Thanksgiving Dinner in 1943

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Rationing in the Land of Abundance: Choose the foods that would have been hard to come by during WWII.


During World War II, the Office of Price Administration (OPA) instituted rationing, limiting the amount of goods, including food items, that civilians could purchase, affecting daily life and traditions on the homefront. What was it like to plan a holiday meal in 1943?

Quiz Answer


Difficult. Beef, pork, and lamb were rationed, except for organ meats (which could not be easily preserved and shipped to the troops). Poultry was not rationed because it, too, was difficult to preserve and ship, but turkey shortages were widespread during the holiday season of 1943. This was partly because farmers were obliged to offer their turkeys first to the government before selling them on the open market. Cooks who were not prepared to hunt wild turkeys were encouraged to roast a duck or a chicken for Thanksgiving.


Not difficult. Flour and bread were not rationed. Nor were fresh vegetables—onions and celery, for example, or chestnuts. Fresh fish was not rationed either, so adding oysters would have been no problem, depending on one's proximity to the coast.

Cranberry sauce

Difficult. Fresh fruit was not rationed, so cranberries could be found in the market, but sugar was rationed (two lbs. per person per month). You could use rationed sugar to make cranberry sauce, but that would not leave much for the rest of the month. Having several people pool their ration was a possible solution. Canned cranberry sauce was available, but the government rationed almost all processed and canned, bottled, or frozen food, so it would cost precious points. Consumers were strongly urged to recycle metal cans for the war effort.

Green beans with cheese sauce

Difficult. Green beans (and other fresh vegetables) were not rationed (unless in cans), and milk for the cheese sauce was available. Hard cheese, however, was rationed because it was easy to ship overseas.

Mashed potatoes

Not difficult. Fresh vegetables were not rationed.


Not difficult. Flour was not rationed; neither were fresh eggs.


Difficult. Butter was rationed, along with all other oils and fats. Margarine was somewhat easier to get than butter. Factories and farms focused on supplying the military first. Factories used oils and fats to manufacture soap and munitions (using glycerin). Whiskey distilleries turned to making industrial alcohol.

Fresh tropical fruit salad with cottage cheese

Difficult. Cottage cheese and other soft cheeses were not rationed, and fresh fruit was not rationed (although canned fruit was); however, fresh tropical fruit, such as bananas, was almost unavailable due to the disruption in Caribbean shipping by naval warfare. In addition, railroads and trucks were detailed to move military supplies. A Waldorf salad would have been a better choice.

Pumpkin pie

Difficult. Sugar and shortening were both rationed (some people used fat rendered from their rationed meat for shortening). Fresh pumpkin was freely available, but canned pumpkin was rationed because of the can.


Difficult. Coffee was rationed until 1943, but even after that, it was scarce, as was tea. Other scarce products on the home front included chocolate and cigarettes, both of which were shipped overseas to the army.

The public was encouraged to grow produce in "Victory Gardens" and to conserve and collect metal, paper, and rubber. They were also encouraged to carpool whenever possible. Besides gasoline and automobiles, other rationed non-food items included clothing, shoes, typewriters, stoves, refrigerators, bicycles, tires, fuel oil, farm equipment, and wire fencing.

For more information

thanksgiving-ctlm2.jpg Genealogy Today's digital collection WWII War Ration Books introduces visitors to the history of ration books, provides contemporary newspaper clippings and government publications on rationing, and lets visitors browse digital images of more than 9,000 ration book covers.
Click through the Ames, IA Historical Society's exhibit on WWII rationing for examples of rationing stamps, wartime propaganda supporting rationing, and pages from a rationing-friendly cookbook.
The National Archives and Research Administration (NARA)'s Pictures of World War II includes some images and documents related to rationing—click on "The Home Front."
In her Lessons Learned entry, "The Power of Primary Sources: How Teaching American History Grants Changed My Classroom," Kansas high school teacher Tracy Hutton describes how using engaging primary sources, including materials on rationing, has enhanced her teaching.

  • "Facts the younger generation of marketers should know are taught this class in the Murch Elementary School, Washington, D.C. Catherine M. Rooney, 6th grade teacher instructs her alert pupils on the way and how of War Ration Book Two," Feb. 1943, National Archives and Records Administration (accessed October 13, 2009).
  • Office for Emergency Management, "I Pay No More Than Top Legal Prices, I Accept No Rationed Goods Without Giving Up Ration Stamps," National Archives and Records Administration (accessed October 13, 2009).
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Presidential Moments: Inauguration


The first day on the new job is difficult for everybody— including U.S. presidents.


