Harrison County Historical Museum [Texas]


Located in the historic Ginocchio Hotel in the Historical Ginocchio District, the county's museum houses an extensive collection of Caddo Indian artifacts; antique toys; Civil War memorabilia; and mementos from famous citizens of Harrison County, including Lady Bird Johnson, George Foreman,, Bill Moyers, Y.A. Tittle, and James Farmer. A "Hands On" history room contains activities for children of all ages, and the Research Library offers resources for genealogical research.

The museums offers exhibits and research library access.

Lloyd Historical Preservation Society


The Society's mission is to protect and preserve the historical heritage of Lloyd; to support all individuals, groups or agencies that sustain this goal; and to educate and share this historical heritage with the citizens of the Town of Lloyd. It works to protect and preserve local historic sites and materials, educate residents and students on local history, create a museum of local history, preserve the area cemeteries and their history, publish articles of local historic interest, conduct tours of historic sites, record reminiscences of Lloyd citizens to preserve local history, and discover and document the community's past to enrich the town's future.

National Parks & Conservation Association


"We believe that America's national parks and historical sites embody the American spirit. They are windows to our past, homes to some of our rarest plants and animal species, and places where every American can go to find inspiration, peace, and open space.

But these living, breathing monuments to our nation's history, culture, and landscape need care and support to overcome the many dangers that threaten to destroy them forever. At the National Parks Conservation Association, we work every day to ensure our national parks get that vital care and support.

NPCA plays a crucial role in ensuring that these magnificent lands and landmarks are protected in perpetuity:

* We advocate for the national parks and the National Park Service;
* we educate decision makers and the public about the importance of preserving the parks;
* we help to convince members of Congress to uphold the laws that protect the parks and to support new legislation to address threats to the parks;
* we fight attempts to weaken these laws in the courts;
* and we assess the health of the parks and park management to better inform our advocacy work."

Oregon Council for the Social Studies Classroom Incentive Grants


The Oregon Council for the Social Studies is offering classroom incentive grants to give teachers the opportunity to try a new idea or project within the classroom when there is not funding to support these creative ideas. These grants are intended for actual instruction. It is suggested that these grants
could be used to develop student created projects like a website or a multimedia production—like a documentary, xommunity forum, mini-classes, Chautauqua, or community service project. Classroom materials to support these student projects would probably meet the criteria.

Sponsoring Organization
Oregon Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

Must be an OCSS member in good standing; a full time K-12 teacher; and responsible for teaching two or more social studies disciplines in the teaching

Award Amount

Teaching American History Grants


This program supports professional development for U.S. history teachers. It is designed to raise student achievement by improving teachers' knowledge and understanding of and appreciation for traditional U.S. history. Grant awards will assist local educational agencies, in partnership with entities that have content expertise, to develop, document, evaluate, and disseminate innovative and cohesive models of professional development. By helping teachers to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of U.S. history as a separate subject matter within the core curriculum, these programs will improve instruction and raise student achievement.

Sponsoring Organization
U.S. Department of Education
Eligibility Requirements

Local Educational Agencies must apply in partnership with one or more of the following: institutions of higher education (IHEs), nonprofit history or humanities organizations, libraries, or museums.

Award Amount
Up to $500,000

James C. Olson Memorial Award


This annual award goes to a Nebraska teacher who epitomizes the best Nebraska educators have to offer in engaging, inspiring, and guiding their students to discover, enjoy, and learn from the fascinating and important histories state residents share. The award, consisting of a plaque and a lifetime membership with the Nebraska State Historical Society, is limited to K-12 teachers who encourage and support their students in endeavors such as History Day; who use documents, oral history, or place in classroom projects; or who employ other imaginative or innovative methods to make Nebraska history come alive for their students. A committee drawn from the current NSHS Board of Trustees, the NSHS Emeritus Trustees, and the NSHS staff nominates/selects the recipient.

Sponsoring Organization
Nebraska State Historical Society
Eligibility Requirements

K-12 Nebraska educator.

Award Amount
Plaque and lifetime membership with the Nebraska State Historical Society.

NEA Learning and Leadership Grants


Funds individual "participation in high-quality professional development experiences, such as summer institutes or action research."

Sponsoring Organization
NEA Foundation
Eligibility Requirements

Must be a practicing U.S. public school K-12 teacher, public school education support professional, or faculty and staff at public higher education institutions | Must NOT be an employee or board of director member of the NEA Foundation, or an immediate family member of said staff or board

Award Amount

Applications may be submitted at any time. For notification on June 15, must be submitted by Feb. 1, for notification on Nov. 15, by June 1, for notification on Mar. 15, by Oct. 15.

NEA Student Achievement Grants


Provides funds for materials and educational experiences intended to improve the academic achievement of students in U.S. public schools and public higher education institutions in any subject area(s). The proposed work should engage students in critical thinking and problem solving that deepen their knowledge of standards-based subject matter. The work should also improve students' habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection.

Sponsoring Organization
NEA Foundation
Eligibility Requirements

Must be a practicing U.S. public school K-12 teacher, public school education support professional, or faculty and staff at public higher education institutions | Must NOT be an employee or board of director member of the NEA Foundation, or an immediate family member of said staff or board

Award Amount

Applications may be submitted at any time. For notification on June 15, must be submitted by Feb. 1, for notification on Nov. 15, by June 1, for notification on Mar. 15, by Oct. 15.