Virginia Council for the Social Studies Teacher of the Year


From the Virginia Council for the Social Studies flyer:

"Each year, the Virginia Council for the Social Studies (VCSS) recognizes outstanding teachers of the social studies K-12. The Teacher of the Year is the Virginia Social Studies educator who makes social studies lively, engaging and informative for his/her students while also developing the thinking skills and habits of inquiry necessary for effective democratic citizenship. Criteria for the award include but are not limited to a) developing and using creative instructional materials, b) incorporating effective instructional strategies, c) utilizing new scholarship from the social sciences, d) fostering the development of democratic ideals and skills needed for citizen participation, and e) displaying evidence of professional development activities. The Virginia Teacher of the Year will receive $500.00 for professional purposes and be recognized at the annual conference of the Virginia Council for the Social Studies in the fall. In short, the Council seeks the nominations of exemplary social studies professionals."

Sponsoring Organization
Virginia Council for the Social Studies Teacher of the Year
Application Deadline
Award Amount

Minnesota Council for the Social Studies Teacher of the Year Award


From the Minnesota Council for the Social Studies website:

"The Minnesota Council for the Social Studies honors three Teachers of the Year
(elementary, middle school, high school) at the MCSS Spring Conference."

Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

"The criteria for nomination are:
a) teacher must be teaching social studies or elementary at least half time.
b) teacher must be recognized by colleagues as an excellent social studies teacher.
c) teacher must utilize social studies materials and ideas that foster inquiry and development of social studies skills.
d) teacher must have an ongoing interest in improving his/her knowledge and skills in social studies instruction."

Application Deadline
Award Amount
"Winners will receive one year of free MCSS membership besides a money award from sponsoring publishers."

Newark Museum Educators Open House


From the Newark Museum website:

"Join us for a fun-filled, information–packed morning of exploration and discovery. Learn how you can make the most of what The Newark Museum has to offer teachers and their students.

Enjoy participatory workshops and gallery programs designed for teachers to creatively implement the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for language arts literacy, social studies, science and art. Teachers' families are welcome to join us for this intergenerational museum experience."

Sponsoring Organization
Newark Museum
Target Audience
Start Date
Three hours

National Museum of the American Indian: Educator's Open House


From the National Museum of the American Indian website:

"This event provides educators the opportunity to learn about the rich experiences available at the NMAI. The day's activities include tours of exhibitions, the Haudenosaunee Discovery Room, and the Resource Center; there will also be hands-on activities. Educators who pre-register will receive a package of resources."

For more on the National Museum of the American Indian, refer to NHEC's Museums and Historic Sites entry. Please note that this event is at the museum's New York City branch.

Sponsoring Organization
National Museum of the American Indian
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Five hours

Past and Present-Day Warriors: American Indian Military Service


From the National Museum of the American Indian website:

"Warriors have always held an honored place in American Indian societies. Responsible for protecting their communities, homelands, and rights, Native soldiers have served with distinction alongside (and sometimes against) the United States military in every major American conflict, including the Revolution, Civil War, and World War II. Discover why Native Americans serve in the military and explore the intersection of warrior culture in the lives of today's veterans."

For more on the National Museum of the American Indian, refer to NHEC's Museums and Historic Sites entry.

Sponsoring Organization
National Museum of the American Indian
Start Date
Four hours

"Stony the Road We Trod": Alabama's Role in the Modern Civil Rights Movement


From Bombingham to Selma, Montgomery to Tuskegee, Alabama's people and places left an indelible mark on the world in the 1950s and 1960s. From Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver to the Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth, Alabama citizens have been at the forefront of the crusade to improve African Americans' lot in life in the United States. Selma's citizens began a march in 1965 to protest the killing of one man. This day became known as Bloody Sunday. Now the citizens of Selma have created a people's museum so the world will not forget those tumultuous days and will remember the people's stories. Teachers in this workshop work with noted scholars, converse with living legends, participate in discussion groups, meet foot soldiers of the movement, and travel to key sites of memory dedicated to the preservation of the history of the modern Civil Rights Movement.

Contact name
Cooper, Priscilla Hancock
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
One week
End Date

Missouri Council for the Social Studies Conference


The theme for this conference will be "The Over-Arching Impact of Social Studies Instruction."

Sponsoring Organization
Missouri Council for the Social Studies
Contact email
St. Louis, MO
Contact name
Megan Moncure
Phone number
Start Date
End Date

Library of Congress Summer Institute


From the Library of Congress website:

"The four-day institute will provide educators with the tools and resources to effectively integrate primary sources into classroom teaching.

Though many teachers are familiar with the importance of primary sources, they are not sure how to use them in the classroom, how to develop inquiry-based lessons, or how to help students use them in projects. In this institute, Library of Congress education specialists will introduce participants to the unique characteristics of primary sources, while helping them explore some of the millions of digitized primary sources available on the Library's Web site. Participants will be able to work with like-minded teachers from around the country to explore methods for effectively integrating primary sources into classroom activities.

After participating in the Summer Teacher Institutes, participants will:

  • Understand and analyze primary sources
  • Employ primary sources in classroom activities
  • Access primary sources from the Library of Congress
  • Understand the legal and ethical use of digital resources
  • Understand the inquiry process
  • Create inquiry-based activities using primary sources"
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
"Although the Library cannot provide college or professional development credits for those participating in the Teacher Institutes, we will provide a certificate of completion."
Four days
End Date

NCSS Network Webinar with C-Span Classroom


From the National Council for the Social Studies Ning website:

"Learn about C-Span Classroom's outstanding free resources for social studies educators."

Note: To participate in this conference, you should be registered with the National Council for the Social Studies' Ning network.

Sponsoring Organization
National Council for the Social Studies, C-SPAN
Target Audience
Start Date