Piscataway Park and Tobacco Farming

Video Overview

In 1700s Maryland and Virginia, farmers lived and died by the quality of their tobacco. Teachers tour Maryland's Piscataway Park, learning about farmers' struggle against their environment to grow and cure the perfect crop.

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Video Clip Title
Status Symbols
Neither Time Nor Taste
Mastering the Environment
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Guide: This home is a wonderful example of what they call vernacular architecture, which means if you generally go outside of the southern Maryland area you’re not going to find any homes built like this. It was actually built around 1770 and it’s a great example of a kind of home that the lower middling sort would have lived in. One architectural historian said it is not the kind of house that you would find on a house and garden tour, nor are you going to find chatty hostesses with artfully-arranged flower vases. Spinning wool was the one thing that they would do, process all the wool and actually knit things from it, which is great. To go from, you know, A to Z. And just about everything that we have in here is all based on a lot of inventory analysis. Head of household dies, people come through, they take a true and just inventory of everything that they owned, assigned a value to it, and that was for the purpose of settling debt. They are not the end all and be all of what people owned. But when you go through '54 you start seeing trends and so it’s those trends that we followed when setting up this room. You’ll notice that they have a looking glass, but not enough people had basins or razors to justify putting them in the house. Glass had to be imported and glass things could be relatively expensive, so to just have a looking glass and nothing else to go with it is sort of a little status symbol. The only thing that separated the small landowner from the tenant farmer was the fact that small landowners actually owned their lands and more importantly they owned at least one or two slaves. All slaves of families of this wealth level, male or female, were field slaves and they would be right outside the field alongside the master of the farm or the plantation doing the work. From day one, we had to be able to address the idea of slavery because otherwise you just come here and you’d think that it was just your typical colonial family living off the land doing everything themselves. The family that we're based on had Kate Sharper and her young son, John. John was probably ten pounds sterling and with that low amount, that probably puts him around eight years old. Kate was probably 37 pounds sterling. She probably came with Mrs. Bolton as part of her dowry; basically made Mrs. Bolton marriable, that she came with a slave or one of these, a bed. Sometimes bedsteads in inventories that we read are worth more than what the family brought in in a year on tobacco. The pillows, the pillowcases, the bolster, the counterpane, all that factors into the value of the bed and all that is imported. Biggest misconception about colonial people is this whole idea of self-sufficiency. They grew their food and that’s it. But make no mistake, they had access to a foreign market and they loved it. There was one study that came out and the conclusion was basically that the last thing that they would put money into was the house itself. They would put money in things to put in the house. They would put money into maybe building a corn house or a milk house and the reason for that is you’re basically showing your mastery of the agricultural endeavor, advertising your success. The same thing with the brick chimney. Reason why a family like this would have a brick chimney was basically they were showing off to anybody that was going by. And if you can imagine that you spend most of your time out in the fields working and dealing mostly with your family, to have somebody come through from England or France or whatnot, man, you wanted to show off. You wanted to talk to them. You wanted to feed them and that’s what people commonly did. A traveler through Virginia in the 1750s wrote in his diary that one was much more likely to find lodging and victuals at houses where brick chimbles showed then elsewhere.

Guide: In the 18th century this would be step one. They would always want to add more to it. They would always want to turn the upstairs into a place to live for rooms and things like that.

Teacher 1: Just like we do.

Guide: Exactly! Does anybody have any questions? Yes?

Teacher 2: Like, do people write about oppressive heat—

Guide: Oh, yeah!

Teacher 2: 'Cause I feel like that’s the main topic on the news every time you turn it on.

Guide: They did all the time. And the great thing was that—

Teacher 2: How did they deal with that?

Guide: They would go on and on.

Teacher 2: Sort of like they do now.

Guide: They weren’t foolish about it. At midday they would come in from the fields for about three hours and then they would go back out when it wasn’t that hot. You know only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun.

Teacher 1: Can you talk about the doorways being so small?

Guide: Yes! It’s not because they were short. They’ve been here for over a hundred years, the diet has improved, they’ve acclimated to it. The doorways are small to keep heat in. We know within two years of being built that the walls and these exposed ceiling beams were covered in soot from the constant smoky haze that was in here during the winter time when they were burning 30 to 40 cords a winter to keep warm.

Colonial people generally didn’t bathe that often; they thought it was actually bad for you, it washed the essential oils off your body. They did laundry maybe once a week. You could have anywhere from two to 15 people living in here. That’s just the way it was. And so this idea of sitting around and doing cutesy little things, it’s like, no, they were actively involved in everything that went into farming this land and becoming a success.

The kitchen is often where the family’s slave would have slept in here with her young son John. But there’s absolutely no reason to believe that they also might not have allowed her to just simply sleep in the house with the rest of the family. That happened from time to time.

Sometimes if you’re a house museum you focus on the house, the things that are in the house, the stories that involve the house, but a lot of times one of the things that they forget about is the farm that the house actually existed on. And believe it or not, more and more house museums now are resurrecting the farms simply because, you know, you might as well bring the farm to life because it’s a much more complete picture.

Travelers even when they went to the homes of the very, very wealthy and looked at their gardens said that they were ugly. You know, that they paled in the comparison to what was going on in England. If you were spending the lion's share of your time out in the field cultivating tobacco, you do not have time for a fancy pretty garden. Mounds of earth with pumpkin, squash, and beans in it are sometimes all that the gardens consisted of. We've got a few more things 'cause we’re not that far down the totem pole.

Teacher 1: I know this is all colonial but the Piscataway that lived around here, they did, like, the Three Sisters?

Guide: They did.

Teacher 1: Do you have any Three Sisters?

Guide: We do very little Three Sisters simply because it’s never worked for us. Most everything that we grow in here are all heirlooms. Many 18th-century varieties of vegetables have gone the way of the dodo, they simply don’t exist, too many hybrids now, but they wrote so extensively about things and described them in such detail that the things that aren’t 18th century are things that most closely resemble them.

Most of the things on the borders are going to be your medicinals, such as that white flowered thing growing there is called Feverfew. Pretty much tells you everything about it. The red Wethersfields that are in there closely resemble another variety. Melons, these are called Anne Arundel melons just because they figure prominently in Peale family still lifes. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur, one of my favorite colonial names, said, and I quote, “We are very deficient in our gardens for we have neither time nor taste. Besides the labor is too dear."

Guide: These fences only were used on farms. And of course the reason why colonial planters and farmers had these fences was to keep animals out, not to pen them in. English travelers happened to say in their diaries, when they looked at the way the colonial people were 'farming' in general, was they just wrote about the deplorable way in which they treated their animals, doing nothing with them, just turning them loose. No management, no skill, no nothing.

But this is what life here demanded from them. And the number one reason for that was tobacco. In April, they would plant their corn. And then May was time for planting tobacco. Once the tobacco's in the ground, they don't do anything with the corn any more.

So if you come at a certain point of the year, you'll see tobacco growing in the field, corn growing in the field, but there'll be weeds up all around it and people will be like, oh my gosh, what is that? And it challenges the way that they think that a field should look, that everything should be, you know, clean and precise. But that wouldn't be an accurate representation of the way that they did it.

They weren't thrilled with it. They didn't think that this was the bee's knees, this way of farming. It's not—it doesn't take a lot of this, it takes a lot of this. The difference between curing, which they called an art, and farming it, is that curing was all up here.

You harvest something, the agricultural year is over. Harvest corn, done. Harvest wheat, done. But cut tobacco, it's followed on almost immediately by the process of curing it. And your reputation was joined with this, because everybody's going to know what price your tobacco got. Is it too wet? Is it too dry? If it's too wet, sometimes they thought that they might have to light fires in here. But if you light a fire in here, that's going to flavor it, which means you're going to get less of a price. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do. Will you be known as a miserable planter? Will you be known as a crop master? Because if you mess this up, all that work that you did, out in the field is going to be for naught.

