Library of Congress Summer Institute


From the Library of Congress website:

"The four-day institute will provide educators with the tools and resources to effectively integrate primary sources into classroom teaching.

Though many teachers are familiar with the importance of primary sources, they are not sure how to use them in the classroom, how to develop inquiry-based lessons, or how to help students use them in projects. In this institute, Library of Congress education specialists will introduce participants to the unique characteristics of primary sources, while helping them explore some of the millions of digitized primary sources available on the Library's Web site. Participants will be able to work with like-minded teachers from around the country to explore methods for effectively integrating primary sources into classroom activities.

After participating in the Summer Teacher Institutes, participants will:

  • Understand and analyze primary sources
  • Employ primary sources in classroom activities
  • Access primary sources from the Library of Congress
  • Understand the legal and ethical use of digital resources
  • Understand the inquiry process
  • Create inquiry-based activities using primary sources"
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
"Although the Library cannot provide college or professional development credits for those participating in the Teacher Institutes, we will provide a certificate of completion."
Four days
End Date

Library of Congress Summer Institute


From the Library of Congress website:

"The four-day institute will provide educators with the tools and resources to effectively integrate primary sources into classroom teaching.

Though many teachers are familiar with the importance of primary sources, they are not sure how to use them in the classroom, how to develop inquiry-based lessons, or how to help students use them in projects. In this institute, Library of Congress education specialists will introduce participants to the unique characteristics of primary sources, while helping them explore some of the millions of digitized primary sources available on the Library's Web site. Participants will be able to work with like-minded teachers from around the country to explore methods for effectively integrating primary sources into classroom activities.

After participating in the Summer Teacher Institutes, participants will:

  • Understand and analyze primary sources
  • Employ primary sources in classroom activities
  • Access primary sources from the Library of Congress
  • Understand the legal and ethical use of digital resources
  • Understand the inquiry process
  • Create inquiry-based activities using primary sources"
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
"Although the Library cannot provide college or professional development credits for those participating in the Teacher Institutes, we will provide a certificate of completion."
Four days
End Date

Library of Congress Summer Institute


From the Library of Congress website:

"The four-day institute will provide educators with the tools and resources to effectively integrate primary sources into classroom teaching.

Though many teachers are familiar with the importance of primary sources, they are not sure how to use them in the classroom, how to develop inquiry-based lessons, or how to help students use them in projects. In this institute, Library of Congress education specialists will introduce participants to the unique characteristics of primary sources, while helping them explore some of the millions of digitized primary sources available on the Library's Web site. Participants will be able to work with like-minded teachers from around the country to explore methods for effectively integrating primary sources into classroom activities.

After participating in the Summer Teacher Institutes, participants will:

  • Understand and analyze primary sources
  • Employ primary sources in classroom activities
  • Access primary sources from the Library of Congress
  • Understand the legal and ethical use of digital resources
  • Understand the inquiry process
  • Create inquiry-based activities using primary sources"
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
"Although the Library cannot provide college or professional development credits for those participating in the Teacher Institutes, we will provide a certificate of completion."
Four days
End Date

Introduction to PhilaPlace


From the Historical Society of Pennsylvania website:

"Everyone has a story to tell. Learn how to share yours at, an interactive Web site that connects stories to places across time in Philadelphia neighborhoods. At this workshop, PhilaPlace project director Joan Saverino will discuss PhilaPlace and show visitors how to log their own memories, use the interactive map, access audio and video clips, create tours, and view historical records."

Sponsoring Organization
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date

California Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference


From the California Council for the Social Studies website:

"During this three-day event we have top-rated speakers, scholars, seminars and a variety of other special events.

Choose from over 100 workshops and sessions that are sure to bring innovation, creativity and fun to your classroom. Tour the exhibit hall and view the latest instructional materials from all our vendors. Hear Fred Jones, our own CCSS Legislative Analyst, give an update on legislation impacting social studies education. You are invited to join the CCSS Committee meetings on Saturday and give your input. Drop by our CCSS booth for the latest information; meet our CCSS officers at the Social Event on Friday, and attend the CCSS Annual Meeting on Saturday.

You will not only learn how the California Council for the Social Studies serves you, but you will discover how you too may become more involved!"

