Nazi Technology


Gwen Wright of PBS's History Detectives introduces Operation Paperclip, which, at the end of World War II, brought Nazi scientists to work for the U.S. Many of the CIA documents related to this project remain classified, despite demands for their release.

Arkansas Museum of Natural Resources


Exhibits and programs tell of the industrial and social history surrounding the 'black gold rush' of Arkansas's oil fields. Visitors walk the rutted streets of a 1920s oil boom town, then go on a journey inside the earth to see formation of the oil strata. In the museum's Oil Field Park, see full-size operating equipment used from the 1920s to the modern era, including a 1920s standard oil rig and a 112-foot wooden derrick.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Missouri Mines State Historic Site


St. Joseph Lead Co. dominated ore production and became the heart of the easter Ozarks' Old Lead Belt, continuing operations in this district until 1972. In 1975, the company donated the 25 buildings of their largest mine-mill complex and the surrounding land to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. These properties became Missouri Mines State Historic Site and St. Joe State Park. The 19,000 square-foot mine-mill powerhouse has been developed into a large museum that interprets Missouri's mining history and displays old mining machinery and an outstanding mineral collection.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Jewell Cemetery State Historic Site [MO] Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/08/2008 - 13:26

Jewell Cemetery State Historic Site, Columbia, contains the grave of Missouri's 22nd governor (1875–1877), Charles Hardin, along with descendants of George Jewell. The most well-known member of the Jewell family buried in the cemetery, William Jewell, died while establishing a college in Liberty, MO, that bears his name.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.

Thomas Hart Benton Home and Studio State Historic Site [MO]


A renowned painter, sculptor, lecturer, and writer, Thomas Hart Benton had a gift for interpreting everyday life. One of his most noted murals, "A Social History of the State of Missouri," can be viewed in the House Lounge of the state Capitol. Virtually untouched since his death in 1975, the two-and-a-half story, late Victorian-style house that Benton called home was constructed of native, quarried limestone and contains simple furnishings in neutral tones that contrast Benton's vibrant paintings. Several of Benton's paintings and sculptures can be viewed in the house. Benton converted half of the carriage house into his art studio, which remains as he left it, with coffee cans full of paintbrushes, numerous paints, and a stretched canvas waiting to be transformed into another of his masterpieces.

The site offers tours.

Dillard Mill State Historic Site [MO]


A barn-red mill nestled among green trees beside blue waters rolling over a rock dam create the colorful setting of one of Missouri's most picturesque historic sites. Dillard Mill State Historic Site interprets one of Missouri's best-preserved, water-powered gristmills. Completed in 1908, Dillard Mill sits along Huzzah Creek and was the second mill built at that site. The first, Wisdom's Mill, built in the 1850s, was destroyed by fire in 1895. Innovations in the new, modernized mill included steel roller mills for grinding the wheat and a turbine to power the mill. For years, farmers brought their grain to the mill to be ground into flour and eventually livestock feed. The mill ceased operation in 1956. Today, most of the original machinery is still intact and operational. A turn of a wheel brings the machinery back to life during tours of the mill, which are given year-round.

The site offers tours.

The Impact of the Cold War on US-Cuban Economic Relations, 1946-1952


According to The Library of Congress Webcasts site:

"Historiography on U.S.-Cuban relations has tended to cast an aura of inevitability on Fidel Castro's Revolution—as well as on Cuba's clash with the United States after 1959. Indeed, much of the historiography suggests that it was Washington's hegemonic approach to Cuba that was responsible for creating the structural disequilibrium that made revolution and the rupture of bilateral relationships inevitable. In this talk, Vanni Pettina argues against this view, maintaining that the US-Cuban relationship during the 1930s and '40s was marked by a reciprocal cooperative attitude that favored the island's democratic consolidation and economic development. The tremendous impact of the Cold War on US-Cuban relations played a crucial role in destroying the equilibrium of earlier decades, destabilizing the island's political system, and creating fertile ground for the crisis of the 1950s."

Fort Matanzas National Monument


Coastal Florida was a major field of conflict as European nations fought for control in the New World. As part of this struggle, Fort Matanzas guarded St. Augustine's southern river approach. The colonial wars are over, but the monument is still protecting—not just the historic fort, but also the wild barrier island and the plants and animals who survive there amidst a sea of modern development.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, demonstrations, educational programs, and recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Glen Echo Park [MD]


Begun in 1891 as an idealistic attempt to create a National Chautauqua Assembly "to promote liberal and practical education," the park became instead the area's premier amusement park from 1898–1968. Today, the park has come full circle, offering year-round educational activities, while two amusement-era destinations (the Spanish Ballroom and Dentzel Carousel) remain major attractions.

A second website for the park can be found here.

The park offers short films, tours, exhibits, classes, performances, educational programs, and recreational and educational events.

Nicodemus National Historic Site [KS]


An all-African-American town settled by former slaves fleeing the south in 1877 after Reconstruction had ended following the Civil War, Nicodemus is located in the Northwest corner of Kansas. This living community is the only remaining all-African-American town west of the Mississippi River that was settled in the 1800s on the western plains by former slaves. Five historic buildings represent this community.

The site offers exhibits, a short film, research library access, and tours.