Time, Continuity, and Change: Students develop a sense of historical time and historical perspective as they study the history of their community, state, nation, and world.
H-1A-H1. Benchmark / Gle: Historical Thinking Skills
applying key concepts, such as chronology and conflict, to explain and analyze patterns of historical change and continuity. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1A-H2. Benchmark / Gle: Historical Thinking Skills
explaining and analyzing events, ideas, and issues within a historical context. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1A-H3. Benchmark / Gle: Historical Thinking Skills
interpreting and evaluating the historical evidence presented in primary and secondary sources. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1A-H4. Benchmark / Gle: Historical Thinking Skills
utilizing knowledge of facts and concepts drawn from history and methods of historical inquiry to analyze historical and contemporary issues. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
H-1A-H5. Benchmark / Gle: Historical Thinking Skills
conducting research in efforts to analyze historical questions and issues. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1A-H6. Benchmark / Gle: Historical Thinking Skills
analyzing cause-effect relationships. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1B-H1. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 1: Three Worlds Meet (Beginnings to 1620): analyzing the significant changes that resulted from interactions among the peoples of Europe, Africa, and the Americas. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1B-H2. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 2: Colonization and Settlement (1565-1763): summarizing the process by which the United States was colonized and later became an independent nation. (1, 4)
H-1B-H3. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 3: Revolution and the New Nation (1754-1820s): analyzing the development of the American constitutional system. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1B-H4. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 4: Expansion and Reform (1801-1861): tracing territorial expansion and reform movements in the United States. (1, 3, 4)
H-1B-H5. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 5: Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877)analyzing the origins, major events, and effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1B-H6. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 6: The Development of the Industrial United States (1870-1900): analyzing the development of industrialization and examining its impact on American society. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1B-H7. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 6: The Development of the Industrial United States (1870-1900): describing the immigration and internal migration patterns that have occurred in the history of the United States and examining the cultural and social changes that have resulted. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1B-H8. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 7: The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): evaluating the significance of the Progressive Movement. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1B-H9. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 7: The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): analyzing the rise of the labor and agrarian movements. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1B-H10. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 7: The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): explaining the changing role of the United States in world affairs through World War I. (1, 3, 4)
H-1B-H11. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 7: The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): analyzing the significant changes that evolved in the United States between World War I and the Great Depression. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1B-H12. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): analyzing the causes, developments, and effects of the Great Depression and the New Deal. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1B-H13. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): analyzing the origins, course, and results of World War II. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1B-H14. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 9: Contemporary United States (1945 to the Present): examining and summarizing key developments and issues in foreign and domestic policies during the Cold War era. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1B-H15. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 9: Contemporary United States (1945 to the Present): analyzing the economic, political, social, and cultural transformation of the United States since World War II. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
H-1B-H16. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 9: Contemporary United States (1945 to the Present): explaining the major changes that have resulted as the United States has moved from an industrial to an information society. (1, 3, 4)
H-1B-H17. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 9: Contemporary United States (1945 to the Present): analyzing developments and issues in contemporary American society. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
H-1B-H18. Benchmark / Gle: United States History
Era 9: Contemporary United States (1945 to the Present): discussing and demonstrating an understanding of recent developments in foreign and domestic policies. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
H-1C-H1. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 1: The Beginnings of Society: analyzing the development of early human communities and civilizations. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1C-H2. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 2: The Rise of Early Civilizations (4000-1000 B.C.): making generalizations about the cultural legacies of both the ancient river and the classical civilizations. (1, 3, 4)
