Alaska: Prekindergarten Standards
AK.4. Performance / Content Standard: Cognition and General Knowledge
4.45. Grade Level Expectation: Social Studies - History
Children differentiate between events that happen in the past, present, and future.
4.45.1. Grade Level Example:
Retells a more complex story or event in somewhat sequential order
4.45.2. Grade Level Example:
Begins to use the vocabulary for days of the week and names of the months
4.45.3. Grade Level Example:
Describes events or objects from his/her personal or family history
4.45.4. Grade Level Example:
Begins to understand that people in the past lived differently than people do today
4.45.5. Grade Level Example:
Uses the future tense to discuss plans
4.45.6. Grade Level Example:
Progresses in understanding similarities and respecting differences among people, such as genders, race, special needs, culture, language, and family structures
4.45.7. Grade Level Example:
Recognizes pictures of parents or grandparents when they were young.
4.46. Grade Level Expectation: Social Studies - Geography
Children demonstrate awareness of location and spatial relationships.
4.46.1. Grade Level Example:
Talks about location using appropriate vocabulary (e.g., near/far, over/under, next to)
4.46.2. Grade Level Example:
Describes some concepts of distance or space (e.g., knows it's far to Grandpa's house)
4.46.3. Grade Level Example:
Recognizes that real places can be represented with symbols
4.47. Grade Level Expectation: Social Studies - Geography
Children demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between people, places, and regions.
4.47.1. Grade Level Example:
Describes some physical characteristics (e.g., bodies of water, mountains, weather) and some of the social characteristics of the corresponding communities (e.g., types of shelter, clothing, food, jobs)
4.47.2. Grade Level Example:
Helps to navigate on journeys (e.g., 'After you pass the big red barn, then my house is next.' Or 'I live by the bus stop.')
4.47.3. Grade Level Example:
Understands that there are different places that people live
4.48. Grade Level Expectation: Social Studies - Economics
Children demonstrate awareness of economic concepts.
4.48.1. Grade Level Example:
Realizes that making one choice means that you may not be able to do something else
4.48.2. Grade Level Example:
Recognizes that people rely on others for goods and services
4.48.3. Grade Level Example:
Understands the concept of saving resources for use in the future
4.48.4. Grade Level Example:
Accurately names some coins and money bills (e.g., penny, nickel, dollar bill)
4.48.5. Grade Level Example:
Recognizes that some things are owned by people and other things are collective goods
4.48.6. Grade Level Example:
Demonstrates understanding that coins of different sizes and colors have different names
4.49. Grade Level Expectation: Social Studies - Ecology
Children demonstrate awareness of the relationship between humans and the environment.
4.49.1. Grade Level Example:
Recognizes, with adult support and guidance, how people can take care of the earth's limited resources or damage the earth
4.49.2. Grade Level Example:
Exhibits simple concepts of conservation (e.g., uses paper judiciously, does not waste water)
4.49.3. Grade Level Example:
Shows interest in understanding how animals gather and store food, sleep, and live
4.50. Grade Level Expectation: Social Studies - Technology
Children use technology appropriately.
4.50.1. Grade Level Example:
Identifies ways in which technology helps people accomplish specific tasks (e.g., 'The wheelchair helps Alfonso get from one place to another.' 'E-mail lets you communicate with your friend Qavvik who lives far away.')
4.50.2. Grade Level Example:
Identifies alternate ways of doing things with and without technology (e.g., can use hands or dishwasher to clean dishes; can travel by foot or by car)
4.50.3. Grade Level Example:
Considers, with adult guidance, what it must have been like to live without technology in an earlier time
4.50.4. Grade Level Example:
Uses computer for simple 'point and click' operations on child-appropriate Web sites or software
4.51. Grade Level Expectation: Family, Community, and Culture - Family
Children demonstrate awareness of family characteristics and functions.
4.51.1. Grade Level Example:
Recognizes extended family members (e.g., cousins, aunts, uncles)
4.51.2. Grade Level Example:
Talks about how other children have different family compositions other than own
4.52. Grade Level Expectation: Family, Community, and Culture - Community
Children demonstrate awareness of their community, human interdependence, and social roles.
4.52.1. Grade Level Example:
Recognizes others' capabilities in specific areas (e.g., 'That woman is good at fixing cars.')
4.52.2. Grade Level Example:
Identifies some types of jobs and some of the tools used to perform those jobs
4.52.3. Grade Level Example:
Demonstrates an understanding of social behavior and personal responsibility as a member of a group (e.g., 'If you put away the toys, then I'll clean up the art table.')
4.53. Grade Level Expectation: Family, Community, and Culture - Community
Children demonstrate civic responsibility.
4.53.1. Grade Level Example:
Exhibits positive citizenship behaviors by sharing, taking turns, following rules, and taking responsibility for classroom jobs
4.53.2. Grade Level Example:
Participates in democratic group processes as a way of making choices (e.g., voting or discussion)
4.53.3. Grade Level Example:
Demonstrates awareness for the reasons for rules and laws
4.53.4. Grade Level Example:
Exhibits personal responsibility, choice, and leadership in the context of self-help skills and duties/roles that benefit the family or class
4.53.5. Grade Level Example:
Participates in community events that promote interdependence, with assistance
4.54. Grade Level Expectation: Family, Community, and Culture - Culture
Children demonstrate awareness and appreciation of their own and others' cultures.
4.54.1. Grade Level Example:
Talks about, compares, and explores similarities and differences in daily practices across cultures
4.54.2. Grade Level Example:
Expresses understanding about other children's cultures through conversations, dramatic play, interactions, and items from home
4.54.3. Grade Level Example:
Recognizes and celebrates similarities and differences between people of different cultures
4.54.4. Grade Level Example:
Recognizes stereotypes and culturally or linguistically unfair or biased behavior