Same old, same old—another president, another inaugural speech, right? Maybe not. Match the president to the fact that made his inauguration unique.

Quiz Answer

1. Which U.S. president did not use a Bible at his inauguration?

Franklin Pierce. He placed his hand on a law book. Pierce was suffering a crisis in faith after the death of his 11-year-old son in a train accident on the way to Washington for the inaugural. And he didn't "swear" to the oath; instead, he "affirmed" it. (Beyer, Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told, 9)

2. Which mishap occurred at the inauguration of George Washington?

Nobody thought to bring a Bible to take the oath of office. A quick search of Federal Hall failed to turn up a copy of the Bible. New York chancellor Robert Livingston, who was to administer the oath, remembered there would be a Bible at the nearby Saint John’s Masonic Lodge. The Masonic Bible was opened to a random page from Genesis and Washington placed his hand on it as Livingston administered the oath. After reciting the oath of office, President Washington added the unscripted words, "so help me God," a practice that has been followed by almost every president since. The Bible, now known as the Washington Bible, has been used by four other presidents for their inaugurations. A fifth, George W. Bush, had to scrap plans to use the Bible because of bad weather. The book was also used at Washington's funeral, the dedication of the Washington Monument in 1885, and the rededication of the U.S. Capitol cornerstone in 1959. (Beyer, Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told, 8)

3. Which long-winded president delivered the longest inaugural address?

William Henry Harrison. On 4 March 1841, Harrison gave his 8,000-word speech for nearly two hours. At age 68, he was the oldest president yet. To demonstrate that he maintained plenty of youthful vigor, he spoke without an overcoat or hat to ward off the cold. Harrison caught a cold that turned into pneumonia and died a month later. (Beyer, Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told, 46)

4. Which president gave the shortest address?

George Washington. After taking the oath of office on the balcony of Federal Hall in New York City, Washington proceeded to the Senate chamber where he read a speech before members of Congress and other dignitaries. His second inauguration took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on 4 March 1793, in the Senate chamber of Congress Hall. There he gave the shortest inaugural address on record—just 135 words—before repeating the oath of office. (Inaugural History, at

5. Why did Zachary Taylor postpone his inauguration?

The date in question, 4 March 1849, fell on a Sunday. James K. Polk's term of office officially ended at noon on Sunday, March 4, 1849. Taylor refused to take the oath of office until Monday, March 5, 1849. Missouri senator David Rice Atchison was serving as president pro tempore of the Senate, which made him next in line after the president and vice president. (Beyer, Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told, 60 )

6. Which president was inaugurated in secret?

Rutherford B. Hayes. The presidential election of 1876 was one of the closest and most disputed elections in history. The outcome was in dispute until a few days before the inauguration, when Republican Hayes was declared the winner by one electoral vote. Angry Democrats threatened to protest. President Ulysses S. Grant ordered troops to Washington to prevent trouble. Grant's term was due to expire at noon on Sunday, March 4. In observation of the Sabbath, Hayes' inauguration wasn't scheduled until Monday. Republicans feared that Democrats might somehow take advantage of the one-day gap to install Tilden in the White House or otherwise embarrass them and decided to take preemptive action. Before a gala White House dinner on Saturday, March 3, Grant escorted Hayes to the Red Room. There, in front of a handful of cabinet members, Chief Justice Morrison Waite secretly administered the oath of office. The men returned to the dinner without announcing the inauguration. Hayes was publicly inaugurated the following Monday at noon. (Beyer, Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told, 96)

7. Whose inaugural address was the first to be broadcast on television?

Harry S. Truman. Truman’s inaugural address was broadcast in 1949. James Buchanan's 1857 inauguration was the first to be photographed. William McKinley held the first inaugural ceremony recorded by a motion picture camera in 1897. Herbert Hoover's inauguration was the first recorded by talking newsreel in 1929. In 1997, William J. Clinton was the first President whose inaugural ceremony was broadcast live on the Internet. (Inaugural Inaugural

8. Who was the first president to take the oath of office in Washington, DC?

Thomas Jefferson. On March 4, 1801, Jefferson walked with few attendants and little fanfare to the Capitol building from his nearby lodgings at a boarding house to become the first president to be inaugurated in the nation's new capital city. Upon entering the Senate chamber, now the Old Supreme Court Chamber, Jefferson took the oath of office administered by Chief Justice John Marshall and addressed the audience gathered in the Senate chamber. After his inaugural address he finished his day with a meal at the boarding house. (Inaugural,

