Richmond Hill Historical Society & Museum [GA]


The Richmond Hill Historical Society & Museum seeks to preserve and share the history of Richmond Hill and Bryan County, Georgia. To this end, the society operates a museum with displays covering the Colonial era, Revolutionary War, Civil War, and time of Henry Ford. The museum is located in a structure which previously served as the Henry Ford Kindergarten. This school was run by Ford (1863-1947), father of mass production, and his wife, who wintered in the area.

The museum offers exhibits.

Pope House Museum Foundation [NC]


The Pope House Museum Foundation operates the Pope House Museum, which depicts the life of a well-to-do African American family circa 1900. The house, built in 1901, was the residence of Dr. Manassa Thomas Pope (1858-1934) and his family. Dr. Pope was a 1919 mayoral candidate, an officer in the Spanish American War, and one of the earliest graduates of Shaw University's Leonard school of Medicine. The collections consist of artifacts and documents—with the earliest dating to 1851.

The museum is currently closed for restoration.

Adams County Historical Society [PA]


The Adams County Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Adams County, PA, and its people. To this end, the society operates a museum, located within the dormitory of the first U.S. Lutheran seminary, founded in 1826. The building later served as a Civil War hospital. Exhibit topics include iron works, social classes, pre-history, county development between 1745 and 1945, the Civil War and Battle of Gettysburg, mortuary equipment and mourning practices, religion, education, children's toys, furniture making, seminary history, and circa 1900 dorm life. Other holdings include more than 200,000 photographs and negatives, manuscripts, and county records.

The society offers exhibits, guided museum tours, guided behind-the-scenes tours, research library access, and research services. Appointments are required for all tours to ensure docent availability, with tours only being offered to groups of 10 or more. Students and members may use the research library free of charge. A fee is charged for research conducted upon request.

The Polson Museum [WA]


The Polson Museum seeks to preserve and share the history of Grays Harbor, Washington. The museum is housed in a 1926 26-room mansion—with 17 rooms housing exhibits. Also on-site is a replic of the Polson Logging Company blacksmith shop, which contains tools original to the location. Collection highlights include more than 2,500 historic photographs.

The museum offers exhibits.

Miami Design Preservation League [FL]


The Miami Design Preservation League seeks to preserve and share the history of Miami's architecture, both within and outside of the Miami Beach Architectural Historic District. Miami is perhaps most widely known for its Art Deco architecture. However, the historic district includes Art Deco, Mediterranean Revival, and Miami Modern (MiMo) structures.

The league offers a film series, lectures, a gallery with exhibits related to the Art Deco movement, guided walking tours, iPod or cellphone self-guided walking tours, and guided bicycle or Segway tours.

Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site [NY]


The Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site presents the circa 1819 home in which Whitman was born, as well as information on his life. The home was built by Whitman's father and now contains 19th-century furnishings. Collections include more than 100 letters, artifacts, and archival materials. Walt Whitman (1819-1892) was a famous poet, often referred to as the father of free verse. His works contain aspects of both Transcendentalism and Realism, and he faced censure during his lifetime for the sexuality of his poems.

The site offers educational programs, an introductory film, guided tours, exhibits, and a picnic area.

Dyckman House Park [NY]


The Dyckman House Park consists of a circa 1784 Dutch Colonial farmhouse, surrounded by a small park, in New York City. The site focuses on the years 1815 through 1820 and 1915 through 1916, referred to by the park as the "farm" and "city" periods of the property.

The park offers period rooms, guided tours, educational programs which meet state educational standards. Reservations are required for groups of ten or more. The website offers pre- and post-visit activities.

St. Ignatius Mission [MT]


St. Ignatius Mission is an 1890s religious structure located in the present-day Flathead Indian Reservation. The mission contains 61 paintings by one of its brothers. Paintings include depictions of the Salish Lord. A museum presents artifacts related to both the mission and Native American peoples.

The mission offers exhibits.