"Apple of Gold": The Centrality of the Declaration of Independence in American Political Life


Professor Christopher Flannery examines the prominence of the Declaration of Independence in U.S. history and present life, the context in which it was written, and the intentions of its drafters. He includes readings from historical documents.

For the lecture, follow the link below and scroll down to the first seminar under Monday, June 21.

Older versions of this lecture can be found, from most recent to oldest, here, here, and here.

The Three Waves of Liberalism Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/04/2008 - 14:04

Dr. Charles Kesler traces the history of liberalism in the U.S., looking at its origins in progressivism and its opposition to conservatism.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to the Thursday, August seventh, 7:30 pm guest lecture; and select the RealAudio link to the left of the main body of text.

The Reform of the Party System


Professors Ronald J. Pestritto and Lance Robinson explore political progressive thought in relation to the U.S. party system. They compare and contrast the views of Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and progressive author Herbert Croly and the reforms of the party system each suggested.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to session 11, and select the RealAudio link to the left of the main body of text.

Progressivism, Skepticism, and the Judiciary


Professors Ronald J. Pestritto and Lance Robinson explore the history of political progressivism and the U.S. Supreme Court. They examine what progressives have defined as the ideal role of the judicial system, as well as Court decisions that have been in line with this role. They look at writings including those of Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to session 10, and select the RealAudio link to the left of the main body of text.

Wilson and the Reform of Congress


Professor Ronald J. Pestritto examines the political progressive beliefs of Woodrow Wilson, focusing on Wilson's views on the appropriate function of legislature in government and his suggested reforms for Congress.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to session eight, and select the RealAudio link to the left of the main body of text.

Theodore Roosevelt, John Dewey, and the Evolving Constitution


Professor Lance Robinson explores Theodore Roosevelt's political progressive beliefs and looks at what sources may have influenced his development of these ideas. Robinson looks at John Dewey's Liberalism and Social Action as a possible influence.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to session six, and select the corresponding RealAudio link to the left.

The Historical Thinking of Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt


Professor Lance Robinson explores the progressive political beliefs of Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt, looking at their understanding of government as a force and institution that can evolve as the state evolves.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to session four, and select the corresponding RealAudio link to the left.