9. How many presidents did NOT take the oath of office in Washington, DC?

6. George Washington: 1789—Federal Hall, New York City; 1793—Congress Hall, Philadelphia; John Adams: 1797—Congress Hall, Philadelphia; Chester A. Arthur: 1881—residence, New York City; Theodore Roosevelt: 1901—residence, Buffalo, New York; Calvin Coolidge: 1923—residence, Plymouth, Vermont; Lyndon B. Johnson: 1963—Air Force One, Dallas, Texas

10. Who was the first president to be inaugurated on January 20 instead of March 4?

Franklin D. Roosevelt. A change made by the 20th Amendment to the Constitution called for Roosevelt to be inaugurated on 20 January 1937. This year also marked the first time the vice president was inaugurated outdoors on the same platform with the president. (Inaugural,

  • Inaugural Histroy,
  • Rick Beyer, Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told: 100 Tales from History to Astonish, Bewilder, and Stupefy (New York: Collins, 2007)
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Toys R History


From children gathering pebbles on the shore to stores full of toys. . .


When did these toys first make their way onto children's wish lists? Arrange them in chronological order, 1 being the oldest and 10 being the most recent.

Quiz Answer

1. Kites (perhaps 3000 years ago)
2. Roller skates (first popular in the 1870s)
3. Electric toy trains (1897)
4. Ping Pong (first offered with a celluloid ball in 1901)
5. Crayola crayons (1903)
6. Erector sets (1911)
7. Monopoly (early 1930s)
8. Frisbees (1955)
9. Barbie dolls (1959)
10. Video game consoles (1972)

  • Children gazing through Macy's toy window, New York City, c. 1908-17.George Grantham Bain Collection, Library of Congress.
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The Ice Cream Wars


Was there conflict in the past of one of our favorite summer treats? Take this quiz to find out!


The history of ice cream seems like it should be easy enough to determine, but many of its landmarks are hidden in the fog of historical controversy. Here are milestones in the history of American ice cream. Which ones are highly contested and which are not? (Hint: there are five that are contested):

Quiz Answer

1744 The first written record of ice cream in America (and the first use of the exact phrase "ice cream" rather than "iced cream" is made when a journal entry by William Black of Virginia notes that Maryland Colonial Governor Thomas Bladen notes servedice cream ("After which came a Dessert no less Curious; Among the Rarities of which it was Compos'd, was some fine Ice Cream which, with the Strawberries and Milk, eat most Deliciously…") to him and other dinner guests at the Governor's home in Annapolis:

not contested.

1774 Immigrant from London Philip Lenzi, a caterer, opens the nation's first ice cream parlor, on Dock Street in New York City. On May 12, 1777, Lenzi places the first advertisement for ice cream in America in The New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, noting that he would make it available "almost every day.":

not contested.

1780s George and Martha Washington often serve ice cream to their guests. In one year alone, President Washington spends over $200 on ice cream, a huge amount at the time:

not contested.

1784 Thomas Jefferson records a French recipe for vanilla ice cream (custard based) in his recipe book. In 1802 at a White House state dinner, he serves small balls of vanilla ice cream encased in warm pastry:

not contested.

1806 Frederic Tudor begins cutting and shipping ice from Fresh Pond in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to states south and around the world:

not contested.

1813 James and Dolley Madison serve strawberry ice cream at Madison's second inaugural ball. Mrs. Jeremiah ("Aunt Sallie") Shadd, a freed black slave, who has a catering business in Wilmington, Delaware, makes the ice cream from her own recipe. Also working at the White House as a chef is African-American cook and entrepreneur Augustus Jackson, who, after he leaves the White House and moves to Philadelphia, creates many new ice cream recipes and a sophisticated system of distributing it to retail merchants in large tin cans:

not contested.

1832 Massachusetts brass founder John Matthews invents the soda fountain:

contested. Some sources credit Pennsylvania physician Samuel Fahnstock with inventing it in 1819. And some credit Jacob Ebert of Cadiz, Ohio and George Dulty of Wheeling, Virginia with inventing it in 1833, and taking out a patent on it.

1843 Philadelphia housewife Nancy M. Johnson invents the hand-crank ice cream freezer, and receives a patent for it, the rights to which she sells for $200 to wholesaler William G. Young:

not contested.

1851 Quaker Jacob Fussell, using icehouses and a large version of Johnson's ice cream freezing machine, begins to produce ice cream from his Baltimore, Maryland factory (and then in Washington, DC, Boston, and New York), and selling it on the street from carts, helping to turn ice cream into a cheap, regular treat:

not contested.

1867 J. B. Sutherland of Detroit, Michigan patents the refrigerated railroad car:

not contested.

