Holocaust and Human Behavior Three-Day Seminar


From the Facing History and Ourselves website:

"Using Facing History's principal resource book, Holocaust and Human Behavior, as well as video, primary sources, and presentations by survivors and leading scholars of the Holocaust, participants will experience a rigorous encounter with this powerful history. During the Seminar, a wide range of innovative teaching strategies are used to help teachers confront the Holocaust. At the conclusion of the Seminar, participants leave with a thorough grounding on how to incorporate these teaching tools into their classrooms in ways that will help students connect the history of the Holocaust to the ethical choices they face today."

Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Three days
End Date

National History Day 2010: The Theme Workshop: Innovation in History


From the Minnesota Historical Society website:

"Dive into in-depth discussions about four of the History Day presentation categories: Exhibits, Documentaries, Performances, and Websites.

The 2010 theme, 'Innovation in History: Impact and Change,' promises to be complex and possibly trying for students as they choose topics for History Day. This theme-specific workshop will answer teachers' questions about the concepts of the theme, offer content related to the theme, open up discussions with other teachers, and provide lists of appropriate topics. Join in this interesting discussion within a brand-new workshop format!"

Contact name
Ali Kappes
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Historical Society
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Six hours

National History Day 2010: The Category Workshop


From the Minnesota Historical Society website:

"Dive into in-depth discussions about four of the History Day presentation categories: Exhibits, Documentaries, Performances, and Websites."

"Workshop sessions will be led by History Day coordinators and experienced teachers. Category-specific sessions will include hands-on instruction, teaching strategies, the best use of each category for History Day purposes, and problem-solving tips for all ability levels. HD staff will also guide teachers on the best way to approach technology issues, integration of primary sources, and project organization. The website session will specifically address the new rules for that category."

Contact name
Ali Kappes
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Historical Society
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Seven and a half hours

Great Chicago Stories Seminar: Where History Happened Bus Tour


From the Chicago History Museum website:

"This two-part series delves into the history of Chicago's Great Migration through compelling historical-fiction short stories based on the Museum's collection.

"Tour the historic neighborhood of Bronzeville, the center of the Great Migration in Chicago."

NOTE: This entry is for part one of the seminar only. To view information on part two, refer to this entry. For more on the Chicago History Museum, refer to NHEC's Museums and Historic Sites listing.

Sponsoring Organization
Chicago History Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$35 ($50 if registering for both sessions; see second entry linked in description above)
Course Credit
Four hours

Cultural Encounters in 17th-century New Netherland


From the New York State Museum website:

"The New York State Museum offers an interdisciplinary workshop for teachers of elementary and junior high school social studies. The cultural and historical legacy of 17th century Dutch settlements and interactions with Native Americans will be featured. Included will be the areas of ethnography, geology, historical archaeology, and classroom applications for teaching with historical documents and objects. We will compare symbols of community, economic and social decision-making in Algonquian-speaking and New Netherland societies, adaptations to change over time, and lasting cultural influences.

Teachers will have access to collections of original source materials now held by the New York State Museum, the New York State Library, and the New York State Archives, all programs of the Office of Cultural Education, under the New York State Education Department. The New York State Learning Standards addressed in the workshop are: Social Studies #1.1, #1.3 & #1.4 (NY State History); #3.2 (Geography); #4.1 (Economics); English Language Arts #1, #3, & #4; Math #3.4; Science #4.7; and Technology #5.5. "

Contact name
Valerie Fish
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
New York State Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
"Teachers of elementary and junior high school social studies"
Start Date
$45 for Greater Capital Region Teacher Center constituents; $90 for non-GCRTC constituents
Course Credit
"21 contact hours."
Three days
End Date

Teaching about the Holocaust: A Teacher Forum in the Phoenix Area


From the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website:

"The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, in cooperation with Arizona State University, will present this forum, designed for secondary, pre-service, and community college educators. The forum will explore the content, methodologies, and rationales for teaching the history of the Holocaust; increases teachers' knowledge of the Holocaust; and examines contemporary issues associated with this history."

Contact name
Kimberly Klett
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Regional Educator
Two days
End Date

Virginia Council for the Social Studies Teacher of the Year


From the Virginia Council for the Social Studies flyer:

"Each year, the Virginia Council for the Social Studies (VCSS) recognizes outstanding teachers of the social studies K-12. The Teacher of the Year is the Virginia Social Studies educator who makes social studies lively, engaging and informative for his/her students while also developing the thinking skills and habits of inquiry necessary for effective democratic citizenship. Criteria for the award include but are not limited to a) developing and using creative instructional materials, b) incorporating effective instructional strategies, c) utilizing new scholarship from the social sciences, d) fostering the development of democratic ideals and skills needed for citizen participation, and e) displaying evidence of professional development activities. The Virginia Teacher of the Year will receive $500.00 for professional purposes and be recognized at the annual conference of the Virginia Council for the Social Studies in the fall. In short, the Council seeks the nominations of exemplary social studies professionals."

Sponsoring Organization
Virginia Council for the Social Studies Teacher of the Year
Application Deadline
Award Amount

Minnesota Council for the Social Studies Teacher of the Year Award


From the Minnesota Council for the Social Studies website:

"The Minnesota Council for the Social Studies honors three Teachers of the Year
(elementary, middle school, high school) at the MCSS Spring Conference."

Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

"The criteria for nomination are:
a) teacher must be teaching social studies or elementary at least half time.
b) teacher must be recognized by colleagues as an excellent social studies teacher.
c) teacher must utilize social studies materials and ideas that foster inquiry and development of social studies skills.
d) teacher must have an ongoing interest in improving his/her knowledge and skills in social studies instruction."

Application Deadline
Award Amount
"Winners will receive one year of free MCSS membership besides a money award from sponsoring publishers."

Indiana Council for the Social Studies Distinguished Teacher Award


From the Indiana Council for the Social Studies website:

"This honor will be given to two educators who have demonstrated exceptional teaching abilities in the field of social studies, elementary or secondary. Each honoree will be awarded a plaque, $100, and another Social Studies related prize."

Sponsoring Organization
Indiana Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

"1.The nominee must be a full-time teacher in Indiana. The nominee must be a member of the Indiana Council for the Social Studies.
2. The nominee must submit the required forms and supporting documents postmarked by May 15.
3. The nominee must have a current teaching license and be teaching that licensure area
4. In 250 words or less, the nominee must submit a reflective statement about his/her teaching experience.
5. Letters of recommendation from colleagues, supervisors, parents, or students should be submitted with the nominee's application."

Application Deadline
Award Amount

Jane Lowrie Bacon Teacher Grant


From the Indiana Council for the Social Studies website:

"The Indiana Council for the Social Studies (ICSS) will fund one grant of $300 for use as seed money for teacher created or teacher developed classroom projects or research in the social studies."

Sponsoring Organization
Indiana Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

"To be considered for the teacher grants, individuals must:
1. Be a member of the Indiana Council for the Social Studies
2. Be present at the ICSS convention to accept the award.
3. Provide tangible output to the ICSS Awards and Grants committee
within one year of receipt of the grant.
4. Complete the Teacher Grant Application form, and
5. Submit a brief letter of support form the applicant's supervisor,
principal, or department chairperson."

Application Deadline
Award Amount