When you cut the tobacco, you want to leave it outside for about four or five days to kill it. That's the term that they use. Then you would bring it into the barn, you would stake it, stack it, and store it. Once it was cured, they would prize it, or press it, in these hogsheads. And then the hogsheads would be taken to the town of Piscataway over here, and the inspector would break it open, he would pull out the tobacco, and anything that he deemed trash was burned right there on the dock.

England loved Virginia sweet-scented tobacco. They loved it. The soil and the climate around the James and York Rivers was so different that the tobacco took on this sweet-scented variety that England prized. After the French War, the French and Indian War, it was widely known that Colonel Washington, when he took up residence at Mount Vernon was very desirous to be a successful tobacco planter. That's what Virginians did. That is what your reputation is, that's how you define yourself, by the kind of tobacco planter you are.

He was an absolute failure at it. He was not a bad planter. Maryland's soils have always been known as stiff, which is a reference to the amount of clay in here. So the tobacco took on this much more robust flavor. Where is Mount Vernon? Right across the river. He shared our soils. He tried for 10 years before he finally quit. That shows you just how important it was to everyone's reputation that they be successful at it, and show good judgment in their ability to master and command their environment.

Touring Monticello

Video Overview

Jacqueline Langholtz, manager of school and group programs at Monticello, shows teachers around Thomas Jefferson's home. From the surrounding grounds to the internal architecture to slavery on the estate to Jefferson's library and inventions, they delve into the property's history.

Video Clip Name
Video Clip Title
Monticello from the Outside
Introducing the Interior
Jefferson's Rooms
Serving Jefferson
Video Clip Duration
Transcript Text

Jacqueline Langholtz: Jefferson is a local boy. He grows up, he's born at Shadwell, which is really just as the base of this mountain, and you can picture him and friends, good friend Debney Carr, jogging up this mountain, coming up here to play, and fantasizing about living here one day. And if you saw the map that Elizabeth Chew referenced in the gallery there, it shows Monticello, the smaller mountain, and behind it is Mount Alto, and you'll see that on the west side of the house.

Jefferson being a man of the Enlightenment, he's also very interested in nature and bringing nature in, specifically to his house. So he brings in light, he brings in color. Help me get my bearings. Which direction are we facing? Anyone want to be the Boy Scout for the day?

Teacher 1: Sun rises in the east.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Sun rises in the east, yeah, so this is the East Walk, right here, that's what we call it. Jefferson doesn't have a back and a front, he has two fronts. This is the East Front of the house, the West Front of the house is where we will emerge after the tour, and it's where you'll see the more iconic side of Monticello.

So this went really well the other day, I had a visitor from New York and I asked her how many floors the house had, and she gave me the perfect answer, the one I wanted for. What is your answer as you glance at this. How many floors, how many stories? What'd I hear back there? You said four, anyone have a different number? Three. Well, just if you're doing a quick glance, you're not making a careful study, you just glance up at the house. You thought it was only two? One and a half back here. Great. My friend who was visiting for the very first time said, I didn't realize it was only just one story. So now if you're looking, can you understand how someone might think it was just one story?

Okay. That's what Jefferson was really hoping for, that it appears to be one grand floor, and some of the rooms on the first floor will take up two stories, but he's actually tucked a second story in. So above the windows with the shutters, do you see smaller square windows? If you're in the second floor of the house, where family and guest rooms were, to open those windows you actually open them, they're down on the floor, like that. But it's meant to be enjoyed from the outside, to give that appearance of one grand story.

Also if you look very carefully, under the roofline, there are skylights. That's the third floor, there, and that's where the dormer room is. But a lot of the house is meant to be enjoyed aesthetically from the outside and to give a certain impression, actually to make you think of buildings that you might have seen in Europe. And what kind of a building does it make you think of? Rather than a palace. It's not traditional Georgian architecture, it's got me thinking of a very different time and place. The columns. Okay, zeroing in on that. So what does that make you think of? Yeah, ancient Greece and Rome. Exactly right.

Jefferson called it his essay in architecture, meaning he was constantly revising it. He said he delighted in putting up and pulling down. So there's a Monticello One and then when Jefferson is Minister to France, and he travels through France, he comes home with so many ideas that he does such a drastic remodeling that we call this Monticello Two.

Alright, anyone want to read this for us? It does keep moving, doesn't it? We'll take a best guess. Generally coming from the north, right? Varying a little bit northeast and northwest. Jefferson would have recorded this, if you were down in the galleries and you took a look at that log for the weather. 1780s, I think, 1780s or '90s date, I forget which. It said the temperature was about 20 degrees colder than it is today, but it also had a description of cloudy. So we have a similar day. As Dr. Chew described in the galleries, Jefferson took standard weather recordings at the same time each day for the same time for over 40 years. One at dawn, which means you're up at dawn, right? So, we'll talk more about Jefferson's daily routine and how very different it is from mine in his bedchamber. But one at dawn and one at about four o'clock. So getting those standard readings there.

You see another Jefferson device here in front of us. What else do you see on the house?

Teacher 2: The clock?

Jacqueline Langholtz: The clock. And don't be shy, big loud answers, I absolutely love them. The plantation clock here has how many hands? Can you still tell them accurately with one hand?

Teacher 3: Yes.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Yeah, relatively so. I think so, too. Inside the house you'll see the exact same clock, it has two faces to it. Jefferson designs this clock, and it is installed in the house about 10 years after he designs it. The nice thing is—this side, it's called the plantation clock, we get a lot of questions about it. The students who visit Monticello are often really intrigued by the clock itself, because inside it not only tells you the time but it also tells you something else. The teachers who have been here before will certainly know. It's a calendar clock, so what else does it tell you.

Teachers: The date.

Jacqueline Langholtz: The date. Exactly right, yeah. It also has three hands inside, so it gives you precise measurements, and only someone who views themselves as a scientist, who's interested in precision and measurement would have a clock with time down to the second. You'll see a clock in almost every room of the house, and one of Jefferson's granddaughters describes him as a 'miser of his time,' that's how obsessed he is with efficiency.

Jacqueline Langholtz: We've been talking about the plantation clock. As advertised, does it have three hands? Yes. As advertised, does it also have a calendar function? Somebody find that for me. Where is that? Excellent, excellent. Okay. So let's break this down. A pendulum clock usually has what that hangs from it?

Teacher: Weights.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Counterweights, exactly. So we've got the pendulum, but the counterweights, which normally come straight down from a grandfather clock could not come straight down because they'd be in front of the door. So they attached the pulleys on the sides and the weights would descend there. What day is it today?

Teacher: Saturday.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Saturday, one of the most intriguing days to be at Monticello, because you can't see the weights. Exactly right. Days of the week are on the wall here, starting with Sunday. So if Sunday's at the top, what day of the week is the clock wound?

Teacher: Sunday.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Sunday. That's when the weights are all the way at the top. So it's wound on Sunday, and the last day in that whole cycle is Saturday. That's when you see that there was a miscalculation in Jefferson's plantation clock. He designed it before it was installed in Monticello, about 10 years prior. When he brought it to the room, it's too big for the room. So he puts the calendar function—Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday is on the floor, Saturday is actually in the basement, and to keep from having weights set and rest on the floor because then the clock wouldn't be able to continue, he cuts holes on both sides there, both sides of the floor, so that the weights can make their full descent, all the way into the basement. So we'll make sure that we find Saturday in the basement there.

Earlier you told me that your students often study westward expansion and the travels of Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery. There's a lot in this room that has to do with that major contribution of Jefferson's. You see a map on the back wall here that shows the size of the country before the Louisiana Purchase, which does what to the size of our country? Doubles, yeah. Pretty easy to say doubles exactly. Great deal. Just about three and a half cents an acre for over 800,000 acres of land.

How is that paid for? Hm.

Teacher: Taxes.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Yeah. Well, taxpayer dollars, exactly right. So, while now, we see this as, I think, a great decision, it was actually one that was met with some mixed feelings during Jefferson's time, and some pushback on whether or not he was actually authorized to make that decision.

