C.2.b. Objective:

          Examine immigration policies the government has implemented, such as the Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986) and the Immigration Act of 1990

        • 1.C.2.c. Objective:

          Identify the purpose of affirmative action and explain how the implementation of affirmative action has changed over time (Unit 3)

      • 1.C.3. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate the impact of governmental decisions and actions that have affected the rights of individuals and groups in American society and/or have affected maintaining order and/or safety (1.2.3).

        • 1.C.3.a. Objective:

          Describe the purpose, limitations and impact of executive orders in maintaining order and providing safety for citizens

        • 1.C.3.b. Objective:

          Explain how executive departments and regulatory agencies assist in maintaining order and protecting the safety of the nation, such as the Department of Defense (DOD), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

        • 1.C.3.c. Objective:

          Analyze the impact of national emergencies on the expansion of the powers of the government

        • 1.C.3.d. Objective:

          Analyze the relationship between governmental authority and maintaining order under the rule of law

        • 1.C.3.e. Objective:

          Describe how the governor of Maryland can use executive power to maintain order and safety in the state, such as calling out the National Guard in the case of a natural disaster (Unit 4)

        • 1.C.3.f. Objective:

          Examine the impact of government decisions on individuals and groups, such as approval policies of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), environmental standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), regulations by the Maryland Department of the Environment

        • 1.C.3.g. Objective:

          Evaluate the role of state and national governments concerning issues related to public safety and maintaining order, such as crime prevention, changes in driver's license requirements, seat belt laws, and immunization shots (Unit 6)

      • 1.C.4. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate the principle of due process (1.2.4).

        • 1.C.4.a. Objective:

          Explain the meaning of due process of law as set forth in the Fifth Amendment

        • 1.C.4.b. Objective:

          Explain how procedural due process limits the powers of government and protects the accused

        • 1.C.4.c. Objective:

          Explain why it is necessary to have both substantive and procedural due process

        • 1.C.4.d. Objective:

          Analyze the implications and applications of the Fourteenth Amendment, focusing on the due process and equal protection clauses

        • 1.C.4.e. Objective:

          Explain how the Supreme Court used the incorporation doctrine to expand the influence of the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment in cases, such as Gitlow v. New York (1925), Near v. Minnesota (1931), Mapp v. Ohio (1961) (Unit 5)

      • 1.C.5. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze elements, proceedings, and decisions related to criminal and civil law (1.2.5).

        • 1.C.5.a. Objective:

          Describe the role of the courts in settling disputes between individuals

        • 1.C.5.b. Objective:

          Analyze alternatives to litigation in the United States legal system for maintaining order and resolving conflicts including out-of-court settlements, arbitration and mediation

        • 1.C.5.c. Objective: Identify the elements of civil law including

          plaintiff, defendant, contract, breach of contract, torts, damages, preponderance of evidence, petit jury

        • 1.C.5.d. Objective: Identify the elements of criminal law including

          defendant, prosecutor, reasonable doubt, felony, misdemeanor, grand jury, indictment, probable cause, presumption of innocence, plea bargaining, writ of habeas corpus, subpoena

        • 1.C.5.e. Objective: Compare the proceedings of civil and criminal cases including

          grand jury, petit jury, indictment, standards of proof (beyond a reasonable doubt and preponderance of the evidence), plea bargaining, probable cause, writ of habeas corpus, and subpoena (Unit 5)

  • MD.2.0. Strand / Topic / Standard: American Government (VSC) Peoples of the Nation and World

    Students will understand the diversity and commonality, human interdependence, and global cooperation of the people of Maryland, the United States and the World through both a multicultural and historic perspective.

    • 2.A. Topic / Indicator: Elements of Culture


      • 2.A.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze advantages and disadvantages of various types of governments throughout the world (2.2.1)

        • 2.A.1.a. Objective:

          Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a direct and representative democracy

        • 2.A.1.b. Objective:

          Compare confederate, unitary and federal forms of government and determine how each assists or impedes the functioning of government

        • 2.A.1.c. Objective:

          Compare parliamentary and presidential democracies

        • 2.A.1.d. Objective:

          Describe the characteristics of limited (democratic) and unlimited (authoritarian) governments

        • 2.A.1.e. Objective:

          Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of limited and unlimited political systems

        • 2.A.1.f. Objective:

          Explain how governments with written constitutions are not necessarily constitutional governments which follow the rule of law such as Peoples Republic of China and North Korea (Unit 1)

    • 2.B. Topic / Indicator: Cultural Diffusion

      Foreign Policy

      • 2.B.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze economic, political, social issues and their effect on foreign policies of the United States (2.1.1)

        • 2.B.1.a. Objective:

          Explain how the executive develops and implements foreign policy, such as executive agreements, the appointment of foreign ambassadors and the creation of treaties

        • 2.B.1.b. Objective:

          Evaluate how policies of the executive affect relationships with other countries including alliances for national defense, arms control, economic trade, and social programs (Unit 4)