1874 The ice cream soda is created by soda concessionaire Robert M. Green for the semicentennial celebration of the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. He had been making soda drinks of sweet cream, syrup, ice, and carbonated water, a drink already well-known and called, fancifully, "ice cream soda." When he runs out of cream, he substitutes ice cream (Philadelphia-style vanilla ice cream, which means it was not custard based):

contested. Some sources say the ice cream soda was invented by two newsboys, John Robertson and Francis Tietz, at Kline's Confectionary Store in New York City in 1872, when they asked Mr. Kline to put a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a slice of pineapple into a glass of soda water.

1878 William Clewell, a confectioner in Reading, Pennsylvania, receives the first patent for an ice cream scoop. It is shaped like a candle snuffer:

not contested.

1881 The ice cream sundae is created, in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, by Ed C. Berners, who operates an ice cream shop at 1404 Fifteenth Street. A teen-aged customer, George Hallauer, asks Mr. Berner to put some chocolate sauce on his ice cream. Prior to this, chocolate sauce had been used only in ice cream sodas. Berners complies and charges Hallauer—and other customers afterwards—5 cents. He serves it only on Sunday:

contested. Some sources say the ice cream sundae was invented on Sunday afternoon, April 3, 1892, by Chester C. Platt, proprietor of the Platt & Colt Pharmacy in Ithaca, New York, when he improvised a bowl of vanilla ice cream, topped with cherry syrup and candied cherry, calling it a "Cherry Sunday," in honor of the day in which it is invented. Other sources say the phrase "ice cream sundae" was created in Evanston, Illinois, sometime in the late 1800s, when, in an effort to circumvent the religious ban against frivolously "sucking soda" on Sundays, Garwoods' Drugstore offered its customers what was essentially a concoction of everything in an ice cream soda, without the soda.

1894 Edson Clemant Baugham patents a spring-handle, one-handed ice cream scoop, which is manufactured by the Kingery Company of Cincinnati:

not contested.

1897 African-American inventor Alfred L. Cralle, while working in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, patents the lever-operated, half-globed-shaped, hand ice cream scooper:

not contested.

1902 Mechanical refrigeration takes over from ice and salts in the ice cream industry:

not contested.

1904 The ice cream cone is introduced, at the St. Louis World's Fair, Louisiana Purchase Exposition. An ice cream vendor named Arnold Fornachou runs out of dishes and a Syrian vendor named Abe Doumar (or a Lebanese vendor named Ernest A. Hamwi) seizes the moment to roll a "zalabia"—a sugar waffle—into a cone and comes to his rescue:

contested. Some sources say the ice cream cone was invented by Italian immigrant Italo Marciony of New York, a pushcart ice cream vendor in New York, in 1896, who also, perhaps, invented the ice cream sandwich by putting a slice of ice cream between waffle squares cut from a sheet. Other sources say the ice cream cone has its origins in the mists of history, but was first described in Mrs. Marshall's Cookery Book, whose author, Agnes Marshall, published it in London in 1888. Still others discern a woman licking an ice cream cone in an 1807 picturing fashionable customers eating at the Frascati café in Paris, although this is uncertain because cone-shaped ice cream bowls were not unknown at the time.

1904 Soda jerk (and soon-to-be graduate of University of Pittsburgh's School of Pharmacy) David E. Strickler invents the banana split (and the elongated dish to serve it in) while working in a drug store in Latrobe, Pennsylvania:

contested. Some sources credit Ernest Hazard, owner of Hazard's Restaurant in Wilmington, Ohio, with inventing the banana split in 1907, and his cousin, Clifton Hazard, with inventing the name "banana split."

1905 Eleven-year-old Frank Epperson leaves his fruit-flavored drink (powdered flavor plus water) outside in cold weather, with a stirring stick in it, and "invents" the "Epsicle ice pop," which he patents eighteen years later, in 1924. His children rename it the "Popsicle.":

not contested.

1906 In C. C. (Clarence Clifton) Brown's Ice Cream Parlour at 7007 Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, California, the first hot fudge sundae is served:

not contested.

1910 President William Howard Taft begins keeping a Holstein cow named "Pauline Wayne" on the White House lawn, replacing one named "Mooley Wooly," who had provided milk (and from it, ice cream) for the First Family for a year and a half:

not contested.

1911 General Electric offers an electric refrigerator for home use:

not contested.

1919 Prohibition becomes law, causing some beer manufacturers to become ice cream manufacturers and some saloons to become ice cream parlors:

not contested.

1919 Onawa, Iowa inventor and high school teacher Christian Nelson, who moonlights as a soda jerk, invents the first chocolate-covered ice cream bar He calls it the "Temptation I-Scream Bar," and writes the advertising jingle, "I scream, you scream, we all scream for the I-Scream Bar." After going into partnership with confectioner Russell Stover, Nelson changes its name and patents it as the "Eskimo Pie.":

not contested.

