The Citizen in the Community: Roles, Responsibilities, and Action


Participants in this workshop will spend two days in the historic village of Plymouth Notch, Vermont, boyhood community of President Calvin Coolidge, exploring civic life and responsibilities through primary sources.

Contact name
Kemble, Daine
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Two days
End Date

American Indians in North Carolina


Participants in this course will explore American Indian history in North Carolina from the earliest evidence of human habitation in the state through first contact with Europeans, the Trail of Tears, the Great Depression, the Civil Rights Movement, and into the present day.

Students often hold incorrect ideas about Native Americans and, in particular, know very little about the history and culture of American Indians right here in North Carolina. Archaeological finds, creation stories, the writings of early European explorers, government documents and treaties, stories handed down through oral tradition, indigenous crafts, newspaper articles, and more will enrich exploration of key issues in Native American history in North Carolina.

Moreover, thoughtful articles and lively discussions will allow participants to address modern issues such as the needs of American Indian students in North Carolina classrooms and present-day controversies such as the use of Indian-themed mascots in school athletic programs.

Sponsoring Organization
Learn NC
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
3.0 CEUs
Eight weeks
End Date

Federal Trials and Great Debates in United States History


Designed especially for secondary school teachers of U.S. history, law, and civics/government, the institute will deepen participants' knowledge of the federal judiciary and of the role the federal courts have played in key public controversies that have defined constitutional and other legal rights. Participants will work closely throughout the institute with leading historians, federal judges, and curriculum consultants. Confirmed faculty include Michael Klarman, Kirkland & Ellis Professor, Harvard Law School and Jeffrey Rosen, Professor of Law, George Washington University.

To explore the theme of "Seeking Social Change Through the Courts," the institute will focus on these three landmark federal trials: Woman suffrage and the trial of Susan B. Anthony, Chinese Exclusions Acts and Chew Heong v. United States, and the desegregation of New Orleans schools and Bush v. Orleans Parish School Board.

Contact name
Kaplan, Howard
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
American Bar Association Division for Public Education; Federal Judicial Center
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Six days
End Date

The International Impact of the Declaration of Independence


The Declaration of Independence of 1776 announced the entry of the United States onto the world stage and inaugurated a new genre of document that would be used by various groups in the following centuries to herald their arrival among "the Powers of the Earth." This seminar views the American Declaration from three global perspectives: first, by placing 1776 into the context of contemporary international and global connections; second, by examining the legacy of the Declaration in the century after 1776; and third, by analyzing other declarations of independence since 1776 for their debts to—and divergences from—the American model. The result should be an enriched understanding of the importance of the Declaration in world history, as well as a novel account of what was truly revolutionary about the American Revolution.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
Target Audience
Middle and high school
Start Date
Free; $400 stipend granted
Course Credit
Pittsburg State University (PSU) is pleased to offer graduate credit to workshop participants at a tuition fee of $199 per credit hour. Participants can receive three graduate credit hours for the duration of the week.
Six days
End Date

The Middle Passage: A Shared History of the Transatlantic Slave Trade


Ten teachers from the United States will join teachers from the United Kingdom and Ghana to study the history and legacies of the Transatlantic Slave Trade under the direction of professors James Walvin and Stephanie Smallwood. The seminar will cover the history of African-European contact, the nature of African societies in the 15th to 18th centuries, the existing slave trading practices in Africa, the impact of the slave trade on regions of Africa, the character of the coastal trade in the forts and castles, the experience of the Middle Passage, and the numbers and experience of African arrivals in the Americas. Participants will be introduced to major scholarship as well as to the new online Transatlantic Slave Trade Database. The Middle Passages seminar will focus on both historical content and classroom pedagogy, and will include visits to historical and cultural sites in Ghana. Participating teachers will be expected to develop collaborative teaching units with their international partners.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
Target Audience
Middle and high school
Start Date
Free; $400 stipend granted
Course Credit
Pittsburg State University (PSU) is pleased to offer graduate credit to workshop participants at a tuition fee of $199 per credit hour. Participants can receive three graduate credit hours for the duration of the week.
Eleven days
End Date

