Contemporary Supreme Court Approaches to Constitutional Interpretation, Part One


Professor Ralph A. Rossum examines the ways in which recent and current U.S. Supreme Court Justices interpret or seek to interpret their duties and the founding documents of the U.S. He looks at what precedents and interpretations of the Founders' intent are incorporated in contemporary justices' thought.

This lecture continues in Contemporary Supreme Court Approaches to Constitutional Interpretation, Part Two.

Jefferson and Hamilton: Opposed in Death as in Life, Part Two


Professor Stephen Knott explores the lives and beliefs of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton and the conflict between them. He looks at how both men have influenced U.S. history and identity, and how both men have been remembered and what they have symbolized over the course of U.S. history. This lecture continues from the lecture "Jefferson and Hamilton: Opposed in Death as in Life, Part One."

Calvin Coolidge and the Staid 1920s, Part Two


Professor Robert Ferrell reexamines popular perception of the 1920s, arguing that, instead of being nationally, a "roaring" decade, it was instead a "staid" decade, though it began an era of change which stretched from 1917 to 1933. He looks at the presidencies during this period, the economy, and foreign policies. This lecture continues from the lecture "Calvin Coolidge and the Staid 1920s."

Liberty and Freedom: A Visual History of America's Founding Ideas, Part One


Professor David Hackett Fischer traces how definitions of the ideals of liberty and freedom have changed over the course of U.S. history, from the American Revolution to the present day. He looks particularly at visual and literary symbols that have been created to stand for these ideals.

Part Two of this lecture is currently not functioning.