2010 Teaching History with Technology Workshop
From EdTechTeacher:
The 8th-annual Teaching History With Technology Workshop is an intensive three-day hands-on opportunity for history and social studies educators to explore practical ways to use technology to enrich the history curriculum and engage students. The workshop explores innovative ideas, effective techniques, and ready-made plans for incorporating Web-based resources, desktop software packages and new and emerging technologies into classroom instruction of history. The workshop provides numerous examples of the best history-related web sites, describes practical methods and techniques for using technology in the history and social studies classroom, and includes opportunities for targeted web exploration after each "mini" lesson. Examples highlight both inquiry-based and research-oriented technology applications in World History, World Cultures, United States History, and Civics for middle school, high school, and college. The workshop emphasizes innovative ideas and exciting projects for incorporating Web 2.0 tools including wikis, blogs, podcasts, online social networks, and other emerging technologies into the classroom.