New Netherlands


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the Dutch settlement in New Amsterdam (now New York City) to establish a stronghold in the fur trade.

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Treaty of Tordesillas


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the first years of exploration of the New World, when Spain and Portugal emerged as the biggest colonizing powers. To avoid open war, the Pope Alexander VI drew a line of demarcation that divided the Americas in half.

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World War II and Its Meaning for Americans


David Eisenhower of the University of Pennsylvania argues that World War II was a decisive event with an outcome that has moved the U.S. and the world towards a better future. It, he states, should be taught and studied in order to comprehend not only its warnings but the insights it offers into American strengths and those inhering in a free society. The lecture includes many anecdotes on President Eisenhower.

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Don't You Know There's a War On?


This program explores the inspiring firsthand accounts of 11 individuals who experienced World War II. These men and women belong to what broadcast journalist Tom Brokaw calls the "greatest generation." They are ordinary citizens who did extraordinary things for their country. Whether they saw combat or collected scrap metal, North Carolinians joined countless Americans who served, sacrificed, and persevered during the war.

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