What Students Should Know About 9/11 and the War on Terrorism


On Thursday, September 11, 2008, the Foreign Policy Research Institute will sponsor two webcasts on what students should know about 9/11. Schools may sign up to view either or both webcasts live online and participate in the question-and-answer periods. All questions not answered during the session will be answered by email shortly thereafter. The webcasts will feature speakers drawn from FPRI's Center on Terrorism, Counterterrorism, and Homeland Security.

Sponsoring Organization
Foreign Policy Research Institute
Target Audience
Start Date
45 mins. for each session

Picturing America: Deadline Extended to November 14


Picturing America, an exciting new initiative from the National Endowment for the Humanities, brings masterpieces of American art into classrooms and libraries nationwide. Through this innovative program, students and citizens will gain a deeper appreciation of our country’s history and character through the study and understanding of its art. The nation's artistic heritage—its paintings, sculpture, architecture, fine crafts, and photography—offers unique insights into the character, ideals, and aspirations of the country.

By bringing high-quality reproductions of notable American art into public and private schools, libraries, and communities, Picturing America gives participants the opportunity to learn about our nation’s history and culture in a fresh and engaging way. The program uses art as a catalyst for the study of America—the cultural, political, and historical threads woven into our nation's fabric over time.

Successful applicants will receive a set of 20 laminated reproductions printed on both sides with artwork. A Teachers Resource Book is included with the reproduction set. Additional educational resources will be available on the NEH website. In return for receiving the Picturing America reproductions and Teachers Resource Book, schools are required to encourage teachers to use the reproductions in the classroom. Schools and libraries are required to keep as many of the reproductions as possible on continual exhibit in classrooms or public locations in the school or public library during the April 2009–April 2010 grant term, and to retain the reproductions for future display and educational use.


This exciting initiative from the National Endowment for the Humanities, brings masterpieces of American art into classrooms and libraries nationwide. Applications are due November 14, 2008.

Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Charles Sheeler, 1883-1965, American Landscape, 1930
Eligibility Requirements

Applications will be accepted from all K-12 public, private, parochial, and charter schools and home school consortia and public libraries in the United States and its territories. Other libraries with collections that circulate to the general public and offer reading-based programs for the general public are also eligible to apply. Multiple schools within a school system or school district or multiple libraries within a library system may apply for the Picturing America reproductions and teachers resource book. One application is permitted from each home school consortium. Individuals and organizations other than K-12 schools, home school consortia, and public libraries are not eligible to apply. NEH generally does not award grants to other federal entities or to applicants whose projects are so closely intertwined with a federal entity that the project takes on characteristics of the federal entity's own authorized activities. This does not preclude applicants from using grant funds from, or sites and materials controlled by, other federal entities in their projects. Previous recipients of a Picturing America award are not eligible for a second award.

Application Deadline
Award Amount
20 laminated reproductions of artwork (double-sided, presenting 40 images overall) and a Teachers Resource Book

Saturday for Educators: Celebration of the Circus


Teachers can join the incredible Windjammers Education Band for a morning of music they will not soon forget. Through the music of Karl L. King, participants can relive the circus in its heyday, learning how each piece influenced the show and kept things moving along. A full band of circus musicians will break down the pieces into smaller parts, discussing the hows and whys of circus music composition as they go. Material covered can be related to both history and music study, and the workshop will include a lecture, gallery experience, and hands-on activity or lesson plan.

Sponsoring Organization
John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
In-service hours are available at each session.
One day

Smithsonian American Art Museum: Lure of the West


The third in this series of workshops featuring different areas of the permanent collection focuses on images of the West. Depictions of pioneers, Native Americans, and western scenes are used to enhance your curriculum. Landscapes, history paintings, and portraiture are featured.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Target Audience
Start Date
Three hours

From Cold War to Strangelove: Examining Communism in America through Politics and Culture, 1940-1960


The workshop features Dr. Harvey Klehr of Emory University as the keynote speaker and offers sessions on television, toys, fashion, music, art, and literature of the Cold War era.

