First Ladies' Firsts


What about the other occupants of the White House?


The role of the First Lady has changed over time due to shifting social values as well as the individual personalities of the first ladies. Try to identify the correct first lady in each question based on the following descriptions.

Quiz Answer

1. What president's wife first spoke on national radio, broke precedent by inviting noticeably pregnant women to stand with...

Lou Hoover.

2. Several First Ladies were widely known as counselors to their husbands, but which one engineered her husband's run for ...

Helen Taft.

3. What First Lady was the first (and only) woman to have married a President in a White House ceremony?

Frances Cleveland.

4. What president's wife was the first to descend into a mine?

Julia Grant.

5. What president's wife was the first to invite spirit mediums to the White House to conduct séances?

Mary Lincoln.

6. Who was the first woman to see her husband being sworn in as President? A famous writer described her as "a fine, portly...

Dolley Madison.

7. Who was the first woman widowed as First Lady to be present for the inauguration of her husband's successor?

Jacqueline Kennedy.

For more information

firstladies_hoover.jpg [Question 1] The first photograph of either a president or a first lady broadcasting from the White House is of Mrs. Hoover. She began national broadcasts in 1929, even setting up a practice room in the White House where she could "improve [her] talkie technique." Many of her broadcasts were made from President Hoover's country retreat, Camp Rapidan, where she often devoted her programs to speaking to young people, urging girls to contemplate independent careers and boys to help with the housework. Mrs. Hoover had a degree in geology from Stanford University, as did her husband. She had accompanied him to China for two years, where he hadsupervised the country's mining projects. She later used the Mandarin Chinese she learned then to communicate with her husband privately when they were in the presence of others.

[Question 2] Her father and her maternal grandfather had both served in Congress. When she was 17, she had gone to Washington with her parents to visit their family friends, President Rutherford Hayes and his wife Lucy, and she had spent a week as a guest at the White House. She was politically ambitious, but saw little opportunity for women to advance their own political careers. She married William Taft, a lawyer, who would probably have been content to practice law, or to become a judge, but she strongly encouraged him to accept political appointments, and finally, to run for political office. On her husband's inauguration day, the outgoing President, Theodore Roosevelt, left Washington immediately after the swearing-in ceremony, and she skillfully maneuvered herself into the car, next to her husband, that drove them both back to the White House. William Taft coped with stress and unhappiness by eating. During his presidency, his weight ballooned to 340 pounds, making it necessary for theTafts to replace the White House bathtub with a super-sized one.

[Question 3] Bachelor President Grover Cleveland married 21-year-old Frances Folsom on June 2, 1886, in a White House ceremony at which John Philip Sousa played the wedding march. After the ceremony, the newlyweds escaped to a honeymoon cottage in nearby Deer Park, Maryland, where reporters camped out in the bushes. Frances Folsom was the daughter of Cleveland's former law partner. Cleveland had known her since she had been born, and had bought her first baby carriage. He was 27 years older than her.

President John Tyler's first wife, Letitia, was the first woman to die during her husband's presidency, in 1842. He remarried while he was President, to Julia Gardiner, at her church in New York City, on June 26, 1844. President Wilson's first wife, Ellen, died in the White House on August 6, 1914, and he remarried, to Edith Bolling Galt, while he was President, on December 8, 1915, in a ceremony at Edith's Washington, D.C. home.

firstladies_grant.jpg [Question 4] Julia Grant, although it happened after her husband was no longer president. Mrs. Grant went down the Big Bonanza silver mine in Virginia City, Nevada with her husband after hearing that he had wagered that she would be afraid to go. The Grants, along with their son, Ulysses, Jr., visited the mine on October 28, 1879, more than two years after Grant had left office. The mine's fabulous production of silver during the Civil War had done much to undergird the Government's financial credit internationally. Lucy Hayes later descended into the same mine with her husband, President Rutherford Hayes. On May 21, 1935, Eleanor Roosevelt made the national news by visiting the Willow Grove coal mine in Bellaire, Ohio, to observe the working conditions of the miners.