Also in this room, you see, in addition to New World, you see quite a lot Old World, you see Old World art here on the wall, and some European influences with French philosophers, Voltaire and Turgot here on the wall. And actually an American here. Anyone know who this man is? 'Opposed in death as they were in life,' according to Jefferson, whose bust is opposite him. Alexander—

Teacher: Hamilton.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Hamilton. Absolutely. So depending on what conversation you wanted to have with your students, you could have it be about government, you could have an Enlightenment conversation here, you could have it be about art, about science, there's just so much in the room. And certainly visitors waiting to meet the president or to shake his hand or to get an audience with him, sitting in this room would be treated to a natural history lesson of their own. It's a wonderful room for education.

This is the Edgehill portrait. Someone describe that man's expression to me.

Teachers: Grim. Glum.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Great, grim, glum. What else?

Teachers: Tired.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Tired. Yeah, absolutely. Jefferson described the presidency as a 'splendid misery and a daily loss of friends.' Do we know him for any really rousing speeches?

Teachers: No.

Jacqueline Langholtz: What—no. What do we know him for more than his presence and his gung-ho power. Ah, maybe his—okay, some of his specific contributions, things like the Louisiana Purchase. There's a very important document. And writing. Exactly right. His writing. So the Declaration of Independence hangs over here. Certainly when we are talking about the things we remember and love Jefferson for, revere him for, it's his public service and it's things like the Declaration of Independence. Written, he's the primary author on a committee of five. And he's only 33 years old when he writes it. He calls it 'an expression of the American mind.'

So what is this room used for? It's very different from the one we were just in. This is not a public room.

Teacher: It's a parlor.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Sort of like a parlor, but we're going to see a fancy parlor for guests and entertaining a little bit later. Oh, who said—I like office. What made you say that?

Teacher: It looks like one. There's a desk. There're books. There's not too much else.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Yeah. Mm-hm. Yeah. This is an office and a schoolroom. It's an office for the woman in the lower painting here. This is Martha Jefferson Randolph, Jefferson's oldest daughter. And she came to live here and essentially be mistress of the plantation for Jefferson during his retirement years. So after 1809, Jefferson can smile again, after being president, come home to retire, and his eldest daughter is mistress of the plantation. And so, think of all the work that would have had to be done, planning the menus, accommodating guests. She'll have meetings in here with the house staff. So people like Burwell Colbert, the head butler, here. Probably also with Edith Hern Fossett, the chef. Martha's doing a lot of that work organizing the goings-on and logistics of a 5,000-acre plantation that is popular, at a time when there was no Secret Service, right? So anyone who wanted to come up and knock on the window and shake the former president's hand would probably have to be greeted and dealt with. Either invited in or told, thank you, goodbye. And that's what a lot of Martha's —she writes often about working 12-hour days.

Jefferson suffers severe personal tragedy during his lifetime. So he is a family man and someone who loves his family. Is he married, actually? Here's a question, actually, back up. Is Jefferson ever married?

Teachers: Yes. Yeah.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Yes. They have six children. Martha dies in childbirth with their sixth child. Only two of those six children survive to adulthood. So Martha, Martha his eldest daughter in the portrait there is one of only two. And he buries the second daughter before he dies. So she is the only one who actually survives him. She has a large family. You can only imagine that after many years of public service, not being home, having his own children pass away, being here as a grandfather with those grandchildren is a great delight to him.

So we have great stories of him running foot races with the kids on the West Lawn and giving them dried fruit and helping them with their studies. Having books for them to—drawing straws so the person who draws the longest straw will get to read the book first, all the way down, the person who draws the shortest straw gets to read it last but then gets to keep the book. So you can just imagine him being a wonderful and supportive grandfather.

Jacqueline Langholtz: It is Jefferson's—

Teachers: Library.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Library. Exactly right. Imagine having access to your grandfather's library and it is like this, 200 years ago. Jefferson described himself as having a canine appetite for reading, which is a wonderful wonderful description. This is his third library, his retirement library. His first one actually burns while he's a student. So Jefferson studies law at William & Mary, his personal library burns at that time, he describes his sadness over that.

His second library, which he works very hard to build, he gives it away, he donates it. He is paid for. Yes, excellent, nice job, teachers, exactly right. So tell me the story there. Can anyone say why it's packed up and sent to Washington? What does it, um—

Teacher: After the British burn Washington—

Jacqueline Langholtz: That's right. So here we are, 2012, actually, 200 years ago the War of 1812, which we could be talking even more about and maybe within your grant you do. But the library is burned by the British. So Jefferson, who believes in the power of knowledge, and that—I'm going to mangle this quote, but it's 'a country that expects to stay both ignorant and free and in a state of civilization expects what never was and never will be.' So if you're going to be an active and healthy democracy with a voting population, the people who are voting have to be—

Teachers: Educated.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Educated. Educated on the issues. Exactly right. That's further evidence—Jefferson, he calls it the hobby of his old age, he starts a university.

Teachers: UVA.

Jacqueline Langholtz: UVA, exactly right. Not only does he design the buildings, so we have the academical village plan here, but he also designs the curriculum. And rather than situating the buildings around a church, what was the center of the campus?

Teacher: The lawn is.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Yes, the lawn, but it leads up to—what was that center building at the head of it.

Teachers: The library.

Jacqueline Langholtz: It would have been a—exactly, it's a library. And that with tradition, really. It should have been a chapel, if you were keeping in step with other universities of the day. So Jefferson was, you know, a large supporter, passionate about public education, sends his books to DC, 16 wagonloads. Actually the bookcases that you can see are boxes, so you can imagine that they're very easy to just take down, you put wood on top of it. Sixteen wagonloads to DC and then he writes immediately to John Adams and says, I cannot live without—

Teachers: Books.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Books, exactly right.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Jefferson read in seven languages. Can we name those?

Teachers: Latin.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Latin, excellent. So he's educated in Latin and the other classic language—Greek. Exactly right. I heard another one. French.

Teachers: Italian.

Jacqueline Langholtz: And Italian. Monticello, he studies architecture. And he'll read those Italian books.

Teachers: Spanish.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Spanish! And he uses that copy of Don Quixote to teach himself Spanish. He's en route to France, Minister to France, and he brings Don Quixote and a Spanish-English dictionary with him. So that's five. And the other two are actually so easy that it would be hard to guess. English. And then this one is Old English, which is used in the study of law. We know that he dabbles with German, but we don't put it into that fluency list. Just, yeah.

So here we are, in the bedroom and office of a man who reads and writes in seven languages and reads and writes a lot, right? Over 19,000 letters. That is the polygraph copying machine that you see on his desk there. Someone tell me how it works. We've got two pens that are connected here. Works differently than the one you saw in the gallery that pressed and made a copy, an exact copy, with the impression. How does this one work, if you

Teacher: If you're writing with one, the other one—

Jacqueline Langholtz: If you're writing with one, the other one makes an exact copy, so you keep one of those. He calls it 'the invention of his age.' Behind it we have a revolving bookstand, so Jefferson can look at five books at once. Maybe he's comparing translations. As a copious letter writer and writing to people about—while he actually even writes to a former governor of Ohio because he's heard about the mammoth cucumbers that they have in Ohio, so he writes and asks for seeds.

And then, I loved it, as we came in, one of the first things one of you said was 'efficient design' or 'efficient use of space.' To brighten it, we have one of Monticello's 13 skylights, exactly right. We have not just 90 degree angles here but pretty much bay windows that connect to that shaded porch where Jefferson would have—and getting southern exposure on that, would have lemon trees and just beautiful fragrances. And this alcove bed, what do you all think of this as efficient design? Thumbs up, thumbs down for who wants it. Yeah, I would absolutely want it. Probably easy to change the sheets. You can decide if you want to roll out of bed and be in the bedroom, or I'd probably connect it to maybe the kitchen or something, or the living room.

Teachers: It's like the desk lights that you get for the piano.