        • 2.B.1.c. Objective:

          Analyze isolationism v. interventionism in United States foreign policy

        • 2.B.1.d. Objective:

          Evaluate how international issues and interests affect national government policy, such as anti-terrorism policy, protection of human rights and international economic stability

        • 2.B.1.e. Objective:

          Examine how foreign aid affects the United States relationships with other countries

        • 2.B.1.f. Objective:

          Evaluate the goals of United States foreign policy, such as national security, economic stability, promoting the spread of democracy

        • 2.B.1.g. Objective: Analyze the effect of trade and trade policy including

          free trade agreements, embargoes, tariffs and economic sanctions on relationships with other countries

        • 2.B.1.h. Objective:

          Analyze contemporary concerns that affect international relationships and government policies, such as world health, human rights, nation-building, national security and weapons of mass destruction, outsourcing and technology transfer (Unit 6)

    • 2.C. Topic / Indicator:

      Conflict and Compromise

      • 2.C.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate the effectiveness of international alliances and organizations from the perspective of the United States (2.1.2).

        • 2.C.1.a. Objective:

          Explain the various roles of the United Nations (UN) such as maintaining international peace, enforcing international law, addressing human rights violations and solving international problems

        • 2.C.1.b. Objective:

          Explain the role of the International Federation of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent and other agencies, such as United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in addressing humanitarian issues

        • 2.C.1.c. Objective:

          Describe the roles of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank

        • 2.C.1.d. Objective:

          Examine the function and purpose of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

        • 2.C.1.e. Objective:

          Describe the responsibility of the United States as a member of various international organizations including the United Nations (UN), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the World Bank (Unit 6)

  • MD.3.0. Strand / Topic / Standard: American Government (VSC) Geography

    Students will use geographic concepts and processes to examine the role of culture, technology, and the environment in the location and distribution of human activities and spatial connections throughout time.

    • 3.A. Topic / Indicator:

      Using Geographic Tools (not assessed as a part of H.S.A. Government)

      • 3.A.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze geographic issues and problems using geographic concepts

        • 3.A.1.a. Objective:

          Compare climate, land use, natural resources, population distribution, demographic and density maps of Maryland and the United States

    • 3.B. Topic / Indicator:

      Geographic Characteristics of Places and Regions

      • 3.B.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will analyze the roles and relationships of regions on the formation and implementation of government policy (3.1.3).

        • 3.B.1.a. Objective:

          Explain how geographic characteristics and shared interests stimulate regional cooperation between governments

        • 3.B.1.b. Objective:

          Analyze how the population shifts in and between regions affects the formation and implementation of government policy, such as the relocation or loss of industry and urban flight

        • 3.B.1.c. Objective:

          Analyze the importance of regional characteristics and interests including economic development, natural resources, climate and environmental issues in formulating local, state, and national government policy

        • 3.B.1.d. Objective:

          Explain the geographic factors that influence foreign policy and international political relations (Unit 6)

    • 3.C. Topic / Indicator:

      Movement of People, Goods and Ideas

      • 3.C.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate demographic factors related to political participation, public policy and government policies (3.1.1).

        • 3.C.1.a. Objective:

          Evaluate the impact of changing population size on representation in legislative bodies as determined by the United States Census

        • 3.C.1.b. Objective:

          Explain the reasons for reapportionment and its impact on fiscal decisions and representation (Unit 3)

        • 3.C.1.c. Objective:

          Determine the influence demographic factors, such as race, age, education, ethnicity and gender have on voting patterns

        • 3.C.1.d. Objective:

          Analyze patterns, trends, and projections of population in regions and how these may affect the environment, society and government policy

        • 3.C.1.e. Objective:

          Analyze the influence of demographic factors on the formation and implementation of government policy and funding decisions, such as education, health care and social security (Unit 6)

        • 3.C.1.f. Objective:

          Determine the impact of reapportionment and redistricting on individuals, groups, local communities and regions

        • 3.C.1.g. Objective:

          Determine the impact of gerrymandering on groups, communities and the legislative bodies involved

        • 3.C.1.h. Objective:

          Analyze how demographic characteristics of constituents affect the election of representatives and the policy decisions they make (Unit 7)

    • 3.D. Topic / Indicator:

      Modifying and Adapting the Environment

      • 3.D.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate the role of government in addressing land use and other environmental issues (3.1.2).