Contact name
Bernadette May-Beaver (email)
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
The Lovett School
Phone number
1 404-262-3032
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
Participants who successfully complete this workshop will earn 1 SDU (PLU) credit.
Two days
End Date

Teaching with Documents and Works of Art: An Integrated Approach


This two-and-a-half day workshop will provide a varied program of lectures, demonstrations, collaborative work, and analysis of documents and works of art to introduce teachers to the holdings of the National Archives and the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Workshop attendees will participate in and develop classroom activities that utilize both visual images and primary source documents as teaching tools in ways that sharpen students’ skills and enthusiasm for history, social studies, and the humanities. The content focus will be on Westward Expansion and the Civil War.

Contact name
Potter, Lee Ann
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Council for the Social Studies, Smithsonian American Art Museum, National Archives and Records Administration
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
Head of Education and Volunteer Programs at the National Archives and Records Administration
Three days
End Date

Documenting North Carolina's Past: Learning from Primary Sources


Join us and learn about significant events in United States history from a North Carolina perspective. Examine original documents, artifacts, and historic buildings that help to tell North Carolina’s story as a state. Take back to your classroom a wealth of resources, including the latest historical research by well-known scholars. This four-day program in Raleigh and Historic Halifax will feature speakers, discussions, activities, and field trips.

Contact name
Charlotte Sullivan
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
North Carolina Museum of History
Phone number
1 919-807-7995
Target Audience
For all grade levels; particularly relevant to elementary and middle grades social studies
Start Date
Course Credit
The workshop provides up to four CEU credits (40 contact hours).
Four days
End Date

Library of Congress Teaching With Primary Sources: Eastern Regional Partnership


The Eastern Regional Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Program is currently accepting proposals for the integration of primary sources in K-12 education, existing pre-service and graduate-level education curriculum, and teacher professional development programs. Additionally, cultural institutions and other community organizations may be partners within these programs.

Proposals from $5,000 to $15,000 will be considered and are accepted on a rolling basis. Preference will be given to proposals that have the most potential for being integrated into K-12 classrooms for the long-term.

Apply online: http://iqweb.waynesburg.edu/aam/WU_Eastern_Regional_RFP.html

Sponsoring Organization
Library of Contress Eastern Regional Teaching with Primary Sources Program
Eligibility Requirements

K-12 classroom

Award Amount
Eastern United States

Primarily Teaching: Using Historical Documents in the Classroom


Primarily Teaching is designed to provide access to the rich resources of the National Archives for educators at the upper elementary, secondary, and college levels. Participants will learn how to research the historical records, create classroom materials based on the records, and present documents in ways that sharpen students’ skills and enthusiasm for history, government, and the other humanities. Each participant will search the holdings of the National Archives for documents suitable for classroom use and develop strategies for using these documents in the classroom or design professional development activities to help classroom teachers use primary source documents effectively.

Contact name
Primarily Teaching Staff
Sponsoring Organization
National Archives and Records Administration
Target Audience
Advanced elementary, middle school, and high school teachers of history, social studies, and geography
Start Date
Course Credit
Graduate credit from a major university is available for an additional fee.
Five days
End Date

Primarily Teaching: Using Historical Documents in the Classroom


Primarily Teaching is designed to provide access to the rich resources of the National Archives for educators at the upper elementary, secondary, and college levels. Participants will learn how to research the historical records, create classroom materials based on the records, and present documents in ways that sharpen students’ skills and enthusiasm for history, government, and the other humanities. Each participant will search the holdings of the National Archives for documents suitable for classroom use and develop strategies for using these documents in the classroom or design professional development activities to help classroom teachers use primary source documents effectively.

Contact name
Primarily Teaching Staff
Sponsoring Organization
National Archives and Records Administration
Target Audience
Advanced elementary, middle school, and high school teachers of history, social studies, geography
Start Date
Course Credit
Graduate credit from a major university is available for an additional fee.
Five days
End Date