Idaho: Prekindergarten Standards
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- ID.370.01. Standard: Social Studies Political, Social, and Economic Response to Industrialization and Technological Innovation: Understand the political, social, and economic responses to industrialization and technological innovations that have occurred in the United States.
- 370.01.a. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Identify different means of transportation used today to travel from place to place (e.g., airplanes, boats, automobiles, buses, trains, and bicycles).
- 370.01.b. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Identify examples of simple machines, inventions and technology used in the home.
- ID.371.01. Standard: Social Studies International Relations and Conflicts: Understand significant conflicts in United States history.
- 371.01.a. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Explore why we celebrate Independence Day, Veterans' Day, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
- ID.372.01. Standard: Social Studies Cultural and Social Development: Understand the cultural and social development of the United States.
- 372.01.a. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Explore experiences, stories, pictures, and music of other cultures.
- 372.01.b. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Demonstrate understanding that holidays commemorate special events.
- 372.01.c. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Participate in patriotic activities.
- 372.01.d. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Recognize that people celebrate in many different ways.
- 372.01.e. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Identify personal and school experiences with large seasonal changes.
- 372.01.f. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Demonstrate an understanding of own personal history as part of family, school, and community.
- 372.01.g. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Demonstrate understanding of how people in the community help each other.
- 372.01.h. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Demonstrate understanding of how all children families have similarities and differences.
- 372.01.i. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Demonstrate understanding of how each person is special and unique.
- ID.373.01. Standard: Social Studies Foundations of the American Political System: Understand the foundations and principles of the American political system.
- 373.01.a. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Listen to stories that reflect the cultural heritage of the United States-present, past, real, and fiction.
- 373.01.b. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Participate with groups to make decisions and solve problems.
- 373.01.c. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Demonstrate understanding of some rules and reasons for them.
- ID.375.01. Standard: Social Studies Citizenship Responsibilities and Rights: Understand that all citizens of the United States have responsibilities and rights.
- 375.01.a. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Begin to identify individuals who are helpful to people in their everyday lives (e.g., principal, police officer).
- 375.01.b. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Demonstrate ways to be helpful to family, school community.
- 375.01.c. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Demonstrate understanding of the need for leadership in the family, school, and community.
- 375.01.d. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Begin to demonstrate respect for the opinions feelings, and actions of others.
- 375.01.e. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Demonstrate the ability to make choices and take responsibility for one's own actions.
- 375.01.f. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Begin to demonstrate respect for rules at home, school, and community.
- ID.376.01. Standard: Social Studies Economic Fundamentals: Understand basic economic concepts.
- 376.01.a. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Observe that people have needs and wants.
- 376.01.b. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Recognize that people meet their needs by sharing, trading, and using money to buy goods and services.
- 376.01.c. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Demonstrate understanding of some of the jobs that people do to earn money.
- 376.01.d. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Begin to demonstrate knowledge of people who work in the school or in the community and become aware of their products and services.
- ID.378.01. Standard: Social Studies Geography: Understand the spatial organization of people, places, and environment on the earth's surface.
- 378.01.a. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Begin to demonstrate understanding of the natural features of the earth in the immediate environment and in pictures.
- 378.01.b. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Distinguish between masses of land and water.
- 378.01.c. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Begin to demonstrate an understanding that a map represents the physical environment.
- 378.01.d. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Use simple terms such as near, far, smaller and bigger.
- ID.378.02. Standard: Social Studies Geography: Understand that human actions modify the environment and how physical systems affect human activity and living conditions.
- 378.02.a. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Begin to demonstrate understanding of the ways that the four seasons affect our lives.
- 378.02.b. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Demonstrate ways to be helpful to the environment and the community.
- 378.02.c. Content Knowledge And Skills / Goal: Recognize that many kinds of plants and animals live on earth.