Wisconsin Historical Society


The Wisconsin Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of the state of Wisconsin. To this end, the society operates the Wisconsin Historical Museum. Permanent exhibits include frontier and immigration history, as well as Native American life. The Native American exhibit includes an Aztalan-style house, which visitors are welcome to enter. Collections consist of more than 110,000 objects and 400,000 artifacts.

The museum offers exhibits, films, interactive audio-visual presentations, full-scale dioramas, workshops, storytelling, lectures, demonstrations, an activity-based self-guided tour, guided tours, hands-on activities, and educational programs in compliance with state educational standards. Reservations are required for school groups and for use of the lunchroom. The society also offers archaeology traveling trunks and outreach presentations for second through fourth grade students. The website offers an extensive state historical database, lesson plans, information on National History Day programming, virtual exhibits, an educational framework on historical thinking, educational games, a fourth-grade textbook, and exhibit-related teachers' guides.

South Pass City State Historic Site [WY]


South Pass City has a variety of interesting and educational activities for visitors throughout the summer. When the presence of volunteer staff permits, not only can visitors walk through each of the 17 restored and exhibited original structures, they can enjoy ice-cold sarsaparillas and a game of billiards on a restored 1860s period table, as well as hear the ring of a hammer on steel when the blacksmith shapes hot iron. Each day, one can shop in the historic Smith-Sherlock General Store or pan for gold in the clear waters of Willow Creek. In the Interpretive Center, visitors can also learn about other gold-producing methods that have been used around South Pass City throughout its history.

A second website for the site can be found here.

The site offers exhibits, tours, demonstrations, and occasional educational and recreational events (including living history events).

Germantown Historical Society [PA]


The Germantown Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Philadelphia's German Township, now Germantown, Mt. Airy, and Chestnut Hill. To this end, the society operates a museum, library, and archives. The township was the original German settlement in the United States; the location of the first written abolitionist statement; an early commuter suburb; and the site of the October 4, 1777 Battle of Germantown. Materials in the library and archives date back to 1683. Specialties include African American genealogy, local railroads, and the Germantown Theatre Guild. Museum collections number more than 50,000 artifacts—over 8,000 of which are historical fashion pieces.

The society offers library and archive access, exhibits, educational programs, guided area walking tours, and research assistance. Research assistance requires payment. Reservations are required for walking tours, and the group must include at least 10 people.

Ford's Theatre and Petersen House [DC]


As the site of 16th President of the United States Abraham Lincoln's assassination on April 14, 1865, Ford's Theatre presents the history of this famous historical figure. In addition to the site of the shooting, the society also operates the Petersen House, built in 1849, the site of Lincoln's death. The interior of the Petersen House recreates its appearance at that time.

The society offers tours of Ford's Theatre; one-act plays concerning Civil War and/or President Lincoln's history; period rooms; living history tours on the Lincoln Assassination Conspiracy or the story of Elizabeth Keckley, free African American and friend of the Lincolns; and professional development opportunities for educators. The website offers lesson plans and interview videos.

USS Constellation [MD]


The U.S.S. Constellation serves as a museum of its own history. The vessel is the final sail-powered warship built by the Navy, and the last floating Civil War era vessel. Education program topics include African Americans in the Navy, life at sea as a powder monkey, the Constellation's efforts against the slave trade, and the construction of the sloop-of-war.

The vessel offers gun drills, exhibits, an audio tour, an overnight program, educational programs, and educational outreach presentations. The website offers downloadable curriculum.

Paul Revere House [MA]


The Paul Revere House is located in north Boston and is notable for being the house that Paul Revere left for his famous night ride. The house still stands and is now a national historic landmark.

The house offers guided tours, a variety of field trip programs catered to different grades, two annual exhibits, and special events. The website offers information regarding upcoming events, visitor information, and information for teachers about field trip programs. In order to contact the house via email, use the "contact us" located at the upper right corner of the webpage.

Historic St. Mary's City [MD]


Historic St. Mary's City presents the first capital of Maryland and fourth permanent British New World settlement via living history interpretation. Sites include the reconstructed 1676 State House, the square-rigger Maryland Dove, a working tobacco plantation, and a Yaocomaco Native American settlement. St. Mary's is an early example of government supported freedom of religion.

The museum offers exhibits, interpretive signage, an audio tour, self-guided tours, four hour school tours which complement state educational standards, hands-on activities, and picnic areas. Reservations are required for school and group tours. The website offers a virtual tour and children's activities.

Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site [CA]


The 13–acre Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site commemorates the only Nobel Prize–winning U.S. playwright, through preservation of the Tao House. A Spanish–colonial structure with an interior scheme inspired by Chinese Taoism, this building served as the home of O'Neill and his wife Carlotta between 1937 and 1944. Eugene O'Neill (1888–1953) is the author of The Iceman Cometh, Long Day's Journey Into Night, and A Moon for the Misbegotten, among other works. His pieces introduced realism to American drama, were among the first U.S. plays to include speeches in the vernacular, and are populated with marginalized characters.

The site offers guided tours of the Tao House, self–guided tours of the grounds, and twice yearly presentations of O'Neill's plays. Reservations are required to enter the house.

Ephrata Cloister [PA]


One of America's earliest religious communities, the Ephrata Cloister was founded in 1732 by German settlers seeking spiritual goals rather than earthly rewards. Gathered in unique European style buildings, the community consisted of celibate Brothers and Sisters, and a married congregation of families. At the zenith of the community in the 1740s and 1750s, about 300 members worked and worshiped at the Cloister.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, educational programs, research library access, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Pullman State Historic Site


The site preserves surviving portions of the industrial complex developed in the early 1880s by George M. Pullman (1831–1897) to build luxury railroad passenger cars. The site, though under heavy reconstruction, features special interest tours of the factory site and regular temporary exhibits, and participates in or co-hosts a number of special events and cosponsors community programs for all ages and backgrounds.

The site offers research library access, exhibits, tours, lectures, workshops, and other educational and recreational events and programs.