Jacqueline Langholtz: That's right, that's right. And you also have space above the bed, which can be used. We believe this was an out-of-season closet. I also happen to believe on a personal level that the grandkids must have hidden up there, because if I were hiding around and playing around in my grandparents' house, that's where I would go. We talked earlier about Jefferson's stature, he's described as having posture as straight as a gun barrel. What do you think that meant? People often tell us it looks short. People often tell us it looks short. Do you think it looks short?

Teachers: It's hard to tell.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Yes, well, who designed Monticello? Do you think he's going to make his bed too short? It's six foot three, he's six foot two and a half. Perfect fit, perfect fit.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Here's the part of the tour where I get to use an original Jefferson gadget, the same mechanisms that operated these doors 200 years ago. Thank you for gasping for breath, because it is really exciting. What's that?

Teacher: They're both going to close together.

Jacqueline Langholtz: They're going to close together.

Teacher: And all of the equipment runs...

Jacqueline Langholtz: That's right.

Teacher: That's pretty amazing.

Jacqueline Langholtz: These are Jefferson's self-operating doors, with actually two original panes of glass, too, those are the wavy ones here, have been unbroken for over 200 years. And the chain underneath it is a figure eight, so if we picture something very similar to a bicycle chain, that's what runs it, but we're very proud that it's still going. Jefferson is proud and happy to have it in the house.

You see plenty of examples of good design in this room. You see Jefferson's parquet floor. So if you look at this, speaking of hidden mechanisms and equipment, where is the hardware. Do you see any screws or nails?

Teachers: No.

Jacqueline Langholtz: How is that floor fitted together?

Teacher: It's like the furniture.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Ah, the joints! Exactly right. So this is a floor—Jefferson is inspired by floors he sees in France, he sends a drawing of how he wants it to look. This shape, the contrasting beech and cherry woods, the joints specifically that will be used, and he sends these directions to James Dinsmore. He's a free white worker who lives here at Monticello for about 10 years, helping with the construction of the house, and John Hemmings, brother to Sally Hemmings. And the two of them put this floor together. What do you think of it? Does it look nice? It looks nice.

So they are bringing Jefferson's ideas to life, right? He sends instructions and drawings and they're not traveling through France with him. They get these instructions and then they make it happen in his house. Is John Hemmings paid for his work? He's enslaved. No. What about James Dinsmore? Free white worker?

Teachers: Yes.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Yes, he's paid. And the quote is like 'he wouldn't do it again for twice the pay,' because Jefferson's designs are so intricate. Here's a man who says he delights in doing math to the sixth decimal point. Here's a man who's interested in precision, following his directions. I think it must have been a nightmare, absolutely right.

And, you know, I want to go back to talking to Adams for a moment, because Adams, there was a bust of Adams in the cabinet area. Some of you saw that, good. Adams and Jefferson have a complicated friendship throughout their life, right? Actually one student taught me the word 'frenemy,' which I thought was really funny. They become friends again later in life. And tell me about their end days. Is that a story that—tell me—

Teacher: They both die on the same day, and they say, 'Adams lives' or—

Jacqueline Langholtz: Yeah, exactly. They die on the same day, and what day is that?

Teachers: July 4th.

Jacqueline Langholtz: July 4th. And not just any July 4th.

Teacher: Fifty years after.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Fifty years to the day. You got it exactly right. So July 4th, 1826, Jefferson dies in that bedroom, on that bed, where we just were, middle of the day, and we know that Adams died on that same day in Massachusetts and his last words were something to the effect of 'Jefferson survives,' exactly right.

We have Ben Franklin in the corner. Couldn't give it up, that's right, God bless him. And here, you know, these are the three things we must talk about in this room. The three greatest men the world's ever known, according to Jefferson. Elizabeth Chew told us the names of two of them. Who's the man who looks like but is not Shakespeare? Sir Francis—

Teachers: Drake.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Bacon. Sir Francis Bacon. Father of the scientific method. In the middle, another scientist, Sir Isaac—

Teachers: Newton.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Sir Isaac Newton. And on the end, the man on the right writes about the natural rights of man, John—

Teachers: Locke.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Locke. And you see a lot of John Locke's thinking in the Declaration of Independence.

What do you all think about this bright color? What'd you say?

Teacher: It wakes you up.

Jacqueline Langholtz: It wakes you up, that's right. A nice place to have breakfast in the morning. Anyone not a fan?

Teacher: It looks expensive, too.

Jacqueline Langholtz: It looks expensive. We have reason to believe it was about four times the price of some of the other paints that could be had. So if other paints could be had, why choose this color? There's got to be a reason. What's that?

Teacher: Because you can.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Because you can. There's got to be a better reason. Ah, okay, that's right. So some of us like to believe maybe it is because you can, maybe it is because the money, but then you think intelligent design, right, and the bringing the outside in and times of the day when this would be used. He's got his personal suite and he's writing letters in that beautiful southern light. What is the north side of the house like?

Teachers: Dark.

Jacqueline Langholtz: It's dark. And it actually is cold, too, right. So this brightens up the room and gives the perception of it feeling brighter. And there's a skylight, and you get some of the western light from the West Lawn here. Again, without the dark right angles, so you get some more light. But what about warmth? You can actually close these pocket doors and in this arch, you'll also see glass. And you'll see the first storm window, I believe the first storm window in a residence in the United States. So there's good design in this room down to the wine dumb waiter. Did you see that hidden in the fireplace?

There's a great story. You saw our BFF forever hanging next to Jefferson, our French friend, the Marquis de Lafayette. So he visits Monticello in 1825, the year before Jefferson's death. Lafayette is on a victory tour, seeing old friends. The two men embrace on the East Lawn. Lafayette stays here for about a week, and Jefferson writes that after Lafayette leaves he has to restock the wine cellar. So you picture old friends talking about the days when they were forming a new nation, I'm sure they were up all night, and I love thinking about that wine dumb waiter just going up and down. 'Can we have some more?' Jefferson sees that design at a restaurant called the Café Mecanique in France and brings that back. He sees another good design in a monastery for a revolving door that you'll see when we leave this room, and that's how food actually came into this dining space. So have we seen a kitchen yet?

Teachers: No.

Jacqueline Langholtz: No. It's under the house and it's actually on the other side of the house. So it's on the south side. Food would have come all the way up under the house in the all-weather passageway, would have come up a very narrow set of stairs that you'll see, which, I am the world's worst waitress, I tried it for about a month and I'll never go back, and I can't picture food coming up those stairs. They're then put, those dishes, on a revolving service door, turned into this room, and then with minimal service needed, minimal may be one or two of the domestic house servants in this room, food is put on the buffet tables that have wheels and brought into the room. Otherwise it's mainly self-service, very little ceremony here at the house.

Here's a man who was President of the United States, he's our first Secretary of State, he's our second vice-president, he's our third president, he's Minister to France, he's Governor of Virginia, what does he want to be remembered for?

Teacher: The Declaration of Independence.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Declaration of Independence. Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom. And founding the University of Virginia. So, essentially, those are what sorts of freedoms, if you had to break those down for me? Education, religion, freedom—and personal freedom. Yeah, exactly right. So that's what he sees himself as worthy of being remembered and instrumental for, and devoting his life to, over 40 years of public service.

So that's what I try to also remember him for. And it's the reason for being here today, right? As much as it is a beautiful house and an icon, there are many beautiful houses in Virginia that you can visit, right? So this is an expression of Jefferson's thinking. It was actually called the 'curiosity of the neighborhood' during his lifetime.

Let's actually come onto the West Lawn a little bit. That way we'll talk about after his lifetime. The plantation, 135 slaves, are sold at auction after his death. And when we talk with students and visitors about slavery, Monticello is not a typical Southern plantation, right? It's not actually useful to use this as a model or common example of what slavery looked like in the American South. Can you tell me why, or why we feel that way?

Teacher: The family units.