        • 3.D.1.a. Objective:

          Analyze the affect of legislative decisions on land use and environmental issues

        • 3.D.1.b. Objective:

          Describe how local governments control the use of land and manage growth through zoning laws and/or ordinances (Unit 3)

        • 3.D.1.c. Objective:

          Analyze the role of the state executive branch in addressing land use and environmental issues, such as Smart Growth, deforestation, urban sprawl, pollution, natural disasters, water resources, wetland preservation and critical areas

        • 3.D.1.d. Objective:

          Analyze the role of the state and local governments in addressing land use, such as zoning issues, building moratoriums and wetland preservation (Unit 4)

        • 3.D.1.e. Objective:

          Evaluate the way national, state, and local governments develop policy to address land use and environmental issues, such as urban sprawl, Smart Growth and commercial use of public land (Unit 6)

  • MD.4.0. Strand / Topic / Standard: American Government (VSC) Economics

    Students will develop economic reasoning to understand the historical development and current status of economic principles, institutions, and processes needed to be effective citizens, consumers, and workers participating in local communities, the nation, and the world.

    • 4.A. Topic / Indicator:

      Scarcity and Economic Decision-making

      • 4.A.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will utilize the principles of economic costs and benefits and opportunity cost to analyze the effectiveness of government policy in achieving socio-economic goals (4.1.2).

        • 4.A.1.a. Objective:

          Explain how scarcity and opportunity cost affect government decision-making

        • 4.A.1.b. Objective:

          Explain how governments attempt to prioritize socio-economic goals in response to changing economic, social and political conditions

        • 4.A.1.c. Objective:

          Evaluate the role of government in providing public goods, such as national defense and public education (Unit 1)

        • 4.A.1.d. Objective:

          Explain examples of trade offs that occur within competing socio-economic goals during the budget-creation process at the national, state and local levels, such as economic freedom v. economic equity and security (Unit 4)

        • 4.A.1.e. Objective:

          Evaluate how the principles of economic costs, benefits, and opportunity cost are used to address public policy issues, such as environmental and healthcare concerns (Unit 6)

    • 4.B. Topic / Indicator:

      Economic Systems and the Role of Government in the Economy

      • 4.B.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate how governments affect the answers to the basic economic questions of what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce (4.1.1).

        • 4.B.1.a. Objective:

          Explain how traditional, command and market economies answer the basic economic questions of what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce

        • 4.B.1.b. Objective:

          Describe how governments organize their economic system for the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services

        • 4.B.1.c. Objective:

          Explain how elements of market, command and tradition have shaped the United States' mixed economic system, such as consumer preferences and tariff policies (Unit 1)

      • 4.B.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will examine regulatory agencies and their social, economic, and political impact on the country, a region, or on/within a state (4.1.3).

        • 4.B.2.a. Objective:

          Describe the role of regulatory agencies in carrying out the policies of the executive on the national and state level (Unit 4)

        • 4.B.2.b. Objective: Describe the purpose, roles and responsibilities of regulatory agencies

          Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

        • 4.B.2.c. Objective:

          Analyze how the actions of regulatory agencies address public issues, market failures and monopolies at the local, state and/or national level

        • 4.B.2.d. Objective:

          Examine how other government agencies, such as the Maryland Public Service Commission, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission, Occupational Safety and Health Administration fulfill the obligations of government and respond to issues in society (Unit 6)

      • 4.B.3. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        The student will evaluate the effectiveness of current monetary and fiscal policy on promoting full employment, price stability, and economic performance (4.1.4).

        • 4.B.3.a. Objective:

          Describe the role of the United States Congress and the Maryland General Assembly in developing fiscal policy and the approval of budgets

        • 4.B.3.b. Objective:

          Describe how national, state, and local legislative bodies use taxing and spending to influence the economy

        • 4.B.3.c. Objective:

          Evaluate the effectiveness of fiscal policy in achieving economic growth and employment, such as tax incentives and changes in spending (Unit 3)

        • 4.B.3.d. Objective:

          Analyze the role of the executive on the national, state and local level in the budgetary process

        • 4.B.3.e. Objective:

          Determine how the executive branch influences economic performance by using the tools of fiscal policy including increasing and decreasing taxes and tariffs and/or spending (Unit 4)

        • 4.B.3.f. Objective:

          Describe how the Federal Reserve System uses the three tools of monetary policy, including open market operations, changes in the discount (interest) rate and changes in the reserve requirements to influence the economy

        • 4.B.3.g. Objective:

          Describe the effectiveness of monetary policy in achieving economic growth, full employment and price stability

        • 4.B.3.h. Objective:

          Explain how the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the unemployment rate and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measure economic performance

        • 4.B.3.i. Objective:

          Explain how economic instability, including periods of growth and recession, is a part of the free enterprise system

        • 4.B.3.j. Objective:

          Explain how inflation reduces buying power and may contribute to a slow down in the economy (Unit 6)

  • MD.5.0. Strand / Topic / Standard: U.S. History (VSC) History

    Students will examine significant ideas, beliefs and themes; organize patterns and events; analyze how individuals and societies have changed over time in Maryland and the United States.

    • 5.A. Topic / Indicator:

      Reconstruction and an Expanding America (Reconstruction-1897)

      • 5.A.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze the economic, political and social consequences of Reconstruction (5.1.1).