1920 Youngstown, Ohio candy maker Harry Burt invents the first ice cream on a stick, the Good Humor Bar:

not contested.

1921 The Commissioner of Ellis Island provides that a scoop of vanilla ice cream be included in a "Welcome to America" meal for immigrants arriving through the facility:

not contested.

1922 Chicago Walgreens employee Ivar "Pop" Coulson takes a malted milk drink (milk, chocolate syrup, and malt), adds two scoops of vanilla ice cream, mixes it up, and creates the milk shake:

not contested.

1923 H. P. Hood of Boston introduces the paper cup filled at the factory with ice cream at the National Ice Cream Convention in Cleveland. He calls it the "Hoodsie," but it is renamed the "Dixie Cup" in 1924:

not contested.

1923 A & P supermarkets introduce ice cream cabinets in their 1,200 stores nationwide:

not contested.

1926 The Hershey's Company expands its product offerings to include Hershey's Syrup:

not contested.

1931 Ernest Wiegand, horticulturalist at Oregon Agricultural College (now Oregon State University) in Corvallis, develops the modern method of firming and preserving maraschino cherries:

not contested.

1940 J. F. "Grandpa" and H. A. "Alex" McCullough, proprietors of the Homemade Ice Cream Company in Green River, Illinois, begin to market "soft serve" ice cream under the name of "Dairy Queen.":

not contested.

1984 President Ronald Reagan designates July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday of the month as National Ice Cream Day:

not contested.

  • Anne Cooper Funderburg, Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla: A History of American Ice Cream. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Press, 1996.
  • Anne Cooper Funderburg, Sundae Best: A History of Soda Fountains. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 2002.
  • Jeri Quinzio, Of Sugar and Snow: A History of Ice Cream Making. Berkeley, Cal.: University of California Press, 2009.
  • Oscar E. Anderson, Refrigeration in America: A History of a New Technology and Its Impact. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1953.
  • Gavin Weightman. The Frozen-Water Trade: A True Story. New York: Hyperion, 2003.
  • Sara Rath. About Cows. Stillwater, Minn.: Voyageur Press, 2000.
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Baseball in Black and White


Steal away, steal away, steal away to home plate. Baseball has prompted many fights and conflicts among the American population, but it has also unified the public around the game. It has proven a source of leisure, and Americans continue to express their constant loyalty and devotion to it.


Baseball has been popular in the U.S. for more than 150 years and many things have changed over that period. Are the following statements about African American baseball players and the Negro League true or false?

Quiz Answer

The "national game" was long played in parallel nations, existing side by side in America.

1. An African American played semi-professional baseball on a white team shortly after the game became "the national pastime" following the Civil War.

True. In 1872, Bud Fowler joined a white semipro team in New Castle, Pennsylvania.

2. By 1887, about 30 African Americans were playing on minor league teams with whites.

True. But by the turn of the century, African Americans found themselves no longer able to play on white teams--although black teams continued to frequently play white teams in exhibition games.

3. Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play on a professional major league baseball team.

False. Moses Fleetwood Walker, an Oberlin College star, played for one season, in 1884, with the Toledo team of the American Association, before he was forced out the following year because of racism.

4. When Brooklyn Dodgers president and general manager Branch Rickey signed Jackie Robinson to play, Robinson had already demonstrated that he was the best player in the Negro Leagues.

False. Robinson, although generally regarded as an excellent player, was not seen as even the best player on his team, the Kansas City Monarchs. Rickey signed him because of a combination of qualities--not only his proven and potential talent and skill at the game, but also his personal integrity and his likely strength (as Rickey saw it) at withstanding the abuse that Rickey thought Robinson would face on and off the field for breaking the color barrier in major league baseball.

5. Professional baseball's night games, played under lights, first appeared in the Negro Leagues as a way to cope with the heavy scheduling demands of barnstorming play.

True. The Kansas City Monarchs' owner, J. L. Wilkinson, developed a portable light system consisting of light towers on truck beds in 1929-30. The light trucks traveled with his team and allowed them much more flexibility in scheduling their games. White major leagues did not have night games (with lights) until 1935 in Cincinnati.

  • Detail from cover of the sheet music for "Baseball, Our National Game" (1894).
  • Satchel Paige and Jackie Robinson. Courtesy of the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum.
Satchel Paige and Jackie Robinson
Satchel Paige and Jackie Robinson
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Presidential Moments: Inaugural Addresses


The Inaugural Address, the first impression of the new president on the nation. Will he secure the economic or international prestige of the nation? Will the nation become an even better version of itself during the course of his term? The Inaugural Address sets the tone for the first 100 days, at least, of the presidency.


