Florida: 9th-Grade Standards
FL.SS.A.1. Standard / Body Of Knowledge: Time, Continuity, and Change [History]
The student understands historical chronology and the historical perspective.
SS.A.1.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands how ideas and beliefs, decisions, and chance events have been used in the process of writing and interpreting history.
SS.A.1.4.2 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student identifies and understands themes in history that cross scientific, economic, and cultural boundaries.
SS.A.1.4.3 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student evaluates conflicting sources and materials in the interpretation of a historical event or episode.
SS.A.1.4.4 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student uses chronology, sequencing, patterns, and periodization to examine interpretations of an event.
FL.SS.A.2. Standard / Body Of Knowledge: Time, Continuity, and Change [History]
The student understands the world from its beginnings to the time of the Renaissance.
SS.A.2.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the early physical and cultural development of humans.
SS.A.2.4.2 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the rise of early civilizations and the spread of agriculture in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley.
SS.A.2.4.3 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the emergence of civilization in China, southwest Asia, and the Mediterranean basin.
SS.A.2.4.4 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands significant aspects of the economic, political, and social systems of ancient Greece and the cultural contributions of that civilization.
SS.A.2.4.5 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the significant features of the political, economic, and social systems of ancient Rome and the cultural legacy of that civilization.
SS.A.2.4.6 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands features of the theological and cultural conflict between the Muslim world and Christendom and the resulting religious, political, and economic competition in the Mediterranean region.
SS.A.2.4.7 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the development of the political, social, economic, and religious systems of European civilization during the Middle Ages.
SS.A.2.4.8 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands cultural, religious, political, and technological developments of civilizations in Asia and Africa.
SS.A.2.4.9 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands significant social, cultural, and religious features of India, and India's conflict with the Moslem Turks.
SS.A.2.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands significant cultural, religious, and economic features of civilizations in Mesoamerica and Andean South America.
SS.A.2.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands political and cultural features of the Mongol Empire and the Empire's impact on Eurasian peoples.
FL.SS.A.3. Standard / Body Of Knowledge: Time, Continuity, and Change [History]
The student understands Western and Eastern civilization since the Renaissance.
SS.A.3.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the significant political and economic transformations and significant cultural and scientific events in Europe during the Renaissance.
SS.A.3.4.2 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands significant religious and societal issues from the Renaissance through the Reformation.
SS.A.3.4.3 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the significant economic, political, and cultural interactions among the peoples of Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas during the Age of Discovery and the European expansion.
SS.A.3.4.4 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student knows the significant ideas and texts of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, their spheres of influence in the age of expansion, and their reforms in the 19th century.
SS.A.3.4.5 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the significant scientific and social changes from the Age of Reason through the Age of Enlightenment.
SS.A.3.4.6 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands transformations in the political and social realms from the Age of Absolutism through the Glorious Revolution to the French Revolution.
SS.A.3.4.7 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands significant political developments in Europe in the 19th century.
SS.A.3.4.8 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the effects of the Industrial Revolution.
SS.A.3.4.9 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student analyzes major historical events of the first half of the 20th century.
SS.A.3.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the political, military, and economic events since the 1950s that have had a significant impact on international relations.
FL.SS.A.4. Standard / Body Of Knowledge: Time, Continuity, and Change [History]
The student understands United States history to 1880.
SS.A.4.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the economic, social, and political interactions between Native American tribes and European settlers during the Age of Discovery.
SS.A.4.4.2 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands how religious, social, political, and economic developments shaped the settlement patterns of the North American colonies.
SS.A.4.4.3 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the significant military and political events that took place during the American Revolution.
SS.A.4.4.4 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the political events that defined the Constitutional period.
SS.A.4.4.5 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the significant political events that took place during the early national period.
SS.A.4.4.6 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the military and economic events of the Civil War and Reconstruction.
FL.SS.A.5. Standard / Body Of Knowledge: Time, Continuity, and Change [History]
The student understands United States history from 1880 to the present day.
SS.A.5.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student knows the causes of the Industrial Revolution and its economic, political, and cultural effects on American society.
SS.A.5.4.2 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the social and cultural impact of immigrant groups and individuals on American society after 1880.
SS.A.5.4.3 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands significant events leading up to the United States involvement in World War I and the political, social, and economic results of that conflict in Europe and the United States.
SS.A.5.4.4 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands social transformations that took place in the 1920s and 1930s, the principal political and economic factors that led to the Great Depression, and the legacy of the Depression in American society.
SS.A.5.4.5 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student knows the origins and effects of the involvement of the United States in World War II.
SS.A.5.4.6 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the political events that shaped the development of United States foreign policy since World War II and knows the characteristics of that policy.
SS.A.5.4.7 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the development of federal civil rights and voting rights since the 1950s and the social and political implications of these events.
SS.A.5.4.8 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student knows significant political events and issues that have shaped domestic policy decisions in contemporary America.