        • 5.A.1.a. Objective:

          Analyze the political and social impact of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, such as the election of African-Americans to local, state, and federal offices (PS, PNW)

        • 5.A.1.b. Objective:

          Evaluate the power struggle between the executive and legislative branches at the national level during Reconstruction, such as Presidential v. Congressional Reconstruction plans

        • 5.A.1.c. Objective:

          Evaluate the social and economic effects of sharecropping, tenant farming and the Freedman's Bureau in the post Civil War South (PNW, G, E)

        • 5.A.1.d. Objective:

          Analyze the practices, policies and legislation used to deny African-Americans' civil rights, including black codes, lynching, the Ku Klux Klan, voting restrictions, Jim Crow Laws and Plessy v. Ferguson(1896) (PS, PNW, E)

        • 5.A.1.e. Objective:

          Examine African-American responses to the denial of civil rights such as the rise of African-American churches, African-American newspapers, historically black colleges and the responses of individuals, such as Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. DuBois, and Booker T. Washington (PS, PNW)

        • 5.A.1.f. Objective:

          Analyze the economic, political and social factors that influenced the end of Reconstruction, such as northern reluctance to advocate for African-American equality, corruption in government, the Panic of 1873, and the election of 1876 (PS, E)

      • 5.A.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze the factors that led to and characteristics of Industrialization in the late 19th century United States (5.1.2).

        • 5.A.2.a. Objective:

          Analyze the causes of industrialization including improved use of resources, technology, labor, capital and transportation networks (PNW, G, E)

        • 5.A.2.b. Objective:

          Describe laissez-faire attitudes toward capitalism and the changes in the organization of businesses, such as trusts, holding companies, and monopolies and their impact on government policy and regulation (E)

        • 5.A.2.c. Objective:

          Describe new technologies and inventions in agriculture, transportation, communication, manufacturing and the impact on individuals, groups and regions (PNW, G, E)

        • 5.A.2.d. Objective:

          Analyze the shift in government intervention and regulation of the economy, such as protective tariffs, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and the Interstate Commerce Act (PS, E)

        • 5.A.2.e. Objective:

          Evaluate the role of business leaders, such as Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and J.P. Morgan in transforming the United States economy (PNW, E)

      • 5.A.3. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Examine the economic, political and social impact of industrialization (5.1.3).

        • 5.A.3.a. Objective:

          Evaluate the impact of industrialization and laissez-faire policies on workers, such as the National Labor Union, Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor, and the impact of events, such as the Haymarket Riot, Homestead Strike, and the Pullman Strike (PS, PNW, E)

        • 5.A.3.b. Objective:

          Evaluate the impact of industrialization on regional development, settlement patterns and quality of life (PNW, G, E)

        • 5.A.3.c. Objective:

          Evaluate the government and public response to immigrants as a result of industrialization, such as nativism, the Americanization Movement, and immigration restrictions (PS, PNW, G)

        • 5.A.3.d. Objective:

          Describe both the positive and negative functions of political machines and their influence at the state and local level (PS, PNW)

        • 5.A.3.e. Objective:

          Describe the relationship between industrialization and urbanization, such as increased socio-economic stratification, innovations in technology and transportation on urban life (PNW, G, E)

        • 5.A.3.f. Objective:

          Examine the responses to social problems created by industrial growth, such as the Social Gospel movement, the Gospel of Wealth and Social Darwinism (PNW)

        • 5.A.3.g. Objective:

          Evaluate the economic, political and social conditions that prompted the rise of the Populist movement (PS, PNW, E)

      • 5.A.4. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze the causes and consequences of westward expansion (5.1.4).

        • 5.A.4.a. Objective:

          Analyze the factors of westward expansion, including the rise of industrialization, concept of Manifest Destiny, perceptions of overcrowding, opportunities to acquire land, and the discovery of gold and silver (PNW, G, E)

        • 5.A.4.b. Objective:

          Describe the impact of geography and technology on the settlement of the west, such as mining, ranching, lumbering and farming and the environmental consequences (G, E)

        • 5.A.4.c. Objective:

          Evaluate the impact of westward expansion on Native Americans and their responses to the destruction of the buffalo, military conflicts, and the Dawes Severalty Act (1887) (PS, PNW, G)

        • 5.A.4.d. Objective:

          Evaluate the impact of government actions on migration patterns, such as the Homestead Act of 1862, state land grant acts, and the development of the Transcontinental Railroad (PS, G)

        • 5.A.4.e. Objective:

          Describe the experiences of minorities in the west, such as extended rights for African Americans, the mistreatment of Chinese and Irish immigrants, and the extension of political and legal rights to women (PS, PNW, G)

    • 5.B. Topic / Indicator:

      Challenges of a New Century (1898-1929)

      • 5.B.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze the cultural, economic, political, and social impact of the Progressive Movement (5.2.1).

