Civil War Resources


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the superior resources and infrastructure of the North, which helped it overpower the South in the Civil War, even though the South had the home turf advantage.

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The Boston Tea Party


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the Boston Tea Party, which followed Britain's attempts to compromise by taxing tea after several attempts to tax the American colonies failed. Colonial radicals led by Samuel Adams of Boston were incensed and dumped the British tea into Boston Harbor.

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The Lewis and Clark Expedition


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes President Thomas Jefferson's decision to send an expedition to the newly acquired Louisiana Territory to investigate the land and Native American populations. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were chosen to lead the expedition.

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New Spain


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the early 1500s in New Spain, when the issue of slavery became controversial. Dominican priest Bartolome de Las Casas issued reports of brutal savagery by the conquistadors against the Native Americans.

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Indentured Servitude


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces indentured servitude, which plantation owners offered laborers in order to attract them to the colonies. In exchange for travel expenses, these laborers were expected to work the land for several years.

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The Carolinas


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes South Carolina's founding by aristocratic settlers from England who establish the city of Charleston as a major center for the African slave trade as well as the trade of Native American slaves. Those who shunned slavery moved north to establish North Carolina.

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Don't You Know There's a War On?


This program explores the inspiring firsthand accounts of 11 individuals who experienced World War II. These men and women belong to what broadcast journalist Tom Brokaw calls the "greatest generation." They are ordinary citizens who did extraordinary things for their country. Whether they saw combat or collected scrap metal, North Carolinians joined countless Americans who served, sacrificed, and persevered during the war.

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