FL.SS.B.1. Standard / Body Of Knowledge: People, Places, and Environments [Geography]
The student understands the world in spatial terms.
SS.B.1.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student uses a variety of maps, geographic technologies including geographic information systems (GIS) and satellite-produced imagery, and other advanced graphic representations to depict geographic problems.
SS.B.1.4.2 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the advantages and disadvantages of using maps from different sources and different points of view.
SS.B.1.4.3 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student uses mental maps of physical and human features of the world to answer complex geographic questions.
SS.B.1.4.4 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands how cultural and technological characteristics can link or divide regions.
SS.B.1.4.5 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands how various factors affect people's mental maps.
FL.SS.B.2. Standard / Body Of Knowledge: People, Places, and Environments [Geography]
The student understands the interactions of people and the physical environment.
SS.B.2.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands how social, cultural, economic, and environmental factors contribute to the dynamic nature of regions.
SS.B.2.4.2 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands past and present trends in human migration and cultural interaction and their impact on physical and human systems.
SS.B.2.4.3 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands how the allocation of control of the Earth's surface affects interactions between people in different regions.
SS.B.2.4.4 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the global impact of human changes in the physical environment.
SS.B.2.4.5 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student knows how humans overcome 'limits to growth' imposed by physical systems.
SS.B.2.4.6 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the relationships between resources and the exploration, colonization, and settlement of different regions of the world.
SS.B.2.4.7 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the concept of sustainable development.
FL.SS.C.1. Standard / Body Of Knowledge: Government and the Citizen [Civics and Government]
The student understands the structure, functions, and purpose of government and how the principles and values of American democracy are reflected in American constitutional government.
SS.C.1.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the nature of political authority and the nature of the relationship between government and civil society in limited governments (e.g. constitutional democracies) and unlimited governments (e.g. totalitarian regimes).
SS.C.1.4.2 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the ideas that led to the creation of limited government in the United States (e.g., ideas of natural rights philosophy, and the concept of popular sovereignty).
SS.C.1.4.3 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands how the overall design and specific features of the Constitution prevent the abuse of power by aggregating power at the national, state, and local levels; dispersing power among different levels of government; and using a system of checks and balances (e.g., federalism).
SS.C.1.4.4 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the role of special interest groups, political parties, the media, public opinion, and majority/minority conflicts on the development of public policy and the political process.
FL.SS.C.2. Standard / Body Of Knowledge: Government and the Citizen [Civics and Government]
The student understands the role of the citizen in American democracy.
SS.C.2.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student develops and defines his or her own political beliefs and tendencies.
SS.C.2.4.2 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student assesses the role that his or her own political behavior plays in determining the flow of power through our political system and for resolving conflicts in a pluralistic society.
SS.C.2.4.3 Benchmark / Big Idea: The student understands issues of personal concern
the rights and responsibilities of the individual under the U.S. Constitution, the importance of civil liberties, the role of conflict resolution and compromise, and issues involving ethical behavior in politics.
SS.C.2.4.4 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the distinction between citizens and non-citizens (aliens) and the process by which aliens may become citizens.
SS.C.2.4.5 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands how personal, political, and economic rights are secured by constitutional government and by such means as the rule of law, checks and balances, an independent judiciary, and a vigilant citizenry.
SS.C.2.4.6 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands the argument that personal, political, and economic rights reinforce each other.
SS.C.2.4.7 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student knows the points at which citizens can monitor or influence the process of public policy formation.
FL.SS.D.1. Standard / Body Of Knowledge: Economics
The student understands how scarcity requires individuals and institutions to make choices about how to use resources.
SS.D.1.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands how many financial and non-financial factors (e.g., cultural traditions, profit, and risk) motivate consumers, producers, workers, savers, and investors to allocate their scarce resources differently.
SS.D.1.4.2 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands credit history and the positive and negative impacts that credit can have on an individual's financial life.
FL.SS.D.2. Standard / Body Of Knowledge: Economics
The student understands the characteristics of different economic systems and institutions.
SS.D.2.4.1 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands how wages and prices are deter-mined in market, command, tradition-based, and mixed economic systems and how economic systems can be evaluated by their ability to achieve broad social goals such as freedom, efficiency, equity, security, and growth.
SS.D.2.4.2 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands how price and quantity demanded relate, how price and quantity supplied relate, and how price changes or controls affect distribution and allocation in the economy.
SS.D.2.4.3 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands how government taxes, policies, and programs affect individuals, groups, businesses, and regions.
SS.D.2.4.4 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands how United States fiscal policies and monetary policies reinforce or offset each other and how they affect levels of economic activity, the money supply of the country, and the well being of individuals, businesses, regions and the nation.
SS.D.2.4.5 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands basic terms and indicators associated with levels of economic performance and the state of the economy.
SS.D.2.4.6 Benchmark / Big Idea:
The student understands factors that have led to increased international interdependence and basic concepts associated with trade between nations.