H-1C-H3. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empire (1000 B.C.-A.D. 300)analyzing the origins, central ideas, and worldwide impact of major religious and philosophical traditions. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1C-H4. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (A.D. 300-1000): summarizing the developments and contributions of civilizations that flourished in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. (1, 3, 4)
H-1C-H5. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 5: Intensified Hemispheric Interactions (A.D. 1000-1500): analyzing the consequences of the economic and cultural interchange that increasingly developed among the peoples of Europe, Asia, and Africa. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1C-H6. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 6: Emergence of the First Global Age (1450-1770): analyzing the impact of transoceanic linking of all major regions of the world. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1C-H7. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 6: Emergence of the First Global Age (1450-1770): analyzing the political, cultural, and economic developments and trends that resulted in the transformation of major world regions. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1C-H8. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 6: Emergence of the First Global Age (1450-1770): explaining how the emergence of territorial empires in Europe, Asia, and Africa unified large areas politically, economically, and culturally. (1, 3, 4)
H-1C-H9. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 6: Emergence of the First Global Age (1450-1770): tracing the expansion of European power and economic influence in the world and examining the impact of this expansion on societies in Asia and the Americas. (1, 3, 4)
H-1C-H10. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 7: An Age of Revolutions (1750-1914): analyzing the impact that political revolutions and new ideologies had on societies around the world. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1C-H11. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 7: An Age of Revolutions (1750-1914): evaluating the economic, political, and social consequences of the agricultural and industrial revolutions on world societies. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1C-H12. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 7: An Age of Revolutions (1750-1914): analyzing the patterns of worldwide change that emerged during the era of Western military and economic domination. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1C-H13. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 8: A Half-Century of Crisis and Achievement (1900-1945): analyzing the causes and international consequences of World War I, the rise and actions of totalitarian systems, World War II, and other early 20th century conflicts. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1C-H14. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 9: The 20th Century Since 1945 (1945 to the Present): analyzing the international power shifts and the breakup of colonial empires that occurred in the years following World War II. (1, 2, 3, 4)
H-1C-H15. Benchmark / Gle: World History
Era 9: The 20th Century Since 1945 (1945 to the Present): explaining the worldwide significance of major political, economic, social, cultural, and technological developments and trends. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
GLE-H-H-1. Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Construct a timeline to explain and analyze historical periods in U.S. history (H-1A-H1)
GLE-H-H-2. Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Compare historical periods or historical conflicts in terms of similar issues, actions, or trends in U.S. history (H-1A-H1)
GLE-H-H-3. Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Contrast past and present events or ideas in U.S. history, demonstrating awareness of differing political, social, or economic context (H-1A-H1)
GLE-H-H-4. Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Analyze change or continuity in the United States over time based on information in stimulus material (H-1A-H1)
GLE-H-H-5. Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Describe multiple perspectives on an historical issue or event in U.S. history (H-1A-H2)
GLE-H-H-6. Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Analyze the point of view of an historical figure or group in U.S. history (H-1A-H2)
GLE-H-H-7. Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Analyze or interpret a given historical event, idea, or issue in U.S. history (H-1A-H2)
GLE-H-H-8. Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Debate an historical point of view, with supporting evidence, on an issue or event in U.S. history (H-1A-H2)
GLE-H-H-9. Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Evaluate and use multiple primary or secondary materials to interpret historical facts, ideas, or issues (H-1A-H3)
GLE-H-H-10 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Determine when primary and/or secondary sources would be most useful when analyzing historical events (H-1A-H3)
GLE-H-H-11 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Propose and defend alternative courses of action to address an historical or contemporary issue, and evaluate their positive and negative implications (H-1A-H4)
GLE-H-H-12 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Analyze and evaluate the credibility of a given historical document (e.g., in terms of its source, unstated assumptions) (H-1A-H4)
GLE-H-H-13 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Analyze source material to identify opinion or propaganda and persuasive techniques (H-1A-H4)
GLE-H-H-14 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Interpret a political cartoon depicting an historical event, issue, or perspective (H-1A-H4)
