Wethersfield Historical Society, Museum, and Historic Sites [CT]


The Society's operates a museum and several historic sites. The Wethersfield Museum features a permanent exhibition on the history of Wethersfield, with over 100 artifacts from the Society's collections, interactive components for visitors, and information on historic sites to visit in the area. Changing exhibition galleries feature the works of local artisans, artists, craft guilds, and temporary society exhibitions throughout the year. The Hurlbut-Dunham House is an elegant brick Georgian early 20th-century home. The Historic Cove Warehouse houses maritime exhibits which explore Wethersfield's role in the busy trade of the 17th and 18th centuries.

The society offers research library access, tours, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events; the Museum offers exhibits; the Hurlbut-Dunham House offers tours; the Warehouse offers tours and exhibits.

Waynesboro Historical Society


"The Waynesboro Historical Society is headquartered in the historic Oller House, 138 W. Main St., Waynesboro. This house was built in 1892 and is very much a part of the rich history in Waynesboro. The society offers a wealth of information for research through its library and archives including a computer database and microfilm library. The society works for the preservation of landmarks and structures in the Waynesboro area."

Polson Flathead Historical Museum


"Share in the Homestead Heritage of the Mission Valley and Flathead Lake area as it is preserved in the Polson-Flathead Historical Museum. Other area museums focus on the Native American presence in the region, but our museum focuses on the pioneers and homesteaders who first inhabited the region. See the development of the area progress over the years through viewing real-life exhibits such as

*The Trading Post, actually see what it was really like to shop in the only store in the region in the 1880's!
*The Flathead "Monster"!
*Marvel at the stagecoaches and buggies that carried passengers to, through and from the Valley!
*Old time Fire Trucks!
*Stand in the middle of a true-to-life kitchen from the 'good old days' and imagine what it was like to cook a meal, wash clothes or preserve food with few labor saving devices!"

Museum of Bus Transportation


"The purpose of the Museum of Bus Transportation organization is to provide museum-quality displays of the bus industry for the public to showcase the industry's growth and development in the United States and to celebrate the role that the bus industry continues to play in the mobility and progress of the American public. This museum will promote the bus industry, and will seek to be of continuous interest to both the general public and the bus enthusiast."

Conway Historical Society


"Headquartered in this exquisite federal home of William Kimball Eastman, the CHS serves all areas of the Conways. The museum features period rooms representing 1818 through 1945. Eastman Lord House Museum in Conway was named to the National Register of Historic Places in 2001."

Christian Heurich House Museum [DC]


Visitor to this Victorian mansion can step back into family life in Washington at the turn of the century. The Victorian interior decorations and furnishings remain largely unchanged since it was built in the late 19th century. Looking very much like a medieval castle, this 31-room mansion was designed by John Granville Myers for local brewer Christian Heurich, between 1894–1896. The interior is predominately Renaissance and Rococo Revival.

The house offers tours.

Toledo Firefighters Museum


"Founded in 1976 for the purpose of preserving the history of the Toledo Fire Division and educating citizens about fire prevention and safety. In memory of fallen firefighters, the two-story museum is located in a working fire station, "Old Number 18 Fire House", circa 1920, which was replaced by a new station in 1975."

Martin House Museum


"The Fulton Historical Society is located in this Civil War era home donated to the City by Leonard and Maxine Martin. The Society has taken over the operation of the home as a repository of information and materials relevant to the history of the City of Fulton and its inhabitants. In addition, the Society wishes to preserve the heritage of the community and provide educational opportunities for the purpose of increasing and enriching public knowledge."

Anthony Pellegrino's Classroom Simulations: Begin with Paris

Date Published
Photo, Paris. Eiffel Tower, 1909-1919, LOC
Article Body
Costumes Not Required

In February 2011 two colleagues (Christopher Dean Lee and Alex de Erizans) and I completed a manuscript and presented excerpts from the paper at a social studies educator’s conference in Orlando, FL. Both the paper and the presentation were the results of successful experiences we had simulating historical events in our classrooms. We found these efforts fostered students' historical empathy and issues-analysis and decision-making skills, all necessary to the experience of “doing” history. While I admire those teachers who take simulations to the level of character reenactment—dressing the part of Napoleon to depict the Battle of Waterloo, for example—what we did here was a bit tamer, and more importantly, student-centered. For our exercise, we chose the 1919 Paris Peace Conference as the simulated historical event on which to focus. Our purpose was to provide opportunities for students to engage in deliberative exchanges based on the 20th-century event that set in motion so many truly global changes.

