The Frontier Years


Vance Skarstedt of the National Defense Intelligence College examines the frontier wars that took place as U.S. settlers and military forces spread westward across North America into Native American lands. This lecture was part of "What Students Need To Know About America’s Wars, Part I: 1622-1919: A History Institute for Teachers," held July 26-27, 2008 at the First Division Museum in Wheaton, IL, sponsored by the Foreign Policy Research Institute's Wachman Center and by the Cantigny First Division Foundation.

Audio and visual options are available.

America on the Move, Part Two: Creating Stories


Smithsonian National Museum of American History curators share secrets of how they develop the individual stories presented in exhibitions such as "America on the Move." They then help students who are creating their own family stories by analyzing objects, documents, and other resources. This presentation continues from the presentation "America on the Move, Part One: Migrations, Immigrations, and How We Got Here."

To view this electronic field trip, select "America on the Move, Part Two: Creating Stories" under the heading "Electronic Field Trips."

Interpreting Hoodoo Artifacts: The Archaeological Search


Historian Mark P. Leone looks at the hoodoo artifacts found at the Annapolis home of Charles Carroll, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and to the coming-together of the lives of the Founding Fathers and their African and African American slaves that the artifacts represent. Leone discusses the significance of the artifacts, as the first discovery of a hoodoo cache in the area, and the later discovery of caches elsewhere dating up to the 1920s.

To view this video, select "Scholars," followed by "Mark P. Leone." Choose one of the two Windows Media options.

Tool Chest


Cultural resources manager of the Anacostia Museum Portia James displays and discusses a tool box painted in 1891, depicting a plantation owner and his family riding down into Hell and their slaves ascending to Heaven.

To view this video, select "Scholars," followed by "Portia James." From there, select one of the Windows Media viewing options.

Vacuum Evaporator


Cultural resources manager of the Anacostia Museum Portia James discusses Creole inventor Norbert Rillieux's invention of the vacuum evaporator, a device that increased the efficiency of water evaporation and boosted the growth of the sugar industry.

To view this lecture, select "Scholars," followed by "Portia James." Select one of the Windows Media options.

Georgetown University


Historian Carroll Gibbs looks at the relationship of Georgetown University to the Georgetown African-American community, from the school's 1789 founding to the present day. He focuses particularly on the arrival of Patrick Healy, the first head of a U.S. university to be acknowledged as of African descent, in 1873.

To view this video, select "Scholars," followed by "Carroll Gibbs." Choose one of the Windows Media options.