Digital Storytelling for Educators Workshop


From the Center for Digital Storytelling website:

"The three-day Educator Workshop is designed specifically for K-12 classroom teachers. First, each participant develops a digital story not more than 150 words in length. The creation of these shorter pieces provides hands on experience with the entire digital storytelling process, including a story circle, script writing and recording, and the production process, using digital technology.

As they finish their digital stories, participants move into the second component of the workshop in which they touch on implementation issues. Strategies for managing the creation of digital stories in the classrooms are presented, and opportunities for participants to practice their technology teaching skills are offered.

Each participant receives a DVD set of K-12 digital storytelling teaching resources, including software tutorial guides and diagrams to support the operation of commonly used digital storytelling hardware."

Contact name
Spagat, Andrea
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Center for Digital Storytelling
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
"Continuing Education Credits available through Dominican University of California (two CEUs) or University of Colorado."
Contact Title
Northern California/Pacific Northwest Region Director
Three days
End Date

Digital Storytelling for Educators Workshop


From the Virginia Center for Digital History flyer:

"The Digital Storytelling Workshop for Educators is designed specifically for K-12 Classroom teachers. The workshop has two components. First, educators develop their own short digital story based on first-person personal narrative. We take participants through group story development, teach them the basics of image and video editing tools and assist them in completing their digital story. Teachers will then move into the second component of the workshop in which they will be introduced to strategies for managing the creation of digital stories in their classrooms and given the opportunity to practice their technology teaching skills."

Contact name
Sese, Stefani
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Center for Digital Storytelling
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
"Continuing Education Credits available through Dominican University of California (two CEUs) or University of Colorado."
Three days
End Date

The President at Work: Historical Perspectives from the Kennedy Years and Contemporary Views


This institute will examine several key roles of the presidency including chief executive, chief diplomat, manager of the economy, and national leader. It will first look back at President Kennedy's approach to these roles and then explore how President Obama is approaching them to meet today's challenges.

Contact name
Tisch, Nina
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
Target Audience
Start Date
Free for Boston Public School teachers; $100 for other educators.
Course Credit
Teachers may earn 20 PDPs.
Four days
End Date

The Great Migration; or Leaving My Troubles in Dixie


This seminar will focus on the factors that both pushed and pulled African Americans from the South after the Civil War. It will analyze the images of the North that prevailed among Southern blacks, the forces that shaped those images, and the prominent themes that the Great Migration brought to African American literature. How were the realities African Americans encountered in "the Promised Land" of the North comparable to experiences they had undergone in the South? What roles did individuals, agencies, family, and business play in the movement north? And how does an examination of westward migration and migration from rural to urban areas within the South broaden understandings of the Great Migration?

Led by distinguished scholars, each seminar will consist of three sessions. The first two, featuring lecture and discussion, will focus on the close analysis of images and primary documents. The third will concentrate on the integration of seminar ideas and material into lesson plans using the Center's Seminar-to-Classroom Guide.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Humanities Center
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
The National Humanities Center does not award recertification credit. However, it will provide documentation of participation that teachers can present to their local certifying agencies.
Four and a half hours

Edward G. and Helen A. Borgens Elementary and Secondary Teacher Education Scholarships


This fund provides two one-time, preferred amount awards of up to $1,500 for students twenty-five (25) years of age or older. One award is given to students studying to teach at the elementary school level, the other to students studying to teach at the secondary level. The award is based on academic merit and is not automatically renewable; however, recipients may reapply for consideration as long as they meet the eligibility requirements.

Sponsoring Organization
Eligibility Requirements

All applicants must have at least a 3.50 GPA, be at least a college sophomore, and attend or plan on attending an accredited college or university.

Application Deadline
Award Amount

Memphis Holocaust and Human Behavior Summer Seminar


From the Facing History and Ourselves website:

"Using Facing History's principal resource book, Holocaust and Human Behavior, as well as video, primary sources, and presentations by survivors and leading scholars of the Holocaust, participants will experience a rigorous encounter with this powerful history. During the Seminar, a wide range of innovative teaching strategies are used to help teachers confront the Holocaust. At the conclusion of the Seminar, participants leave with a thorough grounding on how to incorporate these teaching tools into their classrooms in ways that will help students connect the history of the Holocaust to the ethical choices they face today."

Contact name
Laura Marchini
Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Five days
End Date

National History Day 2010: The Theme Workshop: Innovation in History


From the Minnesota Historical Society website:

"Dive into in-depth discussions about four of the History Day presentation categories: Exhibits, Documentaries, Performances, and Websites.

The 2010 theme, 'Innovation in History: Impact and Change,' promises to be complex and possibly trying for students as they choose topics for History Day. This theme-specific workshop will answer teachers' questions about the concepts of the theme, offer content related to the theme, open up discussions with other teachers, and provide lists of appropriate topics. Join in this interesting discussion within a brand-new workshop format!"

Contact name
Ali Kappes
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Historical Society
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Six hours

National History Day 2010: The Category Workshop


From the Minnesota Historical Society website:

"Dive into in-depth discussions about four of the History Day presentation categories: Exhibits, Documentaries, Performances, and Websites."

"Workshop sessions will be led by History Day coordinators and experienced teachers. Category-specific sessions will include hands-on instruction, teaching strategies, the best use of each category for History Day purposes, and problem-solving tips for all ability levels. HD staff will also guide teachers on the best way to approach technology issues, integration of primary sources, and project organization. The website session will specifically address the new rules for that category."

Contact name
Ali Kappes
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Historical Society
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Seven and a half hours

Stories and Teaching Strategies: Minnesota's Greatest Generation


From the Minnesota Historical Society website:

"Minnesota's Greatest Generation—the people who grew up during the Great Depression, came of age during WWII, and participated in the post-war boom—created a lasting legacy that has shaped all of us who have come after. This workshop will introduce teachers to the MGG website content and lessons, allow teachers to see the new MGG museum exhibit, and will give teachers the opportunity to learn from experts on the history of this era. If you teach 20th century Minnesota or United States history, this is the workshop for you!"

Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Historical Society
Target Audience
Start Date
Six hours

Cultural Encounters in 17th-century New Netherland


From the New York State Museum website:

"The New York State Museum offers an interdisciplinary workshop for teachers of elementary and junior high school social studies. The cultural and historical legacy of 17th century Dutch settlements and interactions with Native Americans will be featured. Included will be the areas of ethnography, geology, historical archaeology, and classroom applications for teaching with historical documents and objects. We will compare symbols of community, economic and social decision-making in Algonquian-speaking and New Netherland societies, adaptations to change over time, and lasting cultural influences.

Teachers will have access to collections of original source materials now held by the New York State Museum, the New York State Library, and the New York State Archives, all programs of the Office of Cultural Education, under the New York State Education Department. The New York State Learning Standards addressed in the workshop are: Social Studies #1.1, #1.3 & #1.4 (NY State History); #3.2 (Geography); #4.1 (Economics); English Language Arts #1, #3, & #4; Math #3.4; Science #4.7; and Technology #5.5. "

Contact name
Valerie Fish
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
New York State Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
"Teachers of elementary and junior high school social studies"
Start Date
$45 for Greater Capital Region Teacher Center constituents; $90 for non-GCRTC constituents
Course Credit
"21 contact hours."
Three days
End Date