Hunterdon County Historical Society


The Hunterdon County Historical Society's library has been in existence since the Society was founded in 1885. In 1963, through the bequest of the late Hiram E. Deats, over 3,000 items were added. These included his personal library and notes on the places and families of Hunterdon County. Today, the library consists of 5,000 printed volumes, manuscripts, newspapers, maps, broadsides, and photographs gathered and preserved since the Society was founded.

The Library is housed in the Doric House, an 1846 Greek Revival structure furnished in authentic Hunterdon antiques of the period.

The House offers tours by appointment and access to the Library.

Lincoln and New York


From the Lincoln and New York website:

"This course introduces teachers to the scholarship behind the new Lincoln and New York exhibition at the New-York Historical Society, including the history, legacy, and memory of Abraham Lincoln's career. Beginning with a survey of Lincoln's biography to provide context for further learning, participants will then explore Lincoln's politics through three foci: Lincoln the candidate, Lincoln the president, and Lincoln the martyr. Through document and object analysis, case studies, use of online resources, and new documentary-making software, participants will examine key moments in Lincoln's short life, the effects his actions had on New York, and the effects New York had on his actions. Participants will receive scholarly resources and reproductions of primary source materials."

"Teachers wishing to receive professional credit must register online with the New York After-School Professional Development Program; visit their website: Teachers who do not wish to receive credit may register on Ed-Net, available at"

NOTE: The dates for this program are not yet set. It will take place in Spring 2010.

Contact name
James Keary
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
New-York Historical Society
Phone number
Target Audience
Course Credit
30 hours professional development
Contact Title
Administrative Assistant

New York Divided: Slavery and the Civil War


From the Lincoln and New York website:

"This course introduces teachers to the scholarship behind the groundbreaking exhibitions Slavery in New York and New York Divided: Slavery and the Civil War. Beginning with a survey of Dutch, British and American practices of slavery, teachers will explore the varied experiences of the enslaved men and women who built New York. In Part II of the course, teachers will examine key themes of the exhibition New York Divided, including New York City's economic and social connections to Southern slavery; the co-existence of anti-black and abolitionist sentiment in New York; and major events in New York during the Civil War, including the Draft Riots and the raising of African-American regiments."

"Teachers wishing to receive professional credit must register online with the New York After-School Professional Development Program; visit their website: Teachers who do not wish to receive credit may register on Ed-Net, available at"

NOTE: The dates for this program are not yet set. It will take place in Spring 2010.

Contact name
James Keary
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
New-York Historical Society
Phone number
Target Audience
Course Credit
30 hours professional development
Contact Title
Administrative Assistant

Understanding the Underground Railroad


From the Lincoln and New York website:

"This course introduces teachers to the scholarship about the history, legacy, and memory of the Underground Railroad. Beginning with a survey of the history of slavery in this country to provide historical context for further learning, participants will then explore the workings of the Underground Railroad. Through document and object analysis, case studies, use of online resources, guest speakers, and field trips, participants will examine key figures in the Underground Railroad and the effects of their actions on the nation. Participants will receive scholarly resources and reproductions of primary source materials."

"Teachers wishing to receive professional credit must register online with the New York After-School Professional Development Program; visit their website: Teachers who do not wish to receive credit may register on Ed-Net, available at"

NOTE: The dates for this program are not yet set. It will take place in Spring 2010.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
New-York Historical Society
Phone number
Target Audience
Course Credit
30 hours professional development
Contact Title
Administrative Assistant

How to Read a Slave Narrative


From the National Humanities Center:

Slave narratives comprise one of the most influential traditions in American literature, shaping the form and themes of some of the most celebrated and controversial writing, in both autobiography and fiction, in the history of the United States. In recent years, as their importance has been recognized, slave narratives have appeared on more and more high school literature curricula. How did they evolve? What are their major themes? How do narratives written by men differ from those written by women? How do they portray slavery and freedom? How have they influenced later writing, and what can they say to students in the 21st century?

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Humanities Center
Phone number
Start Date
Course Credit
"The National Humanities Center programs are eligible for recertification credit. Each seminar will include ninety minutes of instruction plus approximately two hours of preparation. Because the seminars are conducted online, they may qualify for technology credit in districts that award it. The Center will supply documentation of participation."
One and a half hours

Ella Epp Education Fund


The Ella Epp Education Fund provides matching scholarships for Nebraska school children from Class C and D public schools to attend Heritage Activities for Today’s Students (H.A.T.S.) classes at Stuhr Museum. H.A.T.S. classes are integrated, curriculum-based instructional units for kindergarten through sixth grade taught by professional instructors in period attire.

Sponsoring Organization
Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer
Eligibility Requirements

Students must attend Nebraska public Class C and D schools or Class I schools that feed into Class C or D districts.

Scholarships provide a 50% match for tuition for H.A.T.S. classes.

Eligible schools may apply every other year. (In order to provide maximum accessibility, scholarships are not available two consecutive years.)