        • 5.B.1.a. Objective:

          Analyze the impact of the muckrakers of the Progressive Movement on child labor reform, workplace conditions and government reforms (PS, PNW, E)

        • 5.B.1.b. Objective:

          Describe local, state and national reforms that addressed political corruption, including secret ballot, referendum, initiative, recall, the city manager, and the direct election of senators (PS)

        • 5.B.1.c. Objective:

          Describe the impact of the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th amendments to the Constitution (PS, PNW, E)

        • 5.B.1.d. Objective:

          Describe the impact of government actions on big business and labor, such as Supreme Court cases and legislation as remedies to problems in society (PS, PNW, E)

        • 5.B.1.e. Objective:

          Analyze the role of presidential power and the shaping of the modern presidency, such as the Square Deal and Roosevelt's response to the 1902 Coal Strike (PS, E)

        • 5.B.1.f. Objective:

          Evaluate how the Progressive movement impacted women and immigrants (PS, PNW)

        • 5.B.1.g. Objective:

          Analyze African American responses to inequality, such as the Niagara Movement, the establishment of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Urban League, and the Universal Negro Improvement Association (PS, PNW, G, E)

        • 5.B.1.h. Objective:

          Analyze conservationism and creation of national parks during the Roosevelt administration (PS, G, E)

        • 5.B.1.i. Objective:

          Explain reasons for the creation of the Federal Reserve System and its influence on the economy of the 1920s (PS, E)

        • 5.B.1.j. Objective:

          Describe the positive and negative impact of the Progressive Era (PS, PNW, E)

      • 5.B.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze United States foreign policy in the era of Imperialism (5.2.2).

        • 5.B.2.a. Objective:

          Describe factors that contributed to imperialism, such as the industrial revolution, racism, a desire to spread Christianity, a desire for naval power, the closing of the American frontier, and the resulting emergence of nationalism/jingoism (PS, G, E)

        • 5.B.2.b. Objective:

          Examine the impact of the Spanish American War, such as the acquisition of new territories (PS, G)

        • 5.B.2.c. Objective:

          Describe the impact of United States policy in Latin America, such as the events leading to the construction of the Panama Canal, the Roosevelt Corollary, Dollar Diplomacy, and Moral Diplomacy (PS, E)

        • 5.B.2.d. Objective:

          Analyze the impact of United States foreign policy in East Asia such as the Open Door Policy, the renewal of the Chinese Exclusion Act (PS, E)

        • 5.B.2.e. Objective:

          Analyze the arguments of Americans who opposed imperialism, such as the Anti-Imperialist League and organized labor (PS, PNW)

        • 5.B.2.f. Objective:

          Analyze the impact of imperialism, empire building and colonization on native societies (PS, PNW, G)

      • 5.B.3. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze United States foreign policies during World War I (5.2.3).

        • 5.B.3.a. Objective:

          Describe the factors leading to World War I, including militarism, the formation of alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (PS, PNW, G, E)

        • 5.B.3.b. Objective:

          Analyze the events leading to United States entry into World War I, including unrestricted submarine warfare, and the Zimmerman Note (PS)

        • 5.B.3.c. Objective:

          Analyze the significance of Woodrow Wilson's foreign policy decisions, including the Fourteen Points and the debate over the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles (PS, PNW)

        • 5.B.3.d. Objective:

          Describe the effects of the Treaty of Versailles, its provisions for reparations, the 'war guilt' clause, the League of Nations and changes in national boundaries on international conflicts after World War I (PS, G)

        • 5.B.3.e. Objective:

          Analyze the impact of United States involvement in World War I on future foreign policy (PS, G)

      • 5.B.4. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze the cultural, economic, political and social changes in society during World War I and throughout the 1920s (5.2.4).

        • 5.B.4.a. Objective:

          Examine the restrictions on civil liberties during World War I (PS, PNW)

        • 5.B.4.b. Objective:

          Describe how World War I led to an increase in nativism and xenophobia in the United States, such as anti- German sentiment, anti-immigration attitudes, anti-Semitism, and the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan (PNW)

        • 5.B.4.c. Objective:

          Describe the political and social consequences of the Red Scare, including the Palmer Raids, immigration restrictions and the Sacco and Vanzetti case (PS, PNW)

        • 5.B.4.d. Objective:

          Examine the connection between Prohibition and the emergence of organized crime (PS, PNW)

        • 5.B.4.e. Objective:

          Describe the tension between fundamentalism and the changing social values, including Prohibition, and the issues surrounding the Scopes Monkey Trial (PS, PNW)

        • 5.B.4.f. Objective:

          Describe the changing social and economic role of women and the impact of the woman's suffrage movement (PS, PNW, E)

        • 5.B.4.g. Objective:

          Analyze the shift of African American demographics from the rural South to the urban/industrial north and west during the Great Migration and the consequences of the migration on regions (PNW, G)

        • 5.B.4.h. Objective:

          Analyze the relationship between the arts and social and political changes, such as the Harlem Renaissance, the rise of youth culture, the leisure culture, radio and motion pictures, the Jazz Age, and the 'lost' generation (PS, PNW)

        • 5.B.4.i. Objective:

          Analyze the consumer culture of the 1920s, such as the growth of advertising, the impact of the automobile industry, mail order catalogues, and department stores (PNW, G, E)

        • 5.B.4.j. Objective:

          Examine the economic characteristics of the 1920s that led to the stock market crash of 1929 and to the Great Depression, such as the unequal distribution of income, buying on credit, buying stocks on margin, inflated real estate prices and overproduction in industry, and agriculture (E)

    • 5.C. Topic / Indicator:

      The United States in a Time of Crisis (1929-1945)

      • 5.C.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze the consequences and government responses to the Great Depression (5.3.1).

