National Capital Trolley Museum [MD]


The National Capital Trolley Museum preserves and interprets the heritage of electric and interurban railways of Washington, D.C. and environs for the benefit of present and future generations, while supplementing its collections with significant national and international objects to enhance its interpretive programs.

The museum offers exhibits, street car rides, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Eureka Heritage Society and Romano Gabriel Garden [CA]


The Eureka Heritage Society provides leadership, education, and advocacy to preserve and enhance Eureka's irreplaceable historic structures and neighborhoods so as to ensure a legacy for future generations. It maintains the Romano Gabriel Garden, fashioned from discarded crates and boards by Romano Gabriel, a carpenter turned sculptor. The garden has been "transplanted" and is now housed in a glass exhibit area for viewing.

The society offers occasional recreational and educational events; the garden is open to the public as a viewable exhibit.

Route 66 Museum [OK]


Exhibits at the Museum begin with "The World’s Largest Curio Cabinet," home of artifacts collected from along the route. Along the way visitors see vehicles and listen to music while they experience the history and culture of each decade, including road construction; transportation; lodging; restaurants; garages; curio shops; attractions; and other artifacts, graphics, and videos. At the end of their trip down the "Main Street of America," visitors can stop in the drive-in theater, viewing "The American Odyssey," narrated by Michael Wallis, an award-winning Route 66 historian.

The museum offers a short film and exhibits.

Blue Ridge Institute and Museum [VA]


Ferrum College's Blue Ridge Institute & Museum showcases the heritage and folkways of the Blue Ridge Mountains and western Virginia. Through rotating gallery exhibitions, engaging hands-on activities, and an 1800 living-history farm museum, students explore not just the past but also folk traditions in modern form. Tailored to the teacher’s specific needs, BRI school-group offerings include farm life tours with games and crafts, cornbread tours with hands-on open hearth cooking, Jack Tales tours with live theater, and Day on the Farm tours with costumed students cooking, driving oxen, blacksmithing, and gardening. BRI tours meet a variety of Virginia Standards of Learning at all K-12 grade levels. Outreach classroom visits by BRI museum interpreters are available. The BRI also offers a wealth of online resources for educators including online exhibitions and nearly 5,000 musical performances and photographs.