Our House [OH]


Our House—a three-story brick tavern in the Federal style—was built in Gallipolis by Henry Cushing in 1819. The tavern boasted (in addition to its taproom, dining room, and other usual facilities) a large ballroom for social functions. On 22 May 1825, General Lafayette visited Gallipolis and was entertained at Our House Tavern. Gallipolis still celebrates Lafayette's visit with a ceremony each spring. The Cushing family owned and operated Our House until 1865.

The site offers tours and educational programs.

Hanby House [OH]


This is the home of Benjamin Russell Hanby, composer of numerous songs, including "Darling Nellie Gray" and "Up on the Housetop." Hanby played many roles in his life, as well as composer: student, abolitionist, father, teacher, minister. The house was built in 1846 and occupied by the Hanbys from 1853 to 1870. From their house and barn, Ben Hanby and his father, Bishop William Hanby, ran a busy station on the Underground Railroad. The home contains furniture and personal items from the family. There is a walnut desk made by Hanby. The original plates for the first edition of "Darling Nellie Gray" and a large collection of sheet music and books are at the site.

The house offers tours.

Hayes Presidential Center [OH]


The Hayes Presidential Center contains the residence of Rutherford B. Hayes, 19th president of the United States, a library and museum, and the tomb of the president and his wife Lucy Webb Hayes. Hayes's uncle, Sardis Birchard, named the site Spiegel Grove from the German word for mirror. It was based on the reflections from the pools of water under the trees. The homestead, a stately mansion, is furnished in late 19th-century style. The library and museum building houses the personal papers and mementos of the Hayes family, the Civil War, and the White House. Hayes's tomb is encased in a monument of Vermont granite from his father's farm.

A second website for the Presidential Center can be found here.

The center offers exhibits; tours; research library access; lectures; and recreational and educational events, including living history events.

Grant Birthplace [OH]


Ulysses S. Grant was born 27 April 1822 in picturesque Point Pleasant near the mouth of Big Indian Creek at the Ohio River. This restored one-story, three-room cottage, which was built in 1817, was next to the tannery where Grant's father worked. The small cottage is furnished with period items. At one time the birthplace made an extensive tour of the United States on a railroad flatcar and was also temporarily displayed on the Ohio State fairgrounds.

The site offers tours.

Plantation Agriculture Museum [AR]


This museum interprets cotton agriculture in Arkansas from statehood in 1836 through World War II, when agricultural practices quickly became mechanized. Visitors can tour the restored 1920s cotton gin and see how cotton was grown, picked, and processed.

The museum offers exhibits, tours, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Jacksonport State Park [AR]


In the 1800s, steamboats made Jacksonport a thriving river port. During the Civil War, the town was occupied by both Confederate and Union forces because of its crucial locale. Jacksonport became county seat in 1854, and construction of a stately, two-story brick courthouse began in 1869. The town began to decline in the 1880s when bypassed by the railroad. The county seat was moved in 1891 to nearby Newport, and Jacksonport's stores, wharves, and saloons soon vanished. Today the park's museums, the 1872 courthouse, the nearby Mary Woods No. 2 sternwheel paddleboat, and interpretive programs share the story of this historic river port.

The site offers tours, exhibits, and recreational and educational events.

Powhatan Historic State Park [AR]


In the late 1800s, this busy river port on the Black River was the shipping point for a large territory. In 1888, a Victorian courthouse was built here. Restored in 1970 to the architect's original plans, the courthouse today serves as a regional archive that contains some of the oldest records in Arkansas. Visitors can tour the Powhatan Courthouse, 1873 Powhatan Jail, 1840s Ficklin-Imboden House, 1888 Telephone Exchange Building, and 1880s Powhatan Male and Female Academy, a unique two-room schoolhouse, all gracing their original foundations.

The site offers tours, exhibits, and workshops.

Crowley's Ridge State Park [AR]


Located atop the forested hills in northeast Arkansas, Crowley's Ridge State Park occupies the former homestead of Benjamin Crowley, whose family first settled this area. Native log and stone structures, constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s, set the mood for this park's rustic warmth.

The site offers occasional recreational and educational events.

Felix Vallé House State Historic Site [MO]


The Felix Vallé State Historic Site is designed to offer visitors a rare glimpse of Missouri's French colonial past. From the historic site's website, "The site features the Felix Vallé House built in 1818 as an American-Federal style residence and mercantile store. Restored and furnished to reflect the 1830s, the home today interprets the American influence on the French community following the Louisiana Purchase." In addition to the Felix Vallé House, the historic site also features the Benjamin Shaw house and the 1792 Bauvais-Amoureux House.

The State Historic Site offers guided tours and interpretive activities, and serves as the headquarters for the Historic Preservation Field School. The website offers visitor information as well as a brief history of the site.

Boone's Lick State Historic Site [MO] Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/08/2008 - 13:34

In 1804, Lewis and Clark reported the presence of many saltwater springs in the area that now comprises Howard, Cooper, and Saline counties. The largest of these salt springs was the Boone's Lick. The area around this spring was ideal for settlement and for many years "Boone's Lick Country" was a primary destination for pioneers moving west. Nathan and Daniel Morgan Boone, sons of famous frontiersman Daniel Boone, formed a partnership with James and Jesse Morrison in 1805 to produce salt. Brine water was poured into iron kettles and heated to boiling on a stone furnace. As the water evaporated, salt crystallized in the bottom of the kettle. The salt was shipped by keelboat on the Missouri River to St. Louis. Salt, which was indispensable at the time for preserving meat and tanning hides, was produced at the site until approximately 1833. Today, the 52-acre site features picnic facilities and a short trail that winds its way to the spring site, where wood remnants of the salt works and an iron kettle are still visible. Outdoor exhibits interpret this unique saltwater environment and center of frontier industry. Artifacts from the salt manufacturing industry were excavated at the site, and some are on display at the Arrow Rock State Historic Site visitor center in Arrow Rock.

The site offers exhibits and occasional recreational and educational events.