

This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the term, "carpetbagger," used frequently after the Civil War but often misunderstood.

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The American System


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes how, as a young nation, the U.S. desperately needed a national system of trade and transportation. But the "American System," proposed by Speaker of the House Henry Clay, became a source of heated debate in the Senate.

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The Market Revolution


This iCue Mini-Documentary covers the period between 1812 and 1850, which marked the transition from an economy based on local farms and communities to a market economy, largely like what exists today.

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The Carolinas Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 09/09/2008 - 18:43

This iCue Mini-Documentary describes South Carolina's founding by aristocratic settlers from England who establish the city of Charleston as a major center for the African slave trade as well as the trade of Native American slaves. Those who shunned slavery moved north to establish North Carolina.

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