Jacqueline Langholtz: That's why, exactly, that there are family units. Jefferson recognized marriages within the groups, and families were kept together. So we know—I mean, you heard me talk earlier about Edith Hern Fossett, the chef here. So she's the French-trained chef, she's Jefferson's chef in DC when he's president, she's here at Monticello, we have her room down by the kitchen. We know she's married to Joe Fossett of the blacksmith's shop. We know about their children, and what duties they had here. We have information about specific individuals and their families, and often multigenerational families here, over 70 Hemings family members at one point or another worked and lived at Monticello. And at Jefferson's death, when 135 were sold at auction, that breaks them apart. So that's a very tragic part of the story. Jefferson frees five slaves in his will. All of those have marketable skills. He says John Hemings is unrivaled in his skills and abilities as a joiner, and certainly these skills would have been sought after by merchants and people in Charlottesville. I mean, these are the people who have the ability to make this house, they made this house, in the blacksmith's shop, and really very skilled labor force here, but only five of them—they're given their tools and equipment and they're given their freedom, but you have sometimes husbands who are freed and wives who are not. So it's a very sad story here.

The house is sold to a local Charlottesville farmer. Essentially just the land is used, and for a number of years the house falls into disrepair. It's then purchased by Commodore Uriah Levy, a New Yorker, he made a lot of money in real estate, and then became the first Jewish naval officer in the United States. And we make a point of saying that he was Jewish, and the first Jewish naval officer, because he made a point of saving the house largely influenced and in gratitude for Jefferson's work promoting religious freedom in the United States.

Monticello: Jefferson's Experiment

Video Overview

Curator Elizabeth V. Chew introduces TAH teachers to Monticello as Thomas Jefferson's 'laboratory,' a testing ground for ideas he imported from around the world. Chew also looks at the lives of enslaved people at Monticello and how their experiences were both similar to and different from those of others enslaved throughout the Mid-Atlantic.

Video Clip Name
Video Clip Title
An Introduction to Monticello
Slavery at Monticello
Useful Knowledge at Work
Looking Closer at Slavery
Video Clip Duration
Transcript Text

Elizabeth V. Chew: This visitor center facility opened in 2009 and it has radically improved our ability both orient our visitors to just explain to them why Jefferson is important and so, why they're here, and to engage and educate.

This exhibition is really one of four that's in the building. This is the largest one, it's the one that is intended to put the house, which is the one piece of Monticello that mostly everybody sees, in the context of Monticello writ large, Monticello as a 5,000-acre working plantation.

If you look up at this light pencil drawing on the banner here, you can see the view that the young Jefferson would have seen from Shadwell, looking over across the Rivanna River, the little low mountain in the front here is Monticello. The high mountain behind Monticello is the mountain that Jefferson called Mountalto, and he bought—he bought what he could see from his mountain of that mountain in the 1770s. And so, as a boy, the little mountain just drew him and he had a dream of living there as an adult when he was a teenager. And that would have been the least practical place you could ever live. In a time when the river was a major means of transportation, where getting around was difficult at any time, where water was a constant problem and need, to live on a mountain made no sense. He really elevated ideals over being practical, over practicality.

The central section in the middle of the room here goes through and gives examples of Jefferson's just complete and total dedication to doing what he would call gathering, recording, and sharing and disseminating this idea of useful knowledge, whether it was related to science, to farming, to government, to transportation, to what you could and couldn't grow somewhere. He was interested in really every point of knowledge on the human spectrum. And nothing—there was almost nothing that was too small for his attention.

We have several really fun kind of interactive elements in the exhibition, and this one uses Jefferson's travels, both in North America and in Europe, and it shows people what, when Jefferson was traveling, what he was doing, and he said it himself, that he was gathering ideas that would be useful—'useful'—back in this country. So what we do is follow his travels—and I'm looking at southern France right here—and we talk about everywhere he went, what he was looking at.

So here we are: viticulture or wine-growing in the Burgundy region of France, or ancient architecture in Orange, France. He was also completely obsessed with the idea of people in this country growing olives. He thought that olive oil was going to be the new revolution and that the rice planters in Southern Carolina should stop growing rice and grow olive trees. And he really worked hard to convince them of that. Really, he's so interested in these little details of things that he thinks are going to help him come back here, share the ideas, and even put them to use himself.

So, this is a fun way, and, all as you all know way better than I do, young people love this kind of thing.

Elizabeth V. Chew: So I've talked about how the center is about his dedication to all this gathering and sharing and disseminating. This short wall here is dedicated to a horizontal look across the social spectrum at Monticello. Because we obviously know that Jefferson and his elite family in their 'big house,' they're the tip of the pyramid here, but obviously everything that happens that makes his household run, that makes his cash crops grow, is done by the labor of enslaved people.

So we also look across the spectrum of the enslaved community at people working in the fields versus enslaved people who work in the house or in the [?] industries, and we compare those also to hired white people. There were some hired white workers here who did things like, well, build a house, for one thing, or serve as blacksmiths or certain kinds of carpenters. They also trained enslaved people to do these kinds of jobs.

We've learned an amazing amount about the lives of enslaved people all over the plantation. So, what we know is that enslaved people owned material goods. We tend to have a notion of slavery, I think, or at least I used to, as being very fixed and abstract and this big box of awfulness and yes, it is that. But you can also come to understand it in a much more textured way where you see—we know a great deal about the names and activities and lives of the individual people who lived here in slavery and what happened to their descendants. And that combination of Jefferson's record keeping, archaeology, other kinds of written records, and then genealogy and oral history that we've been doing here for 40 years.

So we know that people who worked in the fields owned the same kinds of really fashionable tablewares that slaves who worked in the house and lived up on the mountain owned and that, in many cases, are the same kinds of things being used in the big house. Slaves had several different ways of making money. Jefferson preferred to give cash incentives to slaves rather than use harsh physical punishment, so some skilled slaves received cash money. Slaves also kept poultry yards and gardens on their own time and sold the products of those, both to the big house and sometimes in markets in towns. Slaves were paid by Jefferson for doing particularly onerous jobs like cleaning out the sewers underneath the privies, and slaves were given tips by visitors quite routinely. So with the money that people here in slavery owned, we know that they went into town on Sundays and shopped in stores. Scholars have studied shopkeepers' ledger books and found that there are records of slaves coming in and buying things.

So what we see here, I think, is examples of how enslaved people survived in a system that denied them their basic humanity. We see how people figured out ways to just get through it. And we see families over generations here whose descendants go on actually to be very involved in all kinds of work towards emancipation and later civil rights.

Elizabeth V. Chew: On the wall here behind you, we break down Monticello into four areas. We look at gardens, agriculture, plantation industries, and the house. And my interest here was making it all on the same plane. Often we tend to privilege the house over everything else. I think Jefferson saw it as being all of a piece.

So we look at how he puts what he considers to be this useful knowledge to work, in all aspects of his operations here, whether it's what he grew in the garden, his attempts to grow grapes to make wine, his intense interest in the technology of agriculture. For example, he himself invented a kind of plow moldboard. People think of him as being an inventor. He was mostly a creative adapter because of all these things he learned about, wrote down, and then later used here at Monticello. The one thing that he ever truly invented was a plow moldboard. And we have a recreation plow right here that shows this curved—it's the curvy wood part that sort of turns over the soil once it's cut by the metal blade. So he had witnessed people plowing in France that he thought were really inefficient, and he has this geometric idea for the shape of a moldboard that will do a better job with less resistance in turning over the ground. So he has this plow made here at Monticello and he writes to all of his people all over the world to tell them about it. Even though he won several awards for it, it was never really widely adopted.