The Global Cold War


The Cold War dominated the second half of the 20th century, but until recently the world had only an imperfect sense of what it was all about. Historians wrote about it, of necessity, from within the event they were seeking to describe, so that there was no way to know its outcome. And because only a few Western countries had begun to open their archives, these accounts could only reflect one side of the story. Cold War history, hence, was not normal history: it was both asymmetrical and incomplete. The end of the Cold War and the subsequent partial opening of Soviet, Eastern European, and Chinese archives have revolutionized the field. Everything historians thought they knew is suddenly up for reconsideration, whether because of the new documents available to them, or as a consequence of knowing how it all came out. Even as this happens, though, the memories of those who lived through the Cold War are rapidly fading, and a new generation of students has no memory of it at all. This seminar will seek to integrate the latest scholarly research on Cold War history and the ways in which that subject is presented in the classroom. The seminar will use a variety of means: lectures, books, documents, video documentaries, and the resources of the worldwide web. There will also be ample opportunity for participants to learn from one another, and for the presenters to learn from the participants. It will be, in short, a week of total immersion in the lengthy, occasionally dangerous, and (almost) always intriguing history of the Cold War, filled with debate and new information.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
Target Audience
Middle and high school
Start Date
Free; $500 stipend granted
Course Credit
Pittsburg State University (PSU) is pleased to offer graduate credit to workshop participants at a tuition fee of $199 per credit hour. Participants can receive three graduate credit hours for the duration of the week.
Six days
End Date

James Madison Graduate Fellowships


From the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation website:

Through a national competition, the Foundation offers James Madison Fellowships to a select group of individuals desiring to become outstanding teachers of the American Constitution. The Madison Foundation is committed to providing graduate training in American history, American government, and social studies education that will help our nation's teachers improve and perfect their professional skills by gaining content knowledge of the Constitution.

The Foundation offers two types of fellowships. Junior Fellowships are awarded to students who are about to complete, or have completed, their undergraduate course of study and plan to begin graduate work on a full-time basis. Junior Fellows have two years to complete their degree. Senior Fellowships are awarded to teachers who wish to undertake work for a graduate degree on a part-time basis through summer and evening classes. Senior Fellows have up to five years to complete their degree. The fellowships are intended exclusively for graduate study leading to a master's degree.

James Madison Fellows may attend any accredited institution of higher education in the United States. Each individual entering the James Madison Fellowship Program will be expected to pursue and complete a master's degree in one of the following (listed in order of the Foundation's preference): Master of Arts (MA) in American history or in political science (also referred to as "government and politics" or as "government"); Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) concentrating on either American Constitutional history (in a history department) or American government, political institutions, and political theory (in a political science department); or Master of Education (MEd) or the Master of Arts or Master of Science in Education with a concentration in American history or American government, political institutions, and political theory.

Sponsoring Organization
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
Eligibility Requirements

"The applicant must be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national; be a teacher, or plan to become a teacher, of American history, American government, or social studies at the secondary school level (grades 7-12); possess a bachelor's degree or plan to receive a bachelor's degree no later than August 31 of the year in which s/he is applying; and wait at least three years from the time that any previous graduate degree was awarded before applying for a James Madison Fellowship."

Application Deadline
Award Amount
"The maximum amount of each award is $24,000, prorated over the individual period of study. Fellowship payments cover the actual costs of tuition, required fees, books, and room and board but cannot exceed $12,000 per academic year."

Michigan We the People Summer Seminar


The Center for the Constitution at James Madison's Montpelier will host the Michigan We the People Summer Seminar for middle and high school teachers. The seminar will begin with lectures, discussions, and group activities and conclude with a simulated congressional hearing. Teachers will receive a full classroom set of We the People textbooks.

Contact name
Troost, Jim
Sponsoring Organization
Center for Civic Education
Target Audience
Middle and high school
Start Date
Contact Title
Director of Programs, Michigan Center for Civic Education
Four days
End Date