Each U.S. President begins his term with a speech setting the tone for his next four years in office. Which President spoke these words during an inaugural address?

Quiz Answer

1. About to undertake the arduous duties that I have been appointed to perform by the choice of a free people, I avail myself of this customary and solemn occasion to express the gratitude which their confidence inspires and to acknowledge the accountability which my situation enjoins. While the magnitude of their interests convinces me that no thanks can be adequate to the honor they have conferred, it admonishes me that the best return I can make is the zealous dedication of my humble abilities to their service and their good...

It will be my sincere and constant desire to observe toward the Indian tribes within our limits a just and liberal policy, and to give that humane and considerate attention to their rights and their wants which is consistent with the habits of our Government and the feelings of our people.

Andrew Jackson (4 March 1829)

2. I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my induction to the Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our Nation impels. This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days...

Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profit. These dark days will be worthy all they cast us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves and to our fellow men...

Our primary task is to put people to work. This is no unsolvable problem if we face it wisely and courageously.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (4 March 1933)

3. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty...

Let [us] seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce.

Now the trumpet summons us again—not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are—but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"—a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.

John F. Kennedy (20 February 1961)

4. With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured...

Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes.

Abraham Lincoln (4 March 1865)

5. Justice was the promise that all who made the journey would share in the fruits of the land.

In a land of great wealth, families must not live in hopeless poverty. In a land rich in harvest, children just must not go hungry. In a land of healing miracles, neighbors must not suffer and die unattended. In a great land of learning and scholars, young people must be taught to read and write.

For the more than 30 years that I have served this Nation, I have believed that this injustice to our people, this waste of our resources, was our real enemy. For 30 years or more, with the resources I have had, I have vigilantly fought against it. I have learned, and I know, that it will not surrender easily.

But change has given us new weapons. Before this generation of Americans is finished, this enemy will not only retreat-it will be conquered.

Justice requires us to remember that when any citizen denies his fellow, saying, "His color is not mine," or "His beliefs are strange and different," in that moment he betrays America, though his forebears created this Nation.

Lyndon B. Johnson (20 January 1965)

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Feeling Teenish Today?

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A teenager by any other name . . . would be considered either a child or an adult. Teenagers inhabit some sort of middle of the road. They are neither fully grown and matured, nor are they young.


When did young people in their teens become “teenagers”? Put the phrases below in the order in which they were first used, starting with the earliest.

Quiz Answer

1. teen (noun) [late 17th century]
the years of the life of any person of which the numbers end in -teen, i.e. from 13 to 19; chiefly in phrases in, out of one's teens.

2. teenish (adjective) [1818]
characteristic of persons in their teens, youthful.

3. teener (noun) [1894]
one in his or her teens (U.S.)

4. teen age or teen-age (adjective) [1921]
designating someone in their teens; Pertaining to, suitable for, or characteristic of a young person in his or her teens.

5. teenager (noun) [1941]
one who is in his or her teens; loosely, an adolescent.

For more information

teenagers-ctlm.jpg Teenagers today play a central role in American culture and society. They exist not only as high school students, but as closely watched consumers and trendsetters. Yet in 1900, teenagers did not exist. There were young people in their teens, but there was no distinct teenage culture.

After 1900, reformers, educators, and legislators began to separate teens from adults and children through legislation and age-specific institutions, such as high school and juvenile courts. Between 1910 and 1930, enrollment in secondary schools increased almost 400 percent and the number of teens in school rose from 11% in 1901 to 71% in 1940. The percentage of African American teens remained lower, but also rose at a steady rate to more than 80% by the early 1950s.

During these decades, as teenagers began to develop a "teenage" culture, manufacturers, marketers, and retailers began to court high school students, especially girls, as consumers with distinct style preferences. Social scientists and parents engaged in an extensive dialogue over the nature of adolescence, high school, and the growing notion of "teenage" culture. Media also played an important role, often defining "teenager" as female.

For more on teenage and youth culture, see:

Children and Youth in History.

Joe Austin and Michael Nevin Willard, Generations of Youth: Youth Cultures and History in Twentieth-Century America (New York: NYU Press, 1998).

Sherrie Inness, ed., Delinquents and Debutantes: Twentieth-Century American Girls' Cultures (New York: New York University Press, 1998).

Grace Palladino, Teenagers: An American History (New York: Basic, 1996).

Kelly Schrum, Some Wore Bobby Sox: The Emergence of Teenage Girls' Culture, 1920-1945 (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004).