For this lesson, we attempted to bring some of the designs of Model UN into a history classroom.

An experience beyond traditional classroom discussion, deliberation requires generation of consensus through an investigative process. Classroom simulations employing deliberation are not new in social studies pedagogy. For over two decades organizations such as Model UN have provided opportunities for students to experience deliberation focused on contemporary global issues and challenges. These experiences, however, have largely been extracurricular and not part of the day-to-day learning environment. For this lesson, we attempted to bring some of the designs of Model UN into a history classroom.

Creating the Lesson

As preparation for the lesson, we designed various “position papers” which spelled out the proclivities and concerns of the representatives from each of the delegations at the conference including the Big Four: France, Britain, Italy, and the United States. These documents were developed using various primary and secondary sources including Margaret MacMillan’s book, Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World. We were fortunate that one of our colleagues, Alex, is a German historian who employed his vast knowledge and various sources to craft these documents. Websites such as Firstworldwar.com and the World War I Document Archive's post-1918 documents section provide examples of the sources we used.

We chose delegations based on region in an effort to provide students the realistic situation of grappling with regional challenges as well as mutual needs.

To begin, the teacher establishes delegate groups and distributes the position papers. Flexibility allows that the teacher may dictate some group dynamics. For example, the teacher may decide to assign a specific delegate group to each student or allow students to advocate for all groups within their delegation. Students might, therefore, receive all of the position papers from his or her delegation or receive only the one position paper of his or her group or nation. We chose delegations based on region in an effort to provide students the realistic situation of grappling with regional challenges as well as mutual needs. For example, Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks represented Northern Europe while the Turks, Arabs, and Jews represented the Middle East. Overall, four regions and the Big Four became our five delegations. For homework, students read their position papers and develop targeted questions designed to better understand their delegation’s stance.

In the subsequent class meeting the groups, representing the various delegations, are formed and tasked with reviewing the questions written for homework and developing a consensus statement (based on the position papers and various electronic and other sources available from the teacher) to be presented to the Big Four. Members of the Big Four delegation then deliberate in an effort to consider the demands of the delegates as well as their own constituents at home.

Authentic assessments are done via follow-up documents, which address the decisions of the Big Four in terms of delegations’ demands and actual outcomes of the conference. These assessments take the form of letters to the editors of home nation newspapers and detailed letters to the Big Four praising or raising concerns for the decisions made in Paris. The Big Four delegates write their own letters to home newspapers outlining the decisions they made and the reasons why these decisions are in the best interest of their constituents.

Upon completion, students will have a realistic sense of deliberating in the complex environment of 1919. Moreover, the revelations of the actual decisions made by the Big Four will likely provide memorable fodder for discussion as you move forward in 20th century history.

Expanding this Teaching Method

Our efforts in developing this simulation lesson have us excited about the possibility to find other historical events that may work with these activities. Thus far we have considered the Congress of Vienna, the Peace at Augsburg, the Continental Congress meetings, and even the Camp David Accords. As with any teaching strategy, we realize that many history teachers have successfully engaged students in activities akin to this. In an effort to amalgamate ideas, strategies, and resources, we have created a website designed to house historical simulation activities. If you are interested in employing historical simulation activities in your classroom, or if you have developed a simulation activity based on historical events, feel free to visit our nascent website, where you can find some details about the Paris simulation as well as contact information to submit your own historical simulation lesson activity.

For more information

Ready to gather primary sources to create your own position papers? We've reviewed more than 200 websites on World War I, many of them archives of primary sources.

Brown University has a few suggestions for using roleplaying in the classroom. While the Paris Peace Conference is more appropriate for high school students, you can roleplay with younger students, as well—check out Teaching in Action entry "Historical Context and Roleplaying" for ideas.