Empires, Multiculturalisms and Borrowed Heartsongs: What Does it Mean to Sing Russian/Mennonite Songs?


According to the Library of Congress website, "As "colonists" in 19th-century Russia, Mennonites sang German diasporic choral music and borrowed Russian choral music; when war drove many to North America, Mennonites drew on this repertoire and borrowed new repertoires to forge links to a new elite: North American classical choral singing circles. In this webcast, Jonathan Duek, an ethnomusicologist and visiting assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Music, traces this story not as a linear narrative, but as genealogical fragments, beginning with the resonances of particular songs for present-day Mennonite writers, historians, and singers; and then exploring past moments of the production and reception of these songs in Russia and North America."

Equality, Equal Rights Movements, and the Constitution, Part Two Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 11/18/2008 - 15:48

Julie Novkov, Associate Professor of Political Science and Women's Studies at the University of Albany, SUNY, provides an overview of 230 years of struggles for equality, focusing on the role of the Constitution and the courts in movements for African American and women's rights.

Audio and video options are available.

The Common Good, Immigration, and the Constitution in Washington State


Paul Englesberg of Western Washington University unveils the work of the Asian American Curriculum and Research Project, detailing outrages afflicting immigrants in Washington State.

Audio and video options are available. To listen to this lecture, scroll to "Paul Englesberg's Presentation Audio" or "Paul Englesberg's Presentation Video"; and select either, according to your needs.

Diversity, Urbanization, and the Constitution, Part Two: A Conversation Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 11/18/2008 - 13:56

Eric Arnesen, Professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Chicago addresses the interplay between the African-American experience between Reconstruction and the Great Migration, the U.S. Constitution, and shifting democratic ideals.

Video and audio options are available.

Historical Perspectives on Human Rights and International Justice, Part One: The Genesis of the Human Rights Regime


According to Constitutional Connections, "On March 14, Liz Borgwardt examines a multilateralist moment in U.S. history, considering the seminal role the Atlantic Charter (1941) played in developing modern institutions of human rights and international justice. In exploring the "constitutionalization" of these rights, Dr. Borgwardt helped looks at how the Bretton Woods Charter (1944), the UN Charter (1945), and the Nuremberg Charter (1945) emerged from Roosevelt and Churchill's earlier proclamation much as the Constitution evolved from the Declaration of Independence."

The Streets of Old Milwaukee


The essence of urban life in Milwaukee around the turn-of-the-century is recreated from roughly the 1880s to just prior to World War I. This audio tour guides listeners through the exhibit gallery, describing the buildings along the street.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to "The Streets of Old Milwaukee," and select "Download File."

China's Legal Learning from the West


Jacques deLisle of the University of Pennsylvania explores legal interactions between the West and China from the 19th century onwards. This lecture was conducted for "China's Encounter with the West: A History Institute for Teachers," held on March 1-2, 2008. The event was sponsored by the Foreign Policy Research Institute's Wachman Center and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Asia Program, and held at UTC.

Audio and video options are available.