[Question 5] After the Lincolns' son Willie died in February 1862, she grew despondent. A few of her acquaintances suggested that she and her husband could still receive consolation from him in the afterlife through the intermediary of a spirit medium. Mrs. Lincoln invited several—the exact number is disputed—to the White House for private consultations. Both Lincolns attended a few séances elsewhere in Washington, although it is a matter of conjecture whether the President regarded these as anything more than a kind of entertainment.

[Question 6] The famous writer was Washington Irving. James Madison was generally shy and reticent among crowds and at parties, but Dolley was a social gadfly and an accomplished hostess. She was also a couple of inches taller than her husband.

firstladies_kennedy.jpg[Question 7] Lyndon Johnson, with his wife Lady Bird on one side and Jackie on the other, was sworn in aboard Air Force One less than two hours after JFK's assassination. The ceremony was delayed to wait for Jackie to arrive. The most famous photograph of the event has Jackie in the foreground, standing in a pink suit still stained with her husband's blood, with LBJ in the center with his hand upraised taking the oath, and with Lady Bird in the background.

  • Betty Boyd Caroli, First Ladies. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.
Jackie Kennedy
Jackie Kennedy
Jackie Kennedy
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Alien Invasions

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For each pair of animal and plant species, identify the one that is not native to America.


America's wildlife looks different than it did before Columbus: Newcomers to North America introduced many plants and animals. Some introductions were accidental, but others were made to "improve" the New World.

In each pair of species, one is native to America and one was introduced. Select the introduced species:

Quiz Answer

1. House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), first introduced by the New York-based American Acclimatization Society in the 1850s, and by others during that decade.

2. Starling (Sturnus vulgari), first introduced by Eugene Schieffelin of the American Acclimatization Society into Central Park in 1877.

3. Rock Pigeon (Columba livia), first introduced to North America in 1606 at Port Royal, Nova Scotia.

4. Kudzu (Pueraria lobata), first introduced on a large scale to America from about 1935 by the Soil Conservation Service and the Civilian Conservation Corps, which planted it extensively in southern states in an effort to control soil erosion.

5. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), first introduced by British colonists as a garden green and medicinal herb.

6. Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio), first brought to the U.S. in 1831, but widely introduced by U.S. Fish and Fisheries Commission head Spencer Fullerton Baird soon after 1871, as a food source in the nation's overfished rivers and lakes.

7. Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), first introduced into North America in 1884. It now clogs many lakes, ponds, and inland waterways.

8. Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar), introduced to Medford, MA, in 1868, by French amateur entomologist Étienne Léopold Trouvelot, in an effort to cross breed them with silk moths in the U.S., which had become susceptible to various diseases.

For more information

aliens-answer.jpg The University of Georgia's Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health lists invasive species—plants, animals, insects, and others—in the U.S. today. It does not, however, describe the history of most invasions—a classroom exercise might involve students selecting a species from the list and tracing its introduction to the U.S. through research elsewhere. For instance, the New York Times' archived articles include an 1877 article on the American Acclimatization Society's release of sparrows, skylarks, and other birds in North America.

Try a general search of NHEC using the keywords "Civilian Conservation Corps" to learn more about the history and activities of this New Deal organization.

For websites offering primary sources and high-quality information on the environment, conservation, and other ecology-related topics in U.S. history, search NHEC's Website Reviews—Topic: Environment and Conservation. Or search Online History Lectures using the same topic to turn up audiovisual presentations, long and short, on nature and U.S. history.

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image alien invasions quiz
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Film Series for Educators: Journey to Freedom


From the Facing History and Ourselves website:

"This film [Journey to Freedom] tells the story of Waitstill Sharp, a Unitarian minister from Massachusetts, and his wife Martha, a social worker, who helped feed and shelter thousands of refugees and assisted anti-Nazi dissidents and Jews as they escaped to safety, first in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia and later in France. The Sharps were recognized as Righteous Among the Nations at Yad Vashem—the highest recognition accorded by the state of Israel to non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews during the World War II. The Sharps' compelling story reveals a largely unknown chapter of Holocaust history and provides a new perspective on America's relationship to it. This film is an important addition to Facing History's collection of classroom resources that focus on rescue and resistance during the Holocaust. The Facing History Film Series is presented in partnership with the Denver Film Society.

