At the kindergarten level, learning in history and social science is built on children's experiences in their families, school, community, state, and country.
1.1. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills
History and Geography: Identify sequential actions, such as first, next, last, in stories and use them to describe personal experiences. (H)
1.2. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills
History and Geography: Use correctly words and phrases related to chronology and time (now, long ago, before, after; morning, afternoon, night; today, tomorrow, yesterday; last or next week, month, year; and present, past, and future tenses of verbs). (H)
1.3. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills
History and Geography: Use correctly the word because in the context of stories or personal experiences. (H)
1.4. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills
History and Geography: Use correctly words and phrases that indicate location and direction, such as up, down, near, far, left, right, straight, back, behind, and in front of. (G)
1.5. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills
History and Geography: Tell or show what a map is and what a globe is. (G)
1.6. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills
Civics and Government: Give examples that show the meaning of the following concepts: authority, fairness, justice, responsibility, and rules. (C)
1.7. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills
Economics: Use words relating to work, such as jobs, money, buying, and selling. (E)
1.8. Learning Standard / Outcome: Concepts and Skills
Economics: Give examples of how family members, friends, or acquaintances use money directly or indirectly (e.g., credit card or check) to buy things they want. (E)
1.9. Learning Standard / Outcome: Learning Standards
Identify and describe the events or people celebrated during United States national holidays and why we celebrate them. (Columbus Day; Independence Day; Martin Luther King Jr. Day; Presidents' Day; Thanksgiving.) (H)
1.10. Learning Standard / Outcome: Learning Standards
Put events in their own and their families' lives in temporal order. (H)
1.11. Learning Standard / Outcome: Learning Standards
Identify the student's street address, city or town, and Massachusetts as the state and the United States as the country in which he or she lives. Identify the name of the student's school and the city or town in which it is located. (G)
1.12. Learning Standard / Outcome: Learning Standards
Describe the location and features of places in the immediate neighborhood of the student's home or school. (G)
1.13. Learning Standard / Outcome: Learning Standards
Retell stories that illustrate honesty, courage, friendship, respect, responsibility, and the wise or judicious exercise of authority, and explain how the characters in the stories show these qualities. (C)
1.14. Learning Standard / Outcome: Learning Standards
Identify and describe family or community members who promote the welfare and safety of children and adults. (C)
1.15. Learning Standard / Outcome: Learning Standards
Demonstrate understanding that there are important American symbols by identifying the American flag and its colors and shapes. (C)
1.16. Learning Standard / Outcome: Learning Standards
Demonstrate understanding that there are important American symbols by identifying the melody of the national anthem. (C)
1.17. Learning Standard / Outcome: Learning Standards
Demonstrate understanding that there are important American symbols by identifying the picture and name of the current president. (C)
1.18. Learning Standard / Outcome: Learning Standards
Demonstrate understanding that there are important American symbols by identifying the words of the Pledge of Allegiance. (C)
1.19. Learning Standard / Outcome: Learning Standards
Give examples of different kinds of jobs that people do, including the work they do at home. (E)
1.20. Learning Standard / Outcome: Learning Standards
Explain why people work (e.g., to earn money in order to buy things they want). (E)
1.21. Learning Standard / Outcome: Learning Standards
Give examples of the things that people buy with the money they earn. (E)