        • 5.C.1.a. Objective:

          Evaluate the hardships of the Great Depression on various groups in American society, including families, farmers, African Americans, and industrial workers (PNW, G, E)

        • 5.C.1.b. Objective:

          Describe the responses of the Hoover administration to the Great Depression (PS, G, E)

        • 5.C.1.c. Objective:

          Describe the responses of the Roosevelt administration to the Great Depression (PS, G, E)

        • 5.C.1.d. Objective:

          Analyze the effectiveness of New Deal programs, such as Social Security Administration (SSA), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA,) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (PS, E)

        • 5.C.1.e. Objective:

          Describe the arguments of New Deal critics such as Huey Long, Father Charles Coughlin, and Dr. Charles Townshend (PS, PNW, E)

        • 5.C.1.f. Objective:

          Describe the influence of the arts, film, and the popularity of radio in helping Americans deal with the trials of the Great Depression (PNW)

        • 5.C.1.g. Objective:

          Analyze the lasting legacy of the New Deal, including economic stability and the increased involvement of the government in the lives of citizens (PS, PNW, E)

      • 5.C.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze the causes of World War II in Europe and the Pacific and the involvement of the United States in the war (5.3.2).

        • 5.C.2.a. Objective:

          Explain the events that led to the beginning of the Second World War including the failure of the Treaty of Versailles, the rise of totalitarian regimes in Europe and Asia and the worldwide recession of the 1920s and 1930s. (PS, E)

        • 5.C.2.b. Objective:

          Explain the United States gradual involvement in the war in Europe through legislative and executive measures, such as Cash and Carry, Lend Lease, and the Atlantic Charter (PS, PNW, E)

        • 5.C.2.c. Objective:

          Describe how the economic and political conflicts between Japan and the United States led to the attack on Pearl Harbor (PS, E)

        • 5.C.2.d. Objective:

          Examine military strategies and technologies employed by the United States in WWII including D-Day, island hopping and the development and use of atomic weapons (PS, PNW, G, E)

        • 5.C.2.e. Objective:

          Investigate the response of the United States government to the discovery of the Holocaust and immigration policies with respect to refugees (PS, PNW)

        • 5.C.2.f. Objective:

          Analyze how the events, such as the Yalta and Potsdam conferences and creation of the United Nations shaped the post war world (PS, PNW)

        • 5.C.2.g. Objective:

          Analyze the long-term consequences of the United States' involvement in WWII and the emergence of America as a economic and military force (PS, PNW, G, E)

      • 5.C.3. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Evaluate the economic, political and social impact of World War II on America's home front (5.3.3).

        • 5.C.3.a. Objective:

          Describe how American citizens supported the war effort through rationing and purchasing of war bonds (PS, E)

        • 5.C.3.b. Objective:

          Evaluate the government's use of propaganda in gaining support and cooperation for war efforts (PS, PNW, E)

        • 5.C.3.c. Objective:

          Evaluate the decision of the government to limit civil liberties during World War II (PS, PNW)

        • 5.C.3.d. Objective:

          Evaluate the decision of the government to relocate American citizens and aliens to internment camps during the war (PS, PNW, G)

        • 5.C.3.e. Objective:

          Describe the changing roles of women, African-Americans and other minority groups during the war years, such as access to education and jobs (PS, PNW, G)

    • 5.D. Topic / Indicator:

      Challenges of the Post War World (1946-1968)

      • 5.D.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze the causes, events and policies of the Cold War between 1946-1968 (5.4.1).

        • 5.D.1.a. Objective:

          Describe the response of the United States to communist expansion in Europe, including the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, the Berlin Airlift (1948), and the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (PS, G, E)

        • 5.D.1.b. Objective:

          Describe the development of United States containment policies in Asia as a result of the rise of Communist China (PS, G)

        • 5.D.1.c. Objective:

          Analyze the role of the United States in the United Nations, including the establishment of the state of Israel and participation in the Korean Conflict (PS, PNW, G)

        • 5.D.1.d. Objective:

          Analyze the impact of Cold War events in Cuba, including the Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961) and Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) and the expansion of the Cold War into the Western Hemisphere (PS, G)

        • 5.D.1.e. Objective:

          Examine the causes and escalation of United States involvement in the Vietnam War, including the domino theory and Tonkin Gulf resolution (PS, G)

        • 5.D.1.f. Objective:

          Analyze the competition and the consequences of the space and arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union, including the impact of Sputnik (PS, PNW)

      • 5.D.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze the economic, political and social changes within the United States during the period 1946-1968 (5.4.2).

