Indian King Tavern Museum [NJ]


The Indian King Tavern, built circa 1750 by a wealthy Philadelphia merchant and ship owner named Matthias Aspden, is a fine example of an early American public house and tavern. The tavern was originally built as a three-and-one-half story brick building. By 1764, it had been enlarged to 24 rooms with five cellars. On its north elevation, a two-story addition was constructed. Commonly referred to as "the ark," this part of the building was used in connection with tavern operations. Thomas Redman purchased the property in 1775. Redman, a Quaker, quickly raised the ire of local patriots with his outspoken pacifism. In January 1777, he was arrested and jailed for his frequent public pacifist readings. Shortly after his release from prison in May of that same year, he sold the tavern to Hugh Creighton. Creighton continued to operate the premises as a tavern and inn, retaining Thomas Smith, the innkeeper for previous owner Thomas Redman. Before long, Smith and the tavern's new owner found themselves at the center of political events that would forever change the course of history for the colony of New Jersey and the nation.

The museum offers tours.

H. Lee White Marine Museum [NY]


The H. Lee White Marine Museum was founded in 1982, and was moved into its modern location along the historic Oswego piers in 1998. Currently, the museum is a fully functioning maritime museum, and holds a variety of maritime artifacts vessels. The undisputed highlight of the collection is the National Historic Landmark veteran of the WWII Normandy Invasion, the U.S. Army LT-5 Tugboat. The tugboat has been carefully restored and is currently the only remaining fully operational vessel of its kind. The museum is also working with the City of Oswego to preserve and protect the historic Oswego West Pierhead Lighthouse.

The site offers visitor information, several photographs of the museum's collection, an events calendar, and site archives which feature past events.

Tampa Bay History Center [FL]


The Tampa Bay History Center is located in the center of historic Tampa, FL, in a beautiful new building which contains 60,000 square feet of exhibits space. The building hosts numerous exhibits which depict almost 500 years of recorded history and 12,000 years of human habitation in this region of Florida. The center also hosts a research center which contains 9,638 books, manuscripts, microfilm, legal documents. In addition, the research center hosts over 1,000 genealogical resources.

The site offers visitor information, a listing of all current, past, and present exhibits, information regarding the other historical resources owned by the center, an education section complete with lesson plans, field trip guides, and interactive online educational activities, a museum store, and an events calendar.

Steuben Memorial State Historic Site [NY]


"The Steuben Memorial honors the 'Drillmaster of the American Revolution,' Baron von Steuben, whose valuable wartime services have been described as being second in importance only to those of George Washington." In addition to his work in the Revolutionary War, Steuben is notable for authoring the "Blue Book," which is still an important reference for military training and organization. The state historic site is located on Steuben's grave in central New York.

The site offers educational services, demonstrations, group tours, guided tours, interpretive signs, re-enactments, and a picnic area. The site offers basic visitor and historical information.

Fort George Island Cultural State Park [FL]


Native Americans feasted here, colonists built a fort, and the Smart Set of the 1920s came for vacations. A site of human occupation for over 5,000 years, Fort George Island was named for a 1736 fort built to defend the southern flank of Georgia when it was a colony. A key attraction is the recently restored Ribault Club. Once an exclusive resort, it is now a visitor center.

The park offers exhibits, tours, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Fort Dobbs [NC]


Named for royal governor Arthur Dobbs, the fort was built during the French and Indian War to protect settlers. In 1760, a raiding party of Cherokee Indians were repelled during the only direct attack attempted against the fort. Historians believe it was dismantled after pioneers pushed further west. Fort Dobbs is the only North Carolina state historic site associated with the French and Indian War and the only one located along the official colonial frontier.

The site offers tours, demonstrations, educational programs, and recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Falling Waters Battlefield Association [WV]


The Falling Waters Battlefield Association was founded with three key objectives: to preserve the land upon which the battle was fought; to construct new buildings to serve as a visitor museum, not yet completed; and to work to educate the public using publications, living history demonstrations, and tours. The July second, 1861, Battle of Falling Waters was the first Civil War battle fought in the Shenandoah Valley; and assisted in the Confederate victory at the Battle of Bull Run.

The battlefield offers geocaching sites. The website offers basic historical and visitor information regarding the battlefield, and information on upcoming events.

Fort Fisher [NC]


Until the last few months of the Civil War, Fort Fisher kept North Carolina's port of Wilmington open to blockade-runners supplying necessary goods to Confederate armies inland. By 1865, the supply line through Wilmington was the last remaining supply route open to Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. When Fort Fisher fell after a massive Federal amphibious assault on January 15, 1865, its defeat helped seal the fate of the Confederacy.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, demonstrations, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Fort Selden State Monument [NM]


Fort Selden was established in 1865 in an effort to bring peace to the south-central region of present-day New Mexico. Built on the banks of the Rio Grande, this adobe fort housed units of the U.S. Infantry and Cavalry. Their intent was to protect settlers and travelers in the Mesilla Valley from desperados and Apache Indians. Several of the units stationed at the fort were black troopers, referred to as Buffalo Soldiers. A young Douglas MacArthur called the fort home while his father was post commander in the late 1880s. By 1890 criminals and raiding parties were no longer considered a threat as hostilities eventually lessened and the fort was no longer needed. Like many small forts in the Southwest the government decommissioned the fort and it was abandoned in 1891. Today the stark adobe brick walls of the frontier past evoke a feeling of personal connection to the past. A visitor center offers exhibits on frontier and military life.

The site offers exhibits and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Historic Prince William [VA]


Historic Prince William is a non-profit organization dedicated to "disseminating historical information through programs and publications, promoting historical preservation and protection of County resources through public education, and broadening the base of public interest in local history by sponsoring tours, speaking in schools, supporting research, and printing material of historical interest." The organization works tirelessly to preserve historic structures in Prince William County as well as help support national treasures like Manassas Battlefield.

The site offers photographs of historical structures in Prince William County, a history section with articles and features on Prince William County History, and publications on Prince William County history for sale.