The Garden Book is really a bravura demonstration of his record keeping interests. Let's see. We have a little facsimile of it right here, and it's really hard to see, but he basically—he started it as a young man still living at Shadwell. After his retirement here in 1809, he really does it every single year in earnest, where he writes down, keeps a chart where he writes down everything he plants and when, when it sprouts, how it does, and then eventually 'when it comes to table,' which means when they get to eat it in the house, and when it goes to seed. And he does this every year for over 20 years. He doesn't care if something doesn't do well, he just tries something else. His interest is really in what will grow well in this particular climate here in Albemarle County, Virginia. He wants to know what he can grow here that will be useful. So things like benne or sesame, he grows that. These hot peppers a friend in Texas sends him. There are a number of examples of things that people send him that he tries to grow. He really really really wants to grow wine grapes, but he never can. He would actually love the fact that wine is such a big deal now in Virginia.

So even though he has this amazingly gorgeous, 1,000-foot-long garden, we know for a fact that this garden was not primarily meant to furnish the table. We know that because from the beginning to the end of Jefferson's life at Monticello, we have record books kept by the women of his family, the white women of his family, recording purchases of large quantities of garden produce from slaves, and this is one of them right here. So Jefferson's garden was mostly a laboratory and an experiment. If something came to the table, that was great, but they were not relying on it. They had this very good backup plan that they had to use almost every week.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Tell me more about yourselves and what, when you woke up this morning or heard about this trip two weeks ago, you wanted to take away from it.

Teacher 1: Well, I teach fifth grade, so it's mostly U.S. geography, that's the emphasis for our course, so—

Teacher 2: Westward expansion?

Teacher 1: Yes, that's really—

Jacqueline Langholtz: Okay, so Lewis and Clark's why you're here? Great, okay.

Teacher 1: Especially the scientific discoveries and we're putting more of a science emphasis on the flora and fauna of different areas, too. So what their findings were and also what they found—yeah, I think it'll be very helpful.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Wonderful. Great.

Teacher 2: Is there information on the relationship with Jefferson or his time period with the Native Americans, because that's one of the things that we try to do as we move from region to region is that Native American element of that region.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Yeah. Yeah. So the question was the relationship that Jefferson specifically had with Virginia Indians?

Teacher 2: And his contemporaries.

Jacqueline Langholtz: And his contemporaries. Okay. Jefferson's own and only self-published book, his own book, Notes on the State of Virginia, would probably be a good resource and that's a primary resource there. That's a field that I think people are really just beginning to explore and learn more about, and I think you'll hear some different opinions about, what did that really honestly look like, and I think you'll see a lot more scholarship about that coming out, I hope so.

Teacher: Do you think that it was typical what Jefferson had here, was that a typical economy for a plantation in the South?

Elizabeth V. Chew: No. You mean the slaves—

Teacher: What you found in the—

Elizabeth V. Chew: Oh, yes, I do. Yes, I do, actually. I think Jefferson was unusual in what he said he wanted here was to use things like work incentives and not harsh punishment, that keeping families together made people more productive because they were happier. That was not typical.

Teacher: Right.

Elizabeth V. Chew: Yeah. But I think that the slaves raising gardens and chickens, perfect, totally normal. Slaves owning goods across the South, completely typical.

Teacher: Wow.

Elizabeth V. Chew: It's probably the thing that most people don't know about slavery, that is most surprising to them. That is absolutely the case. In the very very deep South, like Louisiana, and maybe even Alabama, it's less so, but in the Mid-Atlantic, the Carolinas, it's completely the way it is.

Teacher: And these are very high-quality goods that they had, then, would that have been typical as well, that they had—

Elizabeth V. Chew: It's what was available. You know, they're on the spectrum of things you could have. They're not at the very top. Jefferson has some Sevres porcelain from Paris, but he has this stuff also.

Teacher: Wow.

Elizabeth V. Chew: So it's sort of like your everyday china, as opposed to your grandmother's fancy china, but it's absolutely the same thing that any of the other

Teacher: And where would that have come from, from Europe as well?

Elizabeth V. Chew: Stores in the area. These would have still been English by this time, but they would have been available, widely available in stores in every town in the U.S.

Teacher: So, typical. Like Pfaltzgraff kind of.

Elizabeth V. Chew: Yeah, he could have gone to Charlottesville on Sundays and bought them. Merchants stayed open on Sundays so the slaves could come, actually. And they bought things like tablewares and then clothing, things like buckles and buttons and hooks for clothing that they would make themselves and fabric. Jefferson gave slaves basic food, two sets of clothing a year, blankets, and then cook pots when they got married, but people had a lot more than that, that they acquired through their own incredible ingenuity and entrepreneurship basically.

Teacher: That's interesting.

Elizabeth V. Chew: It took a lot, it took so much effort and ability to survive laboring like that.

Teacher: Is there any evidence that slaves worked with Jefferson intensely on his inventions and machinery?

Elizabeth V. Chew: Oh, yeah. That's such a good question.

Jacqueline Langholtz: What was the question?

Elizabeth V. Chew: Whether slaves worked with him. Slaves definitely made the plow. I think, he lived in this cerebral region of his brain that he never, hardly ever went out of. I think he just saw—he drew all these geometric models of how he derived it. I think he kind of felt it in the abstract and then he had slaves—made it, build it, and then try to use it. But they probably were not involved in the design decisions.

Teacher: Right. Because that would have taken a lot of skill to craft.

Elizabeth V. Chew: No kidding.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Well, I get these same feelings about what you see in the house, or even the Campeachy chairs, even the friezes. So Jefferson is—he's the one traveling, he's the one reading, and then he's saying oh, I want this in my house. And then you have John Hemmings and James Dinsmore. But John Hemmings, who has not traveled, who hasn't read about these—

Elizabeth V. Chew: Who wasn't educated.

Jacqueline Langholtz: Right, who wasn't educated, making 3D versions, bringing Jefferson's physical ideas to life. It's just incredible to me.

Teacher: Wow.

Reading Place with the National Building Museum

Video Overview

What does architecture say about the past and the present? TAH teachers learn strategies for close examination of buildings in Washington, DC, including the National Building Museum, Capitol, and Lincoln Memorial.

Video Clip Name
Video Clip Title
Close Examination of an Object
Close Examination of a Building
Drawing First Impressions
Considering Intent
Video Clip Duration
Transcript Text

Mary Hendrickse: We're going to start off with a really simple activity—the Coke bottle—and finding out how much information we can get about Coca-Cola from this Coke bottle.

Speaker 1: I notice that the shape is made to feel good as you're holding it.

Kendra Huffbower: I notice that it's made out of glass, so it could be recycled…

Kendra Huffbower: The Coke bottle we were thinking about incorporating into our daily morning meeting routine. Where that's kind of the activity and you pass an object and you really have to think about what they're noticing and why they're noticing that and how it's used and the function and design of it.

Speaker 2: There's another image on here. There's an image of a Coke bottle printed on the Coke bottle. Maybe that's something to do with scanning or something?

Speaker 3: Yeah, going on the shape of it, it's kind of…seeing that it comes out of the 1950s-ish time, it's kind of got an hourglass shape of a slender woman's body.

Speaker 4: That was mine! No!

Speaker 3: But that's good, great minds think alike! It reminds me of Barbie or something.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, okay, so the hourglass figure type of idea.

Speaker 3: Whether that was implicit or not.

Mary Hendrickse: Why do you think—let's just go with that.

Speaker 4: Can I tell why, 'cause that was my thing?

Speaker 3: This was a joint thing between minds.

Mary Hendrickse: Why do you think they might have used that shape, that hourglass shape?

Speaker 4: I think it's advertising, because if I drink it I'm gonna look like Barbie.

Speaker 5: It has a date on it—11 February 12. I'm assuming it's either expiration date or…

Mary Hendrickse: If that is the expiration date, what do we think about that? That it expires next year, like eight months from now.

Speaker 6: Lots of preservatives.

Mary Hendrickse: Lots of preservatives, okay.

Speaker 2: That it has an expiration date, though, at all. That's better than if it doesn't!

Rachel Blessing: We talked a lot about visual literacy today and trying to incorporate that in a meaningful way in the classroom is my hope. I've been writing down how she's [Mary Hendrickse] been teaching us, because that's something that she's modeling for us. I don't know if she knows that, but she is.

