Supreme Court Historical Society [DC]


The Supreme Court Historical Society works in conjunction with the Supreme Court in order to chronicle the history of the court and provide a variety of educational events and resources. The society was founded in 1974 by Chief Justice Warren Burger, who served as the society's first chairman. Today, in addition to educational events, the society also works to publish books, journals, and electronic resources. The society also sponsors a series of traveling lectures by distinguished scholars on specific periods of the court's history.

The site offers information and purchasing information on all society publications, a detailed history of the court, an online gift shop, and online resources including sample lessons for teacher's and curriculum support.

The society does not offer a physical site for visitation. Above entry is pre-existing.

Save Our Steel [PA]


Save Our Steel is a Bethlehem, PA, organization that is devoted to preserving the industrial history of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Currently, the organization is working with the Sands BethWorks Casino in order to help preserve Bethlehem's industrial heritage. The casino is currently being built in the old ore pits, and is scheduled to be completed in mid-2009. Save Our Steel is first and foremost an advocacy group, and has an ultimate goal to create a historical industrial district.

The site offers a photo gallery featuring 13 photographs, organization information, a calendar of events, ways to get involved, an online store, and resources for potential citizen-advocates.

This organization is planning to use the historic Bethlehem Steel site for historical interpretation, commercial functions, and residential zoning.

John Peter Zenger


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces newspaper printer John Peter Zenger, who tested the freedom of the press long before the first amendment was written. He commited sedition against the governor, but he was acquitted by a jury which favored free speech.

This feature is no longer available.



This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the Quakers, or the Society of Friends, who sought a refuge in America where they could practice without persecution. Quaker William Penn found a permanent settlement in Pennsylvania.

This feature is no longer available.

New Netherlands


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the Dutch settlement in New Amsterdam (now New York City) to establish a stronghold in the fur trade.

This feature is no longer available.

August Wilson Center for African American Culture [PA]


"The August Wilson Center for African American Culture is a not-for-profit organization that presents performing, visual, and education programs that celebrate the contributions of African Americans within the region and the impact of cultural expression from Africa to the African Diaspora. The AWC's presentations include dance, music, art, theater and other cultural, educational and artistic events." The center is currently constructing a building which will serve as a museum and presentation place.

The site offers information on upcoming events, an events calendar, a virtual tour of the building under construction, and a brief biography of August Wilson.

The center is under development. Opening is planned for September 2009.

Johnson Park Restoration Fund [NY]


Johnson Park is located in the heart of historic Buffalo, New York. Unfortunately, in recent years, the park has elapsed into a sad state of disrepair. The mission of the Johnson Park Restoration Fund is to advocate for and fund the restoration of historic Johnson Park. In addition, the fund puts on a variety of events in Johnson Park throughout the year.

The site is a blog-style site, and offers information about upcoming and past events, along with links for prospective donors.

This is a fund-raising and restoration organization.

Historic Cold Spring Village [NJ]


"Historic Cold Spring Village is an Early American open-air living history museum." Encompassing 22 acres in Cape May, New Jersey, visitors to the village can take part in a variety of interactive, education, and hands-on family activities. The village maintains a small farm where "heritage crops" are grown, 26 beautifully restored buildings, and a staff of historically-clothed interpreters, who educate and entertain visitors regarding the lifestyles, issues, trades, and crafts of turn of the century New Jersey.

The site offers an events calendar, visitor information, detailed information about the educational programs offered, both in class programs and programs at the village, a section for crafting and recipe ideas, and a listing of recent press releases.

This listing is a duplicate of identification number 9752.

Remaking America: Nation and Citizen in the Civil War Era


This seminar focuses on the era of the American Civil War and especially on the revolutionary transformation of social and political life in that critical period of U.S. history. Using an array of historical documents as well as lectures, discussions, and (possibly) visits to historical sites, seminar members will analyze the way a war of unprecedented scope drove a process of state building and slave emancipation that reconfigured the nation and remade the terms of political membership in it. Starting with the Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case in 1857 and ending with the constitutional amendments of the postwar period, the seminar will take up the key events and developments in the Union and the Confederacy, including secession, the destruction of slavery (on plantations and in the law), African-American enlistment, and popular politics North and South. By focusing throughout on the racial and gender terms of citizenship, the seminar makes clear what changed—and what did not—in American political life, while conveying a sense of the epic drama by which the United States was remade in the vortex of war.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
Target Audience
Middle and high school
Start Date
Free; $400 stipend granted
Course Credit
Pittsburg State University (PSU) is pleased to offer graduate credit to workshop participants at a tuition fee of $199 per credit hour. Participants can receive three graduate credit hours for the duration of the week.
One week
End Date