The West Adams Heritage Association, founded in 1983, is dedicated to the preservation of the historic West Adams section of Los Angeles which is "located just south and west of Downtown and contains the city's largest concentration of Victorian and Craftsman homes, five of the city's Historic Preservation Overlay Zones, and a concentration of Los Angeles Historic Cultual Monuments." Major projects of the association include the promotion of commercial development of the major streets, covering graffiti, cleaning the streets, and being a voice of advocacy for the West Adams area.
The site offers historical information regarding the West Adams neighborhood, and events calendar, seven photo galleries, three user videos, and a news section containing highlights from the press and an online newsletter.
Educators can transition from school to summer with this two-day, traveling workshop. Both days will begin and end at the North West Company Fur Post. Educators will participate in an in-depth site experience at the Fur Post, venture out on the Snake River on a large Montreal-style canoe, and hike along portage trails used by the voyageurs. They will learn from fur trade experts, share ideas about their favorite lessons, and immerse themselves in Minnesota's fur trade history. Educators may sign up for one or both days.
Contact name
Cadwell, Jen
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Historical Society
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$245 members; $260 nonmembers
Course Credit
A partnership with Hamline University in St. Paul allows the Minnesota Historical Society to offer one credit per 12 hours of workshop time.
"The Architectural Heritage Center is a non-profit resource center for historic preservation, located in Portland, Oregon. Owned and operated by the Bosco-Milligan Foundation, The AHC hosts dozens of programs, workshops, and exhibits each year, helping people appreciate, restore, and maintain vintage homes, buildings, and neighborhoods. We are also caretakers of one of the largest collections of architectural artifacts in the United States." The center also maintains a library which is open to researchers by appointment.
The site offers information about advocacy, research resources available, and events calendar, and information on upcoming educational programs.
This is a duplicate of listing identification number 4906.
To many, the Great Plains are part of the Great Flyover, whose landscape and history alike are flat and featureless. However, in this region in the middle of the nation, cultures have mingled and clashed for thousands of years. This seminar will focus on the 19th century, though also examining the first peoples and the continuing cultural exchanges of the 20th century. The seminar will begin with the physical setting, plants, and animals, and consider early humans in both Native American traditions and anthropological/archaeological studies. Europeans arriving in the 16th century accelerated the long history of change and evolution, initiating more than three centuries of converging peoples and cultures, new centers of power, flourishing trade, calamitous epidemics, and cultural and material intrusions from across the planet. Participants will visit Bent's Fort to see a cultural crossroads illustrated through one family. They will also examine cattle ranching, homesteading, scientific explorations, and the depiction of the plains in art.
Pittsburg State University (PSU) is pleased to offer graduate credit to workshop participants at a tuition fee of $199 per credit hour. Participants can receive three graduate credit hours for the duration of the week.
Led by Patty Limerick, this seminar uses focused case studies to explore the larger picture of environmental history, a subject that has grown increasingly complex as historians deepen their understanding of the vast role of "anthropogenic change" (also known as "history") in reconfiguring the places and processes thought of as "natural." Much of the seminar explores the transformation of attitudes, from the assessment of North American landscapes and resources by early settlers to the recognition of the changing "baseline" of global warming, along with a reconsideration—and revision—of the usual polarity-pitting utilitarian approaches in opposition to preservationist approaches to the management of nature. With guest speakers drawn from the University of Colorado's widely respected environmental studies program, the roles of naturalists and scientists in shaping American thinking about nature will receive particular attention, as will changes in the production and consumption of energy, a fundamental matter in environmental history. The concluding field trip to Rocky Mountain National Park gives the themes of the lectures and discussions a down-to-earth grounding in a visit to one of the most popular units in the nation's public lands, while close attention to John McPhee's Encounters with the Archdruid provides a framework for drawing lessons from the past to enhance the quality of contemporary environmental decision-making.
Pittsburg State University (PSU) is pleased to offer graduate credit to workshop participants at a tuition fee of $199 per credit hour. Participants can receive three graduate credit hours for the duration of the week.
"You will explore the history, human influences, science and stewardship of the Mississippi River during a narrated Mississippi River cruise on the Harriet Bishop river boat. You will experience pioneer life at the Oliver H. Kelley farm, a living history site set in the mid 1800's, and you will be exposed to modern farming practices, techniques, and equipment. You will visit the MN Commemorative Air Force Wing (dedicated to the preservation of WWII treasures). You will learn about the history and significance of railroading in MN from the 1930's through the 1950's on guided tours of the Jackson Street Roundhouse. We will explore the MN Landscape Arboretum and the Richardson Nature Center in Bloomington with a naturalist and discover how to utilize this experience in the classroom."
This meeting's theme, "Oceans, Islands, Continents," invites participants to engage intellectually with the meeting venue, and to explore disciplinary developments that have brought history, geography, archaeology, anthropology, literature, and many other fields into vibrant conversation.
"The Twin Cities is blessed by having various outstanding organizations and institutions willing to share their facilities, information and talents with the community. While participating in this class you will visit a number of organizations throughout the area and have an opportunity to meet with education directors and be given extensive tours of their facilities. You will visit The Hubbard Broadcasting Company (KSTP TV and radio) and the Star Tribune. You will tour the various facilities of MNDOT and see the communication and technology systems that are involved in monitoring and maintaining our roadways. On the U of M campus you will tour the Bell Museum of Natural History where children and adults can explore wolves, loons, moose and other Minnesota wildlife. We will also visit the Weisman Art Institute. In St. Paul you will be given a tour of the State Capitol and see government come alive. Finally, the past will be tied with the present when you visit historic Fort Snelling, which was once a symbol of American ambition in the wilderness."
Participants in this workshop will travel throughout the Delta as they visit sites where significant events occurred. They will discuss and learn about issues involving civil rights and political leadership, immigrants' experiences in the Delta, the Blues, the great migration, agriculture, and the Mississippi River, among other things. They will sample Delta foods, visit local museums, and listen to the Blues. Field trips will roam as far as Greenville, Greenwood, and Memphis, with stops in between.