GLE-H-H-15 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Interpret or analyze historical data in a map, table, or graph to explain historical factors or trends (H-1A-H4)
GLE-H-H-16 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Construct a narrative summary of an historical speech or address (H-1A-H5)
GLE-H-H-17 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Conduct historical research using a variety of resources to answer historical questions related to U.S. history and present that research in appropriate format(s) (visual, electronic, written) (H-1A-H5)
GLE-H-H-18 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: Historical Thinking Skills: Analyze causes and effects in historical and contemporary U.S. events, using a variety of resources (H-1A-H6)
GLE-H-H-19 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Examine the causes of industrialization and analyze its impact on production, business structures, the work force, and society in the United States (H-1B-H6)
GLE-H-H-20 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Describe the emergence of big business and analyze how it changed American society in the late nineteenth century (H-1B-H6)
GLE-H-H-21 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Analyze the changing relationship between the federal government and private industry (H-1B-H6)
GLE-H-H-22 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Describe the phases, geographic origins, and motivations behind mass migration to and within the United States (H-1B-H7)
GLE-H-H-23 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Explain the causes of the late nineteenth-century urbanization of the United States, including immigration and migration from rural areas, and discuss its impact in such areas as housing, political structures, and public health (H-1B-H7)
GLE-H-H-24 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Explain the impact of legislation, federal Indian and land policies, technological developments, and economic policies on established social and migratory groups in the settlement of the western United States (e.g., Dawes Act, Chinese Exclusion Act) (H-1B-H7)
GLE-H-H-25 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Analyze the role of the media, political leaders, and intellectuals in raising awareness of social problems among Americans in the United States (e.g., Muckrakers, Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson, Jane Adams) (H-1B-H8)
GLE-H-H-26 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Evaluate the Progressive movement in terms of its goals and resulting accomplishments (e.g., Sixteenth through Nineteenth Amendments, Pure Food and Drug Act, advances in land conservation) (H-1B-H8)
GLE-H-H-27 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Describe problems facing farmers and laborers, the ways they sought to enact change, and the responses of the government and business community (e.g., populism, share-croppers, rise of labor unions) (H-1B-H9)
GLE-H-H-28 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Locate on a world map the territories acquired by the United States during its emergence as an imperial power in the world and explain how these territories were acquired (H-1B-H10)
GLE-H-H-29 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Explain the U.S. policy of imperialism and how it increased U.S. involvement in world affairs (H-1B-H10)
GLE-H-H-30 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Identify causes of World War I (H-1B-H10)
GLE-H-H-31 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Describe the events that led to U.S. involvement in World War I (H-1B-H10)
GLE-H-H-32 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Identify and describe significant events and issues during World War I (H-1B-H10)
GLE-H-H-33 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Identify and explain the consequences of World War I, in terms of changes in U.S foreign and domestic policies during the 1920s (e.g., Treaty of Versailles, Wilson's Fourteen Points, League of Nations) (H-1B-H11)
GLE-H-H-34 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Identify the characteristics of the 1920s and describe the cultural changes that resulted (e.g., Harlem Renaissance, prohibition, women's suffrage) (H-1B-H11)
GLE-H-H-35 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Analyze the international and domestic events, interests, and philosophies that prompted threats to civil liberties in the aftermath of World War I (H-1B-H11)
GLE-H-H-36 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Identify the causes of the Great Depression (e.g., over speculation, Stock Market Crash of 1929) and analyze its impact on American society (H-1B-H12)
GLE-H-H-37 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Explain the expanding role of government as a result of the Great Depression and the New Deal and analyze the effects of the New Deal legislation (H-1B-H12)
GLE-H-H-38 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Describe the conditions that led to the outbreak of World War II (H-1B-H13)
GLE-H-H-39 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Describe the events that led the United States into World War II (H-1B-H13)
GLE-H-H-40 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Describe the course of World War II, including major turning points and key strategic decisions (H-1B-H13)
GLE-H-H-41 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Describe the effects of World War II on the U.S. home front and Europe, including the Holocaust (H-1B-H13)
GLE-H-H-42 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Explain the consequences and impact of World War II (e.g., Cold War, United Nations, Baby Boom) (H-1B-H13)
GLE-H-H-43 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Analyze the spread of Communism after World War II and its impact on U.S. foreign policy (H-1B-H14)
GLE-H-H-44 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Analyze the conflicts that resulted from Cold War tensions (e.g., Vietnam War, Korean War) (H-1B-H14)