Rachel Blessing: It's from Mexico.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, it was made in Mexico. So what does that tell us?

Kendra Doyle: I think sometimes we can just get so caught up in day-to-day things that we don't take the time to look at the outside of a building and just see what does this tell us, what does this mean? Taking the time to just slow down and observe and analyze, that’s something that I've learned.

Kendra Doyle: I noticed the label, it's red, and the way the Coca-Cola is written it looks like a ribbon almost, the script. It's like a repeating sound, it's like a catchy sound—Coca-Cola—it's like the same letters.

Mary Hendrickse: So, I wanted to point out that it took us one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13 people to get to the logo that's written on it. Because that's something that we expect to see, so we don’t really think about it very often.

I have some disks that I'll give you at the end of the day in an electronic form so you can use it again if you want to and it's got the reason behind some of the design parts. They did go for the curvy bottle on purpose, for both easy gripping and attractiveness—because it looked like a woman—and the red and white because it was bold colors. So there's a reason behind even the smallest details of a Coke bottle, and the same thing goes with buildings. Even the smallest detail in a building has importance and has meaning.

Mary Hendrickse: Visual literacy is really about slowing your students down and asking them to articulate why they are making the assumptions they are. What did they see that makes them say that? We're very quick to say, "Oh, that's a school." Well, why does it look like a school? What about it makes it look like a school? It's about looking closer and longer and further. Drawing is one way that you can do that. It's also important to ask questions that bring you to more questions and more ideas. And it's also important to get your kids to ask questions too.

There's a handout over there called "50 Ways to Look at a Big Mac Box." These are good questions to use about anything. You can use them about a Coke bottle, you can use them about a building, you can use this as a reference. I'm going to give each group two pictures of buildings you may not be familiar with. You can either work on them together, you can pick one to work on as a group, or you can split up into two smaller groups. I would like you to use those questions and look really closely at the details to see if you can figure out more information about this building. Okay? Does that make sense to everybody?

[Group 1:]
Speaker 1: That's the entrance.

Speaker 2: And are these windows?

Speaker 1: Ah, could be, letting in some light.

Speaker 2: Or ventilation.

Speaker 3: So describe the shape—

Speaker 2: Yeah, I would say planetarium or an arena.

Speaker 4: I was thinking like a rec center.

Speaker 1: Yeah, a sports center.

[Group 2:]
Speaker 1: We said that we noticed the landscape in this one. We noticed the intentional barriers. The park area is set up to where you can enjoy the view of the building and set up to where you might want to just go and take a walk.

Speaker 2: There's shade because there's trees; if it's sunny you can do a picnic underneath them.

Speaker 3: And I think that's juxtaposed with the symmetrical almost like prism, to me, structure.

Speaker 1: The straight lines.

Speaker 3: It's straight, the windows are tiny and narrow and dark.

[Large-group discussion:]
Mary Hendrickse: We're going to go around and I'd like each group to tell a little bit about what they think about these buildings. What did you…what do you think about this one?

Speaker 1: The design is different. When you look inside of it, it looks kind of like the chandelier crystal things hanging down. The top looks very translucent. We were kind of thinking if it's like a memorial type thing.

Speaker 2: There's a variety of materials because the bottom level is like these pillars but glass in the front and in the back, and then there's this marble layer. We can't really tell what exactly the material is at the top, but it's like this mesh, it looks like a metal sort of mesh glittery something.

Speaker 3: And when you look up through the center of the building, you can see it glows a little bit, almost like it's open. So there's offices or some functioning room up top.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, yeah, absolutely. So this is one proposed design for the National Museum of African American Culture and Heritage. You guys were absolutely on target when you were thinking about what the different parts mean. The design was supposed to look like a crown—this idea of a crown—it was supposed to look like it glows. I mean, you guys were able to get a lot of information out of this just by looking at it.

[Group 3:]
Speaker 1: See what the people are wearing.

Speaker 2: See what the people are wearing or doing.
[This seems odd…should this group discussion be here?]

Mary Hendrickse: This building was built a long time ago to be both a Pension Bureau for Civil War soldiers so they could come in and pick up their retirement checks or pensions, and also a space to have inaugural balls. As we're going through we're going to be drawing things and looking at different aspects of the building and seeing how they can reveal different information about how this building was used.

Rachel Blessing: I can't tell you the last time I've drawn a picture, so just being forced to do those things and remembering what it's like for the kids, and also just learning new things. I grew up in DC, and I've been to this building but I didn't know half of what I learned today.

Speaker 1: Look, there's a clue. There's a Civil War clue right there. There's people coming to get their pensions.

Mary Hendrickse: The first thing that I want you to do is to open up your sketchbooks. We are going to do a 30-second quick sketch. I want you to get a sort of big picture, overall impressions of what you see in this space, okay? What were you able to capture in 30 seconds?

Multiple Speakers: Nothing. Columns. Arches.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, so columns, arches. So maybe something that the architect really wanted you to look at and focus on when you came into the building. What about those arches and columns? What do you notice about them?

Speaker 2: They look like aqueducts.

Mary Hendrickse: They look like aqueducts, okay. Aqueducts from today or from—

Speaker 3: No, like Rome.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, so like the Roman aqueducts.

Kendra Doyle: Ancient Greece and Rome—what connection does it have to that? What message are they trying to send? So I think being here sometimes reinforces some of those ideas about those things we've discussed in class.

Mary Hendrickse: What is this?

Multiple Speakers: It's the seal.

Mary Hendrickse: It's the seal. The seal of what?

Multiple Speakers: The United States of America.

Kendra Doyle: We might be able to actually do a field study to a site. If not, we also discussed just starting by analyzing the buildings that we're in. So many DC schools have this history and if we just take the time to look at what's around us, the buildings themselves tell an important story.

Mary Hendrickse: Doesn't have to be perfect, you're just recording clues. Your own interpretation of what you see.

Judy Leek Bowers: Drawing, I thought that was neat, because then you really do get to see what different people think is important. None of our drawings were the same.

Mary Hendrickse: We're going to do a really quick share; this is the easiest way to share. Everybody hold up your sketchpads like this. There you go. Take notice of what other people have drawn. Did they draw things that are similar to you? Different?

Speaker 1: Yeah, I did. I don't see what other people see.

Judy Leek Bowers: There's always a new technique. There's always somebody that you meet that has a different perspective. In just this short length of time it's opened my eyes to other ways to address the children. Really having more instruction that's almost individualized to each child so that they can think more deeply about the place and the power it might have.

Mary Hendrickse: What were some of the things that people drew?

Multiple Speakers: The doorway.

Speaker 1: The columns.

Mary Hendrickse: What can the door tell you about how the building was used? Is it like a normal door you would see on a house? How else is it different from a normal door?

Speaker 2: It's huge, it's inviting. The window above it at the same time—it's not a stained glass window, but still you [can] see an old castle or church.

Mary Hendrickse: It's a little bit elaborate; it's not really a plain door.

Speaker 3: What about the sculpture around the door? It's so different from that.

Mary Hendrickse: The sculptures around the door. Anybody want to guess who those people might be?

Speaker 4: You've got different ones. You have the Navy kind of on this side and then you have the Army maybe on this side.

Mary Hendrickse: We know it's from the Pension Bureau, so these were some of the people who were going to be coming into the building. So they had a visual clue on the outside of the building about what this building was used for.

Mary Hendrickse: Let's start off with the Capitol Building. Who was looking at the Capitol Building?

Speaker 1: The fact that there's the two houses—Senate and the House of Representatives—kind of link this idea of states and the nation, and then the dome in the middle kind of unifies the two. There's the Greek-style columns, which pay tribute to the birthplace of democracy.

Speaker 2: Everything else paled in comparison; the marble, the white symbolized purity.

Mary Hendrickse: Ideal, pristine, we're doing good things here. Perched upon the hill to add to the importance.

