Brandywine Battlefield Park [PA]


The Brandywine Battlefield Historic Site brings to life the largest engagement of the Revolutionary War, fought on September 11, 1777, between the Continental Army led by General George Washington and the British forces headed by General William Howe.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Fort Benton [MT]


Fort Benton is located on the banks of the Missouri River and served as a fur trading outpost. The fort was abandoned in the 1860s, and was occupied briefly by the U.S. military before it was finally abandoned for good in 1871. The fort has recently undergone an extensive renovation, and now serves as a museum of Montana history.

The fort offers exhibits, guided tours, and special events. The website offers visitor information and brief history of the fort.

Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park [FL]


This park commemorates the site of Florida's largest Civil War battle, which took place February 20, 1864. More than 10,000 cavalry, infantry, and artillery troops fought a five-hour battle in a pine forest near Olustee. Three U.S. Colored Troops took part in the battle, including the now famous 54th Massachusetts. The battle ended with 2,807 casualties and the retreat of Union troops to Jacksonville until the war's end just 14 months later. Olustee Battlefield has a visitor center with historical information and artifacts. A reenactment is held every February and a Civil War Expo takes place in late summer. Scenes for Civil War movies, including the 1989 movie Glory, have been filmed during the reenactments.

The park offers a short film, exhibits, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Fort Montgomery State Historic Site [NY]


Fort Montgomery was the site of the heated Revolutionary War battle to establish control over the Hudson River and Hudson River Valley. Today, the fort is open to visitors and features a brand new visitor center.

The fort offers living demonstrations, guided tours, exhibits, a short film on the history of the fort, and hiking trails. The website offers visitor information and a history of the fort.

Port Hudson State Historic Site [LA]


The Port Hudson State Historic Site was the location of a Confederate Battery defending the Mississippi River. After the fall of New Orleans, the Confederacy needed to establish a new line of defense for the Mississippi River below its intersection with the Red River, an important supply route. The high bluffs next to the town of Port Hudson were an ideal spot. A Union siege was successful, marking the beginning of the end of Confederate control of the Mississippi River. After the siege, Port Hudson became a recruitment center for African American soldiers.

The historic site offers re-enactments, guided tours, and exhibits in the park visitor center. The website offers a history of the historic site and visitor information.

Friends of Jefferson Patterson [MD]


Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum (JPPM) is the state archeological museum of Maryland and is located on 560 scenic acres along the Patuxent River in Calvert County, Maryland. JPPM is home to the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory, which houses over 8 million artifacts which are available for research, education, and exhibit purposes to students, scholars, museum curators, and educators. JPPM is also a vibrant center for education.

School groups learn about Native American and Colonial history and archaeology. Visitors enjoy workshops on pottery, basketry, carving or sewing, talks about the history of the Chesapeake Bay region, or exhibits “FAQ Archaeology” and "The War of 1812." Behind the scenes tours of the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory show how artifacts are treated and studied. Maryland educators can rent a 4th-grade travelling trunk on Eastern Woodland Indian Cultures. Downloadable teacher resources, including pre- and post-visit activities, are available on the museum's website.

New Windsor Cantonment State Historic Site [NY]


New Windsor Catonment State Historic Site marks the location of the final encampment of General George Washington's army. The cantonment is also notable for being the location that Washington first read the cease-fire orders which ended the revolutionary war. The state historic site is also home to the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor.

The historic site offers exhibits, demonstrations, living history events, and guided tour programs. The website offers visitor information and a history of the site.

Quincy House


Built as a country estate in 1770, Quincy House was originally surrounded by fields and pasture overlooking Quincy Bay. Its architectural details, including a Chinese fretwork balustrade and classical portico, befit the status of the man who built it, the Revolutionary leader Colonel Josiah Quincy. For generations, the Quincys, like the Adamses, to whom they were related, played important roles in the social and political life of Massachusetts. The family produced three mayors of Boston and a president of Harvard. Much of the historical information pertaining to the house and family was documented in the early 1880s by Eliza Susan Quincy. She kept journals, inventoried the contents of the house, commissioned photographs of the interior, and persuaded relatives to return heirlooms so that the house could become a repository of Quincy family history.

The house offers tours and educational programs.

Grand Village of Natchez Indians [MS]


The 128-acre Grand Village of Natchez Indians was the key ceremonial site of the Natchez people between 1682 and 1729. At the end of this period, the Natchez attacked the French who had settled in their homeland, southwest Mississippi. The French secured such a decisive victory that the Natchez were permanently dispersed in 1729. The Natchez people had called southwest Mississippi their home from as early as approximately 700. The Natchez were farmers, hunters, and gatherers; and their society was organized into two moieties, with membership determined by matrilineal inheritance. The site includes a museum, a reconstructed Natchez dwelling, and three earthen mounds—the Great Sun's Mound, the Temple Mound, and the Abandoned Mound. The Temple Mound once supported a temple which housed the remains of Natchez leaders.

The village site offers exhibits, a reconstructed period dwelling, a nature trail, a children's hands-on area, group tours, and student educational programs. Reservations are required for group tours and educational programs.

Sonoma State Historic Park [CA]


The historic town of Sonoma is located in the heart of the beautiful wine country between Napa and Santa Rosa off Highway 12. Situated around a central plaza (the largest of its kind in California) filled with shops and restaurants, the city is home to Sonoma State Historic Park—site of the northernmost Franciscan Mission in California and birthplace of the California State Bear Flag. Unlike most parks with a plot of land and geographical boundaries, Sonoma State Historic Park is a series of historic attractions in several locations within the community. The park is comprised of six sites: the Mission San Francisco Solano; the Blue Wing Inn; the Sonoma Barracks; and the Toscano Hotel, as well as La Casa Grande and Lachryma Montis, the homes of General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo, Military Commander and Director of Colonization of the Northern Frontier.

The park offers exhibits and tours.