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Paradise in a Breakfast Bowl


A morning meditation on flakes: Are you what you eat? Do your morals and values help you decide which cereal to eat in the morning?


Pre-processed, dry breakfast cereal was largely invented by American "food reformers" who wished to create a food that was convenient, healthy, and tasty, but who also believed that such a food would regenerate mankind. They wished to bring humans back to the original, "natural," spiritual state in which they lived in the Garden of Eden. Try to figure out, for each of the following products, if the inventor was motivated by religious ideas.

Quiz Answer

1. Graham Crackers

Yes. Sylvester Graham (1794-1851) was the most renowned food reformer of the 19th century. He wrote The Philosophy of Sacred History Considered in Relation to Human Aliment and the Wines of Scripture. Graham was known by the nickname of "Doctor Sawdust" because of his promotion of the virtues of bread made with whole-wheat ("Graham") flour. His followers set up "Graham hotels," like small, provisional utopias, where guests following Graham's dietary regimen could board with like-minded progressive reformers.

Russell Thacher Trall (1812-1877) was a water-cure physician who opened the Hygieo-Therapeutic Institute in Manhattan in 1843. Trall was the creator of Graham crackers (made with Sylvester Graham's "Graham flour") sometime in the 1850s.

2. Quaker Oats

No. Business partners Henry D. Seymour and William Heston of Ravenna, Ohio, registered the Quaker Man as a trademark in 1877 (the first trademark registered for a breakfast cereal). They made Quaker Oats, steel-cut oats packaged in 2-pound paper boxes with cooking directions on the outside, an innovation for the time. The name "Quaker Oats" would seem to tie the product to the owners' religious views, but Seymour said he chose it simply because he found an encyclopedia article on Quakers and decided that the qualities described there—integrity, honesty, and purity—were ones he wanted to link to his company's product. Heston credited himself with the name, saying that while walking on the streets of Cincinnati, he had seen a picture of Quaker William Penn, whose clothes and character inspired him to choose the name. Nevertheless, either way, it couldn't have hurt to conjure the figure of a religious Nonconformist, waving a scroll inscribed "Pure," on the package of a breakfast cereal. Potential customers would have associated it with the other Progressive health food items, especially wholegrain breakfast foods, that were being urged by food reformers descended from Protestant Nonconformists and Inner Light advocates.

3. Granola

Yes. Dr. James Caleb Jackson (1811-1895) invented the first dry, whole grain breakfast cereal, which he called "Granula." He took over the "Our Home Hygienic Institute" at Dansville, New York. Jackson did not serve red meat, tea, coffee, alcohol, or tobacco at the spa and emphasized fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed grains.

Ellen Gould White (1827-1915), the Seventh-Day Adventist prophetess, had a vision in 1863 in which the relation of physical health to spiritual health, the body to the spirit, was revealed to her. She set up the Western Health Reform Institute in Battle Creek, as well as other sanitariums. She published the pamphlet, Health, or How to Live. Don't trust the appetite, she said, which has become perverted, or the dietary customs of society. She counseled eating grains, nuts, fruit, and whole-grain flour.

Many Seventh-Day Adventists, including Ellen G. White, were guests at Dr. Jackson's health resort. He argued that controlling the appetite and passions would make the person more spiritual. Granula was a mix of Graham flour and water baked in brick ovens, then broken up into bean-sized bits, and baked again and then broken up into smaller bits. They had to be soaked in order to be soft enough to eat. Jackson created the "Our Home Granula Company" and sold Granula by mail order.

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (1852-1943) was a follower of Ellen White. He studied medicine in New York City, where he conceived of revolutionizing "the breakfast food idea" after growing weary of preparing his own daily breakfasts of seven graham crackers and an apple. When he opened his Adventist health sanitarium in Battle Creek, Michigan, he found a way to make already-prepared breakfast food for his patients, inventing Granola, which was clearly indebted to Dr. Jackson's Granula.

4. Shredded Wheat

Yes. Henry Drushel Perky (1843-1906) was a dyspeptic who studied and practiced law in Nebraska and was a member of the Nebraska State Senate. He moved to Colorado for his health in 1880, where he was a lawyer for the Union Pacific Railroad, and then a partner in a steel railroad car manufacturing company. He came to believe that, "The evil in man cannot be legislated out of him, but it can be fed out of him," and opened a vegetarian restaurant in Denver. In 1892, he developed "little whole wheat mattresses," Shredded Wheat. He founded the Cereal Machine Company, eventually moving it to Niagara Falls. His mission was to provide food to the human body so that man would revert to his "natural condition."