GLE-H-H-45 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Describe the impact of the Cold War on American society and domestic policy (e.g., McCarthyism, Space Race) (H-1B-H14)
GLE-H-H-46 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Analyze the reasons for the end of the Cold War and its impact on the world today (H-1B-H14)
GLE-H-H-47 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Explain the impact of post-World War II domestic policies on life in the United States (e.g., the Great Society) (H-1B-H15)
GLE-H-H-48 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Identify the primary leaders of the Civil Rights Movement and describe major issues and accomplishments (H-1B-H15)
GLE-H-H-49 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Describe the effects of Watergate on the United States and its political system (H-1B-H15)
GLE-H-H-50 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Identify and describe the social and cultural changes from the 1960s to the present (e.g., Women's Movement) (H-1B-H15)
GLE-H-H-51 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Evaluate various means of achieving equality of political rights (e.g., civil disobedience vs. violent protest) (H-1B-H15)
GLE-H-H-52 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Evaluate the effects of the mass media on American society (H-1B-H16)
GLE-H-H-53 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Describe the impact of technology on American society (H-1B-H16)
GLE-H-H-54 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Analyze contemporary issues in American society and suggest alternative solutions (H-1B-H17)
GLE-H-H-55 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Identify recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions and describe how they impact political and social institutions (e.g., presidential election of 2000) (H-1B-H17)
GLE-H-H-56 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Describe the relationship of the United States and nations of the world in the post-Cold War era (e.g., Middle East conflicts, U.S. peace keeping) (H-1B-H18)
GLE-H-H-57 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Identify recent trends in the U.S. economy and explain shifts in government policy designed to address them (e.g., NAFTA, global economy) (H-1B-H18)
GLE-H-H-58 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
U.S. History: United States History: Identify and explain recent domestic issues and reform movements (e.g., terrorism, energy, environment, war on drugs, education) (H-1B-H18)
GLE-H-H-59 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Construct a timeline to explain and analyze historical periods in world history (H-1A-H1)
GLE-H-H-60 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Compare historical periods or historical conflicts in terms of similar issues, actions, or trends in world history (H-1A-H1)
GLE-H-H-61 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Contrast past and present events or ideas in world history, demonstrating awareness of differing political, social, or economic context (H-1A-H1)
GLE-H-H-62 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Analyze change or continuity in areas of the world over time based on information in stimulus material (H-1A-H1)
GLE-H-H-63 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Describe multiple perspectives on an historical issue or event in world history (H-1A-H2)
GLE-H-H-64 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Analyze the point of view of an historical figure or group in world history (H-1A-H2)
GLE-H-H-65 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Analyze or interpret a given historical event, idea, or issue in world history (H-1A-H2)
GLE-H-H-66 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Debate an historical point of view, with supporting evidence, on an issue or event in world history (H-1A-H2)
GLE-H-H-67 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Evaluate and use multiple primary or secondary materials to interpret historical facts, ideas, or issues (H-1A-H3)
GLE-H-H-68 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Determine when primary and/or secondary sources would be most useful when analyzing historical events (H-1A-H3)
GLE-H-H-69 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Propose and defend alternative courses of action to address an historical or contemporary issue, and evaluate their positive and negative implications (H-1A-H4)
GLE-H-H-70 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Analyze and evaluate the credibility of a given historical document (e.g., in terms of its source, unstated assumptions) (H-1A-H4)
GLE-H-H-71 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Analyze source material to identify opinion or propaganda and persuasive techniques (H-1A-H4)
GLE-H-H-72 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Interpret a political cartoon depicting an historical event, issue, or perspective (H-1A-H4)
GLE-H-H-73 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Interpret or analyze historical data in a map, table, or graph to explain historical factors or trends (H-1A-H4)
GLE-H-H-74 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Construct a narrative summary of an historical speech or address (H-1A-H5)
GLE-H-H-75 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Conduct historical research using a variety of resources to answer historical questions related to world history and present that research in appropriate format(s) (visual, electronic, written) (H-1A-H5)
GLE-H-H-76 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: Historical Thinking Skills: Analyze causes and effects in historical and contemporary world events, using a variety of resources (H-1A-H6)
GLE-H-H-77 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Explain the origins, developments, and consequences of the transatlantic slave trade between Africa and the Americas and Europe (H-1C-H6)