Sponsoring Organization
California Council for the Social Studies
Pasadena, CA
Start Date
End Date

Wilson's Creek: How a Forgotten Battle Saved Missouri and Changed the Course of the Civil War


From the Drury University website:

"Drury University and Wilson's Creek National Battlefield invite you to join us for an extraordinary chance to relive one of the most overlooked—and yet important—battles in the Civil War.

"We will hold these special workshops for schoolteachers on the site where Union and Confederate soldiers confronted one another in the early days of the war. There you will study with six of the foremost Civil War scholars in the nation. You will take part in daily seminars and in guided tours and will engage in stimulating interactions with colleagues from all over the country. On the cornfield where the battle commenced or upon the 'Bloody Hill' where it ended, you will learn about the battle's importance from a wide range of academic perspectives. And you will come away from the experience intellectually refreshed and ready to share your knowledge with your students.

"'Wilson’s Creek: How a Forgotten Battle Saved Missouri and Changed the Course of the Civil War' is designed for full-time and part-time classroom teachers who teach the Civil War in American history, literature, art history, or religion classes in middle school and high school."

Contact name
Randall Fuller
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities, Drury University
Phone number
Target Audience
Middle and high
Start Date
Free; $1,200 stipend
Course Credit
"All teachers who complete the institute will receive a letter confirming attendance and describing workshop activities, as well as a certificate of completion. Certificates will include participants’ name and institutional affiliation, as well as a description of coursework performed, field trips taken, and lectures attended. These materials may be used to request Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) or Professional Development Points (PDPs) from home school districts. Workshop participants seeking graduate credit may enroll for three hours of credit from Drury University. (They will be required to follow Drury’s admission procedures for non-degree students and to pay their own tuition and fees.) Teachers who enroll for three hours will be required to complete a sequence of course plans that build upon the work accomplished during the summer seminar."
Five days
End Date

Wilson's Creek: How a Forgotten Battle Saved Missouri and Changed the Course of the Civil War


From the Drury University website:

"Drury University and Wilson's Creek National Battlefield invite you to join us for an extraordinary chance to relive one of the most overlooked—and yet important—battles in the Civil War.

"We will hold these special workshops for schoolteachers on the site where Union and Confederate soldiers confronted one another in the early days of the war. There you will study with six of the foremost Civil War scholars in the nation. You will take part in daily seminars and in guided tours and will engage in stimulating interactions with colleagues from all over the country. On the cornfield where the battle commenced or upon the 'Bloody Hill' where it ended, you will learn about the battle's importance from a wide range of academic perspectives. And you will come away from the experience intellectually refreshed and ready to share your knowledge with your students.

"'Wilson’s Creek: How a Forgotten Battle Saved Missouri and Changed the Course of the Civil War' is designed for full-time and part-time classroom teachers who teach the Civil War in American history, literature, art history, or religion classes in middle school and high school."

Contact name
Randall Fuller
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities, Drury University
Phone number
Target Audience
Middle and high
Start Date
Free; $1,200 stipend
Course Credit
"All teachers who complete the institute will receive a letter confirming attendance and describing workshop activities, as well as a certificate of completion. Certificates will include participants’ name and institutional affiliation, as well as a description of coursework performed, field trips taken, and lectures attended. These materials may be used to request Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) or Professional Development Points (PDPs) from home school districts. Workshop participants seeking graduate credit may enroll for three hours of credit from Drury University. (They will be required to follow Drury’s admission procedures for non-degree students and to pay their own tuition and fees.) Teachers who enroll for three hours will be required to complete a sequence of course plans that build upon the work accomplished during the summer seminar."
Five days
End Date

Stony the Road We Trod: Using America's Civil Rights Landmarks to Teach American History


No specifics currently available online.

Contact name
Priscilla Hancock Cooper
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities, Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $1,200 stipend
One week
End Date

Stony the Road We Trod: Using America's Civil Rights Landmarks to Teach American History


No specifics currently available online.

Contact name
Priscilla Hancock Cooper
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities, Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $1,200 stipend
One week
End Date

Shifting Power on the Plains: Fort Robinson and the American West


No specifics currently available.

Contact name
Kevin Bower
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities, Nebraska Wesleyan University
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $1,200 stipend
One week
End Date