5. Kellogg's Corn Flakes

Yes. In 1894, in order to "replace the half-cooked, pasty, dyspepsia-producing breakfast mush," John Harvey Kellogg and his younger brother Will Keith Kellogg (1860-1951) developed a method of flaking and toasting cooked wheat kernels, producing a breakfast food cereal they called "Granose." Will then turned to corn, inventing Corn Flakes.

In 1898, they founded the Sanitas Food Company, to sell health food via mail order. In 1906, Will established the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flakes Company. When J. H. sold to W. K. his interest in the corn flakes company, J. H. used the proceeds in 1911 to create the influential Race Betterment Foundation, in order to prepare the way for a super race of "new men," and to set up a "eugenic registry" that evaluated couples for breeding based on their genetic pedigrees in order to stop the propagation of "defectives."

6. Grape-Nuts

Yes. Charles William Post (1854-1914) went to Dr. Kellogg's sanitarium as a patient, but then became interested in making breakfast food himself. In 1895, he founded the Postum Cereal Company, with the sole product of Postum, a coffee replacement made from wheat and molasses, the idea for which he probably got from Dr. Kellogg's similar product. In 1897, he also developed Grape-Nuts, a breakfast cereal from wheat that had a nutty flavor and, as a sweetener, used malt dextrose, which was commonly called grape sugar. Post founded his own highly successful breakfast cereal company. Each package of Grape-Nuts came with a kind of religious tract, The Road to Wellville, on how to gain a healthy body and spirit.

7. Post Toasties

Yes. C. W. Post's cereal flakes, which he first marketed in 1908, were called "Elijah's Manna," but when people objected on religious grounds, he changed their name to Post Toasties.

8. Ralston Purina Wheat

Yes. William Henry Danforth (1870-1956), a St. Louis mill owner, founded the Robinson-Danforth Commission to feed the nation's farm animals in 1894, but a hurricane leveled his mill a year later, and he was forced to rebuild, after which he began making a breakfast cereal, Purina Wheat.

Danforth then contacted "Dr. Everett Ralston," whose real name was Albert Webster Edgerly (aka Edmund Shaftsbury or Shaftesbury) (1852-1926), a debarred lawyer, con man, cult leader, self-appointed health expert, and elocution teacher, who had founded perhaps the world's first multilevel marketing scheme. This was the Ralston Health Club, a Washington, D.C.-based, national membership health products club, with 800,000 members in 1898.The Club required its members to pay large amounts for a series of books that told the secret of how to live for 200 years by collecting and preserving in the body the occult force of "Glame" and learning to speak his invented "Adam-Man tongue." Danforth secured "Dr. Ralston's" endorsement of Purina Wheat, and added his name to Danforth's company—Ralston-Purina. Danforth's cereal became Ralston Health Club Breakfast Food, then Ralston Purina Wheat, then Instant Ralston.

9. Wheat Chex

Yes. Eventually Ralston-Purina introduced Wheat Chex and its sister cereals. Danforth advocated a proto-New Age, positive-mind-over-matter approach to life, which also combined elements of "Muscular Christianity" and the Social Gospel, summed up in his "four square" philosophy which inspired his company's checkerboard logo, and which was echoed in the form of the little squares of Wheat Chex. "I dare you to develop a magnetic personality," he wrote in his book, I Dare You!

10. Wheaties

No. Like Quaker Oats, Wheaties was not developed out of the religious conviction of its inventors. In 1921, a clinician at a Minneapolis health clinic accidentally spilled wheat bran gruel onto the top of the stove. When the heat dried bits of it, he thought it had become a candidate for a marketable breakfast cereal product. He took the idea to the Washburn Crosby Company, whose head miller, George Cormack, perfected the product, and it was first introduced in 1924. Although its originators had no direct religious motivations, the aura surrounding other breakfast cereal products would seem to have made possible the company's extraordinary claims about Wheaties' ability to endow the body with strength and links to an array of athletic superstars.

Ellen Gould White
Ellen Gould White
Ellen Gould White
Ellen Gould White
Ellen Gould White
Ellen Gould White
Ellen Gould White
Ellen Gould White
Ellen Gould White
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From the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum:

Staff from George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens will join with staff from the Truman Library to present this unique workshop. Both Presidents Washington and Truman will come under close scrutiny as their early life, influences, military careers, and presidency will be compared. Themes include leadership, character, decision making, and handling crises. A reenactor from the Washington era will also be present!

This two-day workshop will be a one-time offering and numerous primary sources and ready-to-use teaching materials will be supplied. In addition to excellent content, teaching strategies and methods will be discussed.

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