Hoodoo Tradition in Annapolis: Two Worlds


Historian Mark P. Leone introduces viewers to the Annapolis home of Charles Carroll, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and to the coming-together of the lives of the Founding Fathers and their African and African American slaves that the house represents. Leone focuses on the hoodoo artifacts uncovered at the house.

To view this video, select "Scholars," followed by "Mark P. Leone." Chooses one of the Windows Media options.

Tool Chest


Cultural resources manager of the Anacostia Museum Portia James displays and discusses a tool box painted in 1891, depicting a plantation owner and his family riding down into Hell and their slaves ascending to Heaven.

To view this video, select "Scholars," followed by "Portia James." From there, select one of the Windows Media viewing options.

Radio Fights Jim Crow


During the World War II years, a series of groundbreaking radio programs tried to mend the deep racial and ethnic divisions that threatened America. At a time when blacks were usually shown on the radio as lazy buffoons, the federal government and civil rights activists used radio for a counter attack. Did radio unify America in the face of war? This documentary is divided into three downloadable sections.

To listen to this documentary, select "Part One," "Part Two," or "Part Three" beside the text "Radio Fights Jim Crow."

Remembering Jim Crow


For much of the 20th century, African Americans in the South were barred from the voting booth, sent to the back of the bus, and walled off from many of the rights they deserved as American citizens. Until well into the 1960s, segregation was legal. The system was called Jim Crow. In this radio documentary, Americans—black and white—remember life in the Jim Crow times. The documentary is divided into three downloadable sections.

To listen to this documentary, select "Part One," "Part Two," or "Part Three" under "Listen."

Ken Burns


Emmy-Award–winning documentary filmmaker Ken Burns joins Allen Weinstein, Archivist of the United States, to discuss his past work and his current project, The War, a seven-part series examining the ways in which World War II touched the lives of American families.

To listen to this video, scroll to "Ken Burns," and select "Watch the Video."

Hillary Rodham Clinton: Life as First Lady, Senator, and Bestselling Author


Hillary Rodham Clinton discusses her life and experiences, including the development of her original interest in politics, her thoughts on history education, her perception of the role of First Lady, her campaign for Senator, challenges she sees facing the U.S. in the future, what she believes is required in a leader to address these problems, and some thoughts on the George W. Bush administration.

To listen to this interview, scroll to "Hillary Rodham Clinton" and select "Watch the Video."

Remembrance and Reality: The New African-American Museum


A talk with Dr. Lonnie Bunch, founding director of the new National Museum of African American History, about the new African-American Museum. This Smithsonian Institution museum has been decades in the making and soon will be assigned a location in downtown Washington, DC. "It is a challenge to make sure that this is a museum that allows people to revel in African-American culture," Dr. Bunch has noted, "but it [will also be] a museum that says what it means to be an American. Everyone will want to come here because it will help us understand courage and resiliency and other traits."

To view this lecture, scroll to "Lonnie Bunch," and select "Watch the Video."