        • 5.D.2.a. Objective:

          Describe the conflict between protecting civil liberties and maintaining national security that arose during the second Red Scare, such as House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), Federal Employees Loyalty Program, McCarthyism, and the Rosenberg case (PS, PNW)

        • 5.D.2.b. Objective:

          Describe the impact of the creation of the interstate highway system, such as the evolution of suburbia, increasing dependence on the automobile and movement of people and industry away from central cities (G, E)

        • 5.D.2.c. Objective:

          Describe the economic boom of the 1950s and the impact on American life, such as the G.I. Bill on the qualifications of workers, the increase of consumerism, increasing dependence on oil, and the development of the leisure class (PNW, E)

        • 5.D.2.d. Objective:

          Describe the baby boom and its consequences on American society (PNW, E)

        • 5.D.2.e. Objective:

          Analyze the growing impact of television and other mass media on politics and political attitudes, such as the Kennedy- Nixon debate, the Vietnam conflict, and the Civil Rights movement (PS, PNW)

        • 5.D.2.f. Objective:

          Describe the overall goals of the Great Society and its programs, such as the War on Poverty and Medicare/Medicaid (PS, PNW, G, E)

        • 5.D.2.g. Objective:

          Analyze the significance of the Warren Court in decisions, including Mapp v. Ohio (1961), Gideon v. Wainwright (1963), and Miranda v. Arizona (1966) (PS)

        • 5.D.2.h. Objective:

          Analyze the economic, political and social impact of the changing role of women (PS, PNW, E)

        • 5.D.2.i. Objective:

          Examine trends in popular culture from 1946-1968 such as advertising, the beat movement, rock and roll music, the growth of television, and changes in the motion picture industry (PNW)

      • 5.D.3. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze the major developments, controversies and consequences of the Civil Rights Movement between 1946-1968 (5.4.3).

        • 5.D.3.a. Objective:

          Examine the battle for school desegregation, including Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954) and the roles of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and Thurgood Marshall (PS, G)

        • 5.D.3.b. Objective:

          Describe the efforts to enforce school desegregation and local reactions to these efforts, including crisis at Little Rock (1957) and the University of Mississippi (1962) (PS, G)

        • 5.D.3.c. Objective:

          Describe various activities that Civil Rights activists used to protest segregation, including boycotts, sit-ins, marches, and voter registration campaigns (PS, E)

        • 5.D.3.d. Objective:

          Compare the philosophies of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X and the Black Power Movement (PS, PNW)

        • 5.D.3.e. Objective:

          Describe the impact of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s and Malcolm X's leadership and assassinations on the Civil Rights Movement (PS, PNW)

        • 5.D.3.f. Objective:

          Describe the goals of Civil Rights legislation, including the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the 24th Amendment (PS)

        • 5.D.3.g. Objective:

          Describe why urban violence and race riots escalated during the 1960s in reaction to ongoing discrimination and the slow pace of Civil Rights advances (PS, PNW, G)

        • 5.D.3.h. Objective:

          Analyze the opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, such as the Dixiecrats, white citizens councils, white supremacist movements (PS, PNW)

    • 5.E. Topic / Indicator:

      Democracy Challenged (1968-1980)

      • 5.E.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze foreign policy and domestic response to events in South East Asia (5.5.1).

        • 5.E.1.a. Objective:

          Analyze the significance of key events during the Vietnam War, including the Tet Offensive (1968), the My Lai Massacre (1968), the publication of the Pentagon Papers, and the invasions of Cambodia and Laos (1970) (PS, PNW, G)

        • 5.E.1.b. Objective:

          Explain the development of the anti-war movement and its consequences for American society, including reactions to the military draft and returning veterans, the polarization of society, the Chicago Democratic Convention (1968), and Kent State (1970) (PS, PNW)

        • 5.E.1.c. Objective:

          Evaluate the effectiveness of the media on shaping public opinion about the Vietnam War and the invasions of Cambodia and Laos (PS, PNW)

        • 5.E.1.d. Objective:

          Describe the actions the United States took to withdraw from the Vietnam War and the effects on the Vietnamese, including Vietnamization (PNW, PS, G)

        • 5.E.1.e. Objective:

          Describe how and why the War Powers Act (1973) changed presidential power (PS)

      • 5.E.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze significant events that affected United States foreign policy from 1968-1980 outside of Southeast Asia (5.5.2).

