The Journeys of Lewis and Clark


Many Americans think Lewis and Clark were sent west simply to explore the newly-acquired Louisiana Purchase. In fact, the Lewis and Clark Expedition was part of an international contest to control North America and exploit its wealth and an important part of Thomas Jefferson's plan for the development of the United States and the future of its Native American population.

Dr. Dan Thorp of Virginia Tech explores the nature of earlier European activities in the North American West and how they shaped the timing and nature of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Sites of Memory: Perspectives in Architecture and Race


Dr. Craig Barton of the School of Architecture at the University of Virginia explores different strategies through which to construct the collective memories associated with African American communities and to help tell the stories of people often invisible in traditional historical narratives. A different type of commemorative is required to interpret the depth and complexity of African American culture which interprets the challenges of historical narrative and the agency of contemporary imagination. As instruments of both public and private patronage these landscapes inevitably minimize the contributions of marginalized cultural communities and were (are) all too often mute about the presence of African Americans and other marginalized groups. Traditional monuments often do not speak to the lives of African Americans and others often excluded from discourse of public space.

The Salem Witch Trials: The Role of Religion in Early America


The story of the infamous Salem witch trials of 1692 has served as a dramatic moral tale in American culture since the late 17th century. Narrated in history textbooks since the early 18th century and fictionalized in later works of literature, the Salem witch trials tragedy has been interpreted in different ways, suited to changing social and cultural circumstances over time.

Dr. Benjamin Ray of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia explores the role of religion in early America through this iconic narrative. This talk focuses on the most recent historical research and indicates the new shape the story is taking. It discusses the changing nature of historical accounts and shows how students can directly engage the primary source documents and develop their own conclusions.

The Role of the Supreme Court in American History


Dr. Michael Klarman of the University of Virginia School of Law analyzes and interprets the Brown case and its impact on the Civil Rights Movement. He annotates Justice Douglas's conference notes on Brown, tells stories about the justices, details how justices decide cases, explains why Brown was a hard case for many of the justices, and makes conclusions on why they were nonetheless eventually able to reach a unanimous outcome. He discusses the various ways in which Brown mattered and did not matter by linking Brown with the rise of southern massive resistance, violence, and ultimately the enactment of civil rights legislation in the mid-1960s. Klarman includes lessons on how and why Court decisions matter, how historians tend perhaps to overemphasize the importance of the Court's contributions to racial change in the U.S., and important reminders about how violence was necessary to prompt most whites to care about the civil rights of southern blacks.

Evaluation: How are Teachers Changed by TAH?


The Virginia Experiment Teaching Fellows Program was featured as a keynote panel presentation at the Teaching American History Project Directors' Seminar. Andy Mink, Chris Bunin, and Scott Nesbit present a session to a national audience of project directors, curriculum experts, and educators, considering how historians and educators look at primary and secondary sources and how those perspectives can overlap.

Preserving the Legacy of the Jefferson School


Dr. Lauranett Lee of the Virginia Historical Society explores ways to use oral history and historic preservation efforts to teach history. She is currently completing a commissioned project for the city of Hopewell in which she documents African American history. She discusses the mechanics of constructing a community history project and its applicability for teachers and students. The second half of the session focused on using the cultural landscape to teach history, including a walking tour of the historic Jefferson School.

To listen to this lecture, select "Podcast" under the September 4th session.