Speaker 1: Stately, powerful in itself; but not overdone, not overblown, not too elaborate.

Mary Hendrickse: A house for the president rather than a mansion for the president, or a castle for the president. So not towards the realm of king and royalty, but still important enough that a president can live in there.

Speaker 2: It's got kind of a plantation house feel to it, too.

Mary Hendrickse: Anything else that anybody wanted to add? We still have that continuation of the white coloring again and that reference to classical architecture with the columns and the capitals.

Mary Hendrickse: Who looked at the Jefferson Memorial?

Speaker 1: We talked about the columns and the architecture, the structure of the building being reminiscent of ancient Roman architecture and how Rome was the greatest power of its time so it's our expression of being one of the greatest powers in the world.

Speaker 2: We also talked about him standing as opposed to Lincoln, who is sitting.

Mary Hendrickse: What did you think about him standing?

Speaker 3: He was sort of presiding over everything and the idea that when you go to the monument you have to walk up the steps to greet him and you have to look up at Jefferson; and he's just sort of looking down—not looking down on us, but—

Mary Hendrickse: Surveying the land?

Speaker 3: Right. But just sort of overseeing, making sure the democracy stays intact.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, the Lincoln Memorial. Who was looking at that one?

Speaker 1: We talked about the Parthenon and the Greek influence.

Mary Hendrickse: Anything else? What about the size of Lincoln? He's huge! So what does that say?

Speaker 3: He's a huge figure in American history

Speaker 4: He has a huge position in our history.

Mary Hendrickse: Okay, so his position in our history, he's this huge man, huge figure in our history. The original statue was going to be a lot smaller and then when they went to start trying to figure out putting it in the building they realized it was going to be much too small and it would be dwarfed by the architecture, so they made it even bigger.

Speaker 5: I always think it's so ironic to think that they ended up making this huge statue of him and making him this huge icon, whereas what we know of him and his personality is so humble and, you know, just your everyday man. I just only imagine what he would think if he could see this.

Mary Hendrickse: It's got symbols on it about Lincoln, but the building itself has become a bigger symbol for civil rights and for rights in general. It's grown beyond what Lincoln was about to be even more symbolic and meaningful to the country.

Speaker 6:: So don't meanings always evolve? The meanings of the power of a place always is changing.

Mary Hendrickse: Absolutely, these things grow, you're absolutely right. They grow and they evolve until what we think now about the Lincoln Memorial is not the same thing they would have thought about the Lincoln Memorial in the 1920s.

Judy Leek Bowers: I'm understanding that everything that's historical is not written. Some things are based on the boulder that's in the middle of the road and it has a story behind it. Why is it significant in the District of Columbia, and why is it significant to you? And that's where I need to learn to make the connection for the students. Who really decides if the place has power?

For Us the Living


For Us the Living is a resource for teachers that engages high school students through online primary-source based learning modules. Produced for the National Cemetery Administration's Veterans Legacy Program, this site tells stories of men and women buried in Alexandria National Cemetery, and helps students connect these stories to larger themes in American history. Primary sources used include photographs, maps, legislation, diaries, letters, and video interviews with scholars.

The site offers five modules for teachers to choose from, the first of which serves as an introduction to the cemetery's history. The other four cover topics such as: African American soldiers and a Civil War era protest for equal rights, the manhunt for John Wilkes Booth after Lincoln’s assassination, commemoration of Confederates during Reconstruction, and recognition of women for their military service. Most of the modules focus on the cemetery’s early history (founded in 1862) although two modules reach into the post-war era. Each module is presented as a mystery to solve, a question to answer, or a puzzle to unravel. Students must use historical and critical thinking skills to  uncover each story. Each module ends with two optional digital activities, a historical inquiry assignment and a service-learning project, related to the module theme.

Teachers should first visit the “Teach” section which allows them to preview each module (including its primary sources, questions and activities), learn how to get started, and see how the site’s modules connect with curriculum standards. In order to access the modules for classroom use, teachers do have to create their own account, but the sign up process is fast, easy, and best of all, free! The account allows teachers to set up multiple classes, choose specific module(s) for each class, assign due dates, and view student submissions.

Jacob Lawrence: Exploring Stories

Casein tempera on hardboard, The Migration of the Negro, Panel 50, 1940-1941

Jacob Lawrence (1917-2000) was an artistic storyteller whose drawings document the African American experience. This site complements an exhibition entitled "Over the Line: The Art and Life of Jacob Lawrence," and offers educational resources on Jacob Lawrence's work. The site includes images of Lawrence's paintings, learning plans, and art activities. It highlights the themes in Jacob Lawrence's work, such as the universal quest for freedom, social justice, and human dignity, as well as his repetitious and rhythmic approach to visual storytelling. This site brings together paintings and drawings of the streets of Harlem, southern African American life, and black heroes and heroines. There is additional information about one of the most characteristic features of Lawrence's work, his storytelling panels. Visitors can view 12 drawings from one of his most acclaimed works "The Migration Series."

The site is rounded out with a selection of unique student activities. Designed for 3rd through 12th grades, 21 lessons are based on 12 themes found in Lawrence's work such as discrimination, migration, labor, and working women. Students and teachers will enjoy this unique and well-organized site.

Minerva Historical Society and Museum [NY] Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/08/2008 - 13:27

The Society operates a museum in an Old Methodist church building. The Museum displays both permanent and changing exhibits on local history.

The society offers educational programs, lectures, and occasional recreational and educational events; the museum offers exhibits.

Open Parks Network

Drawing of prisoners of war, Andersonville, Georgia.

In conjunction with the National Park Service, Clemson University has digitized over 350,000 cultural heritage objects and 1.5 million pages of unpublished sources housed in over 20 national parks and historic sites. All images are high-resolution and downloadable.

Each park’s page contains a number of source collections, generally grouped by topic or time period. Open Parks Network allows users to find sources in a number of ways. Users may search by park, source collection, or keyword. For instance, the user can choose to see all collections and items from Andersonville National Historic Site by clicking on the park’s name.

Alternatively, users can navigate directly to a collection of Outer Banks Shipwrecks by browsing an overview of each park’s collections. Open Parks Network also features a map illustrating the number of sources from each geographical location that users can use to access sources. Each of these options are conveniently located in a single “Explore” tab.

The classroom utility of Open Parks Network’s sources varies widely. While the sources within some collections could be beneficial for classroom source analysis and research (e.g., the collection of Civil War Newspaper Illustrations on the Fort Sumter National Monument page), other collections would be of greater use to those with a specialized interest in a park’s operational history (e.g., the collection of Kings Mountain National Military Park Personnel). None of the sources come with any descriptive text, which can make it difficult to contextualize sources.

Instructors and students may find Open Parks Network useful for a variety of classroom activities, including using sources to encourage historical thinking about the past that the parks memorialize or about the parks themselves. This site might be of particular interest for teaching about the National Park Service, given its centennial anniversary in 2016.

Eckley Miners' Village [PA] Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/08/2008 - 13:35

Eckley is one of the hundreds of company mining towns or "patches" built in the anthracite region of Pennsylvania during the 19th century. In 1854, the mining firm of Sharpe, Leisenring, and Company, later known as Sharpe, Weiss, and Company, leased land from the Tench Coxe Estate of Philadelphia and began work on the Council Ridge Colliery and the village of Eckley. The village, built near the colliery where the coal was mined and processed, provided housing for the miners and their families. Its stores, schools, and churches supplied the economic, educational, and religious needs of the villagers. By owning the village, the company had greater control over the lives of their workers.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Passaic County Historical Society [NJ]


The Passaic County Historical Society is dedicated to preserving the unique historical heritage of Passaic County, New Jersey, and is focused on the preservation of the fabulous Lambert Castle, built by Catholina Lambert in 1892. Today, the castle serves as a historic house museum and as a museum of local history.

The society offers exhibits, field trip programs, and guided tours of the castle. The website offers visitor information, historical information regarding the castle and Catholina Lambert, and an events calendar.