Crystal River Archaeological State Park [FL]


A National Historic Landmark, this 61-acre, pre-Columbian, Native American site has burial mounds, temple/platform mounds, a plaza area, and a substantial midden. The six-mound complex is one of the longest continuously occupied sites in Florida. For 1,600 years the site served as an imposing ceremonial center for Native Americans. People traveled to the complex from great distances to bury their dead and conduct trade. It is estimated that as many as 7,500 Native Americans may have visited the complex every year.

The park offers exhibits, tours, boat tours, educational programs, and occasional documentary screenings.

Hawaii State Historic Preservation Division, Department of Land & Natural Resources [HI]


"Historic sites in our islands are tangible evidence of a colorful, rich heritage and provide our society with a sense of continuity. The State Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Land and Natural Resources works to preserve and sustain reminders of earlier times which link the past to the present. SHPD's three branches, History and Culture, Archaeology, and Architecture, strive to accomplish this goal through a number of different activities." The archaeological Branch seeks to facilitate investigation of Hawaii's many archaeological resources, while the architectural division works to preserve and restore historic structures throughout the islands. The history and culture branch of SHPD focuses on research regarding the Hawaii's indigenous population.

The site offers basic information about the SHPD and its current projects along with government reports generated by the SHPD regarding Hawaii's historic resources.

Lake Jackson Mounds Archaeological State Park [FL]


More than eight centuries ago, Native Americans inhabited the area around Lake Jackson. The park site was part of what is now known as the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex. Today, it encompasses six earthen temple mounds and one possible burial mound. The largest mound is 278 feet by 312 feet at the base and approximately 36 feet in height. Artifacts of pre-Columbian societies have been found here including copper breastplates, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and cloaks. Visitors can enjoy a short hike past the remains of an 1800s grist mill or picnic on an open grassy area near the largest mound.

The park offers tours and exhibits.

Albany Mounds


One of the most important archaeological sites in Illinois, Albany Mounds contains evidence of continuous human occupation over the last 10,000 years. The Mounds date from the Middle Woodland (Hopewell) period (200 BCE–CE 300), older than either the Cahokia or Dickson Mounds of the Mississippian period. The only Middle Woodland site owned by the state, Albany Mounds originally was made up of 96 burial mounds. At least 39 of the mounds remain in good condition, while eight have been partially destroyed through erosion, excavation, or cultivation. Burial artifacts include non-local materials, indicating the existence of trading networks with Native Americans from other areas. The mounds were placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974. In the 1990s the site was "restored" to a natural appearance and a prairie of about 100 acres established. The site also contains a parking lot and picnic shelter, walking trails, and interpretive signs along a bike trail. The Friends of the Albany Indian Mounds Foundation is dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of the site.

No substantive information on interpretative services offered at the site.

Miamisburg Mound [OH]


The Miamisburg Mound is the largest conical burial mound in the state of Ohio and possibly in the eastern U. S. Archaeological investigations of the surrounding area suggest that it was constructed by the prehistoric Adena Indians (800 BC–AD 100). Built on a 100-foot-high bluff, the mound measures 877 feet in circumference. It was originally more than 70 feet high. Visitors may climb the 116 steps from its base to the summit for a view of the surrounding park.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.

Seip Mound [OH]


Seip Mound is the central mound in a group of geometric earthworks. Farming and erosion have degraded the surrounding earthworks leaving the central mound an outstanding feature. It is 240 feet long, 130 feet wide, and 30 feet high. Excavations have revealed that prehistoric Indian buildings existed near the earthworks. Today, visitors can see the location of some of these buildings as they are outlined by short posts in the ground. The Hopewell Indians (100 BC–AD 500) built Seip Mound for burials. This culture had a highly developed craft industry, as is evidenced by artifacts found with bodies in the burial site.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive sources available at the site.

Shrum Mound [OH]


Shrum Mound is one of the last remaining conical burial mounds in the city of Columbus. The 20-foot-high and 100-foot-diameter mound is located in the one-acre Campbell roadside park. The mound is grass-covered and steps lead to its summit. It was probably constructed about 2,000 years ago by the prehistoric Adena people.

The is open to the public.

Website does not include any specifics about interpretive services available at the site.