The Battle of Concord


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the Battle of Concord. When American Minutemen were defeated at the town of Lexington by British soldiers, thousands of Americans rushed to fight the British at Concord. The British were outnumbered and forced to retreat to Boston.

This feature is no longer available.

The Civil Rights Movement Two-Day Workshop: A Workshop For Boston Public School 10th-grade History Teachers


From the Facing History and Ourselves website:

"This is a two-day workshop for BPS teachers who will be teaching the Civil Rights Movement in their 10th grade US History courses. The workshop will focus on three units: The Murder of Emmett Till, Voting Rights: From Selma to Montgomery, and Desegregation of Boston Schools."

Contact name
Princess Johnson
Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Boston Public School 10th-grade U.S. history teachers
Start Date
$250; scholarships available for Boston Public School teachers
Two days
End Date

Huckleberry Finn in Post-Reconstruction America: Mark Twain’s Hartford Years, 1871-1891


The workshop features the presentations of several preeminent Twain and Gilded Age scholars. The combined expertise of this distinguished faculty affords teachers an outstanding opportunity to enhance their understanding of Mark Twain's legacy. The culmination of participants' work with this exceptional slate of scholars will be their creation of Twain-related lesson plans that they can use in their classrooms.

Contact name
Hotchkiss, Craig
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Mark Twain House and Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Course Credit
Mark Twain House and Museum is authorized by the state of Connecticut Department of Education to issue Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to Connecticut teachers participating in this institute. All CEU certificates will be issued at the end of the workshop. Teachers from other states should consult their own state's Department of Education to determine whether Connecticut CEUs have any transferable value, and if so, they too can request a CEU certificate at the end of the institute.
Contact Title
Education Program Manager
Five days
End Date

Primarily Teaching [MA]


This workshop provides a varied program of lectures, demonstrations, analysis of documents, independent research, and group work that introduces teachers to the holdings and organization of the National Archives. Participants will learn how to do research in historical records, create classroom material from records, and present documents in ways that sharpen students' skills and enthusiasm for history, social studies, and the humanities. Each participant selects and prepares to research a specific topic, searches the topic in the records of the National Archives, and develops a teaching unit that can be presented in his or her own classroom.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Archives (NARA)
Target Audience
Upper elementary through high school
Start Date
Course Credit
Graduate credit from a major university is available for an additional fee.
Five days
End Date

Northeast Regional Conference on the Social Studies


The theme for this conference is "Examining Our Past, Understanding Our Present, Educating Our Future."

Sponsoring Organization
Massachusetts Council for the Social Studies
Contact email
Boston, MA
Contact name
Sears, Jenn
Contact Title
Program Chair
Phone number
Start Date
End Date

Schoodic Education Adventure Residential Program


Participants in this program join Acadia National Park staff for the Schoodic Education Adventure (SEA). Educators bring their 4th through 8th grade students to this three- or four-day residential program at the Schoodic Education and Research Center in Winter Harbor, Maine.

Curriculum-based classroom activities and hands-on field experience offer an invaluable learning experience in a unique setting. Situated on the rugged coast of Maine, the campus is accessible to shoreline, wetland, and forest ecosystems and provides a rich educational environment for students.

The SEA program is aligned with Maine State Learning Results and integrated across the curriculum. Opportunities for study include math, social studies, language arts, physical education, science, technology, health, and art. The program combines curriculum-based classroom activities
and hands-on field experience taught by both park rangers and teachers.

To attend the Schoodic Education Adventure, teachers can apply as early as the preceding fall, but no later than May in the spring before they plan to come. The program is offered in the fall from mid-September to mid-November.

Contact name
Petrie, Kate
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Phone number
Target Audience
$50 for a three-day program and $75 for four-day program (per participant; some chaperones are free, based on group size).
Contact Title
SEA Director
Three to four days

Brushes with History: Painting Materials, Methods and Artists, 1700-1850


Scholarship on American art of the 18th and 19th centuries has proliferated dramatically in the last decade and yet very little has been written on the materials, methods, and settings of painting. This one-day event will delve into some of the workshops, studios, schoolrooms, and parlors where New Englanders of all kinds used a wide variety of materials, such as pencil and pigments on canvas, silk, glass, wood, and tin to create painted images and decorations for themselves, for sale, and for public display. Participants will learn about the daily lives of New England's diverse artists and artisans and the painted objects—from studio art to school girl art and painted decorative arts—that they produced and distributed between 1700 and 1850.

Sponsoring Organization
Historic Deerfield
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Nine hours

Brewing History: An Interdisciplinary Teacher Workshop on Chocolate in New England


Participants in this workshop will learn about the role of chocolate in colonial America. Topics include cacao and rainforest ecology, world trade, the role of chocolate in the colonial diet, and military uses of chocolate. The day includes a presentation of the new exhibition "Stimulating Beverages: Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate Wares at Historic Deerfield," an open-hearth cooking demonstration, and a tasting of American Heritage Chocolate® Finely Grated Chocolate Drink, which captures the form and flavor of historic chocolate.

Contact name
Carlson, Claire
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Historic Deerfield
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
Education materials and PDPs awarded.
Five and a half hours

Brewing History: An Interdisciplinary Teacher Workshop on Tea in New England


Today a common beverage worldwide, tea was once a precious imported commodity. This presentation will introduce the geographic and botanical origins of tea, the role of trade in bringing tea from China to Western consumers, the social and cultural role of tea in 18th-century New England, and the period equipment and furnishings commonly used to prepare and serve tea in a place such as Deerfield, Massachusetts. The day includes a presentation, a tour of the new exhibition "Stimulating Beverages: Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate Wares at Historic Deerfield," a house tour, and a serving of tea.

Contact name
Carlson, Claire
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Historic Deerfield
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
Education materials and PDPs awarded.
Five and a half hours