The workshop is in two parts. Part 1 (4:30-6:30 pm) will be an educator workshop focused on pedagogy. Part 2 (7:00-9:00 pm) will include the film presentation. A light dinner will be served between the two parts."

Contact name
Karen Mortimer
Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Four and a half hours

Hinkle-Garton Farmstead [IN]


The farmstead dates to 1886. John Henry and Laura Ann Rawlins Hinkle built their Queen-Anne-style home in 1892. The Hinkles built a smaller, Free-Classic-style home on the property around 1910 for their son, Henry Ernest Hinkle, and his wife, Bertha Elizabeth Rogers. As an intact group of farm buildings from the Queen Anne era, it is the only such group in Bloomington and one of the few in Monroe County. Now 11.08 acres, the farmstead includes a Midwest three-portal dairy barn, grain crib, early garage, and blacksmith shed.

The farmstead offers tours.

Winston Churchill Memorial Breakout Session


This workshop provides in-depth training about the Winston Churchill Memorial's education curriculum specific to the 6–8 classroom. This workshop will assist teachers in preparing students for participating in the Memorial's various on-site and outreach school programs.

Contact name
Crump, Mandy
Sponsoring Organization
Winston Churchill Memorial and Library
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Four hours

Winston Churchill Memorial Breakout Session


This workshop provides in-depth training about the Winston Churchill Memorial's education curriculum specific to the 9–12 classroom. This workshop will assist teachers in preparing students for participating in the Memorial's various on-site and outreach school programs.

Contact name
Crump, Mandy
Sponsoring Organization
Winston Churchill Memorial and Library
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
Education Coordinator
Four hours

The Civil Rights Movement in Context


"Too often, our students view Civil Rights in isolation—they don't understand the rich historical background of African American history or the legacies of the movement in the more recent past. They know the major civil rights figures like Martin Luther King, Jr. or Rosa Parks, but they don't grasp the complexities of civil rights leadership, or the experience of the movement's foot soldiers—the students in SNCC, the freedom riders, or the everyday people who marched, boycotted, protested, and volunteered to make the movement happen. This course will try to explore the movement from all of these perspectives using, where possible, first-hand accounts from the people who lived this important history.

The instructor will assume that the main historical outlines of the movement are familiar to K-12 teachers—instead of recounting that basic history, we'll spend much of our time delving into lesser-studied events of the movement and the primary sources that will allow us to explore our own ideas about the movement and its meanings in detail.

The best way to learn history is by doing history. This course will allow for the opportunity for deep historical analysis and interpretation using primary sources. We'll tackle documents, images, newspaper accounts, artistic expressions, film, and other sources. By doing so, we'll develop our own arguments and ideas about the movement, and help our future students do the same. Many of the resources we will use have been recently added to the Internet and they should be exciting additions to the course, and to historical scholarship more broadly. As you mine these sources, you'll hopefully enjoy the historical process and also get some great ideas for classroom activities for your students.

The instructor has selected websites and multimedia resources that will give participating teachers access to literally thousands of documents including newspaper accounts, oral history interviews, government documents, photographs, works of art, film clips, and more. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to analyze these sources through engaging activities to create a lesson plan for classroom use; to receive individualized, constructive feedback and answers to content-oriented questions from a well-versed instructor; and to join other teachers from across the state in lively online discussions throughout the course—all on your own schedule from home or from your school's computers."

Sponsoring Organization
Learn NC
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
3.0 CEUs
Eight weeks
End Date

The Last Good War: Teaching World War II through Art, Music, and Literature


From Alabama Humanities:

World War II is ideally suited to today's classroom. All of the novels selected for the course have been included on high school reading lists for years. Film versions of most of the novels are readily available to the high school teacher. Excerpts from several of these films will be shown during class. Teachers will learn about a number of World War II artists, such as Tom Lea and Kerr Eby, whose artwork can also be used to illustrate the war. Finally, teachers will learn how to use the best audiovisual aids in the classroom: actual veterans of World War II who can be found all over the United States.

Contact name
Thomas E. Bryant
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Alabama Humanities
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
"24 contact hours "
Three days
End Date