Annual Michigan Council for the Social Studies State Conference
No specifics yet available.
No specifics yet available.
The theme for this conference will be "Creating Effective Citizens for the 21st Century."
From the National Council for the Social Studies website:
"Travel West and join NCSS in Denver this fall to celebrate 90 years of the nation's premier social studies professional development conference. With the theme Vista, Visions & Voices, the 2010 NCSS Annual Conference will bring together top professionals in social studies education and highlight the central role of social studies in our schools—preparing 21st century citizens who have learned from the voices of the past to envision an interdependent global society of the future.
Hosting the NCSS Conference for the first time in almost 40 years, Denver offers an ideal social laboratory to explore the conference theme, combining a thriving art and cultural scene, diverse neighborhoods, proud and active residents, and world-class universities, all in a breathtaking natural environment.
The conference includes more than 400 sessions, workshops, poster presentations, clinics, tours, speakers and panels, and social events addressing the conference subthemes."
The theme of this year's conference is "Deeds and Dreams: The Civic Mission of Schools."
The theme for this conference is "Illuminating the Future."
The theme for this conference is "Vistas, Visions & Voices."
From the Ford's Theatre website:
"Ford's Theatre will offer local area teachers the chance to preview the new and improved museum. Follow Lincoln from the first days of his presidency to the last days of the Civil War. The dynamic and interactive new museum features videos, three-dimensional figures and a remarkable collection of artifacts. There will be door prizes, refreshments and classroom resources offered."
"The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (ALPLM) provides grant opportunities to teachers of grades 4-12 in Illinois public and nonpublic schools that have a low-income student enrollment greater than 30 percent," to fund field trips to the ALPLM.
Must be a teacher of grades 4-12 in Illinois public and nonpublic schools that have a low-income student enrollment greater than 30 percent.
Must show that the visit to the ALPLM is aligned with the Illinois Learning Standards and includes all students in the class.
Must have support of school principal and district superintendent.
From the North Carolina Museum of History website:
"Discover how women have influenced North Carolina's history. Learn how to integrate women's history into your curriculum using stories, primary documents, the Internet, and other resources."
The Western History Association and the Charles Redd Center are sponsoring four K-12 Teaching Awards to the Western History Association Annual Meeting. This year's meeting will be held in scenic Lake Tahoe, Nevada October 13th-16th, 2010.
The Award will include the following: Conference Registration, award banquet ticket, ticket to the opening reception, and $500 towards conference-related costs including: hotel, travel, conference tours, or Continuing Education Credits. Award winners might also be invited to attend the Teaching with Primary Sources Workshop for free, an additional $300 value.