        • 5.E.2.a. Objective:

          Evaluate the changing United States relationship with the Soviet Union, including detente, arms control agreements, such as SALT I (1972), and SALT II (1979), the invasion of Afghanistan, and the decision to boycott the 1980 Olympic Games ( PS, PNW, G)

        • 5.E.2.b. Objective:

          Describe the impact of the changing relationship between the United States and China (PS, G)

        • 5.E.2.c. Objective:

          Analyze how Arab-Israeli tensions impacted United States foreign policy, including the Energy Crisis (1973), and Camp David Accords (1979) (PS, PNW, G, E)

        • 5.E.2.d. Objective:

          Describe the political tensions that led to the Iranian Hostage Crisis (1980) (PS, PNW, E)

      • 5.E.3. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Evaluate the impact of government politics and domestic policy on American society from 1968 to1980 (5.5.3).

        • 5.E.3.a. Objective:

          Analyze the impact of the Watergate crisis on American attitudes toward the government and the office of the President (PS, PNW)

        • 5.E.3.b. Objective:

          Describe the public awareness of increased environmental problems and government efforts to address them, such as the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency, The Clean Air Act, The Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act (PS, PNW, G, E)

        • 5.E.3.c. Objective:

          Evaluate the increasing role of regulatory agencies in protecting United States citizens, such as the Food and Drug Administration, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (PS, E)

        • 5.E.3.d. Objective:

          Describe the impact of stagflation and deficit spending on the American economy (PS, E)

        • 5.E.3.e. Objective:

          Describe the cause of the energy crisis in the 1970s and its effect on American society (PNW, E)

      • 5.E.4. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze the major developments, controversies and consequences of the civil rights movements from 1968 to 1980 (5.5.4).

        • 5.E.4.a. Objective:

          Evaluate the impact of school desegregation stemming from the Brown v. Board of Education (1954) decision, including local implementation of busing (PS, PNW)

        • 5.E.4.b. Objective:

          Describe the controversy involving the extension of civil rights through the implementation of Affirmative Action, such as the Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) (PS, PNW, E)

        • 5.E.4.c. Objective:

          Describe the Native American quest for civil rights, including the establishment of the American Indian Movement (AIM) and the implementation of legislation (PS, PNW)

        • 5.E.4.d. Objective:

          Describe the Latino quest for civil rights and the formation of the United Farm Workers Union (PNW, G, E)

        • 5.E.4.e. Objective:

          Describe the impact of the women's movement on government actions such as Higher Education Act Title IX (1972), the Equal Rights Amendment (1972)(PS, PNW, E)

    • 5.F. Topic / Indicator:

      America Impacts the World (1981-Present)

      • 5.F.1. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze United States foreign policy from 1981 to the present (5.6.1)

        • 5.F.1.a. Objective:

          Describe how United States policies and actions contributed to the end of the Cold War (PS)

        • 5.F.1.b. Objective:

          Evaluate United States policies and actions in response to international terrorism, such as the attack on the Marine barracks in Beirut (1983), Embassy bombings (2000), the attacks on the U.S.S. Cole (2000), and September 11, 2001 (PS, E)

        • 5.F.1.c. Objective:

          Describe how the United States has addressed issues related to global economic interdependence, such as free trade v. protectionism, and the debate over outsourcing (PS, G, E)

        • 5.F.1.d. Objective:

          Describe United States involvement with international and regional organizations, such as the European Union (EU), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the United Nations (UN) (PS, PNW, G, E)

        • 5.F.1.e. Objective:

          Explain how developments in the Middle East have affected United States foreign policy, such as the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the rise of political Islam, and the Israeli -Palestinian conflicts (PS, PNW, G)

        • 5.F.1.f. Objective:

          Evaluate the role of the United States in addressing global and humanitarian issues such as the environment, the A.I.D.S. epidemic, healthcare and human rights (PS, PNW, G)

        • 5.F.1.g. Objective:

          Explain how the dependence on energy sources shapes United States foreign policy (PS, G, E)

        • 5.F.1.h. Objective:

          Analyze the purposes and effects of United States military interventions using regional case studies

      • 5.F.2. Indicator / Proficiency Level:

        Analyze modern economic, political and social influences on American society from 1981-present (5.6.2).

        • 5.F.2.a. Objective:

          Describe the political and social issues that polarized United States political culture after 1980, such as Iran Contra, conflicts over judicial appointments, the controversial election of 2000, criticism of federal government subsistence programs and conservative v. liberal debates (PS, PNW, E)

        • 5.F.2.b. Objective:

          Evaluate how the government has addressed changing demographics, including immigration, the changing age structure and increasing minority populations in the United States (PS, PNW, G)

        • 5.F.2.c. Objective:

          Analyze how globalization has increased due to economic and technological innovations, such as outsourcing, computers, cell phones, and the Internet (PNW, G, E)

        • 5.F.2.d. Objective:

          Describe the significance of the growing federal deficit and the impact of the global market, such as supply-side economics, entitlements, and loss of domestic industry (PS, G, E)

        • 5.F.2.e. Objective:

          Explain the influence of special-interest groups, the media and political parties on the changing political landscape and culture (PS, PNW)