Adrian Basora on Democratic Transitions


Adrian Basora, Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute and Director of the Project on Democratic Transitions, offers an in-depth assessment of the political, economic, and social transitions of Central and East European countries 15 years after the fall of communism; and discusses the development of non-democratic countries following 1989 and the fall of the Berlin Wall. He examines responses to democracy and looks at attempts to spread democracy.

To listen to this lecture, select "A - Adrian Basora on Democratic Transitions on Radio Times (on NPR-affiliate WHYY), 3/16/2007" under "2007."

The media file does not seem to be available currently.

Historic Preservation Society of Social Circle [GA]


The Historic Preservation Society of Social Circle was founded with two goals in mind, to acquire a significant historic property to serve as society headquarters and as a community history center, and to develop a sizable membership in order to provide community based programs. With the acquisition of Gunter Hall and a membership of nearly 150, the society has achieved both of those goals. Currently, Gunter Hall is undergoing an extensive renovation. When finished, Gunter Hall will serve as a historic house museum in addition to its current role as society headquarters.

The site offers information about the society, visitor information for the town of Social Circle, a history of Social Circle, a history of the Social Circle school system, and an events calendar.

A museum is under development.

Le Sueur County Historical Society and Museum [MN]


The Society's Museum is housed in a two-story red brick structure designed by George Pass and built in 1895—one of the few remaining examples of late 19th-century schoolhouse architecture. The Museum interprets the history of Le Sueur County through a collection that includes a prehistoric bison skull, one-room school, general store, vintage toy displays, church artifacts, Victorian rooms, and Native American objects. An Art Room showcases area artisans and exhibits honoring the work of Adolf Dehn, Roger Preuss, and David Maass.

The museum offers exhibits and research library access.

Unable to find an official site to confirm the continued existence of the society or museum. The following site mentions that there seems to be an ownership dispute over the museum.