GLE-H-H-78 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Identify major technological innovations in shipbuilding, navigation, and naval warfare, and explain how these technological advances were related to European voyages of exploration, conquest, and colonization (H-1C-H6)
GLE-H-H-79 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Identify demographic, economic, and social trends in major world regions (H-1C-H7)
GLE-H-H-80 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe key features of the Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution, and the Age of Enlightenment (H-1C-H7)
GLE-H-H-81 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe major changes in world political boundaries between 1450 and 1770 and assess the extent and limitations of European political and military power in Africa, Asia, and the Americas as of the mid-eighteenth century (H-1C-H8)
GLE-H-H-82 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the development of nation-states and major world powers (H-1C-H8)
GLE-H-H-83 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the goals and consequences of European colonization in the Americas (H-1C-H9)
GLE-H-H-84 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the European commercial penetration of Asia and the impact on trade (H-1C-H9)
GLE-H-H-85 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Identify the influence of European economic power within Africa and its impact on other parts of the world (H-1C-H9)
GLE-H-H-86 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the major ideas of philosophers and their effects on the world (H-1C-H10)
GLE-H-H-87 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Identify causes and evaluate effects of major political revolutions since the seventeenth century (H-1C-H10)
GLE-H-H-88 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe how the American Revolution differed from the French Revolution and the impact both had on world political developments (H-1C-H10)
GLE-H-H-89 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the characteristics of the agricultural revolution that occurred in England and Western Europe and analyze its effects on population growth, industrialization, and patterns of landholding (H-1C-H11)
GLE-H-H-90 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the expansion of industrial economies and the resulting social transformations throughout the world (e.g., urbanization, change in daily work life) (H-1C-H11)
GLE-H-H-91 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the motives, major events, and effects of Western European and American imperialism in Africa, Asia, and the Americas (H-1C-H12)
GLE-H-H-92 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Using a map, identify the extent of European and American territorial expansion (H-1C-H12)
GLE-H-H-93 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the origins, major events, and peace settlements of World War I from multiple international perspectives (H-1C-H13)
GLE-H-H-94 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution of 1917 (H-1C-H13)
GLE-H-H-95 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Explain how art, literature, and intellectual thought reflect changes brought about by World War I (e.g., Freud, Einstein) (H-1C-H13)
GLE-H-H-96 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Explain the causes and consequences of global depression following World War I (H-1C-H13)
GLE-H-H-97 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the political, social, and economic conditions leading to the rise of totalitarianism in the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Spain (H-1C-H13)
GLE-H-H-98 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the origins, major events, and peace settlements of World War II including decisions made at wartime conferences (H-1C-H13)
GLE-H-H-99 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Explain the consequences of World War II as a total war (e.g., occupation of defeated powers, Nuremberg trials, Japanese war trials, Cold War, NATO, Warsaw Pact) (H-1C-H13)
GLE-H-H-10 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Explain major differences in the political ideologies and values of the Western democracies versus the Soviet bloc and how they led to development of the Cold War (H-1C-H14)
GLE-H-H-10 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the causes and effects of major Cold War crises and military conflicts on the world (H-1C-H14)
GLE-H-H-10 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Analyze and compare the development of Communism in the Soviet Union and China (H-1C-H14)
GLE-H-H-10 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the end of colonial rule in Asia, Africa, the Americas, and the Middle East (H-1C-H14)
GLE-H-H-10 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the role of the United Nations in the contemporary world (H-1C-H14)
GLE-H-H-10 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Analyze the consequences of the breakup of the Soviet Union on the world (H-1C-H15)
GLE-H-H-10 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe terrorist movements in terms of their proliferation and impact on politics and societies (H-1C-H15)
GLE-H-H-10 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe the progress and status of democratic movements and civil rights around the world (H-1C-H15)
GLE-H-H-10 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Explain the political, social, and economic significance of the growing interdependence in the global economy (H-1C-H15)
GLE-H-H-10 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Analyze information about current economic systems undergoing change (e.g., command economy to mixed economy, traditional economy to industrial economy, developing countries to developed countries) (H-1C-H15)
GLE-H-H-11 Benchmark / Gle: Grade Level Expectation
World History: World History: Describe and evaluate the significance and possible consequences of major technological innovations and trends (H-1C-H15)