Scholarships are limited and are awarded on a first-come basis.

Grand Island, NE

James M. Cox Foundation


A limited number of scholarships are available for public schools from Hamilton and York Counties. These scholarships include funding for tuition and for transportation to attend Heritage Activities for Today’s Students (H.A.T.S.) classes at Stuhr Museum. H.A.T.S. classes are integrated, curriculum-based instructional units for kindergarten through sixth grade taught by professional instructors in period attire.

Sponsoring Organization
Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer; James M. Cox Foundation
Eligibility Requirements

Students must attend Nebraska public schools located in Hamilton and York Counties.

Scholarships provide tuition for H.A.T.S. classes, and for transportation stipends not to exceed $200 per school. Transportation stipends may reimburse mileage or cover the costs of bus rental.

Scholarships are limited and are awarded on a first-come basis.

Grand Island, NE

Help Wanted!

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Cork-cutter, soapboiler, or goldbeater —what could you be growing up in 1837?


Edward Hazen's 1837 Panorama of Professions and Trades described hundreds of occupations to which a young person might aspire in Jacksonian America. Match the names of the occupations below with Hazen's illustrations of them:

Quiz Answer

1. Glassblower

2. Milliner—a maker and trimmer of hats and other accessories

3. Schoolmaster

4. Cooper—a maker of barrels and other casks

5. Dyer

6. Cabinetmaker

For more information

For more engravings and descriptions of early 19th-century careers, skim through the full text of Edward Hazen's The Panorama of Professions and Trades. It covers more than 60 occupations, including soapboiler, comb-maker, goldbeater, and lithographer, with descriptions of the work of each craftsman and of the products he or she created.

Though originally printed in London in 1807, The Book of English Trades, and Library of the Useful Arts was reprinted in the U.S. in 1811. Like Edward Hazen's Panorama, the Book provides a brief description of many occupations, but also offers a history for each, and a summary of the education and certification necessary to pursue each trade.

For something a bit more contemporary, Eric Sloane's A Museum of Early American Tools presents line-drawn illustrations of tools from early American craftsmanship.

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Presidential Moments: Inauguration


The first day on the new job is difficult for everybody— including U.S. presidents.


Same old, same old—another president, another inaugural speech, right? Maybe not. Match the president to the fact that made his inauguration unique.

Quiz Answer

1. Which U.S. president did not use a Bible at his inauguration?

Franklin Pierce. He placed his hand on a law book. Pierce was suffering a crisis in faith after the death of his 11-year-old son in a train accident on the way to Washington for the inaugural. And he didn't "swear" to the oath; instead, he "affirmed" it. (Beyer, Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told, 9)

2. Which mishap occurred at the inauguration of George Washington?

Nobody thought to bring a Bible to take the oath of office. A quick search of Federal Hall failed to turn up a copy of the Bible. New York chancellor Robert Livingston, who was to administer the oath, remembered there would be a Bible at the nearby Saint John’s Masonic Lodge. The Masonic Bible was opened to a random page from Genesis and Washington placed his hand on it as Livingston administered the oath. After reciting the oath of office, President Washington added the unscripted words, "so help me God," a practice that has been followed by almost every president since. The Bible, now known as the Washington Bible, has been used by four other presidents for their inaugurations. A fifth, George W. Bush, had to scrap plans to use the Bible because of bad weather. The book was also used at Washington's funeral, the dedication of the Washington Monument in 1885, and the rededication of the U.S. Capitol cornerstone in 1959. (Beyer, Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told, 8)

3. Which long-winded president delivered the longest inaugural address?

William Henry Harrison. On 4 March 1841, Harrison gave his 8,000-word speech for nearly two hours. At age 68, he was the oldest president yet. To demonstrate that he maintained plenty of youthful vigor, he spoke without an overcoat or hat to ward off the cold. Harrison caught a cold that turned into pneumonia and died a month later. (Beyer, Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told, 46)

4. Which president gave the shortest address?

George Washington. After taking the oath of office on the balcony of Federal Hall in New York City, Washington proceeded to the Senate chamber where he read a speech before members of Congress and other dignitaries. His second inauguration took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on 4 March 1793, in the Senate chamber of Congress Hall. There he gave the shortest inaugural address on record—just 135 words—before repeating the oath of office. (Inaugural History, at

5. Why did Zachary Taylor postpone his inauguration?

The date in question, 4 March 1849, fell on a Sunday. James K. Polk's term of office officially ended at noon on Sunday, March 4, 1849. Taylor refused to take the oath of office until Monday, March 5, 1849. Missouri senator David Rice Atchison was serving as president pro tempore of the Senate, which made him next in line after the president and vice president. (Beyer, Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told, 60 )

