Women's Roles in Whig Politics


Michael F. Holt of the University of Virginia examines the use and acceptance of women in politics in the antebellum Whig and Democratic parties, focusing on Whig encouragement of the idea of women as the "moral center" of families.

To view this clip, select "Women's Roles in Whig Politics" under "Political Development Video."

Origins of the Black Hawk War


Scholar James Lewis outlines the circumstances that led up to the Black Hawk War of 1832, including the signing of a treaty giving away Sauk and Fox land that the U.S. considered valid and that the tribes themselves did not.

To view this clip, select "Origins of the Black Hawk War" under "Native American Relations Video."

Origins of the Compromise of 1850


Michael F. Holt of the University of Virginia discusses the struggle to resolve disputes over territory acquired during the Mexican-American War, particularly the dispute over how (and whether) slavery should spread into the new territories.

To view this clip, select "Origins of the Compromise of 1850" under "Frontier Settlement Video."

The Expansion of Slavery, White Racial Attitudes, and the Settlement of Illinois


Michael Johnson of Johns Hopkins University discusses the reasons antebellum Midwestern settlers, including those in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, excluded slavery from their states. Johnson considers racism and fear of competition as two possible reasons.

To view this clip, select "The Expansion of Slavery, White Racial Attitudes, and the Settlement of Illinois" under "Frontier Settlement Video."