6. Which president was inaugurated in secret?

Rutherford B. Hayes. The presidential election of 1876 was one of the closest and most disputed elections in history. The outcome was in dispute until a few days before the inauguration, when Republican Hayes was declared the winner by one electoral vote. Angry Democrats threatened to protest. President Ulysses S. Grant ordered troops to Washington to prevent trouble. Grant's term was due to expire at noon on Sunday, March 4. In observation of the Sabbath, Hayes' inauguration wasn't scheduled until Monday. Republicans feared that Democrats might somehow take advantage of the one-day gap to install Tilden in the White House or otherwise embarrass them and decided to take preemptive action. Before a gala White House dinner on Saturday, March 3, Grant escorted Hayes to the Red Room. There, in front of a handful of cabinet members, Chief Justice Morrison Waite secretly administered the oath of office. The men returned to the dinner without announcing the inauguration. Hayes was publicly inaugurated the following Monday at noon. (Beyer, Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told, 96)

7. Whose inaugural address was the first to be broadcast on television?

Harry S. Truman. Truman’s inaugural address was broadcast in 1949. James Buchanan's 1857 inauguration was the first to be photographed. William McKinley held the first inaugural ceremony recorded by a motion picture camera in 1897. Herbert Hoover's inauguration was the first recorded by talking newsreel in 1929. In 1997, William J. Clinton was the first President whose inaugural ceremony was broadcast live on the Internet. (Inaugural Inaugural

8. Who was the first president to take the oath of office in Washington, DC?

Thomas Jefferson. On March 4, 1801, Jefferson walked with few attendants and little fanfare to the Capitol building from his nearby lodgings at a boarding house to become the first president to be inaugurated in the nation's new capital city. Upon entering the Senate chamber, now the Old Supreme Court Chamber, Jefferson took the oath of office administered by Chief Justice John Marshall and addressed the audience gathered in the Senate chamber. After his inaugural address he finished his day with a meal at the boarding house. (Inaugural,

9. How many presidents did NOT take the oath of office in Washington, DC?

6. George Washington: 1789—Federal Hall, New York City; 1793—Congress Hall, Philadelphia; John Adams: 1797—Congress Hall, Philadelphia; Chester A. Arthur: 1881—residence, New York City; Theodore Roosevelt: 1901—residence, Buffalo, New York; Calvin Coolidge: 1923—residence, Plymouth, Vermont; Lyndon B. Johnson: 1963—Air Force One, Dallas, Texas

10. Who was the first president to be inaugurated on January 20 instead of March 4?

Franklin D. Roosevelt. A change made by the 20th Amendment to the Constitution called for Roosevelt to be inaugurated on 20 January 1937. This year also marked the first time the vice president was inaugurated outdoors on the same platform with the president. (Inaugural,

  • Inaugural Histroy,
  • Rick Beyer, Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told: 100 Tales from History to Astonish, Bewilder, and Stupefy (New York: Collins, 2007)
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American Myths: Popular Music


Each song has a story. What inspired it? When was it made? By whom?


Match the song title with the story of its composition or use.

Battle Hymn of the Republic
Home Sweet Home
Star Spangled Banner
Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Quiz Answer

1. This was a popular Civil War song sung by Union and Confederate soldiers. Regimental bands typically ended evening camp concerts by playing this song and bands of opposing armies sometimes performed the song together across battle lines:

Home Sweet Home. John Howard Payne, a traveling actor who wrote the lyrics, lived his entire life in hotel rooms and boarding houses, never having an actual home.

2. After battle, while preparing casualties from the opposing army for burial, a captain discovered his own son among the dead soldiers. On his son’s body, he found the music for this song written on a scrap of paper:

Taps. Captain Robert Ellicombe asked his company bugler to play the music at his son's burial. The next day, Division Commander Gen. Daniel Butterfield, asked his bugler, Oliver Morton, to arrange the piece for a new bugle call, which was soon played throughout the entire Union Army.

3. The melody to this song was originally a popular drinking tune:

Star Spangled Banner. John Stafford Smith composed the melody for a London social club in the late 1700s, and the music was used for a religious hymn and later for a popular drinking song in London and America.

4. Originally a religious song, this music, with new lyrics, became a famous marching song:

Battle Hymn of the Republic. Southerner William Steffe composed the music for a religious hymn, and Union soldiers marched to the song, singing the words of "John Brown's Body." When Julia Ward Howe saw troops marching to the tune, she was so inspired by its pageantry that the words to "Battle Hymn" came to her in the middle of the night.

5. A man from Ohio wrote this song while sitting in a New York City hotel room:

Dixie. Northerner Dan D. Emett did not write the song with personal memories of old cotton fields back home. The song became a popular tune before the Civil War, and Confederate soldiers soon adopted it as their own. Ironically, the song was a favorite of Abraham Lincoln.

6. The author of this song never witnessed a battle or a baseball game before writing this piece:

Take Me Out to the Ball Game. Albert von Tilzer performed this song on vaudeville stages twenty years before he actually saw his first baseball game.

  • Thomas Ayres, That's Not in My American History Book: A Compilation of Little-Known Events and Forgotten Heroes (